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How to sleep with a Scorpio woman. Compatibility with fire signs. Sexual characteristics of a Scorpio woman

You don’t need to be a psychic to determine that in front of you is a Scorpio woman, since this extraordinary lady is visible to the naked eye. A woman of this zodiac sign attracts like a witch - she combines external coldness and boiling passions in her soul, a fiery gaze and refined speeches, elegant manners and belligerence. The Scorpio woman does not use typical lady “tricks”: she is on her own, knows her worth and knows what she wants.

This person is not easy to win. She does not flirt, does not play with men and chooses only the most worthy. She cannot be turned or confused by compliments and romance; the lady of this zodiac sign looks like a snow queen, and she values ​​real qualities in men, and not the ability to charm young girls. But she is faithful, it’s comfortable and good to be with her. Because if a Scorpio woman chose her chosen one, she did it wisely, and she will not change her opinion so easily.

In bed, this sign is a godsend for everyone. She knows how to adapt to her partner and drive him crazy, she can be gentle and submissive, she can become a passionate fatal lover, for her there are no boundaries or prohibitions, she is resourceful, original and courageous. If a lady of this sign has found her partner, he will be crazy. The Scorpio woman is an excellent wife and housewife, a strict and reasonable mother. Everything with her is always in perfect order, she knows how to do many things at once, and do everything flawlessly. She has an ideal family, well-mannered children, complete order in her career, and this lady will always find time for herself.

Sexuality of Scorpio Women

The Scorpio woman is distinguished by self-confidence, innate sexuality, capable of filling her gait, conversation and appearance with amazing eroticism. Even the most sexually skeptical person can react to passion in her appearance, voice and gaze. A woman can amaze you with her sexuality and magnetism without uttering a word. Energy, combined with a good manner of entertainment and a desire to work, will open up new facets of pleasure and impressions to your partner.

In love relationships, a lady born under the sign of Scorpio takes things seriously. A woman is captive of her own passions and dreams, which, combined with skillful exactingness and the desire to go clearly towards the intended goal, gives the woman determination and allows her to subjugate everyone and everything. Male partners are not always able to understand this approach and recognize the true reasons for amazing sensuality and attractive eroticism.

In bed, the Scorpio woman is demanding, and only a certain part of partners are able to fully appreciate this and satisfy all her fantasies and needs. If the partner does not meet her requirements, desires and emotions, the woman will not take the man’s feelings into account and is surprisingly intolerant. Such partners quickly leave her environment. On the other hand, if a man is subject to psychological prejudices, such a woman becomes too good for him. In some cases, a Scorpio woman can easily and simply resolve many problems of a sexual nature, including impotence in men, if it was caused by psychological problems. On the part of a woman, this will not act as an altruistic principle or a desire to help her neighbor. She cares only about herself and her sexual well-being. A woman cannot be in a love relationship with boring and unpretentious men. In everything, including love and sex, the Scorpio lady strives to occupy only the best positions.

Ladies born under the sign of Scorpio are distinguished by their sharp minds and amazing intuitiveness. She effectively uses these qualities when choosing partners and men in her environment. It is subject to lengthy study and excessive criticality, but carefully selected men will be able to fully appreciate its qualities and benefits. The main advantage of the sexual behavior of these ladies is that she effectively penetrates into the lives of other people, leaving her life “behind seven seals.”

The main and main drawback of the Scorpio woman is jealousy. In her opinion, her partner in sex and love should completely and completely give the lady his admiration and respect, while she can find hidden subtext and intrigue in her partner’s behavior in places where they simply do not exist. During an insignificant and fleeting conversation between a partner and another woman, the Scorpio lady is convinced that he is setting up a time for her for love meetings. However, she will not quietly wait for events to develop, but becomes furious, intolerant and destroys everything that comes her way.

In relations with partners, the Scorpio lady despises pity and weakness, does not accept people who can bend and adapt to someone else. She cannot provide them with protection or support, while she can also inflict concomitant blows to the weakest points. If a man wants to stay with a Scorpio woman, he must come to terms with all her passions and behavior patterns and perceive her as such.

However, if a man can fully satisfy all the desires and needs of such a demanding lady, she will be the most faithful and responsive lover. She will be able to protect her partner in any situation and will be able to provide the most necessary help in difficult situations, without taking into account the views and beliefs of others.

In a marriage, women born under the sign of Scorpio can give not only a fairy tale and heaven, but also real hell. With such a lady there is no intermediate or middle option. She is always formidable and only this sign is most susceptible to falling from one extreme to another. People with an unprotected or weak psyche should avoid Scorpio lovers.

Scorpios are considered to be the sexiest of all the zodiac signs. Sex for them is a prerequisite for a full and happy life. Scorpios need flashes of passion, intense emotions when their nerves are on edge. He wants sex almost constantly and is ready to have it anytime and anywhere. They are very ardent and passionate lovers, very generous with a wide variety of caresses. Scorpios know how and love to excite and get excited, you can’t expect passivity from them in bed, they are used to taking the initiative into their own hands and achieving pleasure, first of all, for themselves. Scorpios are very partial to oral sex and have a wild, sometimes even somewhat perverted, fantasy. They often consider themselves irresistible, so they really like it when they see that members of the opposite sex like them.

Scorpio man

The Scorpio man is a passionate, but rather domineering lover. Jealousy and power can be called the main shortcomings of Scorpio. He is popular with many women, but is very afraid of falling under their influence. Such a man always strives to be the main one in the relationship, to dominate and, ideally, to completely subjugate the woman. In order to feel comfortable, he must control the situation in everything. Having achieved this, he often loses interest and chooses a new object for “hunting”. Because of this, a Scorpio man often loses good relationships, because he can break up even for a trivial reason. In sexual relationships, a Scorpio man loves to study the desires and psychological weaknesses of his partner, and extremely rarely loses self-control and control. Scorpio can be a wonderful actor and is capable of playing various roles, in addition, he is able to use the various feelings of his partner - jealousy, anger, kindness - to his advantage. At the same time, a male representative of this zodiac sign intuitively senses the needs of his partner and, as a rule, meets them halfway. It is quite difficult to surprise a Scorpio man in bed because, having a lot of sexual experience, he has tried almost everything. In sexual relationships, he prefers positions 90, 96 and 104.

Scorpio woman

The Scorpio woman is very demanding and at the same time prone to excesses. Men like this combination at first, but after a while it begins to tire. Sex is very important to her. Abstinence upsets her and spoils her mood. She is very active and energetic. Knowing that a man needs a certain incentive, she devotes a lot of time to caring for herself and her body, maintaining excellent shape, and is very partial to beautiful outfits and perfumes. For men who value openness and pleasure in sexual relationships, a Scorpio woman will be an excellent partner. She can be a good wife, but she extremely rarely remains faithful, while sincerely loving her husband. Her extramarital affairs arise out of a desire for new and vibrant experiences. She knows how to separate sex from love. She remains temperamental almost until old age. In intimate relationships, a Scorpio woman has practically no barriers or prohibitions - as long as both partners feel good. Loves positions 119 and 47 in bed.

You can view descriptions of the poses mentioned above in the Kama Sutra Poses section. Also published on the site is the book Kama Sutra - the full text.

Scorpio Woman This is a real fatal beauty, whose sexuality attracts men like a magnet. The neck itself turns after her gait to appreciate the beauty of her swaying hips. She does not have an obedient character, and will not stand at the stove stirring your pasta. She has a masculine mentality, so most often you can find her in the entrepreneurs' club, playing bridge or in a strip bar. Her ambitions are extremely high. She never gives up and never loses confidence. He may engage in self-criticism, but not for long, because he believes that a bad mood affects skin color.

Girls born from October 23 to November 22, rather secretive natures. All feelings are experienced deeply in the soul, they never admit their failure. Earning her trust can be difficult. Be smart, self-sufficient, unobtrusively help her achieve her goals and then you can win her attention. Before finally letting you in, she will give you a series of psychological tests to make sure that you are not crazy. Outwardly, a Scorpio woman may look unapproachable and in character resemble a bachelor, but in reality, she wants a long-term relationship with one partner.

Paradoxically, being in a relationship with you and burning with love for you from the bottom of her heart, she may not pass by the opportunity to experience the caresses of another man. Scorpio knows how to separate love and sex. Her zone of sensuality is much wider than that of other women. For her, the bedroom is a place for a sex marathon. If you can't keep up with her pace, you won't last long with her. She is an experimenter in the broadest sense of the word. She may invite another girl to your bed and frantically make love to her herself, giving you the opportunity to watch. He might give you a blowjob while you're driving, or he might buy you a strap-on and invite you to be a woman.

Family life She is a little burdened, because of this, scandals can arise, dishes through the windows, borscht on your head, but this does not mean that everything is bad and she wants a divorce. This is how she has fun so that your marriage does not become a routine. With the advent of children she becomes calmer.
A Scorpio woman will be happy with Cancer. They are both sensual, there is complete mutual understanding and sexual compatibility between them, they try not to give each other reasons for jealousy.

With Aries, misunderstandings arise in relationships due to the active nature of both partners. Good as lovers, but not as husband and wife.

Taurus evokes only sexual desire in a Scorpio woman. They are too different in everyday life, so a harmonious marriage will not work.

Gemini is too changeable for the purposeful Scorpio. They will have a lot to talk about, but she can't constantly be in limbo, not knowing what to expect next. As lovers they are compatible, but nothing more.

An active Leo and a passionate Scorpio woman can literally eat each other without choking. Both want to shine and be leaders. Nobody wants to give in to anyone, even in the bedroom.

Virgo is sluggish for Scorpio, especially in bed. They have something to do together, but it is more of a collaboration.

With Libra, she will not be bored in sex, because there is a strong attraction to each other. But due to her jealous nature, frequent clashes are possible. Marriage is possible, although not very calm.

There is total compatibility in sex with your Scorpio sign. Passion plays a key role here. When they are satisfied with physical contact, it will not be possible to create spiritual contact due to the same temperaments.

Sagittarius is a one-night stand for her, because he is always on the go and always looking for freedom, and it shows a sense of ownership.

Capricorn can become a reliable life partner precisely because of its stable character. They are also sexually compatible, which doubles the chances of living together into old age.

Aquarius, like Sagittarius, is a free-thinking, loitering creature who cannot be controlled, and therefore cannot make a worthy match for a Scorpio woman. Except in the bedroom.

Pisces are a little indecisive and therefore an alliance with a powerful woman is an incredible happiness for them, which completely satisfies both. The marriage is successful because both strive to make the union pleasant by making every effort.

Famous Scorpio women:

Politicians: Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi, Condoleezza Rice. actresses and TV presenters Stars: Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Winona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg, Vivien Leigh (“Gone with the Wind”), Jodie Foster (“Silence of the Lambs”), Peta Wilson (“Her Name was Nikita”), Jamie Lee Curtis (“True Lies”) , Lyudmila Gurchenko, Rina Zelenaya, Yana Churikova, Ksenia Sobchak, female athletes: Nadia Comăneci (gymnast), Oksana Baiul (skater), singers: Björk, Vanessa May, Vika Tsyganova, Lolita Milyavskaya, Marina Khlebnikova, writers Stars: Margaret Mitchell (“Gone with the Wind”), Astrid Lindgren (“Baby and Carlson”), Victoria Tokareva (“Gentlemen of Fortune”), scientist Maria Sklodowska-Curie, dancers, ballerinas: Maya Plisetskaya, Ilze Liepa, directors: Kira Muratova, Alla Surikova (“The Man from Boulevard des Capuchins”)

Representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign have the most ambiguous characteristics in bed. Some prefer sublime and selfless love, others indulge in base and vicious inclinations. Among Scorpios you can find both diligent family men and desperate bachelors. The diversity of personalities in this zodiac sign is most clearly represented.

Scorpio - sex for inspiration

Scorpios use sex for more than just satisfying physiological needs. Sexual energy is important for strengthening their social status and creative inspiration. Do not doubt that after a stormy night, a real Scorpio will go to put the finishing touches on his painting or, at worst, to finish writing a business plan. This zodiac sign has practically erased the line between love and hate. Scorpios perfectly remember all the insults caused by a loved one, and thanks to iron restraint they hide their true feelings in order to take revenge at the first opportunity. Literally anything can make them angry, including refusal. Scorpios often leave their partners without bothering to explain the reasons.

No matter how romantic Scorpio is, know that his vicious inclinations always dominate. Their sexual preferences are constantly changing, transformed under the influence of the years they have lived and the experience they have gained. Scorpios do not tolerate monotony in bed or the phlegmatic nature of their loved one. If they have to live with a person who is indifferent to bedroom fun, they will definitely have an affair on the side. Scorpios will only be faithful when they meet a partner who meets all their requirements. Then they will completely refuse to communicate and flirt with the opposite sex.

Scorpios are secretive, never show their feelings or jealousy. Confident in yourself. Even thoughts do not allow that their partner could cheat on them. They cause sexual addiction because they are able to accurately determine the inclinations and secret desires of a loved one in bed. They love to experiment, look for new sources of sensual pleasure and pleasure.


Despite such a bright characteristic, among representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign there are individuals who are indifferent to sex. Instead of indulging in pleasure, they prefer to direct all sexual energy to creativity, work and business.

Lonely Scorpios can go without sex for quite a long time. Those who have a regular partner need regular sex. When choosing a partner, they give preference to a single type. This can be easily noted by finding out more information about Scorpios' past relationships.

Sex as a means to an end

From an early age, Scorpios are prone to spiritual transformation and mystification of everything that happens. Sex for them is a kind of mystical ritual. Since sexual energy influences almost all areas of Scorpio's life, they cannot live without sensual pleasures. Representatives of this sign are selfish. Even while giving pleasure to their loved one, they pursue their own goals. Scorpios do everything to get maximum pleasure. They provoke their partner to liberate themselves, force them to do what they want. They use a strong emotional connection to manipulate a loved one.

Those Scorpios whose base passions predominate use sex as a means by which they can get what they want. By receiving and delivering sensual pleasure, they, first of all, manipulate their partner. Under such pressure, everyone will do whatever Scorpio wants. Such people are easy to spot in a crowd - their voice, movements, and manner of dress are incredibly sexy and attract the gaze of the opposite sex.

Statistics say that Scorpios find it difficult to maintain relationships throughout their lives. They often change partners, enter into legal marriage and file for divorce. Only those partners who are patient, forgiving and wise, and who do not resist the dominance of Scorpios, will be able to live with Scorpio all their lives. If a partner understands that he cannot satisfy all the sexual ambitions of his loved one, he must give Scorpios the opportunity to do this on the side. Any jealousy, mistrust, restrictions will only cause a storm of anger.

There are several rules in relationships with Scorpios. First, you will have to come to terms with the dominance in relationships of representatives of this zodiac sign. Any manifestations of control or restriction of personal freedom will lead to a cooling of relations and their further rupture. Do not be openly jealous, do not compare your loved one with previous partners. Don't flatter them, Scorpios only accept outright admiration.

Denying sex to a loved one is dangerous, especially if he belongs to the zodiac sign Scorpio. A few refusals and he will think about at least having someone on the side. Interestingly, a stable union is easier to establish with mature people who know how to control their desires.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

An alliance with Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn will be successful. Love relationships with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo will be complicated by conflicts.

Secret relationships with Scorpios can last throughout life. A stable union can be built provided that you follow the recommendations of communication with Scorpios and mutual respect between partners from the first days of acquaintance.

The material was prepared with the help of experts from the Astro7.ru service.
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The planet Mars gives Scorpio a huge sexual appetite. In all the pleasures and pleasures of love, Scorpios know no limits.


A woman born under the sign of Scorpio is very sexy. Only a man who is completely indifferent to sex will not respond to the passion in her eyes, gestures and voice.

When she meets an attractive man, she knows how to make him stand out from the crowd, and this happens long before he even notices any other woman. There is no point in resisting him. There will be no choice left - an irresistible force acts on an extremely malleable object. Even if she is not very pretty, her big hypnotic eyes will suffocate the will to resist.
Her energy is enough for several women. She loves to work hard and have good fun. Whatever she does, she is prone to excess. It can be fascinating, but it is exhausting. With her you will never get bored, but you will want a calmer, balanced life.

She takes love seriously. Just like the man of this sign, she is the fruit of her own passions. But this doesn't always apply to sex; her passion for life exists independently of men. Therefore, they are not able to resist it; they strive to subjugate it. But even if they succeed, they are unlikely to be able to penetrate the secret depths of her hidden sensuality.

She is gifted with a sharp mind and remarkable intuition. Overly critical, she subjects potential lovers to extensive scrutiny before allowing them into her life. She peers deeply into other people, while remaining impenetrable to other people's views. Her true character is not easy to understand, and it may forever remain a secret to others.

Her extremely emotional nature can become vindictive and destructive when disappointed. If she is betrayed, she will turn into the most dangerous enemy. She will stop at nothing to take revenge on someone who has not lived up to her trust.

Jealousy is her main flaw. She believes that her lover should give her all his admiration; she looks for rivals and intrigue where they cannot even exist. If her partner talks to a pretty woman for a few minutes at a party, she thinks he's making a secret date and acts accordingly. She is not one of those who stands quietly in a corner, pretending to be furniture. She will unleash all her rage on the offender.

In a good mood, she treats her lover like a king. But if her mood changes (and it definitely changes), she will open his brains. Arguments with her will always be in high tones.

The Scorpio woman is deeply emotional, highly sensitive and passionately devoted to the one she loves. She is ready to make enormous sacrifices for the sake of the one to whom she is truly attached. She can be a faithful lover who will protect you in front of others, fight for you in the most difficult conditions. Don't back down or give up, otherwise her energy will turn against you.

This sign is more prone to extremes than others in the entire Zodiac. This is a dangerous woman, especially for weak-hearted men.


The Scorpio woman is inventive and loves experiments. No matter how educated you are about sex, some things will surprise you. She will do everything to make the night memorable. She wants you to enjoy sex as much as she does, and her pleasure approaches ecstasy. Erotic, demanding, she wants the same complete return of love from her partner. This is the sexiest sign of the Zodiac.

Her attention flatters male vanity. She does not hide her physical arousal, and this, in turn, ignites the passion of her partner. She loves to make love for a long time and knows how to impose her desires on men who would otherwise be too hasty. She knows that eroticism is much more than just the physical act of love. It's the smallest details that matter, and she lets him know their importance.

She is demanding in the bedroom and few men are able to satisfy her needs. She is intolerant of those who are not suitable for her. On the other hand, it is very good for those who are simply subject to psychological prejudices, and can work a miracle with an impotent person if his impotence is of a psychological nature. This is not a sign of altruism on her part. In her mind, she does whatever is necessary to help him satisfy her.

She gets very upset if you don’t want to fulfill some of her plans. Women of this sign want to dominate their partner. In their quest for leadership, Scorpio women show a tendency towards lesbian relationships.

Whatever the technique, the Scorpio woman prefers to force her partner to do what she wants, going much further than usual. For her, sex is just one of the manifestations of the master-slave relationship, and Scorpio must always be the master.


A man born under the sign of Scorpio is guided by his sexual desire. He is passionate, emotional and unpredictable. His nature is to follow his desires and satisfy them, despite any obstacles. He won't think about the consequences.

Many women respond to his hypnotic sexuality. His character is equal parts charm and strength. He has a lot of energy, part of which he throws into space; he is surrounded by an energy field everywhere.

In matters of the heart, he does not understand the word “no.” He expects you to be willing to devote yourself completely to him and his needs. If you don't agree, he will mercilessly break up with you.

Making love with him can rise to great heights or descend to the most base acts. A woman who becomes the desired love partner of a Scorpio man can either count on a lot or fear a lot. Nothing will stop her man from achieving his goal, because he is a victim of his own passions. In a love game, he is capable of being a passionate partner, doing with pleasure everything that can excite her. If she doesn't like being courted and wooed, he will literally do anything, take any risk. He will take any step to convince her to give herself to him.

Scorpio never forgets kindness, does not forgive insults inflicted on him; if he is wounded, then his only goal becomes revenge. The motives for his actions are complex and mysterious, since part of his personality is hidden from prying eyes. He is emotionally unstable, despises weakness in others, but he likes people of a masochistic bent who sense his ability to be cruel.

Men born under this sign can be cunning, selfish and unprincipled. And these qualities also manifest themselves in their sexual adventures.

For a Scorpio man, sex is a game in which he has calculated all the options and has the maximum chance of success. He may enjoy the chase, but he's only really interested in the woman everyone wants. You can drive a Scorpio crazy with jealousy, but it's risky. The desire to dominate a woman, confidence in his ability to subjugate him to his will can lead him to cruelty.


A man born under the sign of Scorpio is distinguished by an extraordinary sexual temperament. However, sex for him is not an end in itself; it is no less important for him - and perhaps most important - to know the sexual behavior of women, their psychology and their weaknesses.

His sexual energy is inexhaustible. In bed, you can count on more than you expected. He has an excellent knowledge of female anatomy and has an active erotic imagination. No barriers hold him back, and no shyness hinders him. Each meeting should bring the maximum amount of pleasure.

He is not particularly interested in the technique of sex. He only wants to satisfy his uncontrollable needs. Before he has time to undress, he is ready for business. His excitement is transmitted to the woman. She will begin to choke with passion even before he takes possession of her.

His kisses are not gentle, but demanding and persistent. He needs to completely dominate the woman. If he hurts her, it will mean her submission to him. He is convinced that every woman dreams of being raped and physically defeated.

Driven by sexual attraction, he enjoys worshiping it. Scorpio strives to stretch out intimacy as much as possible in order to prolong the pleasure. They love to bring women to multiple—that is, multiple—orgasms. Usually using electrical stimulation.

The Scorpio man is prone to extravagant tendencies. He loves to experiment and his experiments are unforgettable.

His hidden desire for violence can become obvious and malicious. He may develop mental disorders if he feels that he is being neglected. Other people's pain causes him pleasure, and this explains his sadistic tendencies.


SCORPIO - ARIES: An extremely unstable combination. Aries loves innovations in sex, and Scorpio will gladly participate in them. But Aries is too freedom-loving for the jealous Scorpio. Both are selfish, dynamic and ambitious. There may be a strong mutual attraction, but their individualism will pull them in different directions. Short connection, uneven long-term relationship.

SCORPIO - TAURUS: Both have a desire to satisfy each other in bed. However, their differences will certainly come to light if they continue their relationship in daylight. Scorpio is the opponent of laziness, and he is tight-fisted. Taurus loves to spend the money they earn. Both are proud, stubborn and have a tendency to dominate. Their heightened sexuality allows them to count on a connection; marriage is very doubtful.

SCORPIO - GEMINI: Sexually they are close, but that's not all. A conscious attitude towards this is required. Gemini takes everything too easily for the assertive Scorpio. Scorpio is purposeful, Gemini is changeable and subject to fluctuations. Geminis have a sharp mind and are happy to demonstrate this at every opportunity. Scorpio regards such actions as a clear waste of time. Uneven relationship, difficult marriage.

SCORPIO - CANCER: These two water signs get along well with each other. The prognosis for sexual relations is positive. Scorpio's passion finds a responsive partner in Cancer. Physical compatibility helps reduce friction that arises due to jealousy that both suffer from. If, however, such outbreaks do occur, it is impossible to take the position of an outside observer in them. The most likely is a harmonious union of power and patronage. Good connection, great marriage.

SCORPIO - LEO: Both are extremely hot-tempered, and sharp disagreements can end in violence. Passion rules a lot in this union. They are physically attractive to each other, however, Scorpio does not give Leo the respect and attention that he needs. Leo's pride suffers, and in many situations Scorpio's jealous, possessive tendencies are put to the test. A pleasant relationship is possible, but a long-term union is unsuccessful.

SCORPIO - VIRGO: Their interests coincide in many areas, but this does not apply to the sexual sphere. They find it difficult to establish good relationships. Virgo can become picky. Scorpio is brutally frank. If Virgo manages to make the necessary adjustments to her behavior, something will probably work out. Spiritual intimacy for a while, and then Scorpio will begin looking for new sexual partners.

SCORPIO - LIBRA: Scorpio is too possessive and jealous of Libra. Libra is too lazy and sensitive for Scorpio. However, both are passionate, although Libra suffers from mood swings. They take a responsible approach to living together; problems are possible due to Libra’s love for luxury, which Scorpio may not be able to provide. Frequent storms during communication. Marriage will not be completely calm either.

SCORPIO - SCORPIO: Sexually, they can light a fire even underwater. But they are too similar to each other. Both are decisive, both are possessive, jealous and have terrible characters. If they are different in some way, this leads to cracks and the bond evaporates. Their initial mutual attraction cannot last long outside the warm atmosphere of the bedroom. A long-term relationship, much less marriage, is not realistic.

SCORPIO - SAGITTARIUS: Don't give them expensive housewarming gifts. Scorpio loves his home, but Sagittarius always has a suitcase ready to hit the road. Sagittarius needs freedom. Scorpio is demanding and too possessive. Even the sense of humor characteristic of Sagittarius is not able to smooth out the rough edges in their relationship. Their mutual attraction is explained by sex and cannot last. For one night - yes, for life - no.

SCORPIO - CAPRICORN: Both are persistent, ambitious and a good match for each other sexually. No major problems are expected. Scorpio is more emotional, which harmonizes well with the restraint of Capricorn. Capricorn is impressed by the stability that Scorpio's desire for possession promises. Scorpio does not look for sentimentality in sex, and this suits Capricorn too. Prosperous relationship, reliable marriage.

SCORPIO - AQUARIUS: Scorpio is irritated by Aquarius' mood swings. Aquarius is involved in numerous social activities outside the home, where all Scorpio's interests are concentrated. Scorpio cannot subjugate Aquarius, who values ​​freedom very much. Aquarius is extremely sociable. Scorpio is the opposite. To Scorpio, the impractical plans of Aquarius seem meaningless. Acrobatics in bed will not keep this couple together. Let everyone go their own way.

SCORPIO - PISCES: This couple is characterized by a strong mutual attraction. Pisces is willing to rely on Scorpio to compensate for their indecisiveness, and will gladly accept Scorpio's desire for dominance. Their sex life must be amazing. Pisces are inventive. Scorpio is persistent. Both the relationship and the marriage are successful.