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How much does a Sphynx weigh at 1 year old? Our participation in the development of Sphynx kittens. Health of Canadian hairless cats

A special role in the life of a cat is played by the period of active growth, when the animal gains weight. It occurs in the first six months of a pet’s life. Therefore, it is important to know what a kitten’s weight should be by month. There is a special table for these purposes. It will help monitor this indicator throughout the entire period of animal growth and correct under or over-feeding in a timely manner.

Determining the weight of a pet kitten is an excellent way to assess its growth and development. If weight is gained slowly, this indicates health problems. Also, a nursing cat may have problems with well-being. The second reason for poor recruitment is a lack of nutrients (for example, many cubs were born in the litter).

Kittens are characterized by rapid growth, as in natural conditions they leave their mother at the age of 12-16 weeks. Therefore, at the beginning of their lives, they should eat a balanced and high-calorie diet. Every week the cub should gain 50-100 g. If the animal gains less, it must be shown to a veterinarian. But there are cases when a pet experiences a temporary stabilization of this indicator. Then the set resumes and proceeds at an accelerated pace.

For each breed of cat there is a special table that indicates the normal weight of the animal depending on its age. This is important to know, since the norm is directly dependent on two indicators - age and breed.

Therefore, you can find out how much a kitten of a particular breed should weigh without any problems. Do not forget that this indicator is seriously influenced by a nutritious, balanced and rational diet.

In the first days after birth

Newly born babies have a mass of about 70-130 g. In the first days of life, the cubs practically do not move and see nothing. During this time, their main task is to eat, sleep and grow. As a result of this regimen, they should gain 10-15 g per day.

Up to a month

In the first 3-6 days, babies weigh in the range of 85-200 g. By the end of the first week of life, this figure is 140-285 g. At this time, the animals’ eyes begin to open, they react to foreign smells and sounds, and they become more active.

Therefore, kittens in the first month of their life need adequate nutrition. To achieve this, the diet is expanded. Fermented milk products are added to it. Animals are gradually transitioning from milk feeding to self-feeding with dry food or natural food. Their weight during this period is about 500-700 g.

Up to three months

An animal at the age of 2 months already behaves like an adult. At this time, the mother feeds her babies milk less and less, since the kittens’ bodies are already quite ready for independent feeding. Therefore, the second month is an excellent time to transfer the pet to a new owner. By this age, the weight of kittens is 1-1.4 kg.

After 4 weeks, animals should eat at least 5 times a day. Every time pets are given a fresh portion of food. During this period, you already need to decide what exactly the animal will eat: dry food or natural products. Three-month-old kittens weigh about 1.7-2.3 kg.

A detailed chart of weight gain in domestic cats is as follows:

  • newborn babies: females - 116-145, males - 118-147 g;
  • 1 week: 240-260, 240-280 g;
  • 2 weeks: 340-400, 350-420 g;
  • 4 weeks: 560-740, 630-820 g;
  • 6-8 weeks: 1.15-1.4, 1.2-1.5 kg;
  • 10-12 weeks: 1.7-2.3, 1.8-2.3 kg;
  • 14-16 weeks: 2.6-3.6, 2.7-3.8 kg;
  • 5 months: 2.9-4.3, 3.2-5.5 kg;
  • 6 months: 3.2-4.5, 3.9-6 kg;
  • 7 months: 3.5-4.9, 4.2-6.5 kg;
  • 8 months: 3.8-5.2, 4.5-6.9 kg;
  • 9 months: 4.1-5.5, 5-7 kg;
  • 10 months: 4.2-5.8, 5.3-7.7 kg;
  • 11 months: 4.3-6.1, 5.6-8 kg;
  • 1 year: 4.5-6.8, 5.7-9 kg.

After 1 year, the weight of animals directly depends on the breed and nutrition.

Control of increases

You need to monitor your kitten's growth every month. First, use a kitchen scale. As the animal gets larger, it is weighed on a floor scale.

The monthly intake should be 100-150 g.

The pet's body weight should be checked against a table calculated for a specific breed. The taken indicators are recorded in a special diary.

A distinctive feature of the Canadian Sphynx is its lack of fur. But this is just an appearance. The Canadian Sphynx is a medium-sized cat with a small build, but it weighs quite a lot. The difference between cats and cats is clearly expressed: cats are much smaller.

The appearance of the Canadian Sphynx emphasizes all its internal qualities and character traits. The sphinx's muzzle expresses all the sharpness of the animal's mind, and its soft and warm body, reminiscent of the skin of a peach to the touch, clearly demonstrates the sociable and friendly nature of the animal. Each part of the Sphynx's body has its own breed-specific standard.

Characteristic features of the head

The head of the Canadian Sphynx does not exceed the size of the body, but, on the contrary, is harmoniously combined with it. Slightly extended forward, it has a wedge-shaped shape. The rounded skull of the Sphinx is flat at the front and its length exceeds its width. At first glance, the nose of the Canadian Sphynx is absolutely straight, but if you look closely, the transition of the nose to the forehead has a small depression. The rounded muzzle of the Sphinx has clearly defined cheekbones, the pads of the mustache and a rather powerful chin stand out very clearly. The head smoothly merges into the neck, which is not very long, muscular and slightly arched from the shoulders. A characteristic feature of an adult Sphynx is its fairly developed muscles.

Big ears

The peculiarity of the ears of the Canadian Sphynx lies in their size, which can be not just large, but very large. Quite wide at the base, the Sphynx's ears have a geometric feature and a special feature of the breed - along the outer edge they should coincide with the line of the eyes. It is difficult to imagine that any part of the Sphynx's body has abundant hair, which is why the inside of the ears does not have hair.

Beautiful look

The eyes of the Canadian Sphynx are large, slanted, lemon-shaped - wide in the middle, and narrowing towards the edges. The outer edge is slightly raised and is level with the outer edge of the base of the ear. The distance between the eyes is almost the same size as the eye itself. The color of the Sphynx's eyes depends on the color of its coat.

Muscular body

The physique of the Canadian Sphynx is of medium size - quite heavy and muscular. The Sphynx's chest is wide, the belly is full and round, and the back is slightly arched from the shoulder blades to the rear. Another characteristic of the breed is the length of the limbs - the hind legs of the Sphinx are slightly longer than the front legs. They are of medium size, proportional to the body. The forelimbs of the Canadian Sphynx are small, oval in shape, but have well-developed long jointed fingers. The pads on the sphinx's paws are thick and it seems that the kitten moves on them. The animal's tail is proportional to the body, quite long and graceful, tapering towards the end.

Wool and leather

The first impression when looking at the Sphynx is the complete absence of hair. However, the breed standard still provides for the presence on the body of the Sphynx of a soft fluff 2 mm long, similar to a suede covering, which is felt at the moment of stroking the kitten. Some parts of the Sphynx's body may have fine hairs, for example, they may be on the tail, limbs, outer part of the ear and scrotum, and there should be normal hair on the bridge of the nose.

The skin of the Sphynx is covered with many folds, the number of which is especially large between the ears, around the muzzle and shoulders. The sphinx may not have a mustache, or it may be short and broken off.

Due to the lack of fur, the requirements for the Sphynx figure are quite high - excess weight and fat folds are excluded.

Color and tabby

The breed standards that apply to color are presented for the Sphynx as solid, tabby, and tortoiseshell.

Solid colors

  • The Black Sphynx has a graphite body coat with a gray tint and a black nose, and the paw pads can be either black or dark brown.
  • Blue color is a bleached black, light blue skin tone has a silver tint, the nose and pads are gray.
  • The Chocolate Sphynx is a color that runs the gamut from bitter dark chocolate to milk cocoa, with a nose that matches the skin tone and paw pads that range from pink to light brown.
  • The lilac color of the Sphynx has a silver tint with a pink tint, and the nose and paw pads are lavender.
  • Red color is typical for kittens, since with age the existing stripes and bright spots disappear, and only the paw pads and nose are brick or pink in color.
  • The cream Sphynx has a color derived from red and comes in shades of pink to almost white with a pink nose and pads. The offspring of a cream female and a female cat are tortoiseshell in color.
  • Cinnamon or cinnamon color completely colors the Sphynx's skin, right down to the pads and nose.
  • The faun is represented by a uniform light beige color for all parts of the animal's body.
  • The white color ranges from white to pink with pink paw pads. For shades of this color, the color of the eyes is decisive: blue eyes - white, intense blue - pale pink, orange eyes - white.

Tortoiseshell colors

  • The black turtle is represented by a black body cover, on which there are red or cream areas, and on the face - a red spot.
  • Blue turtle - blue skin has cream spots on the body and always on the pet's face.
  • The purple tortoiseshell is lavender in color with creamy areas and a cream patch on the face.
  • The chocolate turtle comes in a reddish color closer to brown and has a red marking on its face.
  • Tortoiseshell cinnamon has a gray-brown body color with creamy areas and a red spot on the face.
  • Tortoiseshell faun has ivory skin with cream spots and the same marking on the face.

Sphynx tabby

  • The marbled color is clearly expressed on the cat's limbs and tail. On the paws it is in the form of brackets, and the tail is covered with uniform rings. The color also appears as a necklace on the neck and chest. On the muzzle, the marbled color looks like the letter W and a rounded pattern on the cheeks.
  • The brindle is also pronounced on the tail and legs. Braces on the paws, rings on the tail and frequent rings on the neck are signs of the brindle color. This color is excluded from hairless representatives of the breed.
  • The spotted color is presented in the form of round or oval spots on the body of the animal, which do not merge into a pattern. A stripe of spots runs along the spine to the very tip of the tail, and on the stomach the spots resemble buttons from clothes. Spotted color can also appear on a bald body.
  • The tortoiseshell tabby combines spots of all solid colors, with a red spot on the animal's face being desirable.
  • The silver tabby has a base skin color with black markings on the body, a reddish-brown nose, and black paws.
  • The black tabby has black markings on a copper-red or brown skin background, with a red-brown nose and black paws.
  • The blue tabby includes ivory skin with deeper blue markings, a dark pink nose, and pink paws.
  • The red tabby speaks for itself: the red skin has more contrasting red markings, the limbs are red-brown.
  • The Cream Tabby has pale cream skin with deeper contrasting color markings, the nose and pads are pink.
  • A chocolate tabby with beige skin and deep red-brown markings, includes a pink nose with chestnut edging and brown pads.
  • The lilac tabby has lavender-colored skin, more contrasting markings, and paw pads and nose that match the overall color.

The degree of color of the Canadian Sphynx and, accordingly, the breed standard is very positively influenced by sunbathing, and the color becomes more saturated. However, abuse of sunbathing should be avoided, since the Sphynx's skin is very delicate and does not have protection from ultraviolet rays in the form of fur.

Eighty-five grams of weight and twelve centimeters of height - this is what small kittens have at birth. Plus, at first glance, they are absolutely helpless: blind, deaf, unable to move independently. But this is only at first glance. But in fact, they already have an excellent sense of smell and find food on their own: their mother’s nipples.

I would like to write in a separate line: only sphinxes up to three months old have blue eyes, one might even say bottomless. Charms!

Only three days will pass, and with the movement of their paws they cause the mother to release milk, and by the end of the week their weight will double. The eyes will open, a cat's reaction will appear: with the eyes, with attempts to perform actions. They will be able to sit confidently and move independently by the end of the month. But it’s impossible to call them helpless until this time: and the main thing here is that they understand and demonstrate the need to move, defend themselves, and get food.

Their teeth erupt at one month of age: if you are attentive, you will notice that on the thirty-second day, babies begin to try other foods in addition to mother's milk. Although a good mother continues to feed them with her milk for up to two months or even more.

Until the age of forty-five days, Sphynx babies are afraid to leave their mother. However, you will notice, and must definitely take into account when raising and training them, that this is the period when they become active and terribly playful before your eyes. Their favorite pastimes are active, outdoor games, especially wrestling.

In the third month, alas, your cat shows more interest not in the kittens, but in the cat. Nature is nature, you can’t argue with it. No matter how hard the kids try, she will not allow them to touch her nipples. There is only one way out: you need to learn to eat other foods, and not suck milk from your nipples, but lick it from a plate. You should know: for babies, in fact, this is a period of shock: they rush about, worry, and often tremble. But this passes quickly, especially if you show affection and attention.

It is you who must gradually increase the amount of additional kitten food. We especially draw the attention of those owners whose cats have large litters, or the cats themselves are weak, sick and cannot provide adequate nutrition to their children.

In general, you and I should know and notice that even by the end of the first month of a baby’s life, the mother begins to teach the children that soon she will not give them access to the nipples: she turns away from them, lies on her tummy, hides the nipples. Therefore, by the end of the third week, they should, of course, with your light hand, have a plate or saucer, it doesn’t matter, with a cat’s milk replacer. For the first two to three days, the dose should be one teaspoon per dose. Then start adding a little baby food. And so continue for a week. In the second week, feed one day a small amount of canned food (meat or fish).

It shouldn’t matter to you how much milk they receive from their mother, something else is important to you: they should receive food three to four times a day. When they reach six weeks of age, at each feeding they should receive three to four spoons (teaspoons, of course) of the food you prepared. Nutrition must be organized so that at the age of six to eight weeks they and we are ready to move away from mother's milk and feed on their own. It is advisable that you feed them four to five times a day.

The main question always arises: what to feed? The principle should be this: the “child” grows, and the amount of solid food added also increases: minced beef, boiled chicken and fish, canned food from a pet store. If we talk about water, then at first add more, and over time reduce its amount to a minimum. It’s better to put some water separately, so anyone who wants to can drink it themselves. It is very useful to feed them with omelet, but always with butter. In general, try to give a variety of food: try to ensure that there are as few whims as possible with food. From infancy, their taste should be determined in your favor. Remember: if they begin to diarrhea or do not eat your food, consult a doctor immediately.

When can kittens be considered not kittens, but adult cats? At six months. At this age, they are already ready for hunting, love relationships, and in general, living independently.” Maturing kittens begin to mark their territory at five months. By this time, their baby teeth will have already been replaced. And their mother begins to prepare to become a mother next time, unless, of course, you interfere with her.

Now let's, in a concentrated form, define the main periods of development: from birth and, say, up to a year. Five to eleven days pass and the eyes open. But the ear canals will open in six to thirteen days. In the third week, teeth will erupt, and in the fourth, start feeding. In the seventh week you can give the first anthelmintic for the first time. Panleukopenia, or the first vaccination, is given at the age of nine weeks, or a week earlier or later. But plan the second one for the thirteenth week, or a week later or earlier. At the same time, you can change the owner. The fifth month is the time to get a rabies vaccination and a complete change of teeth. If you decide to castrate or sterilize your youngsters, this can be done within six months to a year, which is when puberty occurs. A rabies vaccination must be done every year, and after two years - panleukopenia (repeated vaccinations).

There are other features of the age development of Sphynx kittens. Visit our site more often and you will always find the information you need.

Choosing a cat breed is a responsible and not always easy decision. It is necessary to take into account not only the appearance, but also the characteristics of the character, behavior and maintenance of the pet. In this article you will learn what the Sphynx cat breed is, its distinctive features and care rules.

The Sphynx is an artificially bred cat breed. Their peculiarity is the absence of hair, which is fixed in the form of a mutation in the genetic code.

Where did they come from, and why are they called Egyptian cats? Modern representatives appeared about 50 years ago. However, it is known from history that the first representatives of hairless cats existed already in 1903. They were not bred artificially; their origin is associated with the occurrence of a spontaneous mutation.

The choice of the name of the breed is associated with the incredible similarity of these cats to the Egyptian mythical creature.

Video “All about the Don Sphynx breed”

From this video you will learn why the Don Sphynx breed is interesting and how to care for it.

Appearance Features

The appearance of this breed has one characteristic difference, which makes it possible not to confuse them with others - these cats are hairless and there is no hair on their skin. However, it should be noted that fur is not necessarily completely absent. In different representatives of the breed it can be on the bridge of the nose, ears, or paws. Sometimes there is even light fluff that covers the entire body. The characteristics of the coat are determined by the type of cat.

The skin gathers in characteristic folds; they can be all over the body or only on the muzzle or abdomen. Sphynxes have large and rounded ears, which also distinguishes them from other animals.

They are medium in size, with adults weighing about 3–5 kg (depending on species and gender). The paws of these animals are muscular and quite developed. Moreover, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs.

Types of breeds

Today, 3 varieties of the breed are known: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg Sphynxes. They are connected by a characteristic feature - the absence of hair, however, other parameters of appearance and behavior of these representatives are different. They differ not only in external characteristics, each of them has its own genetic characteristics. Let's look at the description of each type.


As the name suggests, this breed was developed in Canada. The first representatives appeared more than 50 years ago and quickly gained people's attention. Sphynx cats are of medium size, with male cats being significantly larger than male cats (adults weigh 3–5 kg depending on gender).

A characteristic feature of this species is its thick skin, which forms folds throughout the body. The skin is rough to the touch, as if it were suede. There is soft short fluff on the nose, ears and tips of the paws. The ears, like other representatives, are large and rounded. Their hind legs are much longer than their front legs. This determines the peculiarity of the gait.


This species is younger and was bred much later than the Canadian Sphynx. Slightly larger in size than other representatives (average weight is 4–7 kg). There are 3 variations of the Don Sphynx depending on the coat: naked, velvet and bristly. The skin is thin and forms folds only on the head and belly.


The St. Petersburg Sphynx is also a young species. They are more graceful, tall and slender than other representatives of the breed. This is the most elegant type of sphinx. Their fur may be completely absent or in the form of a light fluff on the ears, bridge of the nose and paws. There are also representatives with long soft velvet all over the body.

Behavior and character

The character of the Sphinx has its own characteristics:

  1. Representatives of this breed have a very pronounced social need. They cannot stand loneliness and love attention very much. They love to sit in their arms and be in the company of people all the time. These are very gentle and friendly animals.
  2. These cats have high intelligence. They are capable of learning. In childhood, this is manifested by the fact that the kitten is easy to accustom to the tray.
  3. They are very devoted and faithful. They love to play with their owner, and get bored in his absence.
  4. These are happy, proud animals. They should not be treated with disdain.
  5. They are not characterized by aggressiveness, they are quite friendly and easily make contact. However, they behave reservedly with strangers. They need time to adapt.

The behavioral characteristics of sphinxes are determined by their needs. It is necessary to take into account their high attachment and social need. If you are often away from home or move, it may be better to choose a different breed. If a cat is left alone for a long time, it will be under constant stress, which will undoubtedly affect its health.

Another pet can be your salvation. Get another cat or dog. In this way, you can save the Sphinx from loneliness. This breed is very friendly and gets along well with other animals.

Rules and subtleties of content

The skin of sphinxes is very hot, the temperature is much higher than that of humans (more than 38 °C). This leads to increased sweating in animals. Therefore, the first rule of care is bathing. Representatives of this breed, unlike other cats, love water. Cats need to be washed regularly, although sometimes just wiping the skin with a damp cloth is enough. It is necessary to clean not only the skin, but also the ears and eyes. Since the mucous membrane is very sensitive, this must be done carefully.

Warm skin is not a sign that the cat is hot. This only indicates that it has increased heat transfer. Therefore, during the cold season, take care of clothing for your pet. You can buy it in special stores or knit it yourself. Knitting clothes can save your pet from the cold.

If a cat becomes aggressive and constantly marks, you need to think about castration.

Price policy

How much does such a pet cost? This question depends primarily on the pedigree of the animal. The price may fluctuate significantly. The average cost of a sphinx is 5–10 thousand rubles.

The period of active growth and weight gain plays a special role in the development of a kitten. Determining the weight of a kitten at each stage of its development is necessary in order to notice deviations in the direction of underweight or overweight in time and take action. In order to control the kitten's weight by month, you can use a special table.

It is based on the average increase for each month in the period from 1 to 12. However, when using the table data, it should be taken into account that the weight of different breeds at the same age may differ slightly. For example, Maine Coon cubs weigh significantly more at birth than British breed cubs. Several other factors also influence the weight and size of a kitten:

  • Floor. At birth, boys and girls usually do not differ much in weight, but after a few months this difference becomes noticeable;
  • Number of individuals in the litter. It is known that the more individuals born in one litter, the greater their deviation towards underweight from the average statistical norm;
  • Proper nutrition for cats during pregnancy and feeding. If during pregnancy and feeding the cat received all the substances necessary for her body, then the likelihood of harmoniously developing offspring becomes higher;
  • A balanced diet for the baby after weaning him from the cat is one of the factors that is significant in terms of influence on the kitten’s normal weight;
  • The health status of the animal. Violation of general health can negatively affect the development of an individual and normal weight gain.

Kitten weight at birth

A newly born kitten usually weighs no more than 120 grams. At this age, he still does not see anything and practically does not move. The baby's main task is to eat, sleep and grow. In this mode, he adds from 10 to 15 grams per day.

After about a week, the babies' eyes open, they respond to sounds and foreign smells, and begin to show more activity in their movements. Thanks to enhanced nutrition, they already weigh 200-250 grams and become more mobile every day.

By the end of the fourth week, the kittens are already actively playing and moving freely throughout the entire territory allotted to them. At this time, the kitten should weigh 300-500 grams.

Approximate weight in the first four weeks looks like this:

  • A newly born cat weighs from 70 to 130g
  • At the age of 3-6 days - from 85 to 200g
  • At the age of 1 week - from 140 to 285g
  • At two weeks of age - from 225 to 400g
  • At the age of 3 weeks - from 285 to 500g

The most active period of kitten development and maximum weight gain is considered to be the period from 1 to 6 months, when babies gradually move from milk feeding to a more varied diet. The kitten's weight in the first half of the year is as follows:

At 1 month he already weighs from 500 to 700 grams, moves actively, can drink water on his own and try fermented milk products. At this stage, preparation begins for the transition from suckling milk to independent feeding.

A kitten at 2 months already begins to behave like an adult. During this period, the cat feeds the kittens milk less and less, since they are fully matured to eat on their own. It is at this age that breeders recommend handing over babies to new owners in order to begin instilling in pets the rules of behavior in a new home as early as possible. Weight at 2 months reaches 1000-1400 grams.

How much should a 3 month old kitten weigh? It is recommended to feed your pet at least 5 times a day during this period, offering a fresh portion of food each time. Also at this age, it is advisable to decide how you plan to feed the animal, natural or industrial feed. If the baby develops harmoniously, then his weight is approximately 1700-2300 grams.

A kitten at 4 months is already able to lead a completely independent lifestyle, eat solid food, go to the litter box, and interact with other pets. The average weight of a four-month-old cat should be between 2500-3600 grams.

At five months of age, kittens undergo slight changes in their diet. They continue to lead an active lifestyle, but now the breaks in food are becoming longer, and the weight of one portion eaten is larger. In this regard, individuals of some breeds may experience sharp jumps in body weight in one direction or another. The usual weight of a kitten at 5 months is 2900-3900 grams.

Kitten from 6 months to one year

By six months, the kitten already looks like an adult cat and is sexually mature. The growth rate of the animal slows down slightly, and kittens of some breeds even reach maximum values. At the age of 6 months, cats may begin to shed their first coat, but their physique cannot yet be called fully formed, since the period of muscle mass growth has not yet been completed. The average weight of a six-month-old baby is 3200-4100 grams.

In the period from six months to a year, the kitten gradually gains weight by 100-150 grams every month, and by the year it is approximately 4500-7500 grams.

At this age, muscle mass is already fully formed, and several other factors begin to influence the cat’s weight:

  • Balanced diet. If the kitten's diet meets its needs, then weight problems are unlikely;
  • Outdoor games. Lack of mobility in cats can lead to excess weight;
  • Healthy sleep has a beneficial effect on overall health;
  • Presence of irritants. The presence of any irritants in the house can reduce appetite and lead to weight loss.

For speed and convenience, there is a table of kitten weight by month for each breed, which is easy to find on the Internet.

Exceeding the norm

In a city apartment, cats are most at risk of obesity, and if you add unhealthy diet to this, then problems with excess weight will not take long to appear.

An overweight cat has no waist at all, and its belly protrudes in both directions. Watch your cat, if it is difficult for her to lick herself and raise her paws, then there is a reason for this.

Take the cat in your arms and try to feel the ribs; they should be easily palpable, but not protruding. In the case of obesity, it will be problematic to feel the ribs, since they are covered with a layer of fat.

In most cases, obesity problems in pets can be controlled by adjustments in the diet, but sometimes obesity can be a symptom of other diseases, so it is better to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Decrease in norm

If, when weighing the animal, you find that the kitten’s weight is below normal, while it has a completely healthy appearance and active behavior, then in this case you just need to observe the kitten.

Perhaps he is lacking nutrients or his weight gain is not keeping up with his size.

In some cases, kittens between seven and nine months of age do not gain weight well, or even lose it altogether. This may be due to puberty of individuals and changes in the animal’s hormonal levels.

It’s another matter if, when examining the animal, you find protruding ribs, uneven coat, and protruding pelvic bones. All these signs may indicate serious illnesses, for which a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed.