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Angelina Jolie breast cancer. The terrible truth about Angelina Jolie's plastic surgery Video: Jolie underwent surgery to remove her mammary glands

It has become, perhaps, one of the hottest topics in Russian and foreign tabloids. At the end of March, insiders said that Angie’s weight had dropped to 45 kilograms, and at the beginning of April new information appeared about the actress’s “weight”: supposedly Jolie had “reached” 35 and was close to anorexia. That is, in a little more than a week, the plump-lipped beauty lost 10 extra kilos, without knowing it.

Angelina Jolie loses weight due to depression

Gossips not only noticed that Angie was losing weight, but also looked for the reasons for her rapid weight loss. According to one version, Jolie is depressed, she is exhausted not only physically, but also mentally. A friend of the actress told the News Everyday portal that his friend is in a terrible state.

“She is very depressed and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. For this reason, she continues to lose weight,” the man said.

The actress herself did not directly confirm these rumors, but some of her confessions suggested that Angie was not well. In an interview with the British newspaper The Observer, the actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador admitted that for the last couple of years she has been living in constant anxiety due to the risk of cancer. “Removing my mammary glands was an incredibly difficult decision for me. I wanted to have more children on my own, in addition to adoption. My first surgery was a double mastectomy. Then I felt fear and self-doubt. All these two years these feelings were hidden inside me. Even the wedding didn’t help me cope with my feelings,” said Angelina.

Angelina Jolie loses weight due to cancer

Fotodom / Rex Features

In addition to stress, Angelina, according to insiders, suffers from cancer. Hence the rapid weight loss. True, sources do not specify what type of malignant tumor Jolie has, but they are sure: the actress’s health is in a deplorable state. Apparently, cancer rumors began to arise after the star had a preventative mastectomy (removal of the mammary glands) in 2013 to avoid breast cancer. Her aunt, grandmother and mother died from this disease, and after special tests, Jolie learned that the harmful gene was also in her body: in 87% of cases it causes breast cancer, and in 50% of cases - ovarian cancer.

“Now I can tell my children not to be afraid, they won’t lose me to cancer... I’m talking about this because I hope that other girls can benefit from my experience,” Jolie told reporters two years ago.

Well, since then, gossipers are sure that the disease still awaited the star.

Angelina Jolie suspects Brad Pitt of cheating

According to insiders, Angie was constantly jealous of her husband and made scenes for him. In mid-March, Jolie scandalously fired the nanny of her six children for flirting with Pitt.

“ Angie was pleased with the staff she hired to look after the children. Of course, many wanted to work with their famous family; the selection was very tough. It seemed like everyone would treasure this kind of work. Brad had always been very friendly with everyone who worked for his family, but even he began to notice the intrusiveness of their children's nanny, who literally got into her eyes with her friendship. Angelina understood that nothing could happen between her husband and the nanny, but the girl’s increased attention began to bother her,” an insider told the American publication Radaronline.

However, the actor is credited with something more weighty than flirting with a young nanny. The cinema crowd is sure that on the set of the film “Allies” Pitt had an affair with Frenchwoman Marion Cotillard. She is credited with playing a significant role in the separation of Brad and Angie.

Angelina Jolie is sure that her husband has children “on the side”

In early April, insiders told reporters that Angelina not only suspects her husband of numerous infidelities, but is also sure that Pitt has illegitimate children. According to the source, the actress is forcing her husband to take a DNA test to be sure that Brad is not the father of the children of rock singer Melissa Etheridge. The performer admitted in an interview that she always wanted to have many children, and Brad allegedly “helped her become a mother.” The star did not specify how exactly. However, bloggers are sure that the actor became a sperm donor, and thus the singer’s son and daughter were born.

“Angelina forces her husband to do a DNA test. She is paranoid that Pitt is cheating on her, that he is the father of Etheridge's son and daughter. Because of this, another discord began in their family,” the source said.

Angelina and Brad's daughter Shiloh wants to change gender

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have six children. The actress has repeatedly admitted that she will support them in any situation and accept any of their choices. Gossipers interpret such celebrity statements in their own way.

Angie and Brad's ten-year-old daughter Shiloh, despite her angelic appearance, looks like a boy. The girl wears short hair, loves men's things, plays football and is friends with guys. Pitt once told reporters that Shiloh is still very young, and the fact that she wants to look like a guy is just child's play.

Despite this, gossipers immediately began to look for their cause-and-effect relationships in Shiloh’s appearance. Insiders said that the girl not only likes to “try on” the image of a guy, but she is seriously thinking about changing her gender in the future. Moreover, the baby begs her celebrity parents to take her to the surgeon and literally orders her friends and family to call her John.

The adopted children of Jolie and Pitt dream of returning to their biological parents

As mentioned above, Angelina and Brad have six children. Three of them are adopted: Maddox from Cambodia, Zahara from Ethiopia and Pax Thien from Vietnam. Despite the fact that Brad and Angie did a good deed by taking the kids from disadvantaged areas, gossipers find a catch in their action.

There are rumors that adopted children want to return to their biological parents, especially 11-year-old Zahara. Pitt and Jolie adopted a girl in 2005. Her mother died of AIDS, and her elderly grandmother, due to her health condition, could not raise her granddaughter alone. Later it turned out that Zakhara’s mother did not die. The baby, having learned about this, allegedly asked her adoptive parents to return her to her homeland. At least that's what insiders said.

Shocking news came from Hollywood this week: actress Shannen Doherty is suffering from cancer, according to American media.

The star of the series “Beverly Hills, 90210” and “Charmed” Shannen Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of this year. The actress’s illness became known after she filed a lawsuit against Tanner Mainstain Glynn & Johnson, which handled her health insurance. In the lawsuit, 44-year-old Doherty claims that if it were not for the delays with documents, she would have consulted doctors earlier and the disease would have been detected at an early stage. Now the actress will have to undergo chemotherapy and undergo a mastectomy (surgery to remove the breast).

Angelina Jolie's health has been troubling the public for a long time: the actress looks painfully exhausted. Previously, the metamorphosis in the star's appearance was associated with the consequences of serious operations she had recently undergone to prevent the risk of cancer (the actress first had a double mastectomy and then had her ovaries removed). However, over time, Jolie's condition did not improve, but worsened - the actress is literally melting before our eyes. The star has never looked so emaciated: with a height of 169 cm, she weighs only 37 kg. “Angelina did everything to prevent cancer. But it seems that these measures were not enough,” the Star reports. Doctors commenting on Jolie’s deteriorating condition suspect the actress is developing cancer, which she is trying to hide.

Unfortunately, the likelihood of developing cancer in a Hollywood star is really high due to genetic predisposition - it is this fatal disease that haunts members of her family. According to insiders, Angelina Jolie herself always knew that surgical measures do not always guarantee a complete cure, so she has recently been trying to strengthen her immune system - time will tell what results this will give.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

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Image caption Angelina Jolie hopes her story will help other women

The famous Hollywood film actress Angelina Jolie underwent surgery to remove the mammary glands (mastectomy) to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

She says doctors estimated her chances of developing breast cancer at approximately 87% and her chances of developing ovarian cancer at 50%. “I decided to forestall events and minimize the risk,” writes the actress.

Angelina Jolie said that the treatment procedures began in February and were completed by the end of April.


In an article entitled "My Medical Choices," Jolie explained that her mother battled cancer for nearly a decade and died at age 56.

The actress wanted to reassure her children that the same disease would not take her away from them. “The truth is, I am a carrier of the ‘defective’ BRCA1 gene, which dramatically increases the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.”

Once Jolie learned how serious the situation was, she decided to undergo a two-month course of complex operations for a bilateral mastectomy combined with plastic surgery to reconstruct her breasts with implants.

The chances of developing breast cancer have now dropped from 87% to less than 5%, she says.

Image caption The Hollywood couple is known for their active humanitarian work

She thanks her partner Brad Pitt for his love and support. "I am confident that I have made difficult choices that in no way diminish my femininity," she said.

“I hope that any woman who reads this will know that she always has a way out, no matter what happens to her,” Jolie notes.

“I encourage all women, especially if you have a history of breast or ovarian cancer in your family, to not be afraid to seek out information and professionals who can help you, and make your own informed choices.”

Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been living together since 2005, although they are not officially married. They are raising six children, including three adopted children.

Pitt and Jolie are known for their active humanitarian work. In 2001, Jolie became a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

She also founded a number of charities, including the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.

Western media regularly, for the purpose of profit, publish shocking headlines about Hollywood celebrities, most of which ultimately turn out to be fake. The same applies to Angelina Jolie. Over the past few years, the tabloids have been doing what they write about the scandalous details of the superstar’s “illnesses”: heart attack, liver disease, anorexia, paranoia, cancer.

Angelina Jolie diagnosed with cancer?

After the death of her mother in 2007, the actress admitted that women in Angelina Jolie’s family often die from breast and ovarian cancer. Taking this fact into account, the American celebrity annually undergoes various examinations, including genetic analysis, to prevent the appearance of mutation genes. She said that throughout her childhood she was worried about her mother’s health, so she would do everything possible and impossible so that her children would not have to go through the same fears. Angie talks to them quite often about this topic. Sometimes they even manage to turn the conversation into a joke, and then they are not left with a feeling of concern, but only the realization that mom is completely fine.

Such conversations are of particular importance for the star family, because after the next examination the doctor announced terrible news. Doctors suspect Angelina Jolie has a terrible disease - breast cancer.

While the disease was only in its early stages, the best way to combat it was surgery. In 2013, Brad Pitt's wife underwent double breast reconstruction with further breast reconstruction. The husband and children did everything on their part to support Angelina.

Angelina Jolie against cancer – second round!

Two years later, genetic analysis showed an increase in certain markers that, together with other indicators, may be precursors of ovarian cancer. This probability was about 40%. After consulting with several specialists in the field and a surgeon, and considering all possible options for preventing the disease, the decision was made to go under the knife again. The new operation involved the removal of female appendages. The consequences of such an intervention will be infertility and early menopause, which will entail other physiological changes. Despite this, Jolie agreed to surgery.

At the time of the conversation between the doctor and Angelina, Brad Pitt was in France. Upon learning of the terrible news, he immediately took a plane ticket and returned to his family. In his interview, the actor said that he was amazed at how courageously his wife was fighting cancer. He is ready to be there for as long as needed.

Angelina Jolie shares her experience

From the first days of her fight against the disease, the actress promised all women on the planet that she would keep them informed about everything that was happening with her health. Keeping her word, she began writing a blog in which she wrote about the results of medical research, treatment options and prevention of the disease.

Doctors all over the world thank Angelina for not hiding the details of her treatment. Indeed, in some clinics the number of women seeking advice and help in the early stages of cancer has increased to 500 percent! And treatment of cancer at the initial stage in most cases guarantees success. Thanks to her letters, women began to feel less doomed and helpless.

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Today, Angelina Jolie continues to actively pursue her career, helping the poor and disadvantaged, no matter what.