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Year of the hare characteristics. Negative qualities of the sign. Love and relationships

If according to the Chinese horoscope the man is a Rabbit (Cat), he is a typical gentleman. He always knows how to behave to impress people. But those around him must clearly understand that he is not doing this intentionally, and his elegance and excellent manners are not at all designed to attract attention and seduce. This is just a “side effect” of his behavior, which, however, he really likes.

As the horoscope says, another feature of the Rabbit man’s characteristics that ensures his constant success (especially among the fair sex) is the distance that he constantly maintains in relationships with others. This turns him into an extremely mysterious person. Any woman dreams of shortening this distance and unraveling the secret that hides in his soul. His imaginary coldness is also tempting for them, under which, however, great sensuality and passion are discerned. Only when you get to know him better will you see that he is a romantic person, often completely unadapted to modern realities.

He has a trait that is extremely rare in men - the ability to listen, and thanks to it, he skillfully seduces women. An excellent listener, he prefers to listen to stories about other people's problems than to talk about them himself.

Rabbit man in love

The rabbit does not consider it shameful to show his feelings and readily admits that he cannot live without love. Representatives of this sign have great difficulty coping with loneliness, but they do not throw themselves into all kinds of troubles, do not shy away from a varied social life, but they like to surround themselves with people they know well. They prefer an intimate evening at home rather than a party in a trendy club.

The characteristics of the Rabbit man are such that he is not interested in temporary relationships, he is looking for a woman who is destined for him by fate. And if he finds her, he is ready to throw the whole world at his feet. But in order to fully open up to another person, he must feel that he is truly loved and accepted completely with all his strengths and weaknesses.

He does not fall in love quickly; he prefers to get to know his partner well before admitting his feelings.

The man of the year of the Rabbit believes in love for life, until death. The Cat man experiences failures in love very strongly and takes a long time to heal his wounds. The price of his disappointment may even be the deepest depression, because the breakup is very, very painful for him.

Rabbit man in sex

As the Rabbit's horoscope assures, his sexuality is not deliberate, but hidden behind a veil of some detachment and coldness. However, women read it, and it worries them very much. As a lover, the Cat is very charming. This is a sensitive, gentle and vulnerable dreamer who wants a quiet life together, but is ready to share moments of ardent passion with his partner.

Horoscope: Rabbit man in a permanent relationship

As a rule, from the very beginning of a permanent relationship, the Rabbit man strives to create a family, so he becomes a husband quite early. However, we must admit that everyday communication with him is not as idealistic as it might seem. Despite the sincere love and loyalty that he bestows on his chosen one, he has many shortcomings. Thus, the character of the male Rabbit, as the horoscope warns, is quite complex. He has a hard time compromising and wants everyone to give in to him in everything. Sometimes he behaves like a pampered child, is unreasonably capricious and demands that his whims be satisfied. And you shouldn’t hope that the situation will change. The fact is that he does not see anything bad or unworthy in his behavior, and he is so confident in himself that it seems to him that these whims and mood swings add charm to him, turning him into less predictable and boring. Of course, loved ones have a special opinion on this matter, but they have no other choice but to pretend that the mood of the partner of the year Rabbit does not bother them at all...

The rabbit cannot stand claims and quarrels, for the sake of peace it will sit quietly, become henpecked and patiently endure all the antics of its partner. Therefore, keeping a Rabbit husband is relatively simple. But only for the time being! If at some point he decides that this is destroying his intellect, his personality, he, to everyone's surprise, will leave without any words.

  • When thinking about how to attract a Rabbit man, you need to remember that this is a man who doesn’t just look at you and your charms, but listens to what you tell him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also say something smart every time you open your beautiful lips.
  • To win a Rabbit man, you can calmly offer him an evening together at home. He will happily accept an invitation to dinner with your friends, especially if there is an interesting discussion to be had.
  • Cooking together can also help you, because Rabbits have innate culinary talents.
  • Respect his artistic tastes, even if you have to suffer a lot at evenings of experimental poetry.

It is worth fighting for the heart and love of a male Rabbit, because if he finds a soul mate in you, you will turn into the center of the Universe for him.

Water Rabbit

Wooden Rabbit

Fire Rabbit

Earth Rabbit

Metal Rabbit

Water Rabbit

Wooden Rabbit

Fire Rabbit

Earth Rabbit

Metal Rabbit

Water Rabbit

Wooden Rabbit

The rabbit is the feminine yin principle, the 4th triangle (Rabbit, Sheep and Pig), the element of wood.

The rabbit embodies generosity and caring for others. A born healer, he prefers to avoid confrontation, but is not a coward; in extreme situations he is capable of heroism and courage. The rabbit is dependent on the environment, conditions of upbringing and birth; success directly depends on the environment and the attitude of others. She is distinguished by sensuality, healthy natural instincts, and high sexual temperament. A gentle partner, rarely ambitious, will prefer to wait for a successful combination of circumstances, which often happens. Responsive and kind in close relationships, the Rabbit is a wonderful lover, a family man who values ​​comfort and has difficulty enduring scandals and troubles in his personal life. Rarely poor, a favorite of any society.

Positive qualities of the sign

A good friend and sensual lover, has good manners, loves to communicate, knows how to create a subtle connection with another person. Outwardly, he is always elegant, kind in communication, and helps people in distress. A lucky and positive sign.

Negative qualities of the sign

A superficial attitude towards people and events, as well as extreme selfishness, often spoil the character of this sign. Whims and demands on living conditions interfere with equality in partnership. He is prone to excesses, indulges his weaknesses and shows weak character where volitional effort is required.

In the year of the Rabbit It’s good to travel and relax a lot. New types of recreation, training and communication will bring joy and profitable connections. A good year for the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep and Monkey. Busy year for Rats. Neutral period for the Ox, Tiger, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Celebrities of this sign

Confucius, Queen Victoria, Elena Obraztsova, Walter Scott, Edith Piaf, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Orson Welles, Marie Curie, Lewis Carroll, Garry Kasparov, Fidel Castro, George Orwell, Roger Moore, Eva Peron, Prince Albert, Vlad Listyev, Henry Miller , Mikhail Bulgakov, David Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Elena Blavatskaya, Nikolai Zabolotsky. Actors: Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Efremov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Jason Isaacs, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Alexander Domogarov, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Milla Jovovich, Marion Cotillard, Drew Barrymore.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Rabbit (Cat)

He is distinguished by his desire for a calm family life, but he is often difficult to understand for loved ones. The Water Rabbit is not very constant in his feelings and is not consistent in his actions, so he is difficult to understand and get to know well. He does not like difficulties, prefers to look for workarounds, and is resourceful when necessary.

Green Wooden Rabbit

He is distinguished by his devotion and desire to serve other people. The Green Rabbit is generous and cares about the welfare of all humanity. The marriage partner should share his hobbies. Complete fusion and unity of goals are the key to a long-lasting union. More practical and rational than fellow sign.

Yellow Earth Rabbit

Loves to help everyone close to him with practical advice and deeds. A wonderful lover, a sensual and attentive partner, with charm and a developed imagination. He is easy to communicate and easily gets along with people based on common interests. He often sacrifices himself, selfless by nature.

White Metal Rabbit

He is interested in the nature of all things, actively engages in self-knowledge and improves throughout his life. He strives for prosperity and is most successful in his career. A wonderful lover, the Metal Rabbit nevertheless requires constant emotional response and tenderness from its partner. Understands other people well. Knows how to control his emotions.

Red Fire Rabbit

He is distinguished by an adequate sense of reality, looks at the world and relationships soberly. Rarely retains the principle of monogamy, a high sexual temperament distinguishes the Fire Rabbit and makes it a good partner for any sign. He is proud of his family, achieves success in his profession, and has diverse talents and interests.

Most modern people know which zodiac sign they belong to and like to re-read their horoscope from time to time. In this article I would like to consider the year of the Rabbit: what years of birth correspond to it and what can be briefly said about such people - representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle.

A little about the eastern calendar

Many people may be interested in why some years have a double name. So, for example, what years correspond to it? It is worth saying that the cycle repeats every 12 years, so after such a period of time certain animals will again be the rulers of the year. In numerical terms (relative to Rabbits) these were the following years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011. However, why the Cat and the Rabbit? The legend says: at one time (when the order of animals in the eastern calendar was determined) people were so carried away by the battle between the Buffalo and the Tiger that they simply missed who came to the finish line fourth: the Cat or the Rabbit. And in order to at least somehow assuage their guilt, they divided fourth place between these two animals.

Additional characteristic

Having briefly examined the year of the Rabbit, which years correspond to it, it must also be said that each year has its own additional characteristic. But how to determine it correctly? Everything is simple here, you just need to know a certain system, and figuring it out will be completely easy. You just need to know what number the year of birth you are looking for ends with.

  • If it is 0 or 1, it is Metal, white color.
  • If it is 2 or 3, it is Water, the color will be blue or black.
  • If it's a 4 or 5, it's a Tree, and it's color is green or blue.
  • If it is 6 or 7, it is Fire, the color will be pink or red.
  • If it is 8 or 9, it is Earth, the colors will be as follows: yellow, orange.

For example, what color will 1951 be? This is the year of the White Metal Rabbit. That's all the wisdom.

About chronology

Considering the year of the Rabbit, which years correspond to it, it is also worth recalling that the chronology according to our European calendar and the Eastern calendar are somewhat different. So, our year always begins on January 1 - this is no secret to anyone. But in Eastern countries the situation is somewhat different. Each year must be considered separately. For example, the 1951 Year of the Rabbit begins only on February 6 and ends on January 26, 1952. This should not be forgotten especially by those people who were born in the first month of any year.


Now I would like to consider each year separately and highlight special ones born at this time. So, 1951 is the year of which Rabbit? If you look at the definition system described above, you can easily say that this is a White Metal Rabbit (or a White Metal Cat). When exactly does this sign come into its own? This happened only on February 6, 1951. And his reign lasted until January 26 of the following year, 1952. Such people are definitely distinguished by their willpower and steely character. And even though the Rabbit is a little timid by nature, this only plays into his hands. After all, such people seem to view all difficult situations from afar, approaching them only when they become completely safe. This often saves representatives of this zodiac sign from various dangerous and unforeseen situations. Rabbits are also very weak personalities, but those born in 1951 are people of strong character. And if they are sure of something, it is almost impossible to convince them. The white color in which this sign is painted somewhat softens all the negative aspects of the representatives of this zodiac sector.


Let's move on, looking at the calendar. 1963 - what kind of Rabbit is he? So, it will be the Black Water Rabbit. He will come only on January 25 and will extend his reign until February 12 next year. What can you say about these people? So, they are very cunning and enterprising. They really like to take advantage of other people's advantages and achievements, for which they are often condemned by the team or others. These people do not want to accept their failures and do not know how to accept them. They blame everyone but themselves for mistakes. Therefore, they often have various kinds of conflicts and controversial situations in the workplace. As for personal relationships, such people lack openness. Unlike their relatives, Black Rabbits try to keep everything to themselves, not talking about their problems (for which they, however, blame others).


The next one is 1975. What kind of Rabbit is he? Blue Woody. This animal takes over only on February 11th. And he will remain on the throne until January 30 next year. How can you briefly describe such people? So, these are cheerful guys who love to be the center of attention. As for the work sphere, such people will do whatever is assigned to them without any problems. In addition, they will also be active in social activities. This is an excellent work unit that works well with other people and is a good team player. Let's move on, looking at 1975. What kind of Rabbit is he - we figured it out. I would also like to say that these people are very kind. But often, thanks to this quality, they are deceived. Therefore, by their nature, Tree Rabbits are secretive; they have difficulty accepting other people’s help and most often refuse any advice, even very practical ones, expecting a trick from everyone.


Let's move on. 1987 is the year of which Rabbit? Red Fire. It comes into force only on January 29, ruling until February 16, 1988. How do people born this year differ from other Cats (Rabbits)? So, these are everyone's favorites. People always like them and are often attractive to members of the opposite sex. And this will not only be appearance, but rather the ability to conduct a conversation and behave in society. These are true diplomats who can resolve almost any conflict without problems or effort. Most often, these are people who are developed in many areas, but all their knowledge is superficial. That, however, does not stop the Red Rabbits from shining. But what the representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle lack is self-confidence, self-confidence, and also risk. Such people will look at the problem a hundred times and already lose the chance to fix it without the slightest loss. However, if such a Rabbit is given a good kick, he begins to move and even reaches quite great heights in his career. As for the sphere of personal relationships, these are people who do not have many friends, but all of them are faithful and reliable. For such individuals, the other half makes up the entire Universe.


1999 Year of the Rabbit? This is the Yellow Earth Rabbit. He will come only on February 16th and will hand over his post only on February 4th next year. How can you characterize such people? First of all, I would like to say that these are excellent businessmen. Professions that involve a lot of money are ideal for them. Earth Rabbits are great with finances. They know how to increase them better and faster. They are also hardworking and persistent people who always think through their actions several steps ahead. They rarely have problems, but if they do, it is not of their own free will. If we talk about the sphere of personal relationships, then such Rabbits primarily look for benefits in friends. Only after a certain service has been rendered can such a person be included in the list of comrades. As for family relationships, it is very difficult for representatives of this zodiac sector to become family relationships - constant affairs get in the way. If this succeeds, such a person will provide for his family, but this will happen to the detriment of other, more important things: attention, affection, care.


Let's move on. - what kind of Rabbit is he? Again, like 1951, White Metallic. It will begin according to the eastern calendar only and will give way to the next sign on January 22, 2012. However, you can read about the characteristics of such people above, in the section on 1951. However, there are still certain nuances here. So, these are people who, by nature, are smart and inquisitive, but a certain timidity often forces them to move back, giving way to “a place near the Sun” to other individuals. A few words must be said about what the representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope are like in personal relationships. So, these are romantics to the tips of their ears. And if they fail to get anything like that, they will be romantic with others. Give, not accept - this is one of the slogans of the White Metal Rabbits. Because of their devotion, such people are highly respected by their friends. But getting into the circle of comrades with a representative of this sign is not so easy; the White Rabbit’s trust must still be earned. Among the negative qualities one can highlight pedantry. In addition, such people are most often too busy with themselves to see other people's problems. However, they rush to the rescue of their friends, relatives and other close people when necessary.

Basic characteristics of the Rabbit

Having fully examined the year of the Rabbit and what years it represents, I would like to say a few more words about such people in general. What are the main characteristics that distinguish Cats (Rabbits) from other representatives of the eastern zodiac circle?

  1. This is a "home" sign. Most often, such people are homebodies.
  2. Their main characteristic is timidity and to some extent cowardice. However, often these qualities “play into the hands” of their owners.
  3. Rabbits are smart and developed people in many areas. However, often their knowledge is not deep, but superficial.
  4. These are people who are always ready to help everyone. But it’s better to ask the Rabbit about this; he simply may not see other people’s problems while trying to solve his own difficulties.
  5. They are also excellent friends and comrades. However, you still need to be able to earn their favor.
  6. In family matters, Cats (Rabbits) will not prove their point. These are diplomats who will try to solve all problems peacefully.

The main problems of Rabbits

Considering the year of the Rabbit and what years it represents, I would also like to say what representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope need to pay special attention to (we are talking about health). So, almost all Rabbits have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so they need to carefully monitor their diet. These are also people who, more often than others, are susceptible to a wide variety of allergic reactions (most often to food). Well, problems with the nervous system may arise. Although Cats are not hot-tempered, they experience all emotions within themselves. And this is fraught with frequent stress, depression and even mental disorders.

Years of birth according to the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) – 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Male Cat (Rabbit) – personality characteristics

The Cat Man (Rabbit) very often lives by his own laws, understandable only to him, which defy logic and rational explanation.

He has a dual character and is characterized by an unpredictable alternation of sophisticated upbringing and animal instincts, calculated dependence and absolute love of freedom, alternating love for comfort and craving for slums.

The behavior of a Cat (Rabbit) man is often inappropriate to the circumstances, stereotypes and expectations of others. He is very sensitive and receptive to everything: cosmic influences, weather, politics, sensations and public opinion. However, in reality, he listens only to the voice of his intuition, for he is more open to spiritual vibrations than to analysis and reasoning. Perhaps this is why it is very difficult to speak logically with a Cat (Rabbit) man, because even when, due to circumstances, he operates with specific facts and figures, his thinking is in the irrational sphere, in the field of intuition, the supersensible.

A man born, therefore, he despises and tries to avoid everything that could somehow shake his comfort. At the same time, he is a secular, sociable, friendly person. That's why there are always a lot of guests in his house. Possessing a heightened sense of danger, he highly values ​​his own security.

As a rule, the Cat (Rabbit) man is very popular in society, is respected, trusted, tactful and courteous in company, knows how to find the right words for each person, and his compliments are always pleasant. The Cat Man (Rabbit) practically does not use harsh words, not in society or in the family. He does not stoop to foul language and vulgarity. Impeccable behavior is very important for him, since by doing this he creates additional armor for himself and disarms or neutralizes his potential opponents.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a true gentleman, tastefully dressed and with excellent manners. Delicate taste and bright personality do not allow him to dress in the latest fashion. He always has his own unique, elegant style. He knows very well and knows how to behave in such a way as to make an impression. Moreover, he does not intend to make an impression. Elegance is just a “side effect” of his behavior, which, however, he really likes. This man is always polite, charming, witty, happy and satisfied with his life. And his charisma and ability to deal with the opposite sex provide him with 100% success with women. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is always calm and tries to avoid conflicts. He behaves with dignity and does not stoop to minor skirmishes or loud scandals. There is practically nothing that could cause him to lose his composure. Like women of this sign, male Cats (Rabbits) highly value harmony and peace in their environment.
The Cat Man (Rabbit) loves to live in abundance and does everything to provide himself and his family with the necessary comfort. He loves fine wines, nice cars, fashionable clothes, expensive dinners in first-class restaurants. As a rule, these men are successful both in love and in business. Potentially, the Cat (Rabbit) man can make a fortune - and over time he does. He is not pushy and knows that everything has its time.

The Cat (Rabbit) man has a rich imagination and extraordinary creative abilities. He is always aware of current events in the world of art and culture. He does not miss the opportunity to go to a museum, theater or simply to an exhibition of paintings. Unlike the Tiger, he never seeks adventure, relaxation that excites the blood, and strives for a quiet, calm life. He is afraid of everything new and unexpected, avoids change. It is worth noting that in the world of art, the Cat (Rabbit) man recognizes only the classics and does not consider the trendy avant-garde movements serious. And novelty in music and painting is especially unacceptable to him. Therefore, a Cat (Rabbit) man who chooses a creative path becomes a salon writer or artist and can be an exquisite poet.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is hardworking and successful in professional matters, but is very careful with money. He does not make unreliable deposits and spends money only when it is really necessary. The only exception is the interior, the interior decoration of the house. Home is his kingdom, his abode, and he spares no expense on luxury items and comfort. He loves antique furniture very much. In addition, being a symbol of family warmth and comfort, the Cat (Rabbit) man feels very confident and in full strength when he is at home. Therefore, he loves to host guests, he is very kind, courteous, helpful - in a word - a hospitable host. He knows how to create a trusting atmosphere and no one can listen to you like a man or woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). However, it is worth noting that the Cat (Rabbit) man, being an excellent comforter and compassionate listener, in most cases plays the role of a passive adviser and it is pointless to expect specific effective help from him. Don't expect him to leave his business and family, rush into battle or go into conflict for your sake.

Man of the Year Cat (Rabbit) – career

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a born entrepreneur. Financially, success will always await him. He has excellent business skills. Therefore, over the years, his financial situation only gets stronger. He is dexterous in business, cunning, and does not shy away from fraudulent and speculative transactions. He has excellent taste, so he can easily achieve success in any type of trading, in transactions with securities, real estate and currency. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a born financier, a good diplomat, a resourceful lawyer and a shrewd manager. In all matters, he behaves with extreme caution and carefully checks the consequences. Astute, sensitive to profitable deals, the Cat (Rabbit) man will always appear in the right place and at the right time, and from the whole variety of options he will be able to choose the one that will bring him the greatest benefit. With his supernatural sixth sense, the shrewd Cat (Rabbit) man is surprisingly lucky in the stock market, casinos or business risks. The good thing is that they know how to stop in time and leave with the winnings - instead of losing all their money in the heat of excitement.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is friendly and diplomatic. And this attracts investors. He knows how to negotiate and is an excellent bargainer. He is able to achieve profitable offers even in cases where the chances are almost zero. All these qualities, as well as cunning and business acumen, allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to rapidly move up the career ladder and make a dizzying career. They make excellent leaders and organizers. Such well-known people as Rockefeller and Einstein were born under the sign of the Cat (Rabbit).

Being an intriguer by nature and able to manipulate people, their consciousness or mood, the Cat (Rabbit) man successfully makes a game or politics through the hands of others, remaining beyond criticism and suspicion. In addition, he will always find, if he wants, a way to save situations, so as not to fall face down in a seemingly hopeless situation.

To achieve his goals, the Cat (Rabbit) man uses all his charm. He will easily invite a business partner to an expensive restaurant and treat him to a magnificent dinner, interest him in small talk, or even fulfill any whim of his partner.

As a rule, natural caution, diplomacy and tact allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to create harmonious relationships with people in any area. They can do any job, play any role, but only in a team where they are valued and respected. Otherwise, their abilities may not be realized, and alone the male Cat (Rabbit) becomes a wild lynx.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is very pedantic. He pays attention to the smallest details, nothing escapes his tenacious gaze. Perhaps this is why he is considered a high expert and specialist in his field. If a male Cat (Rabbit) occupies a leadership position, then he becomes characterized by a heightened sense of duty, commitment to people, responsibility for his actions, in particular, and a sense of responsibility to his team and society as a whole. He values ​​team spirit and requires everyone to participate in the work without exception. They are not very powerful, but they believe that subordinates should anticipate their desires. It is not difficult to find a common language with Rabbit bosses.

Horoscope of a man Cat (Rabbit) – love and family

The Cat Man (Rabbit) absolutely cannot live without a woman. The woman is an integral part of his success. Male Cats (Rabbits) are gentle, sweet and romantic. However, those who consider them weak-willed are mistaken. This man will never allow himself to be used and will not choose a woman who wants to lead the family.

The Cat (Rabbit) man, however, like the woman of this sign, is very sensitive to the world around him and attaches great importance to everyday life. Their houses, as a rule, are well, tastefully furnished, have fireplaces and everything that is necessary for excellent well-being. It is the house that helps the Cat (Rabbit) man maintain mental comfort and balance.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) seems to be created for love. He is very gentle, sweet and this throws off his competitors. In addition, he is very sensitive to the needs of women. This is explained by the fact that men of this sign have an increased concentration of female hormones. Therefore, they are able to perceive a woman’s point of view and literally guess the desires of their companion. He is a passionate and insatiable lover, but his feelings towards the object of momentary passion can be somewhat superficial. But with family relationships it’s a completely different matter. He takes the choice of a life partner very seriously and spends a long time choosing from numerous fans. Very loyal and devoted by nature, they take disappointment in their partner very hard and may even get sick. Although, there is an exception to the rule. They hate betrayal and separation, and do not like to be deceived. And the power of their insight quickly recognizes falsehood. However, having suspected his wife of treason, he will limit himself to reproaches. This man rarely initiates a breakup. True, there are male Cats (Rabbits) who often change their partners, but this is only for the reason that they cannot find the one they dreamed of so much in order to know the full depth of feelings.

Considering the type of man with cat-like charisma, we can say that he is one of the three most attractive to women, representatives of the eastern horoscope. He simply radiates erotic fluids with his entire appearance, skillfully stimulating female sensuality. For him, flirting, love and bed are some kind of sacred rituals in which the most important stage is foreplay. However, one should distinguish the “gallant Cat” from the “walking Cat”; his temperament is changeable, he writes out such zigzags and sinusoids that a slight yearning for love can turn into intimate insanity.
U, but he only needs one - the one who will accept him for who he is. He keeps his distance and is reluctant to make commitments. He is in no hurry to tie the knot and will break more than one heart before he settles down to life with his chosen one. The Cat (Rabbit) man takes this issue very seriously: he does not want to make a mistake with his choice. He doesn’t need a queen, but one who fits into his life plans. Although, thanks to his attentiveness, he is always surrounded by beauties. True, due to his indecision and caution, the Cat (Rabbit) man may miss his chance to create a happy family.

If you decide to attract a Cat (Rabbit) man, then remember that this is a man who does not just look at you and your charms, but listens to what you tell him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also say something smart every time you open your beautiful lips. To win his heart, you can offer him a quiet, relaxing evening at home. You can even cook dinner together, because the Cat (Rabbit) man loves to cook and his culinary talent is at the innate level. Also respect his artistic tastes, even if you have to suffer a lot at the evenings of experimental poetry.

It is worth noting that it is very worthwhile to fight for the heart and love of a man born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). Because if he finds a soul mate in you, you will turn into the center of the Universe for him and he will throw the whole world at your feet. When the Cat (Rabbit) man finally makes his choice and proposes to his chosen one, he becomes a reliable husband and a great father for his children, who enjoys playing basketball, hockey, football and other active activities with them. His family relationships are always built on romance and warmth of feelings, without which he simply cannot live.

The Cat (Rabbit) man is capable of enduring many of his woman’s pranks in a love relationship, except rudeness, noise, bickering, and impudence. This will make him leave you, and he will go in search of another, more educated and sophisticated woman. But if you want to get rid of the Cat (Rabbit) man, then prepare him soup from bags more often, invite guests who can burn an expensive carpet with their cheap cigarettes, and break and throw away what the Cat (Rabbit) man collects.

Years of the Cat, Hare, Rabbit:

1903,1915,1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999, 2011, 2023

The first year of the cycle, in different traditions, under the protection of various animals. For the Chinese it is a Cat, for the Japanese it is a Rabbit or a Hare.

It is in vain that the hare is considered a weak-willed, weak-willed, cowardly animal. According to Eastern legends, he defeated the Dragon. The cunning Hare, planning to pacify the Dragon, spread a rumor that a terrible monster had appeared, claiming to be the king of beasts. When this reached the Dragon, he went to the shore of the lake to deal with the “competitor”. Seeing his reflection in the water, he rushed into the lake with a roar. The animals gathered around began to laugh loudly at the unlucky Dragon floundering in the mud, who out of shame changed five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black). Since then, the Hare became proud and began to bully other animals.

Both the cat, the rabbit, and the hare have one common property - these animals are distinguished by their ability to “land” on all fours after any fall. People born under this sign can rightfully be called lucky. The Cat's life flows easily and calmly without sudden ups and downs.

Fortune smiles on him in almost all areas. One can only envy his intellectual development and erudition. With his luck, you can safely gamble.

According to the eastern horoscope, the life of Cats depends on the era in which they are born. In times of peace and a stable life, representatives of this sign prosper. They always have everything, and in abundance. During these periods, everything is smooth and measured for the Cat, he knows how to weigh and calculate, never takes unnecessary risks and strives for comfort, coziness and stability.

The cat is a conservative. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business, he does not like to be anyone’s enemy. He hates everything that can cause complications in life. Anything that could shake his peace of mind is unbearable to him. The cat does not lose balance so quickly. He is calm, unperturbed.

The cat can speak and values ​​himself highly. But it has one significant drawback. The cat is a superficial person, and his best qualities are superficial too.

The cat loves society, and society loves him. He loves meetings, sometimes gossips, but does it subtly, tactfully, witty and careful. However, Cats are very vulnerable; they are greatly upset by personal failures and troubles. But the misfortunes of others do not affect them, unless they themselves suffer from it. Cats can get upset on any occasion, even the most insignificant. They are easily brought to tears, which appear as quickly as they pass.

The cat loves to receive guests. Everything at his home is done tastefully. He attaches great importance to the atmosphere in the house, spending a lot of money and time to make the house cozy. Every thing in his home should be in its place.

Being cautious and somewhat conscientious, this person does not undertake anything without first weighing the pros and cons - both in work and in entertainment. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

War and famine in the world touch and concern him only if he personally suffers from it. But this suffering will be so strong that he may not be able to stand it and die.

The cat is gifted, ambitious, moderately pleasant, modest, restrained, sophisticated and friendly. Exceptional observation, responsibility and efficiency help this person achieve good results in any chosen profession.

Affectionate, helpful to those he loves, capable of love and loyalty, the Cat easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He prefers to spend more time with his friends than with his relatives.

He will always find the right words for every person, and therefore communication with him evokes only pleasant emotions.

With such a positive character, the Cat, oddly enough, has a melancholic temperament.

He is always very concerned about the opinions of other people. Elegant, kind and well-mannered, he is an excellent diplomat, since from birth he is endowed with the ability to resolve the most complex conflicts peacefully and find a common language with any interlocutor. When communicating with Cats, you need to remember that they try not to show their feelings. They would prefer to be born completely devoid of emotions, because they are sure that this would make them invulnerable and more adapted to life. But in fact, the Cat’s heart is very sensitive, and the main reason for his success in society is not good upbringing or tact, but a sincere interest in the people around him.

There is an ancient belief that sorcerers turn into cats. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, cats were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. In Japanese tradition, this is also a demonic animal, possessing supernatural strength, and sometimes even the features of a vampire.

In China, despite the not very flattering attitude towards the Cat, they still believed in the ability of this beast to expel (dispel) evil spirits.

And to this day, a cat, hare or rabbit is associated with evil spirits. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved.

God, sorcerer or man, but there is something mystical in the Cat’s gaze. Whether it is a Rabbit or a Cat, their apparent defenselessness, softness and weakness can easily transform into a rather dangerous force...

Despite the negative associations, these animals endow a person born in the year under their auspices with mostly positive character traits.

Cat-man. Characteristic

Cats are not known for their desperate courage, and during dangerous situations or acute conflicts they prefer to sit in safety rather than engage in discussions.

At the same time, in a calm environment, the Cat can be active and hardworking; moreover, he willingly obeys the schedule, does not seek to eliminate a competitor at any cost, and does not complain about the monotony of work.

Even with his worst enemies, the Cat is impeccably polite, however, being a rather cunning person, he is quite capable of taking revenge for an insult with the wrong hands.

Cats are extremely sensual, but they fall in love too easily to be faithful. In addition, the Cat is not inclined to trust anyone, not even his partner, and when communicating with family members he maintains a rather strict distance. When you decide to have an affair with the Cat, do not forget that he is extremely sensitive to criticism. If any of your remark is considered tactless, the Cat may not only break off the relationship, but will also try to take revenge.

The cat loves women and knows how to seduce with words. Although... he always has a lot of words, but little action. The personality is deceptively calm and seemingly well-mannered. In fact, he reveals the qualities of a man with nerves of steel, capable of playing any role - humility, gentleness, enthusiasm.

Financially this person is always happy. He is smart in business, and whoever signs a contract with him will never go wrong.

This is a good speculator, he has a gift for trading. As a business person, the Cat is very lucky. All Cats are good financiers. And all operations related to money are successful for them. We can say that they have a “nose” for deals with a profitable outcome. These are dangerous competitors and excellent business partners. Professions in which Cats will be successful: lawyer, diplomat, salesman, antique store owner. The cat will be able to choose a diplomatic career, provided that his life is not at risk.

Such a person is capable of carefully and deftly choosing the right moment and acting firmly in his own interests. And in the end, he really achieves his goal.

Cat woman. Characteristic

Female Cats, as a rule, have a melancholic temperament, which gives them a special charm. This is one of their main trump cards.

Cats are very dreamy. Sometimes they become so immersed in their dreams that it takes them away from reality.

A woman of this sign can shine in all types of activities that require taste and hospitality. Politics or

the diplomat should choose a wife born in the year of the Cat - both secular and modest, she will be an excellent partner for him.

Her behavior meets all the norms of social life. Catwoman can study some subjects deeply, pursuing only one goal - to shine, and at the same time may not know anything about other more important things.

For the Cat, family is not the main thing; she can easily part with loved ones for the sake of friends or a loved one.

The maternal instinct of this sign is not too strongly expressed, but the Cat woman always fulfills her duty.

Types of Cat

Metal Cat (1951 2011,2071)

Water Cat (1903, 1963, 2023)

Wooden Cat (1915,1975, 2035)

Fire Cat (1927,1987, 2047)

Earthen Cat (1939, 1999, 2059)

Born in the year of the Cat

Epicurus, Walter Scott, Robert Owen, Vasily Zhukovsky, Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Stalin, Boris Savinkov, William Harriman, Lev Dovator, Igor Kurchatov, Albert Einstein, Andrei Grechko, Ilya Erenburg, Sergei Vavilov, Yuliy Raizman, Mikhail Svetlov, Konstantin Simonov, Julius Fucik.