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Structure and diseases of the anterior chamber of the eye. Age-related anatomy of the eye - eye chambers, oculomotor muscles Anterior and posterior chambers of the eye

30-07-2012, 12:55


Anterior chamber of the eye It is customary to call the space limited by the posterior surface of the cornea, the anterior surface of the iris and partially the anterior surface of the lens. It has a certain depth and is made of transparent liquid.

Anterior chamber depth depends on the patient’s age, eye refraction and state of accommodation. The chamber fluid consists of a crystalloid solution with very little protein. In this regard, chamber moisture is almost invisible even with detailed biomicroscopy.

Research methodology

When examining the anterior chamber, you can use various biomicroscopy angle options. The lighting slit should be as narrow as possible and as bright as possible. Among lighting methods, preference should be given to research in direct focal light.

To judge the depth of the anterior chamber it is necessary perform biomicroscopy at a low angle. The microscope should be positioned strictly along the midline, with its focus set on the image of the cornea. By moving the microscope's focal screw forward, a clear image of the iris is obtained in the field of view. By assessing the degree of distance of the cornea from the iris (by the degree of displacement of the microscope focal screw), one can to a certain extent judge the depth of the anterior chamber. A more accurate determination of the depth of the anterior chamber is carried out using special additional settings (micrometric drum).

To study the state of chamber moisture a wider (larger) biomicroscopy angle should be used, for which the illuminator must be moved to the side. The microscope remains in the middle, zero position. The larger the biomicroscopy angle, the larger the apparent distance between the cornea and the iris appears. When the illuminator is positioned on the temporal side, the internal parts of the anterior chamber are examined. on the contrary, when moving the illuminator to the nasal side - its outer sections.

The anterior chamber of the eye is normal

During biomicroscopy, the anterior chamber appears as a dark, optically empty space. However, when studying some age groups, one can see in the moisture of the anterior chamber physiological inclusions. In children, there are wandering elements of the blood (leukocytes, lymphocytes), in elderly patients - inclusions of degenerative origin (pigment, elements of a split-off lens capsule).

Under normal conditions, the moisture in the anterior chamber is in continuous slow motion. This is noticeable when observing the movement of physiological inclusions, and in some cases, elements of inflammatory origin that appear in the chamber humor during iridocyclitis. Meesmann associates the movement of chamber fluid with the existing difference in temperature of the fluid layers adjacent to the surface of the richly vascularized iris and located near the avascular cornea in contact with the external environment.

Temperature difference It is most pronounced in that portion of chamber moisture that is located with the eyelids open against the palpebral fissure. According to Meesmann, it reaches 4-7°, and the speed of movement of intraocular fluid in the specified zone is 1 mm and 3 seconds.

The flow of chamber moisture has vertical direction. The heated intraocular fluid entering the anterior chamber through the pupillary opening rises upward along the anterior surface of the iris. In the upper part of the chamber angle, it changes its direction and slowly falls down, moving along the posterior surface of the cornea (Fig. 53).

Rice. 53. Thermal current of intraocular fluid (diagram).

In this case, the intraocular fluid partially gives off heat through the avascular cornea into the surrounding atmosphere, as a result of which the speed of fluid movement slows down. In the lower parts of the anterior chamber, the moisture again changes its direction, rushing towards the iris. Contact with the iris ensures heating of the next portion of the intraocular fluid, which causes its further rise along the iris upward, towards the upper corner of the anterior chamber. Changing the position of the patient's head does not affect the circulation pattern of the chamber fluid.

In experiments with immersion of the cornea in a warm physiological solution, the temperature of which approaches the temperature of the internal parts of the animal's eye, it was obtained slowing down and completely stopping the flow of intraocular fluid. Something similar can be observed during long-term biomicroscopy of chamber moisture. The bright focal light usually heats some of the fluid moving down along the surface of the cornea, causing the speed of its movement to slow down, and sometimes the fluid begins to rise, which can be judged by observing particles suspended in it.

Chamber moisture flow rate depends not only on the temperature difference. The degree of viscosity of the intraocular fluid plays an undoubted role. Thus, with an increase in the protein content and chamber moisture, its viscosity increases, which leads to a slowdown in the movement of the liquid. According to Meesmann, if there is 2% protein in the anterior chamber fluid, its flow completely stops. After the concentration of protein fractions decreases, the normal movement of the chamber fluid is restored.

Cooling of chamber moisture, flowing along the posterior surface of the cornea, and the resulting slowdown in the speed of its current creates conditions for the deposition on the cornea of ​​cellular elements suspended in moisture and making repeated movements with it along the walls of the anterior chamber. This is how physiological deposits appear on the posterior surface of the cornea. They are located in its lower parts strictly along a vertical line, reaching the level of the lower pupillary edge. These deposits are observed quite often in children and young men and are called Ehrlich-Türk drip line. It is assumed that these deposits are nothing more than wandering blood elements.

If they do not follow in transmitted light, they have the appearance of translucent elements, the number of which ranges from 10 to 30 (Fig. 54).

Rice. 54. Ehrlich-Türk line.

When viewed under direct focal light, the deposits take on the appearance of white dots and appear less transparent.

These physiological deposits on the posterior surface of the cornea should be remembered when carrying out differential diagnosis with inflammatory changes in the chamber humor. At the same time, it must be taken into account that physiological deposits have a strictly defined localization, located in the lower parts of the cornea along the midline, and that they are not constant (they disappear during observation). The endothelium of the posterior surface of the cornea in the area of ​​their location is not changed. Pathological deposits occupy a significantly larger area of ​​the cornea, located not only along the midline, but also in its circumference, and are significantly more stable and persistent. The corneal endothelium around pathological deposits is usually swollen.

In elderly patients, the posterior surface of the cornea can be seen pigment that migrates here from the back surface of the iris, as well as elements of the exfoliated lens capsule. These deposits are usually characterized by a variety of localizations.

Pathological changes in the anterior chamber

Pathological conditions of the anterior chamber are expressed in changes in its depth, the appearance in its moisture of pathological inclusions associated with inflammation or injury, as well as in the presence of elements of incomplete reverse development of the embryonic vessels of the eye (see Biomicroscopy of the iris).

The main method for judging the depth of the anterior chamber is direct focal light examination. It is of great importance in the absence or slow recovery of the anterior chamber after antiglaucomatous operations and cataract extraction surgery.

Biomicroscopic examination convinces that the complete absence of the anterior chamber is extremely rare, mainly with old irreversible changes characterized by tight fusion of the posterior surface of the cornea with the anterior surface of the iris and lens. At the same time, it is often observed secondary glaucoma. More often, the absence of the anterior chamber is only apparent. Usually, having obtained a good optical section of the cornea, you can be convinced that in the area of ​​the pupil between the section of the cornea and the lens there is a thin capillary slit of a dark color, filled with chamber moisture. An increase in the width of this gap, as well as the appearance of thin layers of intraocular fluid above the lacunae and crypts of the iris, usually indicate the beginning of restoration of the anterior chamber.

A correct understanding of the depth of the anterior chamber and the dynamics of its restoration plays a huge role in such complications of fistulizing antiglaucomatous operations as choroidal detachment. As is known, with this complication, a shallow anterior chamber is observed on the side of choroidal detachment. Timely biomicroscopic examination and analysis of the depth of the anterior chamber help diagnose (taking into account other existing symptoms) choroidal detachment. This is of particular importance if the patient has a cloudy lens, which makes ophthalmoscopy impossible. Monitoring the depth of the anterior chamber over time correctly guides the doctor regarding the location of the detached choroid, which is of great importance in choosing a treatment method. Long-term failure to restore the anterior chamber usually dictates the need to remove the choroidal detachment surgically.

Deep or uneven depth of the anterior chamber due to trauma to the eyeball indicates lens displacement(subluxation or dislocation).

Anterior chamber examination with iridocyclitis reveals biomicroscopic changes of inflammatory origin. The moisture of the anterior chamber becomes more noticeable, opalescent as a result of the appearance of an increased amount of protein in it. The above-described Tyndall phenomenon, for the study of which it is recommended to use a very narrow illumination slit or a round diaphragm opening. Against the background of diffusely turbid chamber moisture, fibrin threads and cellular inclusions - elements of precipitates - are often visible. The occurrence of the latter is associated with inflammation of the ciliary body, as evidenced by the histological composition of these inclusions (leukocytes, lymphocytes, ciliary epithelial cells, pigment, fibrin).

A dynamic examination with a slit lamp shows that with an increase in the protein content in the chamber moisture, i.e., as the moisture becomes more distinguishable, the speed of movement of the cellular elements and fibrin suspended in it decreases. Especially the flow of liquid in the lower parts of the chamber slows down, in the place where the fluid changes its direction, rushing from the cornea to the iris. Whirlpools and even stopping of the flow of chamber moisture usually occur here. This creates conditions for deposits on the posterior surface of the cornea. cell sediment precipitates.

Favorite localization of precipitates in the lower parts of the cornea is associated not only with the thermal current of the intraocular fluid. The weight (heaviness) of the precipitates themselves and the state of the corneal endothelium undoubtedly play a role in this process.

Various localization of precipitates is possible, but more often they are located in the lower third of the cornea in the form of a triangle, facing downward with its wide base. Larger precipitates are usually located at the base of the triangle, and smaller ones at the apex. In some cases, deposits are arranged in a vertical line, forming a spindle shape. Much less often, random, atypical localization of precipitates is observed (in the center, on the periphery of the cornea, in its paracentral sections), which is usually associated with the nature of the corneal lesion. For example, with focal keratitis and the accompanying iridocyclitis, precipitates are concentrated according to the location of the corneal lesion. In cases of severe iridocyclitis, a disseminated distribution of precipitates is observed throughout the posterior surface of the cornea.

An idea of ​​the localization of precipitates can be obtained by carrying out transmitted light examination. In this case, precipitates are revealed as dark-colored deposits of various sizes and shapes. Large, disc-shaped precipitates are observed, with clear boundaries and often protruding into the anterior chamber. These precipitates are also easily detected using conventional research methods. In addition to those indicated, there are small, point-like, dust-like or unformed precipitates.

For a more detailed examination of precipitates and to identify their true color, it is necessary to study in direct focal light with a slightly wider illumination slit. In most cases, precipitates are characterized by a white-yellow or grayish color, sometimes with a brownish tint. Some authors (Coerre, 1920) consider a certain type and size of precipitates to be pathognomonic for certain forms of iridocyclitis. Without completely sharing this opinion, we can say that studying the size, shape and color of precipitates, taking into account other clinical symptoms and data from a general examination of the patient, helps to classify iridocyclitis as a specific or nonspecific inflammation, and also to assess, to a certain extent, the duration of the process, i.e. answer the question whether iridocyclitis is in a progressive phase or a period of its reverse development has begun.

Chronic granulomatous inflammation of the vascular tract (iridocyclitis of tuberculous, syphilitic origin) is usually characterized by the appearance large white-yellow, formed precipitates with clear boundaries, prone to fusion (Fig. 55.1).

Fig. 65. Precipitates on the posterior surface of the cornea. 1 - decorated; 2 - unformed; 3 - lens.

Due to their typical appearance and color, such deposits are called “greasy” or “greasy” precipitates. They differ in the duration of their existence and often leave behind clouding of the cornea. According to A. Ya. Samoilov (1930), with tuberculous iridocyclitis, such precipitates are carriers of a specific infection on the corneal tissue, as a result of which parenchymal tuberculous keratitis can develop in the circumference of the precipitate.

A large group of nonspecific iridocyclitis is characterized by the appearance of very tender, unformed, dusty precipitates(Fig. 55.2) of an unstable nature. Sometimes they are detected in the form of a peculiar dustiness of the edematous endothelium of the cornea.

It should be noted that precipitates acquire their peculiar appearance only as clinical manifestations of iridocyclitis develop. During biomicroscopic examination in the first days of the disease, no pattern in the form and location of precipitates can be noted.

Upon the onset of the regressive phase of iridocyclitis chamber moisture becomes less saturated with protein, and the speed of its movement increases. This affects the size and shape of the precipitates. Point deposits quickly disappear without a trace, and formed precipitates significantly decrease in size, become flattened, and their boundaries become jagged and uneven. These changes can be associated with the resorption of fibrin and the migration of cellular elements forming the precipitate into the surrounding chamber fluid. When examined in transmitted light, it is clear that the precipitates become translucent and translucent.

As it dissolves precipitates acquire a brown or brown tint, which is associated with the exposure of one of the elements of the precipitate - a pigment, previously masked by a mass of other cellular elements. In the chronic course of iridocyclitis, precipitates can exist for months, often leaving behind light pigmentation.

In addition to precipitates of inflammatory origin, there are precipitates, the occurrence of which is associated with trauma to the lens - the so-called lens precipitates(Fig. 55.3). They are formed during spontaneous trauma to the lens, accompanied by significant disruption of the integrity of its anterior capsule, as well as after extracapsular cataract extraction surgery with incomplete extraction of the lens substance. In some cases, deposition of lens masses (precipitates) on the posterior surface of the cornea may accompany phacogenetic iridocyclitis. The occurrence of these precipitates is associated with the washing out of turbid lens masses by chamber moisture and their transfer during its conventional movement to the posterior surface of the cornea.

When examined with a slit lamp lens precipitates look like large, shapeless gray-white deposits. As they dissolve, they become looser, fluffier, and acquire a bluish color. Lens precipitates, as a rule, resolve without tears. Detection of such precipitates should not lead to a diagnosis of infectious iridocyclitis.

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The anterior chamber of the eye is located between the cornea (the clear membrane that covers the outside of the eye) and the iris. It consists of a clear liquid. In a healthy person, the volume of this fluid does not change due to the correctly occurring processes of its production and outflow. When these processes are disrupted, various ophthalmological diseases arise, which can lead to both decreased vision and its complete loss.

Eye cameras

The organs of vision are equipped with peculiar spaces containing ocular fluid. In medicine, these spaces are usually called the anterior and posterior chambers. They are connected using a hole in the center of the pupil.


The outer zone of the anterior chamber is limited to the inner part of the cornea, and the inner zone is limited to the anterior side of the iris and lens capsule. The thickness of the chamber section, which is located near the pupil, is the largest (about 3.5 mm), and towards the edges it gradually decreases. After surgery to remove the lens, it becomes thicker, and when the choroid is peeled off, it becomes thinner.

Intraocular moisture nourishes the eye tissue with valuable substances and removes metabolic products from the organs of vision into the bloodstream.

The eye chambers have the same volume, which ranges from 1.23 to 1.32 cm³ of intraocular fluid. For proper functioning of the eyes, uniform production and removal of produced moisture is very important. If this balance is disturbed, intraocular pressure is disrupted. It can increase, provoking the development of glaucoma, or decrease, causing subatrophy of the eyeball. These diseases are very dangerous and can cause blindness.

Anterior chamber angle

In medicine, the place where the cornea joins the sclera and the iris joins the ciliary body is called the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye. This is a kind of drainage channel that removes moisture into the blood. This drainage system consists of:

  • trabecular diaphragm - a special network with loose multilayer tissues;
  • scleral sinus;
  • collector channels.

The trabecular meshwork drains fluid into Schlemm's canal, located in the sclera near the limbus and eyeball. Approximately 15% of the moisture exits through the uveoscleral canal, passing by the trabecular meshwork. This part of the fluid from the angle of the chamber moves into the ciliary body, and then into the suprachoroidal space through Schlemm’s canal or sclera.

Functions of eye cameras

The purpose of the chambers is to produce aqueous humor. This process occurs in the ciliary body, which consists of a large number of vessels and is located in the posterior chamber. The priority task of the anterior chamber is to regulate the process of removing moisture from the organs of vision. Its other functions include:

  • Refraction of light (focusing of rays on the plane of the retina).
  • Regulation of processes occurring in different structures of the visual organs.
  • Transportation of light rays to the retinal area.


The occurrence of any pathological process in the chambers can cause decreased vision and the formation of one or another disease. Such diseases are divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital ones include:

  • lack of camera angle;
  • its blockage with embryonic cells;
  • abnormal fixation of the iris.

Acquired diseases include:

  • Blockage of the camera corner with pigment particles.
  • Uneven chamber depth. Such a disorder may occur due to displacement of the lens as a result of injury or insufficient strength and elasticity of the zonules of Zinn.
  • Insufficient depth of the chamber - a violation can be caused by a closed pupil.
  • Chamber angle recession is a disorder characterized by splitting or rupture of the ciliary body.
  • Hypopyon is a disease characterized by the accumulation of purulent contents.
  • Glaucoma is a serious disease accompanied by an increase in eye pressure.
  • Hyphema is a hemorrhage that occurs in the anterior chamber.
  • Goniosynechia is a pathology characterized by the formation of adhesions between the cornea and the root of the iris.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

Many of the diseases listed above occur without pronounced symptoms at first and are detected only when the pathology begins to progress, and it is very difficult to cure it.

Therefore, if any, even the most minor, symptoms appear that may indicate the presence of an ophthalmological disease, you must immediately consult a doctor.

When examining a patient, the specialist first of all identifies the presence of the following symptoms in the patient:

  • Painful or uncomfortable sensations in the eyes.
  • Blurred images, blurred vision.
  • Decreased vision clarity.
  • Presence of hemorrhages in the eyes.
  • Change in eye color intensity.
  • The presence of purulent discharge from the organs of vision.
  • Cloudiness of the cornea.

If signs that may indicate a disease are identified, the patient is referred for an extensive examination. Common methods for diagnosing diseases caused by dysfunction of the anterior chamber include:

  • Biomicroscopy.
  • Ultrasound of the eyes.
  • Coherence tomography.
  • Gonioscopy.
  • Pachymetry.
  • Tonometry.

Treatment of both congenital and some types of acquired pathologies is carried out surgically. Some of them (eg, hypopyon, hyphema) can be cured with medications and other conservative therapeutic methods. Medicines are also used to treat glaucoma, but this serious pathology in most cases requires surgical intervention.

To eliminate purulent inflammatory processes, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications are used. If necessary, patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures to improve local blood circulation in the eyes, reduce inflammation and swelling, improve the condition of blood vessels and the general health of the visual organs.


When fighting glaucoma, the main task is to reduce IOP and eliminate the causes that caused the increase in pressure. This is achieved with the help of various medications (usually eye drops). However, the use of medications does not always allow for complete and permanent normalization of IOP. Therefore, patients suffering from glaucoma are advised to undergo surgery. It is carried out using a laser.

The danger of glaucoma is that increased pressure in the eyes can lead to an increase in the size of the eyeball and increased pressure on the optic nerve. This provokes its damage and subsequent death. The result is irreversible blindness.


If hemorrhage occurs, first of all, cold should be applied to the eyes, which allows you to quickly thrombose the damaged vessels. Then measures are taken to dissolve the blood clots that have formed in the eyes. For this purpose, eye drops and injections are used that have a resolving and vasoconstrictor effect. Antiseptics, antibiotics, and physiotherapy are also used.

If there is no positive result from the use of medications, they resort to surgery, during which the surgeon removes the formed blood clot. Lack of treatment for this pathology can provoke an increase in eye pressure and decreased vision.


Purulent contents in the eyes are most often formed due to conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers, iridocyclitis, and injury. Treatment is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs, as well as drugs that eliminate the underlying disease. If conservative therapy methods do not produce a positive effect, the anterior chamber of the eye is opened using special surgical instruments and the accumulated pus is removed.

Further treatment is aimed at combating the inflammatory process, swelling, redness and discomfort. To achieve this, patients are prescribed several types of medications, including antibiotics.

The normal performance of its functions by the anterior chamber ensures proper regulation of the balance of aqueous humor and allows a person to fully see. Violation of its functioning leads to a deterioration in the quality of vision, and in some situations – to the development of complete blindness.

Timely detection of pathology and competently administered therapy can significantly reduce the risk of severe complications that can occur with a variety of ophthalmological diseases. Proper treatment helps speed up recovery and slow down degenerative processes in the organs of vision. Therefore, if symptoms indicating an anterior chamber disease appear, you should urgently contact a specialist.

Inside the chambers of the eye there is intraocular fluid, which circulates unhindered if the function and anatomy of these chambers is not impaired. The eyeball has two chambers: anterior and posterior. The front camera plays a more significant function. It is limited in front and behind by the iris. The rear camera is limited at the rear and .

Normally, the volume of intraocular fluid is constant. This is due to the unhindered circulation of moisture through the chambers of the eye.

The structure of the chambers of the eye

The anterior chamber has a depth of approximately 3.5 mm. In the peripheral areas, the space of the anterior chamber gradually narrows. Measuring the size of the anterior chamber is an important diagnostic sign for some diseases. For example, an increase in the size of the anterior chamber occurs after removal of the lens by. A decrease in this size is typical for.

The structure of the posterior chamber contains a larger number of thin connective tissue cords. They are called zonules of Zinn and are woven into the lens capsule. The other end of the ligament of Zinn is connected to the ciliary body. These ligaments are necessary to regulate the curvature of the lens, they provide a mechanism that allows you to see objects clearly.

The size of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eyeball is important, since intraocular moisture flows out of the chambers through it. If a block of the front angle occurs, then the so-called closed angle develops. The angle of the anterior chamber is formed in the place where the membrane passes into the cornea.

The intraocular fluid drainage system includes the following structures:

  • Collecting tubules;
  • Trabecular diaphragm;
  • Venous sinus of the sclera.

Physiological role of eye cameras

The main function of the chambers of the eye is the production of aqueous humor. The intraocular fluid is secreted by the ciliary body, which contains a large number of vessels. This body is located in the posterior chamber of the eye, which can be called secreting. While the anterior chamber of the eye is responsible for the normal outflow of fluid from the cavities of the eye.

In addition, the cameras of the eyeball have other functions:

  • Light conductivity (permeability to light waves);
  • Normal relationship between the various structures of the eye;
  • Light refraction, due to which rays are focused on a plane.

Video about the structure of the chambers of the eye

Symptoms of damage to the chambers of the eye

If these pathologies are present, the patient may develop the following signs of the disease:

  • Painful sensations;
  • blurred vision;
  • Decreased overall visual acuity;
  • Changes in the color characteristics of the iris;
  • , which is often associated with a purulent inflammatory process in the chambers of the eye.

Diagnostic methods for damage to the chambers of the eye

If damage to the anterior or posterior chambers of the eye is suspected, it is necessary to perform a series of studies:

  • slit lamp examination.
  • (microscopy of the anterior chamber of the eye), which allows you to differentiate glaucoma.
  • Coherent optical tomography.
  • provides measurement of the depth of the anterior chamber.
  • Study of fluid secretion and its outflow.
  • Automated tonometry measures the pressure inside the eye.

It should be said again that the formations of the eye located in the anterior and posterior chambers play an important role in the circulation of intraocular moisture. They also contribute to the formation of a clear image on the retina. With the development of diseases that affect the chambers of the eye, the visual analyzer as a whole suffers, and, consequently, the function of vision.

Diseases of the chambers of the eye

Various diseases can lead to disruption of the structures located inside the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye.

These include:

  • Congenital absence of the anterior chamber angle.
  • The presence of embryonic tissue in the area of ​​the corner of the eye.
  • Violation of the outflow of moisture through the angle of the anterior chamber when it is blocked by pigment, the root of the iris.
  • Incorrect attachment of the iris in the anterior region.
  • Damage to the lens due to trauma, weakness of the zonules of Zinn, which leads to a change in the size of the anterior chamber. Its depth becomes uneven in different areas.
  • Reduction in the size of the anterior chamber, which is possible with synechiae or pupillary fusion.
  • Purulent inflammation (hypopyon).
  • Hemorrhage into the chamber cavity ().
  • Formation of adhesions consisting of connective tissue (synechia).
  • Glaucoma associated with an imbalance between moisture synthesis and its outflow.
  • Recession of the anterior chamber angle (its splitting).

You experienced problems with your vision, went to an ophthalmologist, and during the examination and consultation he began to sprinkle in incomprehensible terms and definitions - is this a familiar situation? A minimal knowledge of the anatomy of the human visual organs will help you understand what the problem is, why it arose, and how to get rid of it. For example, what are the cameras of the eye, what is their structure and location, functions and importance for the quality of vision?

Answering these questions will help you feel more relaxed about eye problems and communicate better with doctors. In addition, the eyes are a unique and complex human organ in its structure, where everything is thought out and works very harmoniously. Therefore, the structure of the eyeball and its significance will be of interest even to those who still see well and do not turn to an ophthalmologist.

Features of the structure of the organs of vision

A special fluid constantly circulates inside the eyeball. Its composition is similar to blood plasma and contains all the microelements necessary for proper nutrition of the eye tissues. Its volume is unchanged, ranging from 1.23 to 1.32 cubic centimeters. The intraocular fluid itself is absolutely transparent (provided the eye is healthy). Such characteristics allow it to freely transmit light to the retina and lens and provide a clear visual image.

If everything is in order with a person’s eyes, then it moves freely from one half to the other. These two parts are called the anterior chamber of the eye and the posterior chamber of the eye. In terms of functional significance, the front camera is superior to the rear one, as will be discussed in more detail below. Its structure is quite complex; it is located between the iris and cornea.

The depth of the anterior chamber is not the same around the circumference. In the center of the eye, near the pupil, it can reach 3.5 mm. There is less depth at the edges as the chamber narrows. It is by changes in the anterior chamber angle and depth that pathological eye disorders can be identified during examination and adequate treatment can be selected.

For example, expansion of the anterior chamber along the periphery often occurs after removal of the lens using phacoemulsification (dissolution of the lens using a special substance and subsequent removal of the resulting emulsion using special instruments). Narrowing is usually observed with choroidal detachment.

This is what the front part of the human eyeball looks like in cross section

Immediately behind the anterior chamber is the posterior chamber. It is limited along the posterior wall by the lens, and along the anterior wall by the iris. In it, in the ciliary processes of the ciliary body, aqueous humor is produced. In the cavity of the posterior chamber there is a large number of thin strands of connective tissue. These are the so-called ligaments of Zinn, on the one hand penetrating the structure of the lens, and on the other hand, passing into the ciliary body. It is these ligaments that regulate the contraction of the lens and ensure the ability to see clearly.

From the posterior chamber, intraocular fluid flows into the anterior chamber through the opening of the pupil, spreads to the peripheral corners and returns to the posterior chamber. This process is constantly maintained due to different pressures in the eye vessels. In this case, the corners of the anterior chamber play the role of a drainage system. The size of the angle is of great importance, since proper circulation of liquid also depends on this. If the anterior chamber angle is blocked, the outflow of fluid is disrupted, intraocular pressure increases and angle-closure glaucoma develops.

And retinal cataracts are also often diagnosed. A change in pressure inside the eye, in turn, leads to a change in the volume of moisture if the functions of the elements of the posterior chamber responsible for its production are disrupted. The functions of the eye cameras are described in more detail below.


It is already clear that the main function of the posterior chamber is the production of aqueous fluid, thanks to which the pressure in the eyes is maintained at normal levels. Why is it considered that the front one is functionally more important? In the structure of the eye it plays the following roles:

  • Maintaining normal circulation of intraocular fluid, due to which it is regularly renewed.
  • The conduction of light waves and their refraction, after which they are focused on the retina and lens. In this case, the anterior chamber “works” together with the cornea, forming a collecting lens.

The rear chamber is also involved in light conductivity and light refraction. But if the functions of the anterior chamber are impaired, the rear one remains unused. It is obvious that the visual acuity of a person depends on the coordinated work of the two cameras and all their elements.

The graphic image of the human eyeball clearly and clearly shows where exactly the anterior and posterior chambers are located

The proper functioning of the drainage system, which includes the following structural elements, is of great importance:

  • collector tubules;
  • trabecular diaphragm;
  • venous scleral sinus.

The trabecular diaphragm is a fine, porous and layered meshwork. The size of the pores is not the same; outward they become wider. Thanks to this, blood circulation is regulated. First, the intraocular fluid passes through the trabecular diaphragm into the Helmet canal, from where it enters the sclera. And from there it flows back through the collector tubules of the venous scleral sinus.

All these parts are closely interconnected and are in constant interaction. Therefore, it is difficult to say which of them is the most important and which is secondary. All of them must work harmoniously, then the intraocular pressure will be normal and stable, which means vision too.

What pathologies can develop

A person’s vision will deteriorate when the depth of any of the chambers changes or there are disturbances in the structure and functions of the drainage system. There are a number of diseases caused by pathological changes in the eye chambers. They are divided into two large groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The most common congenital diseases and pathological conditions include:

  • Abnormal development - absence of angles, complete or partial.
  • Incomplete resorption of embryonic films in the eyes is usually found in children born prematurely.
  • Incorrect attachment of cameras to the iris.

With hyphema - hemorrhage of the iris of the eye caused by injuries or acute inflammatory processes, the chambers of the eye are also seriously affected

The most common acquired diseases are:

  • Blockage of the corners of the anterior chamber, due to which the fluid cannot circulate normally and begins to stagnate.
  • Dimensional violation: insufficient depth or uneven thickness in the center and periphery.
  • Inflammatory processes of any elements of the eye structures, during which pus is secreted and accumulates.
  • Hemorrhage of the anterior chamber, usually occurring after external mechanical damage.

The depth and properties of the chambers may also change during certain eye surgeries, such as lens removal. Detachment or rupture of the retina provokes a change in the thickness of the eye chamber.

Acute inflammatory processes, external damage to the eye can affect the depth of the anterior or posterior chamber

Camera lesions can be recognized by any of the following symptoms:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • rapid eye fatigue, pain;
  • change in color of the iris;
  • black spots and dots before the eyes;
  • accumulation of pus if an acute inflammatory process develops in parallel.

Instrumental examination often reveals clouding of the cornea.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

To examine the fundus and make an accurate diagnosis, various modern diagnostic methods are used. Depending on the identified symptoms and disorders, the doctor may apply the following measures:

  • tonometry - special devices measure the pressure inside the eye;
  • pachymetry of the anterior ocular chamber - its depth is assessed using a special device;
  • biomicroscopy – examination of the eye using a microscope;
  • ultrasound biomicroscopy;
  • optical coherence tomography;
  • gonioscopy - examines the anterior corner of the eye chamber.

The capabilities of modern ophthalmology make it possible not only to accurately identify lesions of the ocular structures, but also to carry out their reconstruction if necessary

And the doctor will also study the process of fluid production in the ciliary body of the posterior chamber of the eye and its outflow. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will make a diagnosis and determine the most effective treatment tactics. If conservative methods prove inappropriate, reconstruction of the affected elements of the eye will be performed.

Summary: The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are of great importance for the normal functioning of the visual organs. Their main purpose is to produce intraocular fluid and ensure its circulation. In this case, the secretory function is performed by the posterior chamber, and the anterior chamber is responsible for the normal outflow of moisture. And also these elements provide light conductivity and light refraction. When any of the chambers is damaged, a number of pathologies develop.

The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are important parts of the visual apparatus that take part in light refraction and image perception. In addition, they perform the functions of moving intraocular fluid. Due to the occurrence of diseases in this part of the organ, blindness may develop. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly visit an ophthalmologist to check the condition of the eyeball.

Department meaning

The chambers of the eye are two interconnected spaces in the eye in which intraocular fluid circulates. The first is located behind the cornea. It is limited by the iris. Through the pupil it is connected to the posterior chamber, which borders the vitreous body. The volume of the spaces is the same and is equal to 1.23 to 1.32 cubic centimeters. Capacity depends on the amount of liquid that goes inside.

Organ functions

The main task of the cameras is to regulate the interconnections of the tissues of the eyeball. Thanks to them, light rays enter the retina of the eye. Together with the cornea, the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye provide refraction of rays: the optical properties of the cornea and intraocular fluid allow the visual apparatus to capture and form images. In addition, in the second part, with the help of ciliary processes on the celiac body, intraocular aqueous fluid is produced. It then travels through the drainage systems to other parts of the eyeball. The front part is responsible for the outflow of moisture from the organ.

Anatomy structure

The anterior chamber is located between the iris and cornea, and can have different depths.

Chamber spaces are located one after another. The anterior chamber of the eye is limited in front by the tissue of the cornea, and on the other by the iris. The depth inside is different: the largest indicator is near the pupil (normally 3.5 mm), and after that the size gradually decreases. But if a person has had their lens removed or has started to develop detachment of the blood vessels in the eye, then the volume increases. The second part is located between the iris tissue and the ciliary body.

The deep posterior chamber is located next to the vitreous body and the equator of the lens, and their structure is interconnected. The location of the body is called the vitreous chamber of the eye. The ligaments of Zinn pass through the entire surface, which ensure the movement of the lens and are responsible for the process of accommodation. The structure of the spaces ensures the drainage of nutritional essence throughout the eyeball. Intraocular fluid is moisture that is filled with nutrients. It is necessary to maintain the vital functions of the organs of the eyeball. In addition, it enters the bloodstream.

The approximate volume inside the eye is 1.23 and up to 1.32 cubic centimeters. Its amount is strictly regulated, because a lack or excess of fluid can lead to complete blindness. It is produced in the posterior chamber by filtering the bloodstream. Then it passes into the anterior area, and from there into the capillaries, where it is completely absorbed.

The drainage system diagram includes:

  • collector channels;
  • trabecular diaphragm;
  • venous sinus.

Symptoms of diseases

One of the most common pathologies of the organs of vision is clouding of the transparent part of the eyeball.

The following signs of violations occur:

  • spasms;
  • fog before the eyes;
  • blurred vision;
  • corneal cloudiness;
  • change in iris color.

Pathologies can be congenital or acquired. Some people do not have a patent anterior chamber angle at birth or retain fetal tissue that should disappear after birth. Glaucoma occurs due to fluid imbalance. Trauma may cause pus (hypopyon) or blood (hyphema) to accumulate in the chamber. In addition, there are iris adhesions that block the anterior space.

M. M. Zolotarev in his work “Selected Sections of Clinical Ophthalmology” states that stagnation of pus or blood serves as symptoms of serious eye diseases: keratitis, corneal ulcers, iridocyclitis.