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We are drawing up a business plan for a construction company. Business plan for a construction company with low costs: example

Small construction business, just like large ones, is a profitable business in terms of payback and growth prospects. Such small business includes the construction of country cottages. Given the increased popularity of private homes, a company can quickly recoup its investment. The payback period is 6 months.

To open a company you will need qualified employees. The number of personnel will be 29 people. It is also necessary to rent office space. The minimum office area is 100 m2.

The average cost of building 1 m2 of a cottage is 15,000 rubles. Taking into account the seasonality of the business, which occurs in the summer, the company will be able to conclude an average of 12 contracts for the construction of cottages. The average size of one house is 250 m2. Thus, in a year the company will build 30,000 m2. Given the high demand, this figure can be increased by hiring additional staff.

Initial investment amount - 2 482 000 rub.

Average monthly profit - 2 045 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at third month

Payback period - 6 months

2. Description of the business, product or service

Currently, due to overpopulation in the city and the desire of people to live in the countryside, more and more people are thinking about building their own country house. This is also evidenced by the trend towards a decrease in the number of purchased apartments in multi-storey buildings. In this regard, the need for country real estate construction companies is constantly increasing. The market size is growing, which opens up new opportunities for new companies.

The main factor influencing the success of companies in this business is the provision of turnkey services to the client, including design, construction, renovation, and finishing of premises. It is also necessary to add additional services: architectural and technical supervision, acquisition of land. The main activity is the construction of cottages from brick, wood and other materials. When opening a company, you need to pay attention to developing software for quick communications with clients and suppliers. It is important to maintain accountability to the client, complete all stages of work on time and without increasing estimates.

In addition, when opening a construction company, you need to pay attention to the legislation in this industry. The manager should carefully read the following documents regulating the activities of low-rise construction in Russia.

  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
  • SP-30-102-99. Planning and development of low-rise housing construction.

Also, special attention should be paid to the study of building codes and regulations (SNiP).

3. Description of the sales market

The need for a country house today is a consequence of people’s desire to go and live away from the bustle of the city, which causes high demand. At the same time, most companies leave the market because they cannot offer professional services, adequate pricing and guarantee the quality of construction. Employees of most country real estate companies do not have the necessary education, which affects the quality.

Thus, there is a shortage of offers from quality country real estate construction companies on the market.

The company's clients are private individuals. When planning to open your own construction company, it is necessary not only to attract clients, but also to offer them excellent terms of cooperation from competitors. Be sure to segment clients by income to offer the client additional services and increase profits.

Also, one of the ways to increase profits from your services is to provide design and engineering services to other construction companies.

The decisive factor that determines the success of a construction company at the present time is speed of service and understanding of client requirements, quality of construction, and professionalism. Unforeseen expenses and increases in the estimated cost during construction must be avoided.

By complying with these requirements, the company will be able to increase market share, reputation, and also increase customer loyalty.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Production (opening) plan

General plan for opening a construction company in stages:

  • Search for office space
  • Registration of a legal entity - individual entrepreneur
  • Conclusion of a lease agreement and purchase of equipment
  • Repair of premises
  • Recruitment and training of personnel
  • Attracting clients and getting started.

Opening an individual entrepreneur (OKVED code 41.20 - Construction of residential and non-residential buildings). Tax registration with the tax service. The optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system of 6% (tax base “income”). It is also possible to register a legal entity in the form of LLC (Limited Liability Company).

To open, you also need to rent an office of 100 m2. After concluding a lease agreement, you should purchase equipment and software for designing and developing the design of the cottage.

Office opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. The construction season runs from the beginning of May to the end of September.

6. Organizational structure

To organize a company, it is necessary to hire highly qualified personnel. It would be most beneficial to hire experienced builders who have the necessary education and experience as workers. The team will expand as needed and as organic growth occurs. This project requires a team of 29 people:

  • Manager
  • Foreman (4 people)
  • Designer
  • Designer
  • Engineer
  • Surveyor
  • Workers (20 people)

Accounting should be outsourced. You can contact the bank where the account is opened and find out about this opportunity. You can also use online accounting “Elba” or “My Business”.

The manager can be the business owner or an employee. The foreman must be carefully selected, as he will be responsible for purchasing materials and monitoring the construction process.

The key function is performed by workers whose immediate responsibility is to work on a construction site. Therefore, when choosing builders, it is necessary to exercise careful caution, since the market often offers its services to unqualified personnel. You can use outsourced teams that have legal status. faces.

The rest of the staff must be hired on staff, since the use of outsourced specialists will be ineffective and will negatively affect the quality of work.

Payroll fund, rub.


The number of employees







Total payroll

1 525 000

The full calculation of the payroll, taking into account insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

A detailed sales plan for 24 months, a forecast of investment efficiency and calculation of business economic indicators are presented in the financial model.

A ready-made business plan for a construction company that will help you calculate not only the costs of opening it, but also the expected profit and payback period.

Capital investments in a construction company: 14,600,000 rubles
Payback period: 18-30 months
Profitability level: 25-30%

At any time, construction will be a popular service, the demand for which is growing every year.

But, as in any other business, there are some nuances here, so at the first stage it is important to draw up a competent one.

And to draw up this important document, you can use the services of experienced economists and lawyers, but it would still be more correct to try to understand all the points yourself.

Of course, it is necessary to turn to specialists, since the construction business, in addition to its profitability, is also characterized by high and rather fierce competition, so the slightest mistake will cost you a lot of money.

Construction company business plan: project planning

Any business plan for a construction company begins with planning.

At this stage, you need to decide on the goals and types of work that you will provide, as well as how you will promote your business in order to find clients.


And it will be about two and a half years.

But this period may well be reduced to one and a half years if most of the orders fall in the spring and summer, when the population prefers to make repairs.

The approximate level of profitability is 25-30%.

But, unfortunately, in winter it can decrease to 15%.

This is due to the fact that during this season the number of orders decreases.

How to run a construction business correctly and what are the responsibilities of the company owner,

explained in the video:

Risks and difficulties of the construction business

In addition to the financial calculations that you will include in the business plan of a construction company, you also need to calculate possible risks.

So these include:

  • high level of competition;
  • unqualified personnel and human factor;
  • rising prices for building materials and equipment;
  • lack of orders;
  • tricks of competitors.

The construction business is a fairly profitable, but at the same time complex business that requires colossal returns not only from the owner, but also from the workers themselves.

After all, it is their work that will determine whether clients are satisfied or not.

But still correctly composed construction company business plan is already half the key to success.

And then you can not only return the invested funds, but also increase them.

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Construction has always been, is and will be the most promising and profitable type of business activity. That is why at present the idea of ​​​​creating their own construction company comes to the minds of so many businessmen.

Our article will tell you how to competently draw up a business plan for this.

Market analysis, selection of a specific field of activity

The construction industry is characterized by dynamic development, the emergence of innovative technologies and modern methods of performing work. At the same time, this area is characterized by high competition and saturation of the entire segment itself, from finishing work to the construction of a turnkey building.

Those who want to join the construction niche and succeed in this industry need to draw up a clear and competent strategy for the enterprise. In this case, many nuances should be taken into account, among which, first of all, it is worth highlighting the competitiveness of the organization, the use of modern technologies and innovative equipment, as well as the specifics and demand for certain construction works in the relevant market.

A construction company that is preparing to enter the market and remain competitive throughout its existence must offer a wide range of services in the industry, ranging from the creation of individual projects to a full range of finishing works.

You can, of course, focus on a specific type of construction activity, but the entrepreneur must understand that this will significantly narrow the circle of his potential clients. That is why the best option is to create a multidisciplinary organization, which can specialize in several areas:

  • Development and implementation of standard and individual projects;
  • Adaptation of typical solutions;
  • Construction of commercial buildings, cottages, residential buildings and other facilities;
  • Repair of country houses, apartments, office and other premises.

In any case, before starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to carefully analyze the already existing market for construction services in a particular region. It makes sense to study supply and demand, average prices for work performed, and also approximately calculate the payback of the project, so as not to subsequently face bankruptcy of the construction organization.

Cost calculation

Any business requires start-up capital, which will be needed to implement the project. It is important to take into account all aspects in order to avoid later unplanned costs. So, the initial investment may include the following expense items:

  • Rent of premises for office and construction equipment;
  • or ;
  • Purchase of construction equipment and inventory (here you can consider an option such as leasing);
  • Advertising of a construction company and salaries to employees.

In addition to the main expenses, it is worth understanding that a construction company also requires variable costs, which relate to payment of utilities, rent and the purchase of construction consumables.

The cost of wages to employees will be about 50,000 rubles per month per person, while for the implementation of specific projects, you can attract highly specialized specialists with whom you can work on a contractual basis. This will make it possible to clearly regulate the ratio of work performed and wages to employees. The main staff of employees, as a rule, works remotely, which means that a manager and a specialist who is responsible for communication with clients must be present in the office, which makes it possible to rent a small room.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Required documents, licenses, permits

The process of creating your own construction company can be divided into three stages:

  1. Registration of a legal entity and preparation of all necessary documents.
  2. Obtaining opinions and permits.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.

At the first stage, the future entrepreneur must determine the form of private ownership within which the construction organization will operate. The best option is an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a Limited Liability Company (LLC). You should order custom printing and standard forms at the same time. Don’t forget about a commercial account and registration with the tax authorities.

Entrepreneurs often believe that in order to carry out commercial activities in the construction industry, it is necessary to obtain special permission from SROs (self-regulatory organizations). However, this is not always necessary. To operate a construction company, the following permits and licenses will be required:

  • Self-regulatory organizations– this is not an admission, not a license, or even a permit. This is the status of a construction company, on the basis of which permission can be obtained to provide certain types of construction work, usually associated with increased risk. SRO may be needed for the construction of the following structures:
    • Buildings and structures, the total area of ​​which does not exceed 1500 square meters. m.
    • Residential buildings intended for single-family residences.
    • Residential block houses in which the number of blocks does not exceed 10.
    • 3-story buildings.
  • Construction permit. Without this document it is impossible to begin any type of construction work. You can obtain it from local governments with the participation of the head of the municipality and the chief architect of the city or district. It is worth noting that this document is inexpensive.
  • License for design of buildings and structures. This permit is necessary for those entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have a legal education intended to provide design services.
  • Permit for engineering surveys under construction. This document is for all types of engineering work at all stages of construction.

In order to collect all the necessary documents and obtain state registration as quickly as possible, it is enough to contact a specialized company that deals with the registration of legal entities. You can save money and deal with bureaucracy on your own.

To learn how to open your own construction organization, watch the following video:

Required Personnel

Correct and competent selection of personnel is of fundamental importance, because the competitiveness and profitability of the entire enterprise depends on these people. The speed and quality of work performed depends on the qualifications of employees, which is why the selection of personnel should be approached with particular scrupulousness.

The construction company must establish cooperation with specialists in the following industries:

  • Architecture and design;
  • Construction, repair and finishing works;
  • Programming and design;
  • Jurisprudence, accounting and taxation.

Permanent employees are able to select specialists in their field and monitor the work they perform. During times of seasonal unemployment, they can develop standard projects and implement them.

In order to save money, it is allowed to hire highly specialized specialists on a contractual basis, thereby reducing the cost of permanent wages. Such specific industries include geodetic, geological and design work, as well as the delivery and lifting of oversized cargo. It would be advisable to recruit a certain number of workers who specialize in a wide area: electrician, plumber, plasterer and painter. It is important to have a foreman who will monitor the actions and quality of the work performed.

Among other employees whose presence in a construction organization is mandatory, it is worth highlighting a manager who will specialize in working with clients, an accountant and a specialist in the field of law, as well as a director of the enterprise and an architect.

To carry out any type of construction work, you should choose responsible and trusted specialists who perform their duties efficiently and conscientiously. Special attention should be paid to the necessary configuration of construction tools and equipment.

Marketing plan

Creating a customer base and its constant expansion is the main task facing a developing construction company. It is worth understanding that customers can be not only private individuals. Municipal and government agencies, law firms, trade organizations, etc. - all of them can act as potential clients of construction firms.

Before covering the main categories of construction marketing, it is worth determining what small and large enterprises have significant differences in the field of advertising campaigns.

So, for a small enterprise specializing in construction, it is enough:

  • Creation of standard advertisements in print media, online publications, advertising via the Internet, as well as leaflets and business cards;
  • Distribution of booklets among specialized partner companies;
  • Speeches at conferences with company presentations.

If we are talking about large enterprises in the construction industry, it is worth considering participation in tenders. How it works? Some large organization N, possessing certain organizational skills, takes part in the tender and wins it. Then it hires various companies to cooperate in the construction of a particular facility, with one company doing the foundation, the second specializing in geological and geodetic work, the third performing all types of finishing work, etc.

In any case, you can use all possible methods to find potential clients, from printed publications to participation in a tender. In the future, the quality of the work performed and their reasonable price will work for the company, providing more and more new customers.

Enterprise profitability and payback period

The profitability of an average construction company is calculated based on the following indicators:

  • Monthly costs for salaries of permanent employees and utilities;
  • Office space rental;
  • Business services (taxes and other deductions).

When working with third-party organizations, a construction company must indicate its percentage of the revenue that it will receive as a result of the work performed. Subject to competent business management and an optimal number of permanent staff, it can be argued that a construction company is a profitable business. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs are inclined to believe that creating your own business in the construction industry pays for itself within one year, which is a very positive factor for future businessmen.

Do not forget that currently there are a lot of proposals for the implementation of a ready-made construction business. Of course, this is an expensive pleasure, but a competent approach and timely optimization of production will help you soon recoup all costs and achieve net profit for the company. In addition, a ready-made business, as a rule, consists of an organizational strategy and a competent marketing campaign, which greatly simplifies the task of an entrepreneur.

Opening your own construction company involves certain nuances. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

In general, the construction and repair business is very diverse. To narrow the subject of consideration, we will take out of the scope of the article a large construction business and numerous specialized enterprises. Here we will talk about the most widespread areas of construction activity and the organization of a small construction enterprise.

The construction industry itself is one of the oldest. Compare with the age of humanity. And no matter what twists and turns of history occur, it has always remained a popular and in-demand type of service. With a thoughtful approach, it is usually a profitable business. The approach is conveniently reflected in the business plan of a construction company. In addition, this form is generally recognized and can be in demand when obtaining loans or attracting investors.

Characteristic features of the business

To understand the essence of the industry, it is necessary to conduct a small analysis of it. Select characteristic features from the general array, divide them into groups, etc. We will not dive deep into the history of the issue. The current stage of development of the industry is characterized by the explosive emergence of new materials, equipment, technologies, concepts and views on construction problems. They have not yet fully formed and therefore it makes no sense to talk about some kind of final awareness. The world is at the stage of forming concepts; most likely, there is a tendency towards “multipolarity” in everything, including in the construction industry.


Construction companies can be conveniently divided into:

  • repair and construction company (construction and repair of various building structures);
  • repair and finishing company (interior repair and finishing);
  • specialized company (construction of specialized structures - swimming pools, storage facilities, etc.);
  • universal company.

It is possible to conveniently distinguish companies by volume:

  • large (with permanent staff, own equipment, offices, etc.);
  • medium (small enterprises mainly with hired staff and equipment for the facility);
  • small (individual master, small teams of “shabashniks”).

In addition, at the present stage of development, two categories of companies can be distinguished:

  1. Companies engaged in custom construction;
  2. Companies offering new developments.

This gradation is possible due to the following laws.

There is a sharp emergence of new technologies on the market. In the social sphere, the emergence of new concepts of the way of life (income from rent, several dwellings, the organization of living space itself, in production a significant change in technological chains and, accordingly, requirements for facilities for locating production, etc.). This requires the latest developments and technologies.

On the other hand, the social sphere is very inert and has a large share of conservatism. Therefore (purely evaluative categories, no one has conducted research on this matter) approximately half of clients prefer traditional construction and time-tested renovation. Of course, modern materials are used, but this affects the concepts of construction and way of life in the most minimal way.

Having determined the main idea, you can optimize costs, significantly reducing costs. This also applies to the promotion of the company on the market, i.e. marketing part of a construction company’s business plan.

Construction company services

Typically, the standard set of services of a universal construction company includes:

  • carrying out survey work;
  • carrying out design work;
  • construction work of any complexity;
  • repair work of any complexity.

Companies try to include as wide a range of services as possible in their list of works. And the construction of an apartment building, and the construction of cottages, and the construction of various specialized structures. This approach makes sense in terms of inclusion in activities, but for advertising purposes it is not always justified. Many people prefer narrow specialists to jacks of all trades.

Equipment and premises

It all depends on the format of the company. General recommendations for equipment are as follows. If you expect to use the equipment frequently, then it is better to purchase it. Otherwise, you can use the equipment for rent. Renting, in addition, will eliminate the need to maintain complex equipment. It is not necessary to purchase equipment immediately; there are, for example, leasing options (in fact, a loan secured by the purchased equipment).

It's the same story with the premises. If there is equipment, then premises for its storage and maintenance are correspondingly required. You can work with building materials from the warehouse, or if necessary and in large volumes, you should organize your own.

Points of sale

One of the sales points is the company's head office. The more elite the projects are proposed, the better the office should be decorated. Although in most cases, for small construction firms, a small room anywhere with appropriate equipment for the services offered (furniture, a computer for displaying projects, a room for meetings and negotiations, etc., depending on the format of the company) is sufficient.

The next point of sale is the Internet. For a large company, it is desirable to have its own website. For very small ones, advertisements on thematic forums with the possibility of feedback are also suitable.

Agents and other companies can also be points of sale.


No licensing is required to build a residential building. You can choose the form of organization of the enterprise, either individual entrepreneur or corporatization. For small companies, in the vast majority of cases, an individual entrepreneur is sufficient.

A standard package of documents will be required:

  • constituent documents (depending on the form of ownership);
  • external documents (contracts, leases, etc.);
  • internal documentation (the list of documents can be very significant, divided into organizational documentation and analytical: sales, profits, cost, etc. in various sections).

In addition, certain activities may require additional documents:

  • SRO (self-regulatory organizations) - for the construction of buildings with more than 3 floors, an area of ​​more than 1,500 square meters and a number of other conditions;
  • construction permit - obtained from local authorities when designing a construction project;
  • design license – if you plan to provide design services;
  • license for engineering surveys during construction - if relevant work is planned.

Download a ready-made business plan for a construction company, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.


Selected depending on the format of the company. In most cases, it is convenient to divide into permanent and temporary.

Permanent personnel are management, company specialists, professional craftsmen, as well as people who are constantly in demand in the specific activities of the enterprise.

Temporary – personnel who are selected for the facility. Here you can recruit a team of general workers, but it is advisable to place a competent foreman over them. Since the promotion of a company in the market largely depends on the quality of work. Constantly poor quality will sooner or later lead to financial instability. In this regard, miracles do not happen, unless all competitors have the same low quality.

It is recommended that staff be paid on a piece-rate basis in order to motivate them to achieve the final result. A permanent component is necessary for key specialists to retain them in the company. It is advisable to focus the piecework component on the final result and not only in terms of deadlines, but also in terms of a number of other indicators. At the moment, several programs are available for calculating salaries and setting bonuses based on criteria. There is an interesting calculation program, focused not only on individual indicators, but also on the overall work of the team as a whole - it provides financial incentives to unite the team into a single whole and focuses on joint problem solving.


Quite a lot has been said about competition in this area. The situation as a whole is such that in traditional construction the competition is quite high. In the specialized sector it is somewhat lower, but usually the demand there is lower and the requirements for the enterprise are higher, which means the initial costs are higher. Anyway a high-quality construction company with a staff of professional specialists is always in demand on the market.

In innovative construction, competition is somewhat lower. And taking into account the fact that innovations in the construction industry arise almost every day, it is enough to simply find an area with very low competition at the moment. But here the problem arises in convincing the client that he needs it.

A few general notes

It may be enough to analyze the supply and demand market to develop your own business proposal. But there is a possibility of miscalculation here.

For sample. At this stage of development in our country, one can identify such a pattern. Some of our fellow citizens have savings and are trying to somehow save them, while the other part is trying to build a business on rent, i.e. . Hence, there is a demand for certain residential and non-residential real estate (apartments, offices, shops). So far this is in demand, but clearly this model cannot last long. Therefore, focusing on, say, the construction of exclusively business centers means laying down certain risks for the future.

(Non-believers can be reminded of the Soviet Union, whose adherents dismissed it - it will stand forever, like the third Rome. But an eternal city is not the same as an eternal empire. So here, usually for those who do not want to analyze - collapse comes unexpectedly.)


Marketing for a construction company depends solely on its goals. In any case, there should be one. In the modern services market, service monopolists may not be engaged in marketing only for one reason or another. Indeed, for Gazprom the marketing component is not of decisive importance. Whether he advertises or not, they will still buy gas from him at the prices they set.

Marketing involves advertising and working with clients. In terms of advertising, advertisements, mailings, online promotion, and outdoor advertising are sufficient for small companies. For large companies, a separate, well-developed advertising plan is desirable.

In terms of working with clients:

  • system of discounts and bonuses;
  • various preferences for regular customers;
  • working with agents.

The marketing plan should include an analysis of the effectiveness of the tools themselves for promoting a business on the market. That is, the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, the return of agents, the effect of bonuses, etc.

Financial plan

The final element of the business plan is the financial plan. The main goal of business projects is still to make a profit. The financial plan reflects the expenditure and revenue parts, reaching the payback point, the profitability of the project and some other indicators depending on the specifics of the project, its implementation and further existence.

It doesn't make much sense to give specific calculations. Since the range of costs is practically from zero (repair of apartments by a team without an office, without complex equipment) to very decent amounts. Profitability and profitability are also different. It is impossible to provide any relatively standard calculation.

For example, a construction company, an individual entrepreneur, is engaged in minor apartment repairs (wallpapering, laying linoleum, laminate, tiles), there are no additional workers. There is no office or storage space. Searching for clients based on recommendations.

In this case, the expense part comes down to the costs of registering an enterprise, paying taxes and purchasing some tools. Materials are provided by the customer. Conventionally, expenses are 5-20 thousand rubles.

The estimated income of similar companies is 10-100 thousand per month. But business is quite unstable. It makes no sense to calculate the payback period of investments. Usually in such projects it pays off even before opening, i.e. They start working by agreeing on the first object.

Another example. Average construction company. Renovation of apartments, offices. A couple of permanent employees, an office, hired repair teams, freight transport, advertising expenses.

It should be taken into account that in the realities of our country, in order to obtain a contract for large projects, a kickback should be included in the expenditure part. According to some estimates, up to 10% of the contract amount. Materials are not included in the costs for the assessment; it is considered that the customer pays for them in advance (30% is a common practice).

The income part is also unstable: from 0 to 1.5-2.0 million per month. The payback period ranges from 1 to 3 years.

The scale of construction in modern Russia, despite the crisis, is simply enormous. This means that more than one company will be able to find a “warm place” in this industry. Those who believe that to enter the construction business need millions of rubles are seriously mistaken - you can start with a small building materials store, gradually mastering new areas of activity. Since this is a highly profitable business, you can develop quite well by investing only a quarter to a third of your net income in the process. The main thing is a well-written business plan.

Preparatory stage

The ready-made business plan for the analyzed business is designed for implementation in an average Russian city (population 300-600 thousand people) with an initial investment of 500 thousand rubles. Of these, 350 thousand are planned to be spent on organizing a construction company from scratch, and the rest of the amount will be used to open a store of related products.

In general, the procedure for founding a construction company is in many ways similar to a similar process in any other business field. A ready-made construction business best corresponds to such an organizational and legal form as a limited liability company. It is necessary to clearly state the main points in the same sequence as in the reviewed business plan:

Thus, when developing a ready-made plan for a company, you need to take into account the need to have the following documents when registering:

  1. Photocopies of the founders’ passports, as well as knowledge of the registration data of legal entities acting as founders: name, address, INN, OKATO;
  2. Data on the location of the legal entity undergoing registration;
  3. Specific information about what your company plans to do (providing construction services, repair work, operating a store selling building materials, etc.);
  4. The size of the authorized capital (in our case, 1.5 million rubles) and the source of its formation (in our case, the personal funds of the founders in equal shares). Remember that a ready-made business cannot be registered if the size of the charter capital is less than 10 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the finished plan for this business project contains one very important difference - for the functioning of a construction company, in some cases it is necessary to obtain a special permit for certain types of services provided: the so-called SRO, which can cost several tens of thousands of rubles and take a month to obtain .

List of services provided

Another important point of the preliminary stage that needs to be included in the finished company plan is the definition of the areas of activity of your company. There are quite a lot of them, but a small company can only do civil construction and renovation of premises with an area of ​​up to 1 thousand square meters. m., trade in materials and equipment through our own store. These services should be recorded in the form of a table, while simultaneously calculating the planned monthly income from each of them.

Note that the above-mentioned profit volumes are achievable if your company has at least two fully staffed teams of specialists of 10 people each, headed by a foreman. The business plan prescribes the possibility of staff rotation and splitting teams into smaller ones if the need arises.

Permitting documentation

The construction industry is a unique business environment in which, in addition to a lot of money, a lot of different certificates, approvals, and permits are concentrated.

For example, SROs (self-regulatory organizations) are not a ready-made permission for a company to operate, but rather the status of a company that gives the go-ahead to perform some particularly complex services. If the business plan of your construction company states that you are building 1-3 storey houses with an area of ​​less than 1501 square meters. m. or objects falling under the definition of “individual housing construction”, there is no need for SRO approval.

In contrast to the above document, without a building permit issued by the local municipality and endorsed by the chief city architect, no construction work, for example, the construction of a small one-story store, is possible.

In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a license for the design of buildings and structures, as well as a similar document for engineering surveys during the construction process. The preparation of all these documents is not so expensive (within 7 thousand rubles), but it takes a lot of time, and therefore should be included in the company’s construction work plan agreement.

Search for orders and development options

A ready-made plan for a company specializing in construction and repair work must necessarily include mechanisms for searching for orders and cooperation with other organizations in the construction industry.

One of the most common options is participation in a contract during large-scale construction work by large organizations. The main difficulty here is interaction with other companies that will work at the same facility. Despite the fact that you will work in different areas of the construction front, you will have the same ultimate goal - to deliver the finished object as quickly as possible and with as few defects as possible.

Many small firms themselves approach a large developer with requests for work, so a very good option would be to use personal acquaintances and maintain connections with the management of the construction “giants” of the region.

Many companies focus on private construction, constructing objects such as bathhouses, garages, and small households. In this case, a good development option would be advertising in local media and the Internet, as well as concluding a cooperation agreement or even opening a store of building materials and related products on your own.

Of course, you should not forget about such a form of mutually beneficial cooperation as renting out your existing construction equipment and personnel to those organizations that need it. In turn, it will be much more profitable for your company, if necessary, to rent a bulldozer with a bulldozer driver from a business colleague for several days, rather than buying the mechanism itself and paying a regular salary to a specialist who will only occasionally perform his work at your enterprise.

Income and expenses

We calculated the profit of our organization higher. If you believe the business plan, it will be approximately 1.51 million rubles per month. Let's pay attention to expenses and identify net profit:

Expense item (per month, except items 5-8) Amount (in rubles)
1. Office rent 60 sq. m. and production premises of 250 sq. m. m. 110000
2. Taxes (USN, 6% of revenue) 157200
3. Utilities 65000
4. Salary to the director, managers, accountant, foremen, specialists and workers - 25 people in total 550000
5. Purchase of machinery, equipment and construction materials 1200000
6. Opening and maintaining a store 600000
7. Contribution for the formation of the authorized capital 1500000
8. Permits, licenses, approvals 60000

There are three founders of the LLC in this example, so we will divide the expenses and profits of the enterprise by three. Initial expenses will be 3.36 million rubles or 1.12 million for each founder. The company's monthly expenses are 882.2 thousand rubles. With an estimated income of 1.51 million rubles, net profit will be 627.8 thousand rubles, or about 210 thousand for each founder. Of course, these conditions are close to ideal and under them the payback period for investments will be approximately six months. If the conditions are closer to real (not 100% utilization of production facilities and personnel), the payback period for a construction company is from one to two years.

Conclusion: the construction business is an area in which it is very crowded, but by providing proper advertising support and creating a good reputation for the company, you can ensure a stable income while doing an interesting and useful job.