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How to get rid of fear? How to deal with fears good ways What ways to deal with fears can be distinguished

At the dawn of mankind, fear was a vital marker, at the sight of danger instantly mobilizing all the resources of the body in order to avoid a collision with the threat: “Predator - run! Fire - save yourself!

This fear is rational, protecting us from risk factors. If you feel uneasy at the sight of an off-leash bull terrier rushing towards you at a sprinting speed, this is a healthy fear. The brain sees the danger in the dog and screams: "Get out!".

But if you are afraid of a tiny chihuahua sitting in the hands of the mistress: the legs go numb, the heart jumps out of the chest, and the panic crowds out all other emotions and logic, you are dealing with a phobia, an irrational and uncontrollable fear.

Causes of Fear

The origin of a particular phobia lies in one of the following reasons:


Behind each of our emotions are neurotransmitters (or neurotransmitters) - hormones synthesized from amino acids that control key bodily functions. They are divided into 2 categories: excitatory and inhibitory. The former increase the probability of transmitting an excitatory signal in the nervous system, while the latter decrease it.

The second category includes gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter responsible for the level of stress in the body. It regulates the concentration of "exciting" neurotransmitters (adrenaline and norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine), improves concentration, serves as a kind of "filter" that cuts off extraneous noise in the form of secondary problems.

With a lack of GABA, the nervous system receives excessive stimulation, as a result of which a person becomes nervous, more sensitive to pain, forgets about sound sleep, and loses control over emotions. There is a tendency to dependencies, in the first place - to alcoholism. As a result - permanent depression, anxiety, fear.


Some phobias are genetically transmitted, which was proved in 2013 by scientists from the Emory University Medical Center. They found that laboratory mice that are afraid of a particular smell (they were "taught" to be afraid of the smell of bird cherry) transmit this fear to their descendants through DNA.

The roots of the fears we inherited from our ancestors can be traced very clearly. For example, agoraphobia (fear of being in open space) - ancient man knew that a predator would have an advantage in open areas. Common star phobias can also be attributed to this category of seemingly unfounded fears: trypophobia (fear of cluster holes - they are on many poisonous plants) or nyctophobia (fear of the dark - suddenly an ill-wisher lurks in the unknown?).


The source of fear may lie in the subconscious, which stores memories of traumatic episodes from the past. We fear how others will react to our actions. If a child who forgot a rhyme at a children's matinee was ridiculed by peers, it is likely that in the future, when he goes on stage, he will be seized by panic.

This category of fears includes telephonophobia (fear of talking on the phone), glossophobia (fear of public speaking), as well as many phobias in which a person is afraid to take any action in the presence of strangers.

Often the true cause of fear, if a person cannot control it, is replaced by another, which can be easily avoided. A real case from the practice of a psychologist. A 25-year-old young man came to his appointment with a panicky fear of heights - he could not even screw in a light bulb at home, because he was afraid to stand on a stool. After the first conversation, the psychologist found that the patient was also terribly worried about social disapproval. In this case, the fear of "falling in the eyes of others" was the true stress factor, disguised as the fear of "falling from a height."

According to many psychologists, the onset of a phobia is always preceded by a panic attack, which “reinforces” the fear of the object or phenomenon that provoked the attack.

What is a panic attack

Every fifth person, possessed by a phobia, suffers from panic attacks - spontaneous attacks of uncontrollable, "animal" fear, which is accompanied by suffocation, weakness, confusion of thoughts, loss of a sense of reality. On average, this state lasts 15-30 minutes.

A stressful situation (or non-obvious somatic disorders) provokes an increased release of adrenaline, an excitatory neurotransmitter. Blood vessels constrict, blood pressure rises.

Breathing becomes more frequent, carbon dioxide is excreted from the body. Insufficient levels of CO2 in the blood leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues. Hence the numbness of the limbs, and dizziness.

Anxiety grows. The body believes that it is in mortal danger, and mobilizes the circulatory system to the central organs: the brain and heart. Due to lack of nutrition in the skin, fat and muscle tissues, lactic acid accumulates, which increases the symptoms of an attack.

It is important to understand that panic fear can appear even if a person does not have phobias or other psychological disorders. The cause may be hormonal disorders, a change in medications, or illness. According to statistics, about 5% of people regularly experience panic attacks, and about 20% have experienced an uncontrollable attack of fear at least once. At risk are men and women from 22 to 50 years old. There is no guarantee that this will not happen to you or your loved ones. Therefore, it will be useful for everyone to read and remember ways that will help to stop an attack in time or help to survive it.

What to do if a panic attack is taken by surprise? Feeling the first symptoms: tremor or general weakness, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, increasing anxiety, the main thing is to switch thoughts in time to a harmless course. The editors of the site have collected several working techniques that will help you cope with fear.

Feel the pain

Acute pain can overwhelm an attack of fear. A proven way is to wear an elastic band on your wrist (preferably a pharmacy one). With increasing anxiety, pull it back and release it abruptly.


Breathe correctly

Breathing exercises stabilize the production of adrenaline much more effectively than the common “breathe into a bag” method, which is more of a psychological “placebo” than a really working technique.
  1. Try to take a comfortable position and relax your muscles. Sit down, relax your upper body, put one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach.
  2. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as possible. First, it will distract you from disturbing thoughts. Secondly, it normalizes the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and relieves an attack of suffocation.
  3. Take a slow deep breath through the nose in such a way that the stomach area expands, and the chest remains at rest. Exhale in the same way. This is called diaphragmatic breathing.
  4. How to Breathe Through the Diaphragm During a Panic Attack

  5. You can try the “5-2-5” breathing technique: deep diaphragm breath (5 seconds), breath holding (2 seconds), slow exhalation (5 seconds)
  6. An equally effective technique is “square breathing”: inhale (4 seconds) - hold (4 seconds) - exhale (4 seconds) - hold (4 seconds).
  7. Focus on feelings

    Close your eyes and focus on one of the channels of perception: hearing, touch or smell. Listen to the quietest and most distant sounds, mentally refer to what your skin feels (clothing, surrounding surfaces), try to recognize the whole range of smells in the air. For the same purpose, you can carry chewing gum or candies with a bright fruity taste.

    Count the surroundings

    Another method of switching attention from depressing thoughts is mathematical actions. You can simply count the passers-by, the number of words or letters in the advertisement. If you see a sequence of numbers, try to make as many ordinal numbers from 1 as you can by combining addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

    Take a contrast shower

    If the panic attack occurred at home or at a party, stand in the shower and alternate cold (but not icy) and hot water with an interval of 20-30 seconds. It is necessary to water the whole body, including the head. This normalizes the hormonal system.

    Make a plan for dealing with a panic attack and keep it handy. You can also write down a reminder there that the sensations experienced will not harm your body and that all fears are only in your head.

    How to help a person with a panic attack?

    Eliminate the danger

    First of all, make sure that the person is not in danger: that he will not fall to the ground or get hit by a car. If the attack occurred in public transport, if possible, take the victim to fresh air, to a deserted place. Give me some water.

    Emotional Support

    In such a situation, the main thing is to let the person understand that he is not in danger, since when faced with this problem for the first time, many suspect that they have serious illnesses, which exacerbate the attack.

    In no case do not panic yourself - you must inspire calmness with your whole appearance. Stand in front of the victim and take his hands. In a confident tone, say: “Nothing threatens you. I'll help you deal with it."

    What Not to Say

    Avoid hackneyed phrases. They usually have the opposite effect.

  • "I know how you feel now". Even if you have experienced it yourself, do not compare your situation with others. The fears of each person are individual and you can only guess what is bothering him at the moment. Better say: “The situation is difficult, it’s hard for you, but I’m here to help you”.
  • "It will soon pass". During an attack, the patient is hardly aware of the passage of time. A minute can last forever for him, so it would be better to say "I'll be there for as long as it takes".
  • "You can do it, you are strong". At these moments, a person is seized with a feeling of helplessness and does not believe in himself. Show your support: "We'll get through this together".


Ask a friend to relax and breathe using one of the techniques mentioned above. Gently massage the person's neck, earlobes, shoulders, wrists, bases of the thumbs and little fingers.

Switching attention

Use all your ingenuity: offer to read a poem, ask to describe the events of today in detail, count passers-by, or make several smaller words from a long word.


We do not undertake to recommend drugs for the relief of seizures - only a doctor can do this. However, we can advise herbal tinctures that will not work instantly, but will help stabilize the situation:

  • valerian (10 drops)
  • motherwort (10 drops)
  • peony evasive (10 drops)
  • Eleutherococcus (20 drops)
Dilute in 250 ml of water (1/2 half liter bottle) and drink.

Prevention of panic attacks

Remember - not a single instruction from the Internet can replace full-fledged therapy with a psychologist. If you feel that you are not able to eradicate fear on your own, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

Keep a Seizure Diary

Keep a notepad where, according to the questionnaire principle, you will enter information about seizures that have occurred for subsequent analysis:
  • In what situation did the attack begin, what preceded it
  • What emotions did you experience, what thoughts oppressed you
  • What are the symptoms of an attack
  • What unpleasant events happened earlier this day
  • What changes have occurred in your life recently


Turn on calm music, take a comfortable position for you, focus on the flame of a burning candle, or close your eyes. Breathe in the square method (see above), trying to relax the body as much as possible. Reinforce the state with attitudes, such as "I control fear", "Fear has no power over me."

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Quit bad habits. Spend a lot of time on the move: join a gym or walk more. Go to bed early. Make a healthy diet. Eat more foods that help fight depression (avocados, bananas, apricots, brown rice), normalize the hormonal system (beef, turkey, buckwheat, oats), contain a lot of vitamin C that is useful in combating stress (citruses, apples, bell peppers) and calcium washed out during panic attacks (cottage cheese, cheese, milk, fish).

Release negative emotions in a timely manner

Don't let stress build up in your body. Sometimes it’s useful to let off steam: sip a barbell in the gym, leave your anger on a treadmill, dig up a garden, buy an anti-stress toy, in a word, transform negative emotions into harmless actions for you and those around you.

Saturate life with positive emotions

Happy moments reduce the level of stress in the body and normalize blood pressure. Devote more time to what you like, avoid unnecessary shocks, do not watch horror films and political talk shows.

Boost your self-esteem

Engage in increasing faith in yourself and your strengths. Try changing your wardrobe and haircut, sign up for public speaking classes, find a new hobby. Avoid comparisons with other people and learn to say no if you don't like something. The editors of the site hope that you will never have to face panic fear again. Proper daily routine is very important for mental health. Learn how to learn to go to bed on time and wake up early without discomfort.
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We quite often begin to worry about the little things and fearfully expect our failure. What if I don't succeed? What if I fail the exam? What if she doesn't like me? These doubts set up a negative outcome of the case, prevent you from enjoying life and achieving your goals. But there is a way out!

How to beat anxiety and find peace of mind

Fortunately, there are many ways to find peace and confidence again. The following methods, which, according to psychologists, are the most effective, will help you quickly overcome feelings of anxiety. Follow the tips below and you will get your peace of mind very soon.

1. How to calm down: breathe deeply

Psychologists recommend: if you feel anxious, breathe. Deep diaphragmatic breathing helps you relax and thereby reduce anxiety. The fact is that being in such an active state, associated with the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the body goes into a state of relaxation and calmness. During deep breathing, the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system is activated.

Show deep breathing exercise to calm down

Take a slow breath in four counts, filling the stomach first with air, then the chest. Hold your breath also for four counts, and then slowly exhale, trying to stretch the exhalation for four counts. Repeat several times. Such breathing immediately has a positive effect on the state of the psyche.

2. How to calm down: be aware of your feelings of anxiety and come to terms with it

Remember that the feeling of anxiety is just a feeling, like any other that a person experiences. Realizing this, it will be easier for you to come to terms with your anxiety, and accept it as something natural and normal.

Of course, this acceptance does not mean that you have to accept a life where you will constantly be haunted by feelings of anxiety. On the contrary, you just do not need to dwell on your anxiety as something extremely negative, something that needs to be quickly corrected. With this approach, any attempts to stop worrying will only aggravate anxiety.

Coming to terms with your feelings of anxiety means realizing that you are currently experiencing anxiety and accepting reality as it is. Without psychological stress, without making futile attempts to calm down.

3. How to calm down: be aware that the brain is playing with you

Sometimes the brain deceives us, and everything seems worse to us than it really is. For example, a person who experiences a panic attack believes that he is dying of a heart attack.

Renowned psychiatrist Kelly Hyland recalls one such incident, which happened when she was a student and practiced in one of the hospitals.

“An experienced psychiatrist approached a patient who had all the symptoms of a heart attack and in a calm voice told him that all this would pass, he would not die, but it was just that his brain was deceiving him. And in fact, the patient calmed down, and everything went away. Turns out it wasn't a heart attack."

Dr. Hyland says he often uses this method in his work with patients. What helps the patient to stop feeling shame, guilt and nervous tension, due to the fact that he is not able to reduce anxiety. Thus, sometimes the brain plays with us, making us believe that everything is worse than it really is.

4. How to calm down: control your thoughts

When a person experiences a feeling of anxiety, thoughts become confused and untrue. We imagine that something bad might happen, and the anxiety keeps building up. But very often the scenario of development of events contrived by us is unlikely, and even unrealistic.

Imagine that you have to make a toast at your friend's wedding. The thought immediately flashes through my head: Oh no! And what will I say? This is a catastrophe!» But before you start worrying, think that in fact there will be no catastrophe. Even if you can’t confidently and beautifully make a toast, you don’t know most of the people at the wedding and you will never meet again. And those who will giggle at your speech will not remember it the next day.

Psychologists recommend asking yourself the following questions if you are tormented by feelings of anxiety about upcoming events:

  • Is my concern justified?
  • Can this really happen?
  • If trouble happens, what exactly will oppress me?
  • Can I survive this?
  • What can I do?
  • If bad things happen, what will be my fault?
  • Is there any way I can prepare for a negative outcome?

Every time you experience anxiety, start answering these questions. You will see that basically we worry in vain, and any situation, no matter what it may seem to us, can be experienced and calmly live on.

5. How to calm down: visualization will help

Calming visualization is an effective way to beat anxiety. Basically, human emotions and thoughts are occupied with information. We think of something as good or bad, right or wrong. All this only exacerbates the feeling of anxiety. Try to think in positive images. Visualize and you will feel how the mind calms down and thoughts become clear.

Show mental visualization exercise to calm down

Imagine that you are in a beautiful park, meadow or seaside. Try to look at the nature around you, see leaves floating on the water, or clouds in a clear blue sky. Pass through yourself the emotions when you admire the beauty of the landscape, the thoughts and feelings that you experience at such a moment. Let them float quietly in your mind.

6. How to calm down: stop criticizing yourself

Another way to help overcome feelings of anxiety is to use special cards. On the card you write: I observe my thoughts, feelings, emotions, perception of the outside world in order to understand myself, and not to criticize". It is better to use several cards that you can put near the mirror, in the car, in the kitchen, so that they are always in front of your eyes.

This method is sure to bring results. You psychologically set yourself up for a positive perception, not allowing restless thoughts to take over your mind.

7. How to Calm Down: Start Thinking Positively

Anxiety is a state in which our head is filled with various negative thoughts, and we constantly conduct a tense internal dialogue with ourselves. Try to control your thoughts. To deal with negative attitudes, start thinking positively.

Such positive affirmations help you relax, feel more confident, and of course reduce anxiety. Apply positive thinking every time a feeling of anxiety begins to control your thoughts. Train yourself to think positively under any circumstances, and soon the quality of your life will noticeably change for the better.

Show a positive thinking exercise to calm down

Come up with positive thoughts yourself to replace worry and anxiety. For example, instead of fueling the feeling of anxiety with different and all of a sudden I can't», « what if', cheer yourself up: ' Yes, I'm worried. But I can deal with this. I am in complete control of my feelings and emotions. I calm down. I am calm and enjoy every minute of my life».

8. How to calm down: live in the present moment

As a rule, people experience anxiety about upcoming events, worrying that something bad might happen in the future. They do not notice at all that they are actually living here and now, and do not pay attention to what is happening at this moment in their life.

Heed the advice of psychologists - stop, take a deep breath and focus all your attention on what is happening in your life at this very moment. Even if it is something serious and unpleasant, by focusing on the present moment, you will be able to solve the problem faster and more effectively, and reduce anxiety about the future.

9. How to calm down: keep doing your usual activities

Don't let worry and anxiety distract you from the things you would do if you were feeling better. There is nothing worse than putting aside your business and indulging in thoughts of how bad you feel. You need to continue living your normal life.

If you wanted to go to the movies, or you urgently need dry cleaning, then just go. Don't change your plans by choosing to stay at home and rethink your life. This will further exacerbate your feelings of anxiety.

Psychologists advise sticking to the usual rhythm of life, or doing something interesting, something that brings pleasure and makes you a little distracted. Follow this advice and you will see how quickly you will bounce back!

Constant worry and anxiety, as well as the resulting nervous tension, negatively affect the quality of life. We worry more and more about the future, we expect troubles and failures, although for the most part such expectations are not justified in any way. We feel psychologically overwhelmed, we blame ourselves for unreasonable anxiety, and thus exacerbate it even more. Follow these recommendations of psychologists, who have repeatedly proven their effectiveness and helped many people improve their lives!

And yet there are phobias, the origin of which can be traced. They were born in a situation that was very frightening. It is enough that an unpleasant event somehow reminds of itself or a similar atmosphere develops, and a conditioned reflex is triggered, and with it the habit of being afraid takes root.

If you want to defeat phobias, “uproot” them by the roots, you will have to work hard. The first thing to do is to audit your fears and admit that you have them. Take a notebook and make a list of what is stopping you from living.

You can create a kind of rating of fears. In the first place write giant phobias. It is not easy to cope with them, the only way is to avoid, for example: I am afraid to fly on airplanes, so I never fly. Fears of a smaller scale worry from time to time. Let's say I'm afraid that I didn't close the door, turned off the iron and keep coming back to check. And there are minor "horror stories", which we drive away like annoying flies, afraid of our own negative fantasies. Ask why you need to write minor fears? Firstly, it is easy to train on them - so to speak, weed out until they have grown. Secondly, the energy of anxiety tends to flow from one fear to another: and who knows what the little "stupidity" that crept into the head will turn into in the future.

Next, write What Are you losing by following your fears? It is important not to play the role of a victim of your own phobia. Take responsibility for her, you yourself "raised" her.For example: fear of flying on airplanes ( aerophobia) deprives me of the opportunity to see new places and countries, to have a good rest. Let friends come so happy. And I will sit in the country and water the weeds of fear with tears of unfulfilled hopes. Do not say: "Yes, I do not need it." Just admit: "It is necessary, but I'm afraid!" The fact is that almost every step of a person is associated with the unknown, and this is alarming. As the Ph.D. said James Hollis: “Anxiety is the price of a ticket to the journey of life; no ticket - no journey; no travel no life. We can run from anxiety as long as we can, but that means we are running from our life, which we have only one.”

Don't feed your fears

List of fears before your eyes. It is clear that there are giant phobias that you need to work with for a long time and seriously. Here, of course, you should resort to the help of specialists - psychologists and psychotherapists. But you can try to do something on your own.

According to statistics, 40% of people are afraid to fly on airplanes, but still do it, thereby depriving their fear of strength. And 10% avoid air travel, even being afraid to think about it. Escape from unpleasant emotions each time makes fear stronger, this is a kind of fertilizer for a phobia. You feed on fear. And he is growing. This law works here: running away from what causes horror, a person receives relief, akin to pleasure, which reinforces the habit of being afraid. Like any habit, it is based on moments of high. Let's say you're afraid to ride the elevator, and just thinking about doing it makes your hamstrings tremble. And you stomped 15 floors on foot - it's hard, but at some physiological level there is glee - but it's not scary! So, in order to neutralize fears - big and small - it is necessary, first of all, not to succumb to them, to go towards them with a raised visor. Any action contrary to one's own fears weakens them.. And you need to do this consciously: you felt how fear raises its head, say: "I'll do it anyway!" Rise above the clouds, ride in the elevator, enter this door ...

It is important to feel stronger than fear, so it is useful to draw it (on paper or in imagination), give it a comical name, contact it as if it were a real object, and drive it away when it appears and interferes with your life.

Train your imagination

If you have set yourself the goal of defeating a phobia, begin to live out fears in a safe environment. get busy visualization 15 minutes a day, painting in your mind pictures and events in which you behave naturally. At the same time, you can choose affirmations- positive statements: “I walk the streets easily and freely, I succeed in everything, I am safe!” After all, what are fears - these are the same habits. And from any bad habit, according to the doctor of psychology Terry Cole Whittaker, you can get rid of in 21 days. An important condition is to do not the way you are used to, but vice versa.

There is another exercise that “knocks out” a phobia from its familiar place. Seek help from a person who is close and knows you, let him give arguments in favor of your fear. Your task is to convince him of this. For example, let's try to smash to smithereens " acrophobia» (fear of heights). A friend says: “Climbing high is dangerous, you can fall!” You: "That's not true!" And bring your counterargument. He puts forward another phrase, you answer your argument. The psychological game should take place at a brisk pace: in 5 minutes, find 10 replicas "for" and "against". You yourself will not notice how the subconscious program will change.

Paradox treatment

There is a technique in psychotherapy: paradoxical intention. The client says: "Doctor, I'm afraid!", and the doctor says to him: "Couldn't you be a little more afraid." For example, a person must speak in front of an audience and is afraid of “failing” to the point of colic, his voice is trembling, his hands are shaking. What does the good doctor suggest? Reinforce these feelings. When suffering from a phobia, people are afraid of the symptoms, in the end, the fears themselves. And they are instructed: "Try to be afraid, expect fear, desire it!" It turns out that we take the phobia into a bridle, we begin to control it, and it disappears. In addition, a humorous approach always defuses the situation.

Peace, only peace!

When a phobia covers the head, a person experiences a state of panic: the heart jumps out of the chest, the arms and legs become cold, the breath is squeezed. What to do in such a situation? Important learn to relax and breathe properly in advance, while switching attention to another topic. Keep in mind the best stories from your life, when you felt good, comfortable, you felt confident. Let's say you're afraid to ride the subway. The moment a panic attack creeps in, think, “How am I breathing?” And bring your attention to your breath, aligning it. At the same time, turn on the "golden reserve" of impressions - beautiful pictures from the past, plunging into them up to the sensations and poses. Smile! According to the theory of the American psychologist William James, emotions follow the body. Facial expressions, posture, gestures create the right wave and change the mood.

Finally, I would like to say that you need to be a very brave person in order to defeat your own phobias. You will have to go through nightmares and horrors, overcome the feeling of anxiety. But life without fear is worth it!

Fear is an emotional state of a person that prompts him to avoid behavior. It has physiological and genetic components that signal danger. The occurrence of a phobia depends on internal, congenital, acquired and external causes. To learn how to deal with fear, you need to understand the principles of its development and functioning. Only a gradual movement towards getting rid of the disorder will help to avoid relapses.

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    What is fear

    Fear is a psychological state. Its development is caused by the work of two neural pathways. Normally, their reactions occur simultaneously, causing a protective reflex and evaluation of the overall picture. For example, if you burn yourself with a hot frying pan, your hand will involuntarily withdraw, and when the neural pathways work smoothly, the psyche will not be fixed on the object of danger. That is, the pan will not be evaluated further as a mortal danger, causing panic. Blocking one of the neural pathways causes a painful fixation.

    Formation of fear on the example of an experimental mouse.

    The first neural pathway is the point of rapid response. In his presumption are emotions and the action caused by them, accompanied by a large number of errors, which cause fears. For example, the sharp exhaust pipe of a passing car could evoke an association with some kind of scary movie or event, causing fear. That is, the assessment of the overall picture did not have time to occur. The second path processes information more carefully, so the process of responding to a situation is slower, but almost always without errors.

    The manifestation of the work of the first path is an instinctive response to danger. And the second way evaluates the situation and gives more accurate information about further actions.

    If fear is caused by the work of the first neural pathway, the work of the second is blocked. That is, at the moment of reaction to the stimulus, some signs are not evaluated as unreal. For example, a sharp sound was not identified as a common occurrence, but was fixed in the mind as a threat. Result: a painful condition. If we talk about loud sounds, the patient can observe fainting at the signals of cars, loud screams, thunder, etc.

    With phobias, the second way interacts, working in an abnormal state. He associates the feeling of fear with stimuli that are not a real threat. This is how a persistent disorder occurs. A person whose neural pathways are disrupted is often afraid of completely ordinary and completely safe things.

    The nature of the phobia

    At the heart of fear lies the instinct of self-preservation and fixation on the object as a potential threat. The phenomenon is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations: a panic attack or anxiety, which are a signal for action - self-defense. The manifestation of emotions in patients varies in strength and influence on behavior.

    Fear is an emotional process that develops because of imaginary or real danger. It can be long-term or short-term.

    A phobia is not a disease, but a psychological condition. The term "disease" is used for ease of understanding.

    Common manifestations of a phobia include:

    • Obsessive actions (counting, washing hands).
    • Intrusive thoughts (ideas, rituals).
    • Panic attacks.

    The occurrence of pathology is associated with many factors that are not always obvious. Or vice versa, against the background of stress or injury. Often, patients claim that the fear came “out of nowhere”.

    Reasons for fear

    With all the variety of manifestations, the nature of phobias is the same for everyone. It is connected with the peculiarities of thinking laid down in childhood. Their formation is influenced by upbringing, which provokes the development of traits of an anxious and suspicious nature. The world is perceived by such a child as something disturbing and hostile.

    Almost all people with mental disorders tend to exaggerate and dramatize a stressful situation. They worry about trifles and are sensitive to the opinions of others. Such an attitude to the world is formed at an early and school age.

    The main factor in the development of anxiety in childhood is the excessive severity of parents. Such children always strive to be the first and are ashamed of mistakes. They are required to be the best in everything, and for misconduct they are physically or mentally punished. Having received a bad grade at school, such a child is very worried and afraid to admit his mistake to his parents. A stable habit appears: after a mistake, punishment follows. As a result, a suspicious personality is formed. Internal dialogues from childhood pass into adulthood and become a stable pattern of behavior.

    All the prerequisites for the appearance of the problem are laid, it remains to wait for the activator factor. It may be unique to each person. Severe stress or trauma undermines the initially weakened psyche, increasing sensitivity and anxiety.

    What are the fears

    Professor Yu.V. Shcherbatov created a classification of phobias according to their nature, forming three groups:

    1. 1. Biological - these are fears associated with a real threat to life, for example, fear of heights or fear of childbirth.
    2. 2. Existential - touch upon the problems of being. The patient does not just concentrate, but reflects on the issues of death, he is tormented by the meaninglessness of human existence. He is afraid not only of dying, but of time itself.
    3. 3. Social - they are based on the fear of responsibility and the fear of not meeting expectations. Therefore, all actions that can undermine social status can cause panic attacks and other disturbing manifestations. Among them are difficulties in creating social contacts and problems with socialization. In a neglected form, fear leads to alienation and the emergence of a new phobia - fear of loneliness, stage fright, losing a loved one, etc.

    There are borderline phobias, they affect several groups at once. Fear of disease is a social and biological group. The social factor is detachment from society, a decrease in income, dismissal from work, poverty, a violation of the usual way of life. The biological factor is pain, damage and suffering. The fear of the death of loved ones is on the border of the existential and biological groups.

    It should be noted that all types of phobias include elements of three groups, but only one of them is dominant.

    There are fears that have been passed on to humans by evolution. For example, fear of the dark, snakes or spiders. These are instinctive reactions aimed at preserving life. In modern realities, many of them have lost their relevance and only interfere with a full existence. Snakes are a serious threat and should be feared, but not all. Spiders can be deadly, but the fear of the common indoor spider brings a lot of inconvenience. In this case, it is necessary to concentrate on the restructuring of reflexes.

    Formation of obsessive fears

    The formation of an obsessive phobia is facilitated by an initially weakened psyche in the process of growing up. You can visually trace the situation on the example of a young mother of many children. A measured life is disturbed by constant lack of sleep, fatigue, a large number of irritating factors. Fatigue and anxiety gradually increase and provoke physical ailments: dizziness, weakness, etc.

    The next stage is fixation on a certain thought. It can be anything: a memory of a terrible news event “someone killed their child” or thoughts about their health and sudden death “What if I die now? ". There are a lot of options, but they all create an unsettling fixation.

    The further development of the phobia is formed around a logical chain:

    1. 1. It is scary to think about what the criminal was thinking during the commission of a bad deed.
    2. 2. I think about it, so I can do it too?
    3. 3. Would a normal person think of such a thing?
    4. 4. If I think about it, then I am capable of it.
    5. 5. I'm crazy, I'm dangerous.

    In a person during severe stress, the line between reality, emotions and action is blurred. Subsequently, the condition is aggravated and confidence in one's own insanity is formed. He believes that if any disturbing thought crept into his head, this will definitely happen in reality. Be it illness, natural disaster or crime.

    The basis of treatment: to convince the patient that there is always a stable line between emotions and actions - one's own choice.

    How to deal with phobias on your own

    Most people who decide to cope with the problem on their own begin to deal with the effect, and not with the cause of the condition. For example, the patient may become obsessed with obsessive thoughts, scare rituals, panic attacks, and any other anxiety-producing manifestations, instead of focusing on finding the cause. Working with behavior and thoughts is the next stage of treatment.

    To remove obsessive fear from the subconscious, find out:

    • The nature of the phobia (character: physiological, emotional, fictional, etc.).
    • How did it come about.
    • Where (From childhood, adolescence, adolescence. She was provoked by an experience or a traumatic factor was present at the physical level).
    • Which increases anxiety.

    During the treatment of a phobia, it is important to maintain self-confidence within oneself. The main mistake of self-therapy is to rely on outside help, forgetting that the patient is self-sufficient and able to resist the development of psychological abnormalities. By avoiding objects that cause panic or unpleasant thoughts, the patient only strengthens the fixation. Ignoring is not a cure.


    The basis of treatment is strengthening the body. It is important to approach the process in a comprehensive manner and engage not only in the psychological, but also in the physical component. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, walk in the fresh air and do exercises. The body must tone up. The psychological component of the treatment consists in working on thinking: correcting suspiciousness, a tendency to exaggeration. It is necessary to get rid of false installations.

    It is important to understand that everyone has the right to negative emotions. You just need to learn how to express them correctly.

    The first step in eliminating a phobia is not the fight against anxiety, but the restoration of psychological tone. Let go of your thoughts and stop focusing on them. To do this, apply the practice of total immersion in action. During any lesson, you need to fully concentrate on it. And if unwanted thoughts appear, it is necessary to abstract from them, being distracted by another action.

    For a speedy recovery, you need:

    • Follow the daily routine and sleep at least 8 hours.
    • Go in for sports: running, swimming, walking, aerobics.
    • Regularly use relaxation techniques: yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy.
    • Eat properly.

    Additional Information

    The main reason for the ineffectiveness of treatment is the desire of a person to control all areas of his life. On the one hand, this is good, but in the case of psychological problems, concentrating on avoiding an obsessive thought only leads to its consolidation. When a person tries with all his might not to think about something, he already thinks about it. This is the main trap of the mind.

    Psychology is a complex science based on interaction with all the intricacies and loopholes of consciousness. The human brain always strives to return to habitual patterns of behavior, even if they harm a person.

    The basis of conscious thinking is to live in the moment, concentrate on ongoing processes without reflection and strive for a positive attitude towards the environment.

Fear is the most ancient and powerful deity of the human subconscious. It is this property, generated by the instinct of self-preservation, that laid the foundation for all religions. Primitive man was afraid of everything that surrounds him - natural phenomena, wild animals, serious illnesses. He lived in ignorance, and the unknown breeds fear. The first beliefs of mankind were associated with the environment - the animal and plant world. The modern inhabitant of the Earth has almost lost touch with the primary sources, but the instincts and laws of nature are dormant in each of us.

Belief in this primeval fearsome god is much stronger than any other belief. To succumb to fear is to believe that something bad and terrible will definitely happen, and a favorable outcome is in no way possible. Fear is a natural and necessary phenomenon. It is designed to help a person survive. If this feeling is moderate, it simply signals danger. But often fears develop into obsessive states and phobias that hinder personal development and social growth. How to overcome fear, if it interferes with a full life?

The deity of fear lives within us, it cannot be driven away or killed. Fighting him is also pointless, because he has one feature - the more you fight him, the stronger he becomes. This situation is reminiscent of the Greek myth of the hydra, in which two new ones grew in place of a cut head. Most people who try to overcome their fear make the same mistake, which is to fight it openly.

What to do if this monster follows you everywhere or comes at the most inopportune moments? There is only one way out of this problem - not to fight fear, but to learn how to manage it. Tame it like a tiger trainer, become aware of this being within your soul and thank it. After all, it is fear that makes you pay attention to what threatens your safety and well-being. Do not blame yourself, do not call a coward and a loser. Accept the situation as it is. Just admit that you are afraid.

When you have gone through the process of accepting yourself, move on to the next steps.

Step 1. Figure out what specifically scares you and what real harm it can do to you. Is your fear justified by a real threat, or are you just overworking yourself? For example, a person is terrified of spiders, and of all - large and small, poisonous and safe. At one word "spider" his knees are shaking. He must wonder what harm this animal can do to him? If this is an African hairy spider, then it should be feared, but there is simply no point in being afraid of harmless domestic spiders.

Step 2. Imagine the possible consequences of an unpleasant situation that you are afraid of, and highlight the worst possible scenario. Example. The boss called his subordinate "on the rug." The most that can happen to him is dismissal. This is not the worst thing in life, and perhaps even a chance to look for a new better job. However, the formidable image of the boss and the bitter anticipation of a conversation with him can cause a panic attack or even a nervous breakdown in an employee.

Step 3: Look your fear in the eye. Don't run from him or hide. Of course, the easiest way is to protect yourself from the source of discomfort, but this does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. A person with social fears cannot realize his talents and skills, achieve success in his career. As a result, he becomes unhappy and offended by the whole world.

To tame fear, you need to face it as often as possible. Over time, you will get used to and behave more confidently in situations that previously caused you to panic.

Step 4. Act in spite of fear. Writers like to apply the adjective "fearless" to brave, charismatic heroes. But in fact, there are no fearless people, it’s just that some have the courage to do something when they are scared, while others give up. There is nothing shameful in fear. Everyone tends to be afraid. Alexander the Great was also afraid, but conquered Babylon.

Step 5. Distracting maneuver. If you have a panic attack, try to switch to other thoughts. Recall some funny story. Think about the results of your actions. Stop believing that you won't succeed! Think as if what you wished for has already come true, as if there is no other way. Find the motivation why you should tame fear - a lofty goal, self-realization, the well-being of loved ones.

Step 6. Do not think about the opinions of others. Often people are afraid to do something because if they fail, they will be judged or ridiculed. Inspire yourself - this is my goal, my business, and I do it the way I can. You can not be the first everywhere and like everyone without exception. There will always be people who will envy and turn their legs. But there will also be those who will support you, although you are not ideal.

Thus, fear should be made your ally, not your enemy. In no case should you suppress the anxiety state with alcohol, drugs or strong sedatives. All these means only create the appearance of calmness, while fear itself is driven deep into the subconscious, where it receives excellent ground for further growth.

We feed fears with self-hypnosis, self-doubt, low self-esteem. Tell yourself - "I will do it! May not be better than the rest, but I will do it! Even if at first it turns out badly, it doesn’t matter. The archer, before shooting accurately, tries to hit the bullseye many times. Courage also needs training. And it doesn't matter what a person is afraid of - to propose to his girlfriend or to jump with a parachute. The nature of this fear is the same. Having understood its essence, one can learn to control internal emotions, directing them in a useful direction.