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Stop wasting money on useless treatments! List of the most ineffective drugs. Either it's true or it's not. List of ineffective drugs Vitamins and microelements

“Pharmacies sell a huge number of medications with unproven effectiveness. Medicines that do not cure. Interestingly, many of them are banned in Europe, but they are sold very successfully here.

And what’s worse, advertising from all sides imposes on us immune-stimulating, antiviral drugs, tablets for the treatment of the liver, kidneys, stomach, dysbacteriosis... Do we really need these “dummies”? Or does the body cope with the disease perfectly well without taking any medications?

Here is a list of the most famous useless and widely advertised drugs:


The drug, which is on the list of top sellers, has no evidence base. Since March 2011, Actovegin has been banned in Canada, and since July 2011 it has been banned for sale, import and use in the USA. In Western Europe, Australia, Japan and most other countries of the world, this substance is not approved for use as a medicine. Source The manufacturer tried to prove the effectiveness of Actovegin, but was unsuccessful and was forced to refer to the “experience of doctors.” Recently, a clinical trial of Actovegin was completed in Russia, commissioned by the manufacturer. No one has seen the results of these clinical trials and most likely never will. The manufacturer of Actovegin has the right not to publish them.


The drug is for the treatment of patients with dysfunctions of the central nervous system, developmental delays, attention problems, dementia (for example, Alzheimer's syndrome), but in Russia (as well as in China) it is most widely used for the treatment of ischemic stroke. In 2010, the Cochrane Collaboration, the most authoritative international organization specializing in summarizing evidence-based research, published a review of the results of randomized clinical trials of Cerebrolysin conducted by doctors L. Ziganshina, T. Abakumova, A. Kucheva: “According to our results, none of the 146 subjects examined showed no improvement when taking the drug... There is no evidence to confirm the effectiveness of Cerebrolysin in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke.” As a percentage, there was no difference in the number of deaths - 6 out of 78 in the Cerebrolysin group versus 6 out of 68 in the placebo group. The condition of the members of the first group did not improve in comparison with the members of the second.


A long-time leader in the Russian pharmaceutical market, arbidol was developed in the 1960s by the joint efforts of scientists at the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute named after. Ordzhonikidze, Research Institute of Medical Radiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and Leningrad Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. Pasteur. In the 1970-80s, the drug received official recognition of its therapeutic effect against acute respiratory diseases of the influenza virus types A and B, however, the results of full-scale clinical trials of arbidol conducted in the USSR (thousands of people, comparative double-blind placebo-controlled studies) were not were published.

The conducted studies of Arbidol do not provide grounds to consider it as a drug with proven activity for the treatment of influenza in trials. Researchers from abroad were not really interested in this drug. The American Food and Drug Administration refused to register Arbidol as a medicine. Arbidol is well advertised and actively lobbied at the highest level.


Used to prevent and treat colds and flu. Ingaverin entered the market in 2008 without full placebo-controlled studies, and a few months later the so-called swine flu epidemic began, which greatly contributed to its sales. Despite the fact that there is no scientifically proven evidence of the effectiveness of ingaverin against influenza, the drug was recommended for use by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.


The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven in randomized clinical trials (RCTs). Without such results, the drug is usually not approved for use in cultural countries. This can be checked in the MEDLINE database, available free to everyone around the world thanks to the US National Library of Medicine. There are a total of 12 articles in MEDLINE that mention Kagocel. There is not a single RCT among them. The list of studies available on the Rusnano website contains more studies that, by their name, look like RCTs. Unfortunately, they have not been published. This list does not include studies of the so-called third phase, i.e. studies necessary to establish the effectiveness and safety of the drug conducted on adults. Research on children predominates, which seems immoral. Only interventions that have already been tested in adults should be tested in children and that need to be tested in children. This is especially surprising since, as we will see later, some of Kagocel's potentially harmful effects are long-term and even irreversible. We don't know why Nearmedic doesn't publish studies that, judging by the name, look like RCTs. But we know why pharmaceutical companies usually do not publish the results of RCTs: because these studies did not give the attractive results the company needed.


A drug made using extracts of the liver and heart of a non-existent bird to combat a non-existent microorganism and does not contain any active substance. During the Spanish flu epidemic in 1919, the French epidemiologist Joseph Roy, using a microscope, discovered some mysterious bacteria in the blood of influenza patients, which he named Oscillococci and declared to be the causative agents of the disease (along with herpes, cancer, tuberculosis and even rheumatism). Subsequently, it turned out that the causative agents of influenza are viruses that cannot be seen using an optical microscope, and no one except Rua was able to see the Oscillococci bacteria. When the vaccine made by Rua based on oscillococci from the blood of sick people did not work, he, guided by the main principle of homeopathy - to treat like with like, but in much smaller dosages, decided to use an extract from the liver of birds - the main hosts of influenza viruses in nature. The same principle is followed by modern manufacturers of Oscillococcinum, who indicate Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum - an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck - as the active ingredient of the drug.

Moreover, firstly, the species Anas Barbariae does not exist in nature, and the ducks that Rua used are called musk ducks and are known in biological nomenclature as Cairina moschata. Secondly, in accordance with Korsakov’s homeopathic principle, the extract, according to the manufacturers, is diluted 10 to 400 times, which suggests the absence of even one molecule of the active substance of oscillococcinum in any package of the drug (for comparison, the number of atoms in the Universe is 1 * 10 to the 80th degree). Theoretically, the entire Oscillococcinum sold until the end of time could be made from a single duck liver. “From the point of view of modern science, homeopathic remedies, which include the drug Oscillococcinum, do not have proven effectiveness, and the lack of evidence of effectiveness and safety is the basis for the medicine not to be approved for use, not to mention the fact that the manufacturer cannot prove the presence of the declared components in the drug,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov, vice-president of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists. In the Pharmexpert rating for 2009, oscillococcinum ranks second among the most popular over-the-counter drugs in Russia. According to experts involved in monitoring the Russian market, the main reason for its popularity is the active advertising policy of manufacturers and the love of Russian residents for self-medication. In the homeland of the drug, France, since 1992 the sale for medical purposes of any products prepared in accordance with Korsakov’s homeopathic principle has been prohibited, with the exception of oscillococcinum.


It won’t be long before another hysteria begins to extort money from the population under the guise of fighting the flu. And today we want to tell you about a story that happened quite recently and was reported by the English newspaper The Guardian. In 2014, the UK stockpiled £600 million (over $1 billion) worth of flu drugs. However, it soon became clear that the purchased drugs did not relieve the symptoms of the disease well and could not prevent the spread of the epidemic. Independent experts conducted research and found that the manufacturing companies of two major flu drugs, Tamiflu and Relenza, hid important information. In particular, it turned out that during clinical trials these drugs turned out to be completely ineffective. The researchers concluded that due to a lack of information, the government stockpiled 40 million doses of these drugs. Drug officials have also been criticized for failing to gather all the information about drugs before approving their use.

The results of clinical trials of the drugs Tamiflu and Relenza occupy 175 thousand pages. This array of information easily concealed the data that the only advantage of these medications is the relief of symptoms of the disease for about half a day. At the same time, it does not contain any justification for creating such a significant reserve with taxpayers’ money, since medications cannot prevent the occurrence of severe complications, including pneumonia, or reduce the rate of spread of the virus among the population.

Scientists have been alarmed that Tamiflu, which makes up about 85% of supplies, if used as a preventive measure can cause serious side effects such as kidney problems, high blood sugar, and mental disorders, including development depression and delirium. As a result, £600 million from taxpayers' pockets was "thrown down the drain", concluded Professor of Medicine Carl Heneghan from the University of Oxford, one of the authors of the study.


“Immunomodulators” are sold only in Russia - more than 400 items are registered here.

Timalin and Thymogen

The active ingredient of these drugs is a complex of polypeptides obtained by extraction from the thymus gland of cattle. Initially, the raw materials for the manufacture of drugs came from the Leningrad meat processing plant. Doctors widely prescribed thymalin (injections) and thymogen (nasal drops) to adults and children as an immunomodulator and biostimulator for conditions and diseases that are accompanied by decreased immunity, including burns and frostbite, acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of bones, soft tissues and skin, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, various ulcers, as well as in therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, obliterating atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and to eliminate the negative effects of radiation and chemotherapy. The Medline database of medical publications lists 268 articles mentioning thymalin and thymogen (253 in Russian), but none of them contains information about a full-fledged (double-blind, randomized) study of the safety and effectiveness of these drugs. In 2010, at the “Man and Medicine” congress, a report was heard from a graduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Andreeva, who argued that “the effectiveness and necessity of using drugs such as thymogen, thymalin and other immunomodulators, which are widely used in Russian medical practice, have not been proven in clinical studies.” According to specialists from the Institute of Hematology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, “there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of thymalin and thymogen in complex radiation therapy.” “The very concept of “lowering immunity” and the possibility of “increasing it” is an ugly simplification of knowledge about the complex immune system,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. “None of the ‘immune stimulants’, such as levamisole, thymalin, amiksin - there are many of them on the Russian market - has convincing evidence of usefulness, unless, of course, the manufacturer’s profit is considered beneficial.”


The scale of “interferon therapy” in Russia is simply amazing. Doctors of almost all specialties include interferons in treatment regimens - rectally, orally, intranasally... They are prescribed to infants, pregnant women, the elderly... No one is embarrassed by the fact that throughout the civilized world recombinant interferons are prescribed exclusively parenterally for certain serious diseases - viral hepatitis, malignant neoplasms... No one is embarrassed by the lack of evidence on the use of interferons locally (with the exception of ophthalmological practice). It is also not confusing that interferon is a large-molecular structure that cannot penetrate the systemic bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the nose and gastrointestinal tract, much less have a systemic effect. Their ineffectiveness is indirectly confirmed by the fact that they are always prescribed in combination with other drugs, i.e. everyone understands that they do not work as a single drug. As a practicing pediatrician, in 15 years of practice I have never prescribed this group of drugs and, believe it or not, all patients recover without them. I consider the abuse of immunomodulators, immunostimulants, immunosimulants…. When suppositories with interferon were used in pregnant women, the incidence of blood cancer in their children increased.

Alfaron, Ingaron

In the desire to make a profit at the time of the global panic of 2005, our domestic manufacturers pulled out old developments and offered Ingaron. And now they are trying to sell alpha and gamma interferon drugs in pairs - “industrial production of the “Set for the Prevention and Treatment of Influenza” has been established... A combination of type I and II interferon drugs (gamma interferon - INGARON and alpha interferon - ALPHARONA) when administered intranasally or nasopharyngally, it provides high protection against influenza infection, including the 2009 H1N1 season (of swine origin)” (official press release of the Influenza Institute).

Indeed, on September 10 in Copenhagen, EuroWHO Director M. Danzon welcomed Academician O. Kiselev, Director of the Influenza Institute, and WHO experts emphasized that Russia must ensure the quality of the products offered and conduct appropriate clinical trials. Then it will be possible to discuss whether they are of interest for medical practice. Naturally, it is impossible to organize and conduct additional benign studies in two months. Why did the WHO change its mind? The Influenza Institute kindly provided a translation of the letter from WHO. It said: “We have carefully considered the reports provided. The results are very interesting and encouraging, however, given the limited clinical data on interferon drugs..., we recommend continued international research necessary to finalize and formulate WHO recommendations for the use of these drugs on an international scale. ... Considering the fact that ... interferon preparations, based on their compliance with the standards adopted in the Russian Federation, have already been approved for use ... for the prevention and treatment of pandemic influenza A (H1N1), we believe that these drugs are already widely available and are used in priority for the prevention and treatment of pandemic influenza by the population of your country... We will be grateful for the provision of data on any types of post-marketing surveillance on their use.” Translated from international into Russian, this means: for the international community, data must be obtained in good studies, but if the laws of your country allow you to treat with these means, then treat, and let us know about the complications. If China had insisted on treating swine flu with acupuncture, or Botswana on using voodoo procedures, they would likely have received a similar response.


None of the so-called “hepatoprotectors” are represented in the pharmacopoeias of North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand and are not included in the Clinical Guidelines - practical guidelines for doctors and surgeons, which they use to make decisions on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, if not confirmed their practical significance. Since 1989, 5 clinical studies have been conducted. It was initially thought that phospholipids might be effective in treating alcoholic liver disease and liver steatosis of other origins, as well as in taking so-called hepatotoxic drugs as a “drug cover.” However, a 2003 study from US Veterans Medical Centers found no beneficial effects of these drugs on liver function. Moreover, it was found that in acute and chronic viral hepatitis it is contraindicated, as it can increase bile stagnation and inflammatory activity.


The diagnosis of “dysbacteriosis”, which is widely used by our pediatricians, no longer exists anywhere in the world. Prescribing probiotics in developed countries is treated with caution.

The drug Linex is created on the basis of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci and is intended to improve intestinal flora affected by taking antihistamines and antibiotics. However, due to manufacturing features, the effectiveness of the drug tends to zero. According to the manufacturers, one Linex capsule contains 1.2 * 10″ live, but lyophilized (that is, vacuum-dried) lactic acid bacteria. Firstly, this number itself is not so large - a comparable number of bacteria can be obtained by consuming a daily dose of regular fermented milk products. Secondly, during blistering, that is, during vacuum packaging of the drug into capsules in which it goes on sale, about 99% of the bacteria probably die. Finally, a comparative analysis of dry and liquid probiotics shows that in the former the bacteria are extremely passive, so even those that managed to survive blistering almost never have time to have a positive effect on the human immune system.

Preparations of harmless bacteria (probiotics) to populate the intestines have been used in European medicine for about a hundred years, thanks to the research of Ilya Mechnikov. “But only recently for certain drugs in good studies a beneficial effect in the prevention of infections in children was discovered,” says Professor Vlasov. “It was precisely the insignificance of the effect size that did not allow it to be convincingly detected earlier. In Russia, the popularity of probiotics is unprecedented, as manufacturers skillfully support the fanciful idea of ​​“dysbiosis” - a condition of supposedly disturbed intestinal microflora, which is supposedly treated with probiotics.”

Probiotic products contain different strains of bacteria and dosages vary. It is unclear which bacteria are actually beneficial or what doses are needed for them to work.


Mezim Forte is created on the basis of pancreatin from the pancreas of pigs, which should compensate for the insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas and improve the digestion of food in the intestines. According to the manufacturers, Mezim-Forte is produced in blisters, the shell of which protects enzymes sensitive to gastric juice and dissolves only in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it releases the pancreatic enzymes included in the drug - amylase, lipase and proteases, which facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, in 2009, the President of the Association of Employers' Organizations of the Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine, Valery Pechaev, stated that a study of the drug conducted by the pharmaceutical analysis laboratory of the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines showed its complete ineffectiveness. According to Pachaev, Mezim-Fort lacks an enteric coating, which is why the enzymes are dissolved by acid in the stomach and do not give any effect. Representatives of the Berlin-Chemie company did not refute or confirm this fact, but issued a response statement that said: “There are questions for Valery Pechaev himself. The fact is that Pechaev is, among other things, the general director of the pharmaceutical company Lekhim, which, by the way, produces a competitive drug - pancreatin.” “The effect of enzymes on the body has not yet been fully studied,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. — Mezim-Forte, like Pancreatin, is a drug of mass demand; therefore, it is suitable for everyone, which means it is not suitable for anyone.


These medications contain Phenobarbital (Luminal). The circulation of this substance due to its high toxicity to the human body, as well as its pronounced narcogenicity (the ability to cause pathological dependence, i.e. drug addiction) in all countries is subject to control by special competent authorities. In most European countries, phenobarbital is either used extremely rarely or its use is prohibited altogether. The consequences of abuse of barbiturates (phenobarbital belongs to this group) include damage to the liver, heart and, of course, the brain.

13. PIRACETAM (NOOTROPIL) and other nootropics (Phenibut, Aminalon, Pantogam, Picamilon, Cinnarizine)

A nootropic drug used to improve metabolic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex. The active substance of nootropil - piracetam - is the basis of about 20 similar drugs on the Russian market, for example, pyratropil, lucetam and a number of drugs whose names contain the word “piracetam”. This substance is quite widely used in neurological, psychiatric and drug addiction practice.

The Medline database lists clinical trials published in the 1990s showing piracetam to be moderately effective in stroke recovery, dementia and dyslexia. However, the results of the 2001 randomized multicenter PASS (Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study) trial showed the lack of effectiveness of piracetam in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. There is also no information about improvements in the functioning of the cerebral cortex in healthy people after taking piracetam.

Currently, it is excluded by the American FDA from the list of medicines and classified as dietary supplements (dietary supplements). It is not approved for sale in US pharmacies, but can be ordered online or imported from neighboring Mexico. In 2008, the Formulary Committee of the British Academy of Medical Sciences made a statement that “the results of randomized clinical trials (1990s - Esquire) using the nootropic drug piracetam were methodologically flawed.” However, in some cases it may help older people with cognitive impairment. People who used piracetam in combination with LSD and MDMA claimed that it helped control the strong narcotic effects.

In Russia, piracetam is actively used in the treatment of mental functions in children with Down syndrome. However, according to a study conducted in 2006 by a group of scientists led by Nancy Lobough, piracetam did not confirm its effectiveness in this area: in 18 children with Down syndrome, after a four-month course, cognitive functions remained at the same level, aggression was observed in four cases, and excitability in two cases. , in one - increased interest in sex, in one - insomnia, in one - lack of appetite. The scientists concluded: “Piracetam has no proven therapeutic effect on improving cognitive function, but it does have unwanted side effects.”


These drugs are used in cardiology, obstetrics, neurology and intensive care. They are actively used in Russia, but are not used in developed countries. They have never been subjected to serious research. It is argued that these drugs should somehow miraculously improve metabolism, help against many diseases, and enhance the effect of other drugs. While the medicine helps with everything, it really doesn't help with anything.

At a certain stage in the development of medical science, these drugs were quite popular, but the experience of their clinical use showed the low effectiveness of such therapy. First of all, the failure was associated with the pharmacological unsoundness of the use of this class of drugs. Obviously, the introduction of ATP from the outside does not matter from a pharmacological point of view, since this macroerg is formed in the body in incomparably large quantities. The use of its precursor inosine (riboxin) also cannot guarantee an increase in the pool of “ready” ATP in myocardial cells, since both the delivery of the purine derivative and its penetration into the cell under ischemic conditions are quite difficult.



Today it is not recommended for use: not a single benign study has revealed clinically significant effects. It is a substance obtained from the leaves of the Vinca minor plant. The drug has been little studied. Therefore, in the USA and many other countries it is considered a dietary supplement, and not a medicine. In Japan, withdrawn from sale due to apparent ineffectiveness.

Extract from the Resolution of the Meeting of the Presidium of the Formal Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences dated March 16, 2007


Thrombolytic, used to treat chronic venous insufficiency, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction.

The main function of this nano-medicine—dissolving blood clots—should make it a unique remedy for many diseases of the circulatory system. Drugs that can dissolve a blood clot and restore blood circulation are usually available in the form of solutions. According to the developers, scientists at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, Thrombovazim is “the world’s first thrombolytic in tablets.” “It’s like a microsurgeon,” says Andrei Artamonov, director of the Siberian Center for Pharmacology and Biotechnology. “It runs through the vessels and eats blood clots without touching healthy tissue, so, firstly, there are no side effects, and secondly, the technology can reduce toxicity tenfold.” Trombovazim is made from plant raw materials, treating it with an electron beam, which combines polymers with biomolecules. The electron beam method, according to physicists, “kills all toxins and germs,” which cannot be achieved with traditional chemical treatment. Thrombovazym was registered in 2007 for the indication “treatment of chronic venous insufficiency”. According to the Roszdravnadzor database, the manufacturing company was granted permission to conduct clinical studies of the drug’s effectiveness in acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and retinal thrombosis, but it has not yet been registered for these indications. “The presented material looks dubious,” says Pavel Vorobiev, deputy chairman of the Formal Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. — A thrombolytic is usually administered intravenously, even inside a blood clot, and it is difficult to imagine the absorption of such a substance with the presence of a biochemical target. Just like the fact that plant powder irradiated with something acquires new supernatural properties.” Manufacturers, without waiting for registration, released thrombusazim to the market quite a long time ago - as the basis of the DNI dietary supplement.


If you believe the description in the medicinal registry, it helps against all diseases, from viral hepatitis to chemotherapy for neoplasms. As doctors have long noted, if a drug is a drug of mass demand, has a wide range of indications, is practically devoid of side effects and, accordingly, is suitable for everyone, then most likely it is not suitable for anyone and has no indications for its use.

In the USA they refused to register it as a medicine. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not found it to be safe or effective. Cases of the possible occurrence of such adverse reactions as shock or individual intolerance (anaphylactic shock) have been described, but it is sold remarkably well in Russia.


Not used in developed countries since the late 70s of the last century.

In latent Parkinson's disease, taking cinnarizine at a minimum dose of 75 mg per day (flunarizine - 10 mg per day) for several months, weeks and even days can lead not only to the manifestation of the (often irreversible!) disease, but also to the sudden development of a parkinsonian crisis with complete immobility and disruption of auxiliary swallowing and respiratory movements, while a specific antidote - the drug amantadine for intravenous drip - stops the threatening condition no earlier than in a few days. In this sense, repeated parenteral use of cinnarizine is especially dangerous.

Medicines containing cinnarizine and present on the Russian market.

Cinnarizine, Stugeron, Cinnarizine-Inbiotech, Cinnarizine-MIC, Cinnarizine-Milve, Cinnarizine-Ros, Cinnarizine forte, Cinnarizine forte-Ratiopharm, Vertizin, Disiron, Stunaron, Cinazine, Cinarine, Cinnarone, Cinnasan, Cinedil, Cyrizine (25 mg tablets, capsules 75 mg, drops 3 mg in 1 drop, solution for infusion 75 mg in ampoule); Omaron and Phezam (a combination of 25 mg of cinnarizine and 400 mg of piracetam per tablet: cinnarizine reduces the likelihood of insomnia and anxiety caused by piracetam, both components mutually enhance the vasodilating effect inherent in both, stimulating the absorption of oxygen from the blood by the brain and spinal cord, as well as the risk of developing akathisia - motor restlessness, aggressiveness, delirium - episodes of delirium and hallucinations).

Flunarizine )

A drug with the same effect is a doubly fluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, trans-1 [cinnamyl-4 (4,4′) difluorobenzhydryl]-piperazine, or N difluorobenzhydryl-N′ transcinnamyl-piperazine (brand - Sibelium, Germany; other brands - Amalium, Vasculoflex, Vertix, Nabratin, Niflucan, Nomigrain, Flugeral, Fluxarten, Flunagen, Flunar, Flurpax, Flufenal; tablets and capsules of 5 and 10 mg). Fluoridation has made the drug more resistant to destruction in the liver, as a result of which it is used in smaller doses and less frequently (5 mg 2 times a day, 10 mg 1-2 times a day, 15-20 mg 1 time a day before bedtime, orally; for the same indications, daily doses of flunarizine are 5−11 times less than cinnarizine, which reduces the side effects of peak concentrations of the drug in the blood).


Statins are a group of substances whose mechanism of action involves blocking a misnamed enzyme, HMG reductase. The enzyme is involved, in turn, in one of the stages of the formation of new cholesterol in the liver.

French scientists Bernard Debré et Philippe Even wrote a book, “Guide to 4000 Drugs,” in which they argue that statins are useless. At best, the placebo effect works.


In Russia, vitamins are a huge market; they are prescribed in unlimited quantities, mainly to healthy people and without indications. However, vitamins cannot replace a healthy diet: 1 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits daily, fish, vegetable fats, dairy products. Who needs vitamins? In some cases, they are necessary for people with serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and sometimes exhausted. Pregnant women must take folic acid and calcium, some women need vitamin A and iron, but there is no evidence of the benefits of vitamins B, C, D, E and magnesium. Vitamin A is recommended for children under 2 years of age with measles. Vitamin C is indicated for pneumonia and for those who eat few vegetables and fruits. Taking vitamin D and calcium reduces the risk of fractures in older people. However, even these vitamin effects are small.


All homeopathy is quackery.


A mint candy that is vaguely related to medicine. Good breath freshener. Feeling pain in the heart, a person puts validol under the tongue instead of nitroglycerin, which is mandatory in such situations, and goes to the hospital with a heart attack.


Dopings disguised as nootropics are used only in the CIS. A Medline search did not reveal any controlled studies in humans.


There have been no major studies, all articles on Pubmed are mostly of Russian origin. The “research” was conducted primarily on mice.

Download the full list of drugs with unproven effectiveness here

Medicines that are prescribed by doctors but do not cure... List of ineffective and useless medicines.

Chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Pavel Vorobyov: “On the Russian market, the percentage of empty unnecessary drugs is at least 30%”
Currently, a large number of drugs are circulating on the pharmaceutical market, whose therapeutic effectiveness has not been properly proven by clinical trials. Large drug manufacturers have long realized that in order to successfully sell a particular drug, it is not at all necessary that it have healing properties. It is much more profitable for them to invest in advertising and bribing officials than in their clinical trials.

List of drugs with unproven therapeutic efficacy

1. Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl are drugs with unproven effectiveness.

Cerebrolysin is a nootropic agent that helps improve metabolism in brain tissue. The drug is for the treatment of patients with dysfunctions of the central nervous system, developmental delays, attention problems, dementia (for example, Alzheimer's syndrome), but in Russia (as well as in China) it is most widely used for the treatment of ischemic stroke. In 2010, the Cochrane Collaboration, the most authoritative international organization specializing in summarizing evidence-based research, published a review of the results of randomized clinical trials of Cerebrolysin conducted by doctors L. Ziganshina, T. Abakumova, A. Kucheva: “According to our results, none of the 146 subjects examined showed no improvement when taking the drug... There is no evidence to confirm the effectiveness of Cerebrolysin in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke.” In percentage terms, there was no difference in the number of deaths - 6 of 78 people in the group receiving Cerebrolysin versus 6 of 68 in the group receiving placebo. The condition of the members of the first group did not improve in comparison with the members of the second.

Actovegin has not undergone full, independent studies according to GCP rules. Actovegin is not used in Western Europe and the USA. Preparations containing components of animal origin are prohibited in developed countries. There is not a single study on Actovegin in the Cochrane library. And at the same time, Actovegin is prescribed to almost everyone at any stage of pregnancy, during and after childbirth, for the treatment of burns, rehabilitation after heart attacks and strokes, and for many chronic diseases. The English-language website of the manufacturing corporation indicates that the extract from the blood of calves is sold only to the CIS countries, China and South Korea.

Fragment of an interview between Nycomed Group President Håkan Bjorklund and Nycomed Russia-CIS President Josten Davidsen for the Sekret Firmy publication. (Source kommersant.ru)

SF: Nycomed’s blockbuster drug is Actovegin, which increases the supply of oxygen to the body’s cells. It ranks third in Russia in terms of sales among drugs, according to Pharmexpert. However, there is no information about it either on the company’s international website or in any other Western sources. I was able to find a mention of Actovegin only on the Chinese website Nycomed, and on Russian resources. Why is that?

JOSTEIN DAVIDSEN: Really not? I don't know why there is no information. This is strange, since Actovegin is the third best-selling product of the Nycomed Group, one of the key ones.

SF: Maybe because, due to mad cow disease, in many countries the sale of drugs containing components of animal origin is prohibited, but Actovegin contains them?

Josten Davidsen
YD: Yes, in a number of European countries such drugs are prohibited, and we do not sell Actovegin there. However, historically, the main market for Actovegin is Russia and the CIS. Nycomed offered this product back in Soviet times. Today, 70% of the total production volume of Actovegin is sold here.

SF: There is an opinion that the medical effectiveness of Actovegin has not been proven, since it has not been subjected to clinical research.

JOSTEIN DAVIDSEN: In Russia, a clinical trial of a drug is not a legal requirement, so its absence cannot be a problem for us. Why don't we do it? Because we don’t feel the need to do it. We see that the drug is in demand among Russian doctors; they recommend it to patients. This is an important point, since doctors in Russia are quite conservative and adhere to well-known and well-proven treatment techniques. In turn, consumers are loyal to Actovegin. In addition, there are not many alternative drugs today.”
That's right - if people are eating up, why do research?

The use of Actovegin is associated with a certain risk - since it is obtained from calf blood, the patient runs the risk of contracting spongiform encephalitis.

2. Arbidol, Kagocel, Alfaron, Ingaron, Ingavirin, other immunomodulators

The conducted studies of Arbidol do not provide grounds to consider it as a drug with proven activity for the treatment of influenza in trials. Researchers from abroad were not really interested in this drug. The American Food and Drug Administration refused to register Arbidol as a medicine.

Professor Vasily Vlasov: Arbidol is a little-studied drug

But at the same time, Arbidol is well advertised and actively lobbied at the highest level. By a strange coincidence, the pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard (which produces Arbidol) is headed by a longtime friend of the Golikova-Khristenko family, Viktor Kharitonin. Not long ago, interesting materials were published in the press and on television about the cooperation of the Ministry of Health and Social Development with the Pharmstandard company.

Ingavirin is an immunomodulator used for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu

According to the manufacturers, “the idea of ​​​​creating a drug known to modern consumers as ingavirin appeared in the early 1980s. After a series of multi-year studies on the effectiveness and safety of ingavirin, it was submitted for registration, which was completed in mid-2008.” In fact, according to Professor Vasily Vlasov, the active substance of the drug vitaglutam (dicarbamin) was sold in Russia until 2008 - as a stimulator of hematopoiesis in patients receiving anticancer therapy. The drug was studied in this capacity, but no convincing evidence of effectiveness was obtained. Ingaverin entered the market in 2008 without full placebo-controlled studies, and a few months later the so-called swine flu epidemic began, which greatly contributed to its sales. Despite the fact that there is no scientifically proven evidence of the effectiveness of ingaverin against influenza, the drug was recommended for use by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. And the chief therapist of the Russian Federation, Alexander Chuchalin, said in an interview with Ogonyok magazine in May 2009: “The activity of the antiviral drug ingavirin is much higher than that of the American Tamiflu. Our drug easily integrates into the genome of the A/H1N1 virus and quickly destroys it. And other dangerous viruses too.” Chuchalin headed the development team of Ingaverin

3. Oscillococcinum

A drug made using extracts of the liver and heart of a non-existent bird to combat a non-existent microorganism and does not contain any active substance. During the Spanish flu epidemic in 1919, the French epidemiologist Joseph Roy, using a microscope, discovered some mysterious bacteria in the blood of influenza patients, which he named Oscillococci and declared to be the causative agents of the disease (along with herpes, cancer, tuberculosis and even rheumatism). Subsequently, it turned out that the causative agents of influenza are viruses that cannot be seen using an optical microscope, and no one except Rua was able to see the Oscillococci bacteria. When the vaccine made by Rua based on oscillococci from the blood of sick people did not work, he, guided by the main principle of homeopathy - to treat like with like, but in much smaller dosages, decided to use an extract from the liver of birds - the main hosts of influenza viruses in nature. The same principle is followed by modern manufacturers of Oscillococcinum, who indicate Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum - an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck - as the active ingredient of the drug. Moreover, firstly, the species Anas Barbariae does not exist in nature, and the ducks that Rua used are called musk ducks and are known in biological nomenclature as Cairina moschata. Secondly, in accordance with Korsakov’s homeopathic principle, the extract, according to the manufacturers, is diluted 10 to 400 times, which suggests the absence of even one molecule of the active substance of oscillococcinum in any package of the drug (for comparison, the number of atoms in the Universe is 1 * 10 to the 80th degree). Theoretically, the entire Oscillococcinum sold until the end of time could be made from a single duck liver. “From the point of view of modern science, homeopathic remedies, which include the drug Oscillococcinum, do not have proven effectiveness, and the lack of evidence of effectiveness and safety is the basis for the medicine not to be approved for use, not to mention the fact that the manufacturer cannot prove the presence of the declared components in the drug,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov, vice-president of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists. Nevertheless, in the Pharmexpert rating for 2009, oscillococcinum ranks second among the most popular over-the-counter drugs in Russia. According to experts involved in monitoring the Russian market, the main reason for its popularity is the active advertising policy of manufacturers and the love of Russian residents for self-medication. In the homeland of the drug, France, since 1992 the sale for medical purposes of any products prepared in accordance with Korsakov’s homeopathic principle has been prohibited, with the exception of oscillococcinum.

4. Cocarboxylase, ATP (adenotriphosphoric acid), Riboxin (Inosine)

These drugs are used in cardiology, obstetrics, neurology and intensive care. They are actively used in Russia, but are not used in developed countries. They have never been subjected to serious research. It is argued that these drugs should somehow miraculously improve metabolism, help against many diseases, and enhance the effect of other drugs. While the medicine helps with everything, it really doesn't help with anything.

In cardiology, ATP is used only to relieve certain rhythm disturbances, which is associated with its ability to briefly block the conduction of the AV node. In this case, ATP is administered intravenously, and the effect is limited to a few minutes. In all other cases (including the previously widespread use of intramuscular courses), ATP is useless, because this ATP “lives” for a very short time when introduced into the body, and then breaks down into its component parts, therefore the only possible result of ATP administration is - This is an abscess at the injection site.

At a certain stage in the development of medical science, these drugs were quite popular, but the experience of their clinical use showed the low effectiveness of such therapy. First of all, the failure was associated with the pharmacological unsoundness of the use of this class of drugs. Obviously, the introduction of ATP from the outside does not matter from a pharmacological point of view, since this macroerg is formed in the body in incomparably large quantities. The use of its precursor inosine (riboxin) also cannot guarantee an increase in the pool of “ready” ATP in myocardial cells, since both the delivery of the purine derivative and its penetration into the cell under ischemic conditions are quite difficult.

5. Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Hilak Forte, Primadophilus and other probiotics.

The prescription of probiotics in developed countries is treated with great caution.

The drug Linex is created on the basis of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci and is intended to improve intestinal flora affected by taking antihistamines and antibiotics. However, due to manufacturing features, the effectiveness of the drug tends to zero. According to the manufacturers, one Linex capsule contains 1.2 * 10″ live, but lyophilized (that is, vacuum-dried) lactic acid bacteria. Firstly, this number itself is not so large - a comparable number of bacteria can be obtained by consuming a daily dose of regular fermented milk products. Secondly, during blistering, that is, vacuum packaging of the drug into capsules in which it is sold, about gg% percent of bacteria are likely killed. Finally, a comparative analysis of dry and liquid probiotics shows that in the former the bacteria are extremely passive, so even those that managed to survive blistering almost never have time to have a positive effect on the human immune system. Preparations of harmless bacteria (probiotics) to populate the intestines have been used in European medicine for about a hundred years, thanks to the research of Ilya Mechnikov. “But only recently for certain drugs in good studies a beneficial effect in the prevention of infections in children was discovered,” says Professor Vlasov. “It was precisely the insignificance of the effect size that did not allow it to be convincingly detected earlier. In Russia, the popularity of probiotics is unprecedented, as manufacturers skillfully support the fanciful idea of ​​“dysbiosis” - a condition of supposedly disturbed intestinal microflora, which is supposedly treated with probiotics.”

Probiotic products contain different strains of bacteria and dosages vary. It is not clear which bacteria are actually beneficial or what doses are needed for them to work.

6 Validol.

Nothing more than a mint candy, vaguely related to medicine. Good breath freshener. Feeling pain in the heart, a person puts validol under the tongue instead of nitroglycerin, which is mandatory in such situations, and goes to the hospital with a heart attack.

7. Vinpocetine and Cavinton.

Today it is not recommended for use: not a single benign study has revealed clinically significant effects. It is a substance obtained from the leaves of the Vinca minor plant. The drug has been little studied. Therefore, in the USA and many other countries it is considered a dietary supplement, and not a medicine. $15 a jar for a month of use. In Japan, withdrawn from sale due to apparent ineffectiveness.

8. Nootropil, Piracetam, Semax, Tenoten, Phezam, Aminalon, Phenibut, Pantogam, Picamilon, placebo drugs

Nootropil is used to improve metabolic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex. The active substance of nootropil - piracetam - is the basis of about 20 similar drugs on the Russian market, for example, pyratropil, lucetam and a number of drugs whose names contain the word “piracetam”. This substance is quite widely used in neurological, psychiatric and drug addiction practice. The Medline database lists clinical trials published in the 1990s showing piracetam to be moderately effective in stroke recovery, dementia and dyslexia. However, the results of the 2001 randomized multicenter PASS (Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study) trial showed the lack of effectiveness of piracetam in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. There is also no information about improvements in the functioning of the cerebral cortex in healthy people after taking piracetam. Currently, it is excluded by the American FDA from the list of medicines and classified as dietary supplements (dietary supplements). It is not approved for sale in US pharmacies, but can be ordered online or imported from neighboring Mexico. In 2008, the Formulary Committee of the British Academy of Medical Sciences made a statement that “the results of randomized clinical trials (1990s - Esquire) using the nootropic drug piracetam were methodologically flawed.” However, in some cases it may help older people with cognitive impairment. People who used piracetam in combination with LSD and MDMA claimed that it helped control the strong narcotic effects. In Russia, piracetam is actively used in the treatment of mental functions in children with Down syndrome. However, according to a study conducted in 2006 by a group of scientists led by Nancy Lobough, piracetam did not confirm its effectiveness in this area: in 18 children with Down syndrome, after a four-month course, cognitive functions remained at the same level, aggression was observed in four cases, and excitability was observed in two cases. , in one - increased interest in sex, in one - insomnia, in one - lack of appetite. The scientists concluded: “Piracetam has no proven therapeutic effect on improving cognitive function, but it does have unwanted side effects.”

Most trials of piracetam were conducted many years ago and did not use methods that are currently considered standard. Some studies suggest there may be some benefit from piracetam, but overall the evidence is not consistent or positive enough to support its use for dementia or cognitive impairment.

Hopanthenic acid (Pantogam, Pantocalcin) is a homologue of pantothenic acid, differing from it in the main chain extended by one carbon atom. It supposedly acts as an antagonist of pantothenic acid, due to which it is capable of interfering with energy metabolism, and sometimes detrimentally. The use of Pantogam in Japan was discontinued in the early 1990s after a series of fatal complications in the form of Reye-like syndrome, Rett syndrome, etc. This drug has not been used in other developed countries.

9. Mexidol, Phenotropil, Mildronate - dopings disguised as nootropics - used only in the CIS

A Medline search did not reveal any randomized placebo-controlled trials in humans.

10. Timalin, Thymogen

The active ingredient of these drugs is a complex of polypeptides obtained by extraction from the thymus gland of cattle. Initially, the raw materials for the manufacture of drugs came from the Leningrad meat processing plant. Doctors widely prescribed thymalin (injections) and thymogen (nasal drops) to adults and children as an immunomodulator and biostimulator for conditions and diseases that are accompanied by decreased immunity, including burns and frostbite, acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of bones, soft tissues and skin, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, various ulcers, as well as in therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, obliterating atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and to eliminate the negative effects of radiation and chemotherapy. The database of medical publications Medline lists 268 articles mentioning thymalin and thymogen (253 in Russian), but none of them contains information about a full-fledged (double-blind, randomized) study of the safety and effectiveness of these drugs. In 2010, at the “Man and Medicine” congress, a report was heard from a graduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Andreeva, who argued that “the effectiveness and necessity of using drugs such as thymogen, thymalin and other immunomodulators, which are widely used in Russian medical practice, have not been proven in clinical studies.” According to specialists from the Institute of Hematology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, “there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of thymalin and thymogen in complex radiation therapy.” “The very concept of “lowering immunity” and the possibility of “increasing it” is an ugly simplification of knowledge about the complex immune system,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. “None of the ‘immune stimulants’, such as levamisole, thymalin, amiksin - there are many of them on the Russian market - has convincing evidence of usefulness, unless, of course, the manufacturer’s profit is considered beneficial.”

11. Bioparox, Kudesan no major studies have been conducted, all articles on Pubmed are mainly of Russian origin. The “research” was conducted primarily on mice.

12. Wobenzym. Manufacturers claim that it heals, prolongs life and youth. You should not believe in a fairy tale about a miracle drug that has not been tested in experimental studies just because it is expensive. Drug companies invest hundreds of millions of dollars in testing a drug, even if there is little hope that it can be proven to be effective. One can only guess why these studies on wobenzym have not been done so far. But large amounts of money are invested in its advertising.

13. Glycine (amino acid) Tenaten, Enerion, St. John's wort preparations, Grippol, Polyoxidonium

14. Glucosamine Chondroitin Efficacy not proven.

15. Corvalol, Valocordin.

It has been clinically proven that Corvalol (they contain a potent drug - phenobarbital) does not affect the course and outcomes of cardiovascular diseases, and at the same time it has been proven that phenobarbital, which is part of them, accumulates in tissues and subsequently destroys them. Phenobarbital is prohibited all over the world and is only sold here without a prescription. The drug Valocordin, which has a hypnotic, vasodilator, sedative and antispasmodic effect, was developed in 1963 in Germany, and Corvalol is an almost complete Soviet analogue. Among other things, these “folk remedies for all heart diseases” contain psychotropic components - ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid (about 3%) and phenobarbital (1.12%) - and therefore are completely unknown outside Eastern Europe, and in the USA and completely prohibited from import. According to Professor Vasily Vlasov, “these drugs are registered as a cardiac remedy, but they do not cure the heart. The history of the creation of Valocordin goes back to the times when it was fashionable to treat all diseases with sleep. In fact, both drugs have an exclusively sedative effect, which is extremely pleasant for older people, especially women who are embarrassed to drink a glass of vodka at dinner. The therapeutic effect of the drugs has not been proven by any clinical studies.” In 2008, Corvalol and Valocordin began to be withdrawn from free, over-the-counter sales, but public protests forced representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service to declare that Valocordin and Corvalol, as well as other medications containing small amounts of potent and toxic substances, would be -still sold without prescription.

16. Thrombovazim- thrombolytic, used to treat chronic venous insufficiency, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction.

The main function of this “nano-medicine” - dissolving blood clots - should make it a unique remedy for many diseases of the circulatory system. Drugs that can dissolve a blood clot and restore blood circulation are usually available in the form of solutions. According to the developers, scientists at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, Thrombovazim is “the world’s first thrombolytic in tablets.” “It’s like a microsurgeon,” says Andrei Artamonov, director of the Siberian Center for Pharmacology and Biotechnology. “It runs through the vessels and eats blood clots without touching healthy tissue, so, firstly, there are no side effects, and secondly, the technology can reduce toxicity tenfold.” Trombovazim is made from plant raw materials, treating it with an electron beam, which combines polymers with biomolecules. The electron beam method, according to physicists, “kills all toxins and germs,” which cannot be achieved with traditional chemical treatment. Thrombovazym was registered in 2007 for the indication “treatment of chronic venous insufficiency”. According to the Roszdravnadzor database, the manufacturing company was granted permission to conduct clinical studies of the drug’s effectiveness in acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and retinal thrombosis, but it has not yet been registered for these indications. “The presented material looks dubious,” says Pavel Vorobiev, deputy chairman of the Formal Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - A thrombolytic is usually administered intravenously, even inside a blood clot, and it is difficult to imagine the absorption of such a substance with the presence of a biochemical target. Just like the fact that plant powder irradiated with something acquires new supernatural properties.” Manufacturers, without waiting for registration, released thrombusazim to the market quite a long time ago - as the basis of the DNI dietary supplement.

17. Tanakan, Preductal- drugs with a rather weak evidence base.

18. Cytochrome C + adenosine + nicotinamide (oftan catachrome), azapentacene (quinax), taurine (taufon) –

The active ingredient of Taufon eye drops, 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is present in small quantities in the tissues and bile of animals, including humans. The second name of the acid - taurine - comes from the Latin taurus ("bull"), since it was first obtained by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin from ox bile. Taurine is used in both the pharmaceutical and food industries - it is a common ingredient in many "energy drinks". For medical use, taurine is produced in Russia in the form of a 4% aqueous solution called taufon, which is prescribed to adults for dystrophic lesions of the retina, cataracts, glaucoma, and also as a means of stimulating recovery processes in case of corneal injuries. However, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the drug: according to the Roszdravnadzor database, clinical trials of taufon have not been conducted in Russia, and in the international Medline database there is only one publication indicating a connection between taurine and ophthalmology (Thimons J.J., Hansen D., Nolfi J. Understanding taurine and its possible role in ocularhealth // Optometric Management. April, 2004). Its authors talk about clinical trials of their unique invention - a cleaning and moisturizing liquid for contact lenses, Complete MoisturePlus, made on the basis of taurine. According to the article, taurine “can protect lenses and, accordingly, eyes from dryness that occurs when working at a computer, damage and helps to moisturize them... However, we cannot yet determine with complete accuracy the role of taurine in eye health.” Taurine-based drops are not available in Western pharmacies, although in the USA they can be ordered on the website www.alibaba.com. The ability to prevent the development of cataracts and delay the timing of surgery has not been proven;

19. Essentiale, Livolin Essentiale N,

Like numerous analogue drugs, it supposedly improves the condition of the liver. There is no convincing data on this, and manufacturers are not actively trying to test them. And our legislation allows drugs to be put on the market that have not undergone proper double-blind controlled trials. There are no studies that comply with the principles of evidence-based medicine confirming the effectiveness of Livolin and its analogues in the treatment of liver diseases in general, and fatty hepatosis in particular.

20. Mezim Forte

Mezim Forte is created on the basis of pancreatin from the pancreas of pigs, which should compensate for the insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas and improve the digestion of food in the intestines. According to the manufacturers, Mezim-Forte is produced in blisters, the shell of which protects enzymes sensitive to gastric juice and dissolves only in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it releases the pancreatic enzymes included in the drug - amylase, lipase and proteases, which facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, in 2009, the President of the Association of Employers' Organizations of the Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine, Valery Pechaev, stated that a study of the drug conducted by the pharmaceutical analysis laboratory of the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines showed its complete ineffectiveness. According to Pachaev, Mezim-Fort lacks an enteric coating, which is why the enzymes are dissolved by acid in the stomach and do not give any effect. Representatives of the Berlin-Chemie company did not refute or confirm this fact, but issued a response statement that said: “There are questions for Valery Pechaev himself. The fact is that Pechaev is, among other things, the general director of the pharmaceutical company Lekhim, which, by the way, produces a competitive drug - pancreatin.” “The effect of enzymes on the body has not yet been fully studied,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. - Mezim-Forte, like Pancreatin, is a drug of mass demand; accordingly, it is suitable for everyone, which means it is not suitable for anyone. If a person has a disease - a deficiency of a specific enzyme - he needs to be treated with a specific enzyme. It cannot be that everyone, without exception, lacks one single enzyme that would immediately help everyone.” Experts explain the popularity of Mezima-Forte, in comparison with analogues, by a massive advertising campaign. At the same time, the famous slogan “indispensable for the stomach” has little relation to reality, since if Mezim-Forte works, it is not in the stomach, but in the intestines.

21. Novo-passit.

For a simple herbal tincture it is quite expensive. When promoting its product, the manufacturer actively used “individual work with key specialists and doctors.”* Positioned as an anxiolytic - a psychotropic drug that suppresses anxiety, fear, restlessness, and emotional stress. Novo-passit contains a complex of liquid extracts of medicinal plants (valerian officinalis, lemon balm, St. John's wort, common hawthorn, passionflower incarnata (passion flower), common hop, black elderberry) Gaifenesinl. It is guaifenesin that is credited with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Meanwhile, guaifenesin is only a mucolytic and cannot have the effect attributed to the drug. However, drinking a little alcohol before bed has never hurt anyone...

22. Vitamins and microelements

With active lobbying of vitamin manufacturers, we created a special program to provide vitamin preparations to pregnant women - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 50 of January 19, 2007 “...Provision of medicines (folic acid, potassium iodide, multivitamin + multimineral, iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate, iron fumarate + folic acid, vitamin E, calcium carbonate) of women during pregnancy, carried out in accordance with the list of vital and essential medicines..."?

In fact, the amount of Folic acid does not decrease during pregnancy, and its reserves are quite sufficient. WHO writes its recommendations - on folic acid - for underdeveloped starving countries, where Russia does not belong.

As for iron. If there is no shortage, there is no need to give it at all. But WHO people haven’t even heard about hydremia in pregnant women. To them, any decrease in hemoglobin is anemia. We raised this topic, and now normal people (you can’t screw everyone’s head) don’t give iron to pregnant women. There is no evidence of the benefits of taking vitamins B, C, D, E and magnesium. Source - from the answer of Professor P.A. Vorobyov.

23. Instenon, Cinnarizine. Instenon has not been used in other countries since the late 70s of the last century.

24. Proprothene 100- the pacifier triggers the placebo effect.

The above drugs are annoyingly promoted by pharmaceutical companies and are still actively prescribed in our country. Moreover, some of them (such as Actovegin, Arbidol, Linex, Essentiale) have been on the list of sales leaders for many years. The prescription of all these medications lies entirely on the conscience of the attending physician and, first of all, speaks of his unprofessionalism. I really don’t want to realize that ineffective drugs in our country can be prescribed by doctors for selfish reasons.

Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) are coming

Recently, a rather alarming trend has emerged. The average person is bombarded with a continuous stream of advertisements for all kinds of dietary supplements (dietary supplements), which are presented under the guise of effective medicines, although everyone is well aware that dietary supplements are not medicines and they CANNOT GET RID OF DISEASE. It is especially sad to realize that this advertising is broadcast on central television channels and leading radio stations. On the radio “Echo of Moscow” there is a continuous advertisement for “The Emperor’s Secret”... and even in Elena Malysheva’s program there is often an advertisement for all sorts of nonsense, including products of the Evalar company.

Dietary supplements in their appearance, packaging method, and design resemble medications, and experts have been sounding the alarm for a long time, since in recent years patients often buy dietary supplements at pharmacies instead of purchasing the necessary medications.
It would be much more correct if dietary supplements were sold in grocery stores next to spices and seasonings in approximately the same forms of packaging, without indications of the therapeutic effect, just the composition (after all, the content of useful substances is not written on beets or meat).
The list of dietary supplements sold in pharmacies under the guise of medicines can be continued endlessly...
Apilak, Omacor, Lactusan, Cerebrum compositum, Nevrohel, Valerianohel, Hepar-compositum, Traumeel, Discus, Canephron, Lymphomyosot, Mastodinon, Mucosa, Ubiquinone, Tsel T, Echinacea, Gripp-hel and many - many others

Homeopathic preparations can also hardly be called medicines; they are difficult to certify, since the content of active substances in them is minimal - and in such concentrations they cannot have a therapeutic effect. Homeopathic medicines have a placebo effect, i.e. reaction of expectation to application.

The shelves of our pharmacies already resemble cool supermarkets: here you can find five or two medicines for every disease, spend a lot of money on them and go home with a clear conscience. That is, what, they don’t treat? The pharmacist recommended them! The fact is that most often pharmacies enter into contracts with companies that supply certain drugs. They will be recommended to you, even if there is no evidence base for treatment. Don’t waste your money: there’s definitely nothing worth buying from this list.


INN: no - that is, the composition of the drug is unknown!!!

Actovegin is an extract from the blood of cattle. Preparations containing components of animal origin have long been prohibited in developed countries, therefore Actovegin is not used in the USA and Western Europe and is used exclusively in the CIS countries, China and South Korea.

On the official website of the manufacturer and on the official website of Actovegin (http://www.actovegin.ru) there is absolutely NO INFORMATION that this drug is recommended for pregnant women and nothing is said on the website about the use of Actovegin for the treatment of complications of pregnancy, but we in Russia, Actovegin is prescribed to almost everyone at any stage of pregnancy, during and after childbirth. The official instructions for Actovegin clearly state that when used in pregnant women, the potential risk to the fetus must be taken into account.


This is a drug for the treatment of patients with dysfunctions of the central nervous system, developmental delays, attention problems, dementia (for example, Alzheimer's syndrome), but in Russia (as well as in China) it is most widely used for the treatment of ischemic stroke. In 2010, the Cochrane Collaboration, the most authoritative international organization specializing in summarizing evidence-based research, published a review of the results of randomized clinical trials of Cerebrolysin conducted by doctors L. Ziganshina, T. Abakumova, A. Kucheva: “According to our results, none of the 146 subjects examined showed no improvement when taking the drug... There is no evidence to confirm the effectiveness of Cerebrolysin in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke.” In percentage terms, there was no difference in the number of deaths - 6 out of 78 in the cerebrolysin group versus 6 out of 68 in the placebo group. The condition of the members of the first group did not improve in comparison with the members of the second.

Arbidol, Kagocel, Alfaron, Ingaron, Ingavirin, other immunomodulators

The conducted studies of Arbidol do not provide grounds to consider it as a drug with proven activity for the treatment of influenza in trials. Researchers from abroad were not really interested in this drug. The American Food and Drug Administration refused to register Arbidol as a medicine.

But at the same time, in Russia Arbidol is well advertised and actively lobbied at the highest level. By a strange coincidence, the pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard (which produces Arbidol) is headed by a longtime friend of the Golikova-Khristenko family, Viktor Kharitonin. Not long ago, interesting materials were published in the press and on television about the cooperation of the Ministry of Health and Social Development with the Pharmstandard company.


Nothing more than a mint candy, vaguely related to medicine. Good breath freshener. Feeling pain in the heart, a person puts validol under the tongue instead of nitroglycerin, which is mandatory in such situations, and goes to the hospital with a heart attack.

Vinpocetine and Cavinton

Today it is not recommended for use: not a single benign study has revealed clinically significant effects. It is a substance obtained from the leaves of the Vinca minor plant. The drug has been little studied. Therefore, in the USA and many other countries it is considered a dietary supplement, and not a medicine. $15 a jar for a month of use. In Japan, withdrawn from sale due to apparent ineffectiveness.

Nootropil, Piracetam, Semax, Tenoten, Phezam, Aminalon, Phenibut, Pantogam, Picamilon

INN: Piracetam

Nootropic drug used to improve metabolic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex

The active substance of nootropil - piracetam - is the basis of about 20 similar drugs on the Russian market, for example, pyratropil, lucetam and a number of drugs whose names contain the word “piracetam”. This substance is quite widely used in neurological, psychiatric and drug addiction practice. The Medline database lists clinical trials published in the 1990s showing piracetam to be moderately effective in stroke recovery, dementia and dyslexia. However, the results of the 2001 randomized multicenter PASS (Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study) trial showed the lack of effectiveness of piracetam in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. There is also no information about improvements in the functioning of the cerebral cortex in healthy people after taking piracetam. Currently, it is excluded by the American FDA from the list of medicines and classified as dietary supplements (dietary supplements). It is not approved for sale in US pharmacies, but can be ordered online or imported from neighboring Mexico. In 2008, the Formulary Committee of the British Academy of Medical Sciences made a statement that “the results of randomized clinical trials (1990s - Esquire) using the nootropic drug piracetam were methodologically flawed.” However, in some cases it may help older people with cognitive impairment. People who used piracetam in combination with LSD and MDMA claimed that it helped control the strong narcotic effects. In Russia, piracetam is actively used in the treatment of mental functions in children with Down syndrome. However, according to a study conducted in 2006 by a group of scientists led by Nancy Lobough, piracetam did not confirm its effectiveness in this area: in 18 children with Down syndrome, after a four-month course, cognitive functions remained at the same level, aggression was observed in four cases, and excitability in two cases. , in one - increased interest in sex, in one - insomnia, in one - lack of appetite. The scientists concluded: “Piracetam has no proven therapeutic effect on improving cognitive function, but it does have unwanted side effects.”

Mexidol, Phenotropil, Mildronate

Used only in the CIS. A Medline search did not reveal any randomized placebo-controlled studies in humans.

Timalin, Timogen

The active ingredient of these drugs is a complex of polypeptides obtained by extraction from the thymus gland of cattle. Initially, the raw materials for the manufacture of drugs came from the Leningrad meat processing plant. Doctors widely prescribed thymalin (injections) and thymogen (nasal drops) to adults and children as an immunomodulator and biostimulator for conditions and diseases that are accompanied by decreased immunity, including burns and frostbite, acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of bones, soft tissues and skin, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, various ulcers, as well as in therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, obliterating atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and to eliminate the negative effects of radiation and chemotherapy. The Medline database of medical publications lists 268 articles mentioning thymalin and thymogen (253 in Russian), but none of them contains information about a full-fledged (double-blind, randomized) study of the safety and effectiveness of these drugs. In 2010, at the “Man and Medicine” congress, a report was heard from a graduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Andreeva, who argued that “the effectiveness and necessity of using drugs such as thymogen, thymalin and other immunomodulators, which are widely used in Russian medical practice, have not been proven in clinical studies.” According to specialists from the Institute of Hematology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, “there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of thymalin and thymogen in complex radiation therapy.” “The very concept of “lowering immunity” and the possibility of “increasing it” is an ugly simplification of knowledge about the complex immune system,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. “None of the ‘immune stimulants’, such as levamisole, thymalin, amiksin - there are many of them on the Russian market - has convincing evidence of usefulness, unless, of course, the manufacturer’s profit is considered beneficial.”

Bioparox, Kudesan

There have been no major studies, all articles on Pubmed are mainly of Russian origin. The “research” was conducted primarily on mice.


Manufacturers claim that it heals, prolongs life and youth. You should not believe in a fairy tale about a miracle drug that has not been tested in experimental studies just because it is expensive. Drug companies invest hundreds of millions of dollars in testing a drug, even if there is little hope that it can be proven to be effective. One can only guess why these studies on wobenzym have not been done so far. But large amounts of money are invested in its advertising.

Glycine, Tenaten, Enerion, St. John's wort preparations, Grippol, Polyoxidonium.

Efficacy not proven

Glucosamine, Chondroitin

Efficacy has not been proven.

Corvalol, Valocordin (Valoserdin)

It has been clinically proven that Corvalol (which contains a potent drug - phenobarbital) does not affect the course and outcomes of cardiovascular diseases, and at the same time it has been proven that phenobarbital, which is part of them, accumulates in tissues and subsequently destroys them. Phenobarbital is prohibited in most developed countries - in our country, drugs containing Phenobarbital (Corvalol, Valocordin) are sold without a prescription. The drug Valocordin, which has a hypnotic, vasodilator, sedative and antispasmodic effect, was developed in 1963 in Germany, and Corvalol is an almost complete Soviet analogue. Among other things, these “folk remedies for all heart diseases” contain psychotropic components - ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid (about 3%) and phenobarbital (1.12%) - and therefore are completely unknown outside Eastern Europe, and in the USA and completely prohibited from import. According to Professor Vasily Vlasov, “these drugs are registered as a cardiac remedy, but they are useless for heart diseases. The history of the creation of Valocordin goes back to the times when it was fashionable to treat all diseases with sleep. In fact, both drugs have an exclusively sedative effect, which is extremely pleasant for older people, especially women who are embarrassed to drink a glass of vodka at dinner. The therapeutic effect of the drugs has not been proven by any clinical studies.” In 2008, Corvalol and Valocordin began to be withdrawn from free, over-the-counter sales, but public protests forced representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service to declare that Valocordin and Corvalol, as well as other medications containing small amounts of potent and toxic substances, would be -still sold without prescription.


Used to treat chronic venous insufficiency, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction. The main function of this “nano-medicine”—dissolving blood clots—should make it a unique remedy for many diseases of the circulatory system. Drugs that can dissolve a blood clot and restore blood circulation are usually available in the form of solutions. According to the developers, scientists at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, Thrombovazim is “the world’s first thrombolytic in tablets.” “It’s like a microsurgeon,” says Andrei Artamonov, director of the Siberian Center for Pharmacology and Biotechnology. “It runs through the vessels and eats blood clots without touching healthy tissue, so, firstly, there are no side effects, and secondly, the technology can reduce toxicity tenfold.” Trombovazim is made from plant raw materials, treating it with an electron beam, which combines polymers with biomolecules. The electron beam method, according to physicists, “kills all toxins and germs,” which cannot be achieved with traditional chemical treatment. Thrombovazym was registered in 2007 for the indication “treatment of chronic venous insufficiency”. According to the Roszdravnadzor database, the manufacturing company was granted permission to conduct clinical studies of the drug’s effectiveness in acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and retinal thrombosis, but it has not yet been registered for these indications. “The presented material looks dubious,” says Pavel Vorobiev, deputy chairman of the Formal Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. — A thrombolytic is usually administered intravenously, even inside a blood clot, and it is difficult to imagine the absorption of such a substance with the presence of a biochemical target. Just like the fact that plant powder irradiated with something acquires new supernatural properties.” Manufacturers, without waiting for registration, released thrombusazim to the market quite a long time ago - as the basis of the DNI dietary supplement.

Preductal (Trimetazidine)

1. A meta-analysis of a Cochrane review confirmed the low effectiveness of Preductal in the treatment of stable angina compared with placebo.
2. The EMIP-FR prospective multicenter study, which included 19,725 participants, found no difference between the results of treatment with preductal and placebo in the primary outcome of early deaths.
3. Preductal at a dose of 60 mg/day does not affect exercise tolerance and diastolic myocardial function in patients with X-syndrome.

Cytochrome C + adenosine + nicotinamide (oftan catachrome), azapentacene (quinax), taurine (taufon)

The active ingredient in Taufon eye drops, 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is present in small quantities in the tissues and bile of animals, including humans. The second name of the acid, taurine, comes from the Latin taurus (“bull”), since it was first obtained by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin from ox bile. Taurine is used in both the pharmaceutical and food industries and is a common ingredient in many “energy drinks.” For medical use, taurine is produced in Russia in the form of a 4% aqueous solution called taufon, which is prescribed to adults for dystrophic lesions of the retina, cataracts, glaucoma, and also as a means of stimulating recovery processes in case of corneal injuries. However, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the drug: according to the Roszdravnadzor database, clinical trials of taufon have not been conducted in Russia, and in the international Medline database there is only one publication indicating a connection between taurine and ophthalmology (Thimons J.J., Hansen D., Nolfi J. Understanding taurine and its possible role in ocularhealth // Optometric Management. April, 2004). Its authors talk about clinical trials of their unique invention - a cleaning and moisturizing liquid for contact lenses, Complete MoisturePlus, made on the basis of taurine. According to the article, taurine “can protect lenses and, accordingly, eyes from dryness that occurs when working at a computer, damage and helps to moisturize them... However, we cannot yet determine with complete accuracy the role of taurine in eye health.” There are no taurine-based drops in Western pharmacies. The ability to prevent the development of cataracts and delay the timing of surgery has not been proven;

Essentiale, Livolin Essentiale N

Like numerous analogue drugs, it supposedly improves the condition of the liver. There is no convincing data on this, and manufacturers are not actively trying to test them. And our legislation allows drugs to be put on the market that have not undergone proper double-blind controlled trials. There are no studies that comply with the principles of evidence-based medicine confirming the effectiveness of Livolin and its analogues in the treatment of liver diseases in general, and fatty hepatosis in particular.

Mezim Forte

Created on the basis of pancreatin from the pancreas of pigs, which should compensate for the insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas and improve the digestion of food in the intestines. According to the manufacturers, Mezim-Forte is produced in blisters, the shell of which protects enzymes sensitive to gastric juice and dissolves only in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it releases the pancreatic enzymes included in the drug - amylase, lipase and proteases, which facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, in 2009, the President of the Association of Employers' Organizations of the Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine, Valery Pechaev, stated that a study of the drug conducted by the pharmaceutical analysis laboratory of the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines showed its complete ineffectiveness. According to Pachaev, Mezim-Fort lacks an enteric coating, which is why the enzymes are dissolved by acid in the stomach and do not give any effect. Representatives of the Berlin-Chemie company did not refute or confirm this fact, but issued a response statement that said: “There are questions for Valery Pechaev himself. The fact is that Pechaev is, among other things, the general director of the pharmaceutical company Lekhim, which, by the way, produces a competitive drug - pancreatin.” “The effect of enzymes on the body has not yet been fully studied,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. — Mezim-Forte, like Pancreatin, is a drug of mass demand; therefore, it is suitable for everyone, which means it is not suitable for anyone. If a person has a disease - a deficiency of a specific enzyme - he needs to be treated with a specific enzyme. It cannot be that everyone, without exception, lacks one single enzyme that would immediately help everyone.” Experts explain the popularity of Mezima-Forte, in comparison with analogues, by a massive advertising campaign. At the same time, the famous slogan “indispensable for the stomach” has little relation to reality, since if Mezim-Forte works, it is not in the stomach, but in the intestines.


Positioned as an anxiolytic - a psychotropic drug that suppresses anxiety, fear, restlessness, and emotional stress. Novo-passit contains a complex of liquid extracts of medicinal plants (valerian officinalis, lemon balm, St. John's wort, common hawthorn, passionflower incarnata (passion flower), common hop, black elderberry) Gaifenesinl. It is guaifenesin that is credited with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Meanwhile, guaifenesin is only a mucolytic and cannot have the effect attributed to the drug. However, drinking a little alcohol before bed has never hurt anyone. For a simple herbal tincture it is quite expensive. When promoting its product, the manufacturer actively uses “individual work with key specialists and doctors.”*

Vitamins and microelements

With active lobbying of vitamin manufacturers, we created a special program to provide vitamin preparations to pregnant women - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 50 of January 19, 2007 “...Provision of medicines (folic acid, potassium iodide, multivitamin + multimineral, iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate, iron fumarate + folic acid, vitamin E, calcium carbonate) of women during pregnancy, carried out in accordance with the list of vital and essential medicines..."? In fact, the amount of Folic acid does not decrease during pregnancy, and its reserves are quite sufficient. WHO writes his recommendations - on folic acid - for underdeveloped starving countries, where Russia does not belong. As for iron. If there is no shortage, there is no need to give it at all. But WHO people haven’t even heard about hydremia in pregnant women. To them, any decrease in hemoglobin is anemia. We raised this topic, and now normal people (you can’t screw everyone’s head off) do not give iron to pregnant women. There is no evidence of the benefits of taking vitamins B, C, D, E and magnesium.

The main component is ginkgo biloba leaf extract.

Human leukocyte interferon

Experts also have a lot of questions about the use of Interferon for the prevention of influenza. The idea of ​​using topical interferon to prevent influenza is in itself absurd. Nowhere in the world have pharmaceutical companies come up with such an idea. To date, there has been no randomized, controlled study demonstrating the effectiveness of intranasal interferon (there is no interferon as such in the drug). Therefore, in the modern world, such drugs are considered as a way for individuals to obtain unjust income by messing with the population. No matter how you protect the epithelium of the nasopharynx from the virus, there will be no benefit, because the virus easily transits through this area with inhaled air and populates mainly the epithelium of the trachea. When using drops, interferon can act only locally, at the site of viral replication, i.e. only where the drops fall (obviously not into the trachea!!!). It is also ineffective for nasopharyngeal acute respiratory viral infections (colds), since its mechanism of action does not provide complete blockade of viruses from penetration into cells. However, serious research in this direction has been carried out, and so far only one conclusion has been drawn from them: prophylactic use is pointless, because interferon itself causes local effects on the nasal mucosa indistinguishable from the cold itself, and therefore no commercial preparations in the form of intranasal interferon have not received licenses from any developed country. Local use of interferon in drops has proven itself only in ophthalmology for the prevention and treatment of viral eye infections.

Medicines that are prescribed by doctors but do not cure. List of ineffective and useless drugs.

Medicines that do not cure are very popular in Russia. The thing is that doctors often base their opinions on the knowledge acquired during their studies, when the term “evidence-based medicine” was practically not uttered in Russian educational institutions. I can say that I heard it at the beginning of the 2000s, in my fifth year. That is, after I successfully passed the pharmacology exam.

List of drugs with unproven therapeutic efficacy

1. Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl (brain hydrolysates) - drugs with proven ineffectiveness! Actovegin is a medicine with a poorly understood composition: Active substance - blood components - deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood, respectively. 40 mg dry weight, containing sodium chloride 26.8 mg. The English-language website of the manufacturing corporation states that the extract from the blood of calves is sold only in Russia, the CIS, China and South Korea... The drug has not passed a single test. Actovegin is not used in Western Europe and the USA. Preparations containing components of animal origin are prohibited in developed countries. There is not a single study on Actovegin in the Cochrane library. And at the same time, Actovegin is prescribed to almost everyone at any stage of pregnancy, during and after childbirth, for the treatment of burns, rehabilitation after heart attacks and strokes, and for many chronic diseases.

2. Arbidol, Anaferon, Bioparox, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Ersefuril, Imunomax, Lykopid, Isoprinosine, Primadofilus, Engistol, Imudon - immunomodulators with unproven effectiveness. They are expensive. The studies conducted do not provide any grounds to consider arbidol as a drug with proven activity in trials for the treatment of colds, including influenza. Researchers from abroad were not really interested in this drug. Well advertised and actively lobbied at the highest level.

3. ATP (adenotriphosphoric acid)
In cardiology, ATP is used only to relieve certain rhythm disturbances, which is associated with its ability to briefly block the conduction of the AV node. In this case, ATP is administered intravenously, and the effect is limited to a few minutes. In all other cases (including the previously widespread use of intramuscular courses), ATP is useless, because when this ATP is introduced into the body, it “lives” for a very short time, and then disintegrates into its component parts, and the only possible result is an abscess at the injection site.

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4. Bifidobacterin, Bifiform, Linex, Hilak Forte, Primadofilus, etc. - all probiotics. Abroad, no doctor would think of examining tests for the presence of microflora. The diagnosis of “dysbacteriosis”, which is widely used by our pediatricians, no longer exists anywhere in the world. Does not require treatment.

5. Validol. A mint candy that is vaguely related to medicine. Good breath freshener. Feeling pain in the heart, a person puts validol under the tongue instead of nitroglycerin, which is mandatory in such situations, and goes to the hospital with a heart attack.

5. Vinpocetine and Cavinton. Today it is not recommended for use: not a single benign study has revealed clinically significant effects. It is a substance obtained from the leaves of the Vinca minor plant. The drug has been little studied. Therefore, in the USA and many other countries it is considered a dietary supplement, and not a medicine. $15 a jar for a month of use. In Japan, withdrawn from sale due to apparent ineffectiveness.

6. Nootropil, Piracetam, Phezam, Aminalon, Phenibut, Pantogam, Picamilon, Instenon, Mildronate, Cinnarizine, Mexidol - placebo drugs

7. Semax 214274

8. Tanakan, Ginko biloba - according to tests, they do not have a positive effect on the memory and cognitive functions promised in the instructions.

9. Bioparox, Kudesan214272
no major studies have been conducted, all articles on Pubmed are mainly of Russian origin. The “research” was carried out mainly on mice.

10. Wobenzym. Manufacturers claim that it heals, prolongs life and youth. You should not believe in a fairy tale about a miracle drug that has not been tested in experimental studies just because it is expensive. Drug companies invest hundreds of millions of dollars in testing a drug, even if there is little hope that it can be proven to be effective. One can only guess why these studies on wobenzym have not been done so far. But large amounts of money are invested in its advertising.

11. Glycine (amino acid) Tenaten, Enerion, St. John's wort preparations, Grippol, Polyoxidonium

12. Glucosamine Chondroitin Efficacy has not been proven.

13. Cocarboxylase, Riboxin- (cardiac, used in obstetrics, neurology, and intensive care). Actively used in Russia. Not used in developed countries. Never tested in serious studies. These drugs are supposed to somehow miraculously improve metabolism, help against many diseases and supposedly enhance the effect of other drugs.

14. Cogitum

15. Etamsylate (Dicynon) - a medicine that has no evidence of effectiveness

16. Sparfloxacin or Avelox moxifloxacin

17. Preductal

18. Cytochrome C + adenosine + nicotinamide (oftan catachrome), azapentacene (quinax), taurine (taufon) - the ability to prevent the development of cataracts and delay the timing of surgery has not been proven;

19. Essentiale, Livolin Essentiale N, like numerous analogue drugs, supposedly improves the condition of the liver. There is no convincing data on this, and manufacturers are not actively trying to test them. And our legislation allows drugs to be put on the market that have not undergone proper double-blind controlled trials. There are no studies that comply with the principles of evidence-based medicine confirming the effectiveness of Livolin and its analogues in the treatment of liver diseases in general, and fatty hepatosis in particular.

Dietary supplements and homeopathy are not medicines

1. Aqua Maris- (sea water)

2. Apilak. - Dietary supplement with unproven effectiveness.

3. Novo-passit. Novo-passit contains a complex of liquid extracts of medicinal plants (valerian officinalis, lemon balm, St. John's wort, common hawthorn, passionflower incarnata (passion flower), common hop, black elderberry) Gaifenesinl. One of the active ingredients of the drug “Novo-Passit” is guaifenesin. It is he who is credited with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Meanwhile, having looked through the pharmacological reference books that I found at home, I discovered that guaifenesin is a mucolytic and is used, accordingly, for coughs. Novo-Passit is another scam of the pharmacological industry, and its effectiveness is due either to the herbs included in its composition, or... to the placebo effect. In no article after 1990 did I find that G. has an anxiolytic effect. Source

4. Omacor - dietary supplement

5. Lactusan-dietary supplement

6. Cerebrum compositum (manufactured by Heel GmbH), Nevrohel, Valerianohel, Hepar-compositum, Traumeel, D iskus, Canephron, Lymphomyosot, Mastodinon, Mucosa, Ubiquinone, Tsel T, Echinacea, Gripp-hel, etc. - Homeopathy. 214258 are not drugs, do not have a therapeutic effect, they have a placebo effect, i.e. reaction of expectation to application.

The use of these “medicines” is entirely at the discretion of the attending physician, with the mandatory informed consent of the patient for use (drugs with unproven effectiveness). Worse, if ineffectiveness is proven, then it is not recommended to prescribe it. The drugs listed below are annoyingly promoted by pharmaceutical companies in our country, despite the fact that most of this list is not used anywhere else in the world, except in the CIS countries.

There is no official definition of “ineffective drugs” - so let’s try to do it ourselves. Ineffective drugs are drugs whose therapeutic effectiveness has not been proven as a result of reliable clinical trials conducted in full accordance with the requirements of evidence-based medicine. Simply put, drugs with unproven effectiveness are “dummy drugs.”

PS. From the resolution of the Meeting of the Presidium of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences dated March 16, 2007

1. Immediately remove outdated drugs with unproven effectiveness from the list of medicines according to which drug provision is provided in the DLO program -
cerebrolysin, trimetazidine, chondroethin sulfate, vinpocetine, piracetam, phenotropil, arbidol, rimantadine, validol, inosine, valocardine, etc., including those sold without a prescription;

All these drugs are still sold in pharmacies...

Unfortunately, in our country a system for monitoring the side effects of drugs has not been created, procedures for monitoring the effectiveness of the drug have not been developed, clinical trial data is insufficient or carried out with violations, they are often sponsored by a pharmaceutical company with an ordered result, and YOU, when purchasing drugs prescribed by a doctor at a pharmacy, are in in some sense a “guinea pig”.