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What is chronic recurrent pancreatitis. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Specific signs of the disease

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis is a disease that is accompanied by frequent attacks and leads to pancreatic dystrophy. In this article, we will talk about what causes relapses, what symptoms can be observed in a patient, and what treatment a doctor should offer.

Why is the disease returning?

A patient who has had mild pancreatitis feels healthy already at the 2-3rd week of illness. Therefore, many decide to return to their usual way of life. If at the same time sparing conditions for the gland are not observed, then a new attack will not take long. It is usually much heavier. After all, cell damage will be more active in a weakened body. So, the main reasons for frequent relapses are non-compliance with the protective regime. It includes a diet, frequent fractional meals, avoiding alcohol and smoking.

In addition to a disturbed diet, comorbidities can provoke a new attack of pancreatitis. The second most important factor initiating inflammation in the pancreas is a diseased gallbladder. The reasons for its inflammation are numerous. Stagnation of the secret, the formation of stones, their movement along the ducts, concomitant infection - all this provokes inflammation of the pancreatic tissue. Therefore, following a diet and following the regimen, you can still get a new attack. It is enough just to refuse the operation for the removal of the diseased gallbladder.

An ulcer or chronic gastritis are also excellent provocateurs of inflammation of the pancreas tissue. Untreated diseases of this area lead to increased acid secretion. It also stimulates the production of pancreatic juice. A bacterial infection of the stomach (Helicibacter pylori) can lead to a recurrence of the disease.

Frequent attacks of pancreatitis are characteristic of autoimmune processes. In this case, the cells of the pancreas attack their own body. Autoimmune pancreatitis is extremely rare.

Clinical picture

Recurrent pancreatitis is manifested by the following set of symptoms:

  1. The patient experiences constant pain in the left hypochondrium. They appear after eating. Sometimes the pain attack has a girdle character.
  2. Indigestion. The inflamed tissue does not have time to recover. Enzymes do not perform their function of processing food. Symptoms are manifested by nausea, bloating, vomiting, belching, flatulence.
  3. Chair disorders. In patients, constipation alternates with diarrhea.
  4. Dysbacteriosis. The processes of fermentation and decay in the body contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Imbalances in the gut can lead to severe infections. The first symptoms are fever and diarrhea.
  5. Weight loss. Disturbed work of the enzyme system leads to poor absorption of nutrients. The body lacks energy. Patients quickly lose weight. Against the background of frequent exacerbations, eating is associated with pain, which exacerbates the symptoms of cachexia.

The disease develops gradually. The clinical picture intensifies from attack to attack. In some patients, symptoms of soreness predominate, in others, digestive disorders progress. In any case, chronic pancreatitis gives the patient a lot of discomfort. Only a strict diet and proper treatment will help stop the process.


Spasmolytic treatment will help to quickly relieve pain symptoms. In the beginning, intramuscular means are used. Then you can switch to tablets (No-shpa, Drotaverine, Spazmeks).

To reduce the activity of the pancreas, treatment must be supplemented with agents that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. The complex of therapy necessarily includes the drugs Omeprazole, Pantoprazole. Also, to reduce aggression on the stomach, you can combine this treatment with taking antacids (Gefal, Maalox, Almagel).

The function of the gland is reduced, so the food does not receive proper processing. This contributes to the strengthening of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. In order for food to be digested well, it is necessary to take enzymes during each snack. Now there is a huge selection of these drugs. The most popular are Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim. The dose is selected by the doctor. Treatment with low doses will not be adequate. Enzymes partially take over the work of the oppressed gland.

Vitamins should be included in the complex of therapy. This appointment is especially important when the patient has symptoms of beriberi. And almost all patients with chronic pancreatitis come to this. Treatment should include injectables. This is possible for group B drugs.

In severe forms of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to prescribe Somatostatin or Octreocid. These artificial hormones inhibit the pancreas. However, drugs can only be administered in a hospital during an exacerbation.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is a problem faced by millions of people around the world. A special rhythm of life, poor nutrition, stress, unfavorable environmental conditions and other provoking factors lead to the development of gastrointestinal diseases of varying severity.

Pancreatitis is a common pathology associated with dysfunction of the digestive system. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas due to untimely activation of enzymes by the body.

This condition is dangerous because if the food is not properly digested, the tissues of the internal organs are damaged. In addition, comorbidities such as gastritis or irritable stomach syndrome occur. An ulcer may develop.

The peculiarity of the inflammatory process in the pancreas is that the pathology can proceed without visible symptoms for a long period. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is a dangerous condition. It cannot be stopped without taking a whole series. If characteristic symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pancreatitis has a separate ICD-10 code. It belongs to the group of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (class 11). The combination of K85 means pathology. Variants beginning with K86 are a chronic course of the disease.

The pathological process of biliary pancreatitis comes from two main forms: chronic and acute. You can read more about this.


This condition is the most dangerous. It often ends with internal bleeding. Therefore, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital and provided with medical care.


The state of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis is determined using various research methods. First, the patient is tested. This is standard procedure. The list includes a biochemical analysis of urine, blood and feces.

To select the treatment tactics in the clinic, it will be necessary to perform gastroscopy, ultrasound and radiography of the abdominal cavity. In difficult cases with exacerbation of pancreatitis, the most informative indicator is the result of magnetic resonance imaging.

In addition to instrumental research methods, a number of special tests are carried out that reflect the level of pancreatin, lipids and calcium in the blood. All patients diagnosed with pancreatitis are tested for glucose, especially those with diabetes.


Exacerbation of pancreatitis is an indication for hospitalization. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. First remove the pain syndrome. To do this, use antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen, paracetamol or diclofenac.

The patient is shown inhibition of proteases and kinins. For this, droppers are placed. Edema of the pancreas is removed with diuretics, after which the capillary network of tissues is restored with preparations based on heparin. In case of a threat of infection due to severe damage to the organ, antibiotics are prescribed. The list and the rule of admission are prescribed by the attending physician.

Pancreatic function is supported by enzyme preparations such as or Pangrol. Prevention of exacerbation of pancreatitis includes adherence to a diet and the principles of fractional nutrition. Almost always, during the remission period, the patient should take enzymes regularly. They are drunk in courses prescribed by a doctor.


People suffering from pancreatitis should constantly monitor their diet. Meals should be divided into 6-7 times. Small portions are a prerequisite for maintaining good health. The menu should be designed in such a way that it does not contain fatty, smoked, fried and spicy dishes.

It is better to give preference to dietary meat and poultry, vegetarian soups and cereals. As side dishes, it is recommended to use cereals and vegetables baked or stewed in water. Do not abuse sweets.

Avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee. It is useful to drink jelly, rosehip broth, weak tea and mineral water without gas.


The negative impact of the inflammatory process in the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis manifests itself gradually. The destructive effect of the disease leads to the emergence of a whole, such as ulcers, fistulas in the tissues of the organ, cystosis.

During an exacerbation, inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) is possible. Patients suffering from pancreatitis for a long time develop exocrine insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. In the case of frequent and severe exacerbations, the gradual destruction of pancreatic cells becomes the impetus for their mutation and the appearance of a malignant tumor.

Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the health of women suffering.

The remission period can last several years. When you follow the simple rules of prevention and a healthy lifestyle, the exacerbation of pancreatitis proceeds in a milder form and can be quickly stopped. Regular visits to the doctor increase the chances of detecting and curing the pathology in time.

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis, which has a microbial code of 10 K85.0, is a process that is accompanied by changes in the functions of the pancreas. It has a cyclical nature, which consists in the manifestation of periodic exacerbations. With this disease, as a result of changes in the structure of the pancreatic tissue, its secretory functions are violated.

The division of recurrent pancreatitis into acute and chronic is conditional, since the painful attacks that appear in a person within six months from the onset of the development of the pathology refer to the acute form, and after that - to the chronic one.

The main difference in the course of chronic pancreatitis is the onset of pain attacks much more often than in other forms of the disease. An exacerbation of chronic recurrent pancreatitis may be associated with severe symptoms. If the treatment is untimely, a number of complications may develop that will negatively affect the work of all organs of the human digestive system.

The recurrent course of chronic pancreatitis occurs as a result of the appearance of exocrine insufficiency. This means that the gland does not fully produce digestive enzymes. In the acute phase, a cyst is formed. It accumulates fluid, due to which it increases in size. This leads to compression of neighboring organs, which causes pain. In this case, there is a violation in the activity of the entire digestive system. In the case of progression of the disease, depletion of the glandular tissue, fibrosis, and replacement of pancreatic parenchyma tissues occur.

There are several types of the disease according to the classification adopted at the International Conference in Marseille in 1963:

  1. Stage of acute pancreatitis;
  2. Acute pancreatitis with the possibility of restoring the digestive organ;
  3. Chronic recurrent pancreatitis, characterized by incomplete restoration of pancreatic tissue;
  4. Obstructive pancreatitis, which is caused by a violation of the patency of the flow channel and the formation of stones;
  5. Non-obstructive chronic form of pancreatitis, which is characterized by functional or anatomical damage to the organ.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Today, the number of cases of manifestation of chronic recurrent pancreatitis is constantly increasing, as is the number of patients with latent pancreatitis. According to doctors, the main factor influencing the onset of the disease is the abuse of alcoholic beverages and the consumption of poor quality food. This contributes to the fact that the body is constantly exposed to poisoning. As a result, there is excessive activation of the pancreas.

In addition, there are a number of additional reasons that can provoke the development of the disease:

  1. Damage to the digestive organ by various strains of viruses;
  2. Concussion of the gland mechanically;
  3. Surgical procedures;
  4. The state of nervous tension, stressful situations;
  5. Spasmodic state of blood vessels;
  6. Muscular atrophy at the outlet of the pancreatic and bile ducts.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease

Sugar level

Symptoms of recurrent pancreatitis do not occur suddenly, but appear gradually, are of an increasing nature and cause concern only during periods of exacerbation.

The disease is characterized by a constant violation of digestion.

As a result of a violation of the functions of the organ, enzymes cannot break down food in full, as a result of which semi-digested food is excreted from the body.

Because of this, the patient's body does not receive the required amount of nutrients, patients in most cases lose weight quite a lot. Patients have frequent diarrhea, there is a deterioration in the condition every day.

Periodic sharp pains are the result of changes in the pancreatic ducts, which may include:

  1. Blockage by retention cysts - special neoplasms of the gland, the appearance of which is typical when there is a violation of the outflow of secretions;
  2. The appearance of foci of dead tissue (rather large postnecrotic cysts);
  3. Inflammatory processes of varying severity.

The disease develops with characteristic pain symptoms. During remission, patients feel dull pain in the left hypochondrium and in the epigastric region after each meal. Sometimes the pain is girdle and radiates to the back. In rare cases, the pain is directed to the chest, which resembles an angina attack.

Relief and reduction in the intensity of pain is possible in the supine position, with a bent back and knees pressed to the chest.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of this disease consists of a complex of medical measures, which include:

  1. Conducting a study using ultrasound, which captures the size and structural changes of the organ;
  2. Examination of the stomach and duodenum, as these organs are involved in the pathological process;
  3. CT, which reveals the presence of foci of changes in the underlying tissue, their location and volume;
  4. With the help of MRI, it is possible to visually determine changes in the ductal system of the gland;
  5. Biochemical blood test for the content of inhibitors of trypsin, lipase, diastase;
  6. A general analysis of feces, which will show the amount of enzymes in the intestine.

Stages of treatment

The main principle of treatment is the use of drug therapy, which will accompany the maximum recovery of the pancreas.

After it, it is possible to use folk remedies that help maintain the performance of the parenchymal gland and prevent subsequent relapses.

An important point in the treatment of chronic recurrent pancreatitis is the mandatory combination of drug treatment and adherence to a special dietary diet.

The main medical procedures for therapeutic exposure are as follows:

  1. In the case of a chronic or acute course of the disease, urgent and continuous aspiration of pancreatic juice is necessary, as well as intravenous administration of pharmacological preparations that provide a secretory decrease in gastric contents;
  2. If necessary, a certain amount of insulin is administered to the patient to avoid hypovolemic shock;
  3. To suppress gastric and pancreatic secretion and to relieve pain, inhibitors are introduced: Omeprazole, Esomeprazole and other pharmacological drugs;
  4. Enzymatic toxemia, which determines the severity of the disease, is eliminated by forcing doses of diuretics: Mannitol, Lasix and other drugs.

Possible Complications

In case of untimely seeking medical help, the following pathologies may appear:

  1. Jaundice. It appears as a result of the fact that the head of the pancreas, enlarged due to scarring, presses on the bile ducts. This prevents the flow of bile into the intestines. It accumulates and is absorbed into the blood;
  2. Compression of the portal vein, which carries blood to the liver. This leads to stagnation of blood in the walls of the stomach and esophagus, and causes varicose veins. Some vessels do not withstand, which leads to intense bleeding that can end in death;
  3. Violation of the intrasecretory function of the gland, which manifests itself in a change in carbohydrate metabolism, leading to the development of diabetes mellitus.

In some cases, complications may occur in which surgical treatment is indicated:

  1. with suppuration;
  2. False aneurysms, in which the cyst cavity communicates with the arterial blood flow;
  3. The appearance of inflammatory changes in the body, in which it is impossible to get rid of pain with the help of drugs.

Diet for sickness

The most important rule that must be followed at the stage of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is fasting and rest.

After pain relief, it is allowed to eat:

  • Soups from cereals and vegetables (without cabbage);
  • Various cereals;
  • Protein omelets;
  • Poultry, rabbit meat in the form of meatballs, meatballs, steam cutlets;
  • Dairy products are allowed to be eaten only fat-free, in small quantities;
  • Vegetables and fruits should only be steamed or baked.

Forecast and prevention

The possibility of a favorable outcome of the medical history depends on the patient's compliance with a number of preventive measures that can prevent re-exacerbation:

  1. Mandatory compliance with medical;
  2. Complete exclusion of the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  3. Implementation of all recommendations of the doctor;

In the absence of prevention and maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle, the disease can lead to serious complications and even death.

Chronic pancreatitis is described in the video in this article.

Sugar level

Recent discussions.

The pancreas is a vital organ involved in the production of hormones, responsible for the production of enzymes necessary for digestion. Improper nutrition, eating fatty foods, frequent alcohol intake cause inflammatory processes on the tissues of the pancreas, called pancreatitis in medicine. Often the disease occurs on a nervous basis, in conditions of constant stress and lack of proper rest. The development of pathology has a high risk of life-threatening complications.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two forms of pancreatitis - acute and chronic, which are divided into subtypes. Complications depend on the form of the disease.

Acute pancreatitis

It is characterized by the rapid development of necrosis in the pancreas. The body begins to digest itself, during the process tissue damage occurs.

The most dangerous complication of the acute form is necrotizing pancreatitis, sometimes leading to the complete death of pancreatic tissues. With such a pathology, other organs in the abdominal cavity often begin to suffer. Necrosis of the pancreas is manifested by severe pain, nausea, vomiting, high body temperature. In various medical classifications, it is divided into subtypes: sterile, infected, fatty, hemorrhagic, mixed, and so on.

Chronic pancreatitis

Half of people who have had acute pancreatitis develop a chronic form of the disease. This is a sluggish process leading to functional disorders of the pancreas, insufficient production of secretion and irreversible changes in the structure of the organ.

Varieties of the disease

In the medical literature, there are a number of options for classifying the described disease. Consider what the most popular looks like.

Subdivided in terms of origin:

  • If the disease initially develops in the pancreas, it is considered primary.
  • Secondary pancreatitis occurs against the background of other pathologies, for example, with a stomach ulcer, enterocolitis, cholecystitis.
  • Post-traumatic pancreatitis is the result of a blunt or open trauma to the pancreas, or surgery.

Chronic pancreatitis in medicine is usually divided into subspecies, which differ in the causes, symptoms, course of the disease:

  • infectious;
  • recurrent (recurring);
  • alcoholic (toxic).

Infectious pancreatitis follows hepatitis, mumps, and typhus.

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis is characterized by severe functional disorders of the pancreas. The difference in the form of the disease is in the frequent alternation of remissions and exacerbations, accompanied by severe pain. A repeated attack can be provoked by non-compliance with the prescribed diet, drinking alcohol, or taking medications. Note that chronic recurrent pancreatitis is often observed throughout the life of the patient.

People who are accustomed to drinking alcoholic beverages on an ongoing basis are more likely to develop toxic pancreatitis. Ethyl alcohol contained in alcohol produces a destructive effect on the pancreas, leading to inflammation. Under the influence of the factor, the disease often proceeds with severe hypertriglyceridemia, in patients an excessive amount of triglycerides is found in the blood.

Features of chronic pancreatitis in children

Unfortunately, chronic pancreatitis in children is common, occurring with peculiarities. The disease develops due to injuries, congenital anomalies, abnormalities in the work of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, and medication. The main problem is that a small child is unable to point out a disturbing sign. The disease proceeds without clear symptoms, in acute periods vomiting, nausea, acute pain in the abdomen, indigestion appear.


The most common causes of pancreatitis are:

  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress;
  • complication of diseases (cholecystitis, ulcers, etc.);
  • trauma;
  • dyscholia of the gallbladder.

Doctors believe that in most cases chronic pancreatitis develops as a complication of chronic cholecystitis.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis

According to the clinical picture, chronic pancreatitis is usually divided into forms: latent, polysymptomatic, pain, pseudotumor, dyspeptic. The pain form is characterized by constant severe pain.

In other cases, pancreatitis occurs without pain in the initial stages of the disease, the period lasts for several years. With an exacerbation, symptoms are observed:

  • pain syndrome under the rib on the left side;
  • the chair is broken;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • attacks of pain after eating fatty foods;
  • increased salivation;
  • dry mouth, belching, nausea, flatulence;
  • loss of appetite.

Violation of the pancreas affects the general condition of a person, causes severe discomfort. In the absence of normal digestion, an acute deficiency of essential substances in the body occurs.

For example, itching often occurs with pancreatitis. This is due to swelling of the pancreas leading to pressure on other organs caused by drug allergies.

The course of the disease is accompanied by hair loss, brittleness and separation of nails. If left untreated, partial baldness of the head is possible.

Complications and consequences of chronic pancreatitis

The described ailment is insidious in that during periods of remission, the symptoms recede, it seems to the patient at moments of enlightenment that the disease has been cured, and he returns to his usual way of life. Complications of chronic pancreatitis gradually develop, the list includes dangerous diseases.

The most common complications in patients are:

  • obstructive jaundice (develops due to a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder);
  • internal bleeding due to deformation of organs and the formation of ulcers;
  • development of infections and abscesses;
  • the formation of cysts and fistulas;
  • development of diabetes;
  • cancer formations.

In most cases, the examination reveals cysts that become a complication of chronic pancreatitis. They represent formations filled with liquid, are diagnosed in the process of ultrasound examination. In this case, surgical intervention is inevitable. Removal takes place with the help of laparoscopic surgery.

If earlier the disease occurred in the elderly, today pathological changes in the pancreas often occur in young people. Improper eating habits cause the pancreas to suffer and lose function. A chronic form of the disease develops, during which the pancreatic juice necessary for normal digestion stops being thrown into the duodenum. The situation leads to pancreatitis with exocrine insufficiency, the risk of developing diabetes.

In the absence of therapy, the disease is aggravated by other serious conditions, other pathologies develop. For example, due to deformation of the pancreas, atrophic pancreatitis occurs: the volume of the gland decreases, the production of secretion worsens. Often this disease becomes the last stage of toxic pancreatitis. It leads to a dangerous condition: atrophy of pancreatic cells occurs, the organ loses its functions, food ceases to be digested normally and the body begins to suffer from a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients.

Diseases of the pancreas also have a direct impact on the work of the autonomic system of the body. The pressure in pancreatitis depends on the form and stage of the disease. The chronic type is characterized by a systematic decrease in pressure. An increase often indicates a painful shock in this disease.

If pancreatitis is secondary, the situation is complicated by the fact that a person suffers from several diseases at once, which are interconnected and show similar symptoms. In this case, determining the root cause of the development of pathology is difficult. For example, often cholecystitis and pancreatitis occur together, where the first case is inflammation of the gallbladder, and the second is the inflammation of the pancreas. The symptoms are similar. Pancreatitis, which complicates cholecystitis, is manifested by severe girdle pain.

Running pancreatitis can turn into a severe form in which a person's life is in danger. As a rule, the process is accompanied by numerous complications - cysts, abscesses, internal bleeding.

Severe pancreatitis in half of the cases ends in death, as it causes disruption of the vital organs. In patients diagnosed with a severe form, breathing is often complicated, ultrasound fixes ruptures of internal organs, and an electrocardiogram shows myocardial infarction.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is impossible and even dangerous to make a diagnosis on your own in this case, since many diseases show similar symptoms and localization of pain (for example, gastritis and pancreatitis). For this purpose, it is important to consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis of the disease will avoid complications and serious consequences. Many turn to a gastroenterologist only when the disease is already unbearable, but this is required at the first sign of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. It is vital to seek medical help. The sooner you can pass the necessary examination, the more positive the prognosis for recovery.

At the initial appointment, the gastroenterologist will listen to complaints, examine the skin, tongue, and palpate the abdomen. To clarify the diagnosis, additional tests and procedures are required.

Pathological changes in the work of the pancreas are detected using research: urinalysis, general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, CTG. At the discretion of the doctor, additional studies are carried out, for example, a breath test, MRI, X-ray, etc.

The most indicative is a urine test for diastasis, the result of which indicates the level of a pancreatic enzyme that provides the breakdown of carbohydrates. The higher the urine diastasis, the stronger the inflammatory process. The norm is 64 units, with a disease, the numbers increase hundreds of times.

During periods of exacerbation, patients experience symptoms that may indicate myocardial infarction, to exclude it, an ECG is performed for pancreatitis.


Based on the set of indicators obtained, the doctor decides on the appointment of effective therapy, which is selected individually. Each doctor initially considers conservative treatment and only in extreme cases is ready to resort to surgical intervention. However, the choice of method directly depends on the condition in which the patient asked for help.

Consider the main principles of the treatment of chronic pancreatitis:


If using standard diagnostics it was not possible to identify the features of the pathology, or a diagnosis such as pancreatic necrosis or cystic pancreatitis was made, the doctor decides to perform laparoscopy. The operation is performed in a hospital, after which it is required to be observed by a doctor for some time.

This procedure is considered safe, painless, and no scars remain after the intervention. At the same time, laparoscopy is easily tolerated by patients and does not require long-term rehabilitation.

Folk remedies

In agreement with the doctor, it is permissible to treat pancreatitis with the use of traditional medicine. Burdock, which is popularly called "burdock", is very popular in the treatment of such a disease.

This plant is often perceived as a weed. However, burdock, due to its tannic, antimicrobial, analgesic, choleretic and many other properties, is indispensable in the treatment of pancreatitis. Burdock is a natural antiseptic.

Most folk recipes contain burdock root, from which tinctures and decoctions are prepared. To do this, take the root, collected before the leaves appear, grind, pour boiling water (500 ml per teaspoon), keep in a thermos overnight. During the day, the drug is drunk. A course of two months is recommended.

Not only the root has benefits. An antiseptic decoction is also prepared from the leaves. To do this, take the greens, washed, carefully chopped. Pour a couple of spoons of such gruel with a glass of water and bring to a boil. Drink chilled three times a day.

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms of which periodically occur throughout a person's life, which contributes to atrophy and necrosis of the tissues of the organ. As a result, the pancreas loses its functions, digestion processes are disturbed. The chronic form of pancreatitis most often occurs with improper treatment of the acute type.

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms of which periodically occur throughout a person's life, which contributes to atrophy and necrosis of the tissues of the organ.


Like acute, chronic pancreatitis develops under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Diseases of the gallbladder. When bile is thrown into the pancreatic ducts, chemical reactions occur that contribute to the accumulation of substances that stimulate the synthesis of digestive enzymes. Pancreatic juice, stagnant in the gland, gradually destroys its tissues. The organ swells, areas of hemorrhage appear.
  2. The use of alcohol, which has a negative effect on the pancreatic parenchyma.
  3. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The entry of intestinal contents into the pancreatic ducts occurs when the sphincter of Oddi does not work properly. Contribute to this gastritis and stomach ulcers, dysmotility or inflammation of the duodenum.
  4. body intoxication. Poisoning with toxic substances, waste products of helminths, and drugs are common causes of chronic pancreatitis. No less harmful is the consumption of products containing pesticides and chemical additives.
  5. Circulatory disorders. Occurs with atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, pregnancy, diabetes. Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients leads to the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas.
  6. Binge eating. In violation of fat metabolism, an increased amount of digestive enzymes is produced. If the pathological process takes on a relapsing character, the risk of developing pancreatitis increases many times over. The risk group includes people who prefer fatty and fried foods.
  7. Taking certain medications. The development of chronic pancreatitis contributes to the consumption of antibacterial, antifungal and hormonal drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, sulfonamides.
  8. Abdominal injuries. The development of pancreatitis is facilitated by surgical interventions in the duodenum, stomach, gallbladder, blunt trauma and abdominal wounds.
  9. Autoimmune aggression. As a result of allergic reactions, antibodies begin to be produced in the body, which destroy healthy cells. In autoimmune pancreatitis, the gland destroys itself.
  10. Infectious diseases. Chronic tonsillitis, herpes zoster, intestinal infections, hepatitis, mumps, purulent peritonitis and sepsis can lead to the development of recurrent pancreatitis.
  11. genetic predisposition. Some structural features of the digestive system that contribute to the development of pancreatitis are inherited.

Symptoms and course of the disease

Recurrent pancreatitis is characterized by an undulating course, in which periods of exacerbation are replaced by remission. The latter proceeds without symptoms or has mild, not characteristic of the disease, signs.

At the time of the first exacerbation, pathological changes in the tissues of the organ become pronounced.

The first signs of pancreatitis are:

  1. Pain in the epigastric region, radiating to the left hypochondrium and back, becomes encircling. Unpleasant sensations have a constant or paroxysmal acute character. Sometimes the pain radiates to the region of the heart, making it difficult to make a diagnosis. During the period of remission, it has a mild dull character.
  2. Signs of digestive disorders. These include nausea, vomiting, flatulence, loose stools, heartburn, and belching. Attacks of vomiting during exacerbation of pancreatitis are frequent, they do not bring relief. Prolonged constipation alternates with diarrhea. There are processes of fermentation and decay. Violation of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine leads to the depletion of the body.
  3. Jaundice of the skin and sclera. The skin of a patient with recurrent pancreatitis has a brownish tint and is characterized by increased dryness. Red spots may appear on the abdomen and back that do not change color when pressed.
  4. Atrophy of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in the region of the pancreas. Accompanied by moderate swelling of the epigastric region. On palpation, pain is felt in the left side, around the navel.
  5. Moderate enlargement of the liver and spleen.
  6. Manifestations of intoxication of the body - fever, general weakness, jumps in blood pressure.

Methods for diagnosing recurrent pancreatitis

It is not difficult to identify recurrent pancreatitis. For this use:

  1. Ultrasound of the pancreas. Helps to detect an increase in the body, heterogeneity of the structure of tissues, the presence of multiple neoplasms (calcifications).
  2. Fibrogastroscopy. During the procedure, the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum, which are involved in the pathological process in pancreatitis, are examined.
  3. CT. The method is used to determine the nature, volume and localization of changes in the parenchyma.
  4. MRI. Allows you to detect blockage of the pancreatic ducts.
  5. General and biochemical blood tests. Reflect changes characteristic of the inflammatory process, jumps in the level of enzymes.
  6. Coprogram. Helps to detect indigestion, determine the amount of enzymes entering the intestines.


Chronic pancreatitis is treated with both conservative and surgical methods. The therapeutic scheme is selected depending on the severity of pathological changes, the frequency of exacerbation, the presence of complications.

The operation is indicated for suppuration, blockage of the pancreatic ducts, narrowing of the sphincter of Oddi, tissue necrosis, pancreatic pseudocyst.

Replacement therapy

The replacement therapy scheme for pancreatitis includes:

  1. Enzymes of animal origin (Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon). Reduce the activity of the pancreas, unloading it. Some patients believe that the introduction of artificial enzymes disrupts the functions of the organ, but this is not so. Taking medications has a positive effect on the further functioning of the gland.
  2. Secretolytics (Omez, Omeprazole). Reduce the production of gastric juice, increasing the effectiveness of enzyme preparations.
  3. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spazmalgon). Pancreatitis is accompanied by an increase in pressure in the ducts, because of which a person feels severe pain. The drugs relax the tissues, eliminating discomfort.


During the period of exacerbation of recurrent pancreatitis, it is recommended to refrain from eating. After the condition improves, diet No. 5 is applied. Sour fruits, marinades, fried and fatty foods, spicy dishes, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet. It is allowed to consume fresh vegetables, dairy products, cereals, lean meat. Food is steamed, boiled or stewed.

Eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.


To prevent frequent relapses of pancreatitis help:

  • refusal of excessive physical exertion;
  • timely elimination of diseases of the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • exclusion of bad habits;
  • proper nutrition;
  • refusal to overeat;
  • exclusion of coffee from the diet.