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Flax seed and its medicinal properties. Chemical components of flax seeds, useful and harmful to humans Nutritional value of flax seeds

This book tells readers about an amazing plant - flax. Did you know that it has long been used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, etc.? In addition, flax is used in cosmetology for skin care of the face, eyes, legs and body. You will find this and other information in the book by A. Korzunova.


The chemical composition, as well as the mechanism of action, the quantity and quality of active substances depend on the type of plant, its place of growth, collection time, drying method and storage conditions.

In flax, the most used part, from a medical point of view, are the seeds and the fatty oil obtained from them.

Flax seeds contain fatty oil (30–52%), which also includes mucus (5–12%), protein (18–33%), carbohydrates (12–26%), organic acids, enzymes, vitamin A. B seed coats contain high-molecular compounds, which, upon hydrolysis, give linocaffeine, linocinamarin, diglycoside, and β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaric acid methyl ester. All parts of the plant, especially seedlings, contain the glycoside linamarin, which is cleaved by linase into hydrocyanic acid, glucose, and acetone. Flax also contains macronutrients and micronutrients. Consider the main chemical groups of biologically active substances that make up this useful culture.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are substances without which life, growth and development of any organism is impossible. They provide plastic and energy needs, determine its biological value.

Proteins (proteins). Protein molecules have a different structure and perform a variety of functions in the body. It consists of a small number of elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. In various parts of the plant, primarily in the seeds, protein contains up to 33%. Vegetable proteins also contain various complexes of amino acids. There are 20 in total, 9 of them are irreplaceable.

Protein deficiency impairs appetite, reduces the body's resistance to infections. Its deficiency adversely affects the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Unfavorable for the body and excess protein.

fats, it would be more correct to call lipids - complex organic compounds, the most valuable source of energy. Fats contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, group B, and a number of other substances needed by the body. Flax seeds contain fatty oil (30–52%), which includes glycerides of linolenic (35–45%), linoleic (25–35%), oleic (15–20%), palmitic and stearic (8–9%) acids.

In addition to them, lipids also include lipoid (fat-like) substances: phospholipids, sterols, lipoproteins, glycolipids, etc.

Unsaturated fatty acids differ in the degree of "saturation", that is, they are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are of particular value to the human body. The fact is that a person is not able to synthesize them on his own, but at the same time he is in dire need of them, since polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) are part of cell membranes, ensure normal tissue growth and metabolism, maintain vascular elasticity . Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential, as are some amino acids and vitamins.

Carbohydrates- the main source of covering the body's energy costs, the most common group of compounds in plants, which include mono-, polysaccharides and sugar alcohols. Polysaccharides include fiber, lignin, starch, hemicellulose, inulin, pectin, and mucus.

If there is a need for them in the body, fats and carbohydrates in the process of metabolism are easily converted into each other and can be partially formed from proteins.

Pectins- gelatinous intercellular substances that bind poisonous products formed in the intestine or got there. Contained in all parts of the plant, especially in the roots and fruits. Pectins are actively involved in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, delay the reproduction of some pathogenic microbes and contribute to the removal of harmful waste products from the body. Favorably act with colitis, enterocolitis, burns and ulcers.

Cellulose- a complex carbohydrate of a polysaccharide nature. It is insoluble in water and common solvents. Mechanically affects the neuromuscular apparatus of the intestine, stimulates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents constipation, activates the body's metabolism, helps to eliminate excess cholesterol and decay products.

Starch- the end product of the assimilation of carbonic acid by plants, the most important reserve nutrient carbohydrate, consisting of polysaccharides. Contained in tubers, fruits, stem core and seeds. It is used in medicine as an enveloping agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases. In some plants, starch replaces inulin.

Slime- nitrogen-free substances, mainly of a polysaccharide nature, formed as a result of mucilage of flower walls. They swell strongly and dissolve easily in water, forming colloidal solutions. Plants (these include flax, primarily its seeds), containing a significant amount of mucus, are used as an enveloping agent for various gastrointestinal diseases.

Glycosides(from the Greek word "glycos" Greek spelling? - "sugar"). Despite their "sweet" name, glycosides are very bitter substances. These are complex organic compounds with a number of common physicochemical and biological properties. They are widely distributed in plants, where they are dissolved in cell sap and can be found in all parts. In practice, it is customary to distinguish the following types of main glycosides: cardiac (cardenolides), laxatives (antraglycosides), saponins, bitterness, flavonoids, etc.

Saponins- compounds that are one of the groups of glycosides. When shaken in water, they form a foam resembling soap, hence the name. Plants containing saponins are mainly used in medicine as having an expectorant, diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, tonic effect. Some of the plant species have sedative, anti-sclerotic and anti-ulcer effects.

Coumarins and Furocoumarins- compounds belonging to the group of glycosides. They are colorless substances with a pleasant smell. Of the large group of coumarin substances, the most interesting are those that have a strong antispasmodic, coronary dilating and calming effect.

bitterness- nitrogen-free bitter substances. Distinguish bitterness simple and fragrant, which ones? used to improve digestion. Both groups contribute to the strengthening of the activity of the gastric glands.

alkaloids- nitrogen-containing organic substances of alkaline reaction. They are found in the cell sap of various plant organs in the form of salts of organic acids, have different chemical structures and have a strong specific effect on the human body. Alkaloids are valuable pharmacological drugs that modern medicine cannot do without.

Essential oils- complex mixtures of volatile aromatic compounds, consisting mainly of terpenoids and their derivatives. They are readily soluble in alcohol, ether, resins, oils and practically insoluble in water. Depending on the chemical composition of essential oils, the plants containing them are used as bitter-aromatic, choleretic, diuretic, expectorant, etc.

Tannins (tannins)- amorphous, nitrogen-free organic compounds, closest to glycosides. They have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent properties. The use of medicinal formulations containing tannins contributes to the formation of a film on the mucous membranes. It is she who prevents further inflammation and suppresses the infection.

organic acids contained in the cell sap of plants and play an extremely important role in metabolism. They contribute to the normal course of digestion, stimulate intestinal activity, and are also used in the synthesis of amino acids, saponins, alkaloids, steroids and other compounds. Organic acids give a sour taste to various organs of the plant, in addition, they play an important role in the regulation of acid-base balance, alkalize the internal environment, and remove the body from the state of acidosis. However, it should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods leads to excessive formation of acetic acid, and therefore cholesterol.

Anthocyanins- dyes with bactericidal properties. Anthocyanins give flower petals and fruits a variety of colors.

The role and importance of mineral micro- and macroelements, their impact on human health and vital activity

In 1713, Lemery and Georfi first discovered iron in human tissues. And ever since, discovering chemical elements one after another, scientists have been asking the question: why are they present in the body? Today we know that our body is a real chemical warehouse. It has already found 80 elements, 40 of which are irreplaceable.

Flax seeds, linseed oil contain the following macronutrients(in mg/g): K - 12.1, Ca - 2.0, Mg - 4.0, Fe - 0.09.

As in any plant, in addition to macronutrients, flax also contains microelements. These are (in μg / g): Mn - 0.09, Cu - 0.34, Zn - 0.47, Cr - 0.04, Al - 0.18, Se - 19.3, Ni - 0.18, Pb - 0.1, I - 0.24, B - 2.3.

Potassium(K) is one of the most active macronutrients. It is necessary for all living things and is found in all plants. Potassium stimulates the synthesis of organic substances, including carbohydrates, promotes the formation of organic acids in plants. In the human body, potassium is found in the blood and protoplasm of cells, where it is an activator of many enzymes, participates in redox reactions, and participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Potassium is essential for muscle contraction, including the heart. An important function of potassium is that it promotes the release of fluid from the body and is therefore useful for edema.

Potassium deficiency is manifested in painful muscle spasms, muscle weakness, numbness of the limbs, and at times - in violations of the heart.

Calcium(Sa). It plays a very important role, being the main building element of bones and teeth, which contain most of the calcium in the body. Participates in maintaining the work of the heart and blood coagulation processes, in regulating the permeability of the cell wall and cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium, the lack of which causes rickets in children. Calcium deficiency causes increased nervous excitability, muscle spasms, changes in the intestinal flora and related disorders, and increases allergic reactions. Long-term calcium deficiency leads to a decrease in the mental and physical performance of the body, causes increased bone fragility, as this element is washed out of them.

Magnesium(Mg) plays an exceptional role in the life of all organisms on Earth, as it is the active part of chlorophyll. This element stabilizes the structure of nucleic acids and activates more than 100 enzymes. In the human body, magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the release of bile from the gallbladder and enhances intestinal motility. The lack of this element in the body is manifested in increased nervous excitability, muscle cramps, the risk of myocardial infarction.

Iron(Fe) plays a very important role, as it is part of hemoglobin - the "dye" of blood - and myoglobin contained in the muscles. Without iron, the process of supplying oxygen to body tissues is disrupted. In addition, it takes part in the formation of antibodies. For the absorption of iron, a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid is necessary. Since linseed oil contains vitamin C in an optimal amount, favorable conditions are created for the absorption of iron.

Manganese(Mn) is involved in the formation of a number of enzymes, it is necessary for the normal metabolism of vitamins C and B 12, which are inactive without manganese. Manganese is an integral part of the enzymes involved in the metabolic reactions of fats and carbohydrates, it is needed for the synthesis of insulin and cholesterol. A manganese-dependent form of diabetes has been identified, and the need for an element for brain functions has been proven. Manganese is actively involved in the development of the skeleton, activating the process of bone formation. Manganese stimulates the growth of the body. The lack of this element leads to growth retardation.

Copper(Ci) affects the growth and development of the body, reproductive function, promotes the formation of red blood cells; in combination with proteins, it is part of the blood plasma and all other tissues of the body; is an integral part of many enzymes; participates in the formation of antibodies and red blood cells. The lack of this trace element leads to disruption of the central nervous system; the absorption of iron is inhibited, anemia occurs, and the synthesis of phospholipids in the brain decreases. In infants with a lack of copper, brittle bones, deformation of the skeleton, an abnormal state of blood vessels, heart defects, etc. are noted. Diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, lupus erythematosus, and some others are associated with impaired copper metabolism in the body. Today it has been proven that ascorbic acid in connection with copper inactivates the influenza virus.

Zinc(Zn) - an activator of many enzymes, is necessary in the formation of cartilage and bone tissue. Participates in the absorption and metabolism of iron, accelerates the healing of ulcers and wounds, has a positive effect in the treatment of sclerosis. Vitamin A with a lack of zinc is not absorbed. Lack of zinc causes the development of dwarfism, slows down puberty, reduces the body's resistance and the growth of tumors. Zinc deficiency explains many skin diseases, such as damage to the skin and mucous membranes (dermatitis and alopecia). One of the indicators of zinc deficiency in the human body is the appearance of white spots on the nail surface of the fingers. An excess of this element can lead to anemia.

Chromium(Sr) is an indispensable participant in carbohydrate metabolism; it is no coincidence that in diabetes mellitus, a decrease in the concentration of chromium in tissues is found. Chromium plays an important role in fat metabolism. It has been established that in some cases this element can replace iodine in thyroid hormones, however, it cannot fully compensate for it.

The lack of chromium causes disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, increased blood sugar (hypoglycemia). With a deficiency of chromium, growth retardation, a violation of higher nervous activity and inhibition of sperm formation are observed.

Excess chromium increases the risk of lung cancer. The right balance of chromium and zinc can help prevent diabetes.

Aluminum(Al) accumulates in the human body in the liver, pancreas and thyroid glands. In vegetable products, the aluminum content ranges from 4 to 46 mg per 1 kg of dry matter.

Selenium(Se) has anti-cancer activity: it has been proven to directly damage tumor cells. Selenium regulates cardiovascular activity, together with vitamin E stimulates the formation of antibodies, enhancing the body's immune defenses. In addition, this element controls the formation of red blood cells. The amount of selenium also determines visual acuity. For example: an eagle - one of the most "big-eyed" birds - has more than 100 times more selenium in the retina than a person. Selenium has a therapeutic effect in myocardial infarction and pancreatitis, accelerates wound healing.

With a deficiency of selenium, damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, pancreas and muscles is observed.

Nickel(Ni). The biological action of this trace element has much in common with the action of cobalt, although its physiological role has not been studied enough. Nickel is found in the body in the liver, skin and endocrine glands. It accumulates in keratinized tissues. It has been established that this element activates the arginase enzyme and affects oxidative processes. An excess of nickel leads to eye disease.

Iodine(I) has a calming effect on the nervous system, has a bactericidal effect. The lack of this element causes a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, goiter and even cretinism. However, an excess of this microelement is also dangerous: in an organism saturated with it, urticaria, signs of colds, and an increase in the amount of mucus in the nose are observed.

Bor(C) is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of both plants (otherwise, the seed yield drops), and a person in whom its excess leads to metabolic disorders, the appearance of an endemic disease of the gastrointestinal tract (boric enteritis).

The presence of all these micro, macro and ultramicroelements in oil and flax seeds indicates that they can be used in the treatment of all of these diseases, as well as as a prophylactic.


Plants are an inexhaustible pantry of various vitamins - a group of highly biologically active compounds of the most diverse chemical structure. In the healing complex, a significant role belongs to plant vitamins. Vitamins A, C, D, E, F, etc. have been found in various parts of flax.

Vitamin A(retinol) is found in all plants, including flax, but only in the form of provitamins (carotene and carotenoids), which are converted into vitamin A by the action of enzymes. Retinol helps fight viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, it has antioxidant properties , together with vitamin C, reduces blood cholesterol levels, increases the body's resistance to malignant tumors, ensures normal vision, affects the formation of protein compounds in the body and the function of the endocrine glands.

Hypovitaminosis A leads to night blindness, reduces skin resistance to infections, predisposition to rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, nephritis and pyelonephritis, cystitis and other diseases.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) - the most famous and most common vitamin. Flax, or rather its seeds and the oil that is prepared from them, is rich in vitamin C. The presence of ascorbic acid delays the development of atherosclerosis, accelerates wound healing, helps with influenza, tonsillitis, rheumatism, pneumonia. Ascorbic acid contributes to the normal development of the body, increases resistance to infectious diseases, reduces fatigue and has a beneficial effect on increasing efficiency. Vitamin C reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, protects the body from poisons: on the one hand, it neutralizes the toxic effect of harmful substances (lead, aniline, etc.), and on the other hand, it blocks the synthesis of toxins in the body. Ascorbic acid prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors, stomach ulcers, spasms of blood vessels, strengthens the walls of capillaries and gives them elasticity. A lack of vitamin C leads to scurvy, which is accompanied by swelling and bleeding of the gums. Hypovitaminosis C causes rapid fatigue, headaches, drowsiness and lack of appetite in a person.

Vitamin E(tocopherol) refers to intracellular antioxidants, is involved in the regulation of oxidative processes, improves blood circulation,

as it reduces blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Vitamin E has a beneficial effect in atherosclerosis, hypertension, disruption of the muscular system, rheumatism. With a deficiency of tocopherols, dystrophy, muscle necrosis, and a violation of the reproductive (reproductive) function of the body are noted.

Vitamin F(from the English "fat" - "fat") is a mixture of unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic and - the most active - arachidonic. Vitamin F is an active participant in the metabolism of fats and prostaglandins (biologically active substances), it converts cholesterol into a soluble form and in this form removes it from the body. This vitamin helps prevent atherosclerosis, increases the elasticity of blood vessel walls, and reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension. Vitamin F deficiency creates conditions for the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, and blood damage.

Vitamin D(calciferol) is considered by some biochemists to be a hormone, unlike other vitamins. It is formed in the human skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, which is probably why it is called the "solar" elixir. Calciferol is necessary for bones and teeth, maintaining the stability of the immune and nervous systems, calcium balance, and heart health. This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of hormones.

Flax is a plant that has long been used for the production of yarn and dietary oil. Linen clothing is highly durable and wear-resistant, has high hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity, and is environmentally friendly. Flax seeds are used in folk medicine for the mild and natural treatment of many diseases, as well as for culinary purposes. And linseed oil is a dietary product, a source of fatty acids necessary for the body, which are not able to be synthesized by the body on its own.

Three types of flax are common:

    Fiber flax - characterized by long stems up to 70 cm in height, branches weakly, is used in the production of fibers for yarn, in the textile industry;

    Flax curly - gives dozens of times more boxes than fiber flax, low and well branched, used in the production of oil:

    Linen-mezheumok - has the properties of the two types listed above, can be used both for the production of oil and for the manufacture of coarse fabrics.

Flax seeds contain about 55% healthy fatty acids, 28-30% high-quality protein (contains all essential amino acids) and 35% fiber, and many other useful substances, making them rightfully considered a functional food source.

Benefits of flax seeds

Significant benefits of flax seeds include:

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3, 6, and 9 groups, the content of which in linseed oil is higher than in fish oil, are important for the growth and development of a young organism and the proper functioning of the vascular system.

    Omega-3 makes up as much as 55%. As you know, it has the property of blood thinning, which is a good prevention, atherosclerosis (reduces the growth of atherosclerotic plaques) and vascular and heart diseases.

    In addition, there is a large review of 27 studies involving more than 250,000 people. The analysis showed that consumption of omega-3 reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 14%.

    Cancer prevention. Flax seeds are a rich source of lignans, which may reduce cancer risk and improve health. Lignans are plant compounds with antioxidant and estrogenic properties.

    Reduces cholesterol. Another health benefit of flax seeds is their ability to lower cholesterol levels. This effect appears to be related to the dietary fiber in flaxseed, as it binds to bile salts and is then excreted from the body. To replenish these bile salts, cholesterol travels from the blood to the liver. And it is this process that lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    One study conducted on patients with high cholesterol showed that eating 3 tablespoons (30 g) of ground flax seeds daily for three months reduced total cholesterol by 17% and "bad" LDL cholesterol by almost 20%.

    Another study was conducted on diabetic patients. Taking 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of flaxseed powder daily for just 1 month resulted in a 12% increase in "good" HDL cholesterol.

    Reduces pressure. There have been many studies that have confirmed the effectiveness of flax seeds in lowering blood pressure.

    A Canadian study showed that consumption of 30 g of flax seeds daily for six months reduced blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. .

    And for those patients who were already taking blood pressure medication, flax seeds further lowered blood pressure and reduced the number of patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure by 17%.

    Reduces blood sugar levels. Several studies have shown that people with type 2 diabetes who added 10-20 grams of flaxseed powder to their daily diet for at least 1 month experienced an 8-20% reduction in blood sugar levels.

    This blood sugar-lowering effect is due, in part, to the insoluble fiber content of flax seeds. Studies have shown that insoluble fiber slows down the release of sugar into the blood and lowers blood sugar levels.

    Selenium in the composition of seeds restores the lack of this trace element in the body, which is often observed in residents of large cities, as well as in those who consume a lot of carbohydrate foods. Selenium protects nucleic acids from destruction, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    100 grams of seeds contain 25.41 micrograms. selenium, which is 30% of the daily requirement.

    Potassium, magnesium and calcium- 3 most important minerals of flaxseeds, which are vital for a person. With their help, cellular transport is realized, they are necessary for the coordinated work of all human organs and systems. With a lack of potassium and magnesium, heart rhythm disturbances, problems with the excretory system are observed. In the composition of flax seeds, when converted to dry weight, there is more potassium than in bananas, which are traditionally recommended for use with a deficiency of this microelement.

    Atherosclerosis - linseed oil reduces the amount of so-called "bad cholesterol" in the blood, which prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and also increases the tone and elasticity of blood vessels;

    Diseases of the gallbladder and liver;

    Diseases of the genitourinary system inflammatory nature;

    For diseases of the throat and respiratory system a decoction of flax is used for rinsing or drinking;

    With pathologies of the digestive tract, dyspeptic disorders, ulcers, gastritis, diseases of the intestines and stomach, use kissel from flax seeds or chew whole seeds.

What are the benefits of flax seeds for the female body?

Flax is good for women's health due to the content of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female hormones in the outer layer of seeds (they are especially abundant in white flax). Regular consumption of flax seeds alleviates the negative manifestations of menopause and is an excellent prevention of cancer of the breast and uterus.

In 2005, a study of 30 women showed that consumption of 40 grams of flaxseed per day could reduce the frequency or severity of not using estrogen therapy during menopause.

Studies show that those women who consume flax seeds have a lower risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

In addition, according to a Canadian study of over 6,000 women, those who eat flax seeds are 18% less likely to develop breast cancer.

What are the benefits of flax seeds for men?

Zinc is an important mineral for men. He participates in the process of maturation of spermatozoa and affects the degree of their mobility. The fertility of a particular man depends on the amount of zinc. 100 grams of flax seeds contain 4.34 mg. zinc, which is 40% of the daily requirement.

In a small study of 15 men, those who took 30 grams of flaxseeds per day while on a low-fat diet showed a reduction in a marker of prostate cancer, suggesting a lower risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, there is a study published in 2008 in which 161 men took part. They consumed flaxseeds every day, apparently this stopped the growth of prostate tumors, especially if the men were also on a low-fat diet.

Other Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds normalize the function of the digestive system, are used for the prevention of liver diseases and the rehabilitation of patients in the postoperative period.

What are the benefits of flax seed oil? (linseed oil)

The biggest advantage of flaxseed oil is considered to be a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 and omega-6 groups, ideally entering the body from external sources constantly. Similar fatty acids are also present in walnut, corn and even sunflower oil, why is linseed oil considered the most useful?

The fact is that only the presence of certain components in the composition of the product is not enough, their ratio is also important. The ratio of fatty acids 1:4 (omega-3 to, respectively) is considered optimal in Japan, in Sweden the norm is 1:5. But for most people, there is a significant predominance of omega-6 acids in the diet, which leads to an increase in blood cholesterol, an increase in blood viscosity and creates a risk of heart attack and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the process of metabolism, fatty acids of omega 3 and 6 groups compete for the desaturase enzyme, and if acids with a double carbon bond in position 6 significantly predominate, omega-3s are simply not absorbed. Therefore, nutritionists often recommend avoiding foods rich in animal fats to increase the effectiveness of omega-3s.

Only two types of vegetable oils - camelina and linseed - contain the optimal proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, so they are better absorbed and contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, intestines and the digestive system.

In addition to polyunsaturated acids, flaxseed oil is rich in B vitamins necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system, contains antioxidant vitamins A and E, which allow the body to fight the negative effects of free radicals. Lecithin and a complex of minerals (potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus) in the composition of flax seed oil prevent the development of iron deficiency and endocrine disorders.

According to studies conducted in California, flaxseed oil can slow down the growth of tumors, so it is recommended as a source of fatty acids for cancer patients.

In addition, flaxseed oil is an indispensable product in the diet of vegetarians who get omega-3 from it. Other sources of essential fatty acids include marine fish (herring, salmon, mackerel), fish oil, and omega-3 supplements in capsules. However, the first two products cannot be present on a vegetarian menu, and omega-3 in nutritional supplements is usually poorly absorbed by the body and has dubious beneficial properties, since it is impossible to control its storage conditions and quality.

Harm of flax seeds

Flax seeds have practically no contraindications, but they should be used with caution in case of hypercalcemia or individual intolerance to the components of the seeds.

But since flax seeds are harmless and safe to use, why is the sale of flaxseed oil banned in many countries? The fact is that flaxseed oil is the leader in the content of unsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 group (up to 44% of the mass fraction, compared to 1% in sunflower oil that is familiar to us). These substances are extremely beneficial for health, as they contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis and can significantly lower cholesterol levels, are a structural component of cell membranes and are necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandins. But under the influence of light and heat, fatty acids are instantly oxidized, peroxides are formed, which, on the contrary, are very harmful to the body and can even have a carcinogenic effect.

You can determine the presence of oxidized fats in the composition of the oil by its taste - it acquires a bitter aftertaste and a specific smell. Never drink this oil! It will deal a significant blow to your health!

The optimal storage conditions for flaxseed oil are in a dark and cool place; linseed oil must be transported in an opaque container (made of tinted glass, ceramics, etc.).

Flaxseeds have a longer shelf life than oil because the fatty acids in them are protected by the seed coat, but they also need to be taste tested before use. Ground seeds with a broken shell oxidize as quickly as oil, which is why they need to be crushed immediately before use.

Commercially available flax flour contains ground and dried flax seeds. It does not contain the fatty acids we need, so flaxseed meal spoils less if stored properly. But it is also deprived of most of the useful substances, although products based on it supply the body with fiber and help with intestinal disorders.

How to take flax seeds?

    Flax seed with kefir. The combination of kefir and flaxseeds is used as an aid in diets or exercise for speedy weight loss. To 100 grams of kefir add one tsp. seeds. This mixture should be replaced with breakfast or dinner, drink on an empty stomach. To speed up the process after the first week of use, the dose of seeds can be increased to two tablespoons, and after two weeks - up to three.

    Infusion of flax seeds. An infusion of flaxseeds, which can be prepared according to a prescription, helps to soothe the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the intestines. Pour three tablespoons into a liter thermos. l. flaxseed, which must be poured with boiling water. The future infusion cools for three hours, after which it must be filtered and the collected cake squeezed into a closed opaque bowl. Before the main meals (30 minutes) and between them, you need to take 150 g of infusion for a month.

    Kissel from flax seeds. Flaxseed jelly is taken for the treatment of chronic and intestinal disorders, it helps to normalize the condition of the stomach and improve metabolism. A tablespoon of flaxseeds is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, then infused for eight hours. Cooking time can be shortened by first grinding the seeds in a coffee grinder. To make the drink more palatable, honey, cinnamon or vanilla is added to it, brewed with chicory or mixed with berry jelly, brewed oatmeal. Kissel must be washed down with plenty of water, it should not be drunk with pancreatitis at an acute stage.

Ground or whole - which is better to use?

Our intestines are unable to break down the tough outer shell of seeds. Therefore, you will not get as much benefit by taking them as a whole. Moreover, ground flax seeds are easier to digest.

How to grind flax seeds and how to store them?

Ground flax seeds are more convenient to use in recipes, as they reduce the preparation time for infusions and decoctions. In addition, ground flaxseed can be added to meals and salads to increase their nutritional value. Golden flax is added to baking flour because it prevents it from going stale - in Canada it has even become the standard for making bread.

Ground flaxseeds, which can be found on sale, are most likely of little health benefit, especially if they are sold in transparent packaging and lie in the light. Much cheaper and healthier if you buy whole grains and grind them at home. To do this, you can use almost any kitchen appliance - a blender, coffee grinder, food processor, and even a mechanical spice grinder. But it is best to purchase a miniature electric mill, which will allow you to quickly and easily get the right portion of ground seeds. You can also use the old way and grind the seeds with a pestle in a mortar.

Whole flax seeds retain their beneficial properties for 12 months, but ground flax seeds cannot be stored for that long, they must be ground again each time. This is due to the properties of fatty acids in the composition of flax - omega-3 is quickly oxidized under the influence of sunlight or high temperatures and turns into a carcinogen hazardous to health. Therefore, if you still have excess seeds after grinding, you need to store them in a darkened container without access to air in a cool, dry place, or frozen.

How to take fiber from flax seeds?

Vegetable fiber is used to normalize the state of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for a course of two months to cleanse the body, absorbs harmful substances in the intestines and removes them. Fiber from flax seeds absorbs toxins, prevents decay processes and is an excellent anthelmintic agent.

They take it mixed with kefir or yogurt, use it as a breading, make raw bread from flax fiber. Use with caution when and, do not eat for women during lactation and for people with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, since fiber can cause displacement.

Flax seed treatment, recipes

Flax seeds for inflammation of the pancreas

For the treatment of the pancreas, flaxseed jelly is used. It is done like this: two tablespoons of seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder and poured with boiling water (at the rate of 0.2 liters per tablespoon), simmer for about 10 minutes, after which they insist 1 hour. After that, filter through a strainer and add honey to taste, but not more than 2 tablespoons.

The effectiveness of the use of flax for the treatment of pancreatitis is provided by astringent and anti-inflammatory substances in its composition. In addition, the fiber of flax seeds helps to normalize metabolism and remove toxins from the body.

Flax seeds for gastritis

Flax seeds have been successfully used to alleviate the negative symptoms of gastritis such as pain, heartburn and nausea due to their anti-inflammatory and membranostatic properties. For the treatment of gastritis, an infusion of flax seeds is used - two tablespoons of seeds, cleaned of impurities, are poured with a liter of boiling water and left in a thermos or saucepan wrapped in a towel overnight. Take 200-300 ml before meals.

In addition, crushed flaxseeds with kefir and flaxseed jelly effectively relieve the symptoms of gastritis. With gastritis with low acidity, flax decoctions and seeds help the food bolus to pass through the stomach without injuring the damaged areas of the mucosa, which usually causes pain.

How to take flax seeds for constipation?

Flaxseeds are used as a mild laxative for chronic constipation due to their high fiber content. Strong laxatives disrupt the balance of minerals in the body, lead to potassium deficiency and irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

For the treatment of chronic constipation, flaxseed infusions (100 grams of seeds per 1 liter of boiling water) are used, as well as crushed flaxseeds, which must be washed down with plenty of water so that they are promptly excreted from the body.

After two or three days of systematic use of flax seeds, the metabolism and self-cleansing processes of the intestines are normalized, its microflora is restored and the damaged mucosa is regenerated.

Flax seeds for diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes, an infusion of seeds should be drunk twenty minutes before meals or taken at night. There are fast and slow ways to prepare such an infusion. In the first case, two l. seeds should be poured with boiling water (100 g) and infused for several minutes, after which they are diluted with cooled boiled water to the volume of one glass and drunk 20 minutes before meals. The second way is to pour two teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiled but cooled water and insist for two hours.

A decoction of flaxseeds is prepared as follows: two tablespoons are ground in a mortar and poured with half a glass of boiling water, after which they are boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. The cooled broth is drunk at a time before meals. If you are concerned about constipation and intestinal disorders, you can not strain the broth, but drink it along with crushed seeds.

How to brew flax seeds to treat stomach ulcers?

Mucus products from flax seeds, such as infusions and decoctions, are used for treatment due to their enveloping properties, which accelerate the healing of lesions in the gastric mucosa. The seeds are brewed correctly as follows: in a container with three tablespoons of washed and peeled seeds, add two cups of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. The infusion should be shaken two or three times - immediately after brewing, and half an hour later in the process. Apply it in a course of one to two weeks, half a glass an hour before each meal. Every day you need to brew new seeds, as they quickly lose their beneficial properties.

Popular questions and answers:

    "Why boil flax seeds? They lose their beneficial properties!" The answer here is simple, both options are correct, another thing is, what is your goal? For weight loss and health improvement, the seeds are prayed and eaten immediately. In this case, all fatty acids are preserved, and you get the fiber that your intestines need. If we are talking about some kind of inflammatory disease, then the seeds need to be brewed! When brewed, a special jelly is formed, which has a calming effect.

    What is the rate of consumption of flax seeds? How much can be consumed per day? The generally accepted norm for the use of flaxseeds for an adult body weighing about 70 kg is 24 grams per day. Some researchers and nutritionists also claim that a completely harmless daily dose of seeds is 40-50 g.

    Is it possible to eat flax seeds during pregnancy and while breastfeeding? Subject to the natural norm of the use of flaxseeds for a pregnant woman, there is no danger. But at the same time, she should definitely consult with her obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor should be aware that in this product you can find potent herbal active substances that increase the tone of the uterus when a sufficient dose is received for this. To avoid premature births and miscarriages, the gynecologist most often prohibits taking not only modern medicines, but also folk ones, including flax seeds. As long as the baby is being fed naturally, flaxseeds should not be actively consumed in order to avoid the active substances of plant origin from entering the fragile developing organism. However, it is possible to use drugs based on them in small doses on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Can I give my baby flax seeds? For children, the use of flaxseed for preventive purposes (no more than five grams per day) is possible from the age of three. It is possible to increase the dose of seeds only for medicinal purposes on the recommendation of a doctor after a comprehensive medical examination of the child.

    Can flaxseeds be eaten dry? Flaxseeds can be eaten dry, chewed thoroughly and washed down with plenty of water. The seeds swell completely and become available for the digestive system in the intestines, so the intake of dry seeds is possible only if there are no inflammatory diseases in it. Studies show that alpha-linoleic (omega-3) fatty acid retains structure and nutritional value with slight heat treatment, so ground seeds can be added to various dishes to increase nutritional value and enrich the taste, and flaxseed flour is often added to baked goods.

    How long and how often can you drink flax seeds? Regardless of the form of use (raw materials, in the form of a decoction, mucus, powder or oil), the use of flaxseed, most often, occurs in small portions three times a day. The use of various solutions obtained by insisting on cold or hot water is mandatory before meals. Dry and crushed seeds are eaten with food in its composition or instead of eating (during a diet). The period of regular use of flaxseed can be limited to three weeks a month. As a systematic food supplement, seeds can be eaten constantly.

    How long can flax seeds be stored? It should be remembered that flaxseed is a perishable product. The most destructive for them are oxygen and ultraviolet rays. To avoid oxidation of nutrients, you need to store the seeds in an airtight container in the refrigerator. In a closed package, they have a high nutritional value for three years, and after opening it, it lasts for about a month. The crushed product is best consumed two to three weeks in advance. Supplements prepared on the basis of flaxseed should be used exclusively fresh.

    Can you lose weight with flax seeds? And for how long? Flaxseeds are not a means for weight loss, so there is no question of weight loss due to their use without limiting the amount of food entering the body. For weight loss, it is important to follow a special diet, during which the seeds can act as a colon cleanser. The plant fiber that flaxseeds are made of swells in the stomach, causing a quick feeling of fullness, which helps to adjust the portion size when dieting. Due to the high nutritional value of flaxseed, you can replace dinner. If in this way the body is relieved of additional stress for several weeks, there is a high probability of losing a kilogram or two or more, depending on the duration of the diet.

Contraindications to the use of flax seeds

“Everything is medicine, and everything is poison,” Avicenna said. Therefore, when eating such an unusual product as flax seeds, one should adhere to the consumption rate described in the first question of this section. The limitation is due to the high content of cyanogenic glycosides (eg, thiocyanate). These substances are found in abundance in raw plant foods (especially seeds), but break down when exposed to heat, so cooking easily solves this problem.

In addition to poisonous cyanogens, flax seeds contain a compound that produces a strong choleretic effect. Because of it, it is not recommended to get involved in flaxseeds for gastrointestinal diseases such as,. With pancreatitis, it is impossible to take seeds in their pure form, only prepare jelly / decoction from them, which has a calming effect on the pancreas.

If the dosage regimen is incorrectly set, flatulence and bloating are possible - you should always start with a small amount of seeds, and gradually increase it to the required rate.

Hypersensitivity of the body to any of the components of flaxseed, as in the case of any drug, is a categorical contraindication to use.

List of used literature

The vitamin and mineral composition of flax seed is represented by vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, PP, K, E, C, minerals copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron, sodium.

The calorie content of 1 teaspoon of flax seed is 21.38 kcal. In a teaspoon of the product:

  • 0.73 g protein;
  • 1.69 g fat;
  • 1.16 g of carbohydrates.

Flax seed calories in 1 tablespoon

The calorie content of 1 tablespoon of flax seeds is 53.4 kcal. In a tablespoon of the product:

  • 1.83 g protein;
  • 4.22 g fat;
  • 2.89 g of carbohydrates.

According to nutrition experts, daily consumption of flax seeds in the amount of 1 tablespoon is enough to saturate the body with healthy fats, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Overeating with a product can provoke weight gain, flatulence, bloating and other problems in the digestive tract.

Benefits of flax seeds

Benefits of flax seeds include:

  • the product is saturated with fiber, which speeds up the digestion process and stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body;
  • flaxseed fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the state of the bone, nervous system, improve heart function, positively affect the health of nails, hair, skin;
  • the useful property of flax seed has been proven to reduce the risk of developing oncology;
  • magnesium of the product restores heart rhythm, normalizes blood pressure, is useful for teeth, lowering blood sugar levels;
  • flaxseed is recommended to be included in the diet for the treatment and prevention of joint and muscle pain;
  • seed phosphorus supports the normal functioning of the kidneys, has a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system and brain;
  • with regular consumption of the product, the acid-base balance in the body is maintained;
  • flaxseed copper normalizes carbohydrate and fat synthesis in the body, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the vascular system;
  • seed vitamins are essential for maintaining eye health;
  • the product is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory, immunity-strengthening effect;
  • flaxseed reduces the risk of heart attacks;
  • in men, the product improves potency.

Harm of flax seeds

Contraindications to the use of flax seeds are:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions to the product;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • stones in the bladder and kidneys;
  • iodine deficiency in the body (flaxseed slows down the absorption of iodine).

The possibility of using flax seeds is consistent with the doctor in children under 12 years of age, breastfeeding, asthma, mental disorders, as well as diabetes, prostate diseases.

Phosphorus - 642 m Iron - 5.73 mg Zinc - 4.34 mg Copper - 1220 mcg Manganese - 2.482 mg Selenium - 25.4 mcg

The energy value of flax seed is 534 kcal per 100 grams

Another advantage of flaxseed is lignan. Benefit.

The list of useful substances does not end there. In 1927, scientists discovered phenolic compounds in plants, which in 1936 were named lignans. These are polyphenols with two interesting health properties. On the one hand, they play a role antioxidants, on the other hand, act as phytoestrogens(plant compounds are similar to estrogens in the human body - these are plant hormones, chemicals that regulate their growth and development. In some plants, phytohormones are very similar in chemical composition to the female sex hormone estrogen, so they began to be used in deficient hormonal conditions. Unlike from synthetic hormones, these substances do not have a harmful side effect on the female body).

And the flax seed again broke all records. It contains 0.3 grams per 100 grams, compared to the following products:

Source Content in 100 g
Flax-seed 300,000 mcg (0.3 g)
sesame seed 29,000 mcg (29 mg)
Cabbage 185 - 2321 mcg
Cereals 7 - 764 mcg
Red wine 91 mcg

In the cells of our body, a huge number of reactions and processes take place, without which our life is unthinkable. However, these reactions release by-products - free radicals - which, when oxidized, can harm or completely destroy living cells, so our body needs antioxidants that react with free radicals and protect cells from damage that can even cause cancer or heart disease, and also contribute to the natural aging process of the body. Sufficient intake of antioxidants provides the body with better protection against these diseases and slows down the aging of the body.

Flax seed fiber. Benefit.

Although you can talk and write a lot about the benefits of flax seeds, there is still a consumption rate for this life-giving product - 24 grams with a weight of 70 kg at a time. By eating more, we load the liver with more fat, and flax seed fiber should be supplemented with vegetable, so-called soluble fiber.

All fiber is divided into 2 types: soluble and insoluble in water. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and is not digested, and leaves the body in almost the same form. When it enters the intestines, it acts like a brush, cleaning its walls of old food and at the same time absorbing various harmful compounds. It also promotes the accelerated passage of food through the intestines. Such fiber is found in plant fibers of vegetables, nuts and cereal shells.

Soluble fiber forms a kind of thick gel in the intestines, into which cholesterol molecules enter and therefore do not settle on the walls of blood vessels. This gel, covering the walls of the intestine, interferes with the absorption of glucose and thereby prevents the deposition of fats. Soluble fiber is found in fruits, legumes, and oatmeal. For good health, you need to take both types of fiber.

However, it should be borne in mind that you should not consume too much insoluble fiber, because it can injure the inner surface of the intestines in the manner of sandpaper. When it comes to soluble fiber, don't eat too much post-workout. To speed up the replenishment of glycogen stores spent in training, it is important to absorb more glucose, and slowing down its absorption through the consumption of soluble fiber is absolutely useless. The norm of fiber is 25-40 g per day (5-8 of them are insoluble). Remember, simple, rough, ballast-enriched food is health and longevity. Refined (purified), difficultly prepared - this is decrepitude, illness and early old age.

Recall that fiber is an insoluble, insoluble, hard and coarse carbohydrate. Swelling under the action of water, the fiber of flax seeds forms a large volume of feces - more loose, which facilitates bowel movements and relieves constipation. The dietary fibers of flax seeds contain linamarin glycoside, which regulates intestinal motility. Thus, this product allows you to normalize the condition with intestinal atony and serve as a prevention of this disease.

Seed weight data
Flax seed:
1 - a teaspoon without a slide - 2.5 - 3 grams, with a slide - 3.5 - 4 grams
1 - a tablespoon without a slide (2 tsp with a slide) - 7 - 8 grams
1 - a tablespoon (3 tsp without a slide) - 10 grams
100 pieces of seeds weigh - 0.8 - 1 gram

The use of flax seeds.

In Rostov-on-Don, the Prof-press publishing house in 1998 published Maya Gogulan's brochure Laws of Good Nutrition, in which a whole section is devoted to the use of flax seeds as a folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. The following are (from this brochure) recipes for the use of flaxseed in the treatment of a number of diseases.

As an enveloping remedy for gastric ulcer, gastritis, enteritis and colitis, mucus obtained from flaxseed is used.

1 st. pour a spoonful of linseed uncrushed seeds with 2 cups of hot water, leave for 1 hour, shaking occasionally, strain. Take before meals for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
For hemorrhoids and inflammation of the rectum therapeutic enemas (1/2 cup each) are recommended from flaxseed mucus, slightly heated. After the enema, you need to go to bed for an hour.
Like a laxative prepare flax seeds as follows: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoon with 2 cups of boiling water, shake for 10-15 minutes, strain and take 1/2g of a cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
With internal edema: 4 teaspoons of seeds pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, close the pan and put in a warm place. Let it brew for 1 hour, you can not filter. Add lemon juice for taste. Drink 1/2 cup every 2 hours, 6-8 times a day, the result is achieved in 2-3 weeks. The thread is better hot.
For gout and rheumatism: Boil 2 teaspoons of seeds for 15 minutes. in 1.5 glasses of water, leave for 10 minutes, shake for 5 minutes. in a bottle, strain through cheesecloth. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.
For chronic constipation daily at night, take 1 glass of unstrained infusion at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 tbsp. boiling water. Children 1/2 cup. Medicines must always be fresh.
For diarrhea: 1 st. Pour a spoonful of seeds into 1/2 cup of hot water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, strain and use for 1 enema.
With pyelonephritis: sowing flax (seeds) - 40 g, field harrow (root) - 30 g, birch (leaves) - 30 g. min., squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Bring the volume to the original boiled water. Take 1/4-1/3 cup of infusion in several doses throughout the day.
When coughing: 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of flaxseed pour 1.5 tbsp. hot water and shake for 10 minutes, then strain. In the resulting liquid, add 5 teaspoons of licorice root, 1.5 teaspoons of anise, 400 g of honey (preferably linden) and mix thoroughly. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, let cool, strain. Take 2/3 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
For dropsy: Pour 4 teaspoons of seeds into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, insist, wrapped for 1 hour, you can not filter. Take 1/2 cup every 2 hours. 6-9 times a day hot. The result is in 2-3 weeks.
For gastritis: Pour 20 g of seeds into 1 liter of water, soak for 5 hours, strain. Thread 1/2 cup.
As a diuretic: 1 st. a spoonful of flaxseed 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.
With bitterness in the mouth: grind flaxseeds to get 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, brew like liquid jelly. Drink morning and evening before meals.
When coughing: for 1 week, give the patient tea from flaxseeds. The same brochure contains a large number of culinary recipes that include flaxseed and flour from this seed.

Recipes with flax seed.

The following are flax recipes recommended for breakfast.

Soak one to two teaspoons of flaxseed meal overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning, add a glass of grapefruit juice and half a glass of curdled milk. Mix with a blender. (Raw foodists may use other alternatives to curdled milk.)

Soak one to two teaspoons of selected flaxseeds overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning, add an apple crushed on a glass (not metal) grater, 20 raisins and a little honey for sweetness.

3. Porridge from flax seeds and dried fruits.

One - two teaspoons of flaxseed flour insist overnight in half a glass of cold water. In another glass, insist 5-8 pieces of figs or dried apricots in the same amount of cold water. In the morning, mix both infusions and add a tablespoon of honey and sprouts.

4. Porridge from flax seeds with citrus fruits.

One - two teaspoons of flaxseed flour to insist overnight in cold water (half a glass). In the morning, add an orange, or a grapefruit, or a tangerine, half a glass of curdled milk and a teaspoon of honey.

5. Flax seed and fruit salad

Soak one and a half teaspoons of selected flaxseeds overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning, add a grated apple (or 3 pieces of prunes), crushed orange (together with 1/3 of its peel), 2 pieces of figs and a teaspoon of lemon zest, coconut chips and honey.

6. A dish of flax seeds with nuts. Very nutritious.

One and a half teaspoons of flaxseeds insist overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning add grated apple and lemon zest, 20 crushed almonds. 20 raisins and a teaspoon of honey.

7. Flax seed and strawberry salad.

One and a half teaspoons of flaxseeds insist overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning, add 100 g of strawberries, half a glass of curdled milk and honey.

8. Drink from flax seed and pomegranate juice.

One and a half teaspoons of flaxseed insist overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning add a glass of pomegranate juice, half a glass of curdled milk and honey or stevioside.

9. Flax seed porridge and plums.

One and a half teaspoons of flaxseed flour to insist overnight in cold water (half a cup). In another glass, insist 5-8 plums in the same amount of water. In the morning, mix both infusions, add curdled milk and stevioside.

10. Porridge from flax seed and apricots without pits.

Infuse two teaspoons of flaxseed meal overnight in cold water (half a cup). In another glass, insist 5-8 pieces of apricots. In the morning, mix both infusions, add brown sugar and 20 ground almonds.

11. Porridge from flax seed and sesame.

Infuse two teaspoons of flaxseed meal overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning, add a few plums, 30 grams of ground sesame seeds and 1 teaspoon of honey.

12. Porridge from flaxseed and peaches.

Infuse two teaspoons of flaxseed meal overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning add a few chopped peaches, 1 tablespoon ground sesame seeds and 1 teaspoon honey.

13. Flax seed, citrus and almond salad.

Infuse two teaspoons of flaxseed meal overnight in cold water (half a cup). In the morning add an orange or grapefruit, 20 whole unpeeled tonsils and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Infuse two teaspoons of selected flaxseeds overnight in a glass of cold water. In the morning, add grape juice, 1 tablespoon of coarse and sprouts.

There are many reasons to include flaxseed in your daily diet. Flax seed, according to its composition and properties, can solve many health problems. But do not wait until you get sick, use this gift of nature in your menu and be healthy.

Due to its unique composition, flaxseed can be considered a nutraceutical, i.e. product that heals the human body.

This conclusion was made by scientists around the world, summarizing the results of the study of flaxseed in scientific laboratories.

Linen- one of the oldest cultivated plants. Its seeds have been eaten since the Stone Age. Even the Bible mentions that the Israelites used flaxseed to bake bread and make butter. The discoverer of the medicinal properties of flaxseed was still Hippocrates, who told the world a recipe for a decoction of flaxseeds, which helps with stomach diseases.
Avicenna and Dioscorides also mentioned the healing properties of flax. According to Avicenna's descriptions, roasted flaxseed helps to get rid of cough, accompanied by the separation of a large amount of sputum, from ulcers of the bladder and kidneys. A decoction of flaxseed in an enema with rose oil is of great benefit in ulcerative colitis, and when combined with natural soda and figs, it is a good medicinal dressing for freckles and acne.

And in later times in the East and in Kievan Rus, flax seeds were used in folk medicine due to their softening, cleansing and bactericidal properties. Since ancient times, flax in Rus' has been one of the most popular plants. Clothes made of linen fabric helped well with scabies and increased sweating, saved from heat and bad weather. From flaxseed, our ancestors obtained linseed oil, which was used both for cooking and for the treatment of various diseases.

And already in the 80s of the last century, nutritionists from around the world began to actively and deeply study the properties of flaxseed as a natural and healthy product. Well, in the 21st century, flax seed began to play a significant and important role in the diet of a person, thus taking part in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

This is confirmed by the data: In Germany, more than 60,000 tons of flaxseed are used annually in the field of baking (on average, this is about 1 kg per 1 person per year). And in Canada, flax seed is no longer considered as a food additive, but as a separate food product, in connection with which a special National Program has been adopted, recommending the inclusion of up to 12% of flax seeds in bakery products.

Nutritional value and composition of flaxseed

The composition of flaxseed is rich in proteins, fats, gluten and fiber. Proteins are rich in essential amino acids: albumin and globulin. High molecular weight globulins predominate (58–66%). Albumin accounts for 20–42%. The nutritional value of protein from flax seeds in the scoring is estimated at 92 units (casein is taken as 100).

Linen composition:
100 g of flax seeds contains

  • about 450 kcal,
  • 41 g fat
  • 28 g carbs
  • 20 g of protein.

One tablespoon of flax seeds contains:

Calories: 40 kcal.
Protein: 1.6 grams
Carbs: 2.8 grams
Fat: 2.8 grams (3 grams saturated, .6 grams monounsaturated, and 1.8 grams polyunsaturated)
Fiber: 2.5-8 grams
Sodium: 3 milligrams

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Flaxseed contains three types of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, the correct balance of which is necessary for the normal functioning of all vital processes of the human body. And in terms of omega-3 content, flax seeds are superior to all edible vegetable oils (this acid in flax seed is 3 times more than in fish oil!). Very few omega-3 fatty acids are found only in yellow flax seeds.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

Therefore, flax seeds are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, thrombosis and other disorders of the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 fats also reduce the risk of hormone-dependent cancers.

Flaxseed is rich in fats (41%), so it is very valuable. The uniqueness of linseed oil lies in the very high content of polyunsaturated alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fatty acid in the human diet, contributes to the implementation of important biological functions in the human body, is part of almost all cell membranes, participates in the regeneration of the cardiovascular system of the human body, in the growth and development of the brain. Today, the high content of ALA in the human diet contributes to an increase in blood viscosity, has vasodilating properties, and has anti-stress and antiarrhythmic effects. Thus, the introduction of flaxseed or flaxseed oil into the diet becomes vital.

Linseed oil
Linseed oil- the only food product based on flax seeds on the Russian market. In food, only cold-pressed oil is usually used. Linseed oil should be protected from exposure to light and air. Do not fry or cook food on it. Oxidized or heated oil loses not only its taste, but also its healing properties and accumulates toxic substances.
Flaxseed oil cannot be stored for a long time, it goes rancid very quickly - in a month. Therefore, after all, the most reliable is to eat flaxseed.

Flaxseed oil has pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic properties in violation of fat metabolism, atherosclerosis, and cancer. It normalizes the functions of the liver, thyroid gland, intestines of the stomach, increases potency, has a rejuvenating and wound-healing effect.

The protein contained in the flax seed, according to the amino acid composition similar to the composition of vegetable soy proteins, renowned for their nutritional value. But flaxseeds surpass soybeans in the amount of oil by almost 2 times and in the content of the most biologically active fatty acids in it by 35%, in the content of carbohydrates in it - by 1.7 times.
These comparative data strongly reflect the nutritional superiority of flax over soy, which has prompted countries to phase out soy from the food industry and replace it with flax. The needs of the world's population for flaxseeds are constantly growing and open up prospects for the further development of flax growing and providing people with food with a high content of biologically active flaxseed protein.

Flax seeds are an excellent source vegetable fiber(insoluble and soluble). And fiber, as you know, helps reduce the risk of cancer and has a beneficial effect on immunity, reduces atherosclerosis and lipodemic deposits.
It activates the activity of the intestines. Fiber, swelling in the intestines, increases the volume of the contents of the intestines and thus stimulates its emptying, thereby helping to cope with chronic constipation.
Insoluble fiber helps empty the stomach and remove bile acids and cholesterol from the body that are in the digestive tract. Soluble fiber helps absorb water and turn it into a jelly that fills the stomach and fills the person with a feeling of fullness.

Microfibers (fiber) are the shells of plant cells and consist of polysaccharides, also starch, which are almost not digested in the human body.

Due to the high content polysaccharides flax seeds, when immersed in water, quickly become covered with colorless mucus, which has an enveloping and bactericidal effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and therefore is indispensable in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
A decoction of flaxseed is used to treat boils, abscesses, burns, various inflammations in the mouth and throat.

Flax seeds contain special substances lignans (“plant hormones”), which are antioxidants, have antibacterial and antiviral properties and, like omega-3 fats, prevent the development of breast and prostate cancer.
Flax seeds contain 100 times more lignans than other plant foods. Most lignans are found in the shell of the flax seed. Linseed oil contains a small amount of lignans or does not contain them at all (depending on the production technology).

Vitamins and trace elements

Flax seeds contain vitamins F, A, E, B.
Vitamin F actively involved in fat and cholesterol metabolism. Therefore, flax seed can also lower cholesterol, especially in women. Flax seeds are an excellent external source of vitamin F, which is important for the body - this vitamin is not synthesized in the body.

Vitamins A and E("vitamins of youth") have a beneficial effect on the skin - it is thanks to them that flaxseeds have found application in many cosmetic recipes.
Fat-soluble tocopherol, i.e. Vitamin E is present in flaxseed mainly
gamma-tocopherol, which is a natural bioantioxidant.

Flax seeds rich in minerals, especially rich potassium, which they contain about 7 times more than bananas in terms of dry weight.
Flax seeds are an important source Selena., which, in turn, prevents the development of tumors, cleanses the body of heavy metals, and helps improve vision and brain activity.
The flax seed is also rich lecithin, so useful for humans (in particular, for the cardiovascular system and the brain).

Flax seed in folk medicine

In folk medicine, flax seed is a well-known remedy for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

Linseed oil (fatty oil from flax seeds), used as a topical remedy, often brings relief and promotes healing with cracking of the skin, with residual foci scaly lichen (psoriasis), dry exanthema (skin rashes) and above all with painful herpes zoster. Even p ri warts(applied 2 times a day) and calluses flaxseed oil can be beneficial.

Flaxseed slime - the best enveloping, softening and anti-inflammatory effect in diseases digestive tract and respiratory tract: bronchi, hoarseness, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic colitis, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. This is the best enterosorbent, hemosorbent, immunomodulator.
Flaxseed mucus is used not only internally, but also externally. It is instilled into the eyes, and also lubricates the affected areas with conjunctivitis.

Infusion (tea) from flaxseed: Pour 1-2 teaspoons with the top of the whole seed into 0.2 liters of cold water and infuse for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain the liquid without squeezing. Warm up slightly before use.

Powder used from flax seeds for burns and skin diseases.

Linseed compress : place the crushed mass of the seed in a gauze bag and hold it (in a suspended form) for about 10 minutes in hot water, and then quickly apply it to the sore spot. What explains the effect of a compress with flaxseed gruel with an enlarged liver, it is impossible to explain, but relief comes.
Flaxseed compresses soften boils and abscesses, are used in the treatment of joint diseases, and flaxseed tinctures are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat.
Flaxseed boiled in milk is applied like a compress for treatment heel spurs.

External remedy (in the form of gruel in a compress). Pounded flaxseed is placed in a gauze bag, which is dipped in hot water for about 10 minutes, and then applied hot to the sore spot and kept until it cools. The compress relieves pain and softens boils and boils.
Flax seed gruel is used in the treatment wounds, bruises, cracks, etc.

Diseases of the digestive system
A decoction of flax seeds, due to its enveloping and softening effect, has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, and can be used for the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis. Fiber, which is rich in flax seeds, activates primarily the activity of the intestines, helping a person to cope with chronic constipation especially in chronic colitis. Such a “laxative” effect of flax seeds is due to the fact that when they swell in the intestines, they increase the volume of the intestinal contents and thus stimulate its emptying.

With diarrhea 1 st. a spoonful of seeds is poured into 0.5 cups of hot water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, filtered and used for an enema.

✔ Flaxseed laxative recipes:

  • For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an enveloping and mild laxative:
    2 teas. spoons of flax seeds pour 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drink a slimy infusion of 0.5 cups before meals 2-3 times a day.
  • You can also boil 2 teaspoons of flax seeds in 300 ml of water, leave for 10 minutes, shake vigorously, then strain and take 100 ml on an empty stomach with intestinal atony.
  • For chronic constipation, it is also recommended to take 1 cup of unstrained flaxseed infusion daily at night (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water). Infusions and decoctions should always be fresh.

Daily intake of 50 grams of flax seeds for two weeks is an effective traditional medicine for the treatment of intestinal diseases, even in elderly people with weak immunity.
Regular use of flax seeds helps to significantly improve liver function, significantly inhibits the absorption of toxins, and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

1. 1 table. l. flax seeds + 2 tbsp. l. Pour blueberry leaves in 1 cup cold water. Insist 6 hours. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 0.5 stack. twice a day (morning and evening).

2. Flax seeds are added to the composition of the remedy for diabetes, which are equally included bean pods, blueberry leaves and oat straw. 3 tablespoons of the crushed mixture is poured into 3 cups of hot water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, then cooled and filtered.
Take an infusion of half a glass 3 times a day until dry mouth and thirst disappear.
The same infusion is prescribed with inflammation of the bladder.
A decoction of flax seeds removes radionuclides, toxins, and other toxic substances.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 4 teaspoons of seeds, pour them with 1 liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, then close the pan and put in a warm place for 1 hour. Ready broth can not be filtered. Add lemon juice for taste. It is better to drink the decoction hot, 100 ml every 2 hours 6-8 times a day. This decoction relieves swelling of the face caused by diseases of the heart and kidneys. The result is achieved in 2-3 weeks.

For burns
To do this, 20 g of the powder must be mixed with water, boiled and applied to the burnt skin surfaces in the form of compresses.

To cleanse the kidneys
this remedy is recommended: pour 1 teaspoon of flaxseed into 200 ml of water, boil and take the resulting broth, 100 ml every 2 hours during the day.

To rid the body of radionuclides
you can use the following tips. Take 2 cups of white honey, 1 cup of flaxseed and meadowsweet grass juice, cook this mixture in a boiling water bath until it thickens. Take 0.5 teaspoon 1 hour after eating, holding in the mouth, swallowing saliva until the mixture melts. Keep refrigerated.

You can use another remedy: pour 1 cup of seeds into 2 liters of boiling water and insist in a boiling water bath in a tightly closed container for 2 hours, then cool and take 0.5 cups 6-7 times a day before meals. With radiation sickness 1 tbsp. drop a spoonful of whole flax seeds in 400 ml of boiling water, shake for 10-15 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and take 1 tbsp. spoon after 2 hours.

Lotions from flaxseed
done with solid tumors and with ulcers on the head. Sprinkling burnt flaxseed powder on a wound will dry it out and soothe pain and itching.

Flax seed compress
In folk medicine, a compress of flaxseed is popular. Pounded flaxseed is placed in a gauze bag, which is dipped in hot water for about 10 minutes, and then applied hot to the sore spot and kept until it cools. In this way, toothache, sciatica and rheumatism, facial neuralgia, abdominal pain, biliary colic, diseases of the bladder and kidneys are treated.

Bag of flaxseed
a favorite remedy for pain relief: it is applied hot to the cheek for toothache, sciatica and rheumatism, facial neuralgia, abdominal pain, biliary colic, diseases of the bladder and kidneys are treated by applying such bags. It may be that the moist warmth here is the relief.

Tips for Buying Flax Seed

1. Buy flaxseed and grind it yourself - eaten whole, it's likely to pass through the intestinal tract undigested, meaning your body isn't getting all of its healthy components.

2. Choose either brown or golden seeds. There is not much difference between them in terms of nutritional value and importance for weight loss, so the choice is yours.

3. Flax seeds spoil quickly, so always check the release date on the label. To keep them fresh, keep them in the refrigerator. Do not use oil with a strong or pungent odor.

4. Buy oil in dark plastic bottles, which protect the oil from light better than bottle glass. Don't waste your money buying "cold pressed" oil - it's not cleaner or healthier than prepared in other ways, but it usually costs a lot more.

5. Do not use flaxseed oil sold in hardware stores. It is not intended for food purposes and may contain toxic additives.

How to consume flax seed

1. Flaxseed oil has a nutty flavor that many people enjoy. 1 tablespoon of this oil contains over 100 calories. Do not cook on it - high temperature will decompose its active substances. Add it to already cooked food

2. Every time you eat oatmeal, soup, borscht or drink yogurt, add a couple of tablespoons of flaxseed to it. Soon it will become your habit, and you will continue to do it automatically.

3. Flax seeds can be added to baked goods. Replace part of the flour with ground flaxseeds in recipes for quick breads, muffins, rolls, bagels, pancakes, or waffles. Try replacing a quarter to a half cup of flour if a recipe calls for 2 or more cups of flour.
It is believed that one tablespoon of flax seeds and three tablespoons of water can replace one egg: 0).

4. Flax seeds are usually eaten coarsely ground with plenty of liquid. Since the swelling of flaxseed should occur directly in the intestines, it is not recommended to soak it beforehand (except for cases of inflammation in the intestines, in other cases, the product must be washed down).

5. Ground flaxseed does not need heat treatment. It is advisable to eat flax seeds immediately after grinding due to their rapid oxidation in air due to the high content of linseed oil. It is recommended to mix ground flaxseed with honey or marmalade in a ratio of 1:1 before use.

7. Store in the freezer. The freezer will protect them from oxidation and loss of nutrients.

Attention! Excessive consumption of flax seeds with insufficient water can cause intestinal obstruction. Therefore, if you use flax seeds in food, do not forget to drink them with enough water.

Preparation of a decoction of flax seeds

Mature flax seeds have the ability to secrete abundant mucus, which has an enveloping, softening and anti-inflammatory effect and is used in inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory tract. Mucus taken orally remains on the mucous membranes for a long time, protecting them from irritation by harmful substances, since it is not affected by the juices of the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare mucus, 3 g of seeds are poured into 0.5 cups of boiling water, shaken for 15 minutes and filtered. Take the mucus prepared in this way, 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

But most often, decoctions or infusions are prepared from flaxseed. The broth is quite pleasant in taste, but only on the first day, so it is not recommended to cook it in reserve. There are several of the most common recipes for making a decoction of flax seeds.

  1. Pour one tablespoon of seeds with two cups of boiling water and let it brew (preferably in a thermos) for one night. Take 100 grams half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with one glass of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat with the lid closed, stirring occasionally. Take in the same way as in the first recipe.
  3. Boil a thin berry jelly and add flax seeds there. In the process of cooling, they will swell and form a useful mass that will satisfy the feeling of hunger and thereby play a double role.
  4. Grind a tablespoon of seeds in a coffee grinder, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. It is advisable to eat flax seeds immediately after grinding.

There are other recipes as well. Which one to choose is not important. The main thing is that with any option, you will notice the beneficial effect of flax seeds on your body in a few days.

Rules for the use of flax seed

Remember that you need to start consumption slowly until you get used to the high fiber content. The optimal dose for health benefits is not exactly known.

It is believed that daily rate human consumption of flaxseeds is approximately 25 g, and this is one handful of seeds, which provides the population with a complete fortified diet and the best way to prevent any disease.

Experts advise taking a decoction in courses of 10 days (you drink 10 days - a 10-day break). The usual duration is 3-4 courses, but more is possible.

During the course, drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters per day (sorry for the intimate detail, but flax seed makes the stool quite strong, and therefore it must be liquefied).

Reception with food improves the absorption of flax seed oil.

The use of whole grains of flaxseed

You can also use whole and unsoaked flax seeds so that its swelling occurs directly in the intestines.
In this case dosage may be as follows: for prophylactic purposes, flax seeds are recommended to take at least 5 g per day, and for the purpose of treatment, take 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening (on average, no more than 50 grams per day).
The course of treatment is from one to several months.


✔ Contraindications: Ileus ( bowel obstruction), stricture of the esophagus and gastroesophageal region, cholelithiasis, acute inflammatory diseases of the intestine, esophagus, gastric inlet.

Individual intolerance - n Some people are allergic to linen. If you experience difficulty breathing after taking the supplement, stop taking the drug immediately.

Flaxseed and flaxseed oil should be used with caution if you have bleeding problems, high triglycerides, diabetes, bipolar disorder, thyroid disease, seizures, or asthma.

Remember! If you are sick, pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, please consult your healthcare professional before taking these supplements.

✔ Side effects - when used according to indications in recommended doses, they were not detected. Since there is little negative information on the Internet on cleansing the body with flax seed, we will assume that for most people it is painless. But based on my experience, I can recommend to those who are going to undergo a long course (designed for several weeks) of self-treatment with products obtained from flax seed. In the beginning - OBLIGATORY EXAMINATION on USI, make sure your kidneys and liver are free of stones!!! It turns out that flaxseed not only cleanses the digestive tract, but is also a STRONG choleretic agent.
If stones (or sand) are moved due to the use of flax, the pain will be hellish.

Attention! I draw your attention to the fact that when using flax seeds in an amount of more than 1 tablespoon per day, in some cases, unpleasant sensations in the liver area are possible (due to the high content of linseed oil in the seeds).

✔ Drug interaction. When used simultaneously with other drugs, it disrupts their absorption - split their appointments by no less than 2 hours
According to www.km.ru, medicus.ru, www.gabris.ru

For health and prevention, you can simply eat whole or ground flax seeds, add them to your food for one to several months without side effects.