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What are facial fillers and how to regain your youth. Contour plastic with fillers - what is it, the action and effectiveness of microinjections What are facial fillers

Filler is an injectable preparation for the face and body, which is used as a filler to correct cosmetic defects with minor tissue deficiencies. Most often they are used to correct wrinkles and increase the volume of the lips, cheekbones, chin and chest.


Biodegradable (biocompatible, absorbable) fillers over time enter into metabolic reactions in tissues and gradually dissolve. Fillers are divided into preparations based on hyaluronic acid: Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero, Surgiderm and etc.

Collagen-based preparations:

  • collagen can be bovine, it is contained in such preparations as Zirderm, Zirplast, Artecoll and Artefill;
  • The drugs Autologen, Dermologen, Isologen, Cosmoderm, Cosmoplast, Cymetra are produced based on human collagen.

Slowly dissolving compounds are compounds that are eliminated from the body within 2-3 years:

  • a preparation based on calcium hydroxyapatite “Radiesse”;
  • a preparation based on synthetic poly-L-lactic acid “Sculpture”;
  • drug based on polycaprolactone “Ellans”;

Biodegradable (non-absorbable) are made on the basis of synthetic polymer gels that are not excreted from the body. These include preparations containing silicones and other chemical compounds that do not enter into chemical reactions in the human body.
Autologous: These often include the body's own tissues (for example, adipose tissue) used in aesthetic surgery.

They differ not only in composition, but also in density. This is due to the fact that the skin on different parts of the face has different thicknesses and different structures, and is subjected to compression and stretching and mechanical stress at different frequencies.

The density of the drugs varies from 16 to 25 mg/ml of active substance. The use of fillers of varying densities allows for optimal correction results for each individual patient.

Video: BOTOX or FILLER - what's the difference?


They allow you to get rid of wrinkles and change the shape of the anatomical structures of the face (nose, chin, lips, cheekbones, facial contours) without surgery. The client receives the result immediately: after the injection, the result of the injection is immediately visible, which only improves after the tissue swelling at the injection site subsides.

Instant filler allows you to transform yourself and regain your youth in one or two procedures. With their help, you can always correct the result of a previous correction if the volume of the injected gel is insufficient or the symmetry on the right and left half of the face is disturbed.

Biodegradable fillers based on collagen and hyaluronic acid additionally activate tissue metabolism and improve the condition and appearance of the skin.

Injections can be administered at any time of the year. There are no restrictions on administration in the summer, since they do not increase the photosensitivity of the skin and do not contribute to the appearance of age spots.

Video: Hyaluronic acid


Filler by its nature is a foreign body, therefore various reactions of the body to it are possible: allergic, rejection reactions. Pain, itching, swelling, bruising, and scars may occur at the injection site.

Injection administration is essentially an invasive procedure, therefore there is a risk of infection and the development of purulent-inflammatory processes at the site of drug administration.

The effect of the injection is unstable. Absorbable fillers last for about a year on average, then their injection must be repeated. Non-absorbable ones can migrate in facial tissues and provoke the development of fibrosis. Incorrect distribution of the drug under the skin produces convex bumps. If a vessel is compressed during the administration of the drug, then an area of ​​tissue necrosis may form at the site of compression, followed by the formation of a scar.

Their use based on hyaluronic acid can provoke multiple growth of benign tumors from adipose and connective tissue in the immediate vicinity of the injection site.

When an excessive amount of the drug is administered, a so-called hypercorrection occurs, when the anatomical structures of the face lose their natural volume and shape. Absorbable fillers gradually smooth out this disadvantage of the procedure. The list is constantly updated with new drugs that are increasingly safe for introduction into the human body, therefore the qualifications of the specialist who carries out the procedure are becoming increasingly important.

The difference between mesotherapy, filleting and Botox injection

All of the above are completely different procedures that solve completely different skin problems. Mesotherapy improves the condition of the skin in general, increases the level of hydration and accelerates metabolic processes, promotes the synthesis of its own collagen. As a result of the procedure, the skin is tightened and thickened, and the skin's moisture saturation improves.

Filling is more often used on those areas of the face and body where there is not enough volume of your own tissue. For example, to fill wrinkles.

The injection of Botox stops the flow of nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles in the injection area. The muscles stop contracting and do not cause the formation of facial wrinkles. Botox does not affect the condition of the skin in any way.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for injection of fillers:

  1. Reinforcement: elimination of such cosmetic defects as loss of elasticity and turgor of the skin, the presence of bags under the eyes, the need to restore the oval of the face, “soften” the severity of nasolabial folds;
  2. Contour plastic: filling sunken areas of the skin, such as wrinkles, nasolacrimal groove, drooping corners of the mouth, etc.;
  3. Increase in chin, lip volume, change in the shape of the nose, cheekbones;
  4. Treatment of post-acne scars, arthotic scars, stretch marks;
  5. Presence of facial asymmetry that needs to be corrected;
  6. Flabbiness of the skin of the neck and décolleté;
  7. Excessive thinness and sagging skin of the hands;
  8. Breast augmentation with fillers.

Contraindications for the injection of fillers are divided into permanent and temporary. Permanent contraindications:

  1. The presence of a number of diseases, such as diabetes, hemophilia, cancer of any location, immune diseases;
  2. Tendency to form keloid scars;
  3. Allergic reactions, cases of fibrosis or rejection reactions to previous filler injections;
  4. The presence of a bionon-degradable filler (silicone) at the site of the intended injection.

Temporary contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Recovery period after a series of cosmetic procedures (peeling, laser resurfacing, etc.);
  3. Bacterial, viral or fungal skin diseases;
  4. Chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage, acute infectious diseases;
  5. Menstruation.

Video: Facial rejuvenation

Correction zones

In order for the client to get the optimal result, regardless of the problem with which he came to the cosmetologist, manufacturers produce many types of fillers, with different gel viscosities and active ingredient contents. This allows the cosmetologist to choose the optimal drug depending on the area and the problems being solved.

The following correction zones are distinguished:

  • Eye area;
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Area around the mouth;
  • Lips;
  • Neckline area;
  • Breast;
  • Hands.

Correction zones are also distinguished because a large number of vascular and nerve bundles pass through the soft tissues of the face. Therefore, in different areas of the face the approach to administering the drug is different. For example, standard correction of the temporal region is prohibited, since the risk of damaging the vessels and nerves passing through this area is very high.

Correcting this area with filler can only be done using a flexible cannula with a rounded tip, which pushes the tissue apart as it moves forward, rather than injuring it, as a needle does.

Are injections painful?

Photo: injection in the face area

The administration of filling drugs causes pain of varying severity in clients. Soreness and discomfort at the injection site may persist for about a week.

To reduce pain, a number of drugs containing lidocaine have been created. Local anesthesia can be used with drugs such as Emla ointment, which only reduces pain, but does not completely eliminate it. A number of modern clinics have permission to conduct conduction anesthesia in order to make the procedure absolutely painless.

Common Complications

Complications are divided into short-term and long-term.

Short-term complications occur during or immediately after the filler procedure and resolve on their own without treatment. These include:

  1. Pain at the injection site;
  2. Itching, swelling and redness of the skin at the injection site;
  3. Bruises after fillers at the site of vascular damage;
  4. Excessive, insufficient and asymmetric correction;
  5. Tissue necrosis at the injection site;
  6. The development of purulent-inflammatory processes in response to pathogenic bacteria entering wounds from injections.

Long-term complications can occur either immediately after the procedure or several weeks or months after the drug is administered. These include:

  1. Redistribution of filler under the skin with the formation of visible whitish accumulations of the drug;
  2. The formation of dense nodules under the skin can be either the result of injecting too much of the drug, or the result of the formation of fibrous tissue around the injection site;
  3. Allergic reactions to the administration of the drug can constantly bother the patient, since the allergen (filler) is constantly in the body and causes a response from the immune system;
  4. Activation of a viral infection, most often the herpes simplex virus, with the appearance of a characteristic rash;
  5. Lowering of the filler under the influence of gravity with the formation of visible puffiness of the face.
  6. If the gel gets into a blood vessel, embolism of the vessel and disruption of the blood supply to nearby tissues may develop.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

In order to reduce the risk of complications, ice packs are used during the procedure and applied to the areas where the injection was performed.

For several days after the procedure, it is recommended not to touch your face, not to sleep with your face in a pillow, and not to apply decorative cosmetics, so as not to provoke increased swelling and the appearance or growth of bruises.

Photo: hematomas at the injection site

In some cases, you will need to visit your cosmetologist, who will massage the areas with injected filler for better distribution under the skin. For a week or two, you will need to avoid visiting the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, gym and any water sports, so as not to provoke swelling and not to cause infection in the injection wounds.

A week before the procedure and another 3-4 days after it, it is not recommended to take blood thinners (aspirin) to reduce the risk of bruising at the injection site.

If hematomas appear at the injection site, they must be treated with medicinal ointments or creams, which the cosmetologist will recommend after the procedure.

Complications during the procedure

The result of the correction procedure using gels is influenced by factors such as:

  1. Accurate adherence to the technique of administering the drug by a cosmetologist;
  2. Patient consciousness.

If the drug is injected too superficially under the skin, the risk of formation of bumps and irregularities on the surface of the skin increases. Under the skin of the eyelids, a gel injected insufficiently deeply may appear as a grayish or bluish spot with fuzzy edges.

If the filler in the skin comes close to the sweat and sebaceous glands, then it becomes possible to develop purulent inflammation due to bacteria penetrating into the mouths of the glands from the surface of the skin.
Photo: itching and swelling of the skin

Injection that is too deep leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure, requires more drug and, accordingly, makes the procedure more expensive for the client. The patient needs to remember and inform the cosmetologist what fillers he injected previously and in what areas, what diseases he suffers from and what medications he has taken recently.

Concealing information or a careless attitude, when a person does not remember important facts about the condition of his body and previous injections, can cause serious complications during the injection.

After the procedure, you must follow the recommendations of your cosmetologist and not carry out independent manipulations with your face at the injection site. If the patient believes that the gel is poorly and slowly distributed in the skin, then it is better not to massage it yourself, but to consult a specialist.

If you perform incorrect kneading movements, you can squeeze the gel out of the area for the correction of which it was introduced and provoke its migration under the skin.

You can carry out hardware cosmetic procedures for the face no earlier than a month after the injections, when the drug is properly distributed under the skin.

It must be remembered that any thermal, ultrasonic, mechanical, or light effects will help remove the gel from the tissues.

Is it possible to rejuvenate the face at home, without expensive visits to a cosmetologist? Find out all about it in the article.

Effective rejuvenation, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, before and after photos.

Beauty injections help remove wrinkles and circles under the eyes. Do you want to know how to administer injections for wrinkles under the eyes? Go.

How much do injectable fillers cost?

You can find out the exact price of the procedure during a personal consultation with a doctor at the clinic of your choice. The cost will be affected by: the price of the specific drug that will be chosen for the procedure, the amount of the drug that will need to be administered to obtain the effect, the availability of discounts on services and drugs in the clinic.

Name Price
- Restylane (0.5 ml)10,500 rub.
- Restylane (1.0 ml)14,500 rub.
- Restylane Vital (1.0 ml)13,000 rub.
- Restylane Vital (2.0 ml)17,000 rub.
- Restylane Vital Light (1.0 ml)11,500 rub.
- Restylane Vital Light (2.0 ml)16,000 rub.
- Restylane Lidocaine (0.5 ml)11,200 rub.
- Restylane Lidocaine (1.0 ml)14,500 rub.
- Restylane Touch (0.5 ml)9,800 rub.
- Restylane Lipp (0.5 ml)11,200 rub.
- Restylane Lipp (1.0 ml)17,000 rub.
- Restylane SubQ (2.0 ml)35,000 rub.
- Restylane Perlane (0.5 ml)13,000 rub.
- Restylane Perlane (1.0 ml)15,500 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra 2 (0.55 ml)10,500 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra 3 (0.8 ml)14,500 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra 4 (0.8 ml)15,000 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra Smile14,500 rub.
- Juvederm Volume (2.0 ml)35,000 rub.
- Juvederm Hydrate (1.0 ml)11,500 rub.
- Belotero Soft (1.0 ml)12,500 rub.
- Belotero Basic (1.0 ml)14,000 rub.
- Belotero Intense (1.0 ml)15,000 rub.
- Surgiderm 24 XP (0.8 ml)13,000 rub.
- Surgiderm 30 XP (0.8 ml)14,500 rub.
- Radiesse (0.3)11,000 rub.
- Radiesse (0.8)18,000 rub.
- Radiesse (1.5)26,000 rub.
- Glytone 213,000 rub.
- Glytone 315,000 rub.
- Glytone 418,000 rub.

Photos before and after

Women do not like wrinkles, even the smallest and almost invisible ones. If in youth you may not even think about this problem, then after 30 years visual aging of the skin begins.

Various creams, masks, peelings give effect and return freshness and beauty to the dermis, but, unfortunately, only for a short time. And women want to look young and attractive at any age. You can get rid of wrinkles, and most importantly, for a long time.

Fillers, which are called injections of beauty and youth, cope perfectly with deep wrinkles and smooth the surface of the skin. But in order for the effect to be maximum, without side effects, you need to understand what facial fillers are and what they are, what these drugs are based on, and how to choose the safest and most effective one.

What are fillers?

Filler injection areas

When going to a cosmetologist for advice on injections of fillers for correction, immediately decide which facial or body features you want to correct. Depending on the injection zone, the cosmetologist will prescribe certain fillers, which differ not only in their composition and characteristics, but also in the final price of the procedure.

Fillers are used for injections:

  • In the area around the eyes;
  • Head-on;
  • Between the eyebrows
  • On the cheekbones;
  • In the tear troughs;
  • In the area around the mouth;
  • On the lips;
  • In the neck;
  • In the chest;
  • In the décolleté area;
  • In your hands.

You need to understand that not all areas can be injected. In those areas of the body where there are many nerve endings and vascular nodes, injections of youth cannot be performed, as you can damage your health. For example, fillers cannot be injected into the temporal region.

Types of fillers

Modern injections that fill wrinkles on the skin can be divided into four groups. Each group of drugs has differences in chemical composition, interaction with body tissues and price.

Synthetic (non-absorbable)

These drugs can safely be called the founders of contour cosmetology. These injections are based on synthetic substances: silicone, paraffin or polyacrylamide gels.

These bionondegradable drugs are designed to have a long-lasting effect, since they are not excreted from the body and do not dissolve under the skin tissue.

Of course, the first drugs for contouring had too many side effects: allergic and inflammatory reactions often occurred after injections, and uneven distribution of the synthetic gel under the skin was often observed.

Modern synthetic fillers of the latest generation are safer and non-toxic, do not cause allergies and inflammation. Synthetic fillers have the most affordable price among many drugs for wrinkle correction.


These long-acting drugs differ significantly from their synthetic counterparts in composition and effect on the skin. The injections are based on synthetic substances that are as compatible with human tissue as possible.

Thanks to this, the drug introduced under the skin is not rejected and is not perceived by the immune system as a foreign body. This property of correction drugs almost completely eliminates the risk of developing inflammatory and allergic reactions immediately after injection under the skin.

The most popular drugs of this type:

  • Artekol, consisting of two components: collagen and insoluble polymethyl methacrylate.
  • Radiesse, which contains hydroxyapatite particles and polysaccharide gel.
  • Ellanse, these injections consist of two substances: polycaprolactone and carboxymethylcellulose, which is soluble.

But it is worth knowing that these substances dissolve very slowly. Corrective injections should be done after 2-3 years. With the gradual accumulation of the drug under the skin, side effects may appear: swelling, blockage of blood vessels, migration of the injected gel under the tissues.


This group of drugs is the safest, most effective and popular for facial contouring. And reviews from satisfied customers confirm this.

The first and most important advantage of these injections is the minimum of side effects. All substances that are part of beauty injections are completely absorbed and eliminated from the body.

Even if the rejuvenation procedure causes side effects, they can be easily treated and corrected. Biodegradable fillers are made on the basis of several substances, therefore they are broken down by the body's enzymatic system at different rates.

Collagen injections

Collagen can safely be called a beauty protein, because it is responsible for the elasticity of human skin.

This substance is actively used for various anti-aging procedures and is included in creams and masks. But rubbing collagen into the skin does not bring such effective results as using it in the form of injections.

When this substance is administered, wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, eyelids, lips, and forehead are filled and smoothed. During the initial procedure for correcting wrinkles, collagen is injected in a large volume, since over time almost half of the drug is absorbed and excreted from the body.

Thanks to this property, immediately after the rejuvenation procedure, the puncture areas look swollen, but the swelling subsides quite quickly.

The most popular collagen preparations:

  • Collost
  • Ziderm
  • Evolance

Collagen is divided into two types: bovine and human. Collagen from cattle cannot be called absolutely safe. Before its administration, it is necessary to do tests for allergic reactions.

Despite its natural origin, this protein can cause allergies or rejection. The effect of the rejuvenation procedure using bovine collagen lasts no more than six months, after which the injections must be repeated.


This group of drugs is widely used due to its safety, ease of use and lack of side effects.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, responsible for its elasticity and cellular renewal. This substance binds collagen protein molecules, which improves the elasticity of the epidermis.

Acid also attracts water, which is very important for the normal water balance of the skin. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid, such as Restylane or Juvederm, perfectly fill wrinkles and folds, while the drug is evenly distributed under the skin and does not migrate.

Injections are made into the dermal layer of the skin. The procedure is absolutely safe and does not require preliminary allergy tests. The validity period of beauty injections is much longer than collagen-based injections.

Watch a video of how hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are injected into the lips

Based on calcium hydroxylapatite

This type of injection is also characterized by high safety, compatibility with body tissues, and the absence of side effects. The base is small particles of calcium hydroxylapatite floating in the gel.

This substance is found in the human body, in tooth enamel and bone tissue. After the injection, local synthesis of collagen-fibroblasts is initiated, which fills wrinkles and smoothes the skin.

Autologous injections

The most modern and sophisticated injections for wrinkle correction are made from human collagen. Moreover, the material for filler injections is taken directly from the patient’s body. But it is not at all scary and painless.

Before the rejuvenation procedure, a piece of skin is autotransplanted from a person, from which collagen is grown. The resulting material is absolutely safe, does not cause rejection or allergic reactions, and accumulates in tissues over time, which increases the duration between injections.

At what age can you get beauty injections?

Oddly enough, subcutaneous injections can be done at any age. Only the purpose of these injections is different. Young girls whose skin is still elastic and radiant can correct their facial features with fillers: make their lips fuller and sexier, correct the line of their cheekbones.

Women over 30 years old can completely eliminate facial wrinkles and make themselves visually younger by several years. After 40 years, beauty injections for the fair sex are simply necessary. The preparations nourish the dermis, replenish the lack of important substances, reduce wrinkles and make the skin more youthful and elastic.

Indications for use

Pay attention to the purposes for which fillers are used in modern cosmetology:

  • Changing the shape of the oval of the face, chin. Nose correction;
  • Smoothing out facial wrinkles;
  • Filling the nasolabial folds by changing their depth and shape;
  • When lowering the eyebrows;
  • Enlargement and reshaping of lips;
  • Change in facial asymmetry;
  • Removal of scars after pimples, blackheads, acne;
  • Removal of stretch marks (striae);
  • Tightening sagging cheeks;
  • Raising the corners of the mouth;
  • Rejuvenation of the skin of the face, hands, décolleté and elimination of sagging skin;
  • Breast augmentation with fillers;
  • Contour plastic surgery of the genital organs.

How does the rejuvenation procedure using fillers work?

First of all, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to do this procedure on your own, and it is also undesirable to give injections at home from self-taught cosmetologists.

Only an experienced doctor will be able to competently advise and select a drug that is ideal for the skin and will not cause swelling, gel migration or allergies.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test. Before punctures, areas of the skin are smeared with a special anesthetic gel, thereby reducing discomfort from the procedure. Injection needles are very small and thin, penetrating into the layers of the skin no more than 1-2 mm.

To achieve maximum results, the doctor alternates the technique of perpendicular punctures, which allows you to completely fill wrinkle areas and avoid swelling after filler. Despite the fact that the procedure is practically non-traumatic, tissue swelling is possible in the injection area for several days.

The full effect of rejuvenation is noticeable after a week; this is the period needed for the drug to distribute in the skin and even out wrinkles.

Contraindications and complications

Although injection with fillers is considered one of the safest methods of contouring, there are still contraindications to their use and possible complications.

Contraindications for use are divided into permanent and temporary.


  • Some types of diseases: oncology, hemophilia, immune diseases, diabetes;
  • Tendency to keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • Allergic reaction and rejection of previous injections, fibrosis;
  • Silicone injections have already been made.


  • Injections should not be given to pregnant or breastfeeding mothers;
  • During menstruation;
  • During rehabilitation after other cosmetic procedures, such as laser resurfacing, peeling, etc.
  • Skin diseases: viral, fungal, bacterial;
  • For chronic diseases in acute form, exacerbations and acute infectious diseases.

Quite unpleasant complications also occur after the procedure. Beauty requires sacrifice. Therefore, get ready to experience the whole range of “pleasant” sensations after injections, such as:

  • Painful sensations in the injection area;
  • Swelling, redness and itching at the injection site;
  • The appearance of bruises when a needle enters a vessel;
  • Alas, disproportionate correction occurs and the face seems distorted and not natural;
  • Skin cell necrosis;
  • The occurrence of purulent inflammation when bacteria enters the injection site.

The described complications are temporary. But there are also much longer lasting and very unpleasant consequences of injecting fillers. These include:

  • Fillers can “regroup” under the skin to form visible whitish clumps;
  • If you overdo it with the volume of the administered drug, hard and dense nodes may appear with the formation of fibrous tissue;
  • The body may have an allergic reaction and reject the foreign substance under the skin;
  • Viral infection activity;
  • Displacement of the filler under the force of its own gravity;
  • The filler can enter a blood vessel, thereby disrupting the delivery of blood and oxygen to skin cells.

When consulting with a cosmetologist, do not under any circumstances remain silent about your problems and illnesses. You can harm not only your beauty, but also your health. Be sincere.

Rehabilitation time

After the injection procedure, you should expect the desired result within three to four weeks. In the meantime, while the rehabilitation process is underway, it’s worth knowing what not to do after fillers.

  • For the first 3 days, do not touch the injection site, do not apply concealing cosmetics and try not to sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • For a week or two, try not to visit baths, saunas, solariums, swimming pools and gyms;
  • Contact a cosmetologist for a massage for better distribution of fillers under the skin;
  • A week before the procedure itself and during the entire rehabilitation period, do not take blood thinning medications such as aspirin;
  • Try to avoid drinking alcohol during this time.

Alternative to fillers

If a person is afraid of getting injections, but wants to look perfect, filler creams can be used. These drugs are applied to the skin, over time smoothing out fine wrinkles.

But you should know that you cannot achieve a quick effect from using creams based on collagen or hyaluronic acid. It is impossible to remove deep expression wrinkles with this cream.

These drugs help eliminate fine wrinkles, improve complexion and give it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

  • One of the most effective cream fillers for deep wrinkles is the Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Fill facial filler cream based on retinol. It is used to smooth out deep expression wrinkles from the inside of the forehead, around the eyes and mouth, frown lines, nose and chin.

    You can buy cream filler from Mary Kay at any cosmetic store or even order it online. The recommended cost of Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Fill is 2000 rubles.

  • Another excellent wrinkle filler is Filorga Time-Filler Cream. The manufacturer assures that after a 56-day course of using the cream filler, wrinkles will decrease by 50% and judging by the satisfied reviews, this is so. The effect of smoothing out wrinkles is noticeable to the naked eye.

    The cost of Filorga Time-Filler 50 ml ranges around 5,000 rubles. You can buy it in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, or order it in an online store.

Another alternative to injections for correcting wrinkles is moisturizing filler masks. The filler mask restores the natural process of skin regeneration, replenishes their deficiency and slows down the aging effect.

Be careful when purchasing such items in small shops or on unknown sites that are not trustworthy. You can easily stumble upon deception.

Photo. Before and after

In the next photo you can observe the effect of injecting Restylane fillers into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and around the mouth. The effect, as they say, is immediate

Ugly cheekbones can also be corrected with fillers. Look what they looked like before and after injection of fillers into the cheekbones.

This is what the effect of nose correction with fillers looks like

Contouring procedure using fillers

All women strive to preserve their youth and beauty for a long time. Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of means for this. Recently, injectable filler preparations have become very popular. What is it in cosmetology? We will look at photos of these miracle products in this article.

Types of fillers

Fillers (from the English “fill”) - a cosmetic product in the form of a gel for injection. Used in plastic surgery to smooth the skin, get rid of wrinkles, change the shape of the face, and shape the nose. Even the deepest wrinkles can disappear after using such a cosmetic product.

There are 3 types of fillers. They are divided depending on the duration of the drug and the mechanism of its effect on the skin.

  1. Synthetic. These are preparations created on the basis of active silicone. They are valid for quite a long period, several years. The big advantage of this product is its low price. But it's not that simple. These drugs have a huge number of side effects: allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, toxicity, inflammatory manifestations on the skin, increased pigmentation, displacement of the injected drug to the side under the skin. You can get rid of silicone only after surgery by a plastic surgeon, since this drug cannot dissolve on its own. In most European countries and the USA, synthetic fillers are prohibited for use due to the fact that they bring many more harmful effects than benefits. The number of negative reviews is huge.
  2. Biocompatible drugs:
    • Active ingredient: collagen. These preparations are made from animal collagen. Cartilage and animal skins are used. In rare cases, collagen is produced synthetically. Collagen fillers almost never have a negative effect on the skin. One minus is a very short validity period. The drug administration procedure should be carried out once a year.
    • Autologous fillers. An injection made from his own tissue is injected under the patient's skin. This procedure is very expensive and takes a lot of time. To begin with, the patient undergoes liposuction. This type of subdermal filler will never cause allergies, since it is absolutely suitable for the person who is injected with the drug. The positive effect of this procedure appears only about six months after treatment, but lasts quite a long time.
    • Preparations containing hyaluronic acid. Currently, such means are considered the best. Hyaluronic acid causes cells to produce their own collagen. The safety of such fillers has led to the fact that all over the world they are practically the only ones used in cosmetology. They are non-toxic and do not cause allergic reactions. Most cosmetic creams also contain hyaluronic acid. The only drawback is that the effect of the drug lasts no more than six months. The most common drugs of this type are Restylane and Juvederm. The first is often used in the eye area.
  3. Mixed drugs. The composition contains both biological and synthetic components. Such products are non-toxic and have almost no side effects. The advantage of their use is the duration of the effect of the administered drug.

In pursuit of the ideal, women constantly subject themselves to various kinds of procedures. Plastic surgery is one of the areas of medicine that works for the benefit of the fair half of humanity. But men also do not neglect this kind of procedures.

Most often, fillers are used to smooth out facial skin. Although this kind of drugs can be administered to any part of the body.

It is very important to find a good clinic with qualified staff, where you can give yourself injections.

First, the doctor must examine your skin and determine the places where the drug will need to be injected. Then, together with the patient, they choose the type of filler that will be used during the procedure.

Then filler is drawn into a syringe and, with a very thin needle, is injected into the problem area under the skin until it is smoothed out.

With the help of such drugs, you can slightly change the shape of your nose, plump your lips, and get rid of wrinkles. Fillers can smooth out scars, scars, and the effects of chickenpox.

Doctors often take a photograph of the patient's face before and after the procedure. From this photo you can immediately see the result. Such images can then be used as advertisements for the clinic.

Don't be afraid of the procedure. It is unlikely that it will cause you much discomfort. The doctor will need to use local anesthesia, which is basically wet wipes soaked in lidocaine. Special anesthetic creams can also be used. After the injections, there may be slight redness and swelling on the skin for a couple of days. But soon everything will pass.

Precautions to take during the filler injection procedure

After the injections, the doctor will tell you how to care for your skin what not to do.

Advantages and disadvantages of fillers

Like any cosmetic procedure using medications, this one also has its pros and cons.

Positive aspects of using fillers

  • Possibility to correct the shape of the face.
  • Quick to use.
  • Smoothes out even the deepest wrinkles.
  • When using non-synthetic fillers, there are practically no allergic reactions.
  • Fully compatible with the human body, they do not “wander” under the skin.
  • Over time, they are easily eliminated from the body on their own.
  • When using fillers with hyaluronic acid, the skin receives excellent hydration as it independently attracts water molecules.
  • Availability in any season (spring, autumn, winter, summer).
  • They do not have any harmful effects on the muscles, so facial expressions do not suffer.
  • There is no feeling of tight skin.

Contraindications for the use of fillers

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • The procedure cannot be carried out if there are already permanent fillers under the skin.

Reviews from people who have tried fillers on themselves

I was very upset when, after 40 years, wrinkles began to appear on my face. No creams helped me. A colleague advised me to go to a cosmetology clinic. I thought I would have to go under the knife. it turned out that you can use injections with hyaluronic acid. This is an absolutely painful procedure. Now once a year I go to my doctor for injections and I don’t have any wrinkles.

Svetlana, 43 years old

I learned what facial fillers are from a friend. She boasted that she was in a cool beauty salon. Previously, her skin had many scars from chicken pox, which she had as a child. Now the surface of her face had a healthy appearance. Now I will also go to this salon, I need to remove wrinkles.

Veronica, 45 years old

I didn't like my chin. The clinic corrected it with the help of Juvederm filler. Now I am completely happy with my appearance. It's been more than a year since I became a beauty. In a few months it will be necessary repeat the procedure.

Evgeniya, 50 years old

Before going to a beauty salon to smooth out wrinkles, consider all the risks of the procedure. You shouldn't put yourself in danger for the sake of beauty. Consult your doctor about which drug is best to use. Ask the specialist for documents confirming permission to carry out the procedures. The clinic should have everything quality certificates on the drugs used. It doesn’t hurt to find out about reviews about the clinic where you are going to have injections. All this will protect your health and help you achieve the desired result.

2 3 4

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid not only smooth out wrinkles and skin folds. With their help, in just 20 minutes you can increase the volume of your lips and cheekbones, correct the oval of your face, eliminate the nasolacrimal groove and even smooth out scars. We studied the reviews and prepared the TOP 20 best fillers that will make your skin truly perfect.

The best fillers for nasolabial folds

The formation of nasolabial folds is a matter of time. Unfortunately, neither facial gymnastics nor lifting creams will help solve this problem. That's why we offer the best hyaluronic acid fillers that can quickly and safely eliminate nasolabial folds.

4 Hyalax Base

100% safe to use, instant action
Country: Austria
Average price: 15,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Hyalax Base monophasic filler is ideal for correcting nasolabial folds and smoothing facial contours, as it has a dense texture and contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The effect of its administration lasts up to 10-12 months, the concentration of the active ingredient is 2.4%. The main advantage of the gel is its high degree of purification. The filler is cleared of residues of essential molecules and proteins, which ensures 100% safety of its administration.

Hyalax Base viscoelastic gel can be used to fill wrinkles of varying depths, including medium and deep. The effect is noticeable immediately after the injection of the filler, but within 1-2 days small hematomas may form at the injection sites. Within 12 hours after the procedure with Hyalax Base filler, you will be able to fully use decorative cosmetics. The package of the drug contains 1 syringe, the volume of which is 1 ml. Pros: guaranteed safety, no cumulative effect, minimum contraindications.

3 Belotero Basic

Maintaining optimal pH balance, long-lasting effect
Country: Germany
Average price: 11,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The product from the German company Merz Pharma is designed to increase volume, change facial contours and eliminate wrinkles. Thanks to deep penetration into the nasolabial folds, the drug quickly and effectively eliminates hated wrinkles. Used for medium and deep layers of skin. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the composition includes a phosphate buffer, which maintains optimal pH balance. Belotero Basic visibly smoothes the skin texture and gives it elasticity. It also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. The uniqueness of the product lies in the special arrangement of hyaluronic acid molecules (cross). This provides the longest lasting effect.


  • visible result
  • effective fight against problem areas (nasolabial folds, etc.),
  • results up to 12 months,
  • good composition,
  • optimal cost.


  • side effects after the procedure (redness, etc.)

2 Restylane Perlane

The best skin hydration, the highest quality composition
Country: Sweden
Average price: 14,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Restylane Perlane is a Swedish corrector with active and long-lasting action. It consists of two main components: hyaluronic acid and sodium chloride, which is responsible for its distribution in the skin. The consistency is medium thick, easy to apply and leaves results for up to 1 year. After this period, it is completely eliminated from the body. Restylane filler is ideal for filling deep nasolabial folds, thereby giving the face youth and beauty. Has an intense moisturizing effect.


  • heals the skin,
  • effectively smoothes nasolabial folds,
  • excellent composition,
  • sterility,
  • administered quickly (within 30-60 minutes),
  • does not tighten, does not dry.


  • several days after the procedure, the client feels discomfort and pain in the areas where the drug was administered,
  • swelling for two days.

In the era of active development of cosmetology, an increasing number of women are asking the question - what is better: fillers, biorevitalization, mesothreads or Botex? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of procedure.

Cosmetic procedures




Eliminates deep expression wrinkles

Changes the shape of cheekbones and facial contours

Enlarges lips, buttocks


The result lasts up to 1.5 years

May move out of place if inserted incorrectly

There may be inflammation at the injection sites

Swelling and bruising persist for two days


Activates the production of collagen and elastane

Evens out the relief of the face

Improves blood flow

Has a prolonged effect

The procedure is carried out in several stages (3-6 times every 3-4 weeks)

Redness and swelling will last about two days after the session.


Eliminates sweating

There is no rehabilitation period

Creates an artificial facial expression

Blocks muscle function


Does not leave scars or scars

The procedure is carried out within 30-60 minutes

Gives a noticeable rejuvenation effect

Completely eliminated from the body

Contraindicated in many diseases (autoimmune, cardiovascular, etc.)

1 Princess Volume

Ease of administration, most effective results
Country: Austria
Average price: 10,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

High-quality Austrian filler is one of the most popular drugs for correcting nasolabial folds. The company has been on the market for more than 30 years. Excellent results combined with low cost make this filler one of the leaders in the rating. The product is distinguished by a special technology for the production of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the composition. This ensures safety and long-lasting effect. Suitable for people of any age. The administration procedure, according to customer reviews, is painless and does not cause complications, like most other drugs.


  • minimal side effects,
  • special production technology,
  • effective result
  • durability,
  • good price,
  • ease of use.


  • not detected.

Best lip fillers

Add volume to the lips, emphasize their contour and smooth out wrinkles - hyaluronic filler copes well with each of these tasks. To remain confident in the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, take note of the best drugs from our rating.

4 Revolax Deep

No swelling or inflammation, maximum natural results
Country: South Korea
Average price: 2,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Ease of use, absence of complications and immediate effect are the main advantages of Revolax Deep filler. It can be used to correct any area of ​​the face, but is usually injected into the lip area. The high viscosity and elasticity of the drug ensure its painless use, and the completely dehydrated hyaluronic acid in the composition eliminates the occurrence of swelling after the session. Side effects are also excluded: inflammation, peeling, hematomas, etc.

The innovative filler Revolax Deep adds volume to the lips and eliminates even vertical skin folds that appear in this area after 40-45 years. The duration of the result is 8-12 months. The drug contains a powerful anesthetic (lidocaine), which ensures a painless procedure. The standard volume of lip filler is 0.5 ml, but it can be increased if desired. Correction by a cosmetologist is sufficient once every 5-6 months. Pros: natural results, neat shape, correction of the corners of the lips.

3 Dermafill lips

Better flexibility, easy and even distribution
Country: France
Average price: 12,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

If you want to correct lip asymmetry or make them more voluminous, we recommend choosing Dermafill lips filler with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. The drug contains BDDE, which promotes long-term preservation of the results obtained. This filler is injected into the mid-deep dermis, therefore it gives volume to the lips, models their contour, eliminates wrinkles and improves hydration.

The key advantage of Dermafill lips filler is the patented Time-X technology. It is used during the production process, ensuring the purity of the drug and its resistance to degradation. This is one of the most flexible fillers, so when using it, the possibility of unnaturally excessive correction is eliminated. The drug breaks down gradually and evenly, so this period will be completely unnoticeable. Among the advantages of the filler: minimal entry of endotoxin, harmonious integration, easy distribution. The only negative is the high cost.

2 Juvederm Ultra Smile

Excellent value for money, hypoallergenic
Country: USA
Average price: 9,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The product of the American company Allergan is the undisputed leader among drugs for lip correction. This filler is based on biosentified hyaluronic acid, therefore minimizing the risk of allergic reactions. Recommended by a large number of specialists in the field of cosmetology. The drug is intended for enlarging and changing the shape of lips. It is very easy to use, so the procedure lasts only 15-30 minutes. The composition includes lidocaine, which provides painless sensations, and the auxiliary component phosphate buffer.


  • safety,
  • hypoallergenic composition,
  • high quality of the drug,
  • excellent result,
  • easy correction of lip shape,
  • ideal value for money,
  • the result lasts for a long time.


  • discomfort for several days.

1 Surgiderm 30XP

Better staying power, natural and beautiful lip shape
Country: France
Average price: 11,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Surgiderm 30XP filler has an important difference from competing products. It consists of hyaluronic acid of synthetic origin, which makes it completely hypoallergenic. Even people who have contraindications to this substance can safely use Surgiderm 30XP. The drug has an optimal consistency for easy administration and provides quick visible results. Special treatment of hyaluronic acid (three-dimensional matrix) makes this filler especially flexible and effective. Ideal for increasing lip volume. Gives them a natural and beautiful shape for the whole year. The procedure using this product can be performed from 18 years of age.


  • one of the most persistent
  • excellent consistency,
  • correct composition,
  • unique processing of components,
  • easy to use,
  • recommended by cosmetologists.


  • not detected.

Best eye fillers

With age, the skin around the eyes thins: fine wrinkles appear, the nasolacrimal groove becomes noticeable, dark circles and bags form. We have studied reviews from cosmetologists and prepared for you a rating of the best fillers that can cope with these problems.

4 Restylane Touch

Precise wrinkle elimination, compatible with other injectable drugs
Country: Sweden
Average price: 17,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

For targeted removal of wrinkles, rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes and filling of the nasolacrimal trench, we recommend choosing Restylane Touch. It is highly plastic, so the effect lasts up to 10-12 months. Rejection of this filler is excluded since it contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. A recovery period after injection under the eyes is not required; in the first 14 days after the session, it is enough to avoid physical activity and visiting the bathhouse.

The key advantage of Restylane Touch filler is its versatility. It can be used to eliminate fine wrinkles even in areas with branched vascular network. The final result after administration is noticeable 4-5 days after the session. This filler can be combined with other medications, including botulinum toxin injections. Pros: safety, stable effect, affordable cost.

3 Elance

The most lasting result, does not accumulate in tissues
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 8,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The filler for eliminating wrinkles under the eyes is based on the component polycaprolactone, which is actively used in classical medicine. It is absolutely harmless, does not cause allergies and is completely decomposed. Increasing collagen production has an effect on skin elasticity and youthfulness. It becomes smooth and acquires a beautiful healthy shade. It is considered one of the most “long-lasting” drugs - its validity period reaches 4 years. Does not cause serious side effects.


  • lasts up to 4 years,
  • does not accumulate in tissues,
  • does not have a negative effect on cells,
  • is completely eliminated from the body,
  • effectively fills wrinkles.


  • high price.

2 Style

Better efficiency, antioxidant effect
Country: France
Average price: 11,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The well-known company Laboratorie Vivacy presents Stylage filler for the area around the eyes with a unique composition. It includes the anesthetic lidocaine, as well as sorbitol, which has an antioxidant effect. Special technology ensures a special density of the drug, thereby minimizing side effects and allowing it to remain in the tissues for a long time. Duration of action is about 6 months. Stylage is particularly easy and precise to insert. Made from natural hyaluronic acid.


  • eliminates wrinkles in the area around the eyes,
  • affects both deep changes and more superficial ones,
  • excellent result,
  • harmlessness,
  • optimal price.


  • several procedures are required to achieve the effect,
  • side effects (hematomas, etc.).

1 Amaline SOFT

Finely dispersed structure, high filler stability
Country Russia
Average price: 8,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The domestically produced drug occupies a leading position among eye fillers. The finely dispersed texture of hyaluronic acid prevents the appearance of lumps and hard formations in the injection area. High viscosity increases the stability of the filler and ensures lasting results. Used to correct the area around the eyes and bridge of the nose. The effect lasts up to 10 months.


  • low price,
  • unique technology for processing hyaluronic acid,
  • excellent combination of components,
  • good composition,
  • visible result
  • high durability,
  • does not cause allergies,
  • beneficial effect on the skin,
  • Effectively smoothes both facial and deep wrinkles.


  • it is necessary to undergo a course of two procedures.

The best fillers for cheekbones

Clear, voluminous and symmetrical cheekbones - even after 40 years, this can remain a reality for you, but only when using high-quality fillers. Let's see which hyaluronic acid-based products are included in our rating.

4 Aquashine HA

Intense moisturizing and softening of the skin, eliminating asymmetry of the cheekbones
Country: South Korea
Average price: 4,200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the safest and most effective fillers used for cheekbone plastic surgery is Aquashine HA. Its administration takes 40-45 minutes, and there are no scars left after the procedure. A unique combination of low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid provides intense skin hydration. Additionally, the drug contains minerals, amino acids and vitamins: A, C, B, E and K. They cope well with the problem of age-related withering of the dermis. The result of administering the drug: returning lost volume to the cheekbones, smoothing wrinkles, increasing tissue elasticity.

A high efficiency index is the main advantage of Aquashine HA filler. This means that the visible result will be noticeable after the first session, and over time it will only increase. After injection, the skin visually looks more radiant, elastic and smooth. The main indications include: rosacea, hyperpigmentation, dehydration and ptosis. Pros: cumulative effect, fresh complexion, softening and moisturizing of the dermis. Cons: after the procedure, papules may remain, which disappear only after 7-10 days.

3 Glytone 4

Complex effect, replenishment of lost cheekbone volume
Country: France
Average price: 13,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Glytone 4 is the only filler that has a complex effect and allows you to solve several problems at once. It not only eliminates wrinkles and restores volume to the cheekbones, but also deeply moisturizes the skin, activates collagen synthesis and maintains the achieved effect for up to 24 months. This drug is completely safe because it contains the highest quality hyaluronic acid and a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of free radicals.

Another advantage of Glytone 4 filler is that there is no need for allergy tests. This means that it is suitable for all patients without exception. Acting in the inner layers of the dermis, the filler strengthens facial tissue from the inside. It can be injected to different depths, therefore ensuring a natural result without bruising or swelling. Pros: radically improves the condition of the skin, evens out the relief of the cheekbones and middle third of the face, completely breaks down without leaving marks. Disadvantages: filler injection must be carried out with special microcannulas, which are not included in the kit.

2 Sculptra

Activation of collagen production, leveling of relief
Country: France
Average price: 12,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

To change the shape of the face, enlarge and highlight the cheekbones, the French-made drug Sculptra is perfect. It has a unique composition that includes polylactic acid. This safe substance of non-animal origin is completely hypoallergenic. Its principle of action is based on activating the production of collagen, which is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. After administration of the drug, the face noticeably improves, the tone becomes mattified, and the relief is evened out. With this filler you can get bright, beautiful cheekbones almost painlessly.


  • minimal time investment (about 30 minutes),
  • the main component is completely eliminated from the body,
  • safety,
  • excellent result,
  • high quality,
  • proven effectiveness.


  • not detected.

1 Teosyal Ultimate

Best quality, compliance with international safety standards
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 14,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Swiss laboratory Teoxane brings to your attention its unique development. Teosyal Ultimate is universal because has a wide variety of applications. It is great for correcting the shape of the face, in particular enlarging and adding expressiveness to the cheekbones. The duration of the effect reaches 1.5 years. Good plasticity ensures easy administration of the drug and long-lasting results. The cost-effectiveness of Teosyal filler allows you to use only 1-2 injections to achieve the desired effect.


  • unique production technologies, thanks to which the product is permanently fixed in tissues,
  • economical consumption,
  • top quality,
  • quick noticeable results,
  • completely safe,
  • compliance with European standards.


  • not detected.

The best fillers for the neck and décolleté

Over the years, the condition of not only the skin of the face, but also the neck and décolleté area deteriorates. These areas are even more difficult to restore, so the best fillers must be used. See below for the rating of drugs that will help you.

4 Neuramis Deep

No side effects, elimination of obvious age-related changes
Country: South Korea
Average price: 3,300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Eliminate wrinkles and folds in the neck area, as well as even out the color and texture of the skin on the décolleté - tasks that Neuramis Deep filler successfully copes with. It contains peptides and highly flexible hyaluronic acid, which allows you to create the most natural forms. Two-phase purification of the active ingredient ensures the absence of side effects.

Neuramis Deep is available with and without lidocaine, the choice depends on the individual characteristics of the dermis. Both fillers are recommended for obvious age-related changes and loss of elasticity, as they restore moisture balance and increase skin density. The duration of the drug reaches 12 months. This is one of the easiest fillers to use, injected into the middle layers of the skin using ultra-fine needles. Pros: sterility, effective results, painless procedure. Cons: discomfort persists for 3-4 days after the session.

3 Revofil Fine

Excellent lifting effect, perfect skin after 1 procedure
Country: South Korea
Average price: 3,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The two-phase filler Revofil Fine will help restore lost volume in the neck and décolleté area. This is a transparent gel with high viscosity and elasticity. It is injected into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis, ensuring its hydration and rejuvenation. Ideal skin is the result of the first procedure, but to consolidate it, we recommend taking a course of 3-4 sessions. The duration of the effect reaches 10-12 months.

Revofil Fine is a filler with antioxidant properties. It reliably protects the skin from the negative effects of UF rays and free radicals. There is a cumulative effect, but its severity depends on the volume of filler injected. The drug package contains 1 syringe (1.0 ml), a 30G needle, labels and detailed instructions. Pros of the filler: it triggers the natural process of tissue regeneration, a noticeable lifting effect, an even and healthy skin color. Disadvantages: difficulty in distribution after administration, lengthy list of recommendations after the procedure.

2 IAL-System

The best prevention of age-related changes, elimination of wrinkles and sagging skin
Country: Italy
Average price: 4,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The drug IAL-System combines versatility, safety and effectiveness. It is ideal not only for correcting the face, but also the décolleté area. The main active component is synthesized hyaluronic acid without molecular bonds, which eliminates the signs of photoaging, deep wrinkles and laxity of the dermis.

IAL-System is the best choice for those who want to not only smooth out the skin of the neck and décolleté, but also increase its tone, elasticity and hydration. This filler is often used to prevent age-related changes. There are no restrictions on skin type, the recommended age category is 25+. To achieve excellent results, you will need to complete the full IAL-System introduction course, consisting of only 2-3 sessions. Pros: no recovery period, visible results after each procedure, no swelling. The only negative is the injection marks. They stay on the skin longer than other drugs.

1 Radiesse

The most long-term result, restoration of skin relief
Country: USA
Average price: 16,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Innovative dermal filler Radiesse is the secret of youth and beauty of your skin. Contour plastic surgery of the neck and décolleté area using it allows you to eliminate a wide range of age-related problems: wrinkles, folds, pigmentation, loss of elasticity, dehydration, etc. The high efficiency of the filler is ensured by calcium hydroxyapatite, which promotes the production of natural collagen. The result after administration lasts up to 1.5-2 years without correction!

Radiesse filler is injected into the neck and décolleté area, restoring skin texture and moisturizing it from the inside. Keep in mind that the result will be noticeable only after 2-3 weeks. The drug does not migrate in tissues, is evenly distributed and does not require constant correction by a cosmetologist. The pain of the procedure depends on the sensitivity of your skin; anesthetic applicators are used if necessary. Among the advantages: long-term results, without allergic reactions, absence of inflammation and bruises after the session.

Not only women, but also men dream of having ideal facial features. Unfortunately, not all people are naturally gifted with correct and beautiful appearance. Before the development of cosmetic surgery and invasive cosmetology, poor appearance was a death sentence for the rest of your life. However, today there are many ways to correct certain areas of the face and body. One of these methods is fillers, which are used in cosmetology to fill voids and visually increase the volume of a particular area.

Fillers are gel-like fillers that are used to correct tissue volume to a greater extent. Drugs in this group can be absorbable, having a temporary effect, or non-absorbable, permanent. Non-absorbable fillers are practically not used today. Refusal of them is associated with a high risk of filler migration due to age-related changes in the area of ​​its localization (the volume of muscle and fat tissue decreases, after which the filler flows into the resulting voids). The effect of the absorbable type of filler lasts for 6-24 months, after which a repeat procedure is required.

Depending on what area of ​​the body the filler is intended for, it may have different densities. This figure varies from 16 to 25 mg/ml. The density of the drug also depends on the material on which it was made.

There are:

  • Collagen fillers - bovine or human collagen is used to make the product;
  • Synthetic fillers - they contain synthetic components (mostly non-absorbable types of drugs);
  • Autofillers are made from the patient’s own fat tissue taken from other areas of the body.

The filler is administered using injections on an outpatient basis. As a rule, the result is noticeable immediately after the end of the manipulation. In this case, the resulting picture may be distorted by slight swelling, which disappears within a few days.

Note: Botox and fillers should not be confused. The first is a botulinum toxin, which in small doses can relax facial muscles and thus smooth out wrinkles. Fillers, in turn, replenish the missing tissue volume. It is obvious that both the goals and the mechanism of action of these means differ.

What are there

In general, fillers do not have clear differences in areas of application. However, practice has shown that the best results can be achieved if a certain type of drug is used on each part of the body.

Facial fillers

Facial fillers are mainly made from polycaprolactone, which is a complex of microspheres. The composition not only mechanically fills the necessary areas, but also acts in a manner similar to hyaluronic acid. Smoothing of wrinkles occurs due to mechanical stretching of the skin and as a result of the revitalizing effect of the filler. The drug is completely eliminated from the body within a year, but the collagen framework formed around the filler spheres continues to support the tissues in the desired position. Therefore, the duration of action of microsphere-based products significantly exceeds the time they remain under the skin.

Cheek fillers

Fillers are injected into the cheekbone area to replenish a relatively large volume of tissue. For this purpose, auto-compositions made from the patient’s own adipose tissue can be used. The procedure is used not only to smooth the skin, but also to return the rounded features of youth to the face. After the injection of filler, the volume of the cheekbones increases. The effect lasts for 1-2 years.

Lip fillers

Lip fillers almost always include hyaluronic acid. This substance attracts liquid molecules to itself, which allows you to make your lips plumper and more voluminous, reduce the size of nasolabial folds, and smooth out wrinkles. In addition, the acid stimulates the synthesis of proteins such as collagen and elastin, which give tissues firmness and elasticity.

Forehead fillers

The introduction of fillers into the forehead area is justified if it is not possible to smooth out wrinkles with botulinum toxin and pure hyaluronic acid. The volume of the drug required to correct one deep wrinkle does not exceed 0.5 ml. In this case, you should choose a product with a high degree of viscosity, intended for patients who have crossed the forty-year mark. This composition will allow you to achieve maximum and long-lasting effect. The manufacturer of the filler itself, be it the well-known juvederm or restylane, is not particularly important. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the skill of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the body.

Hair fillers

Fillers for hair restoration contain a large amount of amino acids, keratin, collagen and other compounds necessary for the health of the scalp. The drugs are administered using a non-injection method. The product is mixed with water, allowed to brew a little and distributed evenly throughout the hair. After this, the treated areas are covered with cellophane for 20 minutes, and after this period, rinsed with running water without using shampoo.

On what basis are there

As mentioned above, fillers can be made on various bases. There are five main chemicals that can be used by the manufacturer.

These include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • poly-L-lactic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • polymethyl methacrylate microspheres.

Each of these substances has its own characteristics, so they should be considered separately.

Based on hyaluronic acid

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid have all the properties of this component. The drugs promote the accumulation of fluid in tissues, mechanically fill voids, and also stimulate the production of own elastin and collagen. The combination of these properties makes fillers of this type the most popular and widespread.

Collagen based

Collagen fillers are an outdated version of these drugs, which have been in service with cosmetologists since the 70s of the last century. Protein obtained from cow, pig or human tissue is a cheap raw material. This ensures the low cost of the product. When it gets under the skin, such a filler, figuratively speaking, freezes, forming inactive complexes. The patient feels as if the treated area has become stiff. In addition, collagen-based fillers often cause allergic reactions.

Based on poly-L-lactic acid

Fillers based on poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) have a predominantly stimulating rather than filling effect. The filling effect that develops immediately after the drug administration procedure disappears after a few days. At the same time, poly-L-lactic acid stimulates the production of its own collagen, which fills the cavities. Fillers made with PLLA require 3-5 treatments to achieve the desired results. The result is a pronounced and natural filling effect. In cosmetology, poly-L-lactic acid is not often used, since salon clients want to achieve the desired effect after the first procedure.

Based on calcium hydroxyapatite

Calcium hydroxyapatite is the main building material for human bones. However, fillers include a synthetic variety obtained artificially. Preparations based on calcium compounds are the heaviest of all existing fillers. They are injected deep under the skin, distributed evenly over several days, and stimulate the formation of a collagen framework. The effect of using calcium hydroxyapatite lasts for an average of 9-12 months. This type of filler is indicated when it is necessary to fill large volumes in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. With shallow injection of the drug, white stripes or deathly pallor of the skin may appear in the treated area.

Based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres

Fillers consisting of polymethyl methacrylate microspheres also include bovine collagen. The drug has the consistency of a suspension. After injection into the skin, a collagen framework is formed around the microspheres, and areas of fibrosis are formed. The indication for the use of this type of filler is deep wrinkles. In practice, drugs based on polymethyl methacrylate are rarely used.

Note: polymethylacrylate is organic glass obtained from thermoplastic resin. The material is better known as “plexiglass”.

Filler injection procedure

The introduction of fillers is not a complicated procedure, however, it requires certain skills from the doctor. Before manipulation, the treated area is thoroughly washed with soap and then dried with a towel. Next, the specialist treats the skin with an alcohol antiseptic, which can be used as:

  • Ethanol;
  • Alfaseptin;
  • Betaseptin.

For pain relief, superficial or conduction anesthesia can be used. If you plan to introduce filler to a shallow depth, use a patch with lidocaine, which relieves the sensitivity of the skin and shallow layers of tissue. Before deep injection of large volumes of the drug, pain relief is carried out by injecting an anesthetic into the area of ​​the nerve innervating the required area.

Note: superficial application anesthesia is used to smooth out skin wrinkles, conduction anesthesia is used for contouring of cheekbones, nose, and lips.

The process of introducing the filler solution itself can be done using a cannula or needle. The first option is used for volumetric and deep interventions, the second - for superficial ones. Methods of administration vary depending on the goals set. The doctor can inject the solution pointwise, linearly, in the form of parallel or intersecting lines. Point injections are necessary to smooth out small individual wrinkles. Linear and cross injection are used when it is necessary to form a collagen framework and achieve a volumetric effect.

After completing the procedure, the specialist performs a light massage of the treated area. This allows the solution to be evenly distributed under the skin and stimulate healing. Aseptic and other dressings are not applied to the intervention site.

Rehabilitation period after the procedure

The rehabilitation period after injection of fillers takes 6-10 days. During this time, the patient may experience swelling, small subcutaneous hematomas, and minor pain.

During the rehabilitation period the following are contraindicated:

  • intense facial movements;
  • kisses;
  • visiting the bathhouse and sauna;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • any thermal and intense mechanical effects on the treated areas.

Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to put ice wrapped in a cloth on the treated area. Local exposure to cold will reduce swelling and bruising. The hypothermia time should not exceed 15-20 minutes. No other rehabilitation measures are required, including taking antibacterial drugs.

Pros and cons of this drug

Modern fillers have many positive qualities, including:

  • the possibility of correcting wrinkles and skin folds without extensive surgical intervention;
  • low risk of allergic reactions;
  • revitalizing effect of fillers based on hyaluronic acid;
  • no effect on muscle tissue, which completely preserves the patient’s facial expressions;
  • the procedure takes place on an outpatient basis, does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia, and is rarely accompanied by complications;
  • degradable fillers are absorbed within a year, so medical errors during their administration are not irreversible.

Unfortunately, even the most modern fillers have a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • inconsistent effect of fillers, annual repetitions of the correction procedure are required;
  • the risk of filler displacement, which can spoil the patient’s appearance for a certain period of time;
  • high risk of damage to blood vessels in the eye area when the procedure is performed by an inexperienced specialist.

Despite their shortcomings, fillers retain a leading position in the beauty market.

Duration and number of procedures to achieve results

The total duration of the filler injection procedure usually does not exceed 25-30 minutes. During this time, anesthesia is administered, zones are determined, and the drug is administered. Correction of fine superficial wrinkles requires minimal time. Deep correction and contouring can take up to 1 hour.

One procedure is not always enough to achieve results. If it is necessary to treat large areas, the cosmetologist conducts 3-4 filler injection sessions. The time interval between them is 3-4 days. During this time, the previous portion of the drug is absorbed and distributed, taking the position in which it will remain until it is completely absorbed.

Photos before and after the procedure

The result of filler injection is best assessed visually, based on photographs taken before and after the procedure.

Correction of the nasolacrimal groove and nasolabial triangle – left “before”, right “after”.

Correction of the shape of the cheekbones with fillers.

Lip shape correction

From the examples given, we can conclude that fillers sometimes allow for quite significant correction of facial features.

What is better, biorevitalization or fillers?

Many women wonder what to choose – fillers or a revitalization procedure. Meanwhile, the choice is not difficult if you understand the goals of each of these manipulations. Each of them should be considered separately.

  1. Biorevitalization is a method of saturating the skin with moisture by introducing hyaluronic acid into it. The procedure allows you to increase the moisture and tone of the skin, making it the same as it was in youth. In this case, correction of facial features is not carried out. The effect of the procedure is directed directly to the skin.
  2. Fillers are a way to correct facial features by injecting filler into the required areas. Modern drugs also have a rejuvenating effect due to the hyaluronic acid they contain. However, the purpose of their use is different.

As it became clear from the above, revitalization procedures and filler injections have different purposes. Therefore, the question of which one is better is incorrect.


Almost all medications have a list of conditions for which their use is prohibited. Fillers are no exception, contraindications to which can be absolute or relative.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • individual hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the components of the product used;
  • exacerbation of mental illness.

The list of relative contraindications includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • the presence of permanent fillers;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • age less than 18 years.

Of course, the procedure is not performed on patients with severe somatic illnesses accompanied by a significant deterioration in their condition.

Possible complications

When introducing fillers, complications develop extremely rarely, but this sometimes happens.

The most common complications include:

  1. Hematomas - bruises are formed when blood vessels are damaged by a needle, as well as when the patient has coagulopathy.
  2. Edema – the severity of edema depends on the individual characteristics of the body and anti-edematous measures taken after the intervention.
  3. Filler migration occurs when low-quality compounds are used, as well as when the patient violates the doctor’s instructions.
  4. Tissue infection occurs when the doctor fails to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
  5. Overcorrection (over-inflation) is the result of an incorrect calculation of the dose of filler by a specialist.

In general, fillers are a modern, relatively inexpensive and safe way to correct appearance and combat age-related changes. With their help, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles, change the shape of cheekbones, lips, and adjust the size of the nasolacrimal groove. If the rules of the procedure are followed and there are no contraindications, the use of fillers is not accompanied by complications that are characteristic of even a correctly performed surgical intervention! Therefore, changing your appearance with injectable fillers is the optimal choice for women of all ages.