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How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur? Which bank is better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur? Choosing the best bank for entrepreneurs

A bank account is a necessary, but not mandatory, condition for the work of an individual entrepreneur. The law allows for business activities without opening an account, and the period during which an account can be opened is not regulated. Because banking costs money, you can open an account when you need it and close it when you no longer need it.


Please note: there is a fee for opening and closing an account!

What is a current account and why is it needed?

An individual entrepreneur's current account is needed to make non-cash payments. One-time payments in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles can be carried out without it. If the amount exceeds the specified amount, the company’s turnover grows over time, and counterparties prefer to work only by bank transfer, an account will have to be opened. Plus, this is one of the indicators of the seriousness of an entrepreneur’s reliability.

Opening a current account allows you to:

~ conduct settlements with partners;

~ accept payments from clients;

~ carry out calculations with the budget;

~ receive loans on favorable terms;

~ pay employees' salaries to the card;

~ issue additional credit cards for yourself;

~ open a foreign currency account.

How to choose a bank to open an individual entrepreneur's current account

Today there are many financial institutions on the market where you can open a current account.

When choosing, be guided by three main requirements:

~ total costs of opening an account and the cost of monthly maintenance;

~ presence of the bank in your city, level of customer service;

~ availability, organization and cost of remote banking services (RBS).

Opening and maintaining an account have different costs. The cost also varies when servicing directly at the bank or through the remote banking system. The RBS system allows you to manage your account either without installing additional software on your computer, or through the Bank-Client system. The cost of these two options for remote access to an account, of course, is also different (cheaper without installing software simply via the Internet).

Please note: the cost of monthly service consists of at least two parts: account maintenance + cost of the type of service (cash settlement, RBS).

What is included in the cost of banking services

The mandatory payment that the bank debits from your account every month is the cost of “having” your account with this financial institution. If you want, it's a subscription fee. For a small amount of 500-600 rubles, your account is active.

Most of the services are settlement and cash services - remotely or in bank branches.

The bank can take money for:

~ accepting and issuing cash;

~ making electronic payments;

~ crediting funds to the account;

~ servicing salary cards;

~ issuing certificates of account transactions;

~ other additional services.

To minimize the cost of banking services, many banks offer packages that have a fixed cost and include a number of conditionally free services from the above list. For individual entrepreneurs with small turnover, such packages are not interesting - there is no point in paying 30 “payments” if you actually make up to 10 payments per month.

Please note: the bank does not have the right to impose packages on you. You can connect to the tariff that is convenient for you, and published on the official website.

The procedure for opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in a bank

To open a current account, you need to contact the branch of the selected financial institution with a package of documents:

1. Certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

2. Certificate of registration of an individual with the tax authority (TIN).

3. Citizen's passport.

4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

An application to open a current account, as well as copies of the documents you provide that are necessary for inclusion in your personal file, will be made to you at the bank.

Also, if necessary, you will need:

~ seal (service in a bank without a seal is allowed simply with the signature of the responsible person);

~ licenses or patents (if the activities of the individual entrepreneur involve obtaining them);

~ power of attorney (if the individual entrepreneur does not open the account personally).

The account does not open immediately. The bank will accept your documents for review and, when ready, will notify you of the need to come to the branch to conclude an agreement and receive the necessary documents, including a notice of opening an account and a service memo. This usually takes a couple of days. In this case, you need to pay the cost of bank services, which directly include the commission for opening a current account, as well as the cost of photocopying and the cost of issuing a signature card.

Please note: there is a fee for re-issuing a signature card. If you have a stamp, be sure to take it with you to add it to your card.

How far has technology come?

Today, opening a bank account is easier than it was a couple of years ago. The first bonus is the ability to remotely reserve an account on the bank’s website. Not everyone provides this service, but, nevertheless, it is available and allows you to receive funds into an account number, which is issued to you immediately after filling out the online form. Next, within 5 days you will have to come to the bank to undergo the standard procedure.

Another important innovation is Federal Law No. 59-FZ of April 2, 2014, which abolishes the obligation of individual entrepreneurs to independently notify the tax authority about opening a current account. Now the bank does this using an electronic document management system. The notification must be submitted only if the current account is opened outside the Russian Federation.

It will also be useful for a novice entrepreneur to know about the electronic services provided by the tax service and Rosstat. In particular, you can now quickly and for free:

This data may be needed not only when opening an account, but also when submitting reports, submitting applications for tenders and other procedures.

Well, a bonus for the most active ones is mobile applications. They are available in a number of large banks in the Russian Federation and help monitor account transactions via a smartphone. Full functionality is being actively implemented, including servicing payroll projects and translations based on templates.

If you have any questions

For questions about opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in a bank, you can contact an outsourcing company. Such services are inexpensive and convenient for those who do not have the time and experience to do everything themselves. If you need a current account urgently, a specialist will not only tell you the bank with the best service conditions, but will also resolve issues related to opening an account in just two days.

The material was prepared by specialistsRosCo company .


Hello, today, I am faced with the problem of paying me money for the work that I did for a reputable organization. The organization categorically refuses to pay me in cash for the work I have done, only a transfer to a bank account. What kind of bank account is needed for such operations? ...and how to open it7 I am not an individual entrepreneur, I do this kind of work maybe once every few years.

If you have opened a limited liability company, then you definitely need a bank account; this is required by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for opening such an account is quite simple, but if your LLC does not yet have an accountant, and this is your first time doing such things, then you still have to tinker with the paperwork. In this article we will consider the following questions: where and how you can open a current account for an LLC; what package of documents must be collected to open a current account; what amount will be required to cover the costs of opening a current bank account.

Currently, almost all banks in the Russian Federation provide services for opening and maintaining current accounts for legal entities. The only differences may lie in the terms of customer service and the cost of services provided by credit institutions. Prices for settlement and cash services often differ significantly, but here each entrepreneur himself makes the decision to choose a different bank for his LLC.

Where to open a current account for an LLC

Currently, the cost of the service for opening a current account for an LLC ranges from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, although some grandmothers offer to open a current account for free if you enter into a cash settlement agreement (cash and settlement services) with them. But for cash settlement accounts you will have to spend annually from 1,000 to 20,000 rubles, depending on the price list of a particular bank. But even here there are marketing traps, when they do not take money for the very fact of cash settlement, but the bank makes money from interest and commissions on transactions of a legal entity.

So, before you go to a specific bank to open a current account, you should either independently or by instructing the chief accountant of the organization to conduct a comparative analysis of bank offers on the subject, where is it more profitable to open an LLC current account? depending on your turnover, number of payments, etc. When evaluating various options, it is important not to miss the following points:

  • Conditions for issuing credit funds and whether such a possibility exists at all;
  • How much will you have to pay to open a current account?
  • How much does it cost per month to operate a bank account?
  • Does the bank have an online account and what is the cost of using it?
  • Deadlines for execution of payment orders.

After analyzing these conditions, you can decide to open a current account in a particular financial institution, and then begin collecting the required package of documents.

What documents will be needed to open a bank account?

If you have to open a bank account for an LLC, then it is better to study in advance what package of documents you need to collect. Keep in mind that each credit institution sets its own requirements for the list of documents, so the package of documents may have significant differences.

Here is a list of documents that you will need in any case:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity.
  2. LLC Charter.
  3. Tax registration certificate.
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. We draw your attention to the fact that today many financial organizations accept statements in electronic form - it can be obtained on the official website of the tax service. Such a document will be generated in a matter of minutes, and you will not need to pay anything for this service. This will save you time. Although, nowadays there are still banks that may require a certified statement. To order it, you need to contact the tax service.
  5. Documents for citizens that will be indicated on the bank account card. In most cases, the conversation is about the chief accountant or the head of a legal entity. By documents we mean:
  • papers that can confirm the powers of the persons mentioned above. This is an order on the appointment of an accountant, a protocol (order) on the appointment of a director;
  • copies of identification documents - passports. Some banks may request copies certified by a notary.

In addition to this list of documents, the credit institution will ask you to fill out a set of forms that have been approved by this particular institution. These include an application for a bank card and the opening of a current account (the director signs here). If we talk about a bank card, it is filled out in the presence of bank officials. In addition, the following procedures will be carried out:

  • signatures of representatives of the organization are placed;
  • authentic seals will be affixed;
  • The authenticity of seals and signatures is certified by employees of the credit institution.

Additional documents for filling out the bank form can be downloaded from the bank’s official website or received directly from an employee at the branch.

Scheme for opening a bank account for an LLC

When you have analyzed the services available in various banks for opening a current account, compared their costs, and found out the necessary package of documents, there is only one thing left - to choose a bank for further cooperation. Now you need to collect the necessary package of documents and contact the bank. Next, the financial specialist of the institution will help you fill out a bank card, and the operator will accept the package of documents. Next, you will need to pay for the procedure for opening a current account in accordance with the tariffs established by this bank.

After all these procedures have been completed, you will be issued a certificate of opening a current account - it will be certified by the bank’s seal and the signature of its representative.

How to open a current account in Sberbank for an LLC

As you know, consumers currently have a huge choice of financial organizations for cooperation, but Sberbank of Russia still holds the palm. You can promptly open a current account for an LLC at this institution, and this can be done online. Via the Internet you will receive information about the required package of documents and reserve a current account. If you go to the official website of Sberbank of Russia, a standard form of an agreement for opening an account will be available there. In addition, you will be provided with guidelines on how to correctly fill out payment orders and the necessary documents.

A significant advantage of this organization is its developed Internet banking system, as well as convenient versions for mobile phones and other modern assistants in the life of a business person. Other advantages include:

  • Account servicing costs acceptable for many companies;
  • ease of use of the banking services package;
  • stability of the institution;
  • low degree of risks.

It is these aspects that determine the popularity of Sberbank of Russia among companies.

In addition, if you want to become a client who will subsequently use banking services as part of acquiring or salary payment programs, then, as a rule, Sberbank will offer you preferential conditions for opening and maintaining accounts.

We also focus on the fact that this financial institution provides a number of services for which you do not have to pay a penny. Eg:

  1. The bank allows you to transfer money to your current account.
  2. In some cases, you can carry out a free transaction to write off funds.
  3. The bank makes it possible to obtain an extract from the card index, statements of current transactions on the client account.
  4. You can close your account free of charge.
  5. If you are a non-profit organization whose purpose is to organize charitable events for people with disabilities and veterans, then you will also not be required to pay an account maintenance fee.

Reasons for refusal to open an account for an LLC

You need to understand that there is a possibility of being refused to open a current account, and bank employees can do this for many reasons.

For example, federal laws allow such cases in situations where a legal entity has provided false information by indicating an incorrect address of its location. If such situations occurred, then authorized persons of the credit institution had the right to come to the address indicated in the documents in order to make sure that the LLC is located there and the data indicated is correct.

You can also get a refusal in the case of a so-called mass address - this is when several legal entities are registered at one address. In such situations, as a rule, the refusal is initiated by the security service of the credit institution.

They will refuse to open a current account if violations of Russian legislation have been noticed on the part of the limited liability company.

An important point worth noting is that the bank is not obliged to inform potential clients about the reasons for the refusal.

What to do after opening an LLC current account in a bank

For example, you opened accounts for an LLC in one bank or another, and now you are asking the question, what to do after that? Several years ago, it was necessary to notify the territorial tax authority, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, within a week from the moment the account was opened, in a manner regulated at the legislative level.

To notify, you had to either personally contact the mentioned authorities (this task can be performed by any employee of the organization or manager). Or notify government services by mail, sending the necessary package of documents to the appropriate addresses. It was necessary to attach a copy of a bank certificate confirming the opening of a current account. And if an enterprise violated the deadlines for notification of opening a current account specified by law, sanctions could be applied to it. Today the situation has been simplified and enterprises do not need to notify the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, and Social Insurance Fund. After you have opened bank account for a limited liability company, all information is sent to the relevant federal services automatically, and you can do your own business.

Opening a current account does not present any particular problems, but it is important to do everything step by step so as not to waste time and not do the same work twice.

Before contacting the bank to open a current account, you should already have in hand:

— documents issued to you by the tax office after registration;

If you want to make payments electronically (without visiting the bank), then you also need to conclude a service agreement using the Internet client-bank system. Each bank has its own nuances in this matter, and check with your bank what needs to be done to connect to Internet banking.

4. Message about opening a current account

There is currently no need to report account openings!

From May 1, 2014, the obligation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs recognized as payers of insurance premiums to report the opening and closing of accounts (personal accounts) has been abolished.

Since May 2, 2014, the obligation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to report to the tax office about the opening and closing of accounts (personal accounts) has been abolished.

Now the responsibility for notifying regulatory authorities about the opening and closing of accounts of taxpayers and insurance premium payers lies exclusively with banks.

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Open a current account for an individual entrepreneur not a necessity. The legislation does not insist on the mandatory opening of a bank account if the small business is an individual entrepreneur. At the same time, situations arise in which an individual entrepreneur really needs a bank account...

An entrepreneur starting his own business for the first time may not take into account all the pros and cons and make the wrong decision, which will be expensive. Banks are vying with each other to offer their services, luring customers with unique free offers, and all this takes place. The main thing for a businessman is to make an informed decision based on an accurate analysis.

When is opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur a prerequisite?

When a settlement is required by an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Calculations from 100,000 rub. An individual entrepreneur works under a contract with a client and receives payment in excess of 100 thousand rubles for goods or services provided to him. Such payment is possible only in non-cash form to the individual entrepreneur’s bank account. Or the entrepreneur will have to enter into a new agreement each time for smaller amounts, which may attract the attention of the tax authorities.
  2. Cashless payments are a priority. Cash transactions are not disadvantageous for clients. This is a common situation: when it is much more convenient to “throw off” money by bank transfer than to waste time traveling to the office and depositing cash into the cash register. Sometimes an offer to transfer a payment to an individual’s personal card is accepted, however, from the point of view of tax legislation, this is a clear violation: transactions related to business activities must “take place” only through a bank account.
  3. Conducting import-export operations. In this case, the individual entrepreneur must open an account account.
  4. Salaries are transferred to employees' cards. If you need to transfer employee salaries to cards, you will also have to open a bank account.
  5. Support of operations with company funds. In addition, an individual entrepreneur’s current account is needed for Internet acquiring, when receiving payments through agents, when fulfilling loan obligations, etc.
  6. For business development. For a developing business, it is important to use all possible channels of financial communications; this is a significant component of productive work, so opening a bank account will definitely not be superfluous. We have described 10 useful cases of spending money from an individual entrepreneur's current account.

Calculate the most favorable tariff for an individual entrepreneur's current account
V bank tariff calculator:

Move the “sliders”, expand and select “Additional conditions” so that the Calculator will select for you the optimal offer for opening a current account. Leave a request and the bank manager will call you back: he will advise you on the tariff and reserve a current account.

How can an individual entrepreneur open a current account?

Instructions for creating an account in 4 steps:

  1. Carefully analyze the offers of banks in the region. Many financial institutions offer special packages (for beginning entrepreneurs, with options for the number of payments per month, with a limit on deposits and withdrawals of funds, etc.). Among the variety of offers, find something that suits your business needs. Our article will help you with this
  2. Not all bonuses are equally useful. Don't look at options that you won't need in the near future: pay for what you need at the moment. A good and profitable bank is one that objectively assesses the company’s needs and, based on them, offers flexible service conditions. Pay attention to banks that implement special affiliate programs. For example, in Moscow, a similar practice has been established at Otkritie Bank, Alfa Bank, and Tochka. By becoming a participant in such a program, a businessman receives bonuses and special offers, including free account opening and Internet banking.
  3. Prepare all necessary papers. Having decided on a bank, call it and clarify the list of papers required to open a current account: each bank provides a list of specific documents, but at any branch the following documents are required to be submitted: a tax registration certificate, TIN, a letter from Rosstat about statistics codes, copies of a passport entrepreneur and documents for authorized persons, as well as licenses and patents accompanying the type of activity.
  4. Completion of the opening procedure at a bank branch. Having collected a complete package of documents, arrange a meeting at the bank, take a stamp with you: fill out an application and a bank card on the spot, after which you will be notified in a couple of days about the opening of an account and sent the details.

As you can see, becoming an account owner is not difficult. In conclusion, we note that a bank account for individual entrepreneurs also contains a positive image component. Clients, partners, and counterparties will trust your company if your financial transactions are non-cash in nature and your current account is opened in a reliable bank.

If anything in the opening procedure remains unclear, write your questions in the comments: we will be happy to answer them. Read our new articles

Despite the fact that, at the legislative level, a current account is a right and not an obligation, its absence can greatly limit business activity. Of course, everything depends on the specifics of doing business. Thus, an account should be opened by entrepreneurs who plan to make transactions over 100 thousand rubles, because Cash payments for amounts exceeding this limit are prohibited by law.

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur: a short FAQ

  1. Is an individual entrepreneur required to open an account? No, this is his right, not his obligation. But it is impossible to carry out settlements in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles without an account.
  2. How long after registering an individual entrepreneur should a bank account be opened? There are no statutory deadlines.
  3. Is it possible to open multiple accounts? Yes, sure. Their number can be any.
  4. Do I need to notify the authorities about the opening of a bank account? Yes, if the account is opened outside the Russian Federation. If in a Russian bank, then the credit institution will do this for the entrepreneur. Until 2014, the individual entrepreneur himself had to notify the tax office and the Pension Fund, otherwise he faced a fine of 5,000 rubles.
  5. Is it possible to open a free current account for an individual entrepreneur? Can. There are banks that do not charge a commission if there is no turnover. But often this only applies to plans with high monthly fees. And as soon as there is any movement on the account, such a package of services becomes unprofitable.

If the account is optional, then why open it?

  • Making payments online is faster and more convenient.
  • It's easy to pay taxes and mandatory payments.
  • Possibility to conduct transactions for amounts exceeding 100 thousand rubles.
  • Most companies prefer non-cash payments, so they may refuse to cooperate with an individual entrepreneur who does not have an account.
  • The ability to accept payments from customers by plastic cards and through electronic money systems (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, QIWI and others).

How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur - step-by-step instructions

Opening an account for an individual entrepreneur is not a quick process. As a rule, this takes at least 5 working days, not counting the choice of a credit institution. The stages of the procedure can be outlined as follows:

  • Selecting a bank, comparing conditions for cash settlement services;
  • Collection of documents;
  • Submitting an application to the bank;
  • Opening a current account;
  • Documents receiving.

Step 1. Select a bank for individual entrepreneurs

An individual entrepreneur can choose any bank that provides cash settlement services. To compare according to objective criteria, before contacting a credit institution, you need to prepare an approximate diagram of financial flows in the company:

  • How many payments are planned per month;
  • What is the average amount of operations planned for (if large payments are expected, then this must also be taken into account);
  • Will funds be withdrawn for economic needs?
  • How much money will be required per month to pay salaries?

Even if an entrepreneur is just starting out, he must imagine what speed he will be ready to reach in, say, six months.

In each bank, it is advisable to ask a consultant to calculate the cost of cash settlement services per month based on specific data. You should not rely solely on monthly account maintenance information. The fact is that most credit institutions practice limits. For example, the cost of 50 payment orders can be 10 rubles, and starting from the 51st - 100 rubles. for the operation. And it will be unprofitable to make calculations more than 50 times a month.

In addition to the cost of the service, important criteria for choosing a bank will be:

  • Availability of remote interaction tools (online banking for individual entrepreneurs, mobile application);
  • Convenient location of the bank office (you will still have to travel, especially if there are problems with Internet services, and you need to send payments);
  • Are deposits insured by the state (if a bank is not included in the deposit insurance system, then when its license is revoked, the entrepreneur loses all the money);
  • Other offers for entrepreneurs (interest on the balance, lending on preferential terms, issuing a plastic card for business, etc.).

Some banks provide an online service for opening a current account. However, without visiting the branch, you cannot conclude a contract for cash register services. In fact, we are only talking about reserving an account, that is, in any case, you need to submit a package of documents, this requires your personal presence (or you can make a power of attorney).

Step 2. Collecting documents and submitting an application

List of documents for opening an account:

  • IP passport;
  • Application for opening an account;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (can be downloaded and printed electronically);
  • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or USRIP registration sheet;
  • Sample signatures (if not issued by a credit institution);
  • Licenses (when conducting activities that require licensing)

The easiest way to make a card with signatures is directly at the bank if the individual entrepreneur does not have one. For the rest, standard documents are required that the entrepreneur has on hand. They need to be brought to the bank branch. The application is usually drawn up electronically, and the operator, based on it, prepares an agreement, which will be signed after reviewing the application. The bank also has the right to request other documents, as well as a seal (if available).

Step 3. Opening a current account

After submitting the application and before opening the account, an average of 5 more days pass. You need to wait. At this time, the credit institution checks the documents. As soon as a decision is made, bank employees must notify the client about it.

Important! Submitting an application does not guarantee account opening. The bank has the right to refuse to provide this service to the client. This usually happens if there are errors in the application, the information was submitted incorrectly, or additional documents were not submitted confirming the right to conduct business, the availability of business premises, etc.

Step 4. Receiving documents from the bank

After all the checks have been carried out, the bank sends a notification to the client with the decision made: open a bank account for an individual entrepreneur or refuse cash settlement services. In most cases, approval comes. If a refusal occurs, it is important to find out the reason and resubmit the documents. You may have to contact another bank.

If the decision is positive, you must sign an agreement, pay for the service and start using your current account.

  • An entrepreneur should open a current account for an individual entrepreneur; there are more advantages than disadvantages. This includes the possibility of non-cash payments, conducting transactions in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and accepting payments by cards.
  • When choosing a credit institution, it is important to compare tariffs in detail using the example of an existing business.
  • Opening an account will take time; this fact must be taken into account and not planned until the payment and receipts agreement is signed. Promises to immediately open a bank account for individual entrepreneurs should be treated as an advertising ploy.

The bank has the right to refuse to open an account. This usually occurs due to errors in the application and failure to provide requested documents.