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Destruction of the myth “Giving a watch as a gift is a bad omen. What do signs say about whether you can give a watch to your husband?

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with giving a watch to your boss for an anniversary or to your friends on their wedding day. After all, a respectable men's or women's elegant watch from a jewelry store is a useful accessory, and wall-mounted clocks are an excellent element of the interior.

But, on the one hand, a watch as a gift is an excellent gift option for all occasions, and on the other hand, chronometers are literally shrouded in a trail of beliefs and superstitions. There are a great many explanations why giving a watch as a gift is a bad omen, most of these interpretations came to us from the East. It is useful to study them so as not to upset the recipient with your surprise.

Birthday gift

According to one of the beliefs, the clock counts down the time remaining until the end of the days allotted on earth. Some birthday people perceive such a gift as a starting point for the remaining days.

Therefore, before giving a ticking piece of jewelry or a wall-mounted time meter to the birthday girl or boy, carefully ask how they feel about this item.

Other cases:

  • Even if the hero of the occasion is not superstitious, but has a habit of being late, giving a watch to such a person for his birthday is a bad omen. A gift with a hint will only ruin the birthday person’s mood and will not help in life.
  • Many contemporaries keep track of time using a regular smartphone. If your friend has repeatedly talked about the uselessness of a watch, then the donated accessory will “migrate” to another owner at the first opportunity.
  • Even a freedom-loving person will not be happy with a chronometer. A hint of the need to live a measured life, to follow a routine, will at best cause ridicule. And in the worst case, the friends who gave the watch will become just acquaintances.

It is important to consider that it is a cheap Chinese item. When you have received the go-ahead from the hero of the occasion to buy a watch, choose high-quality, expensive products. If the birthday person already has an expensive status wrist accessory, choose an electronic or hourglass that will fit into the interior of the apartment or cottage.

Is it worth giving to friends?

It is believed that the watch presented as a gift, as soon as it stops, begins the countdown until the moment of complete separation from the person who gave the accessory. If you value your friends, look for another gift.

Unfortunately, some people have such strong faith in omens that the omens come true. There are many known cases of the end of a strong friendship as a result of receiving a chronometer as a gift.

If you absolutely want to gift a watch that was chosen with special care, try to neutralize the omen with verbal explanations. For example, explain to your friend that you are not giving a watch, but a pendant, ring or bracelet, and demonstrate to your friend the many functions that your gift performs.

A wedding is a special occasion to please your friends with wall clocks that will remind you of happy moments for a long time.

But be sure to ask the bride and groom about their attitude towards superstitions. There is an opinion that watches for newlyweds are a symbol of squabbles and discord. With such a gift, the giver, as it were, wants the young spouses to rarely find a common language, often to be apart, like clock hands, which rarely “look in the same direction”, more often “run away” from one another.

While looking at display cases with beautiful accessories for a girl, the question becomes whether it is possible to give a watch to a loved one. What do the signs say about this? Chronometers scare poorly educated people: after all, instruments measure time - a substance that cannot be touched or in any way sensed by the senses.

There is an opinion that watches can not only measure time, but also control it and stop it. Thus, the gift will be fatal for a loved one. But there are other explanations.

Why you shouldn't give a watch to your loved one

Superstitions strictly prohibit giving a chronometer to your beloved man or girl (a ban for guys). Such a gift will definitely end in separation. Moreover, there are two opinions on this matter:

  • Separation is inevitable, even if the clock never stops.
  • The pair will fall apart as soon as the mechanism stops working.

But for all superstitions there are refutations. For example, there is a known case when a girl gave a watch to a young man with whom she had never quarreled. After this, disagreements, scandals, and squabbles began in the couple. But strong feelings are not subject to evil spirits - after some time, the hands of the clock fell off, and love flared up with renewed vigor.

Why you can’t give a watch to a man or young man

It is believed that giving your husband a watch is a bad omen:

  • After all, because of the sharp hands, chronometers fall into the category of prohibited items. It is not customary to give knives, scissors, needles and the like, because according to beliefs, evil spirits cling to these objects at the moment the gift is handed over to the recipient.
  • According to another version, the notorious arrows can cut your joint happiness into small pieces.

Every man dreams of a commander watch or a wrist accessory in a sporty style. Such things perfectly emphasize the masculinity and high status of their owner. It has never been forbidden to give men a commander's watch as a reward. In accordance with this tradition, you can give a watch to your spouse. You just need to choose a high-quality, expensive product.

Buy a men's watch with a square or rectangular dial, because the rounded feminine shape of an important accessory will make a man overly sentimental, weak-willed, and will contribute to failures in business and loss of money.

Watch as a gift for a woman or girl

When thinking about what watch to give to your girlfriend, don’t forget to ask how she will react to such a surprise. If your passion is not superstitious, feel free to buy a beautiful wristwatch or an original item to decorate your home.

When choosing a wrist accessory, keep in mind that the dial must be round in shape (regular circle or oval) - this shape is in harmony with feminine energy and makes the girl affectionate and happy.

But suspicious representatives of the fair half of humanity tend to study beliefs and strictly follow them. Such a young lady may decide that you want to get rid of her. The gift will be perceived as a veiled way to communicate the breakup of a relationship - which is why you should not give a watch to your girlfriend or wife.

Why don't older people like to accept watches as gifts?

It is difficult to please elderly or seriously ill people with such a gift as a chronometer. When a person tries to fill every minute he lives with meaning, any time meter will be inappropriate.

This item mercilessly counts down the seconds and makes you think about the approaching end of life. Heavy thoughts can have a negative impact on the well-being of the recipient of such a gift - that is why you should not give a wristwatch to parents or elderly friends.

If you value the good attitude of the person to whom you are giving a gift, look for another way to show attention. It is not for nothing that signs and superstitions prohibit the gift of a chronometer, which can serve as a symbol of the passing of time.

One of the negative signs on the topic of whether it is possible to give a watch comes from China. The hieroglyph for the word “death” resembles the hieroglyph for the word “watch,” so in the East, giving a person a chronometer is the same as wishing him a quick death.

For this reason, you should refrain from such a dubious attempt to please an elderly person. Indeed, during this period of life, people begin to attach greater importance to all sorts of beliefs.

Who can you give a watch to?

When you understand the signs why you shouldn’t give, you can look for exceptions to the rule. For example, you can give a chronometer as a gift to a non-superstitious person.

It matters to whom and why to give a watch:

  • If, when presenting a gift, you wish the recipient happiness and health, such a thing will not harm its new owner, it will give off the positive energy with which it is charged.
  • For a business partner, such a gift symbolizes commitment and punctuality, and is the key to long-term fruitful cooperation - among businessmen it is considered good manners to give each other such accessories.
  • A stylish item as a gift will come in handy for your son or daughter - children often dream of a wrist or table clock that will make the kids look more mature. A useful gift will bring pleasure to the child and will evoke only positive emotions. And modern ones with a navigator will help parents control their beloved child from a distance.
  • Newlyweds will be pleased with paired wristwatches - the products differ only in size, color and minor details, and the style and price of the accessories are the same.
  • Collectors of chronometers will appreciate the craftsmanship of the item and the unusual design, and will be interested in the history of its origin.

Even the question of whether it is possible to give a watch to a boyfriend or husband from his wife to express love will have a positive answer for non-superstitious people.

What to do if you were given a watch?

If you passionately believe in omens, and you were given a watch as a gift, you can refuse the gift. But then an awkward situation will arise. If you like the accessory and want to take it, but have doubts about the goodwill of the donor, ask them to explain what message is included in the gift.

And here's what you can do: buy your way out of trouble. To do this, give the donor a few coins. Some people believe that the larger the amount they give as ransom, the better. But this is fundamentally wrong. Metal money is better at “delaying negativity” and defusing the situation.

How to give a watch bypassing omens?

Inventive Chinese, fans of ominous beliefs about chronometers, have figured out how to get around the bad omen and avoid troubles. They have released a new modification of time counters. Their products, in addition to a dial without numbers, include a compass, navigator and others that are unusual for ordinary functions. You can safely give such wristwatches as a gift - they do not carry bad omens.

If you want to give a classic watch as a gift, you can bypass the omen by buying it back. Take a few coins as a gift, then the watch will be considered purchased and not gifted. The “evil spirit” will attack the shiny coins and leave the chronometer alone.

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On the one hand, a watch is a very good gift, suitable for any event, but on the other hand, it is shrouded in many mysteries and signs. Who can and cannot be given a watch and how to give it as a gift so that nothing bad happens?

At first glance, the watch is a wonderful gift. A solid men's wristwatch or an elegant women's jewelry watch is a memorable and useful accessory, and a table or wall interior clock is a magnificent decoration for the home. But not everything is so simple - it turns out that time meters are not harmless. The customs of many nations prohibit giving them as a gift. Why is there so much controversy surrounding a useful invention? Who can you give a watch to and how to do it correctly?

Where did this superstition come from?

There are two main versions of the origin of this sign. In Western tradition, watch hands are equated with sharp objects, which means that watches fall into the same category of unwanted gifts as knives, forks, scissors and other sharp objects.

It is believed that such gifts attract evil spirits, which at the moment of giving become attached to the recipient. Subsequently, this leads either to misfortunes or to severe quarrels with the donor, up to a break in the relationship. They also say about sharp objects that they can “cut happiness” or “cut friendship.”

The second widespread version of the ban on giving watches came to us from China. The Chinese have long had the opinion that a watch is an invitation to a funeral. Yes, the sign is strange, but it is generally difficult for us Europeans to understand the mysterious Eastern culture.

There are also several interpretations of Chinese superstition. Someone believes that the gifted clock will begin to count down the time until separation, and as soon as it stops, you will part with this person forever. And some even claim that the clock is counting down the time until the death of the recipient and directly threatens his life. In Japan, this can be a hint that you deliberately wish the person to die.

In general, an eerie omen. The Slavs have their own interpretation of signs. According to beliefs, when you give a watch, you bring pain, emptiness, unhappiness and disappointment into a person's life. Some people believe that giving a watch means giving away part of your life. It is often said that such a gift will lead to a quarrel between lovers, and some even believe that the recipient will soon die.

What prejudices are associated with watches in the modern world?

The opinion that giving a watch as a gift is a bad omen still exists even among serious people. There are various superstitions in circulation.

The path to separation

Stories about a girl and a guy have been passed down for decades. They loved each other more than Romeo and Juliet. But one day the idea occurred to one of them that it was inappropriate for a loved one to tell the time by the sun. The surprise turned into an instant quarrel and led to separation. If you want to save your relationship, enjoy communication, do not buy time meters for your other half.

Veiled invitation to a funeral

Watches should not be given to elderly people. Rumor especially warns close relatives. Grandparents live without worries and would continue to live happily if their grandchildren had not decided on a monumental surprise. The wall clock hinted: haven’t you lived in the world? The hotel began counting down the seconds until the end. If you wish old relatives long life, do not count their life time.

Why watches are given as gifts in business circles

But among successful people, such a gift is a good omen. A business person, burdened with a lot of problems, constantly lacks time. The best gift when you are always pressed for time is a watch. We are not talking about cheap Chinese plastic products that copy famous brands. A stylish watch at a considerable price will become a worthy accessory for a busy man and will bring the necessary minutes and seconds.

Should you give a watch to your loved ones?

Is it possible to give a watch to your husband or beloved man? Let's just say that if you are at least a little superstitious, then gifting a watch is not the best idea. You've probably heard that giving a guy a watch means separation and separation. You can believe it or not believe it, but if you both know this, then you will think about breaking up once again. Why do you and your beloved man need such thoughts?

Why can't you give a watch to a man? The simplest and most objective answer to this question is that you may simply be wrong with the style. This woman has a lot of accessories, a complex style, and for each accessory you can choose your own image, or complement it with something. The male look is usually a little less varied, so it is very important that all accessories are chosen correctly.

If you are sure that the man you love will definitely like your gift, and you think that giving a watch to your loved one is a great idea, then below we will tell you how this can be done.

Should I give watches to friends?

Okay, you shouldn’t give such gifts to your loved ones, but what about girlfriends and friends? Why can't you give a watch to your girlfriend? It must be said that it is not customary for girls to ask questions and hint at age. And chronometers, one way or another, remind people of the transience of age. And you must admit, it’s unpleasant to return what was given with love, but on your birthday, thinking about the transience of life and the fact that youth is passing is also not a very good idea. Men, by the way, also don’t often give each other watches as gifts.

Should you give watches to elderly people?

But here you need to show a little perseverance. Giving watches to older people on their birthdays is simply unacceptable. One way or another, all older people periodically think about the fact that they do not have many years on earth. And you shouldn’t provoke older people to such thoughts.

As we all know, an older person can get very caught up in their thoughts and remain in a negative mood for several days or even weeks, which has a detrimental effect on their well-being and health. Please take care of your loved ones and do not give them a watch unless they themselves ask you to do so.

How to give it anyway?

What should you do if you still want to give a watch for a birthday or any other holiday? Such gifts need to be made correctly.

For example, giving a watch for a wedding should be correct. Before you choose a gift, be sure to clarify whether the newlyweds need a watch in principle. For example, you could meet one of the newlyweds and chat about plans for life after marriage. If the guys are planning to live together, or to renovate, then they obviously could use a beautiful designer product. You also need to give a wall clock correctly, with a little eyeliner.

If you say a few words to the newlyweds that a new time is beginning for them - their family life, and that the watch you gave will count down their happiest moments, the newlyweds will be happy to accept such a gift.

Is it possible to give a wall clock or wrist chronometer just like that? No! This is where the most important thing begins. If you want to give someone a watch, be sure to take some money as a ransom.

However, it should be taken into account that:

  • the amount should not be large - otherwise the gift itself loses its meaning;
  • It’s better to take coins rather than bills;
  • You need to give and accept the ransom with your left hand.

Of course, you can’t give a watch to your husband or friend just like that - you need to take a couple of coins. If a person does not know, then explain to him the essence of the sign and ask for a small coin. Usually everyone takes such superstitions very lightly.

How to bypass a sign and its karma?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that one can buy oneself off from mystical moments. Negative signs will not have any force if you give coins or coins at the time the gift is received by the giver.

The coins will be a tribute and protection and amulet so that otherworldly forces cannot interfere and harm the owner of the clock mechanism. This simple method will calm a suspicious person and preserve the relationship.

Why can’t you give a guy a watch if he dreams of a specific model? Yes, you need to give! The more we give gifts and make pleasant moments for our loved ones, the happier we ourselves and our loved ones will be. Only thoughts that bring signs to the heart, coincidences of other people, make the brain think, fear, attract negativity, create new phobias and signs. And if the fear of persecution of mysticism has overcome thoughts, pay off with coins and appease fate. And then, for sure, no mystical phenomena will haunt you.

There are no statistics on the relationship between the gift of a watch mechanism and the series of disappointments and failures that plague it. Since childhood, all the boys have taken apart watches, looked at the gears and tried to put the mechanism back together. Some succeeded, others did not. And since childhood, everyone was convinced that there was nothing supernatural in the clock mechanism. A third person cannot be to blame for a break in a relationship or a quarrel between two lovers, and you should not look for it in mystical phenomena, because each person builds his own destiny. A gift in the form of a watch will allow someone to make their dreams come true and appreciate their congratulatory person even more. In most cases, religious, suspicious, weakened people succumb to such thoughts. Keep a coin in your pocket as a reserve.

How to avoid a fatal gift?

But what to do if they still try to hand you the thing? In fact, everything is very simple. First of all, you need to pay attention to the person who gives you this gift. If it is presented from a pure heart by a person who loves you, who is ready to take care of you, do something nice for you and can never cause you harm, then the watch received from this person will not bring you trouble. It all depends only on your attitude to this sign and this thing.

It is much more likely to receive an energy blow and launch a negative program by accepting an object from an angry, envious, bad person. If such a person gives you any gift, it doesn’t matter what it is, it will still bring you trouble. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to from whose hands you accept the item and with what message it is presented to you. It is the attention of a loved one that is important, and not whether they gave you a watch or something else. If you are still afraid to receive such an item from a loved one, then you can buy it back!

You do not have to pay the full price of the item. It is enough to simply give a person some change in exchange for a watch. The same ritual can be performed if you are given a wallet. Many people also believe that this is an unlucky thing. If you are very superstitious and are afraid to receive a gift in the form of a watch for any holiday, then warn the person that such a gift is unacceptable for you. Or there is another option that will suit everyone. If a loved one really wants to buy you this particular thing, then go to the store with him, choose a thing that you both like.

After that, let the person give you the money, and you yourself will pay with it for the selected attribute. This way you will be able to protect yourself from the negative impact of the program that may be launched, and not offend a loved one. Remember that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention you receive from your loved one. Therefore, even if you were presented with a watch, this does not mean that you need to adjust yourself, that this is a bad sign. Tune in for the best and enjoy the fact that the person showed attention to you and wanted to do something nice.

It would seem that a watch is an excellent gift option for all occasions. But not everything is so simple and many people will be upset when they receive such a gift, or will refuse to take the gift at all. Where did this strange at first glance superstition come from and why should you not give watches to loved ones?

The history of superstition

The Chinese are considered to be the founders of the sign that watches bring bad luck.

In their opinion, walkers given to a person are no more and no less than an invitation to a funeral.

For a European person, such a sign sounds strange, if not wild. But it is generally quite difficult for Westerners to understand the mysterious culture of the Easterners.

Chinese superstition has several explanations. For example, it is believed that a donated watch will immediately begin to count down the time until the donor’s separation from the recipient. And as soon as the arrows stop for any reason, an inevitable separation between these people is coming. Touchy Japanese may even regard such a gift as a wish for a quick death.

The Slavs who were closer and familiar to us were also wary of giving watches. It was believed that together with them a person gives a part of himself, and also brings pain, emptiness and disappointment into the life of the recipient.

The second version of the origin of the sign lies in the structure of the clock. Many peoples have long been afraid to bring sharp objects as gifts to loved ones, considering them dangerous not only to life and health, but also to relationships. Many people in this place will raise their eyebrows in bewilderment - what does the clock have to do with it? The answer is simple - sharp arrows cause anxiety. They are the ones who, in the opinion of many people, can “cut” love or friendship.

Signs why you should not give a watch to your loved ones

But the most common sign is the statement that a watch brought as a gift to a loved one foreshadows an imminent quarrel with the beloved.

To a man, a guy

Men are the stronger sex, that says it all. They are often freer from prejudices and fears than women. And in most cases, a watch for a husband or boyfriend is an excellent gift option. However, before purchasing, you should make sure that your loved one is not one of the vulnerable and tremulous natures in whom a gifted chronometer would cause superstitious horror.

Choosing a gift for a man causes confusion for many. Women can be given earrings, rings, bracelets, etc., but for men, the only accessories that he always wears are suitable. But for some reason they often say that you can’t give men watches, because... superstitions and omens predict separation from a loved one and misfortune.

The history of the ban on watches as a gift began two hundred years ago, almost as soon as the first copies of these mechanisms appeared. Ignorant people were afraid of watches, because... did not understand their structure, and it was alien to them that it was possible to measure the intangible, i.e. time. And everything that people do not understand causes fear in their subconscious, so various accidents began to be associated with watches.

The Chinese character for evil and death is very similar to the face of a watch. Therefore, even in ancient times, the Chinese people believed that watches were given to people by an evil spirit and that the clock mechanism caused misfortune. Until now, the Chinese are very wary of watches and never give them to each other with good wishes. The Chinese people have a custom of placing watches on their enemies, wishing them misfortune and bringing bad luck upon them.

Believers in omens claim that by giving a watch to a man, a girl will definitely break up with her chosen one and be unhappy. It is believed that there will be stability in the relationship of a couple in love only until the arrows stop, but as soon as the mechanism breaks down, the connection between people’s hearts immediately collapses.

Is it possible to give a watch to a man?

Nowadays, watches often play the role of expensive decoration; for example, in Switzerland, a wrist timekeeping mechanism can be used to judge the financial well-being of the owner.

Despite all the negative signs, few men will refuse an expensive watch as a gift. To somehow smooth out the magical The effect of the sign that a watch should not be given as a gift, over time, another belief appeared. It says that you can still give a watch to a man if he gives a small amount in return.

Based on these two signs, everyone chooses for themselves whether to give a man a watch as a gift or not. If a girl or woman is in love with a representative of the stronger sex, then she will probably find an alternative to the gift and will not give a watch, but will prefer a tie or a gym membership.

Despite all the beliefs, statistics say that the number is approximately the same in couples where a watch was given to the man and in families without such a gift.

A watch is a universal gift. They will be appropriate at any celebration. Even if the one to whom you are giving already has one, the second will not become superfluous. But at the same time, according to signs, it is not recommended to give them to anyone, especially close people. All of them are associated with the superstitions of our ancestors, but many contemporaries still believe in them.

Some believe that this gifted accessory brings separation between lovers or close friends. But it is not possible to verify the effect of this sign. Unless you give them to an unpleasant person with whom you want to get rid of communication.

According to European beliefs, clock hands are equated to sharp objects. And as we know, they cannot be given as a gift, so as not to cause hostility. Sharp things virtually cut the karmic connection.

A Chinese superstition associates such a gift with an invitation to a funeral, which you will agree is creepy. But there are people who firmly believe in it.

In most cases, donated watches are associated with a decrease in days of life. In some sources, to the one who gives, and in others, to the one who receives such a gift.

The tastes and views of relatives can be taken into account. What about strangers? It is better to choose an alternative present. Or offer to redeem this gift for a nominal fee. And then the watch will be considered purchased. This trick will eliminate all the negative consequences predicted in the signs.

Interesting! If you focus on famous and far from stupid people (stars, billionaires, politicians and presidents), they often receive watch movements as gifts, and also give them themselves. And this fact does not affect their lives in any way.

Whether or not to give chronometers is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main thing is that the recipient is not superstitious and appreciates the chosen gift. Men are less superstitious than the weaker sex, so this gift will appeal to many.

Is giving a watch for a birthday a bad omen?

On birthdays they try to give really worthwhile gifts. They choose things with a long period of use so that they constantly remind you of the person who gave it. A watch is ideal. Even in an era of complete mobilization, this indispensable accessory constantly attracts attention. Of course, it’s a shame that they are not recommended to be used as a gift.

On the other hand, who said that this cannot be done? We have one life, and if you believe all the signs, then there will be nothing interesting left. After all, a watch is a worthwhile gift. They don’t choose it in a hurry, and they don’t skimp when purchasing it, since the accuracy of time and the duration of the mechanism depend on it. Therefore, any birthday person will be glad to receive them as a present. High-quality specimens can then be passed down through your family line to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

It all depends on the mood of the recipient. It is necessary to talk in advance about his attitude to various signs. If he doesn’t take them seriously, then you can present this stylish accessory with pleasure.

Why can't you give a watch to your loved one?

There is a belief that it is especially not recommended to buy them for your significant other or loved ones. They say that such a gift promises an imminent separation. Many people tell stories about how he gave me a watch and we parted ways. The easiest way is to blame all failures on an inanimate object. Or maybe the relationship has reached a dead end without him. The gift only emphasized the pointlessness of their continuation.

Perhaps you shouldn’t choose them for a gift if you already have misunderstandings. For reconciliation, it is better to opt for a neutral item. Then it cannot be interpreted as a hint of separation.

But these are only special cases. There are also opposites to them, when newlyweds give them to each other, as if tying themselves not only with rings, but also with something more significant. For them, chronometers are a symbol of counting down future happy years of life. And later they will pass them on to their children. As a sign of love and memory.

Is it possible to give a watch to a guy or a man?

In business, such a gift is a common thing... They give status as well as respectability to a person, which is why almost all businessmen wear hand chronometers. Expensive and exclusive models immediately inspire confidence. Therefore, after successful transactions, partners often exchange such accessories, thereby showing their readiness for further fruitful cooperation.

A woman can present them to a man if he is her brother, co-worker or childhood friend without fear of losing them. There is no mention of this in the signs. But you and your husband need to buy them together. Then it will be considered simply participation in the choice, and if they are bought with her money, then this can be considered as sponsorship. Things are more difficult with my father and grandfather. It is necessary to take into account that during their lives they have learned enough proverbs. And they probably won't be happy about the impact this gift might have on their life expectancy.

Interesting! Just don’t give a watch to a gambling enthusiast. They won't be with him long. According to statistics, there are practically no players wearing such accessories on casino premises. They are present in the hands only of those who enter there.

Guys and young men will surely be delighted with such a stylish accessory. But if your sweetheart is one of those who doesn't like to adhere to time limits. Like the lucky ones who live according to their own regime. He won't appreciate such a present.

I want to give my wife a watch. What to do?

Why not - give it! If you have a superstitious loved one, then you can resort to several tricks. For example, buying a watch box from a watch store, without a logo, is better with a picture of a women’s accessory. Put some money inside. And at the top, attach a note or postcard in which you will first congratulate your beloved wife on this significant date. And write below that you would like to give her all the world time. But you want to buy a manual eternity meter for it and are ready to choose it along with it. After such a trick, the wife’s heart will succumb to persuasion, and your concern will touch her soul.

We need to find out in a roundabout way what she thinks about omens. When your friends come over, you can jokingly raise this topic. And then draw conclusions about the value of your future gift for her.

Interesting! There is one watch that the most superstitious woman would not refuse. And what captivates them is not only their fabulous price of $25 million, but the total number of carats from many diamonds - 201. And as we know: “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”

Why do you dream about giving a watch?

Donated wall clock mechanisms may become a dream before any trip. A trip to the sea with your family, or perhaps an unexpected business trip, is possible.
If you observe from the side that one person is presenting a watch to another, then this means that someone is trying to imitate you in real life.
Receiving them from someone symbolizes an improvement in your financial situation. Your latest achievements have not gone unnoticed and will be rewarded.
Accepting gold chronometers as a gift is a sign that you will soon need financial help and will unexpectedly receive it from a patron.
Giving them to a child portends a waste of time on empty chores.

It also matters what time the chronometers show:

  • 1 hour - in a month a person’s cherished wish will come true;
  • from 3 to 9 hours - troubles and illnesses are possible;
  • from 6 to 12 - excellent mood, favorable changes in the dreamer’s life.

So should you give a watch as a gift?

There is no clear answer to this question. We did not invent superstitions and signs. But if you and the person to whom you are supposed to present them do not believe in this, then there are no obstacles to delighting your loved one with a stylish and functional accessory.

And for all the superstitious, we will give one more not so well-known, but effective sign: “A watch given as a gift brings good luck in new endeavors.”

Secret souvenirs -