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Free cloud on the Internet for storing files: overview of possibilities. How to create your own cloud where you can store any amount of data for free

The cloud is a service where you can store data and easily manage it. That is, you can upload your files to it, work with them directly on the Internet, download them at any time, and also transfer them to another person.

Any user can get such a service at their disposal completely free of charge. It's essentially your own hard drive on the Internet.

You could say it's something like a Local Disk on a computer, but only with the ability to use it on any device with Internet access. Plus, you can transfer files to other users by simply sending them a download link.

So, the cloud is needed to:

  • Store files and folders with files
  • Work with them on any computer or smartphone that has the Internet
  • Easily and quickly transfer files to other people

Thus, it replaces flash drives, disks and other devices for transferring information.

That is, I can upload the files I need to such a service and work with them on any other computer where there is Internet. These can be documents, books, music, videos - in general, any files.

Initially, they are available only to me, but if I wish, I can make some of them public. Then they can be downloaded.

That is, a special Internet address (link) will be generated where the file can be saved to your computer. I can send this address to any person (for example, on Skype or via mail), and the person will be able to download my file.

Where and how to get the cloud

There are sites that provide clouds to users. It's like with mail: there are sites where you can get it. We go to such a site, register and get a cloud service for storing data.

We are allocated a certain free volume. On some services it is a very decent 50-100 GB. If you want more, it's for money.

Or you can register several times and, accordingly, receive several free volumes. Everything is free, everything is legal!

The easiest way to get a cloud is to do it where you have your mail. The fact is that the largest email sites (Yandex, Mail, Gmail) distribute such services for free. You just need to want it.

That is, you don’t even need to register. Just open your mail and indicate that you want to receive the cloud. They give it to you right away.

Sites that give away clouds for free

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service from Yandex. If you have mail there, then you also have such a disk. 10 GB is given free of charge and forever.

To receive Yandex.Disk, you need to open the website yandex.ru and go to your mail. Then open the “Disk” tab (at the top).

They will greet you and offer to download a special program to your computer for convenient work with Yandex.Disk.

It’s better not to do this right away - you can always install it later. I recommend closing this window and first learning how to use Yandex.Disk without the program.

That's all! Upload files, sort them, share, delete. In general, you already have a cloud. There are even some files and folders with files already loaded onto it for example.

To further access Yandex.Disk, you need to follow all the same steps: open the yandex.ru website, open your email, go to the “Disk” tab.

Or you can install and configure a special program “Disk for Windows” and use the cloud directly from your computer - without going to the website yandex.ru

Cloud Mail.ru is a service from the mail site mail.ru. 25 GB is given free of charge.

To receive this goodness you just need to have a mail.ru mailbox. If you have it, then you also have a cloud.

To enter it, you need to open the mail.ru website and open your mail. Then click on the “Cloud” button at the top.

Your personal cloud service will open. Some example files are already loaded into it. You can remove them, or you can leave them. In general, your cloud is already ready to go.

You can use it directly, via email, or you can download and install a special application (program). Then the cloud will be accessible directly from the computer - a shortcut will appear on the Desktop to instantly open it.

Google Drive is a service that is “attached” to gmail.com. 15 GB is allocated for free.

To get into it, you need to go to your email account on the website gmail.com. Then click on the picture with small squares next to your name (top right) and click on the “Disk” item.

Perhaps after this Google will ask you a couple of questions. Below, in the pictures, it is shown what he should answer in this case.

After this, your personal cloud will load. It will already have a folder with several files. You can delete this folder with all its contents, or you can leave it - as you wish.

So, the disk is ready for use. You can start downloading!

It opens in exactly the same way - through mail. Or you can install a special program. Then it will be accessible from your computer.

It seemed to me that this cloud is much more difficult to use than all the others. Not everyone will understand. But there are certain advantages that other services do not have. For example, you can create a document, presentation, table, form or drawing right in it.

That is, a program will open directly on the Internet to create a file of the desired type. It is quite simple and allows you to both create a file and save it to Google Drive, as well as download it to your computer in the desired format.

Such programs can be used instead of Word, Excel, Power Point. It is very convenient when you have to work on a computer on which they are not installed.

Which service is better

As various tests have shown, the “mail” clouds that I just talked about are superior in quality, convenience and free features to all other similar services.

I won’t go into details, but the places were distributed as follows:

Therefore, I recommend that you still use one of these services. If you do not have an email account on any of them, then you just need to register. You will have new mail (which, by the way, you don’t have to use at all) and a cloud.

Of course, there are other sites where you can get a cloud service for free. But most of them have various unpleasant limitations in their free versions.

But there is one that compares favorably with all the others (including the “postal” ones). It is best suited for transferring files to other people. His address: mega.co.nz

Mega - this service makes sense for those who host files for downloading. The fact is that through special downloader programs such as MiPony, they can be saved to your computer very quickly and easily. Much easier and faster than with other cloud services. 50 GB is allocated for free.

Initially, the site opens in English. To switch to the Russian version, click on the Menu button (top right), select Language from the list, then click on Russian and the Save button.

Just in case, I’ll give you two more good cloud services:

Dropbox - 2 GB free.

One Drive - 7 GB free.

How to manage the cloud

You can manage it on the very site where you received it. Log in there with your username and password, go to a certain section and get access to the cloud.

And you can do this even easier, more conveniently and, most importantly, much faster: with the help of a small application (program).

Each service has its own, that is, you need to download it from the site where you have the cloud.

This application allows you to quickly and easily upload, watch, download files and folders with files from your cloud service. It takes up very little space, and you can install such a program on any computer or smartphone (not just yours).

How to install the application. Open your cloud and there will be a download link or button in a prominent place. The pictures below show where such a button is in “mail” cloud services.

Download the program file and open it. The installation will begin. Below are illustrated instructions for each “mail” service. Do everything as in the pictures and the application will install.


Cloud Mail.ru:

How to use the application

After installing the application, a program shortcut appears on the Desktop. With the help of it we will work with the cloud.

When you first launch the program, you will be asked to enter data from the cloud. Type your email address and password. Then agree to the terms of service and click “Login”.

Now, when you open the program icon, your cloud will open directly on your computer - in a regular folder.

Also, when an application is opened, its icon appears in the tray.

This is where the computer clock is - in the lower right corner of the screen (on the taskbar, where the other icons are).

This icon may be hidden under a small arrow next to the alphabet.

Using it you can control the application. To do this, click on it with the left or right mouse button.

File/folder synchronization. This is the most difficult part to understand, but it is absolutely necessary to understand it in order to successfully work with the application.

The point of synchronization is that the computer or smartphone on which the application is installed must connect to your cloud and download files from or to it.

This process must be completed, otherwise we will not be able to use the downloaded data. Synchronization occurs via the Internet. That is, without the Internet it is simply impossible.

Consider the following situation. My cloud already has downloaded files and folders with files.

By the way, initially, when you receive the cloud, it already has some information. So if you didn’t specifically delete it, then there are several files there.

I installed the application on my computer, opened it, entered my username and password. A folder with a cloud has opened. So, all the data that was on it initially should be uploaded to this folder. That is, my cloud and computer must be synchronized.

It turns out that all the files that are on the cloud are downloaded to my computer in this very folder. And if there are few of them and they are small in size, then this process will happen quickly - I may not even notice it.

But if the files are large and my Internet is not very fast, then synchronization will take some time.

In practice, it looks like this: I open an application shortcut and see an empty folder, although I know for sure that there are files on my cloud.

Usually in this case, users begin to get nervous - they worry that their files have been deleted. In fact, they are all there. But we don’t see them because the synchronization procedure has not yet been completed.

And this can be verified. When synchronization is in progress, the application icon (the one in the tray) seems to move.

And if we click on it, then in the menu that opens there will be an item indicating the progress of the process.

In fact, at this moment, files are downloaded from the Internet. That is, the Internet itself may work slower because of this.

If necessary, synchronization can be turned off. To do this, click on the application icon in the tray and select the appropriate item from the menu. By the way, you can completely exit the program there.

In general, while synchronization is in progress, the files will not be accessible. The same thing happens when transferring information from a computer to the cloud.

How to upload a file (folder with files) to the cloud. To do this, you just need to copy the necessary files and then paste them into the application folder.

Copy/paste occurs as usual, but after this all transferred files should be synchronized. Otherwise, they will not be uploaded to the Internet on your cloud.

In the Cloud Mail.ru application, this process occurs instantly. Moreover, even for large files (from 1 GB).

In the Yandex.Disk program, synchronization takes some time, but it still happens quickly.

For me, on a fairly slow Internet, a 1 GB file downloaded in just a few minutes. If directly uploaded to the cloud (without an application), this process would take more than an hour.

But Google Drive lags behind in this regard. Apparently, this application uses a different technology, and synchronization takes the same amount of time as a regular file download.

My results may differ from yours. Perhaps your synchronization process will be faster or, on the contrary, slower than mine.

How to download a file (folder with files) from the cloud. All files that you want to download to your computer or phone from the application must be fully synchronized.

You can transfer them to your computer by simply copying them. That is, open the application, copy the necessary files and paste them into the computer folder of your choice. That's all! A couple of seconds - and the files are downloaded.

Cons of cloud services

Everything has both pros and cons. And cloud services also have them. I will list the main ones:

1. Memory consumption. In other words, the work of cloud services “stresses” the computer. In the case of Yandex.Disk and Cloud.Mail.ru, the load is insignificant, but Google Drive is quite voracious. Modern computers may not notice this, but old ones will have to puff.

2. Security. Since the cloud is an Internet service, there is always a certain chance that your files could fall into the wrong hands. Of course, modern data protection technologies minimize this probability, but there is always a risk. Moreover, the service is public.

3. Internet required. Without the Internet, you will not be able to use any cloud service.

Additional Information

In case the information provided in this lesson is not enough for you.

Each cloud service has detailed instructions for use. Users don’t particularly like it, but it does contain a lot of useful and interesting information.

If you use cloud storage, then you probably know that you can upload files of a limited size to the cloud, for example, on mail.ru the limit is up to 2 gigabytes. In this article you will learn how to add a file of any size to various cloud storages.

The cloud can be used in many ways. You can use a special application that is installed on your computer, and with the help of it you upload files to cloud storage.

But, the disadvantage of this method is that this application creates a specific folder (cloud storage folder). Everything would be fine, but this folder, in addition to sending files to the cloud, also duplicates them on your computer. Thus, taking up space on your computer’s hard drive.

To prevent this from happening, we have to delete the application and upload files directly to the cloud using a browser. Well, that's what I personally do.

And this is where we run into the file size problem. Cloud mail.ru does not allow you to add files larger than two gigabytes. What to do? What if, for example, our file weighs 3 gigabytes? Now, I will tell you how to deal with this.

We split the file into several archives

It is necessary to split this file or files into several archives. You can use any data archiving program. I use the program "7-ZIP".

  • I select the required file.
  • I right-click on the file.
  • The context menu opens. I point to the “7-ZIP” item and select “Add to archive”.
  • The archiving settings window will open. Here you need to find the item “Split into volumes of size (in bytes)”. In this item you need to set a value that allows you to add a file to the cloud. It all depends on which cloud you are going to add the file to. For example, I want to add to mail.ru, they have a limit of no more than 2 GB. So I set the value, say 1900 MB.
  • Then click “OK” and archiving begins.

The bottom line is that the file we need will be divided into several archives, and the size of each archive will not exceed 1900 MB. This will give us the opportunity to upload all created archives to the cloud.

How to combine archives to get whole information

Now let's look at how we can get complete information from a file divided into archives.

Let's say you needed a file that you uploaded to the cloud. How to use it?

  • Download all created archives (archives of this file).
  • After you have downloaded everything, select all the archives that make up your file. This can be done by holding down the left mouse button and scrolling through all the archives. Or, you can left-click on the top archive, hold down the “Shift” button and left-click on the bottom archive. All files will be highlighted.
  • Right-click on any of the archives and a context menu will open.
  • In this menu, point to “7-ZIP” and select “Extract here”.

That’s it, after unpacking, this file will be in this folder, in the form in which you archived it.

Thus, by splitting files into archives, you can add any files, even huge ones, to the cloud. The main thing is that there is enough space on the cloud.

Below is a video in which I showed how this is all done. Oh, by the way, if you don’t have an archiver program, then you can use the free 7-ZIP program. Here is a link to her official website.

I hope this note was useful to you. or to the channel "Instructor PC".

Recently, not only computer but also mobile technologies have been rapidly developing. In this regard, the issue of secure storage of relatively large volumes of information has become very acute. And it is for this purpose that many IT corporations offer users of any type of device the use of so-called cloud services. How to use the cloud and services that are included in the basic kit of any developer will now be discussed.

What is cloud storage?

First, let’s define what kind of service this is. Roughly speaking, this is file storage in the form of allocated disk space on a remote server of a company providing such services.

In other words, in a sense, it can be called a kind of virtual flash drive on which a certain amount of data is placed. However, if you need to constantly carry a USB device with you to access downloaded information, then such a service (for example, the Mail.Ru cloud or the corresponding Google service) can be accessed both from a computer and from a mobile device. That is, the files are synchronized in the cloud itself, and you can view or download them simply by entering your registration data (although in some cases this is not required).

Quite a lot has already been written about how to use the cloud. Now let’s pay attention to some main points, and also consider the simplest principles of its use, explaining the situation in detail.

Most popular services

It goes without saying that initially, to use such storage facilities, you need to decide on a service provider, that is, choose the most suitable information storage service for yourself.

Today you can find quite a lot of such services. The most popular are the following:

  • Dropbox.
  • SkyDrive.
  • Cloud Mail.Ru.
  • "Yandex.Disk".
  • Google Drive (Google Disk).
  • Apple iCloud and iCloud Drive.
  • OneDrive, etc.

Before we figure out how to use each type of cloud, it should be noted that these services are somewhat uneven when compared to each other. The fact is that some repositories can be accessed exclusively from a computer terminal, while others require synchronization of both computers and mobile devices. Sometimes you may need a specialized application that plays the role of a kind of conductor, sometimes just an Internet browser is enough.

The same applies to freely allocated disk space for storing your files, as well as payment for additional space on a remote server. In any case, most services are very similar to each other.

What should you pay attention to before starting work?

Now let's look at some important points, without which the use of cloud services is out of the question.

The very first and most important thing is pre-registration, and in some cases it does not matter at all whether it will be done via the Internet using a regular browser or a special computer or mobile application. The whole process takes a few minutes.

Mobile devices with operating systems installed on them differ favorably from stationary systems. The fact is that when you turn it on for the first time, to access some advanced functions or stores such as AppStore or Google Play (Play Market), the system initially prompts you to create an account (registered email address and password). At the same time, your smartphone or tablet already has a pre-installed application for working with cloud services. For convenience, you can install their desktop counterparts on a computer or laptop (although access can also be obtained through a browser).

Allocable disk space

Another important point is the amount of disk space that the user initially receives in the free version. As a rule, the volume on different services ranges from 5 to 50 GB. If this is not enough, you will have to increase the storage capacity and pay a certain amount for it, which includes the cost of purchasing more volume and maintenance for a certain period of use, which, by the way, can also vary.

General principles

As for how to use the cloud in the broadest sense, everything is quite simple. After registration, the user only needs to add folders and files, contacts and much more to the storage.

At the same time, in the settings section, he can add friends who, like him, will upload files to the server or edit them (the simplest example is Dropbox). Often, new users can use their own passwords to log into the system.

But here's what's interesting. When you install a special program on your computer, access to files in the cloud is much faster than when you launch the same Internet browser. The same can be said about synchronization. It is enough to place the files in the application folder, and synchronization will be performed instantly for all users who have access rights to the service. Let's look at the most popular storage facilities.

Cloud Mail.Ru

So, as mentioned above, you will first need to create an email account, after entering which the cloud service will be displayed in the panel at the top in the projects tab. This is the Mile cloud. How to use it? As easy as pie.

Initially, 25 GB of disk space is offered. Uploading files is carried out using the corresponding button, which can be used to add several objects at once. The limitation concerns only the size of the uploaded file - it should not exceed 2 GB. Before starting the download, you can use additional functions, for example, create a new folder, after which files can be moved and deleted just as easily. Please note: it does not have a “Trash”, as in the same Yandex service, so it will not be possible to restore deleted information.

The function of creating, viewing or editing files can be very useful. Let's say we have a Word document (or it is created directly in the repository). Changing it directly in the cloud can be as easy as if the user were launching the editor on a computer. Upon completion of work, we save the changes, after which synchronization occurs again.

Yandex cloud: how to use?

With the Yandex service, in principle, things are almost identical. The functional set, in general, does not differ much.

But the developers of this service thought that the user could delete files completely by accident. This is where the so-called “Trash” comes to the rescue, into which information is placed when deleted. It works like a standard computer service. True, data recovery tools are not applicable to it if they have already been deleted from the Recycle Bin. Nevertheless, the function is very useful.

Google Drive storage

Now let's move on to another powerful service called Google Cloud. How to use Google Drive? There are no fundamental differences compared to other services. But here access can be obtained both from a mobile device (built-in service) and using a utility installed on a computer (not to mention logging in via an Internet browser). With a phone or tablet everything is simple, let’s look at the computer program.

We assume that the account has already been created. After activation, the user receives 5 GB of storage. An increase to 25 GB will cost approximately 2.5 USD. We install the application on the computer, after which the service folder appears on the Desktop (it is also displayed in Explorer).

As is already clear, just place the files in this directory and synchronization will occur. During operation, the program “hangs” in the system tray as an icon. Right-clicking opens an additional menu where you can view the available space for downloading files, make personalized settings, expand storage space, shut down, etc.

One point is especially worth noting here. As it turns out, copying files to the program folder on your computer and then downloading them from the cloud to your mobile device turns out to be much faster than connecting the gadget to your computer and then copying them using Windows.

iCloud and iCloud Drive services

Finally, let's look at how to use the Apple cloud. There are two services (iCloud and iCloud Drive) that are pre-installed on the iPhone or iPad in accordance with the version of the operating system installed on the device. Essentially, iCloud Drive is an updated version of iCloud, and for it to work correctly, I should take into account that the mobile gadget must meet the stated technical requirements: iOS 8 on the device itself. Computer - with Windows 7 or higher with the iCloud for Windows extension, or a computer terminal with Mac OS X 10.10 or OS X Yosemite.

Initially, after logging into the service, folders created by default will be displayed there. Their number may vary depending on the settings of the computer and the client on the mobile device. How to use the cloud on iPhone? In principle, there is nothing supernatural about this. It is enough to launch the application on the gadget (switch the launch slider to the on state) and log in using your account. It's another matter when the input is supposed to be from a computer. Here you will need to use the settings menu of the program itself and select enable there.

Another disadvantage is the rather low synchronization speed (this is recognized by everyone). And one more, most unpleasant moment. If you switch from iCloud to iCloud Drive without updating all devices to the required configuration, the data in the old cloud will simply not be accessible, so be vigilant.


That’s briefly all that concerns the question of how to use the Cloud application or services of the same name. Of course, not all the possibilities of such services are considered here, but, so to speak, only the general principles (basics) of work. However, even with such minimal knowledge, any newly registered user will be able to carry out basic operations within 5-10 minutes.


cloud file storage

All your photos, documents and any files are securely stored in the Cloud and are always at hand. You can free up your phone and not worry

about the safety of your files.

Your files are always with you

No more need to transfer files or run around with a flash drive!

Access from a smartphone or computer - no matter what happens

at your fingertips.

Has your hard drive burned out? - Lost your phone or tablet?

Moved to another computer?

Store any files and documents

Online viewing of major file types

Full integration with mail

You don't have to download the file again, and your recipient will receive a regular attachment

You will have access to the usual folder structure and search within them.

Sharing files is now easy


Victoria Karpova's blog

Hello friends! Today's article is about Mail.Ru cloud storage. Let's look at how to use the cloud via the web interface:

And other subtleties of use.

The beauty of any cloud storage is that it gives you additional space to store your files online.

No need to clutter up your computer again.

It’s convenient to share files with other people (just open access via a link).

And since I have a mailbox on Mile, I decided to use this storage as well. Moreover, 25 GB of memory is available for free here.

In general, this is all theory. And we will move on to practice.

Watch my video instructions for working with the Mail.Ru cloud below:

So, as you already understand, to gain access to the cloud on Mail.Ru you need to register a mailbox here. By doing this, you create your account through which you can use other Mail services, including cloud storage.

Although it is not necessary to register a mailbox, you can use Mail to log into your mail located on another service. I showed this in the video (watch from the 11th minute 46th second). Thus, your mailbox, for example on Yandex, will open in the Mail.ru interface and you will also be able to use the cloud.

To go to the cloud, while on the Mail.Ru main page, you need to click on the “All projects” tab and select “Cloud”.

Initially, pictures and a video file are already loaded there, which you can delete. There are several ways to delete files. If you need to delete several files at once, mark them with a checkmark and click on the “Delete” button at the top.

Or right-click on the file and select “Delete”. Again, if you have marked several files, they will all be deleted.

And one nuance - in the Mail.ru cloud there is no recycle bin into which deleted files go, as on the same Yandex disk. From there we can restore them. We delete it from the cloud immediately!

To add files from your computer to the cloud, use the “Upload” button in the upper left corner.

You can upload using the “Select files on your computer” button, or drag them into the upload window with the mouse. There is a limitation - the uploaded file size is up to 2 GB.

Next to the “Download” button we see the “Create” button. We use it to create folders, documents (Word), tables (Excel) or presentations (power point) directly in the cloud.

If you want to organize your files in the cloud, then create special folders for them. To move a file to a folder, select it with a checkmark, right-click, and select “Move.”

A window will open in which you can select a folder to move or immediately create a new one.

In general, we can use the right mouse button for various actions on files - delete, move, copy, download, generate a link for other people, or send by email. It is very comfortable.

By the way, if you need to download several files from the cloud at once. You select them with checkmarks and they will be automatically packed into one archive for downloading.

If you open access to a file for a while, and then want to delete this link, then select the desired file with the mouse, right-click and select “Delete link”.

All your files to which you have shared access can also be found in the “Sharing” section.

If a link to a file from the Mail.Ru cloud was shared with you, then you can download it immediately or save it to your cloud. You will have the option to specify a folder (where you want to save this file) or you can create a new folder for it.

Now a few words about setting up access to folders. You can share any folder with editing capabilities. That is, other users will also be able to add files to this folder.

To set up access to a folder, check the box and click on the “Set up access” tab.

Editing access can only be made available to individual members you invite via email.

If you are going to send an invitation to a user with a mailbox other than Mail.ru, then he will receive the invitation only if he logs into his mail via Mail. Read more about this here.

This user will see the following invitation in their mailbox:

Having accepted it in his cloud, in the “Sharing” section, he will find the folder that you opened for him and will be able to add his files to it. You, in turn, will see all the changes he made in your folder.

And yet, you can change the display of files in the cloud. And instead of large icons, you will have this compact list:

Friends, if this is your first time getting acquainted with Mail.Ru cloud storage, I hope that the instructions were clear to you. In any case, I'm always happy to answer your questions in the comments.

I wish you success!

Sincerely, Victoria


Victoria Karpova's blog

Greetings, friends! Cloud storage is very popular now. Their main purpose is to store and access information from any device at any time, as well as the ability to share this information (documents, photographs, and other files) with other people. In addition, popular cloud services provide a number of useful functions for users - creating and working with documents online, sharing, etc.

On my blog I have already posted instructions on two large cloud services - Cloud Mail and Yandex.Disk. And I dedicate today’s article to one more thing – Google Drive. Until recently, I didn’t use it so actively - I mainly relied on Yandex.Disk. But, due to the recent blocking of Mail and Yandex services in Ukraine, I started thinking about backup options.

I suggest you understand the interface and main functions of Google Drive. Let's talk about how to use it - upload and provide access to files and folders, perform other actions on files, work with documents and applications online.

If you prefer the video format, you can watch my detailed tutorial below:

How to log into Google Drive?

The disk is linked to your Google account, and to get inside the cloud, you need to log in to your account - enter your login (gmail) and password.

You can access Drive from this page www.google.com/intl/ru/drive/

Or go from mail by clicking on the “Google Apps” icon at the top right.

How much disk space?

15 GB are provided for free. This space is divided into files on the disk itself, files and letters in Gmail, and Google Photos. By the way, the latter automatically includes images that you upload to posts on the Google Plus social network. You can remove them from Google Photos so that they don’t take up space, but they remain in your posts.

If you need more space, it can be purchased for money. There are several tariff plans with monthly or annual payment for up to 30 TB of memory.

You can also have several Google accounts and each will have its own disk with free space.

Cloud storage interface

Let's go over the main sections, buttons and settings of Google Drive.

Using the “Create” button in the upper left corner, you can upload files and folders from your computer to your disk. And also create folders and documents directly in the cloud. You can create text documents, tables, presentations with slides, Google Forms (for surveys, questionnaires, recordings of Skype consultations), drawings, maps and websites.

Under this button there is a panel with the main Disk partitions.

The “My Drive” section contains all files and folders uploaded to the cloud, as well as documents and folders that you created in the cloud.

By selecting a particular file/folder with the mouse, you can perform various actions on it; I’ll talk about this later. To select several files at once, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on the desired files.

The display of files on Disk can be sorted by name, by date of modification, by date of viewing.

The “Shared with me” section displays files from Google Drives of other users that you have access to - for example, you followed a link to this file, or you were sent an invitation with access. To open a file, double-click on it.

The “Recent” section displays files that you have recently worked with (opened, downloaded, edited, etc.).

Google Photos section - This is where images you've uploaded to the Google Photos app appear. Also, pictures uploaded to posts on Google Plus are automatically saved here. You can get into the application itself by clicking on the Google applications icon from disk, mail, or the start page of the Google Chrome browser.

In the application settings, you can check a useful box so that photos and videos do not take up unnecessary storage space.

To do this, go to Google Photos, click on the three vertical bars at the top left, go to settings.

And check the appropriate box:

“Marked” section – files and folders that you mark as important to you go here. Marking is very simple - select the file, right-click, and select “Add mark” from the list that opens. To remove a file from “Marked”, right-click again and select “Unmark”.

Recycle Bin – files that you delete from your Google Drive go into it. The Recycle Bin can be emptied, then the files are permanently deleted. You can also restore any file from the Recycle Bin by selecting it with the mouse and clicking “Recover from Recycle Bin”.

There are several more useful icons in the upper right corner of Google Drive.

You can configure the display of files in the cloud as a list or grid. By clicking on the letter “i” in the circle, you can view the history of your actions on the disk, as well as the properties of any file by selecting it with the mouse. Clicking on the gear will open an additional list of tabs.

In the “Settings” tab:

You can change the interface language. Enable offline access (saving Google documents to your computer to work with them without an Internet connection). You can read separate instructions on this issue. Disable automatic downloading of photos from Google Photos to a folder on disk.

Choose an interface option – spacious, regular or compact.

There are also alert settings.

And the ability to connect different Google applications to your drive.

By clicking on the “Install disk on computer” tab, you can download the application for PC, as well as for smartphones on Android or iPhone. Here, keep in mind that the PC application is synchronized with the online cloud and all files end up on your computer, taking up space. Since this does not suit me, I prefer to use only the web interface. The only advantage of synchronization is the ability to quickly send a large file to the cloud or save all files from the cloud to your computer at once, and then disable synchronization.

Actions on files and folders in Google Drive

To upload files and folders from your computer to the cloud, use the “Create” button. You click on it and select the corresponding menu item - a window for selecting files on your computer will open. To select multiple files at once, hold down the Ctrl key.

When the file is selected, click on the “Open” button, and it will begin downloading to Disk. Information about the process will appear in the lower right corner.

An alternative download option is to minimize the Google Drive tab to a smaller window and drag files from your computer to the “My Drive” section with your mouse.

You can do a number of things with files, folders, and documents on the drive. To do this, select the desired file (or several) with the mouse and right-click. A list of available actions appears. The same actions are duplicated on the panel above.

The contents of the file can be previewed by clicking Preview. If you want to edit the document, then select "Open with". The drive will offer you an application through which you can open the file.

To open the contents of a folder, double-click on it. You can perform all the same actions on files and documents in a folder.

You can give access to any file, folder or document on the disk to another person. To set up sharing, click on the appropriate menu item.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the gmail email of the person to whom you want to give access. Click on the pencil icon to indicate the access type. This can be commenting, viewing and editing.

If you have granted commenting or viewing access, you can prevent the user from downloading, copying, or printing the file. Just tick the boxes you need. Don't forget to save your changes.

Then click "Submit". The user will receive a letter informing them that you have granted them access to the files. He will see this file on his disk in the “Available to me” section.

To close access, you again need to right-click on this file and select “Sharing”. In the window that opens, click on the user name.

Access is denied, the user will see this message:

You can also configure access settings. The default is view. Also, using the link, the user will be able to download the file or save it to his disk. You can also enable commenting or editing.

If you click “More”, you will see other settings. For example, you can enable access for absolutely any user on the Internet, that is, the file will be available through search. Or disable access via a link and send an invitation for shared access to a specific user via email (we discussed this process above).

The next action item for files is “Move”. It can be used to move files into folders. This is convenient if you have a lot of files and want to organize them. You can also move files by dragging them with the mouse.

Creating folders on disk is easy. Click on the “Create” – “New Folder” button.

By the way, you can change the color of the folders.

The “Add Starring” item is useful if you want to add your favorite files to the “Starred” section for quick access to them.

The “Rename” item will allow you to change the name of the file or folder.

“Show properties” item – to view the properties of a file and the history of actions on it.

The “Versions” item – it is available for those files that you upload to Disk.

Let's say you downloaded an archive of materials from your computer and shared a link to it with subscribers. Then you needed to make edits to this archive, you downloaded it to your computer again and edited it. Then we re-uploaded it to Disk with the same name so that the link to the archive did not change. By the way, when you download it again, you can choose how to save this file - separately (the link to it will change), or as a new version that will replace the previous one.

However, the previous version will not be deleted immediately (by default, it is saved on disk for another 30 days). But, you can delete it manually or check the box so that previous versions are not deleted. This is done precisely through this “Versions” item.

The remaining actions on the files: create a copy, download it to your computer and delete it in the trash. By the way, to delete the file in the trash, you can drag it with the mouse to this section on Google Drive.

So, we figured out the main points of the Google Drive web interface. Now a few words on how to download to your computer or save to disk a file that was shared with you via a link from another Google Drive.

If you followed the link and are logged in to your Google account, then you will see a Google Drive icon at the top, by clicking on which you can save this file to your disk. Nearby there is an arrow for downloading the file to your computer.

Well, I hope my Google Drive instructions will help you navigate the settings and functionality of this cloud service. Well, if you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova


Cloud storage Cloud Mail.Ru

The Mail.Ru group of companies has released its cloud storage called “Mail.Ru Cloud”. During the beta testing period of the cloud service, Mail.Ru Cloud provided everyone who took part in testing cloud storage with 100 GB of disk space free of charge.

This entire large amount of disk storage remained forever with all users who registered with the file service during its beta testing. Currently, the amount of space provided to users is 25 GB.

The size of free space in cloud storage for those who managed to get 100 GB is comparable to the size of a small hard drive. Other cloud storage providers provide smaller amounts of data storage for free.

Yandex.Disk provides 10 GB for free, Google Drive provides 15 GB (including mail) of disk space, OneDrive - 5 GB, Dropbox - 2 GB (can be increased to 16 GB for free), and Mega cloud storage provides 50 GB of disk space for free space.

You can store your data in the Mail.Ru Cloud: documents, photos, videos and any other files. To log into the cloud storage, you can use the web interface or a client application that will need to be installed on your computer or smartphone. Client applications are developed for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, as well as for mobile devices: Android and iOS. In this case, “mail.ru satellite” and “mail.ru defender” will not be installed.

Data uploaded to [email protected] will be automatically synchronized with other devices. Files placed on your computer in the Mail.Ru Cloud folder (Mail.Ru Cloud) will immediately be synchronized and become accessible from other devices.

In order to use a cloud drive on Mail.Ru, you must have an email account in Mail.Ru. If you do not yet have a mailbox on this service, then you should create an electronic mailbox in the Mail.Ru mail service.

After logging in via email, a cloud drive window will open - “Mail.Ru Cloud”. The user receives 25 GB of free cloud storage space for free.

In order to increase your free disk space, you will be prompted to purchase additional disk space.

Installing the Mail.Ru Cloud application

To install the Mail.Ru Cloud application on your computer, you will need to click on the “Install on computer” button. In the window that opens, select the client application for your operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux.

After downloading the Mail.Ru Cloud client program (Mail.Ru Cloud) to your computer, this application will need to be installed on your computer.

In the first window of the installation wizard, click on the “Next” button.

In the “Select installation folder” window, you can leave the default folder for installing the Mail.Ru Cloud client program, or select a different location to install the program. Then you need to click on the “Next” button.

In the “Everything is ready to install” window, click on the “Install” button.

After installing the Mail.Ru Cloud client on your computer, the final window of the installation wizard opens, in which you need to click on the “Finish” button.

In the Mail.Ru Cloud program window, you will need to enter your account information: your email address and password. Then you should agree to the terms of the license agreement, and then click on the “Login” button.

In the next window of the Mail.Ru Cloud program, you will need to select a folder on your computer to synchronize with the cloud drive, and then click on the “Continue” button.

Review Cloud Mail.Ru

At the very top of the web page window there are buttons “Download”, “Create”, “Delete”, “Get link”, “Configure access”, “More”. Using the “Download” button, files are uploaded to cloud storage. When uploading via the web interface, the file size should not exceed 2 GB.

After clicking on the “Configure access” button, a window will open with folders that can be opened for public access.

On the left are the sections: “Connect a tariff” with information about the amount of used disk space, “Cloud”, “Help Desk”, Offer for downloading applications for various devices.

In the central part of the window, files placed in the file storage are located. Above is the control panel with buttons.

After clicking on the “Create” button, you can create a new folder, document, table, presentation.

If you mark a file in the storage and then click on the “Download” button, then the downloading of this file to your computer will immediately begin.

You can delete files using the “Delete” button.

Using the "More" button you can copy, rename, or move the file.

On the right side of the panel there are two buttons: for changing the appearance of the storage, and for setting parameters for sorting files.

In order to provide general access, or vice versa, to block access to a file, you must first select the file, and then perform the necessary actions on the right side of the storage window.

If you want to stop other users from accessing this file, then to do this, you will need to click on the “Remove link” link.

In order for the “Delete”, “Get link” and “More” buttons to become active, you will need to select the file with which you need to perform some action.

You can manage the Mail.Ru Cloud application from the notification area (tray), where the client program icon is located.


Cloud storage Mail.Ru Cloud offers all users of the Mail.Ru service disk space in its “cloud”.

Don't risk your photos - upload and store them on a secure cloud service. Today we'll check out the top 6 of them to find the best place to store your photos. Backing up your photos isn't likely to make you excited, but rather to remember how boring it was when it meant wasting a lot of time burning photos to CDs.

Fortunately, keeping your photos safe has become much easier now thanks to various cloud services. “Cloud” is simply online storage in technical jargon. You can choose from numerous sites that offer 1GB to 1TB of free disk space on your remote hard drive.

Backing up to the cloud not only saves you the hassle of burning files onto CDs or hard drives, but it also allows you to access your photos from anywhere you have internet access.

Another bonus of using cloud storage is the ability to share photos; for example, Flickr allows users to not only view your photo, but also leave a comment under it.

Of course, if you prefer to keep your photos private, most services make it easy to set access restrictions so that your photos can only be seen by you or those with whom you share the private link.

So, to determine the best cloud service, we compared 6 of the best: three aimed at photographers and another three for general use.

2 GB

Dropbox is great for storing any type of file. The organization of files is made in the form of an intuitive system of folders, which you can access not only from your computer, but also from your mobile device: the service has official applications for IOS, Android and Blackberry.

All this and 2 GB of storage are provided absolutely free with a standard Dropbox account. The Pro account already offers 1TB of disk space, but will cost the user $9.99 or $99.99 per month or year, respectively. In addition, for each friend you invite to the service, you receive an additional 500 MB for free.

While Dropbox is an excellent service for its versatility and ease of use, it ultimately lacks the socialization interface that Flickr, for example, has. Perhaps, if the Dropbox developers add the ability to exchange opinions on hosted files, this service can be called the best.

Pros: Ease of use and the ability to save files of almost any type.

Minuses: In terms of cost and social capabilities, it is inferior to Flickr.

Verdict: The best service for storing files of various formats.

Rating: 5/5

Best cloud service for storing photos: 02 Google Drive

Amount of free disk space: 15 GB

Google Drive isn't just another cloud storage service, it's also a service with several free office apps. Like Dropbox, Google Drive is focused on file sharing, allowing multiple users to edit publicly shared files.

You can also store photos on this service, but it won't offer you the same sleek or user-friendly interface as other more photo-focused online storage services.

By default, the user is offered 15GB of free storage space, which can be expanded up to 100GB for $1.99 per month or up to 1TB for $9.99 per month.

pros: Cloud storage is integrated with several useful applications.

Minuses: Mastering the functions of the service may seem complicated at first glance and takes some time.

Verdict: Excellent storage with ample capabilities, but the organization of storing and displaying photos is too primitive.

Rating: 4/5

Best cloud service for storing photos: 03 Microsoft OneDrive

Amount of free disk space: 15 GB

Microsoft's cloud storage offers a set of capabilities very similar to those offered by its main competitor, Google Drive. Anyone familiar with the Microsoft Office suite will feel right at home thanks to the office applications built into OneDrive.

The design and organization of work in OneDrive is similar to Windows 8, so it’s quite easy to navigate. Still, the service isn't designed exclusively for photographers, so don't expect the same photo browsing experience as Flickr.

Prices are close to Google's: 15GB is free, 100GB is $1.99 per month. But 1 TB is cheaper than Google - only $6.99 per month, plus for this money you also get the Office 365 software package. So, this is perhaps a very profitable option.

Pros: The Pro subscription is cheaper than Google's service.

Minuses: Viewing photos is not as well organized as that of competitors.

Verdict: good balance between versatility and cost.

Rating: 4/5

Best cloud service for storing photos: 04 Flickr

Amount of free disk space: 1 TB

Where most cloud storage providers tell you to shell out for a few gigabytes of storage space, Flickr offers a whole terabyte for free, covering its costs through unobtrusive advertising. If you want to turn off advertising (although it is virtually invisible and not disruptive), you can activate this feature for $50 per year.

What also sets Flickr apart from its competitors is its ability to display photos in a beautiful photo stream.

Other users can track your work updates and comment on them. Or you can choose to block access to your photos, making them completely private.

Flickr is still more focused on displaying rather than storing your photos, so it can only display images in JPEG, GIF and PNG formats. If you need to download RAW, Dropbox is the best solution.

Pros: Ideal for organizing and displaying a huge portfolio of photos.

Minuses: There is no option to store RAW.

Verdict: Excellent free storage of huge size for those who are not embarrassed by the need to store photos only in JPEG.

Rating: 5/5

Best Cloud Photo Storage Service: 05 Adobe Revel

Amount of free disk space: 2 GB

Revel is a photo storage service that offers attractive image galleries. Shared libraries allow you and your friends to store photos together, and at the same time, you can make any of your photos private.

The service has the ability to integrate with Elements; in addition, Revel itself has tools for quick editing.

Easy to download thanks to the official apps for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

Revel has support for RAW formats.

For the first 30 days of using Revel, you can upload an unlimited number of files, then the free subscription limits you to 50 files per month. This limitation is removed by purchasing a Pro subscription that costs $5.99 per month.

Pros: Great for storing photos and video files.

Minuses: There are restrictions for free subscriptions. Download speed may be slow.

Verdict: A worthy representative of an online storage center focused on photographs.

Rating: 4/5

Best cloud service for storing photos: 06 Canon irista

Amount of free disk space: 10 GB

We have already talked about this more than once. Irista was developed by Canon to compete with Flickr and Revel.

This service supports uploading JPEG and RAW images, is easy to use, and offers extensive options for filtering images by camera and lens brand, shooting date, tags or EXIF ​​data.

Users are offered two subscription options: a free account with 10GB of storage, or 50GB for £4.49 and 100GB for £9.99 per month.

Pros: Attractive interface. Good integration with social networks. A large number of filters.

Minuses: Additional disk space is quite expensive.

Verdict: A service with excellent features, but too high a cost.

Rating: 3/5

5 Things to Consider When Choosing Cloud Photo Storage

Free disk space

Most services offer the user some amount of disk space for free, charging a monthly or annual fee for additional space. Prices vary widely from service to service, so when choosing storage, make sure you're getting a good deal.

Supported File Formats

The Mail.Ru service offers its users proprietary cloud storage, where you can upload any individual files up to 2 GB and a total volume of up to 8 GB for free. How to create and connect this “Cloud”? Let's figure it out.

Absolutely any user who has at least some mailbox can use the online data storage from Mail.Ru, not necessarily from @mail.ru. With the free plan, you can take advantage of 8 GB of space and access files from any device.

The methods discussed below are independent of each other - you can create a cloud using any of the options described below.

Method 1: Web version

To create a “Cloud” web version, you don’t even need to have a domain mailbox @mail.ru- you can log in with the email of other services, for example, @yandex.ru or @gmail.com.

If you plan to install a program for working with the cloud on your computer in addition to the web version, use email only @mail.ru. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to log in to the PC version of the Cloud with mail from other services. In addition, it is not necessary to use the site - you can immediately go to Method 2, download the program and log in through it. If you use only the web version, you can log in to your mail from any email.

Well, if you don’t have an email yet or want to create a new mailbox, go through the registration procedure for the service using our instructions below.

As such, there is no creation of personal cloud storage - the user just needs to go to the appropriate section, accept the terms of the license agreement and start using the service.

Method 2: PC program

For active users who need to constantly access their files from the Cloud, it is recommended to install the desktop application. Mail.Ru offers to take advantage of a convenient opportunity - connect your cloud storage so that it appears in the list of devices along with physical hard drives.

In addition, the application works with files of different formats: by opening the program "Disk-O", you will be able to edit documents in, save presentations in, work in, and save all the results and developments directly to the online storage.

Another feature of the application is that it supports logging into other accounts (aka Google One) and will work with other popular clouds in the future. Through it you can register by mail.

  1. Follow the link above, find the button "Download for Windows"(or just below the link "Download for MacOS") and click on it. Please note that the browser window must be maximized to full screen - if it is small, the site perceives this as viewing the page from a mobile device and offers to log in from a PC.
  2. Run the installer. Initially, the installer will ask you to accept the terms of the agreement. Check the box and click on "Further".
  3. Two additional tasks will appear that are active by default. If you do not need a shortcut on the desktop and autorun with Windows, uncheck the boxes. Click "Further".
  4. A summary and notification that the installation is ready will be displayed. Click "Install". During the procedure, a window may appear asking you to make changes to your PC. Agree by clicking "Yes".
  5. At the end of the installation, you will be asked to restart your computer. Select the desired option and click "Complete".
  6. After the system restarts, open the installed program.

    You will be prompted to select the drive you want to connect to. Hover over it and a blue button will appear "Add". Click on it.

  7. An authorization window will open. Enter your username and password from @mail.ru(read more about support for email accounts of other mail services at the beginning of this article) and click "To plug".
  8. After successful authorization, an information window will appear. Here you will see the percentage of free space, the email through which the connection was made and the drive letter assigned to this storage.

    Here you can add another disk and make settings using the gear button.

  9. At the same time, a system explorer window will open in parallel with files stored in your Cloud. If you haven't added anything yet, standard files will be displayed, showing examples of how and what can be stored here. You can safely delete them, thereby freeing up about 500 MB of space.

The “Cloud” itself will be located in "Computer", along with other media, from where you can access it.

However, if you complete the process (close the installed program), the drive will disappear from this list.

Method 3: Mobile application "Cloud Mail.Ru"

Quite often, access to files and documents is needed from a mobile device. You can install the application for a smartphone/tablet on Android/iOS and work with saves at a convenient time. Don't forget that some file extensions may not be supported by your mobile device, so to view them you will need to install special applications, for example, archivers or advanced players.

We looked at 3 ways to create the Mail.Ru Cloud. You can use them selectively or all at once - it all depends on your activity level.