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Jagdterrier or German hunting terrier. Jagdterrier (German hunting terrier) How long does a Jagdterrier live?

The Yak Terrier is an amazing dog that is very popular among hunting enthusiasts. The brave dog will always keep you company on “walks” through the forests and will definitely return with prey. Despite the fact that the breed has been known for a long time, there are still very controversial opinions about it. Some people consider the Yagda to be an extremely determined, independent and independent dog. Separately, her excellent hunting talents are highlighted: fearlessness in battle with prey and lightning-fast reaction.

Others, on the contrary, categorically refuse to accept these animals. The second category considers dogs to be overly energetic, aggressive and uncontrollable. Which one is right? It's up to the person who wants to buy this noble dog to decide.

History of the formation of the breed

The Jagdterrier breed was bred in Germany, for which it received the adjective “German”. The first representatives of the species became known in the 30s of the 20th century. Breeders involved in breeding new animals set a goal to obtain ideal hunters. Experts wanted the dogs to be easy to care for, quick to react and moderately aggressive. At the same time, practically no attention was paid to appearance. It was assumed that pets would not encroach on participation in exhibitions.

The closest relatives of the brave Jagdterrier breed are fox terriers - successful and dexterous hunters. However, over time, these animals were turned into show class, which led to the loss of their unique working qualities. Pets simply could not be beautiful, hardy and aggressive towards prey at the same time.

As a result, it was decided to transfer the hunting qualities of fox terriers to another breed. To do this, the breeder bought the rejected puppies and began creating a new species. In addition to Foxes, Welsh and Old English Terriers took part in the formation. As a result of painstaking and long work, the Jagdterrier appeared. At the initial stages, the animals were positioned as a project, as a “factory breed”. Only in 1922 the dogs were brought into a separate group of hunting terriers. The breed standard was adopted in 1934.

The first German hunting terriers were brought to the USSR in the 70s. Hunters of the Soviet Union appreciated the dogs, which had excellent hunting skills, were unpretentious in maintenance and small in size. In the shortest possible time, representatives of the breed gained wide popularity.

Description of the German Jagdterrier breed

Breeders who have done painstaking work have managed to obtain dogs whose performance characteristics are ideal. However, this could not but affect the appearance of the animals. Pets of this breed have highly expressed sexual dimorphism: males have a more muscular constitution, have strength and courage. And females are smaller and have a graceful physique. If the female has the appearance of a male, then she is considered defective. Such a Jagdterrier cannot be used for mating. The average height of dogs is 33–40 cm. Weight is determined by gender. In males it reaches 9–10 kg, in females it ranges from 7.5 to 8.5 kg.

The description of the breed is approved by the standard. The following indicators are taken into account:

  1. The animals' heads are wedge-shaped. The cheeks are flat, the cheekbones are slightly defined. The muzzle is powerful and strong. The nose of most representatives of the breed is black. Only in individuals with chestnut coloration can it have a brown tint. The lips are surrounded by a black border and fit quite tightly. The teeth are strong and powerful, scissor bite.
  2. The German Jagd Terrier has small triangular ears. They are set quite high, hanging slightly on the cartilaginous tissue. A serious fault is considered to be too small, heavy, erect ears.
  3. Pets' eyes have a bizarre oval shape and small size. Planted deep. The iris is dark brown. The look is wary and penetrating.
  4. The characteristics of the breed suggest the presence of a moderately wide chest, characterized by decent depth and an oval cross-section. The stomach is tucked, the ribs are elastic and convex.
  5. The neck is of medium size, the scruff is clearly marked. Smoothly transitions into well-defined withers.
  6. The shoulder blades are set obliquely and fit together quite tightly. The back is straight with developed muscles. The croup is strong and wide.
  7. The tail of puppies is docked at ⅓ of its length. It is thick and has a high rise.
  8. The limbs of domestic animals are arranged in parallel. The bones are strong and the muscles are dry. The paws are small and oval. The pads are fleshy and the fingers are tightly clenched.

A Jagd Terrier dog that does not meet the listed requirements is considered defective. However, flaws in her appearance do not at all prevent her from becoming an excellent hunter. You can safely buy such dogs.

Color and coat of animals

Depending on the type of hair, all representatives of the breed are divided into 2 types.

  1. Wire-haired Jagdterriers have a dense and hard coat. The hair is slightly lengthened. The guard coat forms a small beard and fringes, which are the decoration of the pet.
  2. The smooth-haired type is distinguished by a short, single-layer and dense coat. It covers the entire body of the animal evenly and has a natural, beautiful shine.

In accordance with the standard, pets' fur should have a black-brown tint. All representatives of the breed must have clear tan marks that are located symmetrically. They should be in several places:

  • on the sides of the muzzle;
  • in the chest area;
  • just above the brow arches;
  • on the paws;
  • in the anus area.

According to the standard, Jagdterrier dogs can have a dark or light mask on their face. Small contrasting spots located on the fingers and sternum are also allowed.

What character is typical of hunting animals?

The Jagdterrier is a breed of dog characterized by determination, fearlessness and courage. Nature has endowed animals with a rather complex and unyielding character. The pet has a strong will and inflexibility. He has his own opinion on any issue and has a rather stern disposition. The owner will have to make a lot of effort to show who is the leader in the pair. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve obedience from a stubborn dog. Jagdterriers treat strangers with wariness and attentiveness. But they cannot be called timid, nor can they be called aggressive: dogs show anger and irritation only if there is a reason for this. Animals live by hunting and truly enjoy the process itself.

Instincts force them to show aggression towards burrowing mammals and predators.

Despite the fact that the characteristics of the breed position Jagdterriers as very dangerous and harsh creatures, they become attached to the owner with all their hearts. It is difficult to find a more faithful, devoted and reliable friend. In most cases, the four-legged pet ignores the rest of the family. Sometimes the pet shows increased stubbornness, but he is always active, mobile, and full of energy. The Jagdterrier will never refuse the opportunity to spend time with his beloved owner.

Surprisingly, this breed manages to establish contact with children. True, a good relationship is only possible if the younger family members do not offend the pet and do not show increased attention to it. But in most cases, mutual understanding with other pets does not work out. The reason for this is a highly developed hunting instinct. This character trait requires socialization of the pet and competent training. If you don't give the animal enough attention, it can run away and start wandering.

Jagdterriers are not only natural hunters, but also excellent watchdogs. They have subtle instincts and boundless courage. If you have such a first-class watchman living with you, you don’t even have to worry about the safety of your property. He will definitely not allow strangers to profit from the things of his beloved owner. However, in order for the animal to obey its owner without complaint, it is necessary to take care of strict upbringing. This breed is absolutely not suitable for novice dog breeders; a beginner simply cannot cope with it.

How to raise and train a dog?

Despite its small size, the Jagdterrier is a very serious and stern dog. You always need to be on guard with her. As soon as a Jagd Terrier puppy appears in the house, the owner needs to find contact with him and establish a relationship built on trust and respect. You must immediately define the boundaries of what is permitted and prevent the animal from violating them.

Jagdts have a tendency to learn; if you approach this process correctly, raising a Jagdterrier puppy will not cause serious problems. The main thing is to show persistence and perseverance so that these natural dominants do not take the initiative into their own paws. If this happens, regaining power will not be easy. The best option is to train a Jagd Terrier with the help of a professional dog handler. A specialist who knows the psychology of dogs well will help the owner establish contact with the dog.

Pets do not tolerate unfair treatment or harsh training methods.

They will follow all commands correctly if positive reinforcement is provided. After each successfully completed task, you need to pamper the animal with its favorite treat. Raising your voice, much less using physical force, is strictly prohibited. This way you risk losing the trust of your four-legged friend forever.

You can move on to training dogs on animals only after a trusting relationship has been established between the owner and the pet. The optimal age for developing hunter skills is from 8 months to 1.5 years. First you need to train at special training grounds. First of all, we introduce the dog to the hole, then to the game. The dog is shown animals that are in a cage and wait for the moment until he shows aggression towards them. Any interest and anger towards the prey should be encouraged. Next, the animal is lowered into the hole, the dog needs to chase it. If he has completed the task, he must again not forget about encouragement. After successful training on the site, hunting dogs move on to training in natural conditions.

It is necessary to develop in an animal not only hunting qualities, but also skills that are useful in everyday life. Raising a Jagdterrier involves early socialization and learning simple commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “place”.

What care does your pet need?

Those who want to have a furry friend need to understand that the Jagdterrier will not become a diligent sofa dog. He will not humbly lie on a soft bed and cheerfully carry a ball in his teeth during rare walks. A pet needs completely different maintenance. Representatives of this breed should only be owned by mobile and active people who are able to provide the animals with sufficient physical activity. The dog will be happy to accompany its beloved owner during jogging and long walks. However, the activity that gives him the greatest joy is still hunting.

Jagdterriers do not require special care. But keeping them comfortable requires following a few simple recommendations:

  1. Pets' fur is quite short, so it is easy to care for. You need to brush your dog at least once a week. With this frequency of the procedure, it will be possible to maintain a beautiful appearance and avoid tangling. It is not recommended to bathe your pets often; it is better to do it as soon as they become dirty. After every walk you need to wash your paws.
  2. The animal's ears must be cleaned periodically. To do this, you need to use cotton swabs and special lotions sold in pet stores. After returning from a hunt, the ears should be inspected for dirt and insects.
  3. Oral hygiene should be regular. To prevent the formation of tartar, you can give your pet special bones. To brush your teeth, you should get a special brush and toothpaste.
  4. Long nails can cause discomfort and pain to the dog, so they need to be trimmed. Nail clippers are used for this procedure. It is important to be extremely careful not to damage the blood vessels.

An obligatory part of care is timely vaccinations and anthelmintic treatment. Since the four-legged hunter often visits forests and fields, you must not forget about tick repellents.

To make your pet feel comfortable, it is necessary to equip him with a comfortable sleeping place.

A suitable pillow or mattress can be purchased at a pet store. It is better to choose metal bowls for animals on a height-adjustable stand.

What to consider when choosing a puppy?

All Jagdterrier puppies are incredibly cute and cute. Choosing one of them is not an easy task. Of course, you don’t need to focus on appearance. The first thing you need to do is meet the pet's parents. It doesn’t hurt to find out about the conditions of their detention, working qualities, mental state, appearance, health. If you want to buy a good dog, choose one whose descendants have repeatedly participated in various competitions and won. Of course, the price of such a four-legged friend will be higher than all the others.

You need to pay attention to the appearance of the puppies.

They should be active, energetic, and moderately well-fed. A thin physique may be a sign that the babies have not been treated for helminths. This may negatively affect their further development. Often, skinny dogs develop bones incorrectly. It can be difficult to correct such a defect.

If a puppy tries to playfully attack you and violently breaks out of your hands, most likely he will grow up to be an excellent hunter. If you do not plan to often go hunting for prey with your pet, it is better to choose a calmer individual. In the future it will not cause serious trouble.

Some people prefer to take the dog that runs up to them first. And the price is not important here, because mutual sympathy at first sight is an excellent basis for creating a successful hunting tandem.

How and what to feed the Jagdterrier?

Like all dog breeders, owners of German Hunting Terriers have a choice: to feed their pet with ready-made dry food or natural products. If you choose the first option, give preference to quality premium and super-premium products. The price of such food is quite high. But it is safe and provides the animal with everything necessary. A dog that eats dry food should always have access to water.

With a natural diet, it is necessary to prepare food for your pet every day; it should always be fresh. There are several groups of permitted products:

  1. You need to choose lean meat; beef, chicken, and turkey are ideal. Lamb and pork should be avoided as they can cause digestive problems.
  2. By-products are perfectly digestible by pets. The diet can include beef or poultry lungs, hearts, kidneys, and stomachs.
  3. Dairy and fermented milk products must be present on the menu. You can give your pet kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.
  4. Cereals are an important part of the diet. You should cook porridge from oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, and millet.
  5. Vegetables are essential for getting vitamins. They can be given raw or cooked. Suitable: beets, zucchini, cabbage, carrots. It is recommended to add greens to your food.

Adults should be fed twice a day, pregnant and lactating dogs - 3 times. Additionally, it is recommended to give the animal vitamins. In winter, dogs who live in outdoor enclosures need to increase their food portions. Instead of water, it is better to put clean snow.

What health problems do animals have?

Jagdterriers can boast of good health. The breed is rightfully considered the hardiest and rarely gets sick. This fact itself is quite surprising, because usually animals obtained through artificial crossing have a genetic predisposition to various ailments. But the Jagdterriers avoided such a fate. If your pet is properly cared for and fed well, it will live 13–15 years. At the same time, the owner will not have to worry about the pet’s health problems. Some individuals live longer.

Various injuries cloud the picture. Active pets can become infected or injured while hunting. If damage to an animal is caused by a wild animal, it cannot be ignored. You should immediately show the dog to a veterinarian, who will take care of prevention. Predators are carriers of dangerous diseases, including rabies. If wounded, they can be transmitted to the dog.

The German Hunting Terrier or Jagdterrier is a burrowing breed bred specifically for hunting. Not so long ago, despite the strength of character and stinginess in the affection of these pets, people began to have them at home.

This is not strange, because with proper upbringing, this breed can become a truly faithful family member.

Description and character

  • A country: Germany.
  • Type: companion dog.
  • Weight: for males - from 9 to 10 kg, for females - 8-9 kg.
  • Height: A male of this breed can reach 40 cm, and a female can reach from 28 to 36 cm.
  • : with proper maintenance - from 13 to 15 years.
  • Color: black with brown spots.
  • Kinds: smooth-haired and wire-haired.
  • Description of the Jagdterrier breed: This one is not distinguished by the sophistication or grandeur that is inherent in other similar dogs, but Jagd Terriers attract attention with their laconic form and style. Thanks to their heavy chin, intense gaze and the inherent composure of this breed, German hunting terriers create the impression of strict and tough dogs even when calm and freely standing. A dark, non-staining color, dense coat that does not collect dirt or freeze snow, and a good undercoat, which allows the dog to easily withstand cold weather - everything corresponds to the main purpose of the breed. German Hunting Terriers have instant reactions, strong, well-developed jaws with strong teeth for a secure grip.

  • Character: This breed has a complex character, which, if mastered, is well suited for hunting purposes. Such dogs are stubborn, brave, fearless, intelligent and very vigilant. They are active and full of energy even in old age. Jagdterriers tolerate long roads well. However, the characteristics of the Jagdterrier breed are not limited to their hunting qualities. Living in a family, they can be affectionate and playful, to say nothing of their devotion and loyalty to their owners. Dogs of this breed can be not only excellent hunters, but also reliable guards. But in order for the dog to fulfill the tasks assigned to it and meet all the owner’s expectations, it must be treated with respect and time spent on training.
  • History of the breed

    Developed in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, this breed is the result of crossing fox terriers, small German hounds, dachshunds and pinschers. The purpose of such crossing is to obtain a dark-colored dog that will adapt well to any conditions, withstand heavy loads and be ideal for hunting.
    Jagdterriers have always been very popular in their homeland and in Austria. In the CIS countries, this breed appeared at the end of the twentieth century.

    Did you know?Trying to achieve a dark color, breeders have ruthlessly culled many animals, since it is believed that huntingLight-colored “helpers” bring bad luck and can scare away prey.

    Selection and price of a puppy

    German Hunting Terrier puppies should be very similar to their parents, therefore, when choosing a dog, you should definitely look at its parents. It is important to learn about the dog’s working qualities, psyche, and health. It is also necessary to ask in what conditions the puppy lived. If the purpose of the acquisition is to get a good hunter, it is advisable to choose from repeated participants and winners of exhibitions. The puppy must be well-fed, active, and energetic.
    If a Jagdterrier who is less than a year old looks thin, this may be a sign that he has. A skinny pet may grow up with abnormal bone alignment, which will be difficult to correct and return to good condition.

    A puppy that actively moves and escapes from the hands, tries to wriggle out and attack while playing, will be a good helper in the hunt. Quieter dogs often bring more trouble to their future owners. The price of Jagd Terrier puppies can vary from $50 to $150, depending on age, parents, availability of documents, vaccinations.

    Is it possible to keep the breed in an apartment?

    The size of the Jagdterrier allows it to be kept in, but it is worth remembering that this breed is intended primarily for hunting. Therefore, when getting such a dog in an apartment, you need to be prepared for many difficulties. Firstly, German hunting terriers are attached to one owner. It is necessary to raise the puppy well so that he gets along with all family members, is kind and playful.

    Secondly, Jagdterrier dogs need constant physical activity: if the dog does not hunt, it is necessary to run with it regularly. Thirdly, it is worth considering that this breed is aggressive towards other animals. This instinct is inherent in it by nature and it is quite difficult to overcome it, so it is not advisable for the Jagdterrier to live in the same apartment with others, etc.

    Caring for a Jagdterrier

    The German Jagdterrier is unpretentious in care, but if you want your pet to be beautiful and healthy, you need to bathe it, comb it, take care of its ears, paws, eyes and teeth.



    After bathing, you need to dry the dog well, especially paying attention to the ears. You can dry your Jagdterrier with a hairdryer if necessary. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no drafts in the room where the dog will be wet after bathing.

    Condition of eyes, ears, teeth, paws

    The most sensitive area of ​​these dogs is the eyes, so they require especially careful care: they must be wiped with a soft cloth, which must first be soaked in chamomile infusion, a special spray, or weak tea leaves. This procedure should be carried out twice a month or when the eyes turn sour.
    The claws on the front and hind paws, if they do not grind down on their own, must be trimmed every month with a special device. It is important not to forget that these dogs have fifth toes on their front paws, the nails on which can grow long and damage their paws. You also need to make sure that after walks there are no splinters left in the paws, and treat scratches and cracks if there are any.

    To prevent cracks from appearing, in winter you should add one teaspoon of sunflower oil to your standard daily diet.

    Dental care is very important for all hunting dogs. From an early age, it is necessary to accustom your pet to daily brushing of teeth in order to avoid bad breath and the appearance of various diseases of the oral cavity, which, moreover, can lead to the development of more serious diseases of other parts of the dog’s body and organs.
    Brushing your teeth should be done carefully, thoroughly and not in a hurry. If your dog does not allow you to perform such a procedure, you can contact your veterinarian, who will either do it yourself or tell you what alternative oral cleaning products can be used.

    Important!In order to brush your Jagdterrier's teeth, you need to purchase special toothpaste and a brush for dogs. Under no circumstances should you use the paste that you use.

    Exercise stress

    When bringing a dog of this breed into an apartment, you need to be prepared for long, active walks, since Jagdterriers need regular physical activity (several hours of running a day). Therefore, ideally, German Jagd Terriers should live in spacious yards where they can run freely and expend the necessary amount of energy. When such dogs sit in an apartment for a long time, energy accumulates and they become restless.

    Pet food

    A dog's diet is very important for its health and normal development. In addition, the Jagdterrier is a hunting breed, for which the stability of the body and good health are important. The food for this breed can be special or regular natural food. The diet of Jagdterrier puppies, of course, is somewhat different from the diet of adult, already strong and mature dogs.

    Features of feeding a puppy

    The quantity and quality of food for puppies of this breed depends on their age; the same factor determines the frequency of food intake by the dog.
    A puppy from 1 to 2 and a half months should be fed 5 times a day:

    • 8:00 - milk and yogurt, add a little honey;
    • 11:00 - oatmeal, soaked in milk, kefir or broth in the evening;
    • 14:00 - raw beef meat, scalded with boiling water (add a little garlic twice a week), grated carrots with oil (vegetable/soy/corn/sunflower);
    • 17:00 - skim cheese;
    • 20:00 - raw meat, scalded with boiling water, dipped in egg yolk twice a week) + half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Finely chopped seaweed + half a teaspoon of chopped herbs (parsley, young nettle, fresh mint, etc.)
    The nutrition of a puppy up to 4 months should be somewhat different:

    4 meals a day at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. Meat and fish are required in the last two meals, dairy products, cereals and vegetables are daily feeding.
    A puppy aged 4-8 months should eat 3 times a day. It is necessary to increase the portions and serve meat with additives for dinner.

    What to feed an adult Jagdterrier

    An adult pet needs to be fed twice a day.

    In the morning:

    • boiled cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal.
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • dairy products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt);
    In the evening:
    • meat and offal;
    • fish;

    Important!It is better not to feed Jagdterriers veal, since the dog’s body does not digest it well and this can cause diarrhea.

    • cartilage and bones.

    Training and education

    Jagd terriers should be started at 6-10 months of age. The owner can teach simple commands, but if the dog needs to be prepared for hunting, it is better to seek help from specialists. The training process depends on the dog’s character, its development, and how much it trusts its “teacher.” Training should be carried out twice a day for 1 hour before the pet eats or 2-3 hours after eating. This process takes at least 6 months.
    As a rule, experienced trainers resort to methods of stimulation and inhibition of the Jagdterrier's nervous system. It is necessary to show respect for the dog, there is no need to overload it, but pets of this breed cannot be kept without training, since they can become a threat to the health and lives of both other animals and people.

    Dogs of this breed should not be treated like small, furry house pets. The Jagdterrier will not be considered by an owner who is not strict, which will lead to the dog taking the reins into his own “hands.”

    Did you know?In 1931, dog training reached the level of training animals to fight armored vehicles. The training took place this way: food was placed under a tank and the dogs were taught to eat not only under a standing, but also under a moving car. In the first year of the Great Patriotic War, 300 tanks were destroyed in this way. During the entire period of the war, about 1.5 million dogs died in the fight against armored vehicles.

    Diseases and vaccinations

    If the dog comes into contact with wild animals, anthelmintic prophylaxis must be taken every three months.

    The Jagdterrier is a breed of dog that, due to its size, is excellent for keeping in an apartment, but is poorly accustomed to “family life.” In order to domesticate a dog of this breed, it will take a lot of time and effort, since by nature German hunting terriers are aggressive, stubborn and very energetic.

    It is better to use them for their intended purpose - for hunting. In this case, the dog also needs good education and training. Caring for a Jagdterrier does not require much time and effort; it is not prone to various diseases inherent in other breeds.

The German Jagdterrier is small in stature, well-balanced, has strong muscles, and is a hunting dog. They were developed in Germany in the 1930s by crossing Dachshund, Pinscher, German Hound and Fox Terrier. There are two varieties: smooth-haired and wire-haired. The height of an adult dog reaches 40 cm, and the weight is about 11 kg. Below see a detailed description of the Jagdterrier breed.

Character of the Jagdterrier

The Young Terrier dog is a real hunter, ferocious and merciless. He bravely rushes into battle at the slightest danger. Therefore, it is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders to own this breed. They need a firm hand, early training and socialization. If you cannot provide this for your dog, then it is better to choose a calmer and good-natured breed. If not properly trained from childhood, the dog can become uncontrollable.

Video about the German Jagd Terrier breed

This breed is not one of those who will snore peacefully on the sofa for days on end. They are brave and energetic dogs who need an active lifestyle, runs and obstacles, as well as outdoor games. Sometimes a dog can be stubborn, at such moments you should not give in to him, you must demand that he follow the command to the last. Otherwise, the dog may overcome you and take a dominant position. You need to initially set the limits of what is permitted and not spoil the dog.

The general characteristics of the breed are that the Jagdterrier is vicious and merciless towards strangers, especially if they have caused any harm. It is also not friendly with other animals, and may perceive them as prey. As for the owner, this dog is very loyal and attached at heart. He can simply ignore all other family members. This dog requires strict training and long walks. It is not recommended to keep the dog in an apartment, it will be cramped there. This dog is perfect for a lonely person who has a large house and would like to have a guard and a friend.

Breed standard

A dog from the Klein Jäger kennel.

  • (in English);
  • (in Russian).


  • Height at withers: from 33 to 40 cm.
  • Weight: males from 8 to 12 kg, females from 7 to 10 kg;

Coat and colors

  • Coat: Short, smooth or harsh.
  • Colors: black and tan, gray and black with tan, brown and tan.

Jagdterrier - photo

In the photo gallery below you can see what a German Jagd Terrier looks like (adult and puppies).

Photo of an adult Jagdterrier.
Black and tan Jagdterrier photo.

Jagdterrier puppies photo.
Photo of Jagdterrier puppies 3 months old (Ayra and Ares).

Caring for a dog of this breed is not difficult, but the wire-haired Jagd Terrier requires more grooming than the smooth-haired Jagd Terrier. The dog needs to be brushed once a week. Eyes, teeth, ears and nails need to be examined and cleaned. If the dog does not grind its nails down on its own, then it needs to be trimmed. To clean your teeth, you can give them special bones or clean them yourself using a special meat-flavored toothpaste.

The eyes are one of the weak points of these dogs; they need to be washed with a damp disc twice a week using a special liquid that can be bought at a pharmacy or simply with boiled water. You can bathe as needed, for example after a river or if your dog is very dirty. As for maintenance, a private home and a powerful owner are all that is needed for a dog to grow up adequate and well-mannered.


The diet of this breed is no different from that of most other dogs, so we recommend reading general articles on this topic:

  • (+ feeding schedule by age);
  • (natural products).

Hunting with a Jagdterrier

As a rule, this breed of dog is of interest to those who like to hunt burrowing animals (fox, badger, beaver), so we found a video of hunting with a Jagdeterer and shared it. Let's look:

Jagdterrier kennels

To buy a Jagdterrier, it is best to contact a specialized nursery, so you will receive a purebred dog with the expected qualities. The average price of a puppy is 10-15 thousand rubles.

  • In Moscow - “Round Lake” www.yagdt.ru (National Breed Club);
  • Nursery in Kyiv - “JagdUniversal” www.jagduniversal.com.ua
  • Nursery in Minsk - unknown.
  • All nurseries of Jagdterriers (in the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).

The burrowing dog breed, the Jagd Terrier, which is also known as the German Hunting Terrier, is designed to be the ideal companion for an experienced hunter. However, despite the dog’s exceptional working qualities, with proper upbringing the pet can also be a faithful member of the family.

Dogs of this breed can hardly be called majestic. At the same time, they attract the attention of others with their laconic forms and style. Their composure and heavy chin, combined with an intense gaze, create the impression of a tough dog. The character of the Jagdterrier is quite complex due to the interweaving of such hunting qualities as courage, fearlessness, determination and unbridled energy with playfulness and devotion, inherent exclusively in domestic pets.

A dog's hot temperament manifests itself from a very early age, when it tries to suppress its owner by gaining the upper hand over him. This tendency does not disappear as it grows older: the Jagdterrier can even use its teeth. Because of this, inexperienced owners who get a representative of the breed often doom themselves and their four-legged pet to torment, with which they are unable to cope.

Dogs are quite tolerant of children if you initially set acceptable boundaries for communication with the Jagdterrier for small family members. Since representatives of the breed cannot be considered nanny dogs, the puppy must be taught to interact with children from an early age. It is difficult for a hunting terrier to get along with domestic animals: if he can still put up with another dog or cat if he lives together from the first days of his appearance in the house, then rodents and birds are the desired prey of a four-legged hunter, which he will definitely try.

Origin story

This breed has gained great popularity in the CIS countries as a multi-talented breed capable of hunting many types of game. The German Jagdterrier is a versatile huntsman dog, the dream of many hunters. It will be interesting for all dog breeders to learn about the peculiarities of keeping an animal. Origin story Bred...

The German Hunting Terrier was bred in Germany in 1924: a year after breeding work began. It was assumed that the dog would have small size, dark color, good adoptive and hunting qualities, and endurance. For this purpose, fox terriers, German hounds, dachshunds and pinschers were crossed.

Due to the decline in the number of representatives of the breed in the years after World War II, dogs with even minor deviations in appearance were allowed for breeding. Although initially, puppies that did not meet breed standards were immediately shot. In the post-Soviet space, Jagdterriers gained popularity only in the 70s. XX century, when the number of the breed was increased, and the requirements for compliance with standards were tightened.

Breed standard and puppy selection

A purebred Jagdterrier dog must meet the following breed standards:

  • The head is elongated, wedge-shaped.
  • Nose – black or brown, medium size.
  • The muzzle is slightly shortened with a smooth transition from a flat forehead.
  • The jaws are strong.
  • Eyes – small, oval shaped
  • The ears are triangular, hanging on cartilage, and set high.
  • Body type – compact body with a strong back and deep chest.
  • Limbs – straight, parallel.
  • The tail is set high and docked.
  • Weight – males should weigh 9-10 kg, and females – 8-9 kg.
  • Height - males can reach 40 cm, while the height of females is 28-36 cm.
  • The coat is short and thick. There are two types of breed based on the quality of their hair: smooth-haired and wire-haired terriers.
  • Color - black, zone-gray or dark brown with red tan in the areas of the muzzle, chest, limbs, as well as above the eyes and under the tail.

When choosing a puppy, you need to consider a number of important nuances:

  • Parents – when buying a dog, you should take a closer look at its parents, with whom the future pet should have a close resemblance. If you plan to use a puppy for hunting, then you should choose among producers who have repeatedly participated in exhibitions and other competitions.
  • Appearance – the puppy must be fairly well-fed and meet breed standards.
  • Behavior – before making a purchase, you need to monitor the puppy’s mental state, playfulness, and activity. Good hunters will try to escape from the hands and, playfully, attack.
  • Availability of documents and metrics - if the producers were allowed to breed, then the puppy must be accompanied by metrics. The presence of a veterinary passport with vaccination records will be evidence of the good health of the purchased baby.

Features of keeping a dog

Since the size of the German hunting terrier is quite miniature, it can live both in apartment conditions and in a private house with a garden area.

In order for the owner and dog to live in harmony, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

  • Toys – when kept indoors, to prevent the dog from damaging the furniture, you should acquire a large number of toys.
  • Walking - active representatives of the breed need long and systematic physical activity. If hunting with a Jagdterrier is not possible, then it is recommended to go for long runs with it in the fresh air.
  • Presence of animals - since it is difficult to overcome the hunting instinct, it is better not to have a dog in apartments where pets already live.
  • Fences - if the dog lives in a private house, where in the summer it freely goes out into the yard, the garden plantings should be protected with fences, and a deep foundation should be poured under the external fence.

Care and feeding

The Jagdterrier is considered a low-maintenance breed. But to maintain good health and beauty of the dog, it needs to be regularly bathed, combed, and also carry out other hygiene procedures.


To keep the hair and undercoat shiny and not tangled, you need to comb your pet weekly using a comb with natural bristles. The four-legged hunter is systematically treated for fleas, to which all dogs are susceptible. After each walk, the fur is carefully inspected for the presence of ticks, which, if detected, are immediately removed.


Representatives of the breed drip as needed when using special shampoos. When the water procedures are completed, the dog is thoroughly dried and dried with a hairdryer if the room is cool. When your pet's fur dries naturally, you should make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Eye and ear care

Your pet's eyes are very sensitive to various irritants. Every 2 weeks you should wipe them with cotton pads soaked in a special solution. If they sour, the procedure is carried out immediately. Also, a systematic examination of the ears is carried out, which, if wax is detected, must be carefully cleaned with cotton swabs.

Tooth and nail care

If dogs often walk on the asphalt and dig holes, then the claws, as a rule, grind down on their own. Otherwise, the hygienic procedure must be carried out monthly, cutting off the horny formations with a special tool. After each walk, the paws should be checked for splinters or cracks that need to be treated with a disinfectant and healing agent.

Another weak point of the hunting breed is its teeth, which need to be brushed regularly. To ensure that the procedure does not cause discomfort in the pet, accustoming to it begins from the first days the puppy appears in the apartment. In the future, a clean oral cavity will save the dog not only from problems with an unpleasant odor, but also from various diseases that arise due to inflammation of the gums or tooth decay.


A properly formulated diet is the key to the energy and good health of the Jagd Terrier.

For convenience, the owner can give preference to premium ready-made dry food for hunting breeds. If time allows, you can prepare food yourself, making sure to include cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, as well as fish and meat in the menu.

The frequency of feeding puppies depends on their age:

  • up to 2.5 months – 5 times;
  • up to 4 months – 4 times;
  • up to 8 months – 3 times;
  • over 9 months – twice a day.

Education and training of the Jagdterrier

It is necessary to raise a puppy from the moment it appears, when the owner-dog relationship is just established.

If the owner does not show toughness, the Jagdterrier will stop taking him into account. Training should begin after the pet reaches 6 months, starting with simple commands. To prepare for a hunt, it is better to use the services of specialists who train the dog for six months, 2 times a day, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.

inactivity and lack of physical activity significantly reduce the life expectancy of a hunting dog.

Pros and cons of the breed

The positive qualities of the breed include:

  • suspicion of strangers, making the dog an excellent guard;
  • determination and purposefulness, allowing you to drive the pursued prey;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • courage;
  • independence.

Negative qualities of the Jagd Terrier breed are also inherent:

  • aggression towards other animals;
  • slight excitability.

How much does a German Hunting Terrier cost?

Jagdterrier puppies cost from $50 to $150. The price is affected by:

  • title of parents;
  • the eminence of the nursery;
  • compliance;
  • gender of the puppy;
  • availability of documents.

Jagdterriers are not easy dogs and are suitable only for experienced dog breeders who are aware of the nuances of the breed and are not afraid to face difficulties in communicating with a determined, brave four-legged hunter.

The content of the article:

Jagdterrier - this breed has long been known to dog lovers all over the world. And, despite this, the most contradictory opinion has developed about these cute dogs. Some consider “yagds” to be very decisive, self-sufficient and independent dogs, with well-developed hunting talents and lightning-fast reactions, fearless in a fight with an animal, but requiring a special approach in education. Others categorically do not accept these irrepressibly energetic dogs, considering them unbridled and evil creatures that are difficult to control. So which of them is right in their conclusions? Let's figure out who this dog really is with a sharp name reminiscent of a scimitar blade.

History of the origin of the German Jagd Terrier

The German Jagdterrier is a relatively young breed, obtained through targeted selection. And although there are still some controversial points in the epic of its creation, in general, the history of the breed has been studied and this is how it began.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, English fox terrier hunting dogs, possessing universal hunting talents, were extremely popular among European hunters. They were equally good at catching animals from holes, tracking down ungulates in the field and forest, and were able to catch a hare and lift feathered game onto the wing. But, as often happens, the attractive and elegant exterior of fox terriers was the reason when dog breeders began to strive to produce dogs that were more and more attractive in appearance, more stately and bright, to the detriment of their working qualities. A significant role in this was played by various shows, exhibitions and dog championships, which became fashionable in those years, where the attractive appearance of the competing dog was at the forefront.

All this in no way suited real hunters and breeders, such as fox terrier breeder Walter Zangenberg and his like-minded dog handlers and hunters Rudolf Frie and Carl-Erich Grunewald, who gave preference to working qualities dogs, and not the beauty of their exterior. Back in 1911, while visiting the Munich hunting dog exhibition, they were struck by the fact that the famous fox terrier no longer met the hunting standard, and most importantly, how incapable it was of performing its main working functions. Even then, these enthusiasts had the idea of ​​​​creating a new working hunting dog. But the implementation of their plans was prevented by the First World War, in which, as Karl-Erich Gruenewald wrote in his memoirs, “they took part from the first to the last day.”

Only in 1923 were enthusiasts able to return to the implementation of their idea. The beginning of the implementation of the plan was an accident. One of the Munich fox terrier breeders (according to another existing version - the director of the zoo) one of the females who gave birth brought very unsuccessful black puppies, which could be recorded in the stud book, only with a categorical mark “not meeting the standard.” The black and tan color of newborn puppies was sometimes reminiscent of their long-standing ancestor - the Old English Terrier, but was extremely undesirable in breeding. These puppies (two boys and two girls) were purchased at a very competitive price by novice breeders. The creation of a new breed began with them.

The selection started in this way continued for more than one year. Initially, inbreeding (related mating) was carried out. The black descendants of the first litters were subsequently mated with working fox terrier hunting dogs also black or black and tan. The resulting puppies that were white or with white spots were discarded. To improve the hunting abilities of the new species, enthusiastic breeders twice specially bred their black terriers with English wire-haired terriers, which have the highest hunting talents.

Ultimately, after several years of painstaking breeding work, the desired dog was obtained. He fully corresponded to the chosen type of exterior, was fearless and easy to control, was not afraid of water and had all the necessary hunting instincts and skills. The breed was named "German Hunting Terrier" (Deutscher Jagdterrier).

In 1926, the first German Jagdterrier Club (Deutscher Jagdterrier-Club) was founded. In 1927, the first exhibition with the participation of the new terrier was held (22 individuals were presented at once).

By the end of the 30s of the 20th century, work on the breed was almost completed, the Jagd Terrier took prizes and was recognized as one of the best hunting dogs in Germany. But then war intervened again. This time the Second World War broke out, rolling like an iron roller across Germany and ultimately cutting it into two separate states - the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.

In West Germany (FRG), enough Jagdterriers have survived for further independent breeding. In East Germany (GDR), which suffered much more from hostilities, in the post-war years dog handlers had to literally revive the “Jagd” population, collecting it bit by bit. Each of the “reborn” dogs was strictly registered and was not subject to export from the country.

In 1954, German hunting terriers bred in Germany were finally recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), and all necessary standards were approved. Terriers from the GDR were not represented in the FCI.

The first Jagdterrier dogs came to the USA in the early 1950s, but they did not cause much excitement among American hunters; they had their own favorites - pit bulls and. In the USSR, purebred German “jags” from Germany appeared only in the early 70s of the 20th century, when the first “warming” of the international climate occurred.

Purpose and use of the Jagd Terrier

The main purpose of the Jagdterrier is hunting. Or more precisely, helping the hunter in hunting animals that live in burrows: badgers, raccoons and foxes. As a rule, the dog achieves the best results when paired with another Jagdterrier or dachshund. Such a mini team can easily defeat and drive out of a hole not only a badger or a fox, but also fearlessly attack a larger and more dangerous animal such as a wild boar. And although such a pair is not capable of defeating a boar on their own, they tenaciously hold it in one place, not allowing it to escape the hunter.

However, modern hunters often use energetic and hardy “jagds” as ordinary hunting gun dogs to track and raise animals from their beds, to pursue wounded animals along a bloody trail, to bait hares and foxes, and also to serve shot game.

Often, nimble and sneaky “jags” are used to exterminate rats, mice and moles. So, we can say that the current Jagdterrier is a fairly multi-purpose dog, capable of mastering many different functions.

Nowadays, these terriers are often kept just like that - “for the soul”, as ordinary pets or as show dogs that do not have working talents.

External standard of the German Jagd Terrier

"Jagd" from Germany is a small and not very attractive dog, lacking any special gloss, but possessing a uniquely energetic temperament, absolute fearlessness and remarkable working qualities of a real hunting dog.

The size and body weight of the animal are quite modest, regardless of gender. The largest individuals reach height at the withers - up to 40 centimeters and body weight - no more than 10 kg (bitches are slightly lighter - up to 8.5 kg).

  1. Head proportional to the body, elongated in shape with a flat skull, stop (the transition from the forehead to the muzzle) is slightly marked. The muzzle is distinct and elongated. The bridge of the nose is rather narrow and elongated. The nose is harmonious, black or brown (depending on color). Lips, tightly fitting to the jaws, dry, without jowls, clearly pigmented. The jaws are strong with a strong grip. The dental formula is standard (42 teeth). The teeth are white, strong with pronounced fangs. Scissor bite.
  2. Eyes round or oval in shape, small in size, with a straight, wide set. Eye color is dark (from amber brown to dark brown). The look is expressive and decisive.
  3. Ears set high, triangular in shape, wide at the base and rounded at the tips, pendulous.
  4. Neck of medium length, quite strong and well set, smoothly blending into the shoulders of the animal, with a pronounced scruff.
  5. Torso The Jagdterrier is strong, muscular, and rectangular in elongated format. The chest is well developed, not too wide, deep, with a long sternum. The back is strong, of medium length, not particularly wide. The back line is straight. The croup is strong and horizontal. The stomach is “sportingly” toned.
  6. Tail medium or high set, medium length, saber-shaped, usually (except in countries where this is prohibited by law), docked. An undocked tail should not curl over the back or curl into a ring.
  7. Limbs parallel, straight, strong. When viewed from the side, they go under the dog's body. The limbs are very strong with a well balanced musculoskeletal structure. The paws are neat, with tightly pressed toes and strong springy pads. The front paws are often significantly larger than the hind paws.
  8. Leather dense, pigmented to match the coat, without folds.
  9. Wool. There are two varieties of German Jagdterriers: smooth-haired (their coat is short, dense and smooth to the touch) and wire-haired (their coat is short, stiff and rather rough to the touch). Regardless of the quality of the coat, both varieties of terriers undergo joint evaluation at the championships.
  10. Color has several variations. It happens: dark brown (then the nose should be brown), black (the nose is black), black-silver or grayish-black (the nose is black). In all variants it may have a reddish-yellow tan harmoniously distributed over the head, chest, belly, sides and limbs of the animal. There may be tan spots on the dog's face and around the eyes.

Character of the Jagdterrier dog

The character of the breed can be described in one word - complex. For some people, he is simply an ideal example of a dog, worthy of admiration and respect, for others, he is a disobedient and inappropriately angry dog, causing a lot of trouble to his owner. In their own way, both are right, but let’s try to be objective.

The German "Jagd" is indeed a very energetic, always alert, decisive in action and absolutely fearless dog. The dog is so irrepressibly energetic at any age (even at the most advanced age) that it seems that a perpetual motion machine is mounted inside the animal, giving him no rest day or night.

From a very early age, “yagdas” show their assertive temperament, at all costs, striving to win more and more new positions from their owner. And the older they get, the more fearless they act, not hesitating to use their teeth with all their might. That is why it is very difficult for a novice dog lover to cope with such an active and assertive animal, completely devoid of any fear, which leads to the appearance of all sorts of negative reviews about the breed. In fact, experienced hunters and dog lovers adore this small and persistent “biter”, which, with proper training and education, reveals such wonderful facets of its character as absolute devotion to its owner, ideal discipline, reliability and precision in work “in its specialty”.

The German Hunting Terrier is not a dog for everyone; its tough temper requires an owner with a “steady hand” and a strong character, capable of turning the dog’s dominant aspirations in his favor. And if this succeeds, then there are no problems with the animal. He becomes the unconditional favorite of the whole family, although he always chooses only one person as his master, who is allowed everything.

The aggression and anger towards other animals inherent in the breed during selection require constant control and attention from the owners. “Yagds” do not tolerate the presence of any other animals in the house (except dogs, and even better the same Jagd terriers), they are very jealous and do not like to share the owner’s love with anyone else. So, domestic cats and mice really risk their lives when these dogs appear in the house.

Yes, and living in an apartment itself is not suitable for “yagds”. They are too mobile and freedom-loving, their irrepressible running, jumping and endless attacks cause a lot of anxiety to everyone at home.

When walking Jagdterriers on the street (especially if the dog is poorly socialized and does not like to obey), a collar and leash (and sometimes a muzzle) are required. Free walking (without a leash or muzzle) of this breed is possible only in places free from unfamiliar dogs and people. If a couple of “berries” are walked at once, then double or even triple caution is necessary. Such an inseparable pair, acting as a team, easily “takes over” even such strong and formidable rivals as the Rottweiler or Stafford (sometimes with sad consequences for the latter).

And yet the German Hunting Terrier is a wonderful hunting dog, with remarkable working talents, fiercely intolerant of strangers and infinitely loyal to its owners. And although his character is obstinate and wild, having tamed this “little savage” the owner forever receives a loyal and devoted friend as a reward.

Jagdeterrier health

The German Jagda breed is considered one of the most problem-free hunting dog breeds in the world. The selection of the breed itself was entirely based on the selection of the best individuals of fox terriers and crosses with terriers of the Old English type. Inbreeding (closely related crossing) was used only at the initial stage of selection. Therefore, among the breed's genetic predispositions, only Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can be named (dermatorexis - increased elasticity and vulnerability of the skin).

Good health and a reliable immune system allow Jagdterriers to live up to the age of 13–15 years without any problems. Also among the “yagds” there are many long-livers, living up to 18 or even 20 years.

It is best to keep German hunters in rural areas, hunting grounds or in a country house. There they feel great, move fully and acquire the necessary skills.

Caring for the “little obstinate” is not difficult. The breed was specially created with short and coarse hair, which does not require special “tenderness” in handling. Standard and well-known procedures are quite sufficient. A dog's lack of hydrophobia makes bathing a pleasant task.

There are also no difficulties with feeding. The dog is absolutely not picky about food, and it is not difficult for the owner to choose a diet for him to suit his taste. The only thing the owner needs to remember is that the food must be high enough in calories to fully replenish the energy expenditure of a restless dog.

Price when buying a Jagd Terrier puppy

Since the 70s of the 20th century, Jagdterriers have firmly established themselves in Russia. Buying a purebred “Yagda” puppy is not at all difficult these days; there are plenty of breeding nurseries in the country.

The cost of breeding puppies ranges from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. You can buy a puppy “for the soul” much cheaper.

You can learn more about the German Hunting Terrier (Jagdterrier) from this video: