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Seeing beautiful natural places in a dream. The reality and meaning of dreams. Through the thicket to success

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Natural phenomena occupy a special place in dreams, such as stones. This creation of nature serves as a symbol of strength and inviolability, but why do you dream of stones, according to dream books? What does it symbolize? Despite the complexity and versatility of this sign, most of the ones known today...

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In night dreams, even such ordinary natural phenomena as rain take on a completely different meaning. Not every dream book can explain why rainfall is dreamed of, but they are all sure that rain personifies a person’s feelings and emotions. What…

The mountain landscapes are breathtaking, and many of us associate majestic peaks with freedom and grandeur. Why you dream about mountains can be found out in one of the dream books that are popular today. What mountains did you dream about? Dreams in which there are...

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Dream interpretation beautiful landscape

Why dream of a landscape that pleases the eye with its spontaneity and beauty? Most dreamers would like to get an answer to this question, since it hides a large number of details that are so incomprehensible and mysterious.

Where to begin?

According to the popular dream book, the landscape can please and disappoint the sleeper. The internal context is of great importance, which will have to be followed throughout the entire transcript. The more accurately you can recall the details of a night dream, the faster an accurate forecast will be obtained.

No matter how difficult the path may seem, it must be completed and then the results obtained must be evaluated - this is exactly what dream interpreters say.

What do the experts think?

I dreamed of a beautiful landscape

The variety of options encourages the dreamer to turn only to the most popular sources. It is difficult to imagine an interpreter in which it would be possible to find a similar dream, and therefore it is important to collect a transcript consisting of several parts.

Miller's opinion

I dreamed of a beautiful landscape - a sign of a pleasant time with family and friends. Miller's dream interpreter is considered one of the most accurate, and therefore it is better to immediately turn to him.

Seeing yourself in the mountains in the open air means receiving a substantial monetary reward. It is possible that your work will finally be noticed at work, and a promotion will not take long to arrive. However, we must not forget that the new position will lead to increased responsibility.

Vanga's Dream Book

The fortuneteller writes that dreamed landscapes represent the future. It is important to remember what they were like:

Seeing a sunny day in a dream

  • sunny and cloudless - for an interesting journey;
  • covered with smoke or fog - to serious troubles that can lead to illness.

Finding yourself in a deserted place in a dream means future loneliness associated with the lack of necessary support from friends or loved ones. The dream book focuses on the fact that one’s own behavior could have led to such a result.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Admire the night landscapes - you have to learn the sphere of the unconscious and the deep motives of your behavior. Such a dream is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, so try to learn certain lessons from it. The dreamed landscape is a certain reflection of the life that is left behind. Events occurring in a dream symbolize the conscious world.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Dreaming of rich, bright colors

As the dream book describes, a beautiful landscape, saturated with bright colors, is dreamed of by those people who are ready to feel youth and love again. Not everyone manages to enjoy these feelings, much less experience them in adulthood. If you happen to see such attractive pictures, then in reality a surge of vitality is expected.

Where did you see it?

For a sleeping person, where he was able to see the landscape will also be of great importance.

In wildlife

Why dream of a mountain landscape with cozy slopes on which cows and sheep graze, controlled by shepherds? Dream interpreters often say that such a plot reflects a bright streak in life. Hasse guarantees the dreamer that no problems will be able to disturb the peace and idyll in the near future.

If you happen to see a sunset, try to remember in your memory the place where the sun went:

I dreamed about the ocean

  • the ocean - for cozy home gatherings;
  • forest - for a walk in the company of loved ones;
  • mountains - to small incidents on the way to your goal.

Do you want to know why you have dreams in which a mesmerizing landscape becomes a victim of thunder and lightning? The Eastern Dream Book says that a black and white landscape, which became so as a result of a natural flood, reflects mental tension. If you want to stay in good health and avoid becoming a victim of serious stress, then try to let go of your own worries and give free rein to your feelings.

In the picture

While enjoying the beautiful images of nature depicted on paper or canvas, one must understand that the interpretations will be somewhat different from each other. In Loff's dream interpretation you can see an interesting interpretation regarding viewing paintings in an art gallery: you manage to achieve great results, despite great competition. If some goal is on the horizon, then it can be achieved without difficulty.

Admiring my own paintings in a night dream means the appearance of a large number of two-faced people who want to appear better than they really are. Despite the large number of experts and knowledgeable people, you will have to make your own decision, and it will definitely turn out to be correct.

Typical opinions

Seeing mountain peaks in a dream

Each image you see has its own rating system, which is why it is so important not to focus on just one option. While some people like a calm winter landscape, others will only enjoy the seething depths of the sea. Such plots can be summarized into several typical ones, described in most dream interpretation books:

  • mountain peaks dusted with snow - to the rapid implementation of set goals and objectives;
  • a sea storm is a symbol of nervous overstrain;
  • an autumn landscape with bright colors is a symbol reflecting peace of mind and harmony;
  • a clearing where cattle graze peacefully - a pleasant pastime with your family;
  • snowy landscape - to cool feelings and passion;
  • the scorched desert is a symbol indicating the isolation of a sleeping person.

Admiring a peaceful landscape in a dream means finding true happiness and prosperity. The dream interpreter believes that you have long deserved what you have been striving for for so long.

This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains concealed secret powers and served as a haven for their owners.

Many believed that the mountains contained treasures that were inaccessible to people and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them.

For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places that were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits.

Slavic oral literature interprets mountains as eternal, beyond the control of human forces. The mountain is a large and serious obstacle on the way.

There is a well-known expression: “A smart person will not go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” and another one: “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain,” which means: do not wait in vain for the impossible, do as you can.

If in a dream you climb a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea.

Reaching the top of the mountain means achieving what you want, making your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans; perhaps you should wait for some time and try again to achieve your goal.

Seeing a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.

If a river flows along the slopes of a mountain, this means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant.

The work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of hectic pursuit of empty tasks will soon end.

Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain range blocks your path, this means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way.

If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers.

If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, then this means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times, which will not keep you waiting.

To see in a dream how a person moves a mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plans, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help.

To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you on its own - this dream means that external circumstances will develop favorably and you will receive what has long been due to you according to your deserts.

To see in a dream a friend who came at night looking for help: you need to dig a mountain, and you immediately go to help him.

This dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those you help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.

To see in a dream that a mountain begins to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the area - you foresee the uselessness of what you are doing now and what your best forces are going to.

To see a nag in a dream that is barely dragging itself up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see any clearing ahead; You will have to work hard to complete something that requires close attention.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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It often happens that you dream of a journey or trip. If you open the dream book, then seeing travel or nature in a dream means development, the arrival of something new in your life. Traveling in a dream means that you are open to a new life, a new stage. Seeing water in a dream or seeing the sea in a dream can be interpreted broadly, but in general the meaning of such a dream shows your feelings and emotions. Dreams about travel and nature convey a person’s internal state at the moment, express emotions, feelings, and help to be more attentive to oneself.

The open spaces of the countryside symbolize the correctness of the chosen path, which is very close to your nature. If you see clean fields and meadows, or small houses against the backdrop of green hills, the people around you have an extremely beneficial effect. Weather in a dream always shows a person’s mood. Therefore, if the landscapes described above are marred by rain, then most likely your dreams will not come true. In some cases this means depression.

Snow, snowdrifts and snowy expanses in a dream - this means that you are lonely and cold, you cannot relax normally and talk about painful things. If snow melts in a dream, then it’s time to let go of grievances.

The sun is shining in a dream - your inner world glows, becomes lighter and warmer, you look at things with a clear gaze. This is a symbol of support, so everything you are doing now is correct.

Grass and meadow are vital forces; such dreams mean restoration of tone, energy, and recovery. If the grass is dry or withered, you lose tone and growth stops. Most likely, you are very dependent on someone. Dream books characterize a wheat field as a symbol of a rich harvest in both senses. You've probably worked hard, so it's time to harvest the whole harvest.

Dreaming of a forest is a call to unconsciousness and human instincts. Often hidden in the deep forest of our thoughts are aggressive and sexual urges and impulses that can manifest themselves in the form of an animal or a monster.
Impenetrable thicket, the jungle is a strange and dangerous place. If vines interfere with movement, this means your dependence on other people, things or habits.

Mountains in a dream represent goals and objectives that you have set for yourself, the need for self-realization. Therefore, the height of the mountains, according to dream books, means ambition. If in a dream you are standing at the foot of a mountain, and the peak seems unattainable, then a difficult path lies ahead to realize your ambitions. Often mountains symbolize the desire to overcome oneself and gain fortitude. If you are already at the top of the mountain, then this means achieving something, or the opportunity to understand something new, freeing yourself from previous beliefs and stereotypes. Falling from a mountain is defeat or fear of this circumstance.

The sea in a dream represents your feelings and emotions. Changes in the sea will characterize changes in your life and reflect your state of health. Storm - troubles and worries in life. If in a dream you are sailing on a ship, then this talks about personal and family relationships. A sinking ship is a threat to relationships. An island in the endless sea - safety, solid ground under your feet or the desire to be alone. A river in a dream symbolizes the flow and direction of life. It is how calm or fast it is, cloudy or transparent, shallow or deep, frozen or free that will tell us about the situation that is developing in life at the moment.

No matter how diverse our dreams are, they always have a system, a meaning, and, finally, a level of difficulty for perception. They correlate with the state of a particular person, with the problems that bother him.

Night visions may contain the answer of your subconscious to a question that has not been resolved in reality, or an energy message from someone around you. But the landscape in a dream is a special phenomenon. It is almost always a large-scale message emanating from higher spheres.

This is a warning about fateful changes, an indication of important tasks, as well as evidence of the special role of the person to whom it is addressed. Often such dreams mark a serious turn in the path of life. To correctly understand what a picture of nature draws your attention to, every detail is important.

Landscapes, as a rule, are dreamed of on the eve of important events and fateful changes. Such dreams warn that a sharp turn will soon take place in your life - be prepared.

Wonderful view

The larger the expanses that open up in a dream, the more important the night’s message.

Forest in a dream is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed. It promises achievements and pleasures, which can be found by making choices and overcoming fears. This dream indicates the need to go through the ups and downs that arise, listen to your own intuition and not shy away from the fight. Circumstances are favorable, and the test that precedes a significant achievement will serve spiritual growth and strengthen one’s position in life. Trees with young foliage promise the fulfillment of a dream, while dead trees advise getting rid of the burden of past mistakes and useless regrets. A burning forest, contrary to the emotional assessment of the dream, speaks of the completion of plans, future well-being, and prosperity.

Beautiful forest

If you saw a meadow in a dream- this is a harbinger of a brilliant future. It means open spaces for the activities you choose, the absence of risks and obstacles. As a rule, a person dreams of a meadow when he is tormented by doubts about his own abilities and he considers himself unable to complete some important task. This is energetic support and a promise of success. A meadow, in principle, is a happy omen; it can mean a reunion with loved ones, a happy marriage, or the discovery of new talents.

Mountains in a dream most often associated with difficulties, overcoming obstacles on the way to the desired results. Mountains covered with green forest are a promise of good luck in completing the journey, but rocks are a signal of futility and futility of efforts, in this case in reality you need to reconsider your priorities and identify more realistic and useful goals.

Lake in a dream portends many changes, the birth of new feelings and ideas. It encourages you to be more attentive to others, to be able to distinguish friends from enemies, to forgive the mistakes of others and to admit your own mistakes. If you dreamed of a calm, beautiful lake surrounded by green forests, it means that you need to analyze your life, get rid of the unnecessary, as they say, start with a clean slate. The moment has come for this. To dream that you are sailing on a clear and calm lake with close friends means that happiness and wealth will meet your expectations. A dirty lake surrounded by stones and dry trees foreshadows the collapse of hopes.

Dream river symbolizes the flow of life, sexual and vital energy of a person. Flowing calmly across the plain, it reflects favorable prospects: nothing threatens your well-being, you can confidently move forward. A stormy current among the mountains is a promise of bright, interesting, emotional events. If you swam across a river in a dream, it means that dramatic changes will soon occur: a move, a change in activity, or social circle is possible. Muddy and troubled water in the river from your dream warns of troubles and painful problems. In this case, in reality it is important to recognize the source of danger and “correct” the course.

Dreamed ravine portends an unexpected change in plans or an incident that will force them to abandon their implementation. If a ravine branches into several branches, you have to choose between several options for solving the problem. A ravine cutting through a picturesque area suggests that the changes that you are thinking about and which you may be afraid of will not actually be destructive, on the contrary, they will benefit you.

Inside or outside

Your location relative to the landscape opening in a dream is of great importance. Cases when a person moves quickly and freely in a dream or, conversely, gets stuck at some point, are interpreted differently. The first option means that you are on the right path, full of energy and strength, ready for new achievements. The second symbolizes stagnation and disappointment, encourages you to think seriously about life goals, otherwise there is a risk of “drowning” in the quagmire of meaningless vanity.

If you dream that you are having difficulty making your way through the jungle or are not sure about the correct path, it means that there will be obstacles on your way. If in a dream you look at the landscape from above, this is a strong recommendation to change your internal “settings”: an arrogant, arrogant attitude towards the world around you threatens your personal well-being.

Walking through the jungle in a dream

When in a dream you move too fast and do not have time to admire the scenery, then most likely your life is passing you by. Something important that can make you happy slips away due to eternal busyness at work or passion for spiritual practices. Change your image, take a closer look at the people around you, open your heart to them and find the joy of being.

Leaving a picturesque area in a dream, leaving a forest or field, you will certainly feel loss and sadness. This is a signal that in the light of day you are suppressing your dreams and desires, betraying your goals. It is necessary to remember that life is not only a struggle for existence, but, above all, an opportunity to simply be happy. Looking at a landscape from afar means roughly the same thing.

Snow and wind in a dream

Climatic conditions in “landscape” dreams reflect an emotional assessment of current events or upcoming changes. They cannot be interpreted according to classical dream books, in isolation from the overall picture. The wind emphasizes the swiftness of events and changes that the landscape symbolizes, the freshness of ideas, the novelty of experiences for the person who dreams of it. Finding yourself in the center of a hurricane in a dream is a good sign. He says that what happens to you in reality depends entirely on you. Dream and snow often associated with good news that changes life for the better.

Snow and wind in a dream

Snowstorm in a dream- additional difficulties on the way to what you have been going to for so long. This dream is always accompanied by mental turmoil. Dirty snow requires modesty and attentiveness to the interests of others, and the snowy mountain peaks in the distance are a hint of ambitious plans that are quite feasible.

Ice in a dream calls for caution. Often such a dream carries a call for common sense and the rejection of rash decisions dictated by emotions. It may also indicate that you have a serious enemy - a rival in your personal life or an envious colleague.

The sun symbolizes life. This is a very positive image. The rising star is in a hurry to make your dreams come true, since the most favorable time for this is coming. Sunset indicates separation, especially if you are standing on the shore of a river or sea. But this is not a sad event, but a positive one. A transition to a new level of life is possible - moving to a new home or another city, changing jobs or activities. In general, seeing the sun and water at the same time in a dream is the happiest sign, promising complete well-being as a reward for virtues and labors.