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What does the name Jasmine mean? Career, choice of profession. Actors, celebrities, scientists, famous and famous people named

The name Jasmine is very beautiful, gentle and pleasant to hear. Despite the fact that it is considered primarily feminine, in some countries it is also used as a masculine one.

From this article you will learn the origin and meaning of the name Jasmine for a woman, and also read about the main character traits and fate of its owner.

History of origin

The name Jasmine originated in ancient Persia, where it literally meant “jasmine flower.” Otherwise, it was interpreted as “a gift from the gods” or “fragrant.” Another variation of this name is . Both versions sound differently in different countries.

Short forms of the name are Zhas, Jess, Yasmin, Yasma, Yasya. Another shortening option is the name Mina, which is also used separately. The name Jasmine is Muslim. This means that name days are not celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar. Nevertheless, it is widely used not only in Muslim countries, but also in Europe.

The talismans of the name that bring good luck to its owner are:

  • Patronizing zodiac signs - or.
  • Lucky colors are blue and white.
  • Talisman stones are garnet and jasper.
  • The plant that brings good luck is jasmine.
  • Patronizing planet is the Moon.

Temperament and fate

The girl named Jasmine is growing up stunningly beautiful. Since childhood, it has been impossible to take your eyes off her. The baby is very modest and obedient; her mother and father have no problems raising her.

At the same time, Jasmine is able to stand up for herself and protect her interests. She won't let anyone hurt her. Already from childhood, possessing inner strength and self-confidence, the girl involuntarily attracts both adults and children.

As a rule, a girl with this name is smart beyond her years. But, despite her seriousness, the baby is a very cheerful and cheerful child. She communicates very friendly with others, her manners speak of good upbringing.

The girl succeeds at school thanks to her hard work and determination. Behind a student's good grades are hours of hard work. At the same time, such a child often has various talents - for example, he can write poetry or draw well.

A girl's creativity is usually well developed. The child is often interested in attending acting clubs, singing or other amateur activities. Even here, Jasmine is used to working very hard to achieve success.

The baby is in very good health. She gets sick much less often than her peers, and she tolerates the diseases themselves very easily. The girl’s body remains so strong as she grows up.

Having matured, Jasmine retains her beauty and excellent manners. Her physical attractiveness gives her self-confidence. Nevertheless, the girl never uses her for personal gain, considering such behavior to be wrong and even vile. She is very kind and tolerant of people, there is no room for negativity in her thoughts.

Being well-mannered, the girl is never rude to others. She is able to communicate warmly and friendly with people of different social status, which her acquaintances highly value. The girl's character is calm and flexible.

Most of all, Jasmine values ​​harmony with herself and others. Despite the fact that outwardly she seems slightly withdrawn, the girl has a lot of friends. You can rely on such a person at any time; you can always trust her with your secrets and ask for advice.

Career and love

At work, Jasmine retains the perseverance and hard work inherent in her since childhood. Being a person who values ​​inner harmony, she rarely chooses a profession in which she often has to be nervous.

The girl is not used to working half-heartedly. She will do what her job duties require of her, sometimes even more. In the team, she has a reputation as a responsible employee; her bosses and colleagues really love and appreciate such an employee for her diligence and kindness.

Possessing an analytical and at the same time creative mind, Jasmine can find herself both in education and psychology, and in art. The girl is good at working with numbers, so the profession of an accountant is also perfect for her.

Thanks to her hard work and persistent character, such an employee often achieves heights in the company in which she works. However, she is not a careerist. Work never comes first in this woman's life.

Possessing incredible beauty and charm, Jasmine is able to win the hearts of many men from an early age. However, since childhood, the very ideal of a man whom she strives to meet throughout her life has been embedded in her head.

Such a woman is looking for a kind, decent, loving, faithful and reliable man. She will not forgive deception and betrayal on the part of her loved one. After such an act, Jasmine will stop all communication with this person.

Early or unexpected marriage is not for her. A woman chooses her life partner very carefully, not allowing herself to be controlled by sudden impulses of feelings. Having chosen a certain person, she becomes an ideal wife.

Such a woman will love her husband sincerely and selflessly. She, unlike many wives, will not sort things out through loud scandals. Being very balanced, Jasmine will never get irritated over trifles.

For her husband, such a woman is a godsend. She becomes for him not only a gentle and caring life partner, but also a good friend, always able to listen and give valuable advice.

Jasmine is a wonderful housewife; her home is always cozy and a delicious dinner is prepared. The husband of such a homely fairy always rushes home impatiently. A woman dotes on her children and is ready to devote all her time to their upbringing.

The beautiful name Jasmine gives its owner inimitable fortitude, self-confidence and harmony. Such a woman is kind and easy to talk to. She can become an excellent friend, an ideal wife and a caring mother. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

The common name Jasmine owes its appearance to Muslim culture and the flowering plant. Presumably, for the first time they began to call children this way on the territory of Persia. It is suitable for both girls and boys. The flowers of the bush of the same name exude an amazing aroma, so the meaning of the name Jasmine is “fragrant”, “jasmine flower”. There is an alternative option - “a gift from God.”

For Muslims in other habitats it has changed somewhat. Thus, Tajik girls are called Yesuman, and an analogue with the same meaning is also popular. Now the name Jasmine with its derivatives has become more common in Western countries.

Little Jasmine makes an impression self-confident, thoughtful child. However, her behavior often surprises adults. She is calm, does not make scandals, and has no habit of demanding attention from parents or others.

The girl fully corresponds to the meaning of the name Jasmine. Pleases with his academic achievements, independently solves many problems. Her peers respect her and listen to her opinions. Among his hobbies, he chooses intellectual games; he is of little interest in sports or active activities. He also treats needlework with a cold shoulder.

For those named Jasmine With age, new character traits are revealed. One of the main ones is persistence. Any plans will come true, and achieving goals is a priority in life. Peers of the same age are drawn to a charming girl, guys pay increased attention, trying to win the favor of their passion.

  • There is always creativity in her life.
  • Attaches great importance to self-development.
  • He enjoys dancing, singing and painting.
  • At school he becomes a leader, without losing his position until the end of his studies. However, he quickly becomes an authority figure in new companies.

Few friends move into the category of close friends. A girl named Jasmine has clear ideas about the decency of people, as well as the universe. The character becomes somewhat tougher as they grow older, but charisma and the ability to interest the interlocutor in the first minutes of the conversation remain faithful companions.

Despite the apparent openness, he hides real emotions inside. Therefore, she experiences failures for a long time, falling from the pedestal of everyone’s favorite.

Self-esteem also suffers from negative reviews; an analytical mindset leads to constant analysis of behavior and actions from the past. Only in middle age comes calmness, the ability to perceive oneself without obsessive self-criticism.

Career, choice of profession

For a woman named Jasmine, there are practically no barriers.

Jasmine van den Bogaard (British singer, Open Mic UK winner)

  • She climbs the career ladder rapidly, tightening the rules for herself and her subordinates.
  • There are failures, but after surviving an emotional outburst, the businesswoman resolves all the issues that arise, benefiting from it.
  • Colleagues listen to her opinion, on work or personal matters - it doesn’t matter.
  • Jasmine stands firmly on her feet, based on a wealth of experience, knowledge, and the support of others.
  • The most likely area of ​​activity is own business, leadership positions in large companies, state enterprises.
  • Likes to receive awards that are confirmation of strength and developed intelligence.

Family, love

Unlike the work environment, the house for the housewife named Jasmine is a fortress, a place for solitude. The woman regularly puts things in order, but does not neglect help. She prefers modern interiors and fashionable trends in home decoration. In old age, he acquires a private home and acquires four-legged pets. She cooks well and happily treats her family to delicacies.

She gets married closer to her thirties. The wife chooses carefully, checking the man more than once.

The name Jasmine goes with, Boris,

  • A talisman with jasper will give you peace of mind, give you strength, and protect you from the evil eye.
  • In another science, 7 is what the name Jasmine means in numerology.
  • The lucky animal is the fly.
  • The beautiful female name Jasmine is of ancient Persian origin. The meaning of the name is translated into Russian as “jasmine branch”, “jasmine flower”, in a figurative sense - “fragrant”, “gift of the gods”. In each country the name sounds differently. Its peculiarity is that it can be either a female or a male name.

    Character traits

    Little Jasmine grows up to be a modest and docile child, but by no means weak-willed. From an early age she knows her worth and, if necessary, can stand up for herself. He doesn’t strive for everyone’s attention, but still, willy-nilly, he finds himself in the crosshairs of those around him. She is very beautiful and the girl knows it. Actually, external attractiveness is what her self-esteem is based on.

    In communicating with other people, you can see the patience and forbearance of the owner of the name. Jasmine is well-mannered, so she never says anything rude to a person, does not flatter her, or stoops to banal hostility. She is not one of those who is frightened or burdened by her own loneliness. But at the same time, people love her very much. It is difficult to remain indifferent to this beauty with a strong spiritual core. She perfectly combines an analytical mind and great creative talent.

    Another undoubted advantage of Jasmine is her strong, reserved character. She is constant, kind and friendly. But the doors of her soul are open to only a few. He takes a stranger very seriously, so he tries to maintain some distance when communicating with him. To people who don’t know her well, she may even seem like a prude, and only her family and friends know how soft and romantic the girl is, how subtle and lyrical a person she is. It's easy to communicate with her and you can always rely on her.

    Jasmine values ​​material comfort very much, but it never displaces friendship and commitment from the pedestal of her values. Being a somewhat materially oriented person, she strives to get the maximum benefit from what she does. The learning process gives her great pleasure. This personality has a very strong craving for everything new, and the secret of the name contributes to this. A woman is sometimes inconsistent and sometimes lacks patience in achieving her goals. And she is not always ready to work hard and persistently to obtain the desired results.

    Hobby and profession

    Jasmine is a very responsible and conscientious worker. She often chooses a profession in education or art. Can devote himself to linguistics or psychology. She makes an excellent historian, writer, veterinarian, ecologist, art historian, music teacher, pastry chef and librarian. She loves to sing, dance, and also write poetry.

    Love and family

    Jasmine is not one of those women who can forget about everything around and give in to unbridled passions. She won’t surprise anyone with an unexpected wedding either. A girl with this name takes her choice of husband very seriously. She has the same approach to family life in general. She must see that she and the man have common interests and principles, and that he can adequately support his family.

    In relationships with her loved ones, Jasmine is always affectionate and attentive. She is an excellent, diligent housewife and caring mother. The husband may lack temperament and sensuality in his relationship with her, but otherwise he has nothing to complain about.

    The Persian name Jasmine means “fragrant”, “jasmine flower”, “jasmine”, “jasmine branch”, “gift of the Gods”.

    The name Jasmine has variations.: Jasmine, Yasmin, Yesuman, Yasmine, Hasmine, Zhazhmin, Yosuman, Jesmine, Jasmina, Jelsomina, Yazmin, Zhesmi, Yasmine, Zhazhmina, Yasmiina.

    Diminutive or endearing The name Jasmine is pronounced as: Yassi, Jelsina, Mina, Minuccia, Minchen, Minina, Minnie, Jasminka, Min, Yasminka, Mimi, Jelsa.

    Little Jasmine has exemplary behavior, she is an obedient and modest girl. The girl has a strong character and will not let herself be offended. She is growing up to be a sociable, sweet and friendly, yet serious girl. At school, Jasmine studies well because she is diligent and has good mental abilities. Jasmine is born with excellent health, but it needs to be strengthened by not very active sports, dancing, morning exercises or early running. Jasmine’s parents are advised to pay attention to their daughter’s rational and regular nutrition, and to protect their daughter from increased nervous and physical stress.

    The girl grows up beautiful and attractive, so many boys are in love with her, although she makes no effort to do so. Every year the girl becomes more beautiful, she grows up to be a beauty and knows it. Beauty makes her proud, so Jasmine develops qualities inherent in many beauties - condescension and tolerance towards others. Good upbringing does not allow her to be rude to people or treat them badly.

    Adult Jasmine Many people are not indifferent to her person, because she is a beauty with a strong and romantic character, but a soul closed to outsiders. She treats strangers with distrust; meeting her on the street is unrealistic. Among close people and relatives, Jasmine feels safe and opens up like a flower, completely; she jokes, plays pranks, sings, has fun, sympathizes, helps. She is a soft and reliable person. Jasmine desires material wealth, but this is not a priority in life for her. Friendship, duty to family and loved ones are above all else for her. Jasmine is a gentle woman, loves poetry, writes poems herself, but recites them only to very trusted and close people. Jasmine has analytical thinking and at the same time a creative streak, but doing business can be detrimental for her because she does not have enough patience and consistency, although she is distinguished by constancy and strong character. She is a responsible and hardworking woman, thanks to which she persistently climbs up the career ladder. Her career luck will increase even more if she learns to plan and consistently implement the plan in her professional life.

    Jasmine does not strive to get married quickly; she takes a long time to choose a worthy husband for herself, because this is such a serious step in her life. She can refuse a bunch of suitors because they do not have sufficiently high moral qualities and material security. She is happily married if she can choose the right husband. Jasmine is a good wife and loving mother.

    Jasmine can succeed in the profession psychologist, pastry chef, writer, ballerina, historian, music teacher, linguist, art critic, veterinarian, librarian, ecologist. She can have success in science, philosophy, art, religion.

    Jasmine is compatible in a couple with Albert, Akhmet, Boleslav, Vilen, Valentin, Demid, David, Timofey, Alexander, Mikhail, Denis, Yakov, Radik, Rodion, Platon, Roman, Ulmanas, Yaroslav, Cheslav, Shamil, Edgar.

    Jasmine is incompatible in a couple with Stepan, Christian, Caesar.

    Name Jasmine is a symbol of reliability. A person always knows exactly what needs to be done right now. Such people enjoy well-deserved authority even at a young age. Over time, this personality trait acquires a clear direction under the influence of life circumstances. The chosen type of activity becomes an area of ​​application of opportunities precisely as a person on whom you can always rely. Sometimes it takes all physical and moral strength to maintain this status.

    Origin of the name Jasmine

    The name Jasmine has a variant pronunciation of Yasmin, which is used not only in Muslim countries, but also in some European countries, with slight variations - Yazmin, Yasmin, Yasmein, Yasmin, Yasmiina.

    In Europe, the name Jasmine will also be pronounced in different ways - Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Zhazhmina, Jasmina, Zhazhmin, Jelsomina, Jasmina, Zhesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, each country has its own version. Thus, among the Tajik people you can find the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of the name Jasmine.

    The name Jasmine can be either a female or a male name.

    The diminutive Mina is also an independent name.

    Characteristics of the name Jasmine

    Little Jasmine is an example of a modest and flexible child. However, one should not think that he is weak-willed. The girl knows how to stand up for herself well and even in childhood knows her worth.

    Although Jasmine has no desire to attract attention to herself, she does it involuntarily. Both children and adults are drawn to this girl, thanks to her intelligence and friendly manner of communication. In any society, Jasmine is valued for her inner strength and seriousness.

    Outwardly, Jasmine is extremely attractive. This is clearly noticeable in childhood, and as she grows up, the girl becomes the first beauty. Jasmine is aware of her beauty, and this is the basis for her self-love.

    She treats other people tolerantly and condescendingly. Being well brought up, the girl never breaks into rudeness or hostility.

    Having matured, Jasmine still attracts people to her. No one can remain indifferent to this beauty. In addition, the girl can boast of a strong character. Jasmine will not let just anyone into her soul.

    She keeps unfamiliar people at a distance, treating them too seriously. But in the circle of family and friends, he is the softest and most romantic person you can imagine.

    She is easy to communicate with and very reliable. Jasmine strives for material comfort, but does not prioritize it over friendship and obligations. A woman with this name is gentle and loves to write poetry, but only those whom she allows into her personal space will hear them.

    Little Jasmine is a joyful and cheerful girl and at the same time endowed with genuine modesty and obedience. She is a harmonious child and easily goes through all stages of growing up.

    One can note her not childishly serious attitude to life, which does not at all prevent her from enjoying life. It is also interesting that her modesty and obedience do not prevent her from defending her own opinion. Jasmine will not allow herself to be offended. She boldly and persistently defends her interests.

    Studying is quite easy for Jasmine, especially the creative component. Jasmine often finds herself involved in various amateur activities, and may even be seriously involved in theater, singing or something similar.

    In her hobbies and studies, the girl shows herself to be a hardworking and purposeful person. Behind her successes are often many hours of hard work.

    Jasmine's health can be called strong. She rarely gets sick, and if she does, she tolerates the illness easily. It is worth noting the natural beauty of the owner of the name. Jasmine remains healthy for many years. All this, of course, does not mean that you can neglect preventive measures or let everything take its course.

    The secret of the name Jasmine

    This name does not have an exact meaning. It came to us from the East and is just beginning to become popular. Many people believe that Jasmine is related to the flower of the same name. And in some countries this name is used not only for women, but also for men.

    Most often, Jasmine has incredible beauty, she attracts people to her. At the same time, such a woman loves herself and knows her worth.

    But in relationships with others, she often does not show her true colors and is tolerant of their shortcomings. She is discreet, constant and has a strong character.

    Jasmine does not see the goal of her life to start a family and find a husband. She will think several times about giving consent to the marriage. This step is the most important and responsible in this girl’s life.

    The ideal partner for Jasmine would be a rich and highly spiritual man. In marriage, Jasmine becomes an exemplary mother, but lacks passion.

    The meaning of the name Jasmine can be easily determined by the number 7, which indicates that its owner has abilities in science, art, philosophy, and religion.

    But in many ways, Jasmine’s success depends on how well she can plan her activities and follow the formed plan. Very often she chooses the profession of a teacher or strives to occupy a leadership position.

    Jasmine amazingly combines a penchant for analytical thinking and creativity.

    However, she needs to be very careful when deciding to go into business, since such activity may be fraught with some risk, again, due to the fact that Jasmine is inconsistent and impatient - she will not always be able to reach the goal, spending a lot of effort.

    As a child, Jasmine has an easy-going character, but she cannot be accused of being weak-willed. She can take care of herself. Children are drawn to Jasmine and appreciate her seriousness and inner strength. Moreover, Jasmine is also attractive in appearance. By the way, because of this she can be extremely proud.

    As for the main qualities, strength of character is one of Jasmine’s advantages. She is very secretive and will not open her soul to a person she does not trust. But in the circle of family and friends, she behaves as openly and naturally as possible.

    Jasmine often engages in creative activities: singing, dancing, writing poetry. At the same time, she always strives for material comfort, and therefore tries to benefit from her activities.

    However, universal human values ​​for Jasmine are undoubtedly more important than money, and she will prove this more than once throughout her life. Professionally, Jasmine is very successful.

    As a worker, she is conscientious and diligent, reaching career heights thanks to her hard work. But despite the fact that Jasmine initially has very good health, she should avoid activities associated with excessive nervous and physical stress.

    Jasmine always approaches the choice of a husband very carefully, and therefore she is most often happy in marriage. She herself manifests herself in family life as an excellent housewife and mother.

    The name Jasmine is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20.

    Taurus will reveal all her positive qualities in the owner of this name, making her a simple, intellectually developed, expediently decisive, reliable woman who does not like intrusion into personal space, a slightly pragmatic woman with the gift of an observer and an aptitude for poetry.

    Pros and cons of the name Jasmine

    What are the pros and cons of the name Jasmine? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, gentle, rare and unusual name that can distinguish its owner from any group. But parents choosing a name for their daughter should pay attention to the fact that the name Jasmine does not go well with Russian surnames and patronymics (you must agree that Jasmine Igorevna.

    Blagoev does not sound very nice), in addition, it is difficult to find euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms for it (the only option is the diminutive Jasminochka).


    Jasmine's health is good, however, she should maintain it with moderate physical activity (for example, dancing and daily jogging), and also pay attention to her diet.

    Love and family relationships

    Jasmine enters into family relationships after much thought and difficult selection. As a rule, she does not rush headlong into love, but treats relationships seriously and with restraint.

    Jasmine chooses a highly moral man with the prospect of material security as her life partner. In marriage, she shows herself to be a good housewife, a caring wife and a gentle mother, but sometimes her husband lacks her temperament.

    Professional area

    As for the professional sphere, Jasmine turns out to be a very hardworking and responsible worker. She can become a good historian, linguist, writer, psychologist, veterinarian, ecologist, art critic, music teacher, pastry chef, ballerina, librarian.

    • Planet - Moon.
    • Gemini.
    • Totem animal - Seahorse.
    • Name color - White.
    • Tree - Lily.
    • Plant - Jasmine.
    • Stone - Garnet.

    The number 4 also occupies a special position in numerology because it has a certain influence on human destiny.

    This number, mystics say, invisibly stimulates a person to accomplish important deeds and selfless acts. What is the meaning of number 4 in numerology? It attracts luck and increases potential opportunities. In a word, the four reliably maintains life balance.

    There is an opinion that those people who often get combinations with a four in life (for example, 44, 444, 4444 and similar numbers) can consider themselves lucky. After all, fate in such an intricate way reminds the lucky one that he is protected and supported by higher powers.

    You can talk for a long time about the meaning of the number 4 in numerology, how many common things are connected with it. But one thing is for sure: it has a huge impact on a person.

    Compatible and incompatible numbers

    Of course, the number 4 is not the only one in numerology, since there are other interesting representatives in the series of numbers. What kind of relationship did the four have with their neighbors? Let's try to figure it out.

    The relationship with the unit clearly does not work out. Poor compatibility in love and different life rhythms have an effect. The four is irritated by the excessive activity of the one. She doesn't like the rapid change of events either.

    But doing business together with a combative neighbor is quite possible. With a deuce, the prospects are more encouraging; with her you can get an excellent alliance. But someone has to be the first to take a step forward.

    What is a union of three and four? This is spontaneous initiative versus balanced caution. It's hard to find common ground! A couple of fours is reliable stability. In rare cases, they can create a motionless duet.

    Sometimes it can be very difficult for them to walk through life together. Five loves change, but Four is disgusted by it. Therefore, their union is doomed to misunderstanding and conflicts. Six will make excellent company. There is complete compatibility and harmony here.

    The four have a lot in common with the eight. They will always find common topics and easily carry on dialogue. Together they will be able to achieve a lot, both in the material field and in business. Partners must trust each other, then misunderstandings will evaporate.

    With Nine, everything is not so simple: on the one hand, a strong union is possible, but on the other, there is a possibility of very rapid separation. Nine is a dreamer, and four is a materialist. It is very difficult for them to be together, although they often become close for a long time.