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Zhdanov how to improve vision. Restoring vision using the Zhdanov method. Street - house - window in the house - window frame

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is the author of a unique method of correction and complete restoration of vision, combining the developments of two equally talented scientists: W.-G. Bates and G. A. Shichko. Vision treatment using the Zhdanov method is based on simple eye exercises that can be done at home and at work.

Zhdanov tested his technique on himself and restored his own vision before offering the technique to other people. Therefore, you can trust his words. Dr. Zhdanov offers a non-standard, but very interesting method of improving vision without any financial costs. Moreover, it does not require a lot of time.

First of all, the patient needs to get rid of glasses or at least minimize their use. With glasses, the eye muscles atrophy, but without them they receive the necessary training and become stronger, following the indicated path.

How to improve the condition of the eye muscles

1. (from the English word palm - palm)

The effect is noticeable the first time, especially if you do palming with severe eye fatigue. You need to cover your eyes with your palms so that the light cannot reach them. In five minutes of this position, the eyes receive the necessary rest, as if the person was sleeping and just woke up.

The palming time can be extended if the desired feeling of relaxation does not appear in the eyes. While they are closed, you need to imagine how your vision is improving, have a positive attitude, rejecting bad thoughts. It’s a good idea to first warm up your palms by rubbing them together.

2. Eye gymnastics

You can see more about palming and the gymnastics itself in the video below:

Gymnastics consists of seven useful exercises that must be performed under three conditions:

  • Before gymnastics, you need to take off your glasses or contacts and blink repeatedly;
  • Each exercise is done three times, but it is possible to reduce the number of approaches if unpleasant sensations appear in the eyes;
  • You cannot make sudden movements.

Exercise No1"Up and down"

It's pretty simple. You need to raise your eyes as high as possible and slowly lower them to the lowest point. These actions should be repeated several times, and then blink at a fast pace.

Exercise No2"Right and Left"

Here the actions are similar to the first exercise, but you need to move your eyes not from top to bottom, but from left to right. First you need to look away to the left, then slowly and carefully to the right. Then blink again

Exercise No3"Diagonal"

Everything is the same, only in this order: right and down, left and up, left and down, right and up. Don't forget to blink.

Exercise No4"Rectangles"

You need to mentally draw a rectangle in front of your own face and direct your eyes to each corner in turn. This should be done clockwise, starting from the upper right corner. When all the corners have been passed, you need to do the same in the opposite direction.

Exercise No5- "Circles"

Here the principle of operation is the same as in the previous paragraph, only you need to draw circles, not rectangles.

Exercise No6"Snake"

It is necessary to “wiggle” your gaze so that you get a curved line starting on the left side and ending on the right. It itself should bend up and down. After the exercise, as usual, you need to blink, then palm, closing your eyes for a minute.


The following exercises should not be done in the following cases:

  • Less than six months have passed since the operation;
  • Retinal detachment or its threat has been diagnosed.

You should not devote a lot of time to gymnastics at once. It is enough to practice for 5-6 minutes, but several times a day. This is better than half-hour classes once a day.

When the eye muscles are overloaded, the following symptoms are observed::

  • Headache;
  • Aches in the eyes;
  • Sensation as if sand had got under the eyelids;
  • Colored spots and dots before the eyes.

In this case, you shouldn’t stop doing gymnastics, but you shouldn’t increase the number of repetitions either. If there is no discomfort, you can increase the number of approaches by one every day or two.

Eye massage from Zhdanov

Vision treatment using the Zhdanov method also includes eye massage. It is necessary for people suffering from astigmatism and severe myopia.

You need to do the following:

  • Use your index, middle and ring fingers to stroke your forehead in a circular motion;
  • Massage your eyebrows with them, especially paying attention to their middle;
  • Using two fingers (index and middle) of both hands, gently stroke your temples;
  • Use three fingers to massage your cheekbones;
  • With two fingers – the sinuses and bridge of the nose, then the auricles and behind the ears;
  • Massage your neck below the back of your head.

After this, you can massage your eyes. Everything is quite simple here too.

  • You need to close your eyes. Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on the upper eyelids. Perform very light vibrating pressure three times.
  • Place your middle fingers on the outer corners and perform similar movements;
  • Repeat the first point;
  • Vibrate the inner corners with your fingers;
  • With all fingers, except the little finger, placed on the face with the thumb down, lightly grab the eyelids and massage;
  • Find an astigmatic point on the right eye and lightly press it with your right index finger and perform vibrating movements;
  • Repeat this action on the left eye with your left hand;
  • Close your eyelids tightly, then open them slightly to create “Chinese eyes” and move your gaze from bottom to top and back.

Astigmatic point– this is the area of ​​the eye, when pressed, vision improves. You will have to find it in advance using a check table. First you need to look at it with one eye and press it lightly, then repeat this with the other eye.

All manipulations are quite simple and accessible, but require great attention to detail. If you treat them with due care, you can notice an improvement in your vision within a couple of days. The period of complete recovery depends on the severity of the disease.

You can purchase William Bates's book at link

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To the question “what is the danger of poor vision for a person and the people around him?” there are answers. Poor vision definitely makes a person dangerous to everyone who is near the patient and comes into contact with him.

Danger due to uncontrolled actions. The danger does not depend on the patient, but this does not negate its presence. Poor vision leads to the fact that the information entering the brain through the organs of vision is always distorted.

A person may perceive inadequately:

  • sizes of objects;
  • distances;
  • forms;
  • colors.

Having such disorders, living in a world where you always need to actively interact with many active elements is simply impossible. A person with visual disorders needs to start treating them as soon as possible. Scientists have proven that approximately 80% of the information about the world around us is formed through the eyes, and if this information is received in incomplete or incorrect form, the consequences can be very unpleasant. First of all, it is a danger to life.

What are the dangers of wearing glasses?

Information confirmed by research - people with normal vision experience pain in their eyes after wearing them.

This is explained by the fact that the lenses of glasses do not correct vision, they only fix the existing anomaly in such a way that a person cannot see without glasses.

At the same time, a person's vision is normal with glasses. As mentioned above, this is a sign that the visual anomaly is fixed, stabilized and perceived as normal.

This fact is confirmed by research - once you put on glasses and the lenses in them, you always have to change them to stronger ones, since weak ones will no longer give a satisfactory result.

What is written, of course, does not mean that glasses are useless and should be abandoned. This is just a reminder that glasses are a means of vision correction, and not an element that needs to be worn constantly.

All of the above information boils down to the following conclusion: we need a perfect and progressive method of vision restoration. And this can be called an option based on the developments of ophthalmologist W. G. Bates and psychologist G. A. Shichko. Fixed by Professor V.G. Zhdanov, converted into a full-fledged technique, this option is one of the most advanced methods for correcting and restoring vision at the moment.

The essence of Zhdanov’s technique

Zhdanov's technique is based on a single fundamental position. The provision states that “physical health is inextricably linked with spiritual state.”

If you wear glasses and contacts for a long time, it becomes more and more difficult to give them up, because, as mentioned above, glasses and contacts create the illusion that everything is normal.

The human brain does not understand that there is something wrong with vision, because thanks to these means, surrounding objects are visible with the required clarity.

This leads to the fact that the brain perceives the visual defect as a normal state of the body, and does not work towards correcting the existing problem, leaving the regenerative functions of the body in an inactive state.

In fact, Zhdanov proposes to correct vision problems using exclusively physical exercises. He tested the number and sequence of these exercises on his own, so he can speak with confidence about the consequences, problems that occur and the required frequency of these same exercises.

Also, the structure of the vision restoration process includes 2 accompanying elements:

  • Diet.
  • Refusal of any negative thoughts.

Only in this way of life does Zhdanov see an effective method of treating vision problems. He is not unreasonably convinced that this is the only way a person can achieve harmony between the spiritual and physical worlds of man.

Convincing Optimism

Professor Zhdanov convinces, thoughts are power. Any thought process in the body happens for a reason. It is based on what surrounds a person and fully affects the functioning of most body systems.

Therefore, if a person thinks optimistically, then the health of his nervous system is stronger:

Prevention and eye hygiene

In addition to “adjusting your psychological state,” a person who wants to restore vision using the Zhdanov method must follow a number of procedures and rules.

To begin with, a person must follow proper eye prevention and provide adequate care for vision devices.

First, it’s worth talking about the prevention of eye diseases.

The most adequate prevention of most eye diseases is regular eye exercises. The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises.

Such a complex is proposed by Professor Zhdanov. This complex is given below, it cannot be used if the eyes have recently had surgery, but it can also be agreed upon with an ophthalmologist in the hospital.

During exercises, the facial muscles should be motionless. Sudden eye movements are also prohibited.

By completing this course of exercises, a person will improve the functioning of the eye muscles, as well as improve blood flow to the eyes. Constant repetition of the course will have a positive effect on all aspects of vision. In addition, eye hygiene is very important. It is important to prevent foreign elements from getting into your eyes, monitor how dusty the air in the room is, clean your eyes from unnecessary deposits and constantly monitor their general condition, because a person can carry out these processes directly.

Israeli specialists managed to create the most effective drug to restore and protect vision. In my opinion, it's all about a very precise combination of blueberry anthocyanins and carotenoids.

If you experience redness, tiredness or blurry vision, you should contact a clinic as soon as possible. I have already recommended this remedy to almost a thousand of my patients. They were very pleased with the result!

Commercial truth

And it may seem: everything is so simple, why is this method not used everywhere? The culprit is a simple commercial truth: everyone has to make money.

Manufacturers of glasses and contact lenses have such close ties in the highest medical circles around the world that now if there was a method of treating any eye disease painlessly, and in a day or two, it would not be received very warmly due to the fact that the method puts the end of the business of producing these devices.

Putting ordinary exercises, which can be found for free on any video hosting site, on a regular commercial stream is almost impossible, and will bring less profit. A fact that changes the perception of reality.

Yes, glasses and lenses save many people around the world and make their lives easier. This would not have been necessary if the Zhdanov method had been recognized as the only adequate method for treating visual defects.

Or if it were studied, the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of some elements of the method was recognized and improved to the ideal, providing people with what they really need.

What needs to be done according to Zhdanov?

If you follow Vladimir Zhdanov’s method word for word, then you need to go through several steps to recover:


Palming- these are exercises. The essence of these exercises6 is to develop the work of the oculomotor muscles to the maximum extent, to bring their capabilities closer to optimal. The essence of palming is the intercourse of the work of the human body with the work of his brain and his spiritual state.

You need to switch to palming when a positive attitude for the day is a reality, when a person has learned to discard the bad and unnecessary and concentrate on exclusively meaningful positive emotions. This result is achieved through training and perseverance.

Palming is carried out in several stages:

The exit from palming is also quite simple:

  • You need to sit straight, under your hands you need to close your eyes and relax your eyes several times.
  • Afterwards, you need to twist your head a little in order to restore blood circulation as adequately as possible.
  • Next you need to copy the child. rub your eyes with your fists (lightly).
  • At the end there is a small breathing procedure (inhale-exhale), then the eyes open and the person blinks very quickly for several seconds.

Palming while standing

Palming while standing- This is a method of relaxing the eyes. It allows you to bring your vision back to normal after a day of working at a personal computer monitor and will also help you get rid of glare (sunbeams).

It is carried out in several stages:

  • You need to place your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Next, you need to close your eyes and turn your face towards the sun.
  • Afterwards, you need to warm your palms a little and cover your eyes with your palms.
  • Then you need to relax and wait until the “bunnies” completely disappear.
  • At the end, you need to open your eyes and blink intensely for several seconds.

Gymnastics for farsightedness

A course of exercises to improve vision:

  • Make a fist and show your thumb.
  • Extend your arm forward.
  • Look at your finger and blink a few times.
  • Bring your hand closer and don’t look away.
  • Blink constantly.
  • Repeat 5-6 times.

Gymnastics according to Zhdanov for astigmatism

Exercises with alternating eye movements:

Morning exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov

  • Perform the exercise while lying down.
  • Close your eyes tightly. Repeat 6 times.
  • Open your eyes and mouth alternately. 6 times.
  • Blink frequently. 6 times.
  • Relax.
  • Chaotic finger movements. 10 times.
  • Repeat palming.


  • It is necessary to perform successive turns of the head.
  • Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Repeat constantly when the head is motionless for more than 30 minutes.

Sunbathing for the eyes

It is important to do eye baths under very warm sunshine: expose them to gentle sunlight once a day for 50-10 minutes.

Center fixation

  • Find the point in the center of the eyes (at the tip of the nose)
  • Fix.
  • Keep focus for a few seconds.
  • Unfocus and refocus.
  • Carry out relaxing treatments

Solarization of eyes using a candle

The solarization method is described above, only the light source is a candle.

Exercises near - far

A pleasant detail is that Zhdanov’s method will not only help the patient’s vision, it will improve the general condition of the human body. Blood circulation will improve and immunity will be strengthened. The most important thing is that the patient will lose the opportunity to be dependent on glasses and lenses.

Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is studying various methods of restoring vision without the use of surgery. He conducts lecture courses in which he talks about non-medical methods to restore vision. In this article we will look at the most current techniques developed by the professor, which are often used in practice among patients in ophthalmology offices.

What it is

Zhdanov’s technique is based on the work of two famous scientists: Gennady Andreevich Shichko (psychoanalyst) and William Bates (ophthalmologist).

Vladimir Zhdanov believes that wearing glasses is also a bad habit that needs to be fought. Attempts to correct vision with glasses or lenses negatively affect the functioning of the eyes. If a person wears glasses, the muscles that regulate the length of the eye do not work. Over time, you have to replace your glasses with stronger ones.

Zhdanov V.G.

Zhdanov’s method of restoring vision involves keeping a diary and regularly doing eye exercises. According to the professor, within a week your vision will become much better, and you can forget about glasses.

See how to clean your glasses.

History of creation

William Bates said that due to the fact that our eye can change its length thanks to the oculomotor muscles, it builds an image of an object. This statement served as the beginning of the creation of a series of exercises that help relax and train the eye muscles.

Psychoanalyst Gennady Shichko created the so-called Shichko ladder, without which, according to Zhdanov, it will not be possible to restore vision.

The staircase consists of six steps, which mean bad human habits:

  1. Program. This includes our environment, family, newspapers, television and so on, which lay these habits.
  2. Communion. Once you lay down a program, it is not always easy to start acting on it.
  3. Habit. Regular repetition of any action.
  4. Need. The need for action.
  5. U installation. Actions or needs become the meaning of life.
  6. grave. There is no going back.

Read also about black glasses with holes in them.

Basic principles of the technique

A diary is necessary in order to make notes about what you want. This is how self-hypnosis occurs, and a person programs himself for a good result.

In addition to exercise and keeping a diary, Zhdanov advises taking medications that increase immunity. This includes aqueous extract of propolis, blueberry and beebread extract (the drug “Blueberry” and “Vetom”).

It is difficult to say for sure whether Zhdanov’s method will help restore vision. In this case, opinions differ.

The effectiveness of the method depends on:

  1. Suggestibility of a person. Those who are susceptible to suggestion have a high probability of improving vision with functional impairments.
  2. Diagnosis. In cases where vision is reduced due to stress and the eye has not changed its structure, it is very easy to restore it using this method.
  3. Systematic implementation and desire. The result will only be if a person puts all his efforts into it and does it regularly.

To restore vision, you need to walk for as long as possible without correction aids. It's best to avoid them altogether.

Zhdanov says that it is possible to completely restore vision if there is determination. In this case, the effect will be significant. But you shouldn’t hope that your vision will be restored in a couple of weeks or months. But it happens that even after the first month positive results may appear. The main thing is to maintain faith in yourself and your strength.

How you can quickly restore your vision, see this.

Application in practice

Professor Zhdanov's lecture on vision restoration is described.

A set of exercises to restore vision according to Zhdanov:

  1. Palming. If your eyes get tired or you work at the computer for a long time, you need to stop and do this exercise. Before starting, you should rub your palms together to make them warm. You need to close your eyes and cover them with your palms. It is recommended to keep them this way for five minutes. There should be no gap between the palms and the head through which light can penetrate. Having a positive mindset is very important. After this, your eyes feel as rested as in the morning. If desired, you can increase the duration of this exercise.
  2. . This includes a set of various exercises that can be combined with palming. Gymnastics should be done without glasses or lenses three times a day. Each exercise is repeated three times, but you need to increase it gradually so as not to overstrain the muscles. Everything is done smoothly and without sudden movements. Before doing this, it is recommended to blink quickly to relax your muscles.
    • "Up down". The gaze must first be raised as high as possible, and then as low as possible. Blink.
    • "Left-right." You need to squint your gaze as far as possible to the left, and then to the right. Blink.
    • "Diagonal". Raise your eyes to the right and up, and then to the left and down. Blink.
    • "Rectangle". It is necessary to draw the largest possible rectangle with your gaze, first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. Blink.
    • "Circle". Performed similarly to the “Rectangle” exercise. Blink.
    • "Snake". Draw a continuous oblique line with your eyes, first from left to right, and then in the opposite direction. Blink.
    • Solarization. It must be done either in the sun or on some artificial light source. This exercise helps restore vision and relax the eye muscles. You need to close your eyes and move your head to the right and left. The sun should alternate with shadow. After the exercise, you need to palm until the sunbeams completely disappear.
    • Massage. Eye massage is very effective for astigmatism. It is good to use as a means of prevention. To perform a massage, you need to close your eyes and lightly press on special points. Each pressure must be done three times, after pressing on one point you must blink. Points that need to be massaged:
      • Upper eyelid (with two fingers);
      • Corners of the eyes (middle fingers);
      • Lower eyelid (with two fingers);
      • Eyeball (with four fingers);
      • Astigmatic point (index fingers);
      • From the bridge of the nose from the inside (middle fingers);
      • Closing your eyes like Chinese eyes.
    • Pirate glasses. With these glasses you can perform any everyday work (reading, working on a computer, etc.). When they are worn, the eyes are trained and vision improves. If one eye is closed, then when a person blinks, the brain adjusts the focus again, at which time the extraocular muscles are constantly working. Pirate glasses can be made very easily. To do this you need a frame without lenses. One hole is covered with black cloth or paper. There is no need to close your eyes. Every thirty minutes the black bandage is changed to the other eye.
    • Central fixation. This exercise should be done without glasses or contacts. You need to blink and catch the focus of an object located in front of your eyes outside the window. When the focus is caught and the subject is clearly visible, you need to blink and focus on the window. Gradually they move from large objects to smaller ones.

Exercises are contraindicated if you have recently had eye surgery (you can only do it after six months) or if you have

Eye health

Does Zhdanov’s technique help restore vision?

“How to restore vision?”

“How to restore vision without surgery?” - and many more similar questions are asked by those people whose vision is deteriorating, those people who are tired of glasses and the discomfort caused by poor vision.

And each of these people heard about Zhdanov’s lecture on vision restoration.

Professor Zhdanov in his lectures explains how realistic it is to restore vision without doctors and how accessible it is to everyone.

Moreover, no one needs to invent anything, you just need to conscientiously follow the methodology, believe in the result and work.

How it will help

Zhdanov’s method for restoring vision is the answer to the question: “how to restore visual acuity naturally?” This technique is more than a set of exercises. This is a kind of practice that involves acquiring useful habits and the necessary knowledge about vision.

How will Zhdanov's course of vision restoration help you?

In addition, by learning Zhdanov’s technique, you will gain practical skills such as:

Also, the professor’s method of improving vision is indicated for those whose activities involve a heavy load on their vision, for example, biologists, chemists, physicists and others who work with microscopes and various optics.

Zhdanov's lectures on vision restoration

Professor Vladimir Zhdanov offers to study his methodology using a course that includes 6 lectures. Each lecture on Zhdanov’s vision will teach new techniques and open up new practices. Please note that each lecture continues the previous lecture, so to get the result, you must complete the entire course.

What is discussed in each lecture?

Lecture No. 1

Here are presented various theories and conclusions of scientists who have studied the visual organ and its functioning. In particular, in this lecture you can familiarize yourself with the approach of Helmholtz and Bates, who studied the physiology of the eye, the muscular system of the eye, the causes of visual impairment, and so on.

The Bates method is fully outlined here, various (proven) methods of self-examination of vision are described, which must necessarily precede the start of classes.

You will learn everything about “palming” (presentation of black velvet), “solarization” (technique of immersing yourself in pleasant memories), different types of gymnastics for the eyes. The rationale for the unprofitability of vision treatment by ophthalmologists for their patients is also outlined here. Moreover, this rationale is presented by the ophthalmologist himself.

You will learn about the importance and effectiveness of using natural preparations for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases (blueberries, bee products, etc.).

Lecture No. 2

This lecture on vision, Zhdanov, is devoted to the theory of William Bates, which is one of the foundations of the Russian professor’s methodology.

From here you will learn all about the reasons for wearing glasses and how to prevent it. You will also become familiar with the concept of “Shichko’s ladder” and “Shichko’s dictionary”. You will learn about the importance of separate nutrition, its principles and effectiveness. Already while listening to the lecture, you will be able to perform the first exercise on central fixation without glasses and receive your first homework with a detailed description of the actions and ways to monitor the results.

Lecture No. 3

Here the professor voices a number of warnings and precautions in performing the exercises, and also makes comments on keeping diaries. A detailed acquaintance with the developments and achievements of psychoanalyst and psychologist Gennady Shichko, which also formed the basis of Zhdanov’s methodology.

Get a detailed description of Porfiry Ivanov’s hardening system, in particular, learn about the value of dousing with cold water. Learn what self-hypnosis and proper relaxation are.

Learn about the possibilities and methods of treating nicotine addiction.

In addition to theory, this lecture provides a more extensive practical block:

  • Eye mobility exercise;
  • Exercise "Bear Wiggle";
  • Eye exercise “Big turns”;
  • Exercises aimed at improving cerebral circulation;
  • “Palming” and three ways to perform the “Solarization” exercise.

In addition to this, together with Vladimir Georgievich you will fill out “Alcohol Questionnaire” and “Diary of Vision Correction 2” and get new homework.

Lecture No. 4

In this lecture by Zhdanov on vision restoration, you will learn about what eye massage is, its effect on the eyes and the rules of implementation. Also deepen your knowledge about palming.

You will learn about how beneficial fasting can be for the body and how to approach this process. Get acquainted with the main causes of visual disorders in children and adults. Learn about the dangers of alcohol and drugs for a living organism.

Get information about such eye medications as: “Bioseptin”, “Fitop”, “Antidote”, “Vetom”. During the lecture, the professor will talk about Harry Benjamin’s theory - “Good vision without glasses.”

Practical block: a set of exercises and relaxing gymnastics - “Ethereal Eyes”, “Bear Jiggles” and “Bear Jiggles with Swinging Ends”, “Big Turns” and “Solarization”.

Get new homework.

Lecture No. 5

This lecture is devoted mainly to the main causes of visual impairment of the eyes. There is also a narrative about the spiritual and psychological component of the technique. You will learn about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco directly to your eyes. About the dangers of alcohol on reproductive cells and the reproductive system as a whole.

Find out more about Shichko's dictionary. Listen to a story about sins, energy donors and vampires.

Get an extensive practical block:

  • A set of exercises for myopia;
  • A set of exercises for farsightedness and “flat eye”;
  • A group of exercises for strabismus. You will also learn about why strabismus occurs in adults;
  • Exercises “Near-far”;
  • Exercises for astigmatism;
  • Again practice “palming” and “Ethereal eyes”;
  • Get acquainted with the morning and evening complex;

In addition, you will learn about the regime of wearing glasses, the features of eye massage and get the “most important” homework.

Lecture No. 6

This lecture on Zhdanov’s vision is devoted to various techniques: clearing consciousness, magic glasses. You will also learn about what “pirate glasses” and “glasses with holes” (perforated glasses), dark glasses are.

Learn about safety precautions during exercise and the importance of observing them. You will learn about the possibilities of self-hypnosis, learn about the main issues of Shichko’s psychoanalysis. Learn more about his method of vision restoration.

Once again, together with the professor, during the lecture, you will be able to repeat all the exercises from previous lectures, ask questions about these exercises and their implementation. Get one more homework.

During the lecture you will be able to take part in testing. You will learn about beekeeping products for improving vision: how to choose what to use and how to apply it.

Thus, Zhdanov’s lectures on vision restoration are not just a theoretical course of knowledge, it is a workshop that gives specific techniques for recovery and teaches the rules for their implementation.

All these lectures can be purchased in the online store in the form of a course, you can download each individual lecture. You can also attend lectures by Professor Zhdanov and consult with him on issues of interest.

Vision correction using the Zhdanov method

Vision correction using the Zhdanov method involves the following: doing exercises, cleansing the body of toxins, gradually giving up alcohol and tobacco, and switching to a healthy diet.

This correction method will not require any financial investment from you. It will require the desire to work on yourself and believe in the result. It is very important that the entire methodology is implemented systematically, without interruptions. It is desirable that this technique becomes part of the lifestyle.

In addition to a number of exercises that we described earlier, there are other effective techniques that Zhdanov recommends performing for natural vision correction.

Exercises for vision correction:

So, by performing these exercises regularly, you can significantly improve your vision and maintain it until old age.


Decreased visual acuity is a problem that almost every person faces. For prevention, in the first stages of eye disease, doctors recommend performing a set of exercises. Some of them are used quite often. For example, gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov.

Zhdanov - who is this?

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a famous social activist who became famous for his energetic popularization of a healthy lifestyle. Zhdanov became the founder of unconventional methods of combating alcohol and nicotine addiction.

He became famous thanks to a technique that included exercises to restore the visual abilities of the eyes. It combines the information of two other scientists: Bates and Shichko. This is how Zhdanov’s eye exercises appeared.

The main advantage of gymnastics for correcting vision according to Zhdanov is an integrated approach. It includes not only exercise, but also a complete transition to a healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet, exercise, and good sleep.

The influence of Bates and Shichko’s methods on the composition of gymnastics

William Bates argued that the eyeball is able to change its length due to the work of the muscles that move it. This formed the basis of his technique for relaxing and training the visual organ.

Gennady Shichko studied the influence of psychological background on visual acuity. He developed steps, the passage of which will help restore the functioning of the eye apparatus.

Shichko’s methodology presents 6 steps, each of which has its own name: program, initiation, habit, need, attitude, grave. Movement from the first to the last stage is the path to human self-abasement. Zhdanov believed that without this staircase it was impossible to restore vision.

The essence of gymnastics according to Zhdanov

The goal of gymnastics to restore eye function according to Zhdanov is to restore balance in the mobility of the eye muscles. This means that tension is relieved and weak muscles are strengthened.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help to cope with the following diseases: strabismus, astigmatism, myopia and farsightedness. Each of them has its own set of exercises. However, Zhdanov also provided general rules.

General rules for performing eye exercises

Basic rules of gymnastics according to Zhdanov:

  1. Remove devices for correcting visual abilities (glasses, lenses).
  2. Perform exercises regularly, in accordance with the methodology;
  3. Maintain smoothness and regularity of every movement;
  4. Perform the complex 3 times a day. For deep disorders, the number is reduced - for myopia 2 approaches, for previous retinal detachment - 1 approach. Do at least 3 repetitions for each exercise.
  5. Do not involve the facial muscles in the work; all work is carried out only by the muscles of the eyeball.
  6. Visit an ophthalmologist before starting classes to approve the chosen eye exercises.
  7. Postpone the implementation of the complexes after the operation for at least 3 months.
  8. Relax before performing gymnastics, remain motionless.
  9. Eliminate bad habits, switch yourself to proper nutrition, avoid stress.

What determines the effectiveness of eye gymnastics?

To successfully correct vision, V.G. Zhdanov recommends keeping a diary. In it, a person must make notes about the desired result. According to the professor, this will help program yourself for success. At the same time, do not forget about regularly performing a set of exercises. What determines charging efficiency:

  • diagnosis - in the early stages of diseases, gymnastics can help if there are no changes in the structure of the eye;
  • suggestibility - helps with functional disorders; if a person is suggestible, then it is easy for him to cope with minor deviations in visual abilities;
  • desire, regularity of implementation - the greater the effort, the more successful the result.

Complete restoration of visual functions will occur only if a person desires to achieve this goal. Only then can a noticeable effect be achieved.

The timing of the first results varies. Some people notice improvements after 2-3 weeks, and some only after a month. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

Types of gymnastics exercises

Zhdanov included 6 main types of movements in his methodology: palming, complex, solarization, massage, pirate glasses, central fixation. Each exercise is recommended for eliminating different problems.


Palming is aimed at reducing eye fatigue. For example, it will be useful when working at a computer for a long time. Gymnastics instructions:

  1. Rub your palms to give them warmth.
  2. Close your eyelids and place your palms on top.
  3. Do not allow light to pass through your hands.
  4. Maintain this position for 4–5 minutes.

The result is that your eyes feel rested, just like after waking up. If desired, the duration of the exercise can be increased.


The complex includes 6 movements:

  • Snake - with your gaze, you draw an imaginary oblique line running from right to left and back. After doing this, blink;
  • Diagonal - the gaze is directed from the lower left side to the upper right corner. The movement is repeated in opposite directions;
  • Rectangle - mentally, leading your gaze, draw a rectangle. The movement starts in one direction, then moves in the opposite direction;
  • Circle - the principle is the same as in a rectangle, only the movement of the gaze is carried out in a circle;
  • Left-right - the eyeballs rotate as much as possible in each direction;
  • Up-down - the principle is the same as left-right, only the gaze is directed from the highest to the lowest point.

When combining the complex with palming, the effect will be greater. It is not recommended to do this after recent surgery or retinal detachment.

Perform gymnastics – 3 times a day, 3 approaches to each movement. To relax and rest your muscles, you need to blink before exercise, as well as between exercises.

Solarization is an exercise for relaxing the eye muscles according to Zhdanov.

It also helps restore visual acuity. All you need is the sun or a light source in the house.

Instructions for execution: direct your gaze to the light, close your eyelids, shake your head slowly from side to side. The created effect is alternation of light and shadow. After the exercise, it is recommended to do palming to eliminate sunbeams in the eyes.


The essence of the massage is light pressure on a certain point when closing the eyelids. The procedure is good for astigmatism, myopia, and for the prevention of cataracts and glaucoma. Main points and number of fingers for pressure:

  • upper eyelid – 2;
  • lower eyelid – 2;
  • inner corners of the eyes - 1 middle finger;
  • eyeball – 4;
  • astigmatic point - 1 index finger;
  • inside the bridge of the nose - 1 middle finger;
  • closing the eyes until narrow slits are left between the eyelids.

Each massage is performed 3 times, be sure to blink during the break. The massage is aimed at increasing blood circulation and relaxing the eye muscles.

Making pirate glasses - take a glasses frame without lenses and place a piece of black fabric in one opening. When worn, the eyes do not close; every half hour the fabric is transferred to another opening.

Wearing these glasses helps to train the eye muscles and improve visual abilities. The essence of this process is to constantly adjust the sharpness of vision.

Central fixation

Central fixation is a movement that requires looking through a window at distant objects. Execution steps:

  1. Look out the window, choose an object.
  2. Blink, catch focus until the object is clearly visible.
  3. Blink again, look at the window until focusing.


Eye exercises according to Zhdanov are necessarily accompanied by taking vitamins and minerals. The drugs are aimed at restoring visual acuity and strengthening the immune system.

Means for strengthening blood vessels: calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, Ascorutin. Vitamin supplements for the eyes: Blueberry Forte, Vitrum Vision, Strix, Focus Forte, Complivit Oftalmo. Drops used as external agents are: Reticulin, Zorro, Nihexin, Oftan katachrome. Before purchasing medications, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. The doctor will select medications taking into account the purpose and degree of development of the disorders.

What do patients say?

In general, reviews of gymnastics according to Zhdanov are positive; negative opinions are extremely rare. On the Internet there are both defenders of the technique and skeptical users.

Many patients note that doing the exercises helped them regain their vision and get rid of glasses. Among the advantages they also highlight: the speed of the result, its preservation in the future, the simplicity of gymnastics for the eyes.

Ophthalmologists are less welcoming to gymnastics, although they do not deny its effectiveness. Many doctors use the exercises presented in the methodology in practice. However, they recommend carefully studying the theory before trying out gymnastics.

It is possible to restore vision by performing eye exercises according to Zhdanov. The main thing is to follow the prescribed instructions. The technique is used for both treatment and prevention. The exercises are simple and easy to perform.

The article has been verified by a medical practitioner. Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience.