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How to get rid of ringworm in dogs. How and with what to treat lichen in a dog: ringworm and wet type, at home? What is ringworm

Any practicing veterinarian knows that some of the most serious diseases of domestic animals are pathologies of nature: they take a long time to treat, and to eliminate them it is necessary to use powerful and rather toxic drugs, often causing severe side effects. So, ringworm in dogs is a dangerous disease. Among other things, the pathogen that causes it is also dangerous for humans. So it is in the interests of the owner himself to identify the clinical manifestations of an unpleasant and dangerous disease in his pet as quickly as possible.

A more correct name for this is the term “”. More precisely, this is not even one pathology, but a whole group of various pathologies of fungal pathologies, united under one name. The fungi that cause the disease are called “dermatophytes.” Their varieties affect almost all mammals, including humans.

The term “ringing” can easily be explained by the fact that at the site of introduction of the infectious agent, completely bald areas appear, the hair on which breaks off at the very root. It is generally accepted that lesions always have a ring shape, but in practice this is not always the case. Sometimes they look like shapeless spots, in especially severe cases they merge and occupy almost the entire surface of the animal’s body.

There are many different varieties of dermatophytes. Some of them are considered species-specific, that is, capable of infecting only certain species of mammals, others are “universal” varieties that cause diseases in all animals and humans.

As for dogs, the disease in them is caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum, more precisely, Microsporum gypseum, as well as Trichophyton mentagrophytes. All three varieties are considered zoonotic, that is, they cause disease in both animals and humans. Since the causes of the pathology are not immediately identified, in places where animals are kept crowded, the coverage of livestock is close to 100%.

First symptoms of the disease

The classic symptom is the appearance of round and hairless areas on the animal. Each of them sometimes looks as if the pet's skin was burned with a cigarette. Often in the center of the spots there is a clearly visible . With the indolent nature of the disease, it may happen that hair begins to grow in the central part of the “fungal spot”, while the edges remain bald.

Let us note that there are especially many of these animals in shelters and dubious nurseries: if a dog has already been adopted from there, it must be taken to a veterinarian. Surely a lot of interesting things will come to light.

Read also: Laryngeal edema in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Routes of transmission and likelihood of infection

All types of dermatomycosis are highly contagious. Infection occurs through direct contact of the animal with pieces of skin and hairs of sick individuals. However, given the excellent vitality of fungal spores, direct contact with an infected animal is not required. Your pet can simply sit in the place where the sick dog rested a month ago, and this is quite enough for the disease.

Fungal spores may remain on combs, brushes, food bowls, furniture, floors, carpet or other surfaces. There is no exact information about the actual duration of their life. Some believe that spores pose a danger for 18 months, while opponents insist that they can remain virulent for several years.

Contrary to popular belief, to neutralize them it is not necessary to use any special means: reliable disinfection It is enough to take half a liter of any chlorine bleach and dilute them in four liters of water. The exposure time of the solution on the surfaces to be treated is at least half an hour. Be careful not to damage expensive interior items.

Contact with spores, however, does not always result in infection. Their quantity and the physiological state of the animal that came into contact with the spores play an important role. If there are no scratches or abrasions on the skin of an adult, healthy dog, it is not too susceptible to the disease. The same goes for people.

Danger to humans

Elderly people, young children, people with weakened immune systems and skin diseases are those who are predisposed to developing the disease in the first place. Children become infected most often because they constantly play with animals, without paying much attention to their appearance and health. If you or your family members notice any strange lesions on the skin, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

How long does it take for the first clinical manifestations to appear? It is believed that in classical cases this period varies from a week to two, but sometimes the first symptoms develop 21 days after contact with the spores of the pathogen. But the fungus is an insidious pathogen, and therefore the clinical picture often develops very slowly. There are cases when the first “clinic” appeared a month after contact with the spores.

Diagnostic techniques

Making a diagnosis is not always easy, since not every specialist can recognize ringworm in a dog by eye. In normal situations, use one of the following methods, or a combination of them:

It should also be taken into account that there are many diseases that are in no way related to fungal infections, but, nevertheless, lead to dogs losing their fur. Because of this, differential diagnosis becomes very important. It may well turn out that the dog’s baldness is associated with some hormonal pathologies, and pathogenic fungi have nothing to do with it at all.

Treatment of ringworm in dogs

So, what can you do for ringworm? Let us warn you right away: regardless of the treatment method chosen by the veterinarian, one of the most important tasks is to prevent infection of other domestic animals and humans. The choice of a specific therapeutic strategy depends on the physiological state of the animal, the severity of the infection, and the number of infected pets. If there are a lot of the latter, you need to consider the need for thorough daily disinfection.

Read also: Hyperthyroidism in dogs is a disorder of the thyroid gland.

The most common treatment for dermatomycosis in dogs is a combination of local (use of creams, ointments, medicated shampoos) and systemic therapy (prescription of oral antifungal drugs). Let us warn you once again - to avoid cases of re-infection, the animal’s living environment must be regularly subjected to thorough disinfection.

Local therapy

In addition, if your pet is a long-haired breed, you will have to trim it anyway. Finally, the dog needs to be bathed at least twice a week, using special shampoos with an antibacterial effect for this purpose. It is extremely important to strictly follow the recommendations of veterinarians, since otherwise treatment may be delayed or may not be effective at all. Please note that you will have to treat your dog’s skin with antifungal compounds for several weeks, or even months. By the way, to destroy the pathogen, you can use folk remedies: good results are obtained by treating the lesions with ordinary tar.

Don’t forget that after bathing a sick dog, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and wipe them with antiseptic solutions. If you use a bathtub for “bath procedures”, it is completely treated with solutions of chlorine bleaches in the concentrations already indicated above.

Oral therapy

But still, veterinarians more often prefer to use more modern drugs, such as itraconazole or terbinafine(Lamasil). It must be emphasized that their use is preferable, since they have a much “softer” effect on the animal’s body, giving noticeably fewer side effects. Despite this, the therapeutic course should be quite long, since otherwise a relapse is likely. In standard cases, the dog needs to be treated for at least six weeks; in more complex situations, the period increases significantly. If the initial stage of the disease has been captured, it is possible to completely cure the dog in just a couple of weeks. But this happens extremely rarely.

Approximately three weeks after treatment, scrapings are taken from the affected pet's skin again to determine the success of the treatment. After another two weeks, the procedure is repeated. In the case where two negative results were obtained one after another (for cultures on nutrient media), we can talk about the animal’s recovery. If you have more than one pet and the others do not show symptoms of the disease, be sure to try to isolate their sick pet. But still, veterinarians in such situations advise treating all animals. Considering the survivability and easy spread of the pathogen in the environment, it probably managed to infect all your pets.

Finally, a unique vaccine was created against ringworm back in the 60s and is still actively used to this day. It is unique in that it can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of a disease that has already appeared in an animal. With preventive treatment, the animal develops a stable and intense immunity in just a month. During treatment, the drug is administered up to three times (if the dog is in poor condition), and the drug is injected into the same point (a clearly visible crust forms at the injection site, so it is quite difficult to miss).

Among the entire list of contagious skin diseases, lichen in dogs is considered one of the most common. In addition to the problems that this disease brings to the dog, it poses a threat to other animals and all family members who can also become infected with lichen.

The main signs of lichen in dogs

Stage 1– a minor skin rash that is easy to miss or ignore, concentrated in the head area (muzzle, nose, ears) and on the tail.

Stage 2– spots on the skin, partial baldness in the affected area.

Stage 3– hair loss in place of spots, formation of crusts and scales.

What factors increase the risk of contracting lichen?

  • individual predisposition;
  • age (puppies or old dogs);
  • physiological characteristics (pregnancy, lactation period);
  • non-compliance with conditions of detention;
  • poor animal care;
  • unbalanced diet, unhealthy diet;
  • stressful situations;
  • untimely treatment for fleas and ticks, which leads to itching and constant damage to the skin due to scratching;
  • animal disease, weakened immunity.

Ringworm is transmitted both through direct contact with an infected animal and through care items. Fungi that cause dermatomycosis (ringworm) can survive in the soil for up to 3 months, posing a threat to animals in damp or hot weather. But fungal spores can persist in the affected hairs and skin flakes for up to several years, becoming a source of infection after hair loss.

At the first suspicion of lichen in dogs, you should take them to a veterinarian for examination as soon as possible. Depending on the diagnosis and the identified type of lichen, treatment is prescribed.

Let's talk more about how to cure lichen at home.

Effective The main treatment is the introduction of a therapeutic and prophylactic vaccine, for example, Microderm, Vakderm.

Ringworm in a dog It goes away quickly if you choose good treatment. Locally it is recommended to treat the skin affected by lichen with ointments such as Fungin, Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Thiabendazole, Zoomikol, Mikoseptin, Griseofulfin, Dermatol or any other antifungal agent prescribed by a veterinarian . The ointment is applied to the affected area and the trimmed area around it in a thin layer. If the skin is severely affected by lichen, veterinarians may recommend the use of a special shampoo.

Ringworm in dogs can be treated complex therapy, which includes taking medications"Immunofan", "Gamavit", "Tsamax" or any other immunomodulatory drug prescribed by a veterinarian.

If a secondary infection occurs due to severe scratching and wounds, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Treating lichen in dogs at home

How to properly maintain a dog with shingles? Maintaining routine and hygiene

  1. Walks should only be on a leash, preferably in places remote from normal dog walking. You should not allow contact with other dogs and do not allow people to pet an infected pet.
  2. Contact of a sick animal with children, as well as pregnant women, should be strictly excluded.
  3. To passed as quickly as possible, recommendedDesignate one room in the house where the pet will remain until complete recovery. It is important to clean this room frequently, paying great attention to hair, scales and crusts that fall onto the floor; they should be carefully collected and burned. The ideal option would be to disinfect the room using a quartz lamp..
  4. Regular cleaning of all rooms in the house using disinfectants will protect other residents from the possibility of contracting lichen. All objects in the house that the sick animal has come into contact with should be treated.

Folk remedies in the treatment of lichen in dogs

1) at the initial stage, pityriasis rosea is treated with fresh squeezed cranberry juice or a simpler and more accessible remedy - apple cider vinegar, applying small lotions to the areas affected by the pityriasis;

Do not self-medicate, even if you are confident that your self-diagnosis is correct. Only a qualified specialist can determine the type of lichen and prescribe effective treatment taking into account the characteristics of the dog. Therefore, you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian if rashes, spots and balding areas appear on your pet’s skin. The health of not only your pet, but also your family depends on this!

Ringworm in dogs is fungal and viral in nature. A four-legged friend can “catch” the disease in several ways:

  • through direct contact with a sick animal;
  • through household items (bowl, leash, collar, comb, etc.) belonging to an infected dog;
  • through soil, grass and so on.

The likelihood of developing lichen increases significantly if the animal has reduced immunity. This condition may be caused by the dog’s pregnancy or lactation, a recent infectious disease, or a poor diet. The protective forces are also reduced if the pet has been taking corticosteroids for a long time, as well as if he has a malignant tumor.

Stray animals and those living in poor conditions constitute a special risk group. Dampness, lack of hygiene, high density (for example, in shelters) and other factors provoke the rapid spread of fungus.

Note: dogs with long and thick hair require special attention from owners. Due to the nature of their hair, their skin is poorly ventilated, which makes such pets the most vulnerable to infection.

Symptoms at the onset of the disease

What symptoms of ringworm in dogs should you pay attention to first? The latent period of the disease, on average, lasts about 10-14 days, depending on the type of lichen. Only after this do signs of the disease become noticeable.

At the initial stage of deprivation, the owner will notice the following manifestations:

  • the animal scratches the same place;
  • in the area of ​​itching, superficial skin damage is noticeable in the form of discoloration, broken hairs, cracks, peeling and others;
  • gradually the spot increases, new lesions appear;
  • the dog becomes lethargic.

In most cases, skin lesions occur on the pet's paws, lower abdomen, and face.

Action must be taken quickly, as the disease is spreading at high speed. In addition, reduced immunity and damaged skin surface favor the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of other diseases.

Photos of lichen in dogs

Types of lichen in dogs

Several types of lichen are diagnosed in dogs, each of which has its own nature, symptoms and treatment approaches. That is why veterinarians insist that if they discover suspicious spots on their pet’s skin, the owners should immediately contact the clinic. At the same time, every owner should know what this or that type of disease looks like. This will allow you to quickly take preventive measures for household members (some fungi can be transmitted to humans) and for the animal (to stop further spread).

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea is an allergic reaction to an infection, presumably of a viral nature. Most experts associate the development of this type of disease in domestic dogs with a genetic predisposition. Skin lesions, as a rule, occur against the background of viral diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system, and after vaccinations.

Pityriasis rosea is characterized by a chronic course, so it is not possible to completely cure the animal. The disease occurs every time the pet’s immune system activity decreases: under stress, poor diet, and frequent illness. At the same time, the dog is not a source of danger to other animals and humans. However, if they have the same predisposition and low immunity, the likelihood of infection - even if it is miniscule - exists.

How to recognize pityriasis rosea in a domestic dog? This type is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • spots do not exceed 2 cm;
  • the affected areas have a pink tint with a yellowish center;
  • the bulk of the rashes are localized in the groin, on the face;
  • the lesions are gradually destroyed with the formation of yellow areas with peeling of the epidermis.

Attention: pityriasis rosea can be complicated by the penetration of fungi, bacteria, and viruses into the skin, so treatment should not be delayed.


Ringworm is the dog’s body’s immune response to an allergen; eczema, which is not based on an infectious nature. An allergen can be any substance (medicine, food, etc.), hormonal disorders. The disease is chronic and manifests itself with the following clinical picture:

  • swelling appears on the surface of the skin, hot to the touch, itchy and painful;
  • bubbles gradually form in their place;
  • baldness occurs in the affected area;
  • discharge from the blisters gradually becomes purulent;
  • The most common localization is the cheeks, tailbone, and neck.

As the skin heals, it becomes crusty, revealing healthy tissue underneath.

Since tinea versicolor brings significant pain to the dog in the form of itching, it begins to scratch the skin vigorously. This can cause an increase in the area of ​​the affected areas and the addition of infection.


Unlike previous types, ringworm (clipped) is a fungal disease. Its development is caused by the penetration of fungi of the genus Microsporum or Trichophyton into the skin, causing, respectively, microsporosis or trichophytosis. Ringworm is a dangerous and contagious disease that can be identified by the following signs:

  • small skin lesions (about 20 mm);
  • color of spots – from pinkish to brown;
  • their outline is clearly visible;
  • localization – base of the tail, limbs;
  • severe itching;
  • baldness of the affected areas.

The infection is characterized by a rapid rate of spread. If no action is taken, the fungus can lead to the death of the dog in a short period of time.

Pityriasis versicolor

This type of disease is caused by a yeast fungus of the genus Malassezia, which normally lives on the surface of the skin of not only dogs, but also other animals and people. In the absence of damage to the epidermis and strong immunity, the microorganism does not show aggression. Otherwise, the fungus multiplies vigorously, releasing large quantities of caustic acid, which literally “corrodes” the epidermis.

Another name for lichen is multicolored. This is due to the different shades of the lesions: pinkish, brown, brownish. Another sign is baldness in the affected areas. Since the spots quickly enlarge and merge, the disease can spread throughout the dog’s entire body in a short time.


Before treating a dog for lichen, it is necessary to diagnose the identified pathology and differentiate it from other skin diseases. Ringworm in dogs can be confused with diseases such as dermatosis, pyoderma, seborrheic eczema, pityriasis versicolor and pityriasis rosea.

The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • illumination with a Wood's lamp;
  • wool analysis (seeding);
  • skin biopsy.

Microscopic examination reveals the presence/absence of spores and mycelium; culture makes it possible to determine the type of fungus. In addition, laboratory tests of the pet’s urine and blood are required. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe allergy tests and tests.

Treatment of lichen in dogs

When diagnosing lichen in dogs, complex treatment is indicated. It is aimed at solving several problems:

  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms – the causes of the disease;
  • preventing the spread of foci and the addition of secondary infection;
  • elimination of itching, pain;
  • normalization of the pet's immune system.

For this purpose, external and internal medications are used in the form of ointments, creams, gels, solutions, and tablets. If the disease is detected at the initial stage, external preparations are more often used. For systemic damage to the body, tablets and/or injections are indicated.

External medications for lichen in dogs

At the veterinary pharmacy, local medications intended for the treatment of lichen in dogs are presented in a large assortment. The doctor will tell you which remedy is best to use in a particular case after diagnosing the animal. Self-treatment of lichen is not recommended, as it threatens to worsen the disease and develop complications.





Antipruritic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory

Used for minor skin lesions


Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamine

Toxic, use caution in case of liver disease in animals. Only according to doctor's orders


Antifungal, antibacterial

Rarely produces side effects

Antifungal, accelerates healing, regenerative

Restores the epidermis, eliminates irritation. Non-toxic



Not suitable for rosacea or tinea versicolor



Only 4 procedures are performed. Can be used to treat the dog's area.


The composition contains tar, turpentine, lanolin, zinc oxide and other components. Promotes wool growth.

Zinc ointment


Protects the epidermis, accelerates tissue healing

Ichthyol ointment

Antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory

Restores skin integrity


Accelerates epidermal recovery

Important: all treatment procedures are carried out with gloves!

Medicines for internal use

Depending on the dog’s condition, the veterinarian may prescribe additional symptomatic, supportive and antifungal therapy in the form of drugs for internal use:

  • if a significant part of the animal’s body is affected by the fungus, use antifungal agents (Fluconazole, Nizoral);
  • in case of secondary infection - antibacterial drugs (Amphotericin, Nystatin);
  • to support the liver - hepatoprotective agents (Hepatovet);
  • to relieve allergy symptoms - antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin);
  • in order to normalize the immune system - immunostimulants and immunomodulators (Glykopin, Immunofan);
  • for the prevention of disorders of the digestive tract - probiotics (Olin, Lactobifadol);
  • vitamins (Aminovit).

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment at home may be accompanied by the use of folk remedies. It should be remembered that folk recipes alone cannot cure a fungus in an animal. Types of lichen such as ringworm or weeping lichen can only spread over a large area and aggravate the dog’s condition, so folk remedies can be used as additional symptomatic ones.

Most often, home treatment methods for lichen in animals are represented by external treatment of the affected areas with some composition. These can be: apple cider vinegar, tar, garlic passed through a garlic press (it can be mixed with honey, camphor oil, wine vinegar, tea tree oil). Even motor oil is applied to infectious foci. Typically, stains are treated several times a day.

Attention: before using any folk recipe, you should definitely consult your doctor!

What can you do to speed up your recovery?

How to cure a dog from lichen without causing complications? The main condition is strict adherence to the recommendations of the veterinarian. The animal must be given medications in strict accordance with the prescribed course and dosage, without skipping doses. Unauthorized replacement of one medicine with another, as well as termination of therapy prematurely, is not allowed. The dog owner should be prepared for the fact that in some cases treatment may take a month or more.

Treatment with special shampoos that contain antifungal components will help speed up the recovery of your four-legged friend and prevent the spread of infection. Such hair care products are gentle on the surface of the skin, but using them for a long time is not recommended. To avoid excessive dryness of the epidermis, follow the instructions.

How to prevent your dog from licking ointment and scratching

Foci of lichen cause severe itching in the pet. When he scratches the affected area, the infection spreads to adjacent healthy tissue, which significantly delays recovery. The same thing happens if the animal licks the applied ointment.

If the lesions are single, you can seal them with a plaster or bandage them, after applying a gauze swab with ointment to the affected area. It is possible to prevent scratching of large areas using a special collar. If the dog resists such a device and removes it, you should put a jumpsuit on it.

Can iodine be used to treat ringworm?

The use of iodine to treat ringworm in dogs depends on the pathogen identified. So, with the ringworm type of the disease, this drug has the most effective effect. It is not recommended to use iodine solution for pityriasis rosea. In other cases, the remedy does not lead to any pronounced result. It should be noted that some veterinarians are categorically against the use of iodine for lichen. Judging by the reviews, you should not try to cure an unusual “spot” on your own using iodine as a panacea - this can lead to disastrous consequences for the dog.

Nutrition for dogs during the treatment of lichen

Treatment of lichen in dogs must necessarily be accompanied by a change in diet. This is especially true for pink and weeping types of the disease, which are allergic in nature. A special diet is designed to minimize the toxicity and allergenicity of certain foods and substances. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • potato;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices;
  • any products containing dyes, flavors, preservatives and other additives.

In case of weeping lichen, you will need to remove meat and meat products from your pet’s menu for a while.

How to apply ointment correctly

The better prepared the affected area of ​​a dog's skin for lichen, the greater the effect that can be achieved from the medicinal ointment, so every owner should know the algorithm of actions when treating an infectious source.

  • Prepare the following items in advance: medical rubber gloves, blunt-tipped scissors, a metal container and matches, soap solution, antiseptic (furacilin, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide), tweezers, gauze wipes, medicinal ointment.
  • Before proceeding directly to the procedure, put on gloves.
  • The affected area of ​​skin is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  • If there is hair along the periphery of the lesion, the hair is carefully cut at a distance of approximately 5 mm from the affected epidermis. The cut hair is immediately burned.
  • If there are scabs, soak them in a soap solution until completely softened.
  • The scabs are removed with tweezers, and the area is again treated with an antiseptic.
  • Use a napkin to remove any remaining moisture.
  • Apply ointment.

Upon completion of treatment of all affected areas, the clipped wool and napkins should be burned.

Can humans or pets become infected?

Every dog ​​owner should know what type of lichen is transmitted to humans and other animals. Regarding ringworm, the answer is clear - this disease is highly contagious and very contagious. When diagnosing it, the animal must be isolated from other pets and household members (especially children).

Ringworm does not pose a danger to others, as it is eczema of allergic origin. Regular hygiene measures when caring for a sick pet are quite sufficient.

The possibility of transmission of infection with pityriasis rosea is currently questionable. The opinions of experts of different specializations contradict each other: some believe that this disease is contagious, others say the opposite. In general, it is generally accepted that if a person has a strong immune system, then pityriasis rosea is not dangerous for him. If the immune system fails (due to age, illness and other reasons), then it is best to stay away from the animal.

Pityriasis versicolor also does not pose a danger to humans and animals, since the fungus is also present on the surface of their bodies. There is a theoretical probability that household members will develop the disease if their immunity is greatly reduced, so if your apartment contains a dog with pityriasis versicolor, it is better to play it safe and isolate it from children, the elderly or weakened people.

Is there a vaccine against ringworm in dogs?

You can prevent the development of lichen in a dog by administering a special vaccine. The drugs Vakderm and Mentavak have good reviews. These are intramuscular injections that contain inactive fungi that cause lichen. Vaccines can be given after examining your four-legged friend, deworming, and examination by a veterinarian. Vaccines can also be used if the animal is already suffering from shingles. Self-administration of injections is not recommended, since the dosage and course require an individual approach.

Prevention of lichen in dogs

You can prevent the development of lichen in dogs by following a number of preventive measures:

  • protect your pet from contact with unfamiliar and homeless animals;
  • observe sanitary and hygienic standards, wash the dog in a timely manner with suitable products (including preventative ones);
  • feed your pet correctly, avoiding the presence of possible allergens in the food;
  • ensure that the animal’s diet is complete;
  • get vaccinated in a timely manner;
  • do not limit your pet on walks;
  • avoid using extraneous bowls, collars and other household items;
  • Treat identified diseases in a timely manner, avoiding a strong decrease in immunity.

Every year, microbes undergo mutations and become more and more resistant to the drugs used, so a single and 100% effective treatment regimen for lichen in dogs has not been developed. In addition, each animal reacts differently to the medicine and the causative agent of the disease, which also affects the speed and effectiveness of therapy.

However, shingles in dogs can be cured. To do this, you need to quickly respond to the symptoms, bring your pet to the clinic, follow the specialist’s recommendations and continue to follow preventive measures.

Fungal skin disease in pets is not such a rare occurrence. Dermatophytosis (ringworm, trichophytosis) is transmitted not only through direct contact with a sick animal, but also through contaminated care items and the environment.

Ringworm doesn't just affect domestic dogs and cats. A person with a low level of immune system can also become infected with trichophytosis. Treatment of the animal is long-term and should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

Read in this article

Routes of infection

The causative agent of skin infections are fungi of the genus Trychophiton and Microsporum. Pathogenic microorganisms are characterized by high resistance in the external environment. Once on the skin, fungi actively multiply in the upper layers of the epidermis, affecting the hair follicle. Damaged hair breaks off, which is why ringworm is called ringworm.

In veterinary medicine, the routes of infection of four-legged friends have been well studied. Infection of a dog with pathogenic fungi can occur in the following situations:

  • Upon contact with a sick animal. Homeless individuals are most often exposed to fungal infections. A pathogenic fungus with pieces of skin enters the healthy tissues of the pet and infection occurs. Not only stray dogs, but also cats pose a danger.
  • With indirect contact. In this case, infection occurs through care items contaminated with the fungus: plates, toys, combs, combs, beds, etc. There is a high risk of infection of a healthy dog ​​when using equipment contaminated with fungal spores (collar, harness, muzzle, etc.).
  • Through the environment. The high resistance of the pathogenic microorganism in the external environment and to disinfectants makes it dangerous when walking your pet on the street. Fungal spores in soil, sand, construction waste, and dust can land on the skin and cause infection.
  • Rodents – mice and rats – are often carriers of fungal spores.

The state of the dog’s immune system plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Veterinary specialists, based on many years of experience, believe that dermatophytosis is mainly affected by individuals with. Malfunctions in the body's defenses are a provoking factor for ringworm. In connection with this disease, puppies and young individuals, as well as weakened and elderly dogs are susceptible to the disease.

The risk group also includes individuals living in nurseries and shelters. The high density of animals contributes to the rapid spread of infection. The situation is aggravated by dampness in the premises, lack of ventilation, and unsanitary condition of the cells.

According to the observation of veterinarians, outbreaks of the disease are most often recorded in the autumn-winter months. This phenomenon is associated not only with the low resistance of a living organism due to vitamin deficiencies, but also with insufficient ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on fungal spores.

What does it look like in the early stages?

From the moment of infection until the first symptoms of a fungal infection appear, it usually takes from several days to 2 - 3 weeks. If your four-legged friend has thick and long hair, then it is very difficult to detect the initial stage of the disease.

Once in the upper layers of the epidermis, the pathogenic fungus penetrates the hair follicle. This process is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, which leads to redness and itching of the skin. The pet is worried and scratches the damaged areas with its paws. The initial stage of trichophytosis is manifested by the presence of reddened and slightly swollen areas in the form of tubercles on the skin. No areas of baldness are observed during this period.

The inflammatory reaction at the site of penetration of the pathogenic fungus leads to skin itching. Scratching with paws and licking the affected areas leads to secondary skin infection with viruses and bacteria. The fungus spreads to healthy areas of the body.

The lesions acquire a defined, usually rounded shape. Infected skin dries quickly and develops scabs and asbestos-gray scabs. Inflammatory foci are observed in the center and along the edges of the damaged area. Follicular nodules are often visible along the periphery. During this period, patches of baldness appear on the animal’s body.

Pathologically changed areas of skin are observed on the animal’s face and neck, on the limbs, in the croup and abdomen. Not only the epidermis of the skin, but also the dog’s claws are susceptible to fungal infection. They become thickened and deformed.

Common symptoms of ringworm

At the initial stages of dermatophytosis, the owner does not observe any deviations in the general condition of the pet. However, if damaged skin is infected with bacteria and viruses, not only a local inflammatory reaction can develop, but also a general one. Suppuration is accompanied by a depressed state of the dog, a rise in body temperature, a decrease in appetite, and in severe cases, a refusal to eat.

Under unfavorable conditions, the animal can develop not only sepsis, but also sepsis.

Diagnostic methods

If you discover symptoms of a fungal skin infection in your pet, you should not hesitate to visit a specialized facility. A certified professional will examine the animal and conduct a series of diagnostic tests.

A preliminary diagnosis is usually made using a Wood's lamp. Pathogenic fungi under special fluorescent lighting begin to glow emerald. However, this method does not always allow the identification of trichophytosis and does not make it possible to determine the type of mycelium. In this regard, a deep scraping of the skin from the damaged area is carried out, followed by mycological examination.

In order to determine the type of pathogen, biological material is inoculated on a special nutrient medium.

The complex and differential diagnosis of the disease also includes a clinical analysis of blood and urine, and allergy tests. Trichophytosis is differentiated from pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma.


Dermatophytosis is a complex disease that requires long-term treatment. There can be no question of any self-medication when diagnosed with ringworm. The fungus affects the deep layers of the epidermis, which makes it difficult to effectively use topical medications.

The owner may mistake the visible attenuation of the process for recovery, while the fungus penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Relapse in this case is inevitable. In this regard, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a veterinary specialist with regular mycological examination.


The effectiveness of using ointments that have an antifungal effect mainly depends on proper preparation of damaged skin areas. To do this, it is necessary first of all to disinfect the lesions with any antiseptic: a solution of furatsilin, chlorhexidine, salicylic acid.

After this, the hair around the pathological area is cut with blunt-tipped scissors. The wool is burned. If there are crusts, they are softened with a soap solution, after which they are removed and disinfected. The skin is dried with a napkin and a medicinal ointment is applied.

In veterinary practice, the following ointments are used as local antifungal drugs: Zoomikol, Mikoseptin, Yam, Tiabendazole, Griseofulvin, Fungin, Ekalin, Vedinol, etc. The drugs have a pronounced fungicidal and fungistatic effect, have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and reduce skin itching. The regularity of applying the ointment is determined by the attending physician.

Antifungal drugs

In cases where the disease takes on a systemic form, veterinary specialists usually use the administration of fungicidal drugs and antibiotics orally in the form of tablets or injections. Nizoral, Intraconazole, Fluconazole, Levorin are used as antifungal agents.

High effectiveness for dermatophytosis is observed with the use of antibiotics that have a fungiostatic effect: Griseofulvin, Amphotericin. The drugs are used for 3 - 5 weeks in the dose and frequency prescribed by a veterinary specialist in each specific case.

In addition to antifungal and antibacterial agents, immunostimulating agents and vitamins, in particular vitamin A, are used in the complex therapy of trichophytosis in dogs. The sick animal is isolated for the duration of treatment. Quarantine is lifted only after two negative results of mycological examination.

Folk remedies

Given the complexity of the disease, folk remedies in the treatment of dermatophytosis in dogs are used as auxiliary ones. Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, tansy, and sage are effective for soaking crusts and antiseptic treatment of damaged skin. A solution of apple cider vinegar is used for the same purpose.

To learn how to treat ringworm at home with folk remedies, watch this video:

Is ringworm in dogs contagious to humans?

Trichophytosis is an anthropozoonosis - a disease that affects both humans and animals. Children who do not yet have a well-developed immune system are most susceptible to the disease. The risk of infection is also high among people weakened by the disease and elderly family members. Considering the high virulence of the pathogenic fungus, the owner of a sick dog should take personal preventive measures when caring for the pet.

Therapeutic measures (skin treatment, application of ointments) must be carried out with gloves, after which hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and disinfected with an antiseptic. During treatment procedures, until the dog’s complete recovery, confirmed by repeated laboratory tests, the animal should be isolated from other family members and especially from children.

Vaccine as a reliable method of prevention

Modern veterinary medicine has a wide arsenal of specific means of preventing trichophytosis. The most common vaccines used to protect dogs from fungal infections are Microderm, Vakderm, and Polivac. As a rule, immunization is carried out twice, no side effects are observed.

However, if infection with a pathogenic fungus occurs before vaccination, the administration of certain immunological drugs can lead to the appearance of clinical signs of trichophytosis. In these cases, therapeutic administration of the vaccine is used.

In this case, the vaccine is administered 2 or 3 times. At the same time, fungicidal agents and ointments are administered to the sick animal.

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin disease of fungal etiology. An informative diagnostic method is to grow a fungal culture on nutrient media with subsequent identification of the type of pathogen. Treatment is long-term and should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. An effective method of preventing the disease is vaccination.

Useful video

For information on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of lichen in dogs, watch this video:

Ringworm in dogs is a pathology of an infectious nature that affects the skin of animals. Its causative agents are a variety of pathogenic viruses and fungi that pose a danger to the dog’s owner.

Fungal spores are highly resistant to environmental conditions and therefore remain viable for several years. Warm, humid weather is a fertile environment for them, in which spores actively divide and infect the upper layers of the animal's epidermis.

Channels of infection and general signs of the disease

A dog with lichen is dangerous for its environment - it infects its fellow tribesmen and owners. And the contact method of infection is given a dominant place here. A good dog breeder knows how important it is to walk your pet among trusted family members. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to communicate with stray individuals.

It is not uncommon for a dog to become infected because it lay on someone else’s bedding, ate from the bowl of an infected “brother,” or simply indulged in its toys. The disease can also be transmitted through collars and leashes.

The main factor favoring the development of canine lichen is the pet’s weakened immune system. The risk of contracting an infection increases when the dog:

  • feeds puppies;
  • malnutrition;
  • bears offspring;
  • not strong enough after a viral illness;
  • is young/old;
  • suffers from cancer.

The mechanism of development of lichen makes itself felt by rashes on any part of the body. Subsequently, the affected area grows in size, the dog’s skin becomes covered with a reddish crust and loses hair. Now she has receding hairline with clear boundaries. In advanced forms, pus oozes from under the crust.

Unbearable itching leads to the dog starting to actively itch. And this is already an alarming symptom, signaling problems in his health. What to do in this case? There is no point in waiting for the pathology to progress; you need to show your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, his body will soon be covered with inflamed colored spots that are prone to peeling.

Signs of lichen in dogs include changes such as hair loss, the formation of microcracks in the skin, and damage to hair follicles. Animals become lethargic and susceptible to other ailments.

What types of lichen do dogs get?

1. is considered the most dangerous to the health of the animal.

It develops from one maternal plaque, from which daughter spots subsequently branch off. Yellow-pink lesions up to 2 cm in diameter have a round shape. Since the affected areas are itchy, the dog tends to scratch them. Peeling lesions can resolve on their own after 6 weeks from the moment the first element pops up.

2. in dogs it affects not only the body and head, but also the tail, limbs, nose and even claws.

It is recognized by oval or round spots that quickly spread throughout the animal’s body. Infected areas become itchy and lose their hair. If you look closely at the dog’s skin tissue, you can see broken hairs, as if they had been cut. Therefore, this type of lichen was defined as ringworm.

The photo shows different forms of lichen in dogs. We hope our database will help you promptly recognize a dangerous skin pathology in your pet.

3. Ringworm in dogs is not a contagious disease of the dermis.

It develops as a result of allergies and is inflammatory in nature. The symptoms of this pathology are as follows:

Changes such as cracks, crusts, and blisters that have formed on the pet’s body will not escape the attention of a good owner.

4. – a common reason for which dog breeders turn to a veterinarian for help.

What does this lichen look like in dogs? The primary sign of the disease is a small pink spot, the formation of which occurs without visible inflammation. Lesions gradually appear on the dog's neck, paws and back. The affected area acquires a color varying from yellow to brown.

5. develops in dogs due to the activity of the herpes virus. Initially, the disease manifests itself as itching on the abdomen and areas between the ribs. Later, the picture is complemented by the formation of liquid elements that burst and become crusty. The disease affects not only the stomach - it can damage any part of the four-legged friend’s body.

Identifying the first signs of lichen requires isolating the dog from household members. For disinfection purposes, it is necessary to wash all the animal’s favorite places with bleach. To avoid infection when caring for a sick pet, it is recommended to use gloves and wash your hands with soap.

Principles of treatment for canine lichen

The success of curing an animal is determined by an integrated approach to combating the disease. To make it easier to carry out external treatment procedures, the hair surrounding the problem area should be trimmed.

  • wash with warm water;
  • wipe with iodine;
  • treated with an antifungal drug (Zoomicol, Clotrimazole, Mikozolon).

During treatment, it is important to prevent your dog from licking medications from the skin. To do this, you can use a special collar designed to wrap your pet’s neck.

How to remove lichen that occurs in ringworm form? Veterinarians prescribe strong antifungal medications:

To protect the liver, hepatoprotectors are included in the course of treatment with these drugs.

High effectiveness in the treatment of lichen in animals is achieved by vaccination with Vakderm, Polivac, Mentavak. Injections are administered into the muscle according to the course developed by the veterinarian. In general, treatment takes 8 to 10 weeks, and early diagnosis contributes to its success.

In the disseminated form of the disease, hair grows in clumps all over the dog’s body. The disease is characterized by the absence of bald patches or, conversely, their multiple formation. In this case, the animal is recommended to use Nizoral and Imaverol shampoos - mild products that should be used to wash it without deviating from the instructions.

How to treat lichen in a dog to prevent the development of allergies to medications? For this, experts prescribe antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Tavegil). After the first vaccination, the animal may experience a deterioration in its condition, but all changes in this case are not considered abnormal. Through them, the body shows the fight against the disease.

Along with the activation of specific immunity, it is also important to maintain the defense system of the pet’s body and its general condition. To achieve these goals, the animal is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • probiotics to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • immunomodulators (Ribotan, Immunofan);
  • vitamin-containing complexes (Gamavit, multivitamins, vitamins for wool).

How to treat lichen in a dog to attack the main culprits in the disease? External preparations Fungin-spray and Yam ointment will help here.

They should be applied to healthy tissue. Before treatment, it is recommended to cut the hair growing on the affected areas.