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Types of warts on the body. Types of warts. Signs of HPV infection

Wart (Verruca) can also be called Wart, and in the plural - Verrucae. Basically, it is a benign formation on the skin, which is of viral etiology. This skin formation looks like a papilla or nodule. Various viruses can cause warts, which are called human papillomatosis, abbreviated as . This infection can be transmitted through the belongings of an infected person or through direct contact with a carrier. But sometimes the pathogen exists perfectly in the affected human body, without revealing itself, but it can be transferred to another carrier and develops in his body and appears as a wart formation.

Common reasons for the formation of all types of warts on the skin

Factors that contribute to the formation of warts on the human body can be:

  • general decrease in immunity or a particular organ;
  • mental disorder of the nervous system and constant stress;
  • vegetative neurosis or vegetative dystonia, which occurs in cases where a disease of tissues or organs occurs due to damage to both the dynamic and functional nervous system responsible for vegetative processes;
  • insufficient blood supply to small capillaries, causing bluish skin and acrocyanosis;
  • excessive and constant sweating on the hands and soles.

This type of wart is called seborrheic wart or keratoma. It is a benign formation that occurs in patients whose age begins at 40 years and does not have a viral etiology. A characteristic feature of senile warts is their reduced growth rate, which can even last for decades. Usually, at the very beginning, a small speck of brown color forms on the skin. Then, over time, it begins to grow, often reaching 6-10 mm in diameter. The surface of senile warts is covered with crusts that are permeated with sebum - seborrheic scales. Such crusts are removed quite easily and under them growths in the form of papillae are found.

But when the final stage of wart development is reached, that is, its growth has completed, such a nodule already rises slightly above the skin, taking on a rich shade - mostly dark brown, grayish and even black. The crusts that covered the surface become compacted and cracks begin to cut through them. The concentration of such warts is in areas of the body hidden under clothing, although in some patients, senile nodules form on the surface of the face, arms and legs, on the neck and on the hairy area of ​​the head.

It often happens that in fairly elderly patients, age-related nodules begin to merge into one tumor. It is important at this stage that the dermatologist accurately distinguishes seborrheic keratoma from a pigment spot called Clark's diplastic nevus, which also has the form of a warty formation with a diameter exceeding 5 mm and is characterized by an intradermal accumulation of melanocytes. This disease can develop into melanoma, that is, a malignant tumor. But there are cases when a senile wart can degenerate into melanoma.

5. Filiform warts

This type of wart on the skin is also called in medicine papillomas or acrochords. People who have crossed the 40-year mark suffer from such formations on the skin, but most often elderly patients. It is important that they are promptly distinguished from molluscum contagiosum. Filiform warts are papules that are soft to the touch and vary in color from flesh-colored to dark brown. Occasionally, a small “leg” may be present. The places of their formation on the surface of the neck, the skin of the eyelids or the armpit, can be found in the groin area and in women under the mammary glands.

Typically, a filamentous wart varies in size between 1-4 mm, but can reach 3 cm or more in diameter. Since there is a feature of self-infection (or as it is also called autoinoculation), it is confirmed that such a wart arose on the human body during a viral infection, which can be combined with diabetes mellitus or the patient’s weight is too high (obesity), and can occur during pregnancy or when a woman reaches menopause. The last two factors indicate the presence of a hormonal component of the disease. They differ from other types of warts in that they can easily spread to adjacent skin and merge with each other to form tumors. Recurrences are also observed after removal of such nodules.

6. Genital warts

They are called in dermatology pointed condylomas or genital warts. This type of wart formation is highlighted in a separate section, since they can form at the entrance to the vagina, near the coronal groove of the penis, near the anus, and the place of their formation can also be the internal areas of the foreskin. Occasionally, the patient may find them in the folds of the inguinal-femoral part, near the mammary glands or near the hollows of the armpits. Pointed warts look very much like a cockscomb or cauliflower, as they appear in large numbers, they rise slightly above the surface of the skin and practically blend in with its color or take on a dark brown tint. May cause pain during sexual intercourse or during bowel movements.

Infection occurs due to HPV, but intimate warts are mainly transmitted through sexual contact. Occasionally, specialists or patients may find such formations in the oral cavity. It is important for a dermatologist to distinguish condylomas from diseases with similar symptoms, such as secondary syphilis, which causes condylomas lata. The latter are more dense and have a wide, hard base.

Video about the types of warts (papillomas): simple, plantar, flat, pointed, filiform, senile: (said by a practicing dermatovenerologist: Makarchuk Vyacheslav Vasilyevich):

Watch the video from the program “Live Healthy!” removing warts and moles at home:

Warts are nothing more than a skin pathology that is not inflammatory in nature. The disease manifests itself in the form of benign neoplasms on the epidermis, the size of which can reach 10-15 mm. Tumors of this kind do not have favorite localization sites; first a wart may appear on the finger, and then on the face and legs. The unaesthetic appearance of warts is the main reason that many women, as well as men, prefer to get rid of unwanted growths on the skin.

The article provides detailed information about the etiology of the disease, its specific forms, as well as methods of traditional and alternative treatment, the use of which helps to get rid of warts as quickly as possible. You can also find out which symptoms of warts appear most often and what needs to be done to prevent the formation of warts.

Clinical picture and features of the disease

Warts are round formations that appear on the surface of the skin as a result of excessive growth of the upper layer of the epithelium, as well as the papillary subcutaneous ball located directly below it. Sometimes the occurrence of formations has nothing to do with the proliferation of the epithelium, since they can appear due to infection of the skin with the human papillomavirus (HPV). In any case, warts on the soles, hands, and also on the face bring a lot of inconvenience, including the development of psychological complexes, due to which the problem of combating them is quite urgent.

The size of the papule depends on its location and type. The minimum size of the formation is 1.5 mm, the maximum is 6 cm.

Note! Warts tend to unite, as a result of which the size of the papules increases significantly. The neoplasm takes on a cylindrical or hemispherical shape, has a fairly voluminous appearance and causes inconvenience of a psychological and physical nature.

In the early stages of development, the color of the papule does not differ from the color of the skin, but after a certain time the formation acquires a purple and sometimes even black tint. The warts' color is partly due to dirt, which clings well to the rough surface of the wart. The change in color characteristics occurs many times faster if warts are located on the legs.

What is the reason for the appearance of warts, the etiology of their formation?

When warts appear, the cause of development is the penetration of human papillomavirus infection into the human body.

Additional Information! A person can be a carrier of the virus for a long period, but due to the absence of manifestations of pathology in the form of warts, he may not even be aware of it.

Methods of infection with the virus:

  1. the presence of wounds and microcracks on the skin allows the virus to penetrate inside;
  2. during close contact with an affected patient. Thus, most often the disease is transmitted sexually;
  3. the use of hygiene products and belongings of an affected person can also lead to infection with the virus;
  4. You can catch human papillomavirus infection in public places, such as a gym, swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna;
  5. if the mother is a carrier of the virus, it can be transmitted to the child during the latter's passage through the birth canal.

Important! To prevent infection of an infant with the papilloma virus, it is necessary to pay special attention to the treatment of pathology during pregnancy.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  1. leading a chaotic lifestyle, frequent changes of sexual partners;
  2. neglect of hygiene rules;
  3. weakened immunity. Even if a person is a carrier of the virus, strong immunity will not allow the latter to become active;
  4. frequent stress;
  5. past infectious disease;
  6. chronic fatigue;
  7. hormonal disbalance;
  8. avitaminosis;
  9. poor environmental situation;
  10. work involving the use of aggressive materials.

Types of warts

Depending on the characteristics of warts and the symptoms accompanying their occurrence, there are four main types of neoplasms.

So, the types of warts:

  1. ordinary or simple;
  2. flat;
  3. senile;
  4. condyloma acuminata.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features and characteristics of each type.

Features of a simple wart

Features of common warts include:

  • the predominant place of localization is the back of the hand;
  • papule diameter from 1 to 10 mm;
  • As a rule, common warts go away on its own within two years and no special treatment is required.

A type of simple wart is plantar warts.

Properties of plantar warts:

  • warts on the feet appear more often in people who have excessive sweating of the feet;
  • papules are located mainly in areas of increased pressure from shoes on the skin;
  • At first, the papule has a yellowish-gray tint, a rough and uneven surface. Advanced stages of pathology are characterized by a change in color to gray-dirty, significant thickening of the affected skin, and its keratinization;
  • Warts on the feet are among the most painful. In some cases, the development of the disease leads to partial loss of ability to work;
  • As a rule, single warts appear on the legs, but sometimes their number reaches 5-6. As the disease progresses, small plaques may merge to form a mosaic wart.

Flat or juvenile wart

The main difference between flat or juvenile formations (plane warts) is the fact that these warts most often appear in children and adolescents.

Signs of plane wars:

  1. smooth surface of the papule, size in diameter does not exceed 1.5 mm;
  2. the height of the elevation above nearby areas of the epidermis reaches 2 mm;
  3. round or irregular shape;
  4. localization sites - outer surface of the hands, facial skin, lower legs;
  5. the papule does not stand out strongly on the skin surface, due not only to its flat shape, but also to its light color (pink, flesh-colored);
  6. The etiology of juvenile warts is associated with exposure to external irritants. So, the formation may appear at the site of a cut or injury to the skin.

Symptoms and features of genital warts

Signs that characterize this type of wart, such as genital warts, include:

  • pink growths that appear at the initial stages of development of the pathology gradually merge with each other, forming a kind of growth located on a base that looks like a stalk;
  • the favorite place for localization of warts of this type is the genitals, both women and men;
  • Condyloma is transmitted by contact. The risk of contracting the disease increases if there are microcracks and wounds on the carrier’s genitals;
  • genital warts tend to grow, so if you notice the first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact a dermatologist;
  • Condyloma is a fairly favorable soil for the manifestation and development of other pathologies of the groin area. Thus, lack of treatment in women can lead to the development of such a serious disease as cervical cancer.

Signs of seborrheic keratosis

Senile wart or so-called seborrheic keratosis: signs and features of formation:

  • typical for older people;
  • Presumably the cause of the development of pathology is damage to the cells of the main layer of skin;
  • this type of wart has nothing to do with HPV;
  • Most often, manifestations of the disease affect the skin of the chest, less often - the face, neck, hands, forearms and legs;
  • multiple nature of the formations, usually the number of keratosis elements does not exceed 20;
  • predisposition to seborrheic warts is transmitted genetically;
  • The minimum size of a papule in diameter is 2 mm, the maximum is 6 cm.

The clinical picture of a senile wart depends on the stage of its development and location on the body. In the early stages, these are flat spots with clearly defined edges, pink or yellow, covered with easily peelable crusts. Over time, the crusts become coarser, their thickness reaches two cm. With the development of pathology, the papules take on the shape of a mushroom and become dark brown or even black.

The process of development of a seborrheic wart lasts for decades, but no malignant transformations occur in the papules during this period.

Features of wart treatment

What you need to know when treating warts:

  • It is completely impossible to get rid of human papillomavirus infection; it will remain in the body forever. The main task of the carrier is to deactivate the virus, convert it into a latent form;
  • the disease is recurrent;
  • after removal of a wart, marks in the form of scars and cicatrices usually remain on the epidermis;
  • sometimes the formations go away on their own, especially for young patients.

Important! Identifying the first signs of warts should not cause panic; timely contacting a dermatologist and prescribing effective treatment will help get rid of the signs of pathology and maximize the period of remission.

Traditional methods of fighting warts

Complex treatment of warts involves the use of general and local drugs, as well as medical procedures.

Popular methods of fighting warts:

  1. laser removal of papules. It is considered one of the most effective and fastest methods, does not injure the skin;
  2. electrocoagulative method. Helps reduce build-up by exposure to high temperatures;
  3. cryotherapy or cauterization;
  4. surgical removal. This method is used extremely rarely.

Is it possible to get rid of warts using traditional medicine?

The following folk remedies have a beneficial effect in the treatment of neoplasms:

  1. celandine juice. Used to cauterize papules;
  2. compresses and decoctions based on celandine;
  3. dandelion juice rub. The affected areas should be lubricated at least three times a day;
  4. garlic and onion juice;
  5. healing infusion based on wormwood.

You can get rid of warts by performing cold treatments. Cauterization with vinegar has a positive effect. However, when using vinegar or its essence, you should follow safety rules.

The appearance of a wart on the skin indicates problems within the body, therefore, when the first signs of pathology are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Video about warts

Warts are benign growths on the human body caused by the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. Localized on different parts of the body, they are not dangerous, but can cause discomfort. There are different types of warts, depending on their shape and color.

The cause of the pathological process on the skin is infection with the papilloma virus. More than 170 varieties of HPV have been identified in nature, 40 of which infect humans. The route of transmission of the virus is exclusively contact. In the vast majority of cases, infection occurs during sexual intercourse.

The exception is warts that appear in childhood. But the mechanism of HPV infection is the same for all categories of patients. The virus penetrates into the smallest wounds on the skin and mucous membranes. The pathogen is integrated into the DNA of the cell. Against the background of infection, the processes of division and death of dermal cells are disrupted.

The peculiarity of HPV is its latent course. While the immune defense is able to suppress the virus, the pathogen is present in the body and does not manifest itself in any way. When immunity decreases, HPV becomes active and growths appear.

Papillomavirus does not cause the appearance of senile warts or keratomas. These vegetations are of a non-infectious nature.

What color are warts?

The color range of the formations is different - ranging from flesh-colored to pink. Plantar or subcutaneous vegetations have a dirty white or dirty pink color. Over time, the papilloma on the skin darkens and becomes brown or black.

Flat formations have a smooth surface. Color – pink or flesh.

Types of warts

The classification is based on the principle of strain oncogenicity. Depending on the type of virus, warts vary in appearance, location, and treatment options.


Vulgar papillomas or white warts look like rounded protrusions on the skin. Favorite localization: palms, fingers, outer part of the hand, back. They practically do not appear on the skin of the face and mucous membranes. The color of the formations is flesh-colored, but pink and white, dirty yellow shades may be present. More often the type is diagnosed in children and adolescents.

The surface is rough and bumpy to the touch. May appear in bulk. In this case, 1 formation will be of significant size, the rest will be small. When a large wart is removed, the rest disappear on their own. Periungual formations also belong to this type.

Another representative of vulgar papillomas is the hanging wart. Located on the neck, under the arms. A soft flesh-colored or pink formation. Appear after 40 years.

To remove them, medications are used - Lapis, Feresol, Supercelandine, recipes from folk herbalists. Official medicine suggests burning out formations using minimally invasive techniques. Laser destruction, liquid nitrogen treatment and the radio wave method are effective.


Spine or horny, subcutaneous wart. Similar in appearance to a callus, dense and hard. Unlike a dry callus, it does not have a core. Infection occurs when hygienic requirements for caring for the skin of the feet and shoes are not observed.

The color of a stem wart ranges from flesh-colored to off-white or off-pink. The main location is the sole of the feet, the heel, and the area of ​​the foot under the toes. They cause discomfort when moving or pressing on the formation.


Juvenile most often occur at a young age. These are flat formations with a diameter of up to 0.5 cm, slightly elevated above the skin. The color is flesh-colored, pink, and may differ from the main skin tone.

Favorite places of localization are hands, fingers, wrists. May occur on the neck, buttocks. Does not affect the soles of the feet, feet, groin area, mucous membranes.

Juvenile-looking warts cause no concern other than itching. Scratching provokes the spread of papillomavirus in the skin, which leads to the appearance of new vegetation. Usually within 2 years from the moment of infection, juvenile lesions disappear on their own.


The location of genital warts is the vagina, perianal fold, urethra, frenulum and glans penis, pubis, tongue.

Low and high oncogenic strains of HPV cause the appearance of condylomas. Damage to condylomas is accompanied by itching, pain, and possible bleeding. The formations are easily damaged during movement or sexual intercourse. The color of condylomas is pink, in appearance they resemble a cauliflower inflorescence, a cockscomb.

Flat papillomas on the cervix are especially dangerous. They do not cause any unpleasant symptoms. They are difficult to notice on your own; they are revealed only during an examination by a gynecologist in the speculum or during colposcopy. The appearance of flat condylomas in intimate places is considered a precancerous condition, and such formations must be removed.


The papillomavirus has nothing to do with the Peruvian wart. The culprit behind the appearance of vegetation is the bacterium Bartonella bacilliformis. This is an endemic disease. It is diagnosed only in the foothills of the Andes, in Colombia and Ecuador. The carrier is the Phlebotomus mosquito.

The initial stages of the disease are called Oroya fever. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature to pyretic values, joint pain, and myalgia. A blood test reveals a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Activation of staphylococcal flora is observed. Without treatment, mortality occurs in 50% of cases.

Peruvian wart is a complication of Oroya fever. Develops after recovery from primary infection. Causes multiple granule-like rashes. The color of the formations is red-violet. Typical localization is the face, limbs. Does not appear on the body.

The course is long and accompanied by pain. The affected area may be itchy. Treatment is carried out using antibiotics. Relapses are possible.

Which type is the most dangerous?

Dangerous types of warts:

  1. Flat condylomas that appear on the cervix. In 90% of cases of malignant tumors, infection with HPV of a highly oncogenic type was detected. Subject to mandatory removal. The patient must be registered with a gynecologist.
  2. Peruvian wart - without treatment, the probability of death is 50%. Although the disease is endemic, you should stock up on antibiotics before traveling to the mountainous regions of Colombia or Ecuador.
  3. Spines - internal horny papillomas are injured when walking. This increases the risk of complications.
  4. Any wart located in an easily injured area - armpits, groin, foot, elbow, chin. Damage to the growth tissue increases the risk of complications.
  5. Any formation – a change in size, pain when pressed.

Prevention of occurrence

Official medicine offers the only way to prevent papillomatosis. This is a vaccination during adolescence before sexual activity begins.

The simplest hygiene requirements should be observed: washing hands after coming home from public places, schools, kindergartens, and other institutions.

If a suspicious pimple or spot, rash or papule appears on the face, body, or mucous membranes, this is a reason to visit a dermatologist, gynecologist or urologist. Papillomatosis is a recurrent disease. And as long as the root of the problem is present in the body, then with any decrease in immune defense, new vegetation will appear on the body.

Many people of different ages face such an unpleasant phenomenon as warts. Skin growths appear on the feet, palms, eyelids, and often cover the back and face. Genital warts develop on the genitals.

What types of warts (photos below) are dangerous? How do benign formations differ from each other? Let's figure it out together with the famous psychotherapist Louise Hay.


Warts occur after infection with a certain type of human papillomavirus. The pathogen lies dormant in the body until the favorable moment arrives for an active influence on organs and systems.

Weakened immunity, stress, insufficient hygiene, excessive sweating of the feet and palms - . Activation of HPV is a sign of malfunctions in the body, an external manifestation of internal problems.

Warty growths are different:

  • size;
  • shape;
  • degree of danger to the body;
  • color;
  • structure;
  • surface quality;
  • localization;
  • degree of discomfort.

According to the international classification, wart: ICD - 10, the code is carried out using the following notations:

  • B07 – ;
  • A63.0 – venereal (anogenital) warts;
  • L82 – seborrheic wart (see photo below).

Before you find out the types of warts, look at the photos, you should understand where they are found.

Main locations

Warty neoplasms are most often located in the following areas:

  • back of the hand;
  • back.

Less commonly, single tubercles and papules cover:

Types and photos

Benign skin growths differ in etiology, shape, size and color. Knowing the signs will help you understand what kind of tubercle or nodule appears on a finger or sole and determine what types there are.

Main types of warts on the body, photo:

  1. Regular. They occur frequently and look like nodules with an uneven surface up to 1 cm in size. They protrude slightly above the skin, there is practically no pain. Color – flesh-colored, yellowish-brown. Smaller warts often appear on the body near the largest bump. They are located on the neck, the bends of the knees or elbows, and on the fingers.
  2. . Size - up to 3 mm, these occur more often in adolescence, the surface is flat, smooth. The color is mostly flesh-colored, sometimes yellowish. The main places of localization are hands and face. There is no discomfort, but the appearance worsens. Aesthetic discomfort forces you to seek help from a cosmetology clinic to remove unsightly tumors.
  3. Plantar, other name - . The papillae located nearby are surrounded by a ridge; sometimes the warty outgrowth resembles a thorn. Often the formation grows not only upward, but also inward, forming. The color is dirty yellow interspersed with a brown tint, sometimes dark, with threads and black dots. Plantar warts interfere with walking and cause discomfort and pain. When removing yourself, the treated areas are often.
  4. . Appear in older people with age-related changes in the structure of the skin. The basis is dead epithelium. Gradually, from soft papules, the new growths become dense, often the surface cracks. Flat papules with obvious boundaries cover the chest, back, arms, and neck. The size of the formations is up to 2 cm, the color is from light pink to various shades of brown. There is a risk of degeneration into malignant formations.
  5. . Another type of warty growth that people encounter after 50–60 years. Acrochords are flesh-colored growths that resemble threads. The main places of localization are the area around the lips, eyelids, and armpits. Thread-like outgrowths often get in the way. There is a high risk of injury to neoplasms, the length of which sometimes reaches 1 cm. After removal, relapses often occur; similar formations arise in the same areas.
  6. Condylomas acuminata. Infection with the HPV virus occurs through sexual contact. Male and irregularly shaped, often resembling a cauliflower or cockscomb, they are found in the genital area, sometimes appearing in the mouth. Genital condylomas have sharp ends of outgrowths, color - from dark flesh to pink, red-brown. Complex treatment is required with the participation of a dermatovenerologist, urologist or gynecologist.

Warts: photos of all varieties are available below.





You can also find out what a wart and its root look like in.

Are warty growths dangerous or not?

In the absence of conditions that provoke the risk of oncogenicity of the neoplasm, there is no cause for concern. Unlike nevi (moles), warts are rarely signs of cancer pathologies.

Consult your doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • the tumor is located in an inconvenient place, the growth constantly rubs against the collar and gets into the shaving area;
  • blood appears on the surface;
  • the neoplasm changes color or shape;
  • the boundaries of the skin growth gradually blur (dangerous sign);
  • you have been diagnosed with seborrheic keratosis;
  • quickly, regardless of shape and size.

How to distinguish from a nevus?

Often, patients at an appointment with a dermatologist claim that there are too many moles on the body. Upon examination, the doctor finds out that some of the neoplasms are warty growths, and not birthmarks.

Basic treatment methods

If a neoplasm is suspected of being oncogenic, located in an inconvenient place, or has deteriorating aesthetics, the patient thinks: “?”

A responsible approach is required, consultation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Features of certain varieties

Many patients ask to talk about the types of viral tumors. The information will be useful to anyone who wants to understand how diverse skin growths are, how to recognize one or another type of warty formation in the form of papules, threads, nodules and tubercles.

Warts on the body - types, photos and features:

    1. Wart on a leg(see photo below). The second name is . Found in the groin area, armpits, and neck. If there is a high risk of injury to formations, they are better.

    1. Wart vulgaris(photo shown above). The formation has another name - a common wart. A common variety, often smaller warts appear near the “main” formation. With weak immunity, bumps appear on the fingers, near the nails, on the head or neck.

    1. Internal wart. Difficult to diagnose, the body of a flat plantar wart is hidden in the thickness of the epidermis. Many patients note that when walking and rubbing, the pain is stronger than with a convex growth. : poor foot hygiene, poor-quality shoes, excessive sweating of the feet, dirty tights or socks. The HPV virus actively develops with weak immunity, the action of one or more of the above factors.

    1. Wart-herpes. Patients often mistake a wart on the lip for a manifestation of the herpes virus. Warty formations on the lips are rare. The main reason is infection with papillomavirus, provoking factors: poor immune defense, injuries to the mucous membranes of the lips, infections in the oral cavity. Small flesh-colored tubercles are located on the inner border of the lips, less often visible from the outside.

    1. Liquid wart. Small protrusions on the body of a yellowish tint have a round shape. Neoplasms are classified as flat warts. Small bumps are common in teenagers.

    1. Red wart. The second name is hemangioma. Red warts on the body do not interfere, do not provoke discomfort, there is no pain or itching. Size – from 1 to 5–6 mm, less often – up to 8 mm or more. Benign growths often appear after 40 years.

    1. White wart. This type of benign formation often occurs in adolescents and young men. Flat papules with a slightly noticeable yellow tint sometimes darken, keratinization appears, warty formations cause inconvenience, and worsen aesthetics. If located in an inconvenient place or with a noticeable cosmetic defect, it is recommended. You can also familiarize yourself with 3 ways to treat warts on the finger.

    1. Dry wart. The surface of the vulgar variety of skin outgrowths often cracks and becomes covered with villi. The neoplasms are hard to the touch. The body of the wart is dry, uneven, and looks like a mushroom cap.

    1. . The formations are often called differently: “seborrheic wart.” Flat papules appear on the body with age-related changes and metabolic disorders after 40–45 years. By the old age, warty growths noticeably worsen the appearance, often covering a large area of ​​the back, arms, face, and neck.

    1. Transparent wart. Many patients do not know how to distinguish large white pimples from benign lesions. Differences: the warty growth is rough, rough to the touch; when pressure is applied to the surface of the tubercle, a clear or cloudy liquid does not flow out, as when squeezing out a pimple.

Often, after a fleeting glance by an inexperienced person at a small skin growth, a simple everyday diagnosis is announced: “”.

Ignorance of the true face of a wart is fraught with destruction if a harmless neoplasm is mistaken for a malignant one.

On the genitals

  • regular and flat;
  • and pointed;
  • plantar and;
  • other .

The growth of the formation may be exophytic(outside) or endophytic(into the underlying tissues).

The roots of the “endophytic” plantar spine grow inward under pressure from walking, irritating the nerve endings and causing pain. The outward growing roots of an ordinary, flat wart or condyloma give the neoplasm a villous appearance.

Under a microscope

Having looked at what a wart looks like under a microscope (photo below), you can see that its mass is based on intensively dividing cells of the granular layer of the skin. The cells are enveloped in a rich network of dilated blood vessels, forming together the roots through which the wart feeds. If the stratum corneum is damaged, capillaries may rupture so warts are easy.

Let's find out what a wart looks like: photo under a microscope.