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Dirty teeth. Why do you dream about artificial teeth? Dreaming about teething

For many peoples of the world, teeth are a symbol of health and vitality. Traditional beliefs have a rational basis: the health of the entire body depends on the condition of the oral cavity; the more strong teeth, the better food is chewed, and nutrients and vitamins are absorbed faster. Oral diseases, on the contrary, lead to poor health and loss of appetite.

Subconsciously, people are very sensitive to the loss of teeth, because from a certain age such loss was almost irreversible. Modern methods of prosthetics and implantation quickly help restore the integrity of the dentition, but dental problems still cause significant anxiety and worry.

Brain activity does not stop during sleep. Consciousness enters a relaxed mode, while at the subconscious level the brain continues to solve accumulated problems, and the emerging images are visualized in nightmares or pleasant dreams. The dependence of seemingly irrational and absurd dreams on the real circumstances of existence forced people to start compiling dream books interpreting this or that dream.

Dream about rotten teeth: what does it mean?

A rotten tooth symbolizes problems associated with disruption of the body. Ailments and painful sensations cause natural grief and hostility. These feelings are projected onto a dream; with the help of appropriate images, the subconscious mind suggests what troubles may appear in the near future and what should be given special attention.

Prophetic dreams are not necessarily caused by mystical reasons. Perhaps someone has been observing the prerequisites for this or that event for a long time, but due to the workload of everyday affairs, they are not able to devote enough time to assess what is happening. During sleep, incoming information is analyzed subconsciously, and the resulting sensations are transmitted in the form of visual images.

Depending on the characteristics of a particular dream, you can try to draw conclusions about the reasons that caused the unpleasant dream, to understand why you dreamed “that my bad teeth fell out.” There is no point in being afraid of nightmares; with their help, you can try to positively influence what is happening in real life.

Seeing bad teeth in your mouth

If you dream that your teeth are massively affected by caries, then you should expect a deterioration in relationships with close relatives or friends. Tooth decay in a dream foreshadows dirty quarrels and an unpleasant showdown.

Seeing gradual rotting in your mouth in a dream means receiving a signal about possible problems in your professional activities. Such a dream warns of the presence of obstacles in achieving your goal or warns against taking rash actions.

Bad teeth are a fairly common symbol of deteriorating health, which also portends the onset of apathy and depression, and possible unfortunate incidents. A dream about rotten teeth psychologically indicates a decrease in protective capabilities, both physical and emotional.

Rotten teeth in another person's mouth

Seeing dirty, damaged teeth of a particular person in a dream means subconsciously wishing him harm or expecting betrayal or other undesirable consequences for oneself from him. In addition, rotten teeth in the mouth of a familiar person may indicate his imminent illness.

At the same time, if you dreamed of enemies with rotten teeth, it means you should not be afraid of their plans, they are absolutely powerless in all their endeavors. Also, blackened teeth in other people's mouths can mean future success in the business you have started.

Circumstances of sleep

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It is generally accepted that if you dream about teeth falling out or hurting, then this is a sign of something unkind and sinister. At the same time, some dream circumstances may mean a good outcome of some business or getting rid of a long-standing problem. The assessment of such dreams is based on some features of the dream:

  • whether you dreamed of blood along with lost or diseased teeth;
  • whether pain was felt at the time when the tooth fell off;
  • one tooth or several have fallen out, whether they are your own teeth, front ones or not.

Dreams involving tooth loss are rarely truly nightmarish. Strangers in such dreams practically do not notice the problems of the person seeing the dream. If you dream that dental problems become the subject of discussion by dreaming people, then in real life you should not trust strangers.

Rotten tooth fell out with blood

Blood in a dream most often does not mean anything good. Watching blood in real life is unpleasant and scary, and the appearance of such an image in a dream makes you think seriously about the reasons that caused it.

If you dream that rotten teeth fall out with blood, then this may mean health problems for relatives or the destruction of a relationship with a very close person. Blood can be a symbol of deception, so having a bad dream with the appearance of blood, you should be careful about new acquaintances and dubious offers.

Losing rotten teeth in a dream, which fall out with blood, has the most ominous and negative meaning, even leading to the death of people you know. Such dreams are considered bad for women and girls who are in advanced stages of pregnancy.

Having seen such a dream, you should not immediately get upset and expect an immediate tragic incident. Negative, bad thoughts tend to manifest themselves in reality, so instead of unnecessary experiences and painful thoughts, it is better to tune in to the positive and slightly adjust your own life.

The tooth fell out without bleeding

Damage or illness of a rotten tooth, its loss without blood, if it speaks of problems and troubles, it is most likely not very serious. Such a dream may indicate a person’s uncertainty, embarrassment or dissatisfaction.

There may be minor health problems or the possibility of missing your own benefit or a good moment. If a tooth was loose for a long time before falling out, a dream with such content may indicate the resolution of some problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

Most interpreters agree that a tooth falling out in a dream without pain or unnecessary damage does not mean dangerous consequences. Such dreams should force you to be more attentive to your loved ones and take better care of valuable things.

The prolapse was painless

Dreams in which teeth fall out without blood or pain indicate the resolution of accumulated problems or that gossipers will pay for intrigues (we recommend reading:). Also, such a dream symbolizes the loss of something important, but not material: joy in life, emotional peace.

One lost tooth portends bad news, two teeth - the appearance of obstacles or the onset of difficult times. Several lost teeth in a dream warn of possible misfortunes coming in a row.

I felt pain in my dream

Like blood, pain is a symbol of irrevocable heavy losses and sensory experiences. Feeling pain when losing teeth in a dream means the occurrence of events that can cause suffering, physical or mental, in real life.

The loss of a relative, failure in a romantic relationship, betrayal of a loved one, frustration and serious financial difficulties can be anticipated by dreams of painful tooth loss.

As with other bad omens, you should not get too carried away with the negative interpretation of your own dreams. It is better to try to make every effort to bring about positive changes in real life.

Interpretation of a dream about rotten teeth from different dream books

Several dream books are common among dream interpreters, most often mentioned when trying to solve a particular dream. Over the years, entire dictionaries have been formed containing explanations of certain dreams. There are several dream books that mention rotten teeth, developed by famous experts in oneiromancy (predictions from dreams):

  • American psychologist and financier Gustav Miller;
  • Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga;
  • Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Regardless of your attitude to the interpretation of dreams and the possibility of predicting the future, you should be attentive to the signals given by your own body. Perhaps unpleasant dreams indicate problems with the condition of your teeth and that it may make sense to consult a dentist for timely diagnosis of a developing disease.

Teeth in a dream mean relatives and friends, as well as what is connected with them.

The front teeth mean close relatives, the lower ones are female, the upper ones are male.

The upper eye tooth signifies the father, and the lower one signifies the mother.

Brushing your teeth in a dream means that you will help your family or friends with money.

Seeing or using a toothpick means frustration.

Seeing uneven teeth in a dream means discord and family squabbles.

A dream in which you saw that your teeth have become larger or are bothering you means that you will face discord with your relatives. Sometimes because of inheritance.

Seeing even and smooth teeth in a dream means well-being in the family and success in business. In addition, such a dream predicts a peaceful and calm family life.

Admiring your teeth in a dream is a sign of a long, happy and rich life. Such a dream also predicts the fulfillment of a cherished desire and excellent health.

Having new teeth in a dream means changes in life. Look at the condition they are in. If it is better than before, then the changes will be for the better. If it’s worse than before, then expect losses and grief. Sometimes a dream about new teeth predicts that something will become clearer.

Dark, with holes, dirty, with a bad smell, teeth falling out without blood in a dream mean sorrows, bitter experiences, illnesses and other misfortunes. Such a dream also predicts that you will face failures in business, humiliation, poverty, collapse of plans, or news of the death of a person who was not particularly dear to you.

A dream about a tooth falling out (without blood) can mean the death of old people in the family.

Pulling out and putting a tooth back in place without experiencing pain is a sign that your relationship with your loved ones cannot be called smooth: sometimes you fight, sometimes you make up. Such a dream sometimes suggests that you are needlessly worrying about little things. Dream,

In which you saw that not one tooth, but several, had fallen out, portends a streak of disasters and adversity for you. To be left without teeth is a sign of great misfortune, loss of fortune. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may suffer from thieves or scammers. Be especially careful with your valuables.

Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth in a dream is a sign that no one will help you cope with grief and troubles. Therefore, in difficult times you can only rely on yourself. If in a dream they turn black again before your eyes, then beware of false friends and do not trust strangers.

A dream in which you saw that your tooth is loose means: beware of illness or an accident.

If you dream that your teeth were knocked out in a dream, then you should be wary of the insidious plans of your enemies.

Pulling out your own teeth in a dream is a sign of imminent death for the one who saw this dream. However, death may not be physical. This may be a plight (humiliation, hunger, deprivation), which is literally like death.

If you dream that in a dream your tooth fell out with blood, then you will suffer a heavy loss and will be saddened by it for a long time. Such a dream also means the loss of a loved one or relative and great experiences. The same thing means a dream in which you lose a healthy tooth.

A dream in which you saw that a doctor pulled out your tooth means that many disasters and illness await you, which will unexpectedly befall you.

Doubting in a dream that all your teeth are there and counting them is a sign of anxiety due to some kind of loss or because of a loved one. If during the recount all the teeth are in place, then the loss will be found.

If you dream that something is stuck in your teeth, then expect a stop in business and other obstacles. Try to remove this object from a tooth in a dream - and your affairs in real life will improve.

Gold teeth in a dream foretell great losses, damage, loss of property or illness.

Glass teeth in a dream are a sign that you are in mortal danger. Sometimes they say that those who have such a dream will face a violent death.

Wax teeth in a dream predict death.

To have or see tin or lead teeth in a dream is a sign of humiliation and shame. Seeing iron teeth is a sign of danger.

Silver teeth in a dream predict large expenses for entertainment. Such a dream only foreshadows easy enrichment for people with a well-spoken tongue.

To have or see artificial teeth in a dream is a sign of danger from deceitful friends. A dream in which you saw yourself pushing teeth out of your mouth with your tongue means: you will skillfully repel the attacks of enemies and slanderers.

Treating teeth in a dream is a sign of order in affairs. If they put fillings in, then your affairs will improve.

Seeing dental crowns, putting them on or taking them off in a dream is a sign of intrigue, deception, and family discord.

Grinding your teeth in a dream is a harbinger of disappointment in loved ones and great worries because of this.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Teeth in a dream mean relatives and friends, as well as what is connected with them.

The front teeth mean close relatives, the lower ones are female, the upper ones are male.

The upper eye tooth signifies the father, and the lower one signifies the mother.

Brushing your teeth in a dream means that you will help your family or friends with money.

Seeing or using a toothpick means frustration.

Seeing uneven teeth in a dream means discord and family squabbles.

A dream in which you saw that your teeth have become larger or are bothering you means that you will face discord with your relatives. Sometimes because of inheritance.

Seeing even and smooth teeth in a dream means well-being in the family and success in business. In addition, such a dream predicts a peaceful and calm family life.

Admiring your teeth in a dream is a sign of a long, happy and rich life. Such a dream also predicts the fulfillment of a cherished desire and excellent health.

Having new teeth in a dream means changes in life. Look at the condition they are in. If it is better than before, then the changes will be for the better. If it’s worse than before, then expect losses and grief. Sometimes a dream about new teeth predicts that something will become clearer.

Dark, with holes, dirty, with a bad smell, teeth falling out without blood in a dream mean sorrows, bitter experiences, illnesses and other misfortunes. Such a dream also predicts that you will face failures in business, humiliation, poverty, collapse of plans, or news of the death of a person who was not particularly dear to you.

A dream about a tooth falling out (without blood) can mean the death of old people in the family.

Pulling out and putting a tooth back in place without experiencing pain is a sign that your relationship with your loved ones cannot be called smooth: sometimes you fight, sometimes you make up. Such a dream sometimes suggests that you are needlessly worrying about little things. Dream,

in which you saw that not one tooth, but several, had fallen out, portends a streak of disasters and adversity for you. To be left without teeth is a sign of great misfortune, loss of fortune. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may suffer from thieves or scammers. Be especially careful with your valuables.

Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth in a dream is a sign that no one will help you cope with grief and troubles. Therefore, in difficult times you can only rely on yourself. If in a dream they turn black again before your eyes, then beware of false friends and do not trust strangers.

A dream in which you saw that your tooth is loose means: beware of illness or an accident.

If you dream that your teeth were knocked out in a dream, then you should be wary of the insidious plans of your enemies.

Pulling out your own teeth in a dream is a sign of imminent death for the one who saw this dream. However, death may not be physical. This may be a plight (humiliation, hunger, deprivation), which is literally like death.

If you dream that in a dream your tooth fell out with blood, then you will suffer a heavy loss and will be saddened by it for a long time. Such a dream also means the loss of a loved one or relative and great experiences. The same thing means a dream in which you lose a healthy tooth.

A dream in which you saw that a doctor pulled out your tooth means that many disasters and illness await you, which will unexpectedly befall you.

Doubting in a dream that all your teeth are there and counting them is a sign of anxiety due to some kind of loss or because of a loved one. If during the recount all the teeth are in place, then the loss will be found.

If you dream that something is stuck in your teeth, then expect a stop in business and other obstacles. Try to remove this object from a tooth in a dream - and your affairs in real life will improve.

Gold teeth in a dream foretell great losses, damage, loss of property or illness.

Glass teeth in a dream are a sign that you are in mortal danger. Sometimes they say that those who have such a dream will face a violent death.

Wax teeth in a dream predict death.

To have or see tin or lead teeth in a dream is a sign of humiliation and shame. Seeing iron teeth is a sign of danger.

Silver teeth in a dream predict large expenses for entertainment. Such a dream only foreshadows easy enrichment for people with a well-spoken tongue.

To have or see artificial teeth in a dream is a sign of danger from deceitful friends. A dream in which you saw yourself pushing teeth out of your mouth with your tongue means: you will skillfully repel the attacks of enemies and slanderers.

Treating teeth in a dream is a sign of order in affairs. If they put fillings in, then your affairs will improve.

Seeing dental crowns, putting them on or taking them off in a dream is a sign of intrigue, deception, and family discord.

Grinding your teeth in a dream is a harbinger of disappointment in loved ones and great worries because of this.

Why did you dream about Teeth (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

It is perhaps difficult to find a more unfavorable symbol than teeth. Decoding dreams depends on the events you saw.

  • According to the dream book, if you see yourself without teeth, you will be disappointed in your career. Perhaps your dreams and plans will be destroyed by a protracted illness.
  • However, seeing toothless enemies in a dream is a good sign. He says that all your ill-wishers will be powerless in front of your plans.
  • If you dreamed of rotten teeth, a quarrel with a loved one cannot be avoided. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • Losing teeth indicate an imminent illness.
  • Growing teeth are about prosperity and addition to the family.
  • Artificial teeth - about the insincerity of a loved one.
  • Why do you dream of teeth that are clean and white - about the accompanying luck.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Teeth?

Teeth are a reflection of our subconscious. Our smile can say a lot about our character, aspirations and dreams, goals and opportunities, emotional state and good intentions.

  • If you dreamed of straight teeth that you brush, it means that your thoughts are absolutely pure. Continue in the same spirit - this will lead to successful business and stable serious relationships.
  • Why you dream of sick, dirty or knocked out teeth is a sign of failure, trouble and deterioration of health.
  • If you watch someone bare their teeth, in life you will encounter other people's evil thoughts. You will overcome them, but to do this you will have to sacrifice some of your own capabilities.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about Teeth?

  • Why do you dream of teeth falling out - they symbolize an imminent quarrel with a loved one.
  • You are counting your teeth; someone else will soon appear in your relationship.
  • If you count other people's teeth, nothing threatens your union, since together you will overcome any difficulties.
  • If you dreamed of artificial dentures, you will feel the falseness in your love. Most likely, your partner is deceiving you for his own selfish purposes. It is in your interests to expose his deception as quickly as possible.

The meaning of the dream about bleeding teeth (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of teeth, according to the dream book - if they are milk teeth and fall out, then this is for a new stage of life, development. If your own child loses a baby tooth, you will do something stupid.
  • Seeing straight, healthy teeth is a good event. Dreaming of wobbly, crooked people means troubles, and not just minor ones.
  • Why dream of stumps falling out and crumbling - you will begin to have difficult relationships with loved ones, and constant conflicts and quarrels cannot be avoided.
  • A loose tooth means you are now at a turning point in your life. This is a difficult situation when a lot will be decided, and it depends on you in which direction. If it looks unspoiled and healthy, then in your situation everything can be resolved successfully, it’s not too late to fix something. Staggering in front - misfortune with one of the children.
  • Brushing your teeth - according to the dream book, having a dream means that you are calm and adequate in relation to troubles, you are confident in your abilities.
  • Clean yellowed, dirty, stained ones - you want to “whiten” your damaged reputation. What was the result of your actions in the dream?
  • Brushing your teeth in a dream for a person in love means get ready for a romantic date.
  • Heal - you have the strength to cope with any difficulties. You react to them in a timely manner and deal with them.
  • If you get a filling, put your affairs in order. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • To dream about having your teeth treated or whitened means new acquaintances or a new stage in life.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Teeth

Teeth symbolize health and vitality. In the east, a person’s age was determined by the condition of their teeth. In ancient tribes, a person could not go to the valley of death as long as he had strong and healthy fangs. According to the dream book, this symbol has several meanings and is interpreted depending on its appearance in dreams. Sometimes they are perceived as a symbol of cruelty and pain.

  • If you saw or felt that someone was biting you painfully, it means that someone will cause you severe mental pain.
  • Seeing your tooth grow is a sign of your wisdom, which will allow you to cope with many of life's difficulties.
  • Why do you dream of rotten teeth? The dream book defines this as a disease.
  • If a tooth falls out in a dream, this is a sign of unfulfilled hopes and promises.
  • Why dream of artificial teeth means that in reality you too often rely on other people’s opinions. This may cause the collapse of your personal plans.
  • If you see your aching tooth being removed, it means in reality you will finally make a difficult, but very important choice for you.
  • You are trying to dodge someone’s sharp fangs, which means that the person you consider your friend is preparing a trap for you. People say: “They drowned a pike, but the teeth remained.”

Maly Velesov dream book

Teeth in a dream

  • if the tooth falls out on its own - death, illness;
  • if you often see teeth in a dream, your children are short-lived;
  • teeth fall out without blood - a relative will die (distant relative), whoever is male;
  • teeth fall out with blood - illness, child will die, close relative;
  • front upper tooth - death of a man in the family;
  • lower front tooth - death of a close relative;
  • lateral tooth - death of a distant relative;
  • on the left is a tooth – close relatives;
  • on the right the tooth is distant relatives;
  • pull out a tooth - you yourself will die, you will get sick, a friend will die, a rupture;
  • a tooth breaks - a faithful friend will die;
  • I dream about teeth in general – conversations, gossip;
  • molars - parents will die, man; incisors - children; fangs - brothers and sisters;
  • Why do you dream of having white teeth - health, good luck;
  • beautiful, strong teeth - joy;
  • why do you dream of knocked out teeth - failure;
  • brushing teeth - a welcome guest // lending money;
  • a new tooth grows - wait for the child, clarify the misunderstandings;
  • loose teeth - illness;
  • black, empty teeth - success in business // avoiding misfortunes, quarrel, illness;
  • to be toothless is a loss;
  • toothache - wait for a guest (if you sleep in the morning) // someone else will die (if you sleep in the evening), illness;
  • artificial - deception in love;
  • why do you dream of wax teeth - death;
  • insert - profit.

Why did you dream about Teeth according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

  • Why do you dream of teeth that are white and clean - health, well-being.
  • Dreaming of dentures - A dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will suffer from loneliness; – Seeing in a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means illness.
  • Breaking a tooth - A dream on Monday night predicts failure after a long and tedious wait. A dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will encounter an unexpected obstacle. To see in a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream means that you will encounter rudeness and inexplicable anger.
  • Suffering from a toothache A dream you had on Monday night is a sign of longing for the good times that are irretrievably gone.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Teeth?

  • Usually, a dream in which you see teeth, according to the dream book, foreshadows illness and clashes with ill-wishers.
  • Losing teeth in a dream means a terrible burden that will hurt your pride and destroy your
  • work.
  • If you dreamed that you were knocked out, you should be more attentive to your affairs.
  • Why dream of teeth that are decaying or broken - your work or health will suffer from excessive stress.
  • Spitting out your fangs in a dream means a disease that threatens you or your family.
  • If in a dream a doctor pulled out your tooth, a serious, protracted illness is possible.
  • According to the dream book, seeing someone else toothless is evidence of the powerlessness of your enemies who want to discredit you.
  • If you dream of healthy and white teeth, your illness will soon pass.
  • Cleaning in a dream means a difficult and long struggle for your happiness.
  • Artificial teeth in the mouth portend severe trials.
  • Irregular teeth with some kind of flaws are a very negative sign, predicting many misfortunes. This includes poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of falling out Incisors

  • Teeth - An image of active or passive aggression of attack and defense. Indicates the validity and reliability of the protective system, as well as the validity and reliability of friends and relatives.
  • The loss of 2-3 cloves indicates a loss of vitality or loss of positivity.
  • Extraction symbolizes death: just as a tooth falling out leaves a gap inside, so a dying person leaves a gap in the family. Such an image can symbolize the desire or fear of this death.
  • If you dream that another person has lost a tooth, this indicates an unconscious desire or fear of death for that person.
  • The image of filled teeth signifies the fear that one may encounter an unpleasant situation, sometimes it is a symbol of the desire to become a parent. In the latter case, the sealed forelock is similar to a woman's uterus filling with contents.

The meaning of the dream about Bleeding (Gypsy dream book)

  • Why do teeth dream in the dream book mean relatives and best friends. The front ones mean children or relatives in the nearest knee; the upper ones mean men, and the lower ones women; the eye on the right side marks the father, and on the left the mother; major molars mean immediate family or good friends.
  • Seeing your teeth are beautiful, stronger and whiter than usual, means joy, health, prosperity, friendship and pleasant news from relatives.
  • Seeing your teeth as uneven, some longer than others, means a family quarrel and litigation for inheritance.
  • Brushing your teeth means giving money to your family.
  • Seeing a new tooth growing in yourself means multiplying the family through the birth of a baby.
  • Having a rotten or otherwise damaged fang means the death of one of your relatives or friends.
  • Seeing your teeth shaking portends illness or grief from family or friends.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Teeth in a dream?

  • Teeth - conversations, chatter, gossip.
  • Pain is weakness.
  • Teeth have fallen out and blood is flowing - the death of a loved one.
  • Why do you dream of teeth falling out - a dead man from the family.
  • If all the teeth fall out into the palm of your hand and turn black, then the one to whom the dream came will die. And if you dreamed of one black person, then someone you know will die.
  • Why do you dream of wax teeth - to die.
  • If you dreamed that the corner clove was pulled out, then there would be a big dead man, and if you dreamed that the front one was pulled out, then there would be a small dead man.
  • I dream of teeth that hurt, and in the morning I dream that someone is going to kill me, there will be a guest.
  • I dream about my teeth hurting, and my dream in the evening is that someone else is going to die.
  • If a hollow tooth falls out, the old man will die.
  • The fang will fall out without pain, without blood - someone not very dear will die.
  • A tooth breaks - you lose a faithful friend; a new one grows - you clear up misunderstandings.
  • The loss of one side is before death.
  • White teeth mean health.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about teeth in a dream?

  • You see white and healthy teeth, portends you good health and success in business;
  • Loose or falling out is a sign of impending troubles or unforeseen problems.
  • Inserting teeth in a dream means prosperity; losing them means love affairs, especially for women.
  • Why do you dream of pulled out teeth - for upcoming joy, broken - for a quarrel with a friend.
  • Seeing a person without teeth in a dream book means that your enemies will not be able to discredit you or cause losses in your business.
  • If you see yourself toothless, this portends difficulties in your professional growth or health problems.
  • A toothpick seen is a symbol of impending resentment from friends or relatives.
  • Clicking your teeth in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon have to correct the results of your rash actions;
  • Hearing someone click means receiving unpleasant news or messages. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • Seeing toothpaste means you need to take care of your health.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Teeth from your dream

  • Dreaming of white and clean teeth means good health; luck.
  • Bad, loose teeth in a dream are bad luck; disease; losses.
  • Seeing teeth falling out in a dream means the loss of a loved one, relative, or a breakup, alienation from them.
  • Pulling out a tooth in a dream means a painful break in a relationship.
  • Dreams of artificial teeth, according to the dream book, indicate falsehood in a relationship.
  • I dreamed of inserting a tooth - profit.
  • Feeling a toothache in a dream means reconciliation and agreement in a relationship.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Teeth in a dream?

  • An ordinary dream in which you see teeth foreshadows an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless people who disturb you.
  • If you dream of teeth that you have lost, misfortune awaits you.
  • The doctor pulled out your fang - a terrible, protracted illness awaits you.
  • You observe the required number of teeth in your mouth for a person - after numerous tests, lost jewelry will return to you.
  • If you clean or rinse them, it means that you will have to struggle enormously to preserve your happiness.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you have artificial dentures in your mouth means you should expect severe trials that will befall you, and you will have to overcome them.
  • You have lost your teeth - a heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin your work.
  • If they knocked them out for you, you should pay attention to your affairs, as the enemies do not sleep.
  • Why dream of teeth that are decaying or broken - it means your work or health will suffer from excessive stress.
  • If you dream of teeth that you spit out, a disease threatens you or your family.
  • Irregular teeth with some kind of flaws are the worst nightmare. He threatens many misfortunes to those who see him. This includes poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people.
  • If one tooth falls out in a dream, it means sad news; if two, then a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence.
  • If three fall out, very serious disasters will follow.
  • According to the dream book, if you dream that you have lost everything, this means that misfortunes are coming.
  • If you dream of your teeth being spoiled and you pulling them out, hunger and death await you.
  • To see that plaque is falling off your teeth, causing them to become healthy and white, means your discomfort is temporary; when it passes, you will come to your senses, and the realization of your duty accomplished will make you happy.
  • You admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth, dear friends await you, and all the fullness of happiness that the fulfillment of desires can give.
  • You, having pulled out one of your fangs, lose it, and then look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, not finding it, and you leave this riddle unsolved - this means that you are expecting a meeting with some person that you do not want at all and which you will want to ignore. And yet, this meeting will take place. And in the future you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, receive exciting pleasure from these meetings.
  • Why see that your dentist has cleaned your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again - it means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some clever deceiver.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where there was a dream about Loss

Dreams about teeth falling out are common. Often the dream is disturbing, although it does not carry the same fear or ANXIETY as a NIGHTMARE. In a dream, they often concern only the dreamer. Other characters in the dream either do not notice the loss or do not attach any importance to it. Dreams about loss often come to us about embarrassment or potentially awkward situations.

A similar experience in reality can be summarized in the expression losing face in public. Another possible cause of dreams of loss could be physical sensations, such as teeth grinding or sensitivity. Do your teeth get knocked out or do they fall out for no apparent reason?

The meaning of the dream about losing a tooth (according to Nostradamus)

  • Dreaming of healthy teeth is a symbol of loss of vital energy and worries.
  • Seeing teeth being pulled out in a dream means in reality you are afraid of losing loved ones.
  • I dreamed that a tooth fell out - confusion and inaction interfere with the achievement of the goal.
  • Dreaming of rotten and decaying teeth means illness, health problems.
  • You saw an empty space in your mouth instead of a tooth or several teeth; the dream book warns of loss of vital energy and premature aging.
  • A bad tooth means that you will have to deal with personal problems.

Esoteric dream book

Teeth in night dreams

  • Why dream of straight teeth that stand out on the face - to small acquisitions.
  • Seeing crooked teeth means unsuccessful purchases. Separately for trade workers - to losses, shortfalls; for the rest - your household chores may be spoiled (mold, bugs).
  • If you dream of teeth falling out without pain, unimportant connections will disappear imperceptibly.
  • Teeth fall out with blood, painful parting.
  • Having your teeth pulled out is also a separation, but on your initiative.
  • Why do you dream of clean teeth - some acquaintances, obviously unnecessary, take up your time and energy.
  • Holes in teeth, rotten among your friends there are “informers” and informers.

Why do you dream about dirty teeth? Most dream books agree that this image promises only bad luck, confrontation, pathology and other problems. But depending on the details present in the dream, teeth with plaque or tartar can be interpreted as a good sign. Let's look at each example in more detail.

Miller's Dream Book

Why can such a dream even happen? The famous psychologist and interpreter of his patients' dreams believed that dirty teeth foreshadow misunderstanding. Based on this, dreaming of brushing your teeth means finding a common language and resolving some conflicts.

If in a dream a person had a tooth affected by caries pulled out, then in reality he will radically change something in his life.

Don't embarrass yourself

Why do you dream about unbrushed teeth? If you believe the Eastern Dream Book, then they warn of the danger that hangs over your honest name. In order to preserve your reputation, you should avoid gossipers in the near future.
and talkers, since they only need a reason to stir up a huge scandal. And then your enemies will definitely try to denigrate you.

If in a dream the dreamer’s mouth is filled with crumbling, dirty teeth, then in reality he needs to watch his tongue, since any carelessly spoken word can turn into an epic failure for the sleeper.

Avoid scandals

Why else do you dream about this image? The Gypsy dream book states that the dreamer needs to stop doing business with conflicting people and not take part in quarrels, taking sides. Even if he really wants to achieve justice and help someone, this conflict will only bring trouble.

A vision in which you brush your dirty teeth and then thoroughly rinse your mouth with water is interpreted more positively by dream books. This means that you can resolve a conflict situation and prevent a huge quarrel if you show the disputants that you are not interested in the outcome of the discussion. If you don't let a fight escalate, you will have the opportunity to earn the respect of your colleagues.

Don't give in to temptation

Why might you dream of an oral cavity with unbrushed teeth? Moreover, it will be possible to realize everything that the dreamer has planned only if he does not follow the lead of various temptations. And their nature is not important here if you dreamed that your teeth were stained with something that was not intended for consumption.

If in a dream a person ate a filling that not only smeared his lips, but also sealed his teeth, then in real life they will try to seduce him with something, which will lead to a major quarrel. I dreamed that my teeth began to ache - the dream book promises that what happened will become known to the general public.

Will you need help?

What does it mean to dream about cleaning dirty teeth from various plaques? The dream book believes that the method you used for this is important:

  • bleached - to solve problems, ask for assistance;
  • chewing gum - everything forms on its own;
  • toothpaste - you will have to work hard to implement your plans;
  • chalk - difficulties will not resolve themselves.