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Moles in the form of the constellation Ursa Major. What are moles and what do they mean?

The science that explains the meaning of moles on the human body is called morphoscopy. She is mysterious and little known. The body is viewed as an astrological chart, where moles symbolize the planets. The appearance of a new spot, a change in its color or shape can predict future events. Morphoscopy suggests that the meaning of moles in women is always favorable if they are located on the left side. For men, on the contrary, this is an unlucky sign.

The appearance of moles in an adult

Moles, or nevi, are pigment cells that are located in the epidermis. Newborn babies are already born with spots on their skin. In the first years they may not be noticeable because their color is too pale. They darken with age.

Doctors have been arguing for a long time about why moles appear on the body of an adult. One theory suggests that information about nevi is stored at the DNA level. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent or predict their occurrence.

The second theory states that the formation of nevi is influenced by several factors. The main ones include:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Hormonal changes. They may appear more frequently in adolescents, pregnant women, and during menopause.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Injury or infection of the skin. Moles may appear on damaged areas.
  5. Internal pathologies. Lack of vitamin K and C, liver and pancreas diseases.

Morphoscopy has its own theory, which explains why moles appear on the body of an adult. It is believed that nevi are permanent signs given from above. They must accompany a person throughout his life. Removing moles is a crime against one's own destiny. The event she warned about could happen in a different scenario and have a negative outcome.

The number of moles on the human body can reach up to 100. Moreover, they can be different in shape, color and diameter. Classification of nevi:

  1. Flat. A large accumulation of melanocytes leads to the appearance of this type. Moles do not change even under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Convex. They have both bumpy and smooth bodies and can be covered with hairs. They develop in the deep layers of the skin.
  3. Blue. Rarely found, dense in structure. They are distinguished by a rich blue color.
  4. Red - a large accumulation of vascular cells. They are mounted and smooth.
  5. Pigmented. Usually increase significantly with age.

Marks of fate

Morphoscopy teaches that each side of the body contains different information. For example, the meaning of moles in women on the right side is threatening. While for men, on the contrary, it is favorable.

Birthmarks warn of events that cannot be avoided. They tell you what impact relationships with other people will have on your destiny. For example, red moles on the body, the cause of which are vascular congestions, are associated with Mars. This planet symbolizes aggression and war. This means that the life of the owner of red moles will not be easy. Such marks indicate a loss of strength, vitality and will. The location of the mole will tell a person how to do the right thing and which option to choose.

Light spots are associated with Venus. The meaning of these moles for women is constant help from higher powers and gifts of fortune. But only on condition that they are located on the favorable, left side. If they are on the right, this is a warning that a person is inclined to show his lower instincts.

Brown moles that were on the body at the time of birth belong to Jupiter. Those that appeared later are associated with Mercury. Jupiter is responsible for abundance and luck. Mercury controls learning and intelligence. The marks of this planet located on the unfavorable side do not mean that the person is stupid. Rather, it signals that he is cunning, cunning and hypocritical.

Signs on one side can be completely crossed out by moles on the other. But mirrored spots only strengthen each other’s action. In order to correctly understand what the neoplasm warns of, it is necessary to carefully examine both halves of the body.

Decoding the form

Nevi can form various shapes. The meaning of the shapes of moles is different. The most threatening are clusters in the form of a cross or a spider. This is a warning about difficult trials and hardships. A square of birthmarks is also an unfavorable sign. He says that a person will have to deal with unforeseen circumstances all his life.

Moles in the shape of a triangle or a collection of spots in the shape of an oval located on the favorable side have a lucky meaning. Luck will accompany such a person in everything. This is fate's favorite.

The appearance of an oval or triangle even on the unfavorable side is a lucky sign for a person. This is a kind of “safe conduct letter”. There are cases where people who had similar marks on their bodies found themselves in catastrophic situations several times and remained alive.

Triangle-shaped moles on the face indicate chosenness. Such a person cannot sin; any offense can cause him to fall into the abyss. Such a sign requires its owner to fully mobilize his forces.

The star is the luckiest mark. Its owner will have a successful and easy life, the protection of higher powers and success in any field. Moles in the shape of the sun or moon also have auspicious meaning. Bearers of such signs are distinguished by irrepressible vital energy, positive thinking, sharp mind and ebullient temperament.

A constellation of moles in the form of the Big Dipper is a symbol of victories and great achievements. Such a person will have fame and a high position in society. The owner of this sign will conquer the world without straining at all.

Moles resembling the shape of the constellation Orion indicate that the soul came to Earth from other worlds. Such individuals are very mysterious, often have supernatural powers, but carefully hide it.

Cassiopeia, according to astrologers, is one of the most beautiful constellations. Women who have a similar mark on their bodies are creative and feminine. They easily conquer the men around them without doing anything about it.

In the Middle Ages, all women who had moles on their bodies that resembled constellations in shape were automatically classified as witches. They were tortured and burned at the stake. Therefore, such signs were carefully hidden from prying eyes under clothing.

In occult sciences, the cat is considered a servant of Satan. It is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, one or several moles that resembled this animal in shape could be considered a witch. In fact, cat-shaped birthmarks do not foretell anything bad. This is a sign that a person has an ability for magic, is secretive and talented.

Birthmarks under the eyes

The eyes are the area that is responsible for human creativity. Holders of such marks are usually very talented people. For example, Dostoevsky had a mole under his right eye.

Women who usually have sensual and kind natures. At the same time, they have a strong character and are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Quite often they move forward where most retreat. Such women have charm and sexual magnetism. They are popular with men.

The meaning of a mole under a woman’s right eye is always favorable. Despite the fact that this side is not happy for the fair sex. Such a woman is smart, calculating, knows what she wants and gets it. Her career will always be successful. Difficulties may arise in your personal life, with finding a reliable partner. But if it is found, such a couple will have a happy marriage.

A mole under the left eye does not promise a career boost. Its owner is a flighty nature. She will be extremely popular with men, so all her problems will be solved by the stronger sex. If the birthmark is located closer to the nose, this indicates a passionate and selfish nature. And also such a woman is very jealous.

The meaning of a mole above the eyebrows

During the time of the Holy Inquisition, a mole above the right eyebrow could be a death sentence for its owner. Such a mark was considered a symbol of involvement in witchcraft and Satan. And in the 18th century, French court ladies specially glued flies above their eyebrows - this signaled their readiness to enter into a love affair.

The meaning of a mole above a woman’s eyebrow depends on which side the spot is located on. The nevus, which is on the right, indicates that its owner is very self-confident. She knows very well what she wants and always gets it. Serious about choosing a life partner.

A mole above the left eyebrow promises its owner many difficulties in life. Studying and career will not be easy. But such women are distinguished by enormous tenacity and instinct of self-preservation. This will help them overcome all obstacles.

A mole between the eyebrows speaks of selfishness. Such people are unsociable and have a difficult character. Career usually doesn't work out. Relationships with the opposite sex often end in complete disappointment. Most often, such people strive for solitude.

Mole near the navel

The stomach is Virgo's zone of influence. She is responsible for running the house and work. A mole located on a woman’s left side indicates that her profession will give her great pleasure and will become a source of material wealth. And her home will be a place of coziness and a center of comfort. A mole on the right side indicates an aversion to profession and work. The development of severe chronic diseases is possible. As well as long-term care for a bedridden relative.

A mole in the navel in women has a lucky meaning, regardless of which side it is located on. This is a truly divine mark, which means that any dream will be achieved and plans will be realized. All possible obstacles can be easily avoided.

A red mole is a sign of Mars and in most cases carries a negative meaning. But not when it is located in the navel area. In this case, Mars will not take away vital energy, but, on the contrary, fill it with it. There is a high probability that the owner of such a mark will live a long life.

Astrologers say that those with moles near the navel are stunningly beautiful. They are able to quickly conquer men and skillfully manipulate them. They have a quick temper and explosive temperament.

Ear marks

Usually, moles on the ears indicate that a person is boastful and likes to exaggerate his virtues. He prefers not to remember his shortcomings. This situation is associated with low self-esteem and the desire to hide it.

The meaning for a woman is often favorable, but largely depends on where the spot is located. A nevus on the earlobe is always associated with money. If the mole is on the left side, this indicates that the woman will gradually accumulate a huge fortune. Owners of this mark are always careful and make only informed decisions.

A mole on the right lobe indicates that the woman will always be near large sums. Whether she can become the owner of at least part of this wealth depends only on herself.

Hands strewn with moles indicate that a person has open energy channels that negatively affect the psyche. Therefore, it can be quite contradictory. Sometimes be too soft or, conversely, create a scandal for no reason.

The meaning of moles on women’s hands depends on where exactly they are located. Marks on the right shoulder indicate poor health, but a strong-willed character. Moles on the opposite side promise a successful marriage and a loving spouse.

Nevi located on the left elbow indicate that the woman will be successful in her career and personal life. Despite their strong-willed nature, these are very gentle and devoted wives. A mole on the right elbow suggests that its owner is selfish. Has a complex character. Such a woman strives for independence and does not like to give in.

For a woman, it is favorable in all cases if they are located on the hands. Regardless of which side the mark is on, its owner is distinguished by good health and strong character. Such a woman will always be well provided for.

Only exceptional people have moles on the palms. They are constantly engaged in self-improvement, always trying to become even better. Many of them have the gift of clairvoyance.

Marks on the neck

The meaning of moles on women’s necks is most often associated with financial well-being. Whether she can achieve it or not will depend only on the character of the lady. Fate provides every opportunity for this.

A birthmark on the neck, regardless of its specific location, indicates that the woman is an optimist. She is always determined to win and full of energy. She does not like to take risks, preferring to achieve her goal slowly but surely.

Women who have moles on their necks find it difficult to decide on a second marriage if the first one ended in divorce. They are faithful wives, wonderful mothers and ideal girlfriends. In the most difficult situations we are always ready to help.

A mole hidden under the hair indicates that its owner is very secretive. It is difficult to gain trust in such a woman. She is shy and does not open up to anyone she meets. If her trust can still be won, she will become a very reliable and loyal friend for life.

Women who love beautiful things and luxury have moles in the center of the neck. They love to be in public and often do charity work. Such women cannot live without numerous fans and the admiring glances of others.

Owners of birthmarks in the central part of the neck are always well provided for. The larger the mark, the more wealth the lady has. Typically, such women are not afraid of losing a partner, since they always have a backup option. Such natures are terrified of old age, so they spend a lot of time and money on caring for themselves. They always get what they want.

Venus sign

A mole that is located near the lips is considered a sign of Venus. He says that the goddess of love left a mark on her lips as a sign of her patronage. The owner of such a birthmark is distinguished by powerful natural magnetism.

Women with moles on their lips can boast of an easy-going character, so they almost never have enemies. Risks are rarely taken, even if they are justified. Despite this, they successfully achieve their goal.

Moles on women's bodies have always attracted the attention of the stronger sex. Men say that these are the most beautiful natural jewelry. And very sexy.

  1. The Upper Zodiac manifests itself exclusively at the junction between any two signs of our 12-digit zodiac. Zero degrees of Sagittarius and Taurus are the two points at which one Zodiac touches the other. The fact is that these two Zodiacs, upper and lower, come into contact at the junction points, at the junction of one sign with another.
    In some cases, a person may manifest a completely different zodiac, a sign of the upper zodiac with completely different characteristics. As soon as we see some very unusual person, a legendary person with some kind of sacraments, he will definitely have a conjunction of planets on the border of signs.Don't judge such people right away. A more complex evaluation criterion must be applied to them. No matter who we take from the famous genius personalities, marked by a certain unusualness, they are always trying to drive them into the Procrustean bed of our zodiac, but they do not succumb to this, since there is always something else in them that is above this.
    People who manifest the upper zodiac will be people who are not of this world. To some extent, our world will even be alien to them.
    Each sign of the second Zodiac interferes with the first, ideally as if pushing the boundaries of the other sign. So, each sign of the upper zodiac has a zone of 7.5 degrees from the border of each sign, i.e. 15 degrees each. There are also 12 characters.
    Upper Zodiac connects with ours at two points - at the Ophiuchus point (between Scorpio and Sagittarius) and the Cetus point (between Aries and Taurus). Keith is the last sign of the second zodiac, a sign of liberation from chaos, a sign of modification. The last sign is the same as in the lower zodiac - Pisces.
    Only those people who, on the border of the signs, will have a core consisting of 2 planets, one of which is minor, and plus one of the luminaries, are representatives of another Zodiac. In general, it is believed that, except for Ophiuchus and Cetus, for all other signs a necessary condition is that there should be a light there. Yes, such people will be very rare, but they can exist.
    If your horoscope is marked by transitional planets, i.e. signs of the second zodiac, then how to find the signs of charisma or hvarna?
    The 12 HIGHER CHAIRS associated with these twelve signs of the second zodiac should be in the form of a group of moles, resembling in shape the outlines of the constellations corresponding to these signs. This could be, for example, the shape of the constellation Cygnus. Then you should have a cross of five moles on your body, reminiscent of this constellation. Sign of the Hours - 5 moles that will resemble the constellation Cepheus. This is a sign of being marked. If you have this, then you are marked with the sign of the Hours. If, moreover, this sign is expressed in your horoscope, i.e. Between Aries and Pisces you have a cluster of planets, then consider that you have charisma, or hvarna.
    The constellation CEPHEUS is a triangle and a square. The shape of such a Cuckoo Clock.
    ORION - there should be 7 stars.
    URSA BIG - 7 stars in the form of a ladle with a handle.
    Constellation CROW
    KNIGHT KNEELING, or Hercules
    PEGASUS - a square with such a wing, a square and a triangle.
    The constellation Swan is a cross. He is the most fatal.
    TREE sign. Constellation CASSIOPEIA. There is the Heavenly Throne, the earth's axis. If you have a mole sign that resembles the constellation Cassiopeia, then it is a TREE sign.
    KIT - 5 moles.
    BOOTES - 6 moles (the person who raised his hand).
    Ophiuchus - also 5 moles.
    SHIP - also 6 moles (ship + mast).
    Such a figure should be read. The ideal location is in the center - on the back, stomach, forehead, lower back, etc. Moreover, the moles should be approximately the same. And they shouldn't be red or raised. The figure should be the same as we see it in the sky. If it is mirrored, then it is a distortion, a trap.
    If there are few moles on your body at all, then there is no stamp on you, you are free. If there is a sign of charisma, then this is a sign of the presence of a Guardian Angel.
    The presence of a sign of the Zodiac sign indicates that you have some talent, specialness. It was given to you and you are responsible for it. If you lose this responsibility, treat it childishly, or consciously, with the help of this gift given to you, serve the forces of darkness (and perhaps you don’t even know about it), then you may experience the sign “ anti-khvarny,” or the stamp of belonging to a completely different world. They manifest themselves in the form of deformation, deformity, deviation from the norm.

    1. First Sign the upper zodiac is on border of Pisces and Aries. It is named after the most important device that measures time. Those. its name is Clock. It all starts with the Clock. Is there any analogue in the constellations of the sky? This constellation Cepheus(hence the word tsifir, figure).
    This is perhaps the most important constellation, because it measures the rhythm, sets the basis, the initial predetermination, subordination to the rhythm is associated with it. Among such people are visionaries who know from the very beginning how everything will end. Time collapsed and expanded. People who know how to live correctly in time. For them personally, time is an expandable and collapsible concept. Clock, clock mechanism.
    In the worst case, instead of a person there is a mechanism, a cyborg. This is not a person, but a machine for executing some kind of program embedded in it.
    At best, this is a clock, a truly Divine mechanism, coordinated in all parts, the harmony of the spheres, a person who understands what world he lives in, a part of the mechanism of which he is, and large things depend on him, like some wheel in a mechanism. processes. Well, in the worst case, it’s a cyborg, a complete replacement of the “human” with the machine. This cyborg zone is located between Aries and Pisces.
    New time, new time cycles are associated with this sign. That is why the mission of Christ began when the point of the era passed from Aries to Pisces. It was there that the Celestial Clock appeared, a New Era began, and time began to be measured in a new way. After all, we now do not use the old, pre-Christian time cycles. After this, time seemed to begin a new countdown.
    By the way, representatives of this sign manage to start life from scratch at any stage of life. They can stop the clock, start over any cycles when they need to, start life from any starting point. And this is the mission of Christianity, which as a religion is very much tied to the constellation of the Hours. There is no need to talk about religions, that according to egregor they are tied to the signs of the lower zodiac. Most likely, they are still associated with the signs of the upper, higher zodiac. Reflect on the image of a clock, on the image of time.
    True, here is an image of an hourglass or waterglass, which used to be called a clepsydra. The current watch, with the dial, with all the mechanisms, is a late invention. In ancient times, water, sun and hourglasses were used. In general, any device, any machine that in its microstructure repeats the plan of the universe is the constellation of the Hours, or Cepheus.
    Personalities: Einstein - Clock. It was he who invented the theory of relativity and was the first to say that time is a relative concept.
    Another example of a representative of the Hours is Andrei Tarkovsky. Where does “Solaris” and “Mirror” come from - all this strange and mysterious concept of time.
    Salvador Dali is the same. These fluid, floating watches are their own image. Pretentiousness, the world is real and at the same time unreal. This is the Hours - the first and at the same time the last sign of the zodiac.

    Giordano Bruno preached the plurality of worlds and first put forward the idea of ​​time travel. First of all, his Hours are, of course, between Pisces and Aries. Born March 25, 1548. The most typical representative of the Hours.
    Even George Washington, who opened a new era in American history, had three planets on the border of Pisces and Aries.
    2. Second Sign highest zodiac - Winged Horse. This 2nd sign is located between Aquarius and Pisces. This is the Constellation Pegasus. The Zoroastrians had winged horses. They depicted them very often. The chariots were drawn by these winged horses. Now civilization is passing through Pegasus. What does it mean? This is the desire to rise “above”, to break through to the sky, the desire to learn secrets. This is a creative process, the pride of the spirit. This is a loner who has broken through to the upper world, boldness, high flight. Our civilization goes through the temptation of pride, through Pegasus. Pegasus is also associated with the highest role of the individual, who can change the events of the world. This was not the case with the Watch. Everyone there is a cog in one system. And then comes awareness of the individual. Ride a winged horse, be able to rise above some element.
    Michelangelo Buonarotti - a cluster of planets between Aquarius and Pisces. Proserpina, the Moon, that is, the luminary there. Mercury is at 29 degrees Aquarius. Therefore he is Pegasus. The brightest creative life, constantly rich. He lasted until he was 90 years old and worked until the very end. Such people, if they saddle this horse, can hold on until the end, being in constant creative tension, in some creative ideas, because it is as if some unknown force is helping them, carrying them through. That's exactly what he was like. Michelangelo displayed titanic powers.
    Rembrandt can also be called such a Pegasus.
    J.S. Bach - had planets between Pisces and Aries, as well as between Pisces and Aquarius, i.e. Pegasus and Clock.
    3. Third Sign where civilization will have a terrible temptation, this is the Chimera, Sphinx, those. compound human features, lion features, and even wings. The constellation Sphinx is the constellation Cygnus... The third sign of the upper Zodiac is the Sphinx - knowledge that can crush you. This border of Aquarius and Capricorn.
    Since this is the Sphinx, that means riddles, which means it’s either-or. Either you guess and rise, your wishes will come true, or you don’t guess, the Sphinx will tear you to pieces, and you will be in the abyss. If you guess right, the Sphinx itself throws itself into the abyss. Images of Sphinxes, half-humans and half-lions, are very often found in Zoroastrian art. The Sphinx should have not only lion-like features, but also bull-like ones. Such half-bulls, half-lions, half-people. One quarter is bull's, the other is human, the third is lion's and the fourth is eagle's wings.
    This symbolizes the motionless cross of the Zodiac Signs. The front legs are of a lion, the hind legs and torso of a bull, the head of a human, the wings of an eagle. The combination of all four signs of the fixed cross, i.e. all fate, fate, fatal riddles that need to be guessed. Mysteries of nature, mysteries of existence. If you guess it, these forces will serve you. But for all this, your life will be planned from start to finish, and you will have no choice.
    Remember Oedipus? Ultimately, he guessed the riddle of the Sphinx, which revealed his whole life to him. Do you remember what the Sphinx's riddle was? A simple riddle - who is on four in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening. Oedipus replied: Well, of course it’s me. The Sphinx says: “No. You, man, won’t make it to three.” Yes, the answer is a person. In the morning there is a child crawling on four limbs, in the afternoon there is a man on two legs, and in the evening there is an old man leaning on a stick. Oedipus guessed right. But the Sphinx says: “Okay, you guessed right. Now I will jump into the abyss, but you know your fate.”
    And according to this fate, he had to marry his own mother, kill his father, receive the reign, and then, in the end, blind himself. No matter how he tried to avoid it, he killed his father, married his mother, and then blinded himself. He had children from his mother: Antigone is his daughter. Second daughter - Yemena. Both, by the way, ended just as badly as Oedipus. And he had two more sons. This is all described in Sophocles' tragedies. That's the influence of rock.
    In the constellation of the Sphinx - the role of destinies, and how entitled we are to know what is destined. This is a burden of terrible knowledge that falls on a person, and only the worthy can withstand it. The words of Ecclesiastes are associated with this constellation: “Much wisdom brings many sorrows. He who increases knowledge increases sorrow." Those. you need to balance your desire to know everything with your capabilities, whether this knowledge will be a heavy, unbearable burden for you.
    Edgar Allan Poe had a riddle; his main one was the conjunction of the planets, together with the Sun, on the border of Capricorn and Aquarius. Those. he is the Sphinx. Therefore, fate, certain knowledge that can crush a person. Wisdom from which there is too much sorrow. This stamp (fate, fate, fear) comes from the works of Edgar Allan Poe. There are many visionaries in his works, but these visions do not make life any easier, but on the contrary complicate it even more, and even crush it. All this cannot be explained only by the ordinary, lower zodiac. By applying the image of the double zodiac, you can.
    The double zodiac always allows you to determine a certain transcendence of information. Of course, such people carry a very big secret, even if they themselves don’t know it.
    Gogol is the Sphinx, who was embodied in the image of his Viy, whom one could not look into the eyes. You can’t look fate and fate in the eye. But Gogol had two such signs - the Sphinx and Orion. Again the same fruitless waste of energy. He got lost on the path of life, did not know what to choose, and sadly ended his fate.
    Rasputin - Capricorn-Aquarius. He looked into the Sphinx's eyes. The entire state was dragged along by itself. That's where it ended. Sphinxes are fatal personalities.
    Mendeleev had a cluster of planets on the border of Capricorn and Aquarius. Having opened my table, I solved the riddle of the Sphinx. Information is revealed unexpectedly to such people. The table was opened to him in a dream.
    Leonardo da Vinci is a unique personality. He showed several upper zodiac signs. In particular, the Sphinx. The smile of his Mona Lisa, hiding a secret, is truly like the riddle of the Sphinx. He also has a cluster on the border of Taurus and Gemini, i.e. Orion.
    Vysotsky shows the Sphinx. Between Capricorn and Aquarius planets. Some kind of fate always hung over him too.
    Vanga - Sphinx (Capricorn - Aquarius). She even went blind, by the way. Mystery of the Sphinx, Oedipus. When she became blind, she became clairvoyant.
    She looked into the Angel's face and went blind. After all, how was it? She fell into this whirlwind, a tornado, saw an unusual light and went blind. Here's the mystery of the Sphinx.
    Andropov - Sphinx. He gave us riddles... The Sphinx was the same as Alexander the First, and this mark of the parricide was lost in him. Just like Oedipus, he also renounced power and left. Fate dominated his reign.
    4. Fourth Sign - between Sagittarius and Capricorn, where the Savior is born. This is a TREE tree, world tree. There is Zarathushtra, Christ, Mithra's birthday is December 25th. Analogy in constellations - CASSIOPEIA. There is the Heavenly Throne, the earth's axis. All the Saviors were born there. The Tree Sign is an axis, a core, a unification of different worlds, genetics, genus, transmission of information, preservation of the best, natural and artificial selection, selection, etc. The tree is the connection of the lower world with the upper. This is the axis of the universe, which is why the Saviors were born here, coming from heaven and giving people the opportunity to ascend to this sky. They are also purifiers of karma - both hereditary, tribal, national, and global. This is the Family Tree.
    In Nostradamus's horoscope the border between Sagittarius and Capricorn is expressed, i.e. The Tree of Knowledge and Ophiuchus appear.Dostoevsky's Tree.
    J.V. Stalin in his true horoscope had a cluster of planets along with the Sun and Venus on the border of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Consequently, he can be called a wooden man, i.e. representative of this Tree. There has always been a certain core connected with the people of the Tree. They are aligned with them as the world axis. Very often they are the standard for many, like their own fathers, patriarchs. They called Stalin their own father, considered him a patriarch, and looked up to him. Such people create a certain model of themselves that everyone likes. Stalin showed this in his horoscope.
    Tolkien was born on January 2, but he is not Capricorn, but a Tree, between Sagittarius and Capricorn, which is why he went to this ancient history, to the source of ancient myths, deep tradition.
    There is another interesting person who was the axis, the whole of China looked up to him and still looks up to him - Mao Zedong. Also a Tree.
    5. The next sign, the fifth, between Scorpio and Sagittarius is Ophiuchus. The one who conquered karma. First you need to know karma, karma first starts as such - the genus, the tree, the law of cause and effect. Only after this is it possible to break the rings of this karma.
    Ophiuchus- these are those who have two planets in their horoscope on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Not even in conjunction, but simply one or two planets on the border of these signs, so that there is a border between them. Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich - here you are, the Phoenix bird reborn from the ashes. Paganini is the same. Well, there are such people, real Ophiuchus.
    The block was Ophiuchus (Scorpio - Sagittarius). Paracelsus is also Ophiuchus.

    Stevenson, who wrote Jekyll and Hyde - Ophiuchus.
    Suvorov was Ophiuchus.
    Nostradamus, of course, is Ophiuchus.
    6. The Sixth Sign is between Libra and Scorpio. Moreover, this zone is from the 23rd degree of Libra to the 8th degree of Scorpio. Comet Shoemaker-Levy fell on Jupiter in this zone. What constellation is here? Constellation CROW. Raven, messenger. The constellation Raven, but actually it is the Bird SENMURV, in other words, Simurgh, Gamayun - a prophetic bird that carried souls to the mountain, was a symbol of execution of a sentence, a symbol of justice, punished for injustice, for apostasy, heresies. The prophetic bird Gamayun, the Sirin bird, in general, all half-birds, half-humans, sirens, etc. The Slavs have an analogue - Semargl - one of the Deities transferred from the Zoroastrian pantheon to Slavic mythology. He was half a bird, a winged dog. This bird has a dog companion, or wolf companion.
    There is a very interesting idea here of punishment for apostasy, the connection of the upper and lower worlds, the idea of ​​messengership, missionary work, the idea of ​​a guide. Such people are given the opportunity to administer justice, to be executors of the highest will. But, by the way, they can go to extremes in this, they can become executioners.
    By the way, Chikatilo was born precisely in this zone, where he had a cluster of planets, both luminaries. And it was he who dared to call his actions not just evil, he also called himself a cleaner. He killed 55 people, partially ate them, stabbed them, raped them, dismembered them, and called himself a cleaner, he believed that he was doing a good job, because he only killed prostitutes and thieves. Here is Semargl, the Cleaner Raven, the carrion eater, freeing from filth.
    That's what this man is like. He is entrusted with this, entrusted with being a performer, and he can cross the line in this, go to the extreme. Zoroastrians distinguished between black and white Simurgh. Such a person can go to extremes, no one knows where he will go. This is one of the most dual signs of the second zodiac.
    Lermontov - the sign was Raven. In his horoscope there was a cluster of planets on the border of Libra and Scorpio.
    Paganini had two upper zodiac signs included, Raven and Ophiuchus.
    Cardinal Richelieu - Raven. In general, shadow leaders, shadow people, and gray cardinals were associated with this Raven. Another Raven - Suslov.
    Stephen King, a very interesting author, based on whose works the largest number of films are now being made in America - The Raven.
    Ivan the Terrible had planets between Virgo and Libra. Raven, the same as Chikatilo, a cleaner, cleaned all of Russia. Even in Ivan the Terrible, the Shepherd appeared. Two signs - between Libra and Scorpio and between Virgo and Libra. He is also the Shepherd. Which led to who knows where, and then repented, and Raven, the murderer.
    7. Seventh Sign - between Virgo and Libra- where our entire civilization is now, the time of our peace.
    This SHEPHERD. SHEPHERD. Analogy in heaven - constellation Bootes, where the terrible star Arcturus is located, it gives magical abilities and enormous powers. The shepherd is the guru, the driver who gathers the flocks, the one who leads others somewhere. He may also be Susanin. A person who does not calculate his strength and can influence others. And the one who leads into the abyss has a huge responsibility.
    Here is the responsibility of the driver, leading others along the path. Raven is a messenger, a performer. And the Shepherd, the Shepherd, is the driver, the one who leads, who gathers, who is entrusted with leading others.
    H.G. Wells, famous science fiction writer.
    Stanislav Lem, the author of Solaris, who can be called a real Shepherd, who discovered in Solaris a prototype of future contact with another mind, where we will come. The paths to the future must be opened by these Shepherds. Also, ideology and confrontations with ideological problems are associated with Shepherds, people who have a cluster of planets in their horoscope between Virgo and Libra.
    Tsiolkovsky - Shepherd - between Virgo and Libra. This is fantasy, space. People who have planets on the border of Virgo and Libra, as a rule, were for some reason the authors of these all-star programs - Wernher von Braun, Tsiolkovsky, Korolev.
    J. Verne - Shepherd.
    Ivan the Terrible Shepherd showed two signs - between Libra and Scorpio and between Virgo and Libra. He is both the Shepherd, who led him to who knows where, and then repented, and the Raven, the murderer.
    Yesenin was born between Virgo and Libra.
    8. Eighth Sign - between Leo and Virgo - Sword Bearer, Warrior, KNEELING KNIGHT, clad in armor.
    This constellation - HERCULES. He was sometimes called that way - “kneeling.” Here is knightly duty, fulfillment, elected power, ordering of the world. Such a person is given the opportunity to change, but only after undergoing sadhana; asceticism, strict submission to duty and law. Constellation Hercules. But as soon as this person shows self-will, he will immediately be overthrown.
    In this zone we have Napoleon Bonaparte - the end of the 23rd degree of Leo. A lot of people who were born between Leo and Virgo. So, Knight, constellation Hercules. By the way, sometimes the Knight was also called the BOAR. Well, a Knight with a Boar, let's say so, a Knight riding a pig...
    Napoleon manifested himself as a Warrior, a Kneeling Knight, which he carried throughout his entire life.
    Genghis Khan is a Knight, between Leo and Virgo.
    9. The Ninth Sign - between Leo and Cancer - THE CHARIOT. Well, with the constellation makes everything clear - BIG DIPPER. These are travel, mission, spreading throughout the world, wisdom in eternal knowledge, good professions, the ability to do many things at once, to fulfill one’s Divine duty in all directions.
    Pushkin shows the Chariot. A cluster of planets on the border of Cancer (Venus, Moon, Saturn) and Proserpina in the 1st degree of Leo. And a little further away he also has Mars, i.e. 5 planets on the border of Cancer and Leo, the most powerful Core. Therefore, Pushkin cannot be called either Gemini or Cancer. Naturally, he had traits of both, but since all this manifested itself across the border, then for him the sign of the Chariot, the Big Dipper, is more important. And the Ursa Major is associated with multidimensionality, the brightest fountain of abilities and talents. These are lights that show the way to others. He was just such a person. Neither the sign of Gemini nor the sign of Cancer explains his life, namely the sign of the Chariot.
    The only actor who has planets on the border of signs is Schwarzenegger. He has a Chariot. On the border of Cancer and Leo planet, a very multifaceted person. Either he plays pregnant men, or terminators. Apparently, we evaluate him by his appearance, and this cannot be done with such people. He is a much more interesting person than we think. This is the only exception.
    Leo Tolstoy was also associated with the Chariot. Balzac also had a chariot. She also noted the horoscopes of Shakespeare and Dumas. Enormous fertility. And Pushkin wrote less only because he lived less than all of them. People who have a cluster of planets on the border of Cancer and Leo have unique fertility, although they can be completely different in solar signs.
    Goethe has a cluster of planets between Cancer and Leo - that’s why he wrote Faust.

  2. 10. Tenth Sign - between Gemini and Cancer - HELMER, SHIP.
    There is a SHIP constellation. Now we have a dismembered ship. This includes as many as 4 constellations - Poop, Sails, Keel and Compass, and before there was one large constellation of the Helmsman or the Ship. There is a Chariot in the sky, and then there is a Ship.
    The Chariot is land, and the Ship is sea. A sea ship is a mission, overcoming a lot of dangers, illusions and fears, fighting one’s own creations and chimeras, the flying Dutchmen, defeating illusions. This is the feeling of some invisible and distant goal.
    Remember Odysseus, the Argonauts - to make it easier for you to understand the characteristics of this sign.
    Personalities.The great Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov had unusualness and strange power. In his horoscope the border between Gemini and Cancer is expressed, i.e. The Ship, Argo, Argonautics, eternal travel, romance appeared.
    Byron - Ship. Eternal trips, travel, romantic adventures. And he died far from home.
    11. The Eleventh Sign is between Taurus and Gemini. This is a HUNTER, a Wanderer. This constellation ORION. Hunter, wanderer, pilgrim, hermit, possessing enormous potential, but lost. He is like a knight at a crossroads, going somewhere unknown, having enormous abilities, but using them in unknown ways. Associated with this constellation are three wise men, three stars (Orion's belt), as well as the beautiful star Rigel (heel).
    But it is unknown where this Hunter will go, how this may manifest itself. This can be self-will, voluntarism, a lot of opportunities to create one or the other. That is why there is a great need to choose the right direction of the path. Yes, the penultimate sign is enormous forces that can be used in one direction or the other. Or not applied at all, not implemented at all, i.e. complete laziness, wandering, emptiness, a waste of time and effort, because complete freedom. Here there is complete freedom of choice - between Taurus and Gemini.
    Complete freedom to choose a target is given; it is the Hunter who has chosen his target.
    Karl Marx's horoscope involves the border between Taurus and Gemini, where he has a conjunction of Venus with Mercury and the Black Moon. Therefore, he is Orion, the Hunter on an eternal quest. He also sent a good half of all progressive humanity there. Such a person can be possessed by utopian ideas, distracting him from proletarian labor.
    Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar, also had a cluster of planets in the same zone. Here is a classic manifestation. A man with enormous powers, all the powers of the empire, remained practically defenseless, betrayed by his own people. A hunter who got lost while hunting. A person who essentially never found his place in life. Associated with this Hunter is a very large role of fate, the fate that dominates a person. Is it possible to call this Sovereign, who was born on May 18, a Taurus? To some extent it is possible, but perhaps to no less extent the sign of Orion appeared in him.
    The great composer Richard Wagner is another Hunter. He also has a cluster of planets between Taurus and Gemini, in particular, the Sun and Venus.
    Leonardo da Vinci is a unique personality. He showed several upper zodiac signs. In particular, the Sphinx. The smile of his Mona Lisa, hiding a secret, is truly like the riddle of the Sphinx. He also has a cluster on the border of Taurus and Gemini, i.e. Orion. This means that there are some enormous, unspent forces, projects that have not been implemented. Huge discoveries that then turned out to be of no use to anyone. There is always a lack of demand in this Orion, enormous forces that a person wastes, not knowing where to use them.
    M. Bulgakov - between Taurus and Gemini. The same Orion is not in demand. Lots of mistakes and misconceptions.
    12. Twelfth Sign – KIT. The last sign of the Upper Zodiac.
    The significance of the whale is that the whale captures plankton, silt, all kinds of dirt, and adsorbs it. He is the orderly, the cleanser of this chaos. This is a gigantic elemental force, the biblical Leviathan, which can be uncontrollable and terrible if there is no reason, if there is no one to obey. Then he turns everything into chaos. If there is a rider, there is one who has subdued him, then he will fulfill his correct role associated with purification.
    The uncontrollable power of the atom, Chernobyl, which manifested itself when the Sun was in the Cetus zone. A peaceful atom to every home that has escaped control. But it can also be controlled.
    Controlled chaos, ordered. Out of chaos worlds were created. This is what the world turns into later - this chaos. The last hypostasis of the world, when everyone breaks free, Leviathan breaks out, and only the mind can subjugate it if there is some kind of generating Divine will. Otherwise - complete chaos. This precedes Creation.
    An example - General Cygnus has one planet in the horoscope in the 30th degree of Aries, and the second at the beginning of Taurus, as - and here you are, the sign of Cetus has appeared. Such a powerful, hefty cabinet, screaming in a thunderous voice, tinned throat, bass, voice as if from the underworld.
    V.I. Lenin, he showed the sign of Cetus, since in his horoscope there was a cluster of planets in Aries - the beginning of Taurus. Whale, Devourer, Leviathan. Of course, a person of the second zodiac will always have a double bottom. His life cannot be assessed only from the point of view of earthly categories. There is something else about him, something transcendental. At least using it, dark forces can try to break into the world of light into which their path is barred. Of course, such people are used as bait and as a guide, and then, when “the Moor has done his job,” they are abandoned. Their entire subsequent fate becomes terrible and very sad.
    Hitler, of course, Keith. Mercury is at the end of Aries and the Sun is at 1st degree of Taurus.
    Cromwell is also a Keith, the same as all leaders of revolutions.
    Let's sum up the first result. If you imagine an IDEAL ZODIAC OF 24 SIGNS, then you will get the following picture. In our world this will manifest itself in the following form:
    1. The first sign (22.5 degrees Pisces - 7.5 degrees Aries) will be the CLOCK, which is also the last sign. It all starts with a smart plan. Everyone should know what to look up to. The entire Universe is a known quantity. Everyone should know everything. If we had not tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge beforehand, then everyone would know. Everything was revealed to our ancestors.
    2. The second sign (7.5 Aries - 22.5 degrees Aries) is ARIES (this is already in our zodiac). A sign of swiftness, flying across an abyss, overcoming dangers.
    3. Third (22.5 degrees Aries - 7.5 degrees Taurus) is CIT, the sign of chaos. A whale, adsorbing all sorts of dregs, taking upon itself the courage to carry out a grandiose task - separating chaos from order.
    4. The fourth sign (7.5 Taurus - 22.5 degrees Taurus) - TAURUS, sign of stability, good, wealth, accumulation. In front of him is Keith. Only when order is separated from chaos can we talk about the possibility of accumulation, about wealth.
    5. After this, the rich man becomes idle and does not know what to do with it. The fifth sign appears from 22.5 degrees Taurus to 7.5 degrees Gemini - the HUNTER, who can spend this wealth left and right, and can also use it for the right thing. This constellation is Orion.
    6. Sixth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Gemini) - GEMINI. Choice or, in the worst case, duality, looseness, dualism, when a person simultaneously believes in both this and that, and in himself is as dual as the typical American - the main character of the series "Santa Barbara" - is.
    7. The seventh sign begins at 22.5 degrees Gemini and extends to 7.5 degrees Cancer - SHIP. HELMER. Traveling, moving, searching.
    8. After the Ship, the eighth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Cancer) is the sign of CANCER. Source, purification, search for roots, acquisition of traditions.
    9. Ninth sign (22.5 degrees Cancer - 7.5 degrees Leo). Having acquired traditions, you can carry out a mission, master sacred professions, sacred work, know how to manifest and develop these traditions - CHARIOT.
    10. After the Chariot comes the tenth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Leo) - LEO. Only after you have mastered everything, all seven hvarnas have flared up above you, can you be a ruler, a king, can have splendor and significance.
    11. Eleventh sign (22.5 degrees Leo - 7.5 degrees Virgo). After you have gained brilliance and significance, you must become a warrior, a KNIGHT, fight for a just cause, not forgetting to kneel where necessary.
    12. Twelfth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Virgo). After battles, you must cleanse yourself and undergo asceticism. VIRGO.
    13. Thirteenth sign (22.5 degrees Virgo - 7.5 degrees Libra). After you have purified yourself, gone through asceticism, received health, fully known where is good, where is evil, down to every detail, only after that do you have the right to lead others, to be a SHEPHERD, but to lead them as a guru; not as some kind of ruler, but as a spiritual leader.
    14. Fourteenth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Libra). Only after this did you completely master the balance in the world, the law. You must know all the laws of both the upper and lower worlds. This is LIBRA.
    15. Fifteenth sign (22.5 degrees Libra - 7.5 degrees Scorpio). After you have learned all this, you can be an executor, a prosecutor or a lawyer. Raven, or SENMURV BIRD.
    16. Sixteenth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Scorpio). After you've done all this, you must conquer yourself again. This is SCORPIO. To sting, as if to die for the world, in order to be born again in a new quality.
    17. Seventeenth sign (22.5 degrees Scorpio - 7.5 degrees Sagittarius). Only after this did you defeat your karma - OPICHUS. You already fully master the law of cause and effect.
    18. Eighteenth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Sagittarius). After this you become a SAGITTARIUS. Those. a person masters ideology. All elements are fused in Sagittarius. A person becomes the embodiment of his totem and acquires an invisible goal.
    19. Nineteenth sign (22.5 degrees Sagittarius - 7.5 degrees Capricorn). After this, Sagittarius approaches the world TREE, realizes his entire family to the roots, to the foundation, and acquires a core connecting him to the sky. Constellation CASSIOPEIA.
    20. Twentieth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Capricorn) - ascends to the top of the mountain, climbing steep slopes - CAPRICORN. A person finds a higher goal.
    21. Twenty-first sign (22.5 degrees Capricorn - 7.5 degrees Aquarius). What does he need after achieving his highest goal? And after that the SPHINX is waiting for you. So that life does not seem like a raspberry to you, so that you do not fall into pride, you will have to answer the riddles of the Sphinx and find out what awaits you at the end, go all the way to the end.
    22. Twenty-second sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Aquarius). And only after this you gain complete freedom of choice, in the sign of AQUARIUS.
    23. Twenty-third sign (22.5 degrees Aquarius - 7.5 degrees Pisces). When you have gained freedom, you fly up to the sky on a WINGED HORSE.
    24. Twenty-fourth sign (7.5 - 22.5 degrees Pisces). You returned to the primary chaos, to the primary ocean of knowledge, you yourself became this ocean, and completely identified yourself with the world. This is the sign of PISCES.
    And then, in a circle, he wound up the clockwork of his time again and became the Creator. After he sank to the bottom of the ocean, he fully learned all the secrets of the universe, and then began to create his own world - again the sign of the CLOCK. A completely new circle. The entire world evolution passes through this double zodiac.
    This is what was clearly missing. Now that's enough, you can use the double zodiac.
    Here are 24 hours and 24 signs of the double zodiac, about which
    P.P. Globa first reported at a lecture in St. Petersburg on June 19, 1997.
    If your horoscope is marked by transitional planets, i.e. signs of the second zodiac, then how to find the signs of charisma or hvarna?
    The 12 HIGHER CHAIRS associated with these twelve signs of the second zodiac should be in the form of a group of moles, resembling in shape the outlines of the constellations corresponding to these signs. This could be, for example, the shape of the constellation Cygnus. Then you should have a cross of five moles on your body, reminiscent of this constellation. Sign of the Hours - 5 moles that will resemble the constellation Cepheus. This is a sign of being marked. If you have this, then you are marked with the sign of the Hours. If, moreover, this sign is expressed in your horoscope, i.e. Between Aries and Pisces you have a cluster of planets, then consider that you have charisma, or hvarna.
    The constellation CEPHEUS is a triangle and a square. The shape of such a Cuckoo Clock.
    ORION - there should be 7 stars.
    URSA BIG - 7 stars in the form of a ladle with a handle.
    Constellation CROW
    KNIGHT KNEELING, or Hercules
    PEGASUS - a square with such a wing, a square and a triangle.
    The constellation Swan is a cross. He is the most fatal.
    TREE sign. Constellation CASSIOPEIA. There is the Heavenly Throne, the earth's axis. If you have a mole sign that resembles the constellation Cassiopeia, then it is a TREE sign.
    KIT - 5 moles.
    BOOTES - 6 moles (the person who raised his hand).
    Ophiuchus - also 5 moles.
    SHIP - also 6 moles (ship + mast).
    Such a figure should be read. The ideal location is in the center - on the back, stomach, forehead, lower back, etc. Moreover, the moles should be approximately the same. And they shouldn't be red or raised. The figure should be the same as we see it in the sky. If it is mirrored, then it is a distortion, a trap.
    If there are few moles on your body at all, then there is no stamp on you, you are free. If there is a sign of charisma, then this is a sign of the presence of a Guardian Angel.
    The presence of a sign of the Zodiac sign indicates that you have some talent, specialness. It was given to you and you are responsible for it. If you lose this responsibility, treat it childishly, or consciously, with the help of this gift given to you, serve the forces of darkness (and perhaps you don’t even know about it), then you may experience the sign “ anti-khvarny,” or the stamp of belonging to a completely different world. They manifest themselves in the form of deformation, deformity, deviation from the norm.

The sense of the mystical is the basis of true art and science. Anyone for whom this feeling is alien is like a dead man.

A. Einstein


Look in your purse. There, among all sorts of cosmetics and necessary things, many of you will find your passport - an identity document. It contains your details - place, year and date of birth, name, address. Stingy information. But it is also enough to determine whether you were born in a village or a city, in which area you live, whether you are young or old. From the photograph pasted into your passport, you can imagine your appearance: hair color, eye shape, shape of the nose, lips, ears, face shape - and see special differences such as fused eyebrows, long mustaches or narrow mustaches, scars, birthmarks and moles on face. Everything else remains behind the scenes. And why do many of us need to know anything else about the huge number of people who meet us throughout our lives, remaining for us just random passers-by?

Meanwhile, everyone living on Earth has their own special path in life, their own destiny, as we say, meaning by this the course of life events. The word “fate” is repeated by us in every way: “fate’s darling,” “blows of fate,” “not fate,” “such is fate.” And if you look into the dictionary, say, of the same Dahl? We find the word “fate”, read: fate, lot, share, fate. And then there is a proverb illustrating this interpretation: “It is not the destiny of a peasant boy to eat rolls.” It’s not fate, so it’s not given?

It turns out that fate is a given, circumstances beyond our control. Where are they from? Why are they like this? Secret. Only many mysteries on Earth have already been solved by people who want to get to the bottom of the truth, solve riddles, reveal what has not yet been known, decipher the codes of nature, the crown of which is man.

A person, his anatomy, physiology, psyche, thinking, and the logical basis of his behavior are studied by the relevant sciences. Materialistic-minded scientists classify mysticism, occultism and its branches as pseudosciences. In the dictionaries they write: “Mysticism is a belief in the Divine, in a mysterious, supernatural world, hostile to science.” This is something that we cannot touch with our hands, cut, see with our own eyes, which we cannot explain. But just because we don’t know something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The mysterious world shows evidence of its presence from time to time. Lord God - who saw him? But grass, trees, flowers, all kinds of substances, nature and man himself were not created by the efforts of an ordinary person. These are visual creations of the Supreme Mind and supernatural forces. And the smartest and most educated people today began to recognize this Higher Power - God.

Well, mystics, occultists and people who are fascinated by their ideas build their theories regarding the unsolved, study facts, collect data and present information to people in the form of sciences - astrology, palmistry, physiognomy, phrenology, etc. The question of faith is important here: to recognize or do not recognize these sciences.

Occultists believe that the life course of fate is predetermination, and point to prophetic signs, believing that the life map is given to a person from birth, “written” on him in the form of signs and marks on the body. A person is born with a special kind of passport, which is given to him by the heavenly Creator, who has planned his destiny. For life, the course of life, and its end are under the control of the Inventor who created man. By His own will and providence, He places signs on the body of the living being He created - these secrets of fate, containing elements of life events that must happen to a person. These marks are like points in a life script that are destined to play out during certain periods of existence on Earth. The goal of the occultist is to unravel them, to give an explanation.

Man is a curious creature. Although he lives calmly with all the “ciphers”, he shows interest in the features of his body - bumps, natural bulges, spots, lines, moles, scars. First of all, of course, in a medical sense, often also in an aesthetic sense, but curiosity of a different kind - mysterious, mystical - has always existed: both in the initial steps of the development of the human race, and in our days. Many people like to believe in the unusual, receive non-standard information, show interest in the knowledge of palmists and physiognomists who predict fate by appearance, lines on the palm, moles, various marks and imprints on the head, face, arms, legs. Their science is based on the recognition of the primacy of the spirit, the creation of the body by a supernatural force, by God, who, according to the theory they developed, having built a person in his own image and likeness, supplied his body with code signs.

Forecasters, reading someone else's fate based on certain signs, omens, dreams, signs, existed all over the world. For example, in Vietnam, according to certain signs, they singled out future rulers and heroic warriors from the general mass. According to the seers, they were identified, in addition to their enormous height, intelligence and courage, by such external signs as the presence of long ears, long arms, which indicated deep wisdom, and the special location of moles on the body. Among prominent personalities, moles on their backs were located in the form of the constellation Ursa Major or resembled dragon scales. And on the forehead of the future rulers there was a characteristic bulge, which was called the “solar horn of the dragon.”

The appearance of the future ruler could also be evidenced by signs associated with animals. So, when the future emperor Ly Thai To was born in the province of Cofap, the dog gave birth to a white puppy, which had black spots on its back. Their pattern consisted of hieroglyphs composed into the phrase “Son of Heaven.” And at the birth of the future Emperor Ly Thai-Tong, one buffalo in Truongan County lost its old horns and grew new ones.

In Ancient Asia, occultists believed that any mark on a person’s body was a certain sign behind which was hidden a decipherment of his life circumstances. Africans also believe in this. This faith is based on the recognition of the unity of man and the cosmos, which contains all the information about the individual, his present, past and future. Drawing this information from the Cosmic Bank of Knowledge, a kind of Universal Program for the creation and management of human destinies, is given only to people with innate supernatural abilities, such as shamans, sorcerers, clairvoyants, seers, and psychics.

On the African continent and in the countries of Southeast Asia, candidates for sorcerers or priests undergo strict selection based on external characteristics, in particular special marks on the body that can hide both good and bad information - signs of the future. They also read human life from prints on the body, codes of fate. The same thing happens when Buddhists in different countries choose the Dalai Lama - a living god on Earth, whose abilities are in many ways superior to ordinary humans.

According to occultists, the appearance of such signs is natural and has its own meaning. A person who has sinned at least once acquires some kind of mark on his body or face that will not disappear until the offense is corrected. In general, moles, birthmarks and other imprints are evidence of actions in past lives or the current one. These are signals of actions and phenomena, signs of certain personality traits, character, inclinations, signs of upcoming events. According to Eastern beliefs, they can move from one human incarnation to another. Having decided to remove a mole, you should think about it: magicians do not recommend removing these marks surgically. This is a protest against fate, against the Creator, against nature, perceived as a sin. The best way is to carry out an “operation” to improve the soul, cleansing it of anger and everything bad. The point is also that by removing a mole, according to Japanese physiognomists, it is impossible to erase the code that it carried. The program, the meaning that was encrypted in it, remains, and what is predetermined by fate is still realized in life.

Signs are favorable, defining everything positive, good in life and testifying to the purity of the soul, and bad, relating not to Divine imprints, but to the marks of Satan. This is precisely the recommendation for cleansing the soul and refers to such “satanic” marks on the body.

Let's listen to the opinion of occultists and try to examine our body as an astrological map, relying on the decoding of the signs marked on it.

Morphoscopy, or Methods of reading destinies by moles

Decoded spots

It is unlikely that you will meet a person with perfectly clear skin. There will always be spots on any part of the body with which he was born. Congenital spots that rise slightly above the skin are called moles. Dark spots on the skin given from birth are called birthmarks.

People perceive their moles as a given, live with them all their lives, without asking questions about their meaning, and leave with these secret signs into another world, taking with them, perhaps, the key to their personality. Indeed, according to the science called morphoscopy, which is a system of knowledge about imprints on the body, moles contain information about a person’s personal qualities, his capabilities and destiny.

Before deciphering these signs, we should talk about the two halves into which the eastern representatives of occultism divide the human body. Because this plays a significant role: it is important on which half the birth marks are located.

This division is based on the idea of ​​the struggle and unity of opposites, as well as the masculine and feminine principles - yang and yin. The body in this aspect is divided into male and female halves. The dividing line runs from the middle of the forehead to the sacred place. The male half is the right side of the body, the female half is the left. The male half is ruled by the Sun, the female half is ruled by the Moon.

The location of moles on “your” half is favorable. It is this factor that enhances the positive impact of the sign on fate. Even a sign that hides negativity loses some of the bad energy and softens its negative effect when it is in “its” area.

It’s worse if the moles are located on the “foreign” half of the body. Thus, congenital spots on a man’s left side indicate mistakes he made in a previous incarnation, which should be corrected in this life. If this does not happen, then troubles will accompany him. Specialists in the field of morphoscopy give a chance to eliminate committed sins.

These decodings are also valid for women whose “native” side is the left. Markings on the right side of the body indicate the ability to cope with the problems that these secret destiny codes predict.

The size of the sign indicates the power of influence of the event on the fate of a person. Small moles predict the insignificance of what may happen. Naturally, the larger the sign, the stronger its significance, or rather, the events that it hides. Its brightness and design also carry a negative or positive meaning.

The presence of spots on the body is not an accident. In Hinduism, these marks are associated with the concept of karma. “Karma” in Hindu belief means the sum of the actions performed by a living being and their consequences. It determines human destiny. In the concept of “karma”, the ratio of bad and good deeds is important. Many good deeds mean good karma, and vice versa. The law of karma comes into force after death. There, in another world, the Cosmic Court determines a person’s lifetime merits and gives a fair assessment - rewards and punishments. Rewards - certain successes, good luck, prosperity, luck, protection of the Creator - are given to a person in the next incarnation. For his sins, he receives punishment in another life. It does not take into account whether it was this person who committed the sin. These may be the sins of people close to a person who have not been redeemed by good deeds. The task of improving the karma of the family is assigned by heavenly forces to the person who appears before them in the form of retribution - the machinations of fate, so that he understands and corrects mistakes, his own or those of his family, with good deeds. On the human body, as in a passport, a “stamp” is placed - birthmarks. In Hinduism, where the concept of karma - the Universal Law - came from, these spots are called “tilak”.

Various examples are given in occult literature to illustrate the concept of karma. Here's one of them. A 40-year-old man was tormented by back pain and the fear that accompanied these pains. He was treated with hypnosis, and in a state of trance he saw that a bullet had been fired into his back. After the session, the hypnotist discovered a mole on the patient where the bullet entered the back - a mark of his stormy adventures in the previous incarnation.

The karmic meaning of birthmarks throughout life can receive a different content if a person has atoned for the sinfulness of his actions with good deeds and worked off a karmic debt. However, there are also birthmarks whose code remains unchanged. Usually these are amulets, which include images of lips, eyes, hands, and heads. They are found on the head, back and thighs.

Temporary signs

In addition to moles, there are many temporary signs on the body - warts, papillomas, pimples, scars. Occultists explain the meaning of their appearance as an omen of fleeting events.

Warts are recognized as visible manifestations of the evil eye and envy. Therefore, their removal is encouraged. By the way, a few recipes:

Wrap the wart three times with horsehair;

Every day before going to bed, drip a drop of acetic acid from a pipette;

Lubricate the wart with celandine juice at night.

It makes sense for a person who has warts to take a closer look at the circle of people in which he moves and identify an envious person, an ill-wisher. But it is also recommended to pay attention to the location of the wart. So, its presence on the index finger is considered a lucky sign. A wart on the lips is a sign of animal passions.

The clue to the appearance of the above spots during life is related to their location on the “own” or “foreign” side. Do not worry if they appear on the left side of a woman or on the right side of a man. This stands for receiving someone else's patronage, solving a tormenting problem. The appearance of temporary marks on the “foreign” side is a warning about unfavorable circumstances that will become an obstacle to the completion of any task. You will need to muster all your will, strength and determination to resolve a difficult issue.

Scars are acquired marks on the body that remain after healing of wounds received during body damage or surgery. Here you should pay attention to which part of the body the scar appeared on. Interpreters recommend linking the appearance of such marks with the expectation of changes in the area of ​​life for which this part of the body is responsible.

As for tattoos, which among priests have always been evidence of initiation, one should take into account information about the favorable and unfavorable halves of the body and refrain from applying a design to a kind of “geopathogenic” zone of the body - the “alien” side.

Despite the fact that signs in the form of warts or individual dark or light spots, different in size and shape, that arise during life, correspond to short-term phenomena, reading them explains the essence and cause of many events that happened to a person throughout life, and their perception happens in a different light.

Pigment spots appear suddenly and in the most unexpected places. From the point of view of occultism, they are considered indicators of the upcoming overcoming of a problem or struggle. What area of ​​life this struggle should be associated with is shown by the place on the body where the pigment spot appeared.

Red pigment spots are associated with Mars and mean a loss of strength and energy. Being on the “good” side, they indicate victory, overcoming a problem.

Light or golden spots indicate that their owner may be subject to illness or depression, or exposure to negative energy from other people. Pigment spots on “one’s” side are evidence of a successful resolution of life’s problems.

Pimples, styes, boils. Acne is associated with the planet Mars. Their appearance means unfavorable situations that the one who experiences them will have to endure. If acne appears on the cheeks or cheekbones, this is an indication that the person will have difficulties in relationships with people. Acne on the legs means travel, and on the hands it means gaining or, conversely, losing money. It depends on whether they appeared on the “good” or “bad” side.

Pimples on the upper body indicate that an event will happen soon; acne that appears in the lower area of ​​the body indicates a longer period of time after which the event will occur (about 2.5 months).

Boils mean unresolved problems, often of a material nature. If a boil appears on a man’s right side, this means a successful resolution of the problem; on the left side, solving the problem will require a lot of time.

Freckles are interpreted as a sign of human relationships. Freckles on the face are good. It's worse when they are scattered in other places. Their location on the back, especially on the “bad” half, means a conflict between their owner and the crowd, the presence of rivals, to defeat whom you will need to muster all your willpower.

Decoding moles by color

Ancestral or acquired prints on the body or face during life have their own meaning for each individual. People differ in skin color, and this is an important factor. Convex moles are important for people with fair skin types. Dark-skinned people should pay attention to black moles. There are signs without pigment, that is, non-pigmented areas of the skin. They carry a negative meaning.

Red moles, which bear the color of the planet Mars, indicate energy reserves in the area where they are located. It is in this area of ​​life that significant events will occur. Which ones - positive or negative - depend on the location - on “your” half or “someone else’s”. A red mole located on “your” part of the body is a favorable sign. A Mars mole on the “foreign” side of the body is a sign of confrontation and conflict situations.

Light moles (the so-called Venus moles) are evidence of feelings of closeness and sympathy that a person can manifest in relation to others. The same moles that a woman has on the “male” half of her body are a sign of loss and an environment that will put a spoke in the wheels on the way to progress towards the goal.

Black moles, signs of Saturn, hide lessons that a person will learn during the course of life. And these will be fateful events. These same black marks are a sign of rewards, gifts of fate, which will be received if they are located on the yang side of a man and the yin side of a woman. Black moles that find a place on the “foreign” half should be perceived as harbingers of upcoming blows of fate, involvement in difficult circumstances, and great trials.

Brown or red-brown marks on the body are Jupiter moles. They symbolize power and patronage, speak about the high social status that is intended for their owner, about his connections with government agencies and legislative bodies.

Mole with hair. It often happens that a hair or even several grows from a mole. These hairs, according to mystical experts, contain a sign of salvation and are protective ropes. This is especially good if the mole is on the “evil” side. A mole with hair growing out of it in this case is considered as a mitigating circumstance, as a sign of a way out of any trouble and misfortune. If a mole with a hair is located on the “right” side, it is recommended to share your happiness with others. Otherwise, happiness will not be complete.

In general, a mole with hair means forgiveness of karmic debt.

Shapes of moles and birthmarks

The shape of a mole or birthmark is of great importance. Markings can be of a wide variety of configurations. Occultists studied the most common types of these signs on the human body and gave them a decoding.

Constellation Ursa Major. A mole in the form of the constellation Ursa Major is a wonderful sign, a symbol of great achievements, victories, glory, high position in society, evidence of the patronage of a Higher Power. Good luck awaits the owner of such a mole in the area with which its location is associated. After all, each zone of the body is under the control of planets or constellations. In total, there are 12 zones on the body, each of which corresponds to a zodiac sign. A mark on the body located in a place corresponding to the zodiac sign of a given person is given great importance. It is in it that the important eventual side of human destiny as a whole is contained.

Square. Moles can form a square on the body. This is interpreted as a very unfavorable sign. The heavy cross of fate, the struggle with circumstances throughout life is the lot of the owner of such a mark on the body. A mole or birthmark in the shape of a spider means the same thing.

Cross. A cross of moles (meaning protruding points on the body) is a warning sign. It warns its owner to be prepared for difficult trials and unforeseen turns in a difficult fate. A cross of five moles carries a positive meaning. Its decoding is humility, as well as a fulfilled duty.

Star. The happiest mark on the body is the one shaped like a star. Such a print occurs in rare cases. Of course, we are not talking about a regular five-pointed star. The spot may also have the appearance of a distorted star. It is important here that such a sign has five ends. The interpretation of a star-shaped mark is a happy fate, the protection of the sky, good luck and success in any area of ​​life. “My star protects me!” - this is what the bearer of this lucky imprint can say.

Circle, sun, moon. It is not uncommon for people to be born with birthmarks in the shape of a circle, which is considered a celestial sign because it resembles the sun or full moon. Also, half a circle or part of it is classified as a category of signs called “celestial bodies”. The “sun,” unlike the “moon,” should have “rays” around the spot itself. Sun sign carriers are very interesting, meaningful, and multifaceted people. They are distinguished by irrepressible energy, ebullient temperament, cheerfulness; they charge everyone around them with joy and love of life, encouraging them to take action. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, the owners of these signs are born in the light of the sun - in the morning, afternoon or before sunset.

Bearers of solar marks are talented, good parents, wonderful husbands. Occultists claim that only desired children are born with sun signs.

An incomplete circle (for example, in the form of a sickle with rays) indicates the presence of a karmic debt, that is, some kind of misconduct that was transferred from past incarnations in order to be corrected with the help of good deeds and actions in this life. Such a spot can be transferred genetically to the child, who will pay for the parental sin, and the higher it is located, the stronger the vicissitudes of fate. It is bad if a spot of this type is on the head. This is a sign of a serious mental illness that a person can develop.

A thinner sickle is a sign of heightened intuition. The crescent without rays also encodes the presence of a developed sixth sense. For the owner of such signs, this promises protection from Divine powers, because intuition is a gift from God, filled with saving power.

The innate symbol in the form of a waning moon conceals hidden possibilities that can manifest themselves already in adulthood. The owner of such a mark should try his hand at the field of jurisprudence or devote himself to financial activities. The sign of the waning moon promises him success in these areas. He can also become a successful specialist in the securities market.

A birthmark can be a complete circle without any “rays” surrounding it – a “full moon”. This sign indicates the presence of developed intuition and a magical gift, which is expressed in the ability of foresight and witchcraft. The owner of such a mark was the fortuneteller Maria Lenormand. But all these mystical properties are contained only in a sign located on the right side of the body, and more specifically, on the back surface of the knee bend at a height of 25 cm from it.

The bearer of the imprint in the form of a regular circle may have other talents, which can cause the envy of others and rejection of the person as an individual. But, having overcome all difficulties, the owner of such a sign emerges from the troubles with a hardened, purified soul.

Bird. Good properties include a birthmark that looks like a bird. This sign portends great successes and achievements in life. Of course, they will not come on their own; the owner of the “bird” must try: to reveal his abilities, show perseverance, and make an effort to attract good luck. And she will definitely come, because the “bird” sign testifies to God’s gift in the form of some talents. Typically, a person with the bird sign is born into a family of capable people - good musicians, artists or writers. This sign, located on the left shoulder or chest, is a sign of a talent of great strength.

Map. It happens that moles are scattered throughout the body so that you can read them like a geographical map on which there are seas, lakes, islands. Occultists interpret them as a not very favorable sign that unwanted children receive. People with this mark are explosive, unrestrained, angry and hysterical. They can also harbor grievances against others and do not always use their reason, riding on their emotions like sails, which can lead to unpredictable actions.

Spots in the form of a continent, peninsula, or lake carry information about traveling to different countries and meeting many people.

Elephant. A mark in the form of an elephant in the interpretation of morphoscopy is not a particularly favorable symbol, especially if it is located on the shoulder. Although the owner of this sign himself is a completely reliable and decent person, fate presents him with unexpected surprises. The meaning of his life lies in overcoming difficulties and obstacles. This is connected with karma, with his sins in previous incarnations. In order not to pass on karmic debt by inheritance, he should maintain peace of mind, generosity, and perform worthy deeds. But this will not be easy for him, in the struggle with his inner self. How difficult the struggle will be depends on the location of the innate imprint. If it is on the buttocks, the owner of the “elephant” will have to fight big temptations in life.

Cat in the occult sciences - a servant of the devil. That’s why the mark in the form of a cat’s silhouette is called a satanic sign. The decoding lies in attributing to the owner of such a mark a mysterious and enigmatic nature. And if the “cat” is dark in color, then a person can test himself in the field of magical art: influence people, prophesy, tell fortunes, perhaps even heal. The owner of such a sign is capable of bringing unconscious evil, without wanting it. This refers to the evil eye. Secrecy, restraint, confidence, authority, insight - human qualities that will bring the owner of a mole in the form of a cat good luck on stage, in the field of justice.

Lip print. Moles in the shape of a lip print are considered a very lucky sign, foreshadowing the kisses of fate. God, rewarding a person with such a mark, took him under his protection, gave him strong intuition, awarded him with creative thinking, imagination, a healthy psyche, and a sense of humor. Good luck, life's surprises, happy love await him. Minor troubles will never unbalance the owner of this mark, and the patronage of the Creator will protect him from major troubles. No evil will come to him.

Face. The mark, shaped like a human face, can be located anywhere on the body or on the face. But, no matter where this mark is located, it does not have a very favorable meaning in terms of personal qualities. People marked with this sign are usually suspicious, conscientious, ambitious, like to delve into themselves, self-critical, always feel guilty, and exaggerate their shortcomings. Their self-esteem is low. They depend on the opinions of others, from whom they seek support.

The “face” on the face is a provocative sign that will inhibit intuition and caution, pushing you to unreasonable actions. The “face” on the back foreshadows a constant search for a life partner and disappointment in love. Located on the back, this mark hides the secret of eternal confrontation with ill-wishers who will plot and involve you in intrigue. The owner of the mark in the form of a face cannot avoid the torment of unhappy love, as evidenced by its location on the chest. The same code hides a similar spot on the inner thighs.

The imprint of a “face” on the buttock does not carry anything good, foreshadowing the ridicule of others and absurd situations. A “face” on the stomach promises illness.

But a birthmark in the shape of a human face on the shoulder is a completely favorable sign, indicating a mind prone to philosophizing, and also promising a successful outcome in case of trouble.

Birthmark in the form of a tongue of flame- a testament to the complexity of human nature and unfavorable fate. Because of its vicissitudes, the owner of such a mark often falls into melancholy and despondency, at times harboring thoughts of taking his own life. Love can bring a person out of depression. But the owner of a “fiery” mark who goes to extremes is an insane jealous person, succumbing to angry impulses. Due to the complexity of his character, it is difficult for him to find saving love, but it is quite possible, because he has many positive traits in his character - courage, determination, generosity. Women who have received a “fiery” imprint from the Creator are distinguished by their liveliness, energy, and vivid imagination. They are capable of the most decisive actions, recklessness, and love extravagant outfits.

Numbers. There are people whose birthmarks on their body resemble numbers. The same marks are found on the face. Occultists give the answer to such signs, relying on the work of Cornelius Agrippa, a famous master of the mystical sciences of the 16th century, entitled “Occult Philosophy.” In it, Agrippa, outlining the foundations of the discipline called “numerology,” gives a decoding of the numbers. A professional occultist, by summing, reduces any number to a single digit - from one to nine, finding a magical meaning in it. It is in this vein that the interpretation of digital signs on the body is given.

Our own body is the best map of fate, you just need to be able to read it. On the body of every person there is special marks, according to which experts will read his fate like a book. Nature gives some people an abundance of moles, which form a complex pattern, some people have freckles, some people have birthmarks - the most important difference that determines their life.

So what is it? Quirks of physiology and genetics or stains of fate?
Signs have been swirling around moles for centuries. One of the most important ones says: “You cannot get rid of what God has marked you with.” Changing the number or location of birthmarks means trying to change fate.

From an astrological point of view, all formations on the body do not appear by chance. They signal internal tasks or internal problems. Some people try to remove moles, but this means you are turning a blind eye to the problem. The problem itself will not disappear because of this and will emerge at the most unexpected moment.

Moles are warning signs. When analyzing moles, astrologers pay attention to everything: their number, size, shape, but most importantly, their location. Having such information, you can find out the inclinations of a person, the personal qualities that will be characteristic of him when he grows up.

Astrology divides the human body into 12 zones. Each zone is associated with one of the zodiac signs. Each zone is associated with one of the zodiac signs. For example, a person was born under the sign of Gemini, but has moles in the Sagittarius zone. This means that Sagittarius will play an important role in his life, and which one will be deciphered by specialist astrologers.

Abundance of moles on the face(more than thirty to forty, provided that they are all approximately the same size) is the first sign of serious trouble in a person’s karma. If there are few moles, then you need to pay attention to their location.
On the forehead (right)- point to the mind left- irresponsibility.
Brows- long happy marriage.
On the cheeks and under the eyes- speaks of tenderness and kindness.
Above a woman's upper lip (on the right side) always talks about the treachery and cruelty of her mistress, which allows them to make a good career and achieve success.
On the nose- great luck in life.
Marks on the left hand- to success,
on the right- to financial difficulties.
On the back- a sign of sincerity and generosity.
Moles in the pelvic area- healthy children.
On the hips– ability to love, happy marriage, health.
On the right foot– love of travel,
on the left- mind.

The word “mole” comes from the concept of “genus” (heredity). Very often, moles on parents and children are located in the same places. Each mole carries hereditary information. It is believed that the more moles on a person’s body, the more ancient the family, the more information from the past is available to him. If problems have accumulated in the family, for example, someone was a murderer, then his descendants will have a sign of murder in the form of a birthmark, like a kind of “Cain’s mark.” If your ancestors did good throughout their lives, they absorbed moles like sponges and you can take advantage of this goodness. Luck does not turn away from such people; they succeed in everything. In this case, moles act as a kind of magnet for happiness.

Determining what kind of inheritance your moles left you is quite simple. It is enough to determine on which side they are located. A person has a happy and unhappy side. U men happy side right, y women - left(vice versa for left-handed people). If the mole is on the lucky side, it means that the person has been given a special task, for which he has been allocated special abilities. If it is unlucky, this is an indicator of a problem. A mole that stands out strongly or rises above the skin on the lucky side is a very favorable sign.

Man is a microcosm. All processes in his body correspond to the processes of the Universe. Ebbs and flows, eclipses and full moons, all cosmic rhythms are reflected in a person, as in a mirror. Even moles on the body are scattered like stars in the sky. And if they form special shapes on the body, these combinations have a certain meaning. However, each person has their own map of the starry sky. One of the best signs on the body - constellation Ursa Major (dipper). This is a sign of a great mission, travel. Such a person is always accompanied by a guardian angel who protects him from danger.

The main thing is to love ourselves as we are. Enjoy every day, every new person that appears in our lives: brunette or blond, with or without moles, red-haired or freckled. Then fate will smile at us more often and pamper us with unexpected and pleasant gifts.

Many people already know the reasons for the appearance of moles and how to deal with them, if it is really necessary. We also talked about the harm moles can cause to the body and what you need to pay attention to in order to prevent the development of diseases associated with moles and their unnatural behavior. All this, of course, is very interesting, especially for those people who have a lot of pigment spots on their skin, but it will be no less interesting to learn about what types of moles exist in nature, what color and shape they can be.

Which ones exist?

Let's look at all the types of moles that can appear on the body of both an adult and a baby, immediately after birth:

  • Hemangioma. Moles of a vascular nature, which form on the surface of the skin in the form of small nodules or. Non-vascular moles, in turn, very often look like small warts or ordinary age spots.
  • Flat moles. The most common type of moles on the human body. They are formed in the upper layers of the skin due to melanocytes, practically do not react to sunlight and do not grow in number.

  • Convex moles. It may look like a smooth or lumpy type formation and forms in the deep layers of the skin. Often such a mole is no more than 1 centimeter in diameter and has a growing hair.

  • Blue moles. They come in different sizes and colors, from bluish to dark blue, rise above the surface of the skin in the form of small hemispheres, most often dense and smooth.

  • Huge, pigmented spots. It often happens that these moles are congenital and constantly increase as the human body matures. As a rule, these are brown or gray moles that may even turn black over time.

Appearance of moles. Moles in the form of various shapes.

Not only do moles have a different structure and nature of appearance, they can also take on a variety of forms, which greatly attract the attention of not only palmists, fortune tellers and people associated with magic, but also ordinary people.

What do shaped moles mean?

  • Moles in the form of a triangle. They are said to bring people a lot of happiness. A person who has such moles is morally stable, strong in spirit and believes in his principles.
  • Moles in the form of constellations. Such moles carry a certain fatality, fateful marks that determine the most important events of your life. They say that the life of such a person is very interesting and filled with a lot of high-profile missions and tasks.
  • Moles in the shape of a cross can mean many things. On the chest - unhappy love, which can leave a mark on a person’s entire life, on the back - possible betrayal in life, on the stomach - serious dangers in life, on the leg - persecution and distrust of a person - frequent mistakes in life, wrong decisions in work , on the left is the fatal birthmark of marriage; he can be either very good or catastrophically unhappy.
  • A heart-shaped mole or a heart-shaped mole can mean two opposites at once. Some experts say that the owner of this mole is a loving person and, at the same time, loved by many, while others insist that this is a sign of a love curse and the owner of the mole will never have to taste the warmest feeling on earth.
  • Moles in the shape of a bucket mean the same thing as moles in the shape of a big dipper; they are practically the same thing. Such marks can be found in a person who has enormous vital energy, the will to win and willpower that cannot be compared with anything. Many bright achievements await such a person in life, but they will not come on their own, you need to work hard and only then the result will fully justify all hopes.
  • Three moles in the form of a triangle mean fate, only good or evil, experts have not yet decided either, or rather, each of them has moved to their own camp and from there, from a high bell tower, proves their opinion. The positive side is the highest purpose in one’s life, and maybe in the lives of people around him, a person with the goal of goodness and positive deeds. The negative side is a fatal person who you don’t need to deal with. May be attached to unidentified religions or sects, has a bad influence.
  • Moles in the shape of a diamond. Such moles, in the form of geometric shapes, and even in even numbers, always mean a person’s high potential, his desire to learn and achieve something in life, the goals of such a person are predetermined by fate.

What other types of moles are there...

This is not the entire list of moles that can appear on the human body. There are known cases of moles in the form of numbers, pieces of a geographical map, in the form of birds and animals.

Symbol of happiness - mole