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Spots on knees and elbows itch. Red spots on elbows: why and what to do? Allergic rashes on elbows: Video

Red spots on elbows can appear in both adult men and women, and in children,
and today the site Shtuchka.ru will tell you what can cause them and how to deal with them.

What does it look like?

The red spots are round or oval in shape and may be flat or raised. Often the skin in this area peels or becomes crusty. They may itch or may not cause any discomfort at all.

What causes these spots?

Skin injuries

Red, dry spots on the elbows often appear due to mechanical irritation or friction during sedentary work, when the elbows are constantly on the table. This causes keratoses (“calluses”) and redness. In order for the spots to disappear, you need to moisturize the damaged skin well, lubricate it with nourishing creams and, if possible, not injure it again, that is, do not lean on your elbows or place your elbows only on a soft surface.

Atopic dermatitis

Red spots on the knees and elbows may be due to atopic dermatitis. This is a common disease in people of any age. It is hereditary, but environmental factors provoke its recurrence, including allergens (for example, insect bites), mechanical irritation (woolen clothing), temperature changes, dust and mold.

With atopic dermatitis, you need to monitor skin hydration and nutrition, and avoid emotional stress.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after excluding other diseases. In addition to drug therapy (usually steroids), the complex includes general measures to reduce the risk of recurrence of dermatitis (moisturizing and protecting the skin, humidifying the air, eliminating allergens).

Hives or allergies

If you have red spots on your elbows, and they itch more and more, it is most likely urticaria. The spots are red or crimson in color and slightly convex in shape. Hives occur upon contact with a certain substance. What exactly can cause such a reaction in the body is unknown. However, the most common allergens include pollen, dust, cat dander, various foods and insect venom.

Urticaria can go away quickly and on its own, or it can become chronic. Most often, spots appear daily, but disappear within a few hours. Then, for some time, improvement occurs. Up to half of cases of acute urticaria may be accompanied by angioedema, a dangerous condition in which the face and larynx swell.

There is another form of urticaria – cholinergic. Its manifestations are not associated with allergies, and are more often caused by physical exposure. This includes hypothermia (for example, after swimming), vibration, pressure and increased body temperature. Sunlight and water rarely cause hives.

Treatment of urticaria is symptomatic, reducing itching and swelling. As a rule, antihistamines are used in mild cases. In severe cases or when antihistamines are ineffective, hormonal therapy is performed. the site reminds that such treatment cannot be carried out independently and uncontrolled.


If the red spots on the elbows become wet or are covered with flaky skin and gray scales, this may be a manifestation of such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as psoriasis. If left untreated, the spots and plaques can spread to other parts of the body, including the head.

There are many forms of psoriasis, so only a doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Smoking, alcohol and gaining excess weight can trigger relapses of the disease.

Red spots on the elbows of this type are psoriasis

Polymorphic exudative erythema

There is another disease that can be accompanied by red spots on the elbows and a rash on the hands, forearms, knees and thighs - polymorphic exudative erythema. The beginning of its development is similar to the manifestation of urticaria. However, later, papules and blisters-like blisters appear at the site of the spots and rashes. The rashes are usually symmetrical on the arms and legs. The disease occurs as a reaction to medications or accompanies an exacerbation of herpes. But most often the disease is idiopathic in nature, and the causes of its origin remain unknown.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, and it depends on the severity of the disease.

Red spots on elbows in children

Red spots on the elbows of children, as well as adults, have many causes. More often they are caused by atopic dermatitis or increased dry skin (especially in young children). Also, red spots on the elbow, shoulders, neck or face may appear due to microsporia (lichen). Ringworm can only be confirmed by microscopic or luminescent examination, but it is not so common. Treatment of microsporia, although long-term, is always successful.

The causes of redness are varied and can be symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore if a red spot appeared on the elbow, it is better, just in case, to consult a dermatologist.

Feldsherova Svetlana – especially for the site Shtuchka.ru

The appearance of rashes and spots on your elbows will make you think about your health.

Perhaps this is a signal about some deep processes occurring in the body, or a pathology in itself.

Receiving useful information on this problem, illustrated with photos of types of rashes with explanations that will help cope with this phenomenon, will be just in time.

Causes of pathology

Very often, all sorts of skin problems appear on the hands in the elbow area.

It may contain:

  • red spots (see photo)
  • peeling, cracks;
  • blisters, pimples;
  • sores, rashes;
  • rash.

They are localized both on the inside and outside, on the bends of the elbow joint.

There are many reasons for this pathology, for example:

  • heredity;
  • injury, infection;
  • allergies;
  • lichen, fungus;
  • avitaminosis;
  • errors in hygiene.

There are a number of diseases characterized by pathology on the elbows:

  • granuloma annulare;
  • psoriasis;
  • mycosis.

Signs of these diseases will be spots of different sizes and colors or a rash on the elbows in both adults and children, causing itching of varying intensity.

Mycosis is distinguished by the presence of oval spots, first pink, then turning into scaly white ones. Appears on the inside of the elbows and knees, where sweat is produced most. A small rash covering the spots causes itching. More often it affects people suffering from diabetes and HIV-infected people.

Redness of the skin on the elbows, covered with gray scales that grow into rough, flaky crusts, is observed in psoriasis. Occurs with autoimmune disorders in the body.

Photos of various rashes on the elbows:


Atopic dermatitis


Granuloma annulare



Eczema appears as small, fluid-filled blisters on the inside of the elbows and knees.

With a deficiency of vitamins, especially groups B, A and E, skin redness appears on the elbows, flaking and turning into dark spots.

A characteristic rash appears on the elbows with granuloma annulare.

Atopic dermatitis causes a particular nuisance, accompanied by severe itching (see photo). It begins with hives as a reaction of the body to an allergen. The rash is most often localized on the outside of the elbows or knees in both adults and children.

They are pimples filled with fluid. They may bleed when scratched.

The delicate, thin skin of the elbows is more susceptible to allergic rashes. The causes of allergies are both direct contact with and the body’s general reaction to it.

Direct contacts include exposure to any chemicals:

  • oils, gasoline;
  • detergents;
  • household chemicals;
  • dyes;

The general reaction of the body is caused by certain allergens contained:

  • clothes;
  • dust;
  • toxins

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

Allergy symptoms on the elbows are not much different from symptoms on any other part of the body.

The palette of features consists of:

If the allergen is identified and removed in time, the boundaries of the rash do not change. After treatment, slow gradual healing occurs.

Severe itching leads to scratching. The bubbles burst, forming weeping surfaces that are gradually covered with crusts.

This moment is dangerous due to the development of secondary infection, especially in children. After drying, the wound peels off, and if the scabs are peeled off, it may bleed.

How to distinguish allergies from dermatological diseases?

Redness, swelling, itching, blisters, peeling, rashes, spots are also characteristic of other dermatological diseases.

How to identify a disease and not make a mistake in making a diagnosis?

This can only be done by a specialist. It can be especially difficult when making a diagnosis in children.

If 2–3 blisters are noticed in the area of ​​the bend of the baby’s elbow, then most likely it is an insect bite.

If the temperature rises and redness of the skin on the elbows is observed, then an allergy or infectious disease must be ruled out. In such cases, it becomes clear what the child ate, whether new foods or juices were introduced into the diet. In the case of breastfeeding, it is found out what foods the mother consumed.

Allergic and atopic dermatitis, together with seborrheic dermatitis, belong to the group of dermatitis, which includes eczema and psoriasis.

Their main symptom is rashes in the form of spots, rashes, and blisters.

In addition to rashes, the following signs are noted:

  • swelling;
  • redness.

Diseases have varying degrees of intensity and severity of symptoms depending on the type.

Table of comparative characteristics of rashes:

Name Rashes Itching Swelling Redness Peeling
Atopic dermatitis Spots on the outside of the elbow; hives-like blisters, blurred boundaries Strong Minor Bright red Crusts appear
Contact allergy Pimples with fluid inside Strong annoying Eat Eat Peeling, cracks
Granuloma annulare Smooth, dense, shiny papules No No Purple, red, nude Arcs, rings. Capable of spreading along the periphery up to 5 cm
Mycosis Oval spots. Small, painful blisters on top Slight elevation Pink. Going to white Skin peeling, severe peeling
Psoriasis Large spots Unpleasant, burning Swelling due to complications Red lakes. White crusts on top Rough, coarsened, silvery scales. When removed, drops of blood appear - “blood dew”
Eczema Stains. On top there are small pimples or blisters with liquid inside. Borders are clear and symmetrical Strong Eat Red, pink. May bleed Eat. Forms crusts

An important aspect of differentiating elbow allergies is its location. It appears both on the inner surface of the bend of the elbow joint and on the outer surface.

Scientists have noticed that the rash with contact allergies often appears on the inside of the elbows, and with atopic dermatitis - on the outside.

If a rough spot appears on the elbow, then most likely these are manifestations of psoriasis.

A red spot on the fold on the inside indicates lichen, and on the outside indicates atopic dermatitis.

To establish a diagnosis, an allergist carefully examines the patient and inquires about the onset and course of the disease.

Additional studies are prescribed:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • enzyme immunoassay for determining ;
  • diagnostic tests;
  • scrapings;
  • biopsy;
  • Wood's lamp examinations.

For the purpose of differentiation, auxiliary examinations are carried out.

If the patient is a child, the pediatrician carefully asks the mother about the baby’s routine and nutrition.

Doctors of related specializations are invited for consultations.

General rules and methods of treatment

The main and general rule in the treatment of allergies is to avoid contact with the allergen.

The choice of treatment method is made by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease.

For mild forms, ointments, creams, and sprays are used topically.

These are such as:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Laticort;
  • Lokoid;
  • Dermovate.

Before smearing, you need to consult a doctor.

In severe cases, antihistamines are prescribed orally:

  • Fenistil;
  • Erius;
  • Claritin;
  • Zodak.

The occurrence of allergies in children requires a review of nutrition, clothing, diapers, skin care and washing products.

Hyposensitizing treatment with calcium gluconate 10% and detoxification with sodium thiosulfate are prescribed.

They are used to reduce itching and other unpleasant symptoms.

In complicated cases, therapy is expanded. Diuretics (Furosemide, Hydrochlorothiazide) and special diets are recommended.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Widely known traditional medicine recipes are used to treat allergies:
  2. A teaspoon of celandine is poured into a glass of boiling water. Infuse in a water bath for 15 minutes. After 45 min. filtered and poured into the bath. Care must be taken to ensure that the child does not swallow the solution.
  3. In the same way, brew 1 tsp. chicory. Can be used not only for baths, but also for rubdowns.
  4. They use oils. Sea buckthorn or flaxseed have proven themselves well. Buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. You need to take sea buckthorn or flax seed seeds. Squeeze the oil out of them using a special device. Lubricate problem areas.
  5. Grind the juicy aloe leaves. Pour into a dark glass container. Place in a cool place. After 10 days, pour in a bottle of castor oil purchased at the pharmacy and a quarter glass of red wine. Mix everything thoroughly. Lubricate gauze with the resulting mixture and cover the wounds. Keep for about half an hour. The course of treatment is 20 days.
  6. Take a half-liter jar and fill it with common geranium flowers. Pre-washed well and dried. Pour olive oil on top. Close tightly and place in a dark, cool place for 5 days. Then they are exposed to light in a warm place for 1.5 months. The resulting oil is used to treat sore spots.


  • tea tree oil;
  • roses, jasmine;
  • lavender, geranium.

Before smearing, you need to check if you are allergic to them.

To alleviate the condition, if it itches a lot, use sedatives.

To do this, take herbs (after checking the reaction to intolerance):

  • mint, lemon balm;
  • chamomile, linden;
  • lavender.

The ulcerated spots and rashes are dried using hydrogen peroxide and iodine.

Children are advised to use emollients. These are cosmetics that contain special fatty components. Oilatum is considered the most effective and popular.

Preparations with the same principle of action - moisturizing the dermis - received a positive assessment:

  • Physiogel Intensive;
  • A-Derma;
  • Bioderma-Atoderm.

Attention! Before use, be sure to consult a pediatrician who will take into account the stage of the disease and the presence of signs.

Hydro- and lipo-lotions are very good for softening the skin on the elbows and knees for children.

The Excipial brand of softeners has received especially positive reviews.

The best and most harmless are emollients obtained from the processing of petroleum products:

  • paraffin;
  • petrolatum;
  • mineral oil.

The skin on the knees and elbows is thin and very sensitive, so you need to carefully care for it:

  1. When bathing, add a little glycerin to the shower gel.
  2. Use scrubs to treat your knees and elbows.
  3. Lubricate the skin with nourishing creams based on essential oils or medicinal herbs.
  4. In the morning, wipe your skin with lemon juice.

If a child has a rash or spots on his elbows, you need to listen to the recommendations:

  1. Do not let the child scratch, relieve his condition by lubricating him with Fenistil-gel. Its cooling effect will reduce existing itching. The baby won't itch as much.
  2. Contact a doctor immediately and do not try to treat it yourself.
  3. Identify the allergen that caused the disease as soon as possible.
  4. If your child has a fever, call a doctor at home.
  5. Protect other children and pregnant women from contact with a sick child.

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Allergy is the body's increased sensitivity to external irritants. It can manifest itself with various symptoms from almost all body systems. In many cases, allergic reactions are characterized by changes in the skin, and they can appear in different parts of the body.

But why do rashes most often appear on the elbows and knees? It's simple, these areas of the body have very thin skin, which is susceptible to dryness and disruption of the epidermis.

Causes of allergies on the elbows

Photo: An itchy rash on the crook of the elbow may be a manifestation of an allergy

There are several main factors that contribute to the appearance of allergies:

  • food allergens,
  • medicines,

Animal fur, or rather, elements of their saliva on it, can also cause an allergic reaction. Less commonly, elbow allergies occur as a result of exposure to sunlight (photodermatosis).

However, most often allergies develop on the elbows by contact mechanism. This means that cosmetics and perfumes, as well as items of clothing, are allergens.

People prone to allergies should:

Be attentive to various creams to soften the skin of the elbow, as well as scrubs. Oils, body yoghurts with preservatives and strong aromatic fragrances have significant allergenic properties.

Use products with bright colors and intense odors with caution: the more flavors and dyes, the higher the risk of allergies.

If we talk about items of clothing, then most often the skin reacts, oddly enough, to natural wool. In “second place” is clothing made from synthetic fabrics, especially those that fit tightly to the skin (for example, “slippery, crackling” turtlenecks). The most hypoallergenic are silk and cotton.

Please note that this reaction may worsen in winter due to private wearing of long sleeves.

Photo: Eczema

Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of an allergy. If you have not yet figured out why you are allergic, and cannot limit contact with this substance, then you should visit an allergist and dermatologist as soon as possible, who will help you find out.

A common method of diagnosis is skin testing with various antigens. Don't worry, this procedure is painless and will not take you much time. However, there is a slight catch. This procedure is not performed during an exacerbation of an allergic disease. so as not to aggravate its course.

Other contraindications are exacerbations of various infectious processes in the body, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, long-term treatment with hormonal drugs and pregnancy.

Elbow allergies in children

Allergic reactions and the causes of their occurrence in children and adults are somewhat different. But the most common mechanism for adults and children is the same - contact. The skin of young children is very thin and delicate, it is easily exposed to external and internal irritants. The most common cause of elbow allergies in children is contact dermatitis.

Photo: Red spot as a manifestation of an allergic reaction

As soon as the baby is born, various components of the environment begin to influence him: dust, clothing, hygiene products - all this can cause allergies in the child. Even baby powder and cotton diapers can trigger a reaction if your baby is at high risk for allergies.

The child may experience changes in the skin of the elbows and food allergy. If the baby is breastfed, then redness and itching may be caused by the food that the mother eats. After all, along with mother’s milk, food proteins are transferred to the baby, which can become important for him.

Despite the fact that the compositions of infant formulas are developed by the world's leading scientists in laboratory conditions, there are known cases of hypersensitivity reactions to the formula. Therefore, “artificial” people are also not immune from allergies.

Complementary feeding can also cause an allergic reaction in a baby. Especially if the rules for its introduction are violated, new dishes are offered to the baby too early and quickly.

Manifestations of allergies on the elbows

There are many different forms of allergies, which means that the symptoms of a given disease will be different for each person.

Allergies may occur in the form of red spots on the elbows and forearms that do not occur on other parts of the body.

It is worth noting that most cosmetics recommend testing before using their products. To do this, they advise applying a small amount of the product directly to the bend of the elbow. This location was chosen for a reason: the skin here is very thin and sensitive to allergens. This fact may explain such a selective localization of the allergic reaction.

It is important to distinguish between allergies on the inside and outside of the elbow:

  1. The contact reaction most often occurs inside, on the bend of the elbow (precisely for the reasons mentioned above).
  2. On the outside, the body’s response to food allergens usually manifests itself. One of the most common options is the appearance of blisters like urticaria.

Photo: Severe rash on elbow

The appearance of an unremarkable red rash is usually only the first stage of the disease, and it rarely “stops” there. Often the spots are accompanied by:

  • intense itching,
  • peeling of the skin,
  • its cracking.

Pain rarely accompanies rashes, and in combination with suppuration, it rather indicates the addition of an infection or a pathological process of a non-allergic nature. With allergies, the spots may also swell, but only slightly, without affecting the function of the limb.

But if swelling of the mucous membranes is added to the “elbow” manifestations, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance: Quincke’s edema develops, which can pose a threat to life. This happens if the allergen continues to affect the body for several days after the first manifestation of the disease.

Differential diagnosis

Spots on the elbows can appear not only due to allergies, but also due to other diseases, such as:

  • psoriasis,
  • mycoses,
  • granulomas, etc.

Determining which pathology causes skin changes is very important. This will allow you to quickly take the necessary primary care measures, and secondly, understand which specialist you should contact.

Photo: Psoriasis should be distinguished from manifestations of allergies

Psoriasis accompanied by unpleasant itching, rash and burning. As a rule, this disease most often occurs in young people under 20 years of age (about 70% of patients). Psoriasis spots are large, often occupying half of the forearm. They look like red “pools” with white crusts on top. The spots are rough to the touch, protrude above the surface of the skin, rough, rough. The appearance of rashes is not prevented by contact with the allergen; they usually appear on both hands at once.

Granulomas is an inflammation characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue cells in the form of nodules. Very often this disease affects the teeth and genitals. This pathology develops for a variety of reasons:

  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • tularemia;
  • rabies;
  • viral encephalitis
  • and etc.

The appearance of granulomas is accompanied by symptoms of the corresponding disease.

To find out what is causing the rash on the skin of the elbow, you should first consult a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of elbow allergies

If you find that your elbows are rough and there is a rash on the inside of them, then you need to conduct an initial self-diagnosis. Do you remember what unusual thing you ate recently? Perhaps you've tried a new beauty product or adopted a pet. If changes appear immediately after contact with any substance or object, it is likely an allergy.

Try to see a doctor as soon as possible. However, while waiting for a consultation, you can try to help yourself.

If itching and burning appears on the inside or outside of the elbow, an appointment is usually prescribed antihistamines. They suppress the action of active substances produced by the body as a result of a complex cascade of reactions triggered by the allergen, and therefore are able to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

You can purchase one of the following products at the pharmacy:

  • Fenistil,
  • Tavegil,
  • Suprastin.

These are the most popular drugs. They are produced in the form of tablets, ointments, and syrups.

Another treatment option is ointments based on glucocorticosteroids. However, despite their effectiveness, use without consulting a doctor is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that they suppress inflammation, and if an infection is added to the allergy, it may spread or become chronic. GCS preparations include, for example, Laticord and Dermovate ointments.

Remember that every medicine has contraindications and side effects. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking medications.

Treatment of a child for elbow allergies

To get started you need exclude allergen, which caused an unpleasant rash and redness. As we have already said, this can be a food product, hygiene products, animal hair, and so on.

Since the child is still small, eliminating the allergen will have to be done through trial and error. The fact is that the immune system of a child under 3 years of age is just developing, so, unfortunately, it will not be possible to detect an allergen using various laboratory tests. Newly introduced complementary feeding products, as well as new cosmetics, are the first to come under suspicion. Milk, fresh baked goods, chocolate and coffee, and seafood should be excluded from a nursing mother’s diet.

Photo: Polysorb effectively removes allergens from the body

Should be every day carry out wet cleaning indoors where the baby is, and also remove pets from the room at least temporarily.

Simultaneously with the introduction of a hypoallergenic diet and adjustments to everyday life, you can begin give the child sorbents(for example, “Smecta” or “Polysorb”), if the food nature of the allergy is revealed.

In very rare cases, with a severe allergic reaction, the baby is discharged antihistamines. Many people mistakenly believe that they can cure allergies, but this is not true. Antihistamines help temporarily relieve unpleasant rashes, redness and itching.

You should not “prescribe” such medications to your child yourself, because they can make the situation worse.

Traditional methods of treating elbow allergies

You can also use some folk remedies that will relieve you of rashes on your elbows due to allergies. You may have heard from your parents or grandmothers what will help you say goodbye to allergy symptoms. These are not rumors at all, they are true.

  • 5 grams of celandine (dry or fresh);
  • 50 ml boiling water.

Pour celandine with water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes, after which it is recommended to take a bath with this decoction. The duration of the bath is no more than 20 minutes. This method is not recommended for children.

In addition to celandine they use chicory decoction and sea buckthorn oil:

The recipe for chicory decoction is approximately the same as for celandine. Only the chicory should be strained. The decoction can be added to the bath, or you can wipe yourself with it once a day.

Apply sea buckthorn oil to the affected area of ​​skin as needed - if itching or other unpleasant sensations occur. It is usually necessary to carry out several such procedures until the rash completely disappears.

Babies can be bathed in baths with chamomile and string; it is permissible to apply lotions to areas with allergies. If, in addition to the rash, there is dry skin, a good remedy is to use.

Allergy prevention

Prevention of the development of allergies and their exacerbations is very important. It includes the following items:

  • maintaining a hypoallergenic diet and lifestyle;
  • caution and attentiveness in choosing hygiene and perfume products;
  • careful use of household chemicals, use of gloves, cleaning while wearing long sleeves;
  • care in choosing clothes, using natural materials (except wool).

Take care of your health and don't get sick.

Regardless of its location, a rash on the body is a sign of a pathological change in the skin. Being a peculiar reaction of the body, it causes itching and discomfort, forcing one to hide the affected area of ​​the body under clothing.

The nature of the rash cannot be clear. In some people, it appears as a result of rubbing their elbows on synthetic clothing; in workers in hazardous industries, it is provoked by contact with chemicals. However, a rash can also appear as a sign of a fungal or bacterial disease of an infectious nature.

In addition, the rash may be an allergic reaction to factors such as:
- certain cosmetics intended for body care;
- some medications with side effects such as rash;
- contact with pets;
- insect bites.

It should also be taken into account that diseases such as chickenpox, rubella, herpes zoster, measles, etc. begin to develop from rashes on the body.

Do rashes on elbows and knees need to be treated?

Regardless of the appearance of the rash, it must be eliminated, since constant itching and scratching spoil the appearance of the skin and turn into a gateway for infection of the body by pathogenic microbes. If the rash on the elbows and knees was not caused by a disease, it does not pose a danger of infection and will be easily eliminated thanks to timely implementation of therapeutic measures. If the rash is the first sign of any pathology, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications for local treatment and for internal use.

How to relieve itching sensations during rashes before consulting a doctor?

Before visiting a doctor, you can try to help yourself by first stopping using cosmetics that could cause the rash. It is useful to treat affected elbows and knees with olive oil, which will not only eliminate discomfort, but also speed up the healing process of areas irritated by scratching.

If the rash is the result of contact with poisonous plants, the skin should be washed with cool soapy water and treated with an antihistamine lotion. This procedure can be alternated with rinsing with chamomile infusion. If the rash areas have turned into a dry and flaky surface, they need to be constantly moisturized with olive oil or aloe vera gel.

Atopic dermatitis: Causes

The causes of atopic dermatitis are unknown and are the subject of active research. Research has shown that this disease occurs as a result of the interaction of the environment, the immune system and genetics (heredity). People in such conditions have a more sensitive immune system, which tends to react to many irritants and allergens.

Most people with atopic dermatitis also have family members with allergies, such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Experts believe the rash is a type of allergic reaction. Studies have shown that in people with atopic dermatitis, even unaffected areas of the skin do not retain moisture as well as they should.

Itching and rash can occur due to many factors:

    Contact with allergens such as pollen, animal dander, or mold. Household mites can also be allergens, but experts do not know whether they can cause atopic dermatitis.

    Contact with irritants such as harsh soaps and detergents, scratching the skin and woolen clothing.

    Exposure to irritants in the workplace, such as perfumes and chemicals.

    Climate changes, especially winter weather and low humidity. Cold air does not contain enough moisture, which can cause dry skin and itching.

    Temperature changes. Due to sharp temperature fluctuations, itching may intensify. A sharp increase in temperature increases sweating, which in turn causes itching. Using a blanket, moving to a warm room, or moving from a warm shower to cold air can cause itching.

    Emotional stress. Emotions such as sadness and anxiety can make the itching worse.

    Ingestion of certain foods, especially eggs, peanuts, milk, soy or wheat products. Up to 40% of children with both mild and severe atopic dermatitis suffer from food allergies. But experts are not sure whether foods can cause atopic dermatitis.

    Excessive washing. Frequent washing dries out the top layers of the skin, causing dryness and itching, especially during the winter months when humidity is low.

Atopic dermatitis: Symptoms

The main symptom of atopic dermatitis is itching. The itching can be severe and prolonged, especially at night. Scratching the affected area of ​​the skin causes a rash. The rash is red, heterogeneous, it can appear for a long time (chronic) or disappear and appear (recurrent).

    The rash may ooze fluid or crust over. This happens when the scratched skin becomes infected. Experts call this an acute (temporary) rash.

    The rash may be scaly and dry, red and itchy. Experts call this case a subacute (long-term) rash.

    The rash may become rough from constant scratching (lichenification).

The severity of symptoms depends on how large an area of ​​skin the rash covers. They also depend on how much you scratch the rash and whether it becomes infected. A mild form of atopic dermatitis covers a small area of ​​skin, causes minor itching, and with sufficient hydration the symptoms quickly subside. During the acute form of atopic dermatitis, a large area of ​​skin becomes inflamed, severe itching appears, and the symptoms do not go away with moisturizing.

The location of the rash usually depends on the age group.

Children (from two months to two years)

    Locations of the rash include the face, scalp, neck, arms and legs (especially knees and elbows), and torso. The rash usually does not appear under a diaper. It appears in children during the winter months in the form of dry, red, rough spots on the cheeks.

    Often the rash will crust over or ooze fluid.

    Scratching can lead to infection.

Children (two to eleven years old)

    Symptoms may appear for the first time during this period or may occur earlier.

    The rash mainly appears on the inside of the arms and legs, the neck, and flexure areas such as the inside of the knee or elbow.

    The rash is usually dry. It can also range from an acute rash with blisters to a subacute red, dry rash that progresses to a chronic rash that causes the skin to dry out and become rough (lichenification). Lichenification often occurs when the rash has resolved.

    Scratching can cause infection.

Teens and adults

    As people get older, atopic dermatitis becomes milder.

    Typically, atopic dermatitis affects small areas of the folds, such as the neck, inner knees and elbows. The rash may also appear on the face, wrist, and forearm. In the groin area, a rash appears in rare cases.

There are other diseases whose symptoms can be confused with those of atopic dermatitis, including dry skin (xerosis), ringworm and various forms of contact dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis: What happens

Atopic dermatitis causes fairly intense itching and rash. In most cases, it is observed in children. Research has previously shown that the condition goes away as people grow older, but recent scientific reports indicate that many people suffer from dermatitis, although not as severely as children and adolescents. Atopic dermatitis can also occur in adults.

Children (from two months to eleven years)

    Approximately 50% of children with atopic dermatitis first experienced symptoms in the first year of life and 30% between the ages of 1 and 5 years.

    Approximately 80% of children with atopic dermatitis eventually develop asthma or allergic rhinitis.

    There is a high risk of developing asthma in children with food allergies and atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis can affect the condition of children. The child may feel disadvantaged compared to other children because of the rash or dietary restrictions. The child may feel unattractive.

Teens and adults

Teens and adults who had atopic dermatitis in childhood may continue to experience symptoms.

    If atopic dermatitis first appears in adulthood, its form is more acute.

    Some adults had no skin problems as children, and some experienced constant bouts of dermatitis.

    Atopic dermatitis in adults is directly related to environmental changes, for example, transition from a damp to a dry environment, increased contact with allergens, such as household mites or animal dander.


Some people with atopic dermatitis develop lighter-colored patches of skin, especially on the face, upper arms, or shoulders. Constantly scratching your skin can also affect its color. If the symptoms of atopic dermatitis are controlled, skin color will return to normal in about nine months. The darker the skin color, the longer this process may take.

Infections caused by bacteria progress in the same way. Infected skin turns red and may develop a fever. Skin infections are treated with antibiotics.

Atopic dermatitis can also affect the skin and tissue around the eyes, but these are rare cases.

If atopic dermatitis is infected with the herpes simplex virus, eczema herpetiformis may develop; this virus also causes herpes. In this case, blisters appear that may crust or bleed, and the temperature may also rise. This is a serious infection, the treatment of which requires consultation with a doctor.

Atopic dermatitis and smallpox vaccination

People with a skin condition such as atopic dermatitis are at high risk of developing eczema vaccinatum if they receive the smallpox vaccine or come into contact with another person's vaccination site before all the scabs have come off. In most cases, eczema vaccinatum is tolerated well, but the disease can be severe and even fatal. There is also a risk for those people who have previously had eczema, although it did not develop at the time of vaccination.