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Strengthening bones in children with vitamin products. Strong bones for a child. Vitamin D is found in

Taking vitamin supplements to eliminate the deficiency of nutrients is called vitamin prophylaxis. If in the case of an adult, vitamin deficiency manifests itself with some symptoms, then it can be very difficult to understand that your child lacks certain vitamins.

Even more difficult is the fact that the child is constantly growing, and for this, he needs more vitamins than an adult. Therefore, in pediatrics it is customary to prevent vitamin deficiency. But, a child should take vitamins only after they have been prescribed by the doctor who is seeing him.

Many beneficial compounds cannot be produced by the human body, so they must come from food. But few parents can offer their child a truly varied diet, rich in healthy foods. A way out may be to take additional vitamin complexes.

Children with poor appetite, those using different diets (for example, vegetarian), etc. definitely need additional vitamins. Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces children's vitamins in the form of chewing candies or tasty syrups. Taking them will not be a big problem for the child.

Children's vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at pharmacies without prescriptions, are generally safe

But, if overdosed or taken uncontrolled, such drugs can cause problems. For example, vitamin C, which is the most popular vitamin, can cause severe headaches and diarrhea when consumed in larger quantities than needed.

Before you start giving your child pharmaceutical drugs on your own, you should consult your doctor. And always keep the packaging with them out of the reach of children.

Do children under one year need vitamins?

Special complexes for babies under one year of age are needed only if the child does not receive all the necessary substances from the mother’s breast milk or artificial nutrition. Particularly necessary are:

  • Vitamin D. Cholecalciferol is important for the development of a child from 0 to 9 months. Its deficiency causes rickets, disorders of the immune system and even tuberculosis. More than 90% of this compound is synthesized by the body when the skin comes into contact with sunlight. But, the remaining 10% must be obtained from food. The main sources are mushrooms, fish and egg yolks. But, due to age, these products cannot yet be given to a child. Children who need vitamin D should be given it using specially developed vitamin complexes. Such complexes are especially necessary in winter, when there is a lack of sunny days.
  • Vitamin A. Necessary for the proper formation of the immune system. Breastfed babies have little or no need for a retinoid. But, if a child has a deficiency, then the attending physician must prescribe special complexes containing this compound
  • Vitamin C. A very important compound for the child’s body. Ascorbic acid is involved in most metabolic reactions and is necessary for strengthening gums, absorbing iron and calcium

In addition to the above compounds, a child from 0 to 12 months also needs such microelements as: iodine, iron, calcium and magnesium

Whether or not infants need vitamins should be decided by a pediatrician. You should not “prescribe” such drugs yourself.

Essential vitamins for the health and development of children under 4 years of age

Children need to include pharmaceutical drugs in their diet, taking into account their age. Children from 1-2 years old need vitamins B, C, PP, A and of course D. They are responsible for the growth of the child and the proper formation of his body. Since at this age children cannot yet swallow tablets, they must receive all medications in liquid form.

But you should avoid supplements containing vitamin K. It is contraindicated for children, as it negatively affects fragile immunity and can even cause bleeding.

It is best to combine vitamin supplements with breastfeeding. In order for a child to be healthy, he needs to be fed breast milk until he is 2 years old.

Children over 2 years of age need exactly the same vitamins as children under two years of age. But, since the baby can already master solid food, he can be given not only syrups, but also chewable tablets.

The best complexes for children aged 1 to 3 years are:

Three years is the age when children begin to go to kindergarten and other preschool institutions. During the period of getting used to such institutions, the child may experience stress. Which, in turn, leads to weakened immunity. In order to avoid the negative consequences of such stress, it is necessary to include in the child’s diet pharmaceutical complexes that contain ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as vitamins A, B6 and PP.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to diversify baby food with products containing these vitamins. Therefore, for three-year-olds it is best to buy one of the following vitamin complexes at the pharmacy:

At four years old, the child begins a phase of rapid growth of muscles and skeletal system. That is why his nutritious diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins C, group B, D and A. The best vitamin complexes during this period are:

But, in addition to a balanced diet, a child, especially at this age, needs walks and active games in the fresh air.

Essential vitamins for the health and development of children from 4 to 14 years old

As already written above, at the age of 4 years, a child begins to rapidly grow muscle and bone mass. This phase lasts up to 7 years. As a rule, at this age the child's growth slows down. And the rapid formation of the brain and nervous system comes to the fore.

Between the ages of 4 and 7 years, the child should be actively moving

His diet should be varied. In order to avoid vitamin deficiency, you can take the complexes described above.

At the age of 7-10 years, the child is exposed to intellectual stress. In order for a child to cope with it, he needs vitamins E, C, groups B and A. Most of them will help the brain develop properly and prevent problems associated with school workload.

The best balanced complexes for children of this age are:

At the age of 11 years, the need for certain vitamins in children is divided by gender. In order for a child to keep up with his peers physically, he needs additional vitamins and minerals. The lack of necessary elements will not only affect the functioning of the child’s brain and immune system, but also his activity. He will become tired more often and cannot cope with the load.

At this age, the best complexes will be:

In addition to ready-made vitamin complexes, supplements based on:

  • Echinacea. This plant has immunostimulating effects and will help strengthen the child’s health during intellectual and physical activity.
  • Zinke. This mineral provides essential assistance to the immune system. For preschool children, a dosage of 10-20 mg is indicated, and for schoolchildren - 20-40 mg per day.
  • Omega-3. If a child is weaned early and does not include red fish in his diet, then most likely he is experiencing a lack of omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds are extremely necessary for the child, as they are involved in many metabolic reactions in the body.
  • Probiotics. For proper absorption of food, the child’s intestines must contain beneficial microflora of lacto- and bifidobacteria. They can be obtained using fermented milk products or from special additives. These supplements can be given to a child from 6 months of age.

IMPORTANT: You cannot self-medicate. If you notice that your child has become less active, often gets tired and gets sick, then you should not run to the pharmacy and buy a specialized vitamin complex, but seek help from specialists. The doctor will not only be able to select the right drug, but will also correctly calculate its dosage.

Vitamins for children to boost immunity

Strengthening the immune system is especially important in childhood. When a baby is breastfed, he receives all the necessary substances from his mother's milk. But, after the baby begins to eat regular foods, it is important for parents to make his diet balanced.

Unfortunately, a lack of certain vitamins in a child’s diet can lead to weakened immunity.

If your child begins to catch colds frequently, his health is difficult to restore after illness, allergic reactions to certain foods appear, the baby’s nails become brittle, and the lymph nodes often become inflamed, then most likely your baby is not receiving enough nutrients.

It is imperative for such children to include sea fish, fruits, vegetables, egg yolks, liver and other foods in their diet. But today it is very difficult to diversify the diet in this way, therefore, in order to restore immunity and prevent its decline, the child needs to take a course of special medications, which are important to choose according to his age and well-being.

Vitamin complexes for children are especially useful for:

  • Poor and unbalanced nutrition
  • Under high physical and intellectual stress
  • With frequent overwork
  • For recovery after serious illnesses
  • During vitamin deficiency season
  • During rapid growth of the child’s muscles and skeleton

IMPORTANT: Numerous studies show that even a varied and nutritious diet cannot 100% guarantee the absence of a deficiency of certain vitamins. Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist S.G. Makarova believes that periodically consuming vitamin complexes along with normal food is a mandatory rule for your children.

Particularly important vitamins for children's immunity are:

  • Vitamin A. This substance is involved in the formation of the visual system, skin cells, protects the body from viruses, tumors and reduces the consequences of negative allergic reactions.
  • Vitamin E. Actively influences the development of the entire organism as a whole, and also reduces the effects of viruses and pathogenic bacteria
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid can strengthen gums and blood vessels. It helps the body cope with colds
  • Vitamin D. Plays a great influence in the formation of bone tissue, improves the functioning of the heart and immune system in general

The choice of drugs for the child’s immunity should be entrusted to a specialist. He should prescribe those in which the above-mentioned substances are present in large quantities. They may come in the form of powder, tablets, syrup and chewable lozenges.

Children under one year of age are given powdered forms of vitamins diluted in water. For older children, chewable candies are the best form. Your baby will definitely like the pleasant taste of these “vitamins”. Schoolchildren can already cope with the tablet form of vitamins.

Vitamins may contain one element, for example, ascorbic acid. Complex preparations may include several useful compounds and substances. You can also buy complexes at the pharmacy, which include not only vitamins and minerals, but also plant extracts.

Based on reviews from parents, there are several drugs that can strengthen your child’s immune system:

In addition to a balanced diet, improved through special supplements to strengthen children's immunity, it is important for the child to monitor hygiene, follow a daily routine and, if possible, spend more time outdoors.

Vitamins for children for growth

During rapid growth, a child needs more vitamins

As we wrote above, vitamin complexes should be used as an additive to a balanced diet. Therefore, even before taking them, consider increasing the child’s diet with foods rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids and other compounds responsible for the child’s height and weight.

IMPORTANT: But you still can’t do without vitamins. After all, the daily requirement of only one of them, vitamin A, is contained in 15 kilograms of meat. It is unlikely that your child is able to eat so much of this product daily.

You also need to understand that products reach the child’s table after heat treatment. After which the amount of useful substances in them sharply decreases.

The following compounds affect the growth of a child:

  • Vitamin A. An essential compound for the synthesis of bone and muscle tissue. Its main sources are fish, dairy products and liver
  • Vitamin D3. Cholecalciferol is responsible for the absorption of other compounds beneficial to the body and the activation of metabolic processes. It is found in large quantities in cottage cheese, eggs and seafood
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid helps the body absorb calcium and iron. It is also necessary for the body to synthesize tissues and strengthen blood vessels. Which is very important during the period of child growth. Ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi, greens and some vegetables
  • B vitamins (B1, B2 and B6). These compounds are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, mental development and growth of the child. B vitamins are found in large quantities in nuts, legumes, fish and cabbage.

Also, during the period of rapid growth, the child needs minerals:

  • Calcium. The body needs this mineral to form bone tissue. Calcium prevents skeletal deformities and muscle problems. It is found in cottage cheese, cabbage, spinach and seaweed.
  • Zinc. If there is a lack of zinc in the body, the child’s growth will necessarily slow down. After all, it is this element that stimulates the growth of bone and muscle tissue, and the formation of the brain

At the pharmacy you can buy special drugs and dietary supplements for growth. These include monovitamins (ascorbic acid, ergocalciferol, etc.), multivitamins and preparations with minerals. Such popular complexes as “Alphabet Kindergarten” and “Centrum” are classified as dietary supplements.

Eye vitamins for children

The strain on the eyes in childhood is enormous.

And in order to maintain vision, the child needs vitamins. They can be obtained from food and supplemented with special preparations.

Bright sunlight, computer or TV screens, excessive use of mobile gadgets and other negative factors can affect a child’s vision. In addition, factors that worsen eye function include some viral infections and other problems. The negative consequences of the above factors can be avoided with the help of special complexes for children.

The main compound for eye health is vitamin A. It helps the retina function. Its deficiency in the body will affect vision, especially in low light. Retinol prevents the development of conjunctivitis and other diseases. Most of this compound is found in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, egg yolk and milk.

A lack of B vitamins can also negatively affect eye function. These compounds are primarily responsible for the blood supply to the eyes and parts of the brain responsible for vision. Their deficiency can affect some metabolic processes in the child’s body that are responsible for vision. To replenish such compounds, you need to include grapes, blueberries, apricots, parsley, white cabbage and fish in your diet.

To prevent glaucoma and cataracts, it is necessary to include foods rich in ascorbic acid in your diet. And to reduce the risk of retinal detachment and dystrophy, you need to consume foods containing vitamin E.

To prevent the vision problems described above, in addition to a varied diet that includes foods that are healthy for the eyes, you need to take an additional portion of pharmaceutical drugs. To prescribe it, you need to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist.

In our country, the following complexes are especially popular:

  • "Vitrum Vision"- can be used from 12 years of age
  • "Alphabet Optikum"- can be consumed from 14 years of age
  • "Blueberry forte"— A dietary supplement that is approved for use by children over 3 years old

Vitamins for appetite for children

The reasons for a child’s deterioration in appetite may be frequent stress, illness, lack of physical activity, etc.

Parents who force their child to eat beyond his norm can also provoke loss of appetite. Thus causing aversion to food.

Lack of appetite during a period of rapid growth of a child can negatively affect the development of the child. After all, it is from food that a child can get all the vitamins he needs. Moreover, their deficiency can affect not only growth, but also the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, a good appetite reduces the risk of developing many diseases.

IMPORTANT: One of the reasons for a child’s lack of appetite is iron deficiency in the body. Iron deficiency can be detected using a blood test. Therefore, before buying vitamin complexes at the pharmacy, you need to get tested.

Vitamins such as A, C and B12 will help cope with lack of appetite. Children's vitamin complexes containing such compounds are produced in the form of fruit-flavored chewing candies. Not a single child will refuse them.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps the body absorb iron. Which is very important for poor appetite.

Vitamins A and B12 also help improve appetite

Because of this, as well as other benefits, these compounds are often included in children's nutritional supplements.

In addition to these three vitamins, vitamins such as:

  • Vitamin B1. Thiamine is one of the main compounds necessary for a growing body. Among other things, it is responsible for the absorption of protein.
  • Vitamin B2. This compound has a beneficial effect on the cells of the nervous system and stimulates brain function.
  • Vitamin B6. This compound normalizes metabolic processes and helps a thin child gain normal weight

The modern pharmacological industry offers many vitamin complexes for children aimed at improving appetite. The most popular drugs are:

When taking them, it is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Vitamins for children for hair growth

You can achieve beautiful and voluminous hair in a child not only with the help of shampoos and conditioners, but also by including foods rich in vitamins in the diet. Lush hair and elastic braids are not only aesthetic beauty, but also one of the indicators that everything is in order with your child’s health.

For the normal state of a child’s body, he needs all the vitamins in one quantity or another. To form strong curls, you need to eat foods rich in vitamins C, A, E and group B.

A lack of vitamin B2 in a child is indicated by dry ends and oily hair roots. Natural sources of this compound include milk, eggs, greens, black currants and other products.

Vitamins B3, B8 and B10 influence hair growth

You can help replenish the loss of these vitamins with beef, fish, potatoes, almonds and peas. By eating cottage cheese and cheese, you can compensate for the lack of vitamin B9. Which is also important for hair health.

Vitamin B5 is needed to strengthen the hair follicle. It can be obtained from chicken meat, egg yolks and bran. Eating bananas, soy and potatoes can compensate for the lack of vitamin B6. It will help with dry scalp and prevent dandruff.

With the help of ascorbic acid, you can strengthen the capillaries that feed the hair follicles. To improve the elasticity of hair, vitamin A is needed. And to give it a healthy shine, vitamin E.

If your child’s diet does not contain enough of these vitamins, then it is best to use special vitamin complexes. You can strengthen your hair and accelerate its growth with the help of the drug "VitaMishki".

With the help of this complex you can support the general condition of the child’s body. “VitaMishki” lozenges are made in the form of bear figures. They can be given to children from three years of age. Thanks to the fruity taste, children will not need to be forced to eat these vitamins. They will ask you to give the lozenges yourself.

Vitamins for children for bones and teeth

To strengthen teeth and bones, especially in children, the diet should consist of foods containing calcium and retinol. Thanks to retinol, the body synthesizes protein used in the construction of bone and cartilage tissue. During a period of rapid growth, vitamin A is especially important for a child, which helps accelerate the growth of tissues necessary for the skeleton and teeth.

Retinol deficiency leads to slow growth and development of dental problems

Children also need vitamin D. It reduces the risk of developing rickets and helps bone tissue develop properly. In addition, thanks to this vitamin, the child’s body absorbs calcium better.

For normal bone tissue development, B vitamins and calcium are needed.

In order to enrich the body with these vitamins, you need to include cereals, legumes, vegetable oil, cabbage, tomatoes, cottage cheese, broccoli and greens in your child’s diet.

Among the vitamin complexes for the proper development of bone tissue for a child, you can buy:

Vitamin D for a child, value and norms by age

Vitamin D is especially needed in the first months of a child’s life. The main problem is that mother’s milk may not always contain this compound in the amount necessary for the baby’s body. If there is a lack of vitamin D, the pediatrician should prescribe it in the form of oil drops. But the best source of this compound in the body is sunlight. Therefore, regular walks in the fresh air will reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin D is necessary in a child's body:

  • For normal muscle and bone development
  • For the formation of teeth, connective and cartilage tissues
  • To support the immune system

Immediately after birth, the baby receives vitamin D from breast milk

But, due to the fact that large amounts of sunlight are contraindicated for babies, mothers need to think about increasing vitamin D in their diet through special drops.

Due to a lack of this compound in a child’s body, metabolic processes in bone tissue may be disrupted and the formation of nerve cells may be inhibited. Symptoms of such vitamin deficiency are convulsions, increased excitability, developmental disorders in the musculoskeletal system and developmental arrest.

Indirect symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include indigestion, restless sleep, excessive tearfulness and excessive sweating.

Oil drops containing vitamin D are used not only to prevent vitamin deficiency, but also to treat diseases associated with vitamin deficiency such as rickets.

The dosage of vitamin D should only be prescribed by a pediatrician. A specialist will be able to correctly calculate the dosage of this compound based on many factors. For children who are bottle-fed and live in unfavorable environmental conditions, vitamin D is prescribed in a higher dosage. In areas where the air temperature in winter drops below average, children should be given increased levels of such vitamins.

The pediatrician must also take into account the age of the child. The younger the child, the more vitamin D he needs. The maximum dosage is 1500 IU.

The child should be given vitamin D drops in the morning, always after meals. This is done so that parents can monitor the child’s reaction to the drug. To prevent the risk of overdose, it is advisable to pre-dilute the drops with boiled water. This is best done directly in a teaspoon.

IMPORTANT: Exceeding the permissible dosage of vitamin D is extremely dangerous for children's health. A sharp increase in this compound in the body can lead to calcium deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Also, an overdose of vitamin D causes kidney disease and other problems.

If your baby has problems with stool, vomiting, dehydration or noticeable swelling, you should contact your pediatrician. The listed symptoms may indicate a possible overdose of vitamin D.

The best pharmaceutical sources of vitamin D for are:

  • Fish fat. Available in capsule or oil form
  • "Aquadetrim". A drug that regulates the process of calcium and phosphorus metabolism
  • "Vigantol". A drug for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency and the treatment of rickets
  • "Colecalciferol". A drug that improves the formation of bone skeleton and teeth in children
  • "D3 Devil Drops"- a Finnish drug that is indicated for the prevention of rickets in the winter season

All of the above supplements can be taken by children up to one year old.

In order to avoid vitamin deficiency, the child’s diet should contain foods rich in vitamin D. Such as milk, fermented milk products, beef liver, fish, etc. To prevent rickets and the proper development of bone tissue, a child benefits from oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, butter and unrefined vegetable oil.

Harm of vitamin complexes

Not everyone believes that children's vitamin complexes are useful. According to experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, an overdose of vitamins A, C and D can cause headaches, nausea, rashes and more serious consequences. That is why, before giving your child vitamins, you should consult your doctor.

Daily norms of vitamins and minerals for children by age: table

Alexandra. During periods of respiratory illnesses, I buy Multi-Tabs for my children. And in early spring we usually take a course of these vitamins.

Victoria. And our pediatrician recommended Vitrum Kids for our appetite. Expensive vitamins and I didn’t see any difference. I have a 3 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. What happens with vitamins and what happens without them is very bad.

Video. School of Doctor Komarovsky

A lack of vitamins and microelements in the body of a small child, which are responsible for the strength of bones and teeth, leads to skeletal deformations, tooth decay, slow growth and many other health problems. To prevent this, try to provide your baby with a balanced diet, and if necessary, strengthen his bones and teeth additionally with the help of vitamin complexes.

Food for strong bones

Experts know vitamins that are responsible for the strength of bones and teeth. These are fat-soluble vitamins A and D, as well as water-soluble vitamin C.

Vitamin A stimulates protein synthesis in bone and cartilage tissues. It is not surprising that if it is deficient in children, growth may slow down and there will be a risk of crooked teeth and malocclusion.

Vitamin D familiar to all parents since childhood, because it has been used for quite a long time to prevent rickets. This vitamin prevents the softening of bone tissue, participates in the regulation of mineral metabolism, and promotes normal absorption of calcium by the body, which, in turn, ensures correct, that is, age-appropriate, bone growth.

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels and maintains their elasticity. As a result, strong, healthy vessels uninterruptedly supply not only the muscles and ligaments, but also the cartilage with the necessary nutrients that enter the child’s body through the blood.

Well, among the minerals involved in the formation of bone tissue and responsible for its strength, the main one is calcium. However, in the human body everything is interconnected. It is not enough to focus on this particular microelement in nutrition, because 80% of it simply will not be absorbed if the child’s diet does not contain phosphorus, magnesium, and the above-mentioned vitamins, since all these substances regulate the absorption of calcium in the intestines.

But, although the human bone skeleton contains up to 99% of all calcium present in the body, strengthening the skeleton is not the only function of this trace element. It is also responsible for the formation of strong tooth enamel, prevents the accumulation of molybdenum and strontium in bone tissue, and in addition, regulates muscle contractility and blood clotting, and reduces the permeability of vascular walls.

Useful menu for strengthening bone tissue

Strengthening your child's bones and teeth through nutrition is not that difficult. It is important that his diet as a whole is varied and balanced. And yet, some foods are especially rich in substances responsible for a strong skeleton and healthy teeth.

Calcium The child will be provided with dairy products, hard low-fat cheese (taking into account age norms), cottage cheese, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, fresh herbs, leafy vegetables, celery, apricots, dried apricots, almonds. Fish and seafood are useful for strengthening bones and teeth (taking into account allergies and age): from 1 year to 5 years, cod and pike perch are optimal; Older children can be offered mackerel. An excellent source of calcium for a child is root vegetables: radishes, turnips, beets, radishes. For best absorption, it is necessary to season dishes made from them with vegetable oils.

Magnesium The child’s body can get it from carrots, beets, pumpkins, chicken meat, cereals, dried fruits (especially prunes), pine nuts, and seeds. Bran and sprouted wheat grains are useful and can be added to cereal dishes and soups.

Vitamin D rich in cod liver, chicken and quail eggs, beef liver. Preschool children can be offered dishes made from tuna, salmon, and sardines.

Phosphorus enters the body from nuts, legumes, meat by-products, cheese, eggs. There is a lot of it in fish: pollock, pollock, cod, flounder, sardine, mackerel.

More often offer your child dishes made from foods containing vitamin A: from pumpkin, carrots, eggs, spinach, green peas, liver.

Important conditions for calcium absorption

Remember that a lack (as well as an excess) of protein foods negatively affects the absorption of calcium. Therefore, the children's menu should include meat, fish, eggs, and legumes, but it is necessary to comply with age standards for the consumption of these products.

It is not advisable to include fatty pork and lard in the menu of children under five years of age, since these products interfere with the absorption of calcium.

To strengthen bones and teeth, do not add a lot of sugar to children's meals. Increased sugar consumption leads to a decrease in blood pH, which helps remove calcium from the body. Easily digestible carbohydrates (cakes, confectionery, white bread made from premium flour) have the same negative property. Limit (or better yet, completely eliminate) the consumption of sweet soda. It is known that some types of drinks popular among children contain phosphoric acid, which leaches calcium from bones.

And keep in mind that you should not take calcium supplements after porridge, since cereals contain phytic acid, which removes calcium from the body.

It is a fact

Both broad-spectrum multivitamins and special complexes for bones and teeth will help strengthen your baby’s bones. All of them are produced in the form of candies and syrups that are attractive to children. But it is better to provide vitamin C to the toddler’s body with the help of fresh fruits and vegetables. The fact is that ascorbic acid sold in pharmacies is not natural vitamin C, since the natural vitamin contains up to seven isomers in its structure, and the pharmaceutical preparation contains only one, artificially synthesized.

Liliya Sadykova, pediatrician, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Director of Medical Sciences center "Favorite Doctor", Kazan

The daily need of a child’s body for calcium depends on the age and somatic condition of the body. Infants should receive 400 mg; from 1 to 3 years – 350 mg; from 4 to 10 years – 550 mg.

The main source of calcium in the body is, of course, dairy and fermented milk products. Unfortunately, due to the poor quality of many modern products, it is quite difficult to obtain the daily requirement of calcium from food alone. Additional calcium supplementation is required.

But remember that vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium in the intestines, and magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, potassium, boron, vitamin C, and folic acid are also needed for bones. Therefore, when choosing drugs, look at the composition.

The best source of minerals in terms of biochemical properties and bioavailability is seaweed and oyster shells. Calcium supplements are produced for children in the form of chewing candies.

Although vitamin preparations are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, it is advisable to first consult a pediatrician. Doctors usually prescribe vitamin and mineral therapy in the fall or winter.

Basic principles

For each of the products that strengthen children's bones and teeth, there are age-specific consumption standards. But these norms are average, and when drawing up a menu for a baby, it is better to focus on his condition, body characteristics, as well as the presence of chronic diseases, including allergies.

A lack of calcium or vitamin D in the body, bone deformities can be diagnosed by a pediatrician or an orthopedist, and malocclusion or destruction of tooth enamel can be diagnosed by a dentist. That is why it is necessary to regularly take your child to these specialists for preventive examination.

But in general, when creating a menu for a healthy baby, you need to adhere to the basic principles of rational nutrition:

  • include dairy and fermented milk products in the menu daily;
  • Offer your baby vegetables and fruits several times a day, and a variety of them;
  • Give lean meat every day, except for days when the menu includes lean fish (1-2 times a week);
  • Use cereals in the form of porridge or a side dish daily;
  • make snacks right: these should be fruits, sweet vegetables, dried fruits, seeds and nuts.

Osteoporosis We strongly associate with old age. Perhaps that is why we consider this disease distant and not terrible (if age allows). Who thinks about illnesses while they are young? Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva claims - thinning of bone tissue, severe forms osteoporosis can be avoided by taking care of the completeness of your diet from childhood. So how to feed your baby properly? What vitamins promote bone health? And finally, which products should be preferred? “preparing for war” with osteoporosis?

Baby Food for Bone Health

Throughout life, bones are constantly renewed: they are destroyed and restored again. Normally, these processes are balanced. But if bone destruction occurs faster than restoration, then bone density suffers, and in severe cases develops osteoporosis.

Disease osteoporosis, first of all, involves a decrease in calcium content in the bones. In addition, the structure of the bone tissue itself changes. As a result, the risk of spontaneous fractures and injuries to the spine and small bones, such as the wrist, increases. Damage to the bone structure of the spine and degenerative changes in the intervertebral cartilage, up to herniated intervertebral discs, have serious consequences for health, since the normal functioning of internal organs is disrupted.

Most at risk of developing osteoporosis people who eat poorly or follow unbalanced diets, as well as children and adolescents during periods of active growth, professional athletes, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

In childhood, disruption of the formation of bone tissue is extremely dangerous, since it is at this time that the “bone foundation” is laid for the rest of life. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones and teeth occupy one of the first places among all pathologies detected in schoolchildren. This leads to a number of health problems and limits the child's physical and, possibly, social capabilities.

Preventing problems with the spine, bones and teeth is much easier than treating an existing disease. A reliable and affordable way to preserve and strengthen bone tissue is still a daily nutritious diet containing “building material” for bone and cartilage tissue.

The strength of bones and the elasticity of cartilage depend on a balanced diet of protein, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, D3 and K.

Normal bone density is largely ensured by calcium. It is well absorbed by the body in the form of carbonates, citrates, phosphates and chlorides. Phytic acids, which are found, for example, in cereals, as well as excess phosphates in the diet, used for the production of processed cheeses, reduce the absorption of calcium. At the same time, a lack of magnesium in the diet disrupts phosphorus-calcium metabolism and leads to calcium deposition in tissues.

Excess fat or caffeine is the main enemy of bones, teeth and connective tissue. These substances make it difficult for the body to absorb calcium.

For healthy and dense bones, phosphorus must be present in the diet, and in a strict ratio with calcium of 1:1 or 1.5:1, respectively. In addition to strengthening bones, phosphorus forms tooth enamel and is essential for muscle function.

The elasticity and firmness of cartilage tissue depend on the content of manganese in the diet, as well as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.

Vitamin C not only improves the absorption of calcium, thereby making bone tissue stronger, but is also absolutely indispensable for the synthesis of collagen, which is part of cartilage tissue, tendons, ligaments, bones and teeth.

Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of the basis of bones - the active protein osteocalcin. A lack of vitamin D3 in the body interferes with the absorption of calcium in the intestines, which makes bones more fragile. Vitamin A is also extremely important for the proper formation of the skeleton. Both deficiency and excess of vitamin A doubles the risk of femur fracture and vertebral damage.

Milk and dairy products contain not only calcium, but also vitamin A. Egg yolk is high in vitamin A and D3. Cabbage and rose hips are a source of vitamins C and K. And the diet should be supplemented with cereals, nuts and soy, since these products contain enough phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

You should provide your body with all the substances important for bones every day. Look out for the foods that contain the bone building blocks listed in this article.

Taking care of your body, maintaining the correct, coordinated work of everything, of course, it is worth taking care of your bones and joints. After all, your body rests on them. And in the literal sense of the word.

Nutrients and bones

It is attached to bones and joints; they also protect organs from external influences and participate in mineral metabolism, so enrichment is simply vital for them.

Vitamin deficiency provokes, which is why it decreases. Vitamin deficiency appears due to:

  • small amount of vitamins that should come from;
  • advanced years;
  • strong physical activity;
  • indigestion;
  • chronic.

Important! Vitamins usually come with food. If for some reason this does not happen, you can fill the deficiency with vitamin preparations - tablets or injections.

But don't forget about the importance of minerals for your body! After all, without a sufficient supply of microelements, the body will not function normally, and certain health problems will arise, depending on which elements are missing.

What does shortage lead to?

A deficiency of minerals and vitamins for bones, joints and cartilage does not bring anything good, and sometimes even results in very serious problems, for example:

  • poor, curved spine;
  • tingling and numbness of joints;
  • joint pain, cramps;
  • fragility or softening of bones;
  • change in the height of the vertebral discs;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • growth inhibition;
  • rickets.

And this is not the entire list. There are many more diseases caused by a deficiency of nutrients.

Vitamins and minerals for healthy joints

If you are tormented by diseases of bones and joints, pay attention to a healthy diet, following a regimen. Don't forget about prevention. After all, it’s better to take care of strengthening your bones in advance. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

  • "Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM";
  • "Collagen";
  • "Kolagen Activ Plus";
  • Scitec Shark Cartilage;
  • "Glucosamine 500";
  • "OLIMP Glucosamine FLEX";
  • "Mega Glucosamine";
  • "Animal Flex";
  • "Collagen Liquid";
  • "Glucosamine 1000."

How to maintain healthy joints, ligaments and bones

How to strengthen bones, joints and ligaments, keeping them in good shape:

  • Maintain good posture to avoid unnecessary stress on bones and joints.

The baby looks quite healthy. He grows quickly, is full of strength and energy, spends most of his time actively, and his games are active. At first glance, everything seems ideal, but this is not always true. The baby may feel good and develop, but his body at this time is in dire need of such an important element as calcium.

Often, the deficiency of this element may not be detected immediately, but only after some time. Calcium deficiency manifests itself in frequent fractures and long fusion of bones. But future problems can be avoided. Prevention is quite simple. Eating certain foods that can rightfully be called friends of strong bones will help strengthen bone tissue. Read more about them below.

Milk is a baby's best friend

The main building element of bones is calcium. It is found in milk, so the baby should consume this product daily - of course, in the absence of an allergic reaction.

Milk can be given in its pure form or added to various dishes (cocktails, porridges, jelly, etc.). If your child suddenly develops an allergy to milk, you should contact your pediatrician or allergist, who will recommend a substitute product.

Dairy products

If your baby doesn't like milk, don't despair. It can be replaced with its derivatives - fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese. There is plenty of calcium in these products - its content in them is in no way inferior to that in fresh cow's milk. Hard cheese is also a good source of this element. But it contains a large amount of salt, so it should be consumed in moderation. But you shouldn’t give glazed cheese curds to your baby - they have a high sugar content and practically no calcium. In addition, the chocolate glaze that covers the cheesecakes can become an allergen for many children.

Fish is a source of beneficial microelements

Sea and river fish are rich in calcium, so you should consume them. You can include fish products in the diet of a 10-11 month old baby, provided that he does not suffer from an allergy to this product. From the age of two, give a little sardines and sprats - those types of fish that can be eaten with bones, which are a rich source of calcium. In addition, both sea and river fish contain vitamin D, which is beneficial for bones, which also improves the absorption of calcium.

There is little in food, so you should give it to your child additionally, for example, in drops. But it is better to consult a doctor about this. You need to take your child for a long walk in the fresh air so that this vitamin can be synthesized in the body under the influence of the sun.

Vegetables and more

Foods such as seeds, almonds, beans, broccoli, spinach, eggs, soy, and chocolate contain small amounts of calcium. However, it is poorly absorbed from these products. For comparison: if up to 80% of calcium is absorbed when consuming dairy products, then only a fifth is absorbed from plant products. It is recommended to give nuts and almonds to children starting from the age of three.


Thanks to vitamin D, calcium will be better absorbed in the child's body. Therefore, you need to take your baby for walks in the sun as often as possible. At the same time not
Sunscreens should be used in large quantities so that they do not interfere with the production of the vitamin in the required doses. In sunny and warm weather, you need to walk with your child for at least an hour.

Activity: for both health and mood

Physical activity is useful for strengthening bones, but its lack can result in serious problems. Therefore, the baby’s games should be active: running, jumping, riding a bike, walking up the stairs (naturally, under the supervision of an adult).

If it is not possible to go outside, the baby can run around the apartment. You can play catch, jump and just have fun. You shouldn’t prohibit your toddler from doing this. After all, active games are the key not only to good physical development, but also to good mood.

Calcium deficiency: who is at risk?

Depending on how old the baby is and what his health is, you can determine whether he is at risk.

Infants are not afraid of calcium deficiency - they consume it in sufficient quantities with mother's milk, which makes up the entire diet of the baby.

Starting from the age of one, he grows and develops rapidly, but at the same time he consumes less dairy products. This is unacceptable, and the baby may be at risk because he requires several times more calcium than in infancy.

Children with allergies are also at risk. Milk formulas saturated with calcium are made especially for them. But, unfortunately, after the age of one, the child uses them in smaller quantities. The diet of such children should be discussed with a pediatrician, who should advise how to compensate for calcium deficiency.

Taboo products

In addition to calcium-friendly foods, there are also those that do not contribute to the accumulation of this element. The child should not abuse them.

First of all, the baby should not consume animal protein in excess, since it is this that interferes with the absorption of calcium. Therefore, it is not worth feeding him meat products all the time. Try to also minimize your consumption of sausages and sausages.

Phosphorus helps remove calcium from the body. This means that the baby should be limited in drinks like Cola, as well as store-bought sweets. Both of them may contain components that include phosphorus.

Salt is also an enemy of calcium. Therefore, you should observe a taboo on food containing a large amount of salt: French fries, chips and other fast food restaurant chain dishes.


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