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What you need to know about a girl's intimate health. What a woman should know about her body

For a girl at any age, taking care of intimate health is sometimes more important than for an adult woman, because the period of formation of the female body, genital organs and hormonal system begins with the birth of the baby.

Therefore, you need to know when there is a need for a baby to be examined by a specialist and what should a mother pay attention to in her daughter’s intimate health?

The baby will be examined for the first time in the maternity hospital. There they will evaluate the formation of the genital organs and the presence of any obvious abnormalities. And if there are any deviations in the reproductive sphere, the mother should not delay her visit to the pediatric gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine whether there are any more specific abnormalities in the development of the external genitalia and tell about the symptoms that should alert the mother.

Proper hygiene care after birth

After discharge from the maternity hospital, proper hygienic care for a newborn girl falls on the shoulders of the mother. Due to frequent defecation and urination, care of the intimate area must be well organized and safe. For the parents of a girl, this issue is considered paramount, since the protective barrier, which is present in an adult woman, but absent in a newborn, has not yet been formed, and due to the characteristically specific structure of the genital organs, it is quite easy to introduce an infection inside and acquire many diseases. And this will affect the cyclicity of menstruation, the course of labor and childbirth in general in the future.

At this time, a creamy (beige) or light gray coating is noticeable on the labia of the newborn.

This is smegma, vernix, and its presence is completely normal. If there is little plaque, it will disappear on its own, but if the secretion is abundant, it is recommended to remove it.

This must be done due to the fact that after two to three days the fats contained in it will begin to oxidize, which will cause active proliferation of microorganisms and then inflammation. The structure of this plaque is quite dense, so removal should be carried out in several stages. Use cotton swabs or pads and warm boiled water (check the temperature of the water on your wrist). Proceed delicately! The plaque will come off gradually and after 2-3 days it will completely disappear.

How to properly wash a girl

Wet wipes can only be used to remove
feces, after which it is necessary to wash the perineum under running warm water. It is unacceptable to use them in everyday life!

At home, baby girl hygiene is subject to strict rules, one of which is washing throughout the day.

It is necessary to wash the girl after each diaper change, as well as after defecation. Don't forget to wash your hands with hypoallergenic baby soap first!

When rinsing children's genitals, it is important to follow the following rule: from front to back towards the anus.

Particles of feces should not get into the vagina, this will lead to inflammation. For the same reason, girls should not be washed in a basin.

Be careful: excessive zeal for cleanliness can lead to synechia (partial fusion of the labia minora).

This is a consequence of injury to the delicate mucous membrane of the external genitalia due to frequent contact with towels, soap and napkins.

In infancy, the skin and mucous membranes are dry and vulnerable, so we recommend moisturizing them with allergen-free baby cream. Do not wipe the inside of the labia, as this can lead to urinary tract infections.

How a mother’s gynecological “problems” affect her daughter’s intimate health

If there are pathogens in the mother's birth canal, then during natural childbirth the girl's genitals may become infected. A mother can pass on her flora to her daughter. And if a woman in labor has mycoplasma, ureaplasma, and chlamydia in her flora, then the girl can get all this during natural childbirth. And at times when immunity decreases, for example during teething, the baby may develop thrush received from the mother. The same can occur during antibiotic treatment.

It is also necessary to remember that in infants, in preschool and primary school age girls, the mechanism of self-cleaning of the vagina has not yet been formed; it begins to function only at puberty. Therefore, girls often experience inflammatory or inflammatory-infectious diseases of the vulva and vagina. Therefore, you need to know about the symptoms of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis.

First of all, it is leucorrhoea ().

What you need to know about leucorrhoea

A lactic acid bacterium bacillus forms on the epithelium, which suppresses the growth of pathogenic flora. Therefore, the mother of a little girl should especially carefully monitor genital hygiene. The mother should be alerted to any discharge that appears on the child’s panties: not only greenish, yellowish, slimy or cloudy, but also white and transparent.

You cannot try to treat this on your own, using the advice of grandmothers or experienced mothers; you must definitely consult a doctor.

By the way, many mothers believe that white discharge, or so-called “leucorrhoea,” is a natural discharge that should not be discussed with a doctor. In fact, leucorrhoea can be both physiological and pathological. In two cases out of three, these leucorrhoea are physiological and do not require treatment, but the doctor must determine the nature of the leucorrhoea by performing special tests.

Leucorrhoea can appear in infancy and is the result of the action of hormones from a nursing mother. They can appear both during the introduction of new complementary foods and during weaning. But physiological leucorrhoea that appears in a girl over 7-8 years old is already a sign of the beginning of preparation for puberty. In addition, the causes of leucorrhoea can be diathesis, allergies, stress, and even constitutional features (for example, in overweight girls).

You should not use any ointments, etc. before visiting a doctor, because this can make the smear results unreliable, and the doctor will not recognize the disease in time.

The most common diseases that cause leucorrhoea are vulvitis (inflammation of the external genitalia) and vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa).

It is impossible to treat these diseases on your own because if the treatment is not professional and comprehensive, it can develop into a chronic stage and also cause an ascending urinary tract infection.

Causes of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis

There are many causes of vulvovaginitis. This disease can have a variety of origins.

Vulvovaginitis can occur as a result of insufficient or improper genital hygiene. It can be caused by insect bites, scratching, wearing too tight clothes, contact dermatitis, and various types of allergies.

It can appear as a result of various extragenital diseases, such as, for example, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus.

Also, the cause of vulvovaginitis can be infection with worms, diseases of the genital organs (erosions, polyps), as well as their anomalies.

Vulvovaginitis can be of mechanical origin (foreign body entry, masturbation). It may be of a fungal nature: well known to everyone, this is a special case of vulvovaginitis.

There are a number of factors that predispose to the occurrence of vulvovaginitis. These are dysbiosis, urinary tract diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, frequent acute respiratory infections and childhood infections.

It should be noted that an unfavorable environmental situation, as well as endointoxication, for example, constant exposure to the role of a passive smoker, can also cause vulvovaginitis in girls.

Intimate health of a teenage girl

When a girl enters puberty, the discharge
secretion is enhanced by the action of female sex hormones. This discharge is called pubertal leucorrhoea. They accumulate on the external genitalia and panties, and if the rules of intimate hygiene are neglected, itching and irritation may occur. We must not forget that such accumulations of secretions are a favorable environment for the proliferation of infectious microorganisms, which is fraught with inflammatory processes. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to teach a girl to take care of her intimate health from a young age.

Before the first menstruation appears, a girl must wash herself at least twice a day - morning and evening. In this case, it is desirable that the water is not only warm, but also running.

Every mother who cares about the health of her daughter is obliged to tell her how to properly wash the genitals: from front to back, with careful, delicate movements of the fingers.

Teenage girls are not recommended to use toilet soap for intimate hygiene - it is better to do without it altogether or use special gels.
Equally important for girls is maintaining intimate hygiene in the chest and armpit area. During puberty, the sweat glands begin to work harder. Failure to maintain cleanliness leads not only to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, but also to clogging of the sweat glands and pores of the skin, and this is fraught with various skin diseases.
To avoid this, the girl needs to be taught to take a shower twice a day and treat her armpits with deodorant. It is also recommended to tell your child what a contrast shower is, that is, alternating warm and cool water. It is especially useful for the breasts - it makes the skin more elastic, firm and increases its turgor.
Another difficulty that many mothers face is increased hair growth on their daughter’s legs, thighs, bikini area, armpits and even on the chest.

Under no circumstances should a child be forced to shave them, pluck them, or remove them with creams without first consulting an endocrinologist. The fact is that intensive hair growth is most often a sign of some kind of disorder in the endocrine system, so it cannot be ignored. The sooner treatment begins, the better.

Hygiene after menstruation

Once born, the girl should more carefully monitor the cleanliness of her genitals, since during this period they are especially defenseless against the infectious “onslaught.” During menstruation, it is imperative to use intimate hygiene products for washing. But there is no need to visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and other public places. It is also undesirable to take a bath - a shower will suffice. Of course, underwear should be changed daily, and during menstruation, if possible, twice a day. The towel should be changed once a week.
Girls during menstruation can use both sanitary pads and tampons. Doctors say that tampons do not threaten the integrity of the hymen. The only thing that is necessary is to choose the right size: for teenagers, it is advisable to use tampons only with a minimum or medium level of absorption, in addition, they must be inserted correctly.

Regardless of what menstrual hygiene product a girl uses, it should be changed regularly: pads every three to four hours, and tampons every two to three hours. It is important to remember that during puberty, the child’s body is most susceptible to all kinds of infections, so conditions should not be created for the proliferation of bacteria. If possible, it is advisable to wash your thighs and genitals with warm running water before changing hygiene products.
pediatrician Sazonova Olga Ivanovna

What you need to know about a girl's intimate health

Posted article: 263

A few pesky pounds don't mean you're not exercising enough or dieting poorly. It is possible that there are hormonal imbalances in your body that are preventing your metabolism from returning to normal. Here are a few hormones whose changing levels affect your weight.


Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. When there is some external threat, it increases the heart rate and blood pressure, and also activates muscle function. It is effective in treating a short-term disorder, but when the body is in a constant state of stress, then it works to its detriment - for example, it reduces glucose consumption in the muscles, borrowing it from other organs.

If there is a sharp increase in cortisol, it can trigger an “inflammatory mode” in the body, which leads to cancer, diabetes and the development of autoimmune diseases. An increase in its level leads to excessive production of insulin and fat cells, resulting in an increase in body weight.

How to control: Make sure you have at least seven hours of sleep a day, learn yoga, and avoid drinking alcohol.


Everyone knows that problems with the thyroid gland lead to unexpected weight gain, but few people think about how exactly this happens. The gland, located in our neck, produces hormones that control metabolism, heart rate, growth, sleep and many other processes in the body. If the thyroid gland does not produce enough of a certain hormone, hypothyroidism occurs, which leads to the accumulation of water in the body, which is why there is a feeling that the shape is round.

How to control: consult a specialist to prescribe special medications for the thyroid gland, add iodized salt to your diet and avoid raw vegetables.


Do you know the feeling of being full? It occurs because leptin signals the entire body that it is time to stop. If you eat too many sugary foods or processed foods with added fructose, your body stops producing it. This, in turn, reduces the body's sensitivity to leptin, and the brain stops receiving signals that it's time to stop eating. In addition, leptin tells the brain about the amount of fat mass and even affects reproductive function - if you have eating disorders, you are more likely to get pregnant.

How to control: eat a little every two hours, don’t eat a lot of fruit, drink more water.


Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, and it helps us fall asleep quickly and, in principle, maintain a stable sleep pattern. Melatonin increases in the evening, and by morning its amount in the body decreases. Since our bodies need to repair themselves, a lack of melatonin can also cause weight gain.

How to control: sleep in a dark room, avoid eating at night, add goji seeds, almonds, cherries, sunflower seeds and cardamom to your diet.


The main female hormone is produced by the ovaries, and its amount depends on many factors, including the state of adipose tissue. At some point, a vicious circle may set in: the higher your weight, the more problems with the thyroid gland, and due to its improper functioning, it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight. In addition, you get extra estrogen from foods that contain pesticides or other substances with growth hormones. When estrogen levels are high, you become more resistant to the effects of insulin, which also causes you to gain weight.

How to control: Avoid alcohol, add whole grains to your diet and exercise regularly.

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5 intimate facts that every girl should know about herself

Women's health is fragile and vulnerable to a host of external reasons. And it happens that it seems inconvenient to ask about your problem. Common situation? Then, together with a gynecologist, we understand the basics of female physiology.

Every girl and woman, regardless of age, is obliged to know as much as possible about their health. After all, it is the right approach to this and good health that makes us young, beautiful and full of strength. But in everyday life, as a rule, there is no time left for yourself. The weaker sex has long been burdened with “male problems” and responsibilities, working at full capacity, solving a lot of problems, while combining with traditional women’s household chores - maintaining a home, raising children. And you always need to be beautiful and healthy. With such busyness, unfortunately, few people have time to regularly visit a gynecologist. It’s easier to ask a question on a women’s forum. And it is clear that the answer is of little use. Rather, more harm. You can't improve your health using the Internet.

What to do?

Of course, forgetting about yourself and undergoing medical examination once every 5 years is not an option. Make up your mind that once a year you need to take tests that show the state of female reproductive function, visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

There are complexes of studies that do not require prior consultation with a doctor. You can contact your doctor with the finished results of the study. If the girl has no complaints, and the laboratory test results fall within the normal range (now the form already shows the normal values), then this adds confidence. But only the doctor will make the final conclusion. So, what studies should be included in the complex? Mandatory indicators reveal: DHEA-S, LH, estradiol, testosterone, TSH. It is important to know that these tests take place exclusively on an empty stomach, for 2–3rd day from the start of menstruation.

What does it mean?

1. DHEA-S analysis

It is an indicator of androgen production by the adrenal glands, which in turn are responsible for the body’s adaptation to stress. Adrenal hormones make themselves felt only when their levels decrease. In this case, it will be difficult to restore functionality. As a consequence of disruption of the adrenal glands - disruption of the menstrual cycle, a decrease in the number of ovulations.

2. LH (luteinizing hormone)

This is a hormone that stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum and ovulation. It also characterizes the menstrual cycle.

3. Estradiol

The main and most active female sex hormone for humans, also known as estrogen. Under the influence of this hormone in women: * the waist becomes narrow; * the timbre of the voice increases; * subcutaneous fatty tissue is formed (due to the deposition of fat, the hips are rounded and the mammary glands are enlarged); * the skin becomes thin and smooth; * a follicle grows on the ovary; * the inner layer of the uterus is prepared for pregnancy;* the menstrual cycle is normalized. * Estradiol is a beauty hormone. Under its influence, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, the female figure looks truly feminine.

4. Testosterone

This is a hormone that ensures normal sexual development in both women and men. It is what stimulates sexual desire.

5. TSH

Thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and stimulates the formation of thyroid hormones: T3 - triiodothyronine and T4 - thyroxine. They, in turn, regulate the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body, the functioning of the reproductive, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, as well as mental functions.

A woman’s health is very fragile, because it is the female sex who undergoes many changes in the body during life. Doctors and scientists are always looking for ways to preserve women’s health. This time they identified 16 rules that are necessary to maintain and even strengthen women's health.

1. Don't be neat.

Naturally, it is necessary to keep your body clean, but you cannot get carried away with it too much. In Britain, scientists conducted a number of studies that showed a big disadvantage of excessive cleanliness. Women who use antibacterial agents instead of regular soap get sick much more often. This is due to the fact that antiseptic substances can disrupt the bacterial balance. Moreover, antiseptics can kill beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain a woman’s health. That is why gynecologists do not recommend using intimate antiseptics for daily use.

2. Protect yourself.

In addition, stomach discomfort may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Little is known about the causes of this disease, but it can be painful. Sometimes the syndrome requires treatment with surgery.

16. Have sex more often.

According to American doctors, good sex can rejuvenate the body. About two hundred is necessary in order to look 5-6 years younger. Sex too. In addition, lovemaking is essential for a woman's health. Sex improves overall well-being and reduces the risk of developing various gynecological diseases.

This time the topic of conversation concerns the anatomical features of the female body and her reproductive system. This is important information for every woman. After all, much more depends on how well she understands her body..

Why do you need to dwell on the structure of the female reproductive system?

Because most women have no idea about this important organ system of their own body. Supposedly there is some knowledge, but it is too superficial. And what is a woman without female genital organs, right? After all, they are the ones who determine her difference from her husband. I will not concentrate the readers’ attention on a detailed description of the structure and function of the reproductive organs, but will tell you about some of the “secrets” of nature. In fact, there are no secrets, you just won’t find such information either in medical institutes or in other popular books or articles. Why? Because most people rewrite and copy this information from outdated publications. The more I study the structure of the human body, the more I am amazed at the uniqueness and perfection of its structural units and the processes that occur in them.

Sounds intriguing?

Knowing the structure of the organs of our reproductive system is not difficult. It is enough to open any textbook on gynecology and look at the drawings and diagrams. But the problem is that these well-drawn pictures create a misconception about the structure of the genital organs. Why wrong? Because they are so symmetrical, so “beautiful”. So, in the head of a doctor or a woman, such false “images” remain, but in reality we do not see such ideal symmetry in one woman, in the structure of the external and internal genitalia. The placement of the internal genital organs in the pelvic cavity is also not perfectly symmetrical, since nearby there are intestines, bladder, ureters, muscles, ligaments, vessels (and some of them are very large), lymph nodes and vessels and other formations. Therefore, under certain circumstances, in a completely normal situation, the body of the uterus and the ovaries may not be placed along a perfectly symmetrical line of the abdomen, the uterus may be deviated to the right or left, and not just forward or backward, the ovaries may be close to the uterus, they may be a little further. This is mostly normal and is not a manifestation of inflammation or “terrible adhesions.” When the intestines are full, especially due to constipation, such uterine deviations occur constantly. The same is observed in the case of a full bladder. Therefore, rule number one is that there is no ideal symmetry in the reproductive system, so throw those beautiful pictures of the structure of the genital organs out of your head. Today's conversation will focus on the external genitalia.

For general awareness: female genital organs are divided into external and internal. I recommend that all women use a mirror and constantly examine the external genitalia, not paying attention to shame (there is no need to be ashamed of yourself), because they are actually called external because they can be viewed from the outside. In women, the external genitalia include the vulva - the anatomical part of the external genitalia, which includes the vaginal threshold, labia majora and minora, clitoris, pubis, urethral opening, hymen, Bartholin's glands and vaginal opening.

We will not talk about the attractiveness of the external genitalia (despite the fact that in reality this topic worries many women and men), but we will recall only a few important points. Detailed characteristics and features of the structure and function of the human genital organs are presented in my new book, which I called “Intimate Book” and the work on which is almost completed. I don’t want to go into details so that our conversation doesn’t turn into a doctor’s monologue.

So where do we start?

We will start with the pubis (womb), which is not always mentioned in textbooks or articles on this topic, although it is important in the lives of women and men (men also have a womb). The soft bump of fatty pad at the front of the vulva, covering the pubis, is called the tubercle of Venus or Aphrodite's tubercle. Venus for the Romans and Aphrodite for the Greeks were goddesses of love, female sexuality, fertility and beauty. This part of the female body plays an important role, particularly in sexual relations. The fat pad covers the pubic bone, which is an integral part of a large bony formation - the pelvis. It has the shape of a bowl and contains a large number of organs, and is a reliable support for them. The organs that do not extend beyond the bone formation of the pelvis are the small pelvis. It is in the pelvis that the internal organs of the female reproductive system are located, including the body of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Therefore, the pubis with a fat pad perform a protective function - in case of blows or falls, the force of traumatization of this place is reduced due to this tubercle of Venus. Considering that the first three months of pregnancy, when all the organs and organ systems of the unborn child are formed, the uterus is located deep in the pelvis and does not extend beyond the pubic bone, this is another important level of protection of the future offspring from damage. During sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by active groping of partners, the pubis protects the woman and man from trauma to the genital organs, as well as the pelvic bones (in other words, it protects from friction and bruises).

Many women complain about pubic hair and constantly shave it. Is there any benefit to this?

In addition to the fat pad, the pubic skin contains a large amount of hair, which many women, especially young ones, hate, and therefore constantly shave, partly complaining of skin irritation and other problems associated with removing this hair. Pubic hair appears during puberty, and this is caused by an increase in the amount of male sex hormones in a girl’s body. Perhaps one of the scientists or doctors will mistakenly call the hair on the external genitalia a kind of vestige, that is, a mistake of nature, which did not have time to get rid of the remnants of the “evolutionary past.” But this is a mistaken opinion. Why does a woman need pubic hair? Firstly, it is also a “natural pad” that protects the skin and pubic bones from injury. Secondly, it prevents small foreign bodies and liquids from entering the genital opening. Thirdly, the pubic skin contains a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands, which secrete a secretion with a specific odor, which plays a role in sexual attraction of the opposite sex. Pubic hair accumulates these substances and increases the odor of this area of ​​the body.

Fourthly, pubic hair also plays a hygienic role and prevents vaginal discharge from evaporating and spreading outside the body. Pubic hair growth is determined by genetic and constitutional factors, as is the hair growth of the entire body. Fifthly, the pubic skin is quite sensitive and, when stimulated, plays a role in a woman’s sexual arousal. The age of a woman does not affect the length of pubic hair - it does not change from the time of appearance, which cannot be said about the amount of hair - lush “vegetation” is observed in adulthood.

Nowadays the so-called “intimate haircut” is in fashion. How safe is it in terms of contracting various infections?

Every woman has her own whims and requirements for female “beauty,” especially in the intimate parts of the body. In part, such demands are a tribute to fashion, and also provoked by men themselves, who look at photographs of porn stars without realizing that, firstly, that is, the profession of some women is to look like polished dolls - and they do nothing else in life, and secondly, Photoshop can turn any plain woman into a fashion model. “Intimate haircut” is another cry of fashion, and there are so many “hairstyles”! By the way, there is also a men's “intimate haircut”. However, we must remember that pubic hair and labia majora are not scalp hair, since it is associated with sexually transmitted infections, scabies, and pubic lice. It is not uncommon for the skin to be cut, allowing blood to get onto the instruments. Unfortunately, not all “intimate hairdressers” process and sterilize their instruments correctly, because such treatment quickly dulls the blades and knives, and generally disables some instruments. Therefore, there is no guarantee of complete safety of an intimate haircut. And since the intimate part of the body is quite often wet, in the presence of wounds to the skin and mucous membranes, good soil arises for the inflammatory process. Therefore, a woman going to such a hairdresser should ask him exactly how he processes his tools.

Few women think about how many different holes there are in the perineum and how they are located.

When moving from the lower edge of the pubis to the anus, the woman has three openings of different sizes: the first is the opening of the urethra, through which urine is excreted, slightly lower there is the entrance to the vagina, through which children are born, and outside the threshold there is an anal opening, through which removes intestinal waste. In addition to these main “holes”, there are numerous openings of a number of glands, but it is often impossible to see them with the naked eye. Parents rarely explain to their children the “hole” through which they are born. Almost the entire area between the pubis and tailbone, and on the sides, is called the perineum - “between the legs.”

What are the female labia?

The labia majora are two folds of skin that contain a dense layer of fat and cover the entrance to the vagina. They protect the vagina from microorganisms. In girls, the labia majora are closed, so they are more reliably protected from germs and foreign bodies. With the onset of sexual activity, the labia majora open. Some women have a dark coloration of the labia majora, mostly normal. Pigmentation often increases during pregnancy. By the way, the labia majora are identical in origin and structure to the male scrotum - a pouch of skin where the testicles are located.

When there are labia majora, there should also be labia minora. What can you tell us about them?

The labia minora, according to some doctors and sexologists, is part of the clitoral system. They are folds of skin with a large number of nerve endings. During sexual arousal, the labia minora swell and turn red, as does the clitoris. They cover the head of the clitoris, the urethra and the opening of the vagina, as well as the openings of a number of important glands.

We can say that the labia minora is the “face” of a woman. Do not take this statement straightforwardly, but understand that the shape and color of the labia minora in each woman is so individual and specific that you can recognize any woman by them, if such signs were recorded somewhere in the same way as photographs of a face in profile are recorded. full face, as well as fingerprints in the criminal file.

The color of the labia minora can have different shades of the mucous membrane - from pale pink to dark red (burgundy), as well as brown (women prefer to call it the color of chocolate). These shades can change throughout a woman's life, as well as during certain periods, for example, during pregnancy.

Many women complain that their labia minora are different sizes. Is this normal?

For some reason, among people, in particular women's doctors, there is a misconception that the labia minora should be almost the same in all women. On the contrary, the number of species of this part of the external genitalia is varied, in particular in size. Look at the women's faces. How many types of female lips are there? Many, regardless of various types of classifications! The same can be said about the size and size of the labia minora (and we have already talked about color). Often the sizes of the right and left labia in another woman can be different, with equal or fringed edges, asymmetrical, narrow, wide, shiny, matte, etc. - This is all normal.

I heard that it has become popular to have cosmetic surgery on the external genitalia. What is this connected with?

Many women, especially young ones, having seen photographs of the labia minora in a textbook on gynecology or in some pornographic photographs and compared with their own, go to extremes and try to correct the “defect” with something - from all kinds of bleaches to plastic surgery. If the size of the labia creates discomfort (pain), or a woman develops moral dissatisfaction or an inferiority complex, then surgical plastic surgery of the labia is possible. And mostly such interference is not justified.

When we started talking about the attractiveness of the labia, I want to ask about various types of jewelry, such as earrings, which now also “cling” to the external genitalia. How safe is it?

Abroad they call it piercing, and all sorts of earrings stick everywhere. If all the rules of hygiene and sanitation are followed when getting a piercing, then there is no harm. However, the labia majora and minora are extremely irritating and sensitive, so the appearance of a foreign body, even a small one, can cause pain, discomfort, and discharge. I had to pierce women at their request, but most of them could not stand wearing such jewelry for a long time - a pre-school unpleasant torture, regardless of which area the skin was punctured and the “toy” was attached, although in front of men and friends the woman heroically talks about her torment are not recognized. Many men like such jewelry, so women go to any lengths to please their sexual partners. Only a few get used to piercings and stop complaining. Of course, you need to monitor the condition of the labia and if an inflammatory process or injury occurs at the puncture site, consult a doctor.

And what’s next “along the course” of the genital organs?

In fact, the entire area between the labia and the vaginal opening is called the vaginal threshold. It is always hydrated through the constant secretion of glands in this area. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal threshold with chemicals and mechanically can lead not only to increased production of secretions, but also to trauma and ulcers. It is this area of ​​the external genitalia that suffers most during sexual intercourse, which occurs without appropriate preparation - due to friction with the penis, abrasions, heat, pain, and discomfort are inevitable. Having received negative experience of such sexual relations, many women begin to avoid sexual contact with men.

Almost every woman can remember at least one case when she complained of itching of the external genitalia. Is it always due to sexually transmitted infections?

The woman’s vulva itself, which includes the external genitalia, contains a large number of nerve endings (unlike the vagina, it is almost insensitive to pain), as this is primarily associated with the function of reproduction. Therefore, even a slight chemical or physical irritation of this area of ​​the genital organs can lead to discomfort, pain, itching, and burning. It is wrong and once again false to believe that only infections are to blame for such suffering among women. As soon as a woman gets an itch below, she goes to the doctor, who, without even really looking, immediately says that it’s thrush or hidden infections, sends her for a lot of tests and prescribes a lot of medications. What makes me laugh is that the vaginal microflora is restored with “Canadian yogurt”, quite often stuffed into the vagina. Circus on a wire! We'll talk about discharge another time, but discharge can cause irritation to the external genitalia. After all, it is precisely when discharge appears that it is not the vagina that itches, but the vulva.

In fact, there are more than 100 different diseases, both “local”, that is, in the vulva area, and general (diabetes mellitus, cleft palate, psoriasis and others). Different age categories of women may have various diseases accompanied by itching of the labia. It is infections that are not in the main group of diseases, so it may not be a disease at all. For example, this could be a reaction to soap, washing liquid, synthetic underwear, tight pants or tights, various kinds of gels, intimate perfumes. In women before menstruation, a physiological state of low estrogen levels is observed, also after childbirth when breastfeeding, and the condition may be accompanied by itching. Various skin diseases (dermatitis, skin infections), allergic reactions, diseases of the liver, nervous system and many others can be manifested by itching. By the way, “intimate gels” are in fashion now, because women mistakenly believe that those “special” gels are useful. What do I recommend? Take a magnifying glass and carefully read the contents on the back of the label, supposedly created for the delicate skin of the vulva. I’m sure that when you see how many synthetic chemical compounds there are, and even with such names that you didn’t even hear about them in chemistry lessons, I won’t be surprised that someone’s eyes will become round in surprise. And women apply all this chemicals daily to the skin and mucous membrane of the external genitalia. What is the point in talking about such cases? Believe me, there is nothing better for the skin of the vulva than warm water, simple (baby) soap and a soft, clean towel that is not used to wipe other parts of the body.

Panty liners are also very popular now. Some gynecologists say it is harmful to women's health. Is it so?

When I remembered synthetic “intimate” soaps, it’s worth mentioning sanitary pads. Many women complain about increased discharge, and everything has already been checked, they have been treated and cleaned dozens of times, but nothing has been found and is not being found, and for some reason the discharge has increased. In such cases, I always ask what you wash your clothes with, what you wash with, and what pads you use. And almost always what comes to the surface is not the gel, but the use of pads. What are they made of? Again, made of synthetic material, so in vain that cotton pads have now appeared on sale, and they are quite difficult to find and they are very expensive. Therefore, often all the shelves of feminine hygiene departments are littered with ordinary, inexpensive synthetic sanitary pads. A large number of chemicals are used to create them and bleach the material. Instead of changing their underwear daily, some women allegedly “save money” by using pads. But most panties have a cotton pad (which is what you should buy) and sanitary pads are not cotton. All kinds of sexy lingerie are extremely inconvenient for daily constant use, like getting dressed and undressing in front of a man. But it is not designed for constant wear somewhere outside the bedroom. So, in fact, all those sanitary pads become something like a drug for the vulva. Why? Manufacturers benefit when more women buy more pads, don't they? And when do women buy more? When their discharge increases. Do you understand the logic? Therefore, many pads made from synthetic materials increase release, but this is very beneficial for manufacturers. A woman sits on those pads like a drug addict on a needle, and can’t go anywhere without them. One can only guess how much money is spent on those “women's belongings”. Therefore, I always advise women: fashion is fashion, but have common sense and understand that our modern life is already too chemical-laden, so respect your body and do not load it with additional chemicals.

Is there any line between external and internal genitalia? I guess it's the girls' hymen?

That’s right, the hymen separates the entrance to the vagina from the side of the vulva and the vagina itself; it is and is that feature of the external and internal. We call such girls untouched. In fact, there are many definitions of untouched, and from a traditional point of view, such a girl is considered to have a damaged hymen - a thin fold of skin at the entrance to the vagina. Does the presence of a hymen mean that a girl is sexually inactive? No, it doesn't mean that. Let it be because the hymen can stretch and not be damaged. In addition, there is anal and oral sex, which many young people now practice.

There are many rumors about the hymen. What role does it actually play in a woman’s body?

The hymen is located at the entrance to the vagina and is a section of the vaginal mucosa 0.5-2 mm thick, usually semi-lunar or ring-shaped (there are about 20 forms of hymen). It plays a barrier (protective) role. The hymen normally has one or more holes that allow menstrual blood to drain during menstruation. The congenital absence of the hymen is called aplasia of the hymen. This happens extremely rarely.

In infant girls, the hymen, due to the influence of maternal hormones - estrogens, is dense, has many folds and ledges, is pale pink in color, and may appear outward from the vagina (be curved), even though it is located a little deeper towards the vagina than in an adult woman. This condition can persist in girls up to 4 years of age. The size of the hole in the hymen of a baby girl is very small - about 1 mm, and increases by about 1 mm every year. Gradually, the labia minora grow down, covering the entrance to the vagina.

From about 6-7 years of age, the hymen, on the contrary, becomes thin, transparent, smooth and quite sensitive to irritation. Therefore, uncomfortable, boring, hard underwear can cause serious discomfort in a little girl, which an inexperienced mother or doctor may perceive as some kind of inflammatory process.

Many girls, although probably also guys, are interested in the question, is it easy to lose virginity?

It is not easy to damage the hymen, however, it is quite possible. Here I would like to mention the growing “schizophrenia” (there is no other way to say it) among post-Soviet women’s doctors dealing with pediatric gynecology. Almost everyone diagnoses all girls with fusion of the labia minora, or synechia, and therefore immediately intervenes not only with a rough examination, but also with aggressive, rough treatment in the form of, so to speak, separation of these lips.

Synechia of the labia minora is a common occurrence in girls under 6-7 years of age; it is not a true fusion and requires surgical dissection. A doctor's intervention is only needed when the outflow of urine begins to become impaired and an infection of the genitourinary system is added, but such cases are extremely rare.

So, it’s quite a relevant topic. Even Komarovsky quite often mentions in his speeches that our doctors are “sick” with a diagnosis of synechiae in little girls. Probably, 20 years ago, most doctors did not know such a diagnosis?

I receive a lot of letters from frightened mothers about how they, together with doctors, are driving their daughters to hysteria. And then instruments and catheters are used to try to take vaginal smears. Many doctors immediately try to separate the lips with their fingers, despite the child’s cries and almost convulsive movements with which the girl tries to avoid this inhumane procedure. The child's suffering does not end there. Many doctors do not know what the results of smears in girls should be before the start of menstruation. And they prescribe long-term treatment, which is not only unnecessary, but also harmful. I partially receive letters from women who ask how suppositories (for adults) are “stuffed” into the vagina of a 1-2 year old girl, if at every attempt at insertion she screams and falls into hysterics so much that even the mother cannot stand these screams. What kind of smart doctor do you have to be to not know that in a 1-3 year old girl the diameter of the hymen opening is up to 3 mm, and it is quite dense and inextensible, when the diameter of vaginal suppositories is usually 8-15 mm? Small suppositories for the urethra have a diameter of 3-6 mm, but doctors rarely use them. Thus, the modern generation of girls experiences the dangers of losing their virginity long before they become sexually active.

The topic of girls’ hygiene is discussed in the webinar “Care and hygiene of girls: at home, on the road, on vacation”

Is it possible to damage the hymen with sanitary tampons?

I am not a supporter of hygienic tampons even for adult women, because it was not for nothing that nature created an outflow of menstrual fluid from the vagina to the outside. Therefore, when a tampon is inserted into the vagina, this outflow is disrupted. Dead endometrium along with blood accumulates at the end of the tampon in the area of ​​the cervix and posterior vaginal fornix. And if there is not enough oxygen available, a favorable environment for the proliferation of dangerous bacteria arises. This is actually how toxic syndrome occurs in some women. In teenage girls at puberty, injury to the hymen with tampons and other objects is quite possible. Damage to the hymen with a hygienic tampon is also possible if the hymen has several small holes rather than one in the center. In mature girls (usually 20-22 years old), the hymen is elastic, and the hole is of the size that allows the insertion of a hygienic tampon. But both inserting and removing a used tampon must be done carefully, without sudden movements.

Can you lose your virginity by inserting your fingers into your vagina?

Sexual partners often insert fingers into the vagina and stretch the hymen for several purposes. Firstly, this reduces the pain of defloration at the beginning of sexual intercourse. Secondly, there is a misconception that after many “stretching of the hymen” and then insertion of the penis, the girl remains a virgin. Even from the insertion of fingers, small tears in the hymen appear, and when this is practiced constantly, soon the hymen is completely torn. You must also be careful about a number of infections that can be transmitted through dirty hands.

I will also add that modern youth insert various objects into the vagina. When I was working on the “intimate book,” I used data from the Vagina Institute, which conducted a survey of more than 873,613 women from around the world. Actually, the data shocked me with what women or their partners insert into the vagina, as well as the motives for inserting various objects. It turns out that there is a competition among teenagers to see who can insert what into the vagina and keep it there longer. A list of such items is in one of the articles on my blog, and will also be given in the book. Therefore, virginity is not in fashion now, and therefore it can be lost not only through sexual relations, but through various games, masturbation with the use of objects, and also sometimes during intense sports activities associated with sudden movements, frequent falls, and perineal injuries.

Information about the clitoris is rather sparse, although now it is talked about much more often. What is his role in a woman’s life?

Somewhat below and behind the anterior commissure of the labia majora is the clitoris, or china, a sensitive area of ​​the female body in terms of sexual arousal. The structure of the clitoris resembles the male penis (except for the urethra). The clitoris is the sexual organ of all female mammals without exception. Its role is not fully understood, but the clitoris is a source of arousal and sexual satisfaction, since it contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Clitoral stimulation is used during intercourse and masturbation to achieve sexual satisfaction. The glans of the clitoris contains between 6,000 and 8,000 nerve endings—no other part of the body, female or male, has as many nerve endings, and this is four times the number of nerve endings in the glans of the male penis. This means that the female clitoris is much more sensitive than the male genital organ, and this is important for a woman's sexual response to intercourse. Does marriage, which means regular sex life, affect the size of the clitoris? It turns out not. The size of the clitoris is the same in married and single women. The size of the clitoris also does not depend on sexual orientation - they are the same in women living only with men, bisexual women and lesbians.