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Accurate diagnosis of Darya starikova. A resident of Apatity who complained to Putin died of cancer. We did our best

“Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich. My name is Daria Starikova, I am 24 years old...” On June 15, during the presidential direct line, a fragile girl from Apatity, Murmansk Region, became famous throughout the country. Heartfelt story

Dashi about the fight against stage IV cancer in the almost complete absence of qualified medical care touched millions of people.

When the girl was sent to Moscow for treatment and the first good news began to arrive, we all hoped for a miracle. They hoped that Dasha could be saved, that her little daughter would again be with her mother. Unfortunately, real miracles happen only in fairy tales, and even the President is still not an all-powerful wizard.

More recently, on the eve of the New Year, Dasha Starikova, together with her attending physicians, gave a press conference. After a successful operation, it seemed that she had every chance to recover and return to normal life. “It's hard, mentally hard, but people, never give up! You still have to fight!" - Then a resident of Apatity addressed the whole country. Then reports about the health of the girl began to arrive less and less, and suddenly, like a bolt from the blue: Dasha passed away at the Institute. Herzen.

A resident of Apatity, a mining town of 50,000 in the Murmansk region, was left an orphan early - her mother died, and almost nothing is known about her father. In fact, Dasha was raised by her older brother, and after 18 years she began to live independently and soon gave birth to her daughter Sonechka. True, the father of the child refused to take part in the fate of the baby, so Daria raised the girl alone.

We talked with Dasha when we were at school, we are the same age, but she studied a class less, lived in neighboring houses, walked in the yard and shared girlish secrets, ”recalls her friend Svetlana Morozova. - Then I went to another city, but I regularly visited Apatity and met with Dasha.

The last time we saw her was 3 years ago, when I came home again. She did not yet know about her illness. They drank tea, talked heart to heart, she talked all the time about her daughter Sonya, she loved her very much. Reminiscing about old times, childhood.

Dasha has always been a cheerful and cheerful person, she laughed so contagiously, I will remember her laughter for the rest of my life ... This year I wrote to her on March 24 on her birthday, but she never answered my congratulations ...

When her daughter grew up a little, Daria went to work, first as a conductor, and then became a salesperson in one of the local stores. Her aunt, Lyubov Tulupova, helped her with the child (it was she who became Sonya's guardian after the death of her mother). So Dasha's life flowed until the girl found out about the terrible diagnosis. “It all started absolutely out of the blue,” says another friend of Dasha, Maria. - Dasha had a backache for no reason at all. Nothing helped, so she decided to go to the doctor.

In our city, as in many others, a hospital was closed five years ago in the course of optimization, leaving only a antenatal clinic and a polyclinic. Both in the clinic and in the hospital of the neighboring city, Dasha was diagnosed with osteochondrosis, prescribed ointments and massages. But a few months later, a friend began to bleed heavily. She was sent to the Murmansk hospital, which takes 5 hours to get to.

It was there that they made a terrible diagnosis of cancer, already IV degree. Naturally, for Dasha it was a shock, but she decided to fight to the end. She always loved life very much, knew how to enjoy the little things, things that many others simply do not pay attention to. More than once, after talking with her, my pessimistic mood as if removed by hand.

Obviously, the last saving straw for the girl was an appeal to the president of the country. Most of all, those who heard the appeal of Daria Starikova were struck by the fact that the girl asks not for herself, but for other residents of her region who may find themselves in a similar situation. The girl’s appeal was recorded against the backdrop of the unfinished surgery building of the hospital, which was supposed to start working back in the 90s, but in the end became a refuge for the homeless.

“We have closed everything. There are not enough narrow specialists, thanks to which it would be possible to diagnose people in time. For the necessary examinations, they are sent to Murmansk. “Ambulance”, sometimes, does not have time to deliver ... I ask not for myself, I ask for the city, for our residents, for all people. We want to live, not survive. We ask you, please help!” - as soon as the live broadcast ended, Dasha burst into tears.

Almost immediately after that, Daria was transported to Moscow for treatment, where the best oncologists in the country tried to save her.

At first, her messages were completely hopeless, it seemed that she did not believe that something could already help, ”recalls Maria. - But after the operation, before the New Year, it seemed to me that she had a hope for recovery. She wrote that she began to gain weight, feels better and even began to make plans. She kept thinking about how she would come to her daughter for the holiday with gifts ... The last time a message from her came at the end of December, she then wrote that a lot of people were calling and writing to her and she simply did not have time to answer everyone, she said that, perhaps, the doctors will let her go home for the holidays.

A distant relative of the girl told us about how little Sonya is now and whether she knows that her mother is no more.

Sonya has been living with Dasha's aunt since she fell ill. The girl is happy in this family, she does not need anything. Naturally, it is the aunt who will become the official guardian of the girl. Of course, in recent weeks we all understood that the end was near, but we still can't believe that Dasha is no more. She so dreamed of having time to take her daughter Sonechka to the 1st grade on September 1, but she did not have enough strength.

Daria Starikova will be buried in her native Apatity. Many townspeople are going to come to the last journey of a girl who, before her death, tried to do everything so that help to other patients always came on time.

MURMANSK, May 23 - RIA Novosti. The name of the deceased Darya Starikova from Apatity, who was diagnosed with the fourth stage of cancer, was recognized by all of Russia after she contacted the direct line with the president almost a year ago - a young mother, who asked the head of state not for herself but for others, was able to live another year in the fight against a deadly ailment, becoming for many a symbol of the fight against oncology in Russia.

We did our best

The story of a fragile young woman from Apatity, who told that she was diagnosed with the fourth stage of cancer and could not hold back her tears during a direct line with the president in June last year, was remembered by everyone who watched the conversation between the head of state and the people of Russia.

The very next day, the governor of the Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun, went to Apatity, but then she did not manage to talk with Dasha - the condition of the young woman deteriorated sharply, and she was sent to the Herzen Institute of Oncology in Moscow. Already there, she underwent complex treatment, the results of which Dasha reported in a specially created VKontakte group - "Daria Starikova - the struggle for life."

She wrote that it was difficult and painful for her, but she believed in a miracle and felt the support of a huge number of people. Thousands of other people all over Russia also believed in a miracle - those who wrote encouraging messages to her, those whose relatives, like Dasha, struggled with oncology, those who simply hoped for a happy ending to the history of the disease of a 24-year-old woman.

In recent months, there have been fewer reports about Daria's condition, and on Tuesday the news came that she was gone. According to the Ministry of Health, the doctors of the Herzen Research Institute of Oncology did everything to save Daria, but the disease did not recede.

“For a year, she fought together with doctors for her life. At the country’s leading oncological institution, the Herzen Research Institute of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, doctors did everything possible to save her. for almost a year of life, but the disease, unfortunately, turned out to be stronger," the message says.

“All this time I hoped that a miracle would happen. There was a lump and pain in my throat that a beautiful young woman would no longer live ... Daria did so much for all of us!” the whole country to the problems of medicine in small towns," social network users write on Dasha's page.

Funeral on Thursday

Dasha's closest relatives are her little daughter, who will go to first grade next fall, and Aunt Lyubov Tulupova, who has become the girl's guardian. Throughout the year, local and regional authorities, the PhosAgro company helped them financially and tried to support them morally.

According to the head of the administration of Apatity, Nikolai Bova, who communicates with Lyubov Tulupova, the woman is courageous, she understood from the very beginning that the treatment would be difficult, and doctors do not make promises.

“Aunt is the closest person, the guardian of her daughter. She is very courageous. You understand that the disease is terrible. Medicine is not omnipotent, the whole world of medicines has not been invented. Bova.

He promised that Dasha's funeral, which will be held in Apatity on Thursday, will be organized "at a decent level."

As it became known on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin was told about the death of Daria. "Yes, of course," Peskov said, answering a question whether the president knew about the girl's death.

Common noun

The tragedy of Darya Starikova stirred up society and made everyone look at the situation with different eyes, Bova believes.

“This year has been hard for us. This (the situation with Daria) shook everyone up, made us look around us differently,” Bova told RIA Novosti. According to him, after Daria appealed to the president, a lot has been done in the city, but it is impossible to solve all the problems in a short time.

“A lot has been done, it continues to be done. When it has been launched for decades, you can’t do it in a year. There is a lot of positive: repairs, a hemodialysis center, doctors have come to us – in the last two weeks alone, five doctors have arrived, including narrow specialists,” the head of the city noted.

The authorities of the Murmansk region, after Daria's appeal to the president, decided to send doctors from the regional oncology center to the Kirov-Apatitsky district for consultations, Inna Pogrebnyak, deputy governor of the Murmansk region, told RIA Novosti.

"After Daria's appeal and the order of the President of the Russian Federation and the order of the Governor of the Murmansk Region, an initiative was implemented - sending specialists - oncologists from the Murmansk dispensary once a quarter to the Kirovsko-Apatitsky district, where the issue of oncological medical personnel is very acute, for primary examinations," she noted. deputy governor.

According to her, the incidence rate in this area is high, and the authorities of the region pay special attention to this problem. The PhosAgro company also makes a big contribution, the enterprise of which is a city-forming enterprise for this region.

According to the Deputy Governor, one of the main components of success in the detection and treatment of diseases is the patient's desire to take care of their health and turn to specialists in time.

"People are reluctant to go to medical examinations - they wait until they get sick. Sometimes the development of the disease reaches such a level that time is lost, and doctors cannot guarantee a 100% cure. The course of the disease is such that it is not always possible to make a diagnosis the first time. Therefore, care about your health should become fashionable," Pogrebnyak added.

The tragedy of Daria, according to the head of the regional executive committee of the ONF in the Murmansk region, Maxim Sakhnevich, once again showed the existing problems in healthcare - the lack of prevention and the shortage of doctors.

"The main problem is prevention. Probably, the situation of Darya Starikova influenced the problematic issues that exist in the field of oncology - the lack of doctors and the lack of preventive examinations. "Daria Starikova" has become a household name for those problems that exist and need to be addressed, "said Sakhnevich RIA Novosti.

Case not closed

Immediately after Dasha's appeal, who said that she was initially diagnosed with "osteochondrosis", her back was treated and the fatal disease was discovered late, a criminal case "on negligence" was initiated. After the death of Starikova, his investigation will continue.

"The investigation of the criminal case is ongoing, in such cases there are special provisions of the Criminal Code - the point is not put. Circumstances are established, the presence or absence of defects in the provision of medical care. The investigation period can be extended as long as necessary to establish the truth," the senior assistant to the head of the SUSK told RIA Novosti Russian Federation for the Murmansk region Natalia Trostina.

The investigators confiscated all medical documentation, appointed expert examinations, questioned the medical staff, witnesses, Daria herself, who was recognized as a victim.

"Colossal work has been done. The investigators maintained contact with Daria throughout the investigation. She said that she trusted the investigation, trusting relationships were built. Her relatives spoke with confidence in the investigation," Trostina added and noted that the department's employees express deep condolences to the family of a young woman .


The name of a young resident of Apatit, Daria Starikova, became known throughout the country in the summer of 2017. The girl throughout the country, during the “Direct Line” with Vladimir Putin, complained about the quality of medicine in the provinces and asked for help from the head of state in this matter. As it turned out, the girl was treated for osteochondrosis, but in fact she had cancer.

On the eve it became known that despite all the efforts of the capital's doctors, namely, Dasha got to them after direct communication with the president, it was not possible to defeat cancer of the last stage - the woman died on May 22 right in the hospital.

The authorities of Apatit in the Murmansk region promised to help the girl's family. In particular, she left a seven-year-old daughter. With the help of the city administration, the aunt of the deceased was able to quickly arrange custody of the girl - Dasha herself was promised to be led on her last journey with dignity.

Daria Starikova - what is known

Only the laziest in our country does not know Dasha's story. During a Direct Line with Vladimir Putin in 2017, the girl did get through to the president and told that there was no medical care in her hometown - the old hospital was closed, and the new one was never completed. All local residents suffer from this, and she is in a critical situation. The diagnosis "Osteochondrosis" made by the doctors turned out to be cancer of the fourth stage. Daria Starikova said that residents of the city have to travel to the neighboring city of Kirovsk for treatment, since the hospital in Apatity was closed.

Vladimir Putin did not leave the situation of the girl without attention. The hospital in Kirovsk was simply bombarded with checks and investigations, because the Investigative Committee took up the matter. Tens of thousands of people offered Daria's help in treatment, and the state also helped - a resident of Apatite was urgently invited to Moscow to undergo a full examination and receive free medical care.

Daria underwent treatment in the Department of Oncogynecology of the P. A. Herzen Moscow Research Institute of Institutions. By the end of 2017, her condition had improved significantly. She underwent a major radical operation to remove the tumor, as well as several courses of chemotherapy with combined drugs.

In December 2017, doctors let the patient go home to her daughter and other relatives so that she could celebrate the New Year with her family. At the same time, doctors warned that the treatment was not completed, and it would take many more months.

Daria admitted to reporters that she did not try for herself, as she considered time lost irrevocably, but for the residents of her city, who were left face to face with the problem, there was practically no medical care in the city.

As it became known the day before, a slight improvement in Starikova's condition was only an appearance - after the New Year she returned to the hospital and continued treatment, but her efforts did not give results. the cancer was too advanced, and therefore Daria had to live out her last months.

Daria Starikova - is she to blame?

It cannot be said that the situation around the story of Starikova was quite controversial, because the doctors of Apatit, who allegedly provided poor-quality medical care, found many defenders. Rumors spread on the Web that the girl became very ill not because of an incorrect diagnosis, but because of lost time - she did not follow the recommendations of doctors, for which she paid with her own health.

The head physician of the Kirov-Apatity hospital, Yuri Shiryaev, a doctor with a brilliant reputation, a former military doctor, wrote a letter of resignation, believing that officials do not want to objectively understand this story, the website reports. The specialist and his defenders assured that the branch in Apatity was closed due to the fact that the building did not meet sanitary standards, and the new building was not completed due to lack of budget funds. Residents were provided with quality care in the neighboring city, where the hospital was more decent and provided with the necessary equipment and specialists.

Also, publications on the Web caused conflicting emotions, where “eyewitnesses” reported that Dasha was diagnosed back in 2014, but she ignored the doctors.

“It is important to note that in 2014 she was diagnosed with ‘precancer’ by a private doctor who strictly recommended that she be examined. But Starikova did not follow the advice of the gynecologist and for two years she never came to the hospital at all. This time, she also did not go to the examination room. Why? Probably “because” ... All sources agree on one thing - Dasha regularly ignored the recommendations ... She herself nevertheless appeared in the hospital later ... in January 2017. But with profuse bleeding and in critical condition. Doctors “dragged” her, examined her and found that she was already at the fourth stage of cancer, after which she was sent for “chemistry” to the oncologic dispensary.”

It can be summarized that Starikova's sentimental story undoubtedly has several sides, like every medal. Perhaps the girl really did not follow the recommendations of the doctors, but her single example does not mean that "everyone is like that." Many people in our country are really deprived of the opportunity to receive qualified help from specialists due to an elementary lack of extra funds, and that is why they “do not follow the recommendations of doctors”.

A briefing was held at the P. A. Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute with the participation of Daria Starikova from the city of Apatity, who, during a “straight line” with Vladimir Putin, spoke about her oncological disease, and Academician Andrei Dmitrievich Kaprin, Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “ National Research Center for Radiology, Ministry of Health of Russia.

Daria Starikova, a 24-year-old resident of the city of Apatity, Murmansk Region, who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, turned to Vladimir Putin during a “straight line” with a request to eliminate the consequences of the healthcare reform, which prevented her from making a correct diagnosis in time and providing high-quality treatment.

According to Daria Starikova, the time for her treatment was lost, because initially the doctors tried to treat her for another disease. The correct diagnosis was made only after the state of health deteriorated greatly, and the girl was admitted to the hospital.

“We do not have enough narrow specialists, thanks to which it would be possible to diagnose people on time. They closed the maternity hospital, closed the surgical department, cardiology, everything was moved to a neighboring city.

We have to go there and ask for help there, we are also sent to Murmansk for difficult operations, for the necessary examinations - this is a five-hour drive from us, ”she told the president.

As Vladimir Putin said, a similar story happened to his father at one time - doctors also could not recognize his cancer for a long time, but in the end they managed to diagnose the disease and find effective medicines.

According to the president, despite a significant number of medical facilities put into operation in recent years, the lack of specialists remains a serious problem.

“But finally, the most important thing is to ensure accessibility. This is the number one task in medicine today - to ensure the availability of medical care," Vladimir Putin said, promising to look into the situation with the organization of medical care in the region, as well as to assist in solving the problems of Darya Starikova.

As a result of the "straight line" with the president in the Murmansk region, a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence).

Russian oncologists saved the life of Dasha Starikova with grade 4 cancer

According to Daria Starikova, Andrei Dmitrievich is the person who gave her life, gave her hope for the future, and this is the most valuable gift. “I will always be grateful to the people who fight for my life, treat me and support me,” said Daria. “I have always believed that miracles happen, and my example confirms this.”

At home, where Daria goes for the New Year holidays, relatives and friends are waiting, a five-year-old daughter who really missed her mother, because she was not at home for half a year. “I want to surprise her,” Daria smiled. “She opens the door and there is mom.”

“I am glad that the leadership of the country trusts us that they did not send the patient abroad,” said A.D. Kaprin. “We constantly felt help and support from the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Health.”

During this time, the doctors became friends with Daria. She underwent a major radical operation to remove the tumor, and the PET-CT scan does not reveal its presence. The treatment has not been completed, a reconstructive operation is due in a few months.

Darya underwent several cycles of chemotherapy with combined drugs (domestic generics and imported drugs) both before and after the operation. Many councils have passed, and, as Academician Kaprin emphasizes, this applies not only to Dasha: “We never refuse each other in difficult cases, we consult, we make a decision together. Dasha well done, courageous, patient person. The patient's faith in us is very important, it is an integral part of successful treatment.”

The treatment history of Darya Starikova is a common thing for the National Cancer Center. That is why such scientific institutions are created to solve such problems, A.D. Kaprin. More specialists with the necessary experience accumulate here, complex expensive equipment is concentrated.

The very course of Daria's illness was a difficult task for doctors, explained Academician Kaprin. A tumor of such localization is usually heterogeneous, that is, it can be represented by more than one pool of cells and develop very quickly.

For example, at the Institute Herzen, two girls are now being observed, in whom no more than two weeks have passed from the moment of detection to the moment of progression of the tumor. And there are frozen tumors that do not develop for a long time. To identify all these features, complex equipment is needed, which is not available in Apatity.

During the treatment, three or four specialists worked with Daria. A morphologist who talks about the type of tumor and how it can be treated. Clinical pharmacist. A clinical oncologist, or chemotherapist, who decides with the surgeon how and when to administer the therapy. Finally, it is the radiation therapist who decides whether and how much treatment is required.

“The combination of all these specialists is our main oncological law, so we always say how important it is to be in a hospital under our supervision,” Academician Kaprin emphasized. – Moreover, we invited several experts from abroad, communicated via teleconference.

We conferred with colleagues - for example, from the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Academician V.I. Kulakov, headed by Academician G.T. Dry. Our famous chemotherapists participated in the treatment - Academician M.R. Lichinitser from RONTS im. Blokhin, V.I. Borisov, chief chemotherapist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In general, we often discuss patients with him, and we never hear a refusal.

In the postoperative period, specialists from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology" came to consult Daria, since the patient had a critically low body weight. It was watched and actively helped by rehabilitation specialists, clinical psychologists from the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry.

Serbian, because at first the mood was depressing. Gradually, the young girl was pulled out of her state of illness, and now, in her own words, she increasingly wants to look into the future, make life plans.

“Dasha is far from the only patient with this kind of pathology,” emphasized A.D. Kaprin. “I personally operate on about 25 of these girls every year. In the radiological center in Obninsk, we take about 50 such patients a year, and in total we treat about 100-120 patients with similar diagnoses.

We are open to everyone, we work according to quotas, so we pick up seriously ill patients right away, realizing that so far there are few places where they can be helped. The geography is the most extensive - from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. Therefore, you should not think that the attitude towards Dasha was somehow special. No – we try to help everyone who needs it.”

As Andrei Dmitrievich said, the joint consortium of three institutes, which he heads, is the most advanced oncology center today. Every year, up to 12 thousand people operate here, and 36 thousand people are treated here.

“We take on everything from neurotumors to bone formations, lymphomas, oncogynecology, urology, thoracic, abdominal patients with abdominal tumors and so on.”

However, it is clear that it is impossible to help all those in need by one cancer center, even such a powerful one. Andrei Dmitrievich admitted that there is a problem of an acute shortage of specialists in the field and, of course, this problem must be solved without relying on a miracle, which happened to Daria Starikova, who managed to get through to the president of the country.

“We have nothing,” Daria emphasized. - In order to get help from an oncologist, you have to go to Murmansk. True, I heard that now, thanks to the intervention of Vladimir Putin, a chemotherapy department is being opened in Apatity, so the situation is slowly changing. But still, I would like more serious shifts so that no one repeats my experience.”

The lack of specialists for the regions is very acute. Andrey Dmitrievich pins great hopes on the recently issued Law on Telemedicine. Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Skvortsova calls on doctors and scientists to conduct teleconferences and create telecommunications.

“For two years now we have been holding such events with thirty regions every Tuesday in the morning,” shared A.D. Kaprin. – We ask all our colleagues to show seriously ill patients and decide together which of them we will take to us. With the help of such telecommunications, we are going to significantly expand the coverage of cancer patients across the country.”

At the same time, according to A.D. Kaprina, the situation in the regions is changing for the better. “There are well-armed regions where we are getting fewer and fewer patients,” he said. - Oncology should be equipped with complex expensive equipment, competent specialists should work in it. It is very important".

The other day, according to Andrei Dmitrievich, the Institute. Gertsen is launching a project with Japanese colleagues, during which they will send pre-scanned slides with histological samples of the tumor for morphological consultations.

Academician Kaprin plans to implement the same program with regions where there is a large shortage of morphologists, and everything in oncology begins with this - with the recognition of the type of tumor, and hence the search for methods that can be used to cure it.

“We will plant all our specialists and jointly solve these problems so that our beautiful young women no longer have to call the president of the country about this,” summed up A.D. Kaprin.

Video: Cancer patient brought to Moscow from Apatity gets better

Daria Starikova (Apatity) - fight for life. Latest news (updated 05/22/2018)

MURMANSK, May 22. /TASS/. Daria Starikova, who contacted Vladimir Putin's Direct Line last year, died of cancer in Moscow. This was told to TASS by the head of the administration of the city of Apatity, Nikolai Bova.

"Dasha is gone<…>She died in Moscow at the Herzen Cancer Center,” he said.

Bova added that the information about the death came on Tuesday morning. “We are not just going to help, we are doing it. Of course, we are leading Dasha on her last journey with dignity. The main assistance will be provided by the Phosagro company, what depends on the administration has already been done, ”the agency’s interlocutor specified.

He also explained that the administration of the municipality helped with registration for the aunt's guardianship over the seven-year-old daughter Dasha, a pension for the loss of a breadwinner. “She will be buried in the city of Apatity.<…>I don’t know the exact date, but we are doing this and we will do everything very worthy, ”said Apatitov, head of the administration.

As TASS was informed in the press service of the governor of the Murmansk region, the authorities of the region, the administration of Apatity and the Apatit plant will provide assistance to the family of the deceased. “The authorities of the region and the municipality, as well as the city-forming enterprise Apatit, will provide assistance to Daria’s family,” Anna Bulatova, the governor’s press secretary, said.

Darya Starikova, who is suffering from cancer, and the situation with medicine in Apatity became widely known after her call to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Direct Line on June 15, 2017. She said that she was diagnosed with "stage four cancer" late, before that she had been treated for osteochondrosis for a long time, and they did massage and injections, which is contraindicated in oncology.

She was only able to make an accurate diagnosis in Murmansk. Starikova also complained about the lack of a hospital, narrow specialists and other problems in the city. (Updated on 05/22/2018 Source tass.ru)

Daria Starikova, a resident of Apatity, became aware during the Direct Line with President Putin in June 2017. A 25-year-old girl with cancer complained about the unavailability of treatment in her city. On May 22, the Russian woman died in a Moscow clinic, where she was later transferred. Unfortunately, the efforts of the capital's doctors did not lead to anything, even despite the successful operation to remove the tumor. Daria had stage 4 cancer. At home she left a little daughter.

Late diagnosis

The Russians first learned about Daria on June 15, 2017 during the Direct Line with the President. She told that in her native Apatity, doctors had misdiagnosed her as “intervertebral osteochondrosis”. It was later revealed that she actually had stage 4 uterine cancer. In a conversation with the president, the girl said that due to the negligence of local doctors, she was diagnosed with an accurate diagnosis late, at a time when the disease was already inexorably progressing.

Daria also drew attention to the fact that residents of Apatity, who need highly specialized assistance, are forced to travel to neighboring Kirovsk - the local hospital cannot be completed for several decades. After this story, Vladimir Putin turned to Daria with a request "not to lose hope for recovery."

The head of state expressed bewilderment at what guided those responsible for medicine in this region and promised to help solve the problem: “We will definitely look. Either this one needs to be completed, or the old hospital needs to be rebuilt. We'll work, I promise you. But, Dasha, with regard to your problem, we will also work on this. OK?" Then the president's words gave hope to Daria and local residents.

hope dies last

After the Direct Line, Daria was sent to the intensive care unit of the district hospital. After that, she was transferred to a regional medical facility in Murmansk. A week later, on the plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, she was transported to the Moscow Institute of Oncology. Herzen. Here she was treated. After two courses of chemotherapy, the size of the tumor was reduced by more than half, which made it possible to perform an operation.

In December last year, doctors operated on her for 4.5 hours, after which she underwent another course of chemotherapy. Then Dasha was full of hope for the future, made plans and dreamed about how she would spend time with her six-year-old daughter. After she returned to Moscow, a reconstructive operation awaited her. As her attending physician, surgeon-oncologist Andrey Kaprin, said, this operation was easier, since there was no longer a tumor in the girl's body.

The operation went through. Messages about the health of Darya Starikova appeared less and less. On April 14, the VKontakte group, which was created in support of her, published a message that Dasha was still in treatment. Here, all the survivors were thanked for their support. As for Dasha herself, the last time she was on her personal page on the social network was on March 27.

Fourth stage

According to the doctors, the specialists did everything they could. But cancer of the fourth stage is a very complex disease, with almost zero curability, in this case, you can only make the patient's life easier by improving the quality of life. Another thing is the zero or first stage, when there is a chance to be cured completely.

“I remember that the girl had a malignant neoplasm, but what structure is very important. Her attending physician Andrei Kaprin is a leading oncologist, director of the radiology center of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Could he have missed something? I think everything was done right. The features of the biological behavior of the tumor played here, ”commented the professor of the Department of Oncology of the GBUZ MO MONIKI named after this case. M.F. Vladimirsky Lali Kogoniya.

She said that at some point Daria felt better, she managed to maintain her condition with the help of good drugs. The specialist also explained: “In oncology, you never have to guess, because there are biological features of the tumor. We do not yet have individual therapy that would be selected for each patient separately, like antibiotics.”

According to Kogonia, in December 2017, Starikova, a resident of Apatity, could have had so-called micrometastatic metastasis processes. “You can't even see them. The surgeons, when they operated, saw everything, looked, said - yes, everything is clean. However, no one knows how the body will behave, ”the doctor summed up.


Daria Starikova will be buried in her native Apatity. The girl's daughter will receive a survivor's pension, as well as "all payments necessary in this case." At least that's what the city administration said. In addition, as stated in the government of the Murmansk region, the city, the authorities of the region, as well as the local city-forming enterprise will jointly help Daria's family.

Dasha's appeal to the president during the "Direct Line" caused a great resonance not only in Apatity, but throughout Russia. First, the Investigative Committee conducted an audit on the fact of the failure to provide qualified medical care, then a case was initiated against the doctors under the article “negligence”.

Later, the governor of the region ordered to organize a reception of citizens in Apatity, which was attended by the head physician of the hospital, Yuri Shiryaev. There were many people, and they all asked for help, to find competent specialists, to cure chronic patients, or, for example, to perform an operation out of turn. A few days later, Shiryaev wrote a letter of resignation from the post of head physician.

In March of this year, during his address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin gave instructions to start developing a system to combat cancer. The head of state noted the need to modernize cancer centers and build the entire chain in this direction, from the ability to make a diagnosis at an early stage to effective treatment.