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How is the name Catherine translated from Greek? The meaning of the ancient Greek name Catherine, character virtues and the fate of a patient girl

Form of the name Katerina

Diminutive forms of the name Katerina. , Katyusha, Katenka, Katyunya, Katrusya.

Name Katerina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, English and other languages: English: Katerina, Ukrainian: Katerina, Chinese: 卡捷琳娜 (Kǎ jié lín nà), Belarusian: Katsyaryna.

Origin of the name Katerina

AND . The name Katerina comes from the ancient Greek word “Haikaterine”, meaning “pure, immaculate”.

Character of the name Katerina

In disputes, Katerina will prefer to find a compromise, using a soft approach to achieve agreement; if it is noticed that the dispute is flaring up, he will move aside in time. Katerina usually has many friends and acquaintances, so she does not suffer from loneliness.

The secret of the name Katerina

The roots of the meaning of the female name Katerina go far into the past. According to some sources, the name Katerina comes from an old Slavic-Tatar name. The secret of the name lies in its origin, the number of syllables, sounds... All this determines the character, habits, even the future profession and family life of a person with the rare name Katerina.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Zodiac: .
Name color: White, Lilac.
Emission: 41%
Planets: Moon.
Talisman stone: Garnet, Gold, Meteorite, Moldavite, Shellstone, Smoky Quartz, Spinel, Sugilite, Tanzanite, Tavorite, Tourmaline, Brown Tourmaline
Plant: Pine, ivy, borer, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Totem animal: Bear.
Main character traits: Sincerity, responsiveness, devotion.

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 130,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization (character): 81%
Mentality: fair.
Health: back problems

Numerology of the name Katerina

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work team or in a family, comes easily to them and reveals all their greatest strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Katerina as a phrase

To Kako
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
T Firm
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Katerina

K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.

T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Positive traits of the name

Katerinas are divided into two, practically opposite types. Some are quite independent and can be organizers of games and the life of the party. They are easy and fun to work with, they always achieve their goals. They receive an excellent education and apply it successfully. But the second type is the shy girl Katya, who looks a little like a graceful swan. She is beautiful and smart, but avoids noisy companies. In both the first and second cases, a girl named Ekaterina will be endowed with intelligence, intelligence and high spirituality. Another distinctive feature of women with this name is their great tenacity of character. They do not change depending on circumstances. In any situation you remain yourself. They are proud and full of self-esteem.

Negative traits of the name

Excessive self-confidence, even bordering on tyranny. Katerina considers herself smarter than others in any situation. It is very difficult for her to be superior in anything. Sometimes she is capable of cruelty, is irritable, gives the impression of being unapproachable, and a smug woman “on her own mind.” Katerinas of the passive type can be too reserved, modest, even closed. They are very timid and do not feel the strength to express themselves. Exact sciences are difficult for them, as is studying in general. Both types of women with this name are capable of being unpredictable. You can expect anything from them!

Choosing a profession by name

Katerinas of the active type are very successful in their profession. Housekeeping will be done only on rare occasions. Their careers and lives are far from routine. They will be interested in art, social activities, and government activities. These women can be scientists. And Katerinas of the passive type are excellent housewives, good mothers. They devote a lot of time to creating comfort, but in production they will also prove themselves to be a responsible employee. They are very efficient and calm. They can work in agriculture and the service sector.

The impact of a name on business

Kaaterina will need thriftiness and the ability to plan expenses and rationally distribute income. Sometimes she really lacks these qualities. With great perseverance and caution, Katerinas of the first type will be able to achieve success and recognition and become rich. But in order for the passive girl Katya to become successful in business, she needs to seriously work on her determination and determination. With good work on herself, Ekaterina will achieve success!

The influence of a name on health


Her idealistic nature forces her to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving her imperfect world. She won't settle for anything less. She doesn’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, she will choose it, abandoning what literally lies under her feet.
It often seems to her that no one in the world is able to truly understand her, appreciate her motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets her, it is only for a short time.

Often Katerina’s actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps it is worth considering that if she had stronger connections with the world around her, her ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

Compatibility of the name Katerina, manifestation of love

Katerina, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of a “friend to everyone.” She can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of her sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” her personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If Katerina feels that love is really important to her, she will give herself entirely to it, without setting frames and boundaries.

Career, business and money

Although Katya is ambitious and active, she is not always inclined towards self-realization. Such a woman would prefer to give her spouse the opportunity to earn money, but if she wants, she can achieve success herself. Ekaterina is an excellent doctor or teacher, since responsibility allows her to be responsible for other people.

She can successfully overcome any difficulties, but some vanity will be a repulsive factor in communicating with her. Katya is sociable, so areas that require communication and manipulation skills are ideal for her.

She can become an ideal employee of a marketing service or a travel company, but for this it is necessary to suppress her natural temper. Ekaterina is a versatile lady, but this prevents her from deciding on a profession. She is capable of wasting herself in many different directions, but in the end does not achieve real success in any one.

Perseverance and conscientiousness will help you achieve what you want, but only with the proper level of prudence. A high level of intelligence gives Ekaterina the opportunity to easily come up with business projects; it is only important that she has enough patience to bring them to life.

Marriage and family

In the family, Catherine tries to perform the functions of a leader, rejects obedience, any attempts to control her will not work. You can try to find a compromise. Katya is not prone to betrayal; it is not for nothing that she is considered a real keeper of the hearth.

She can masterfully organize coziness in the home and will be an excellent mother for children. She has the most important quality - the ability to withstand adversity; Catherine endures them with dignity, never leaving her family without support.

For Katya, marriage is a kind of protective mechanism; the house where they wait serves as a refuge, without which it is impossible. That’s why she approaches the choice of a spouse with all care, trying to find not only a great family man, but also an excellent sexual partner. Although Ekaterina loves her husband and children, you shouldn’t expect culinary masterpieces from her; not all Katyas are gifted with the wisdom of cooking.

Sex and love

At the beginning of the relationship, this girl will be cold, but will try to make sure that she is wooed. A peculiar aura of indifference indicates that only a stubborn and sensual man can understand what a fragile creature stands in front of him.

Catherine needs a person who will protect her; she needs someone who is stronger in spirit. Katya adores beautiful and romantic suitors, but you shouldn’t try to get close to her quickly, you should take a pause. Reliability and confidence in a partner are important to her, and Ekaterina can fall in love forever.

She is selective and unhurried, which allows her to find a worthy man. Katya is devoid of bright and catchy sexuality, the reason for this is her ostentatious self-confidence, which repels men. But behind all this lies a sensual woman, for whom the attitude of her partner is very important.

Sex is far from the last place in Catherine’s life, but in order to show passion from her, it is necessary that Katya be completely confident in the feelings of her other half.


Nature did not endow Katya with outstanding physical properties. Such a woman suffers from metabolic disorders, and this can lead to excess weight in adulthood. A weak nervous system also does not bring anything good for such a hot-tempered lady.

Catherine needs to follow a daily routine and eat right, in which case she will feel good. Various breathing practices will be useful; this will make it possible to keep the body healthy.

Interests and hobbies

This kind of girl likes reading, and most of all she likes to study history. Katya loves active recreation - trips to nature in company, traveling to places where she has never been before.

Sociability and the desire to be the center of attention are the qualities that influence Catherine’s pastime. She likes pets, she will definitely place a cat or dog in her house, and will pay a lot of attention to the pet.

Translated from ancient Greek, Catherine means “immaculate.” Interestingly, Catholics have a masculine form of this name. She sounds like "Katherine". The name was first mentioned in the population census at the beginning of the 17th century. But it became especially popular after one of the princesses received it. Therefore, this beautiful, sonorous name is associated with confidence, pride and dignity. Modern parents often choose it for their newborn daughters.

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      The meaning of the name Ekaterina

      The name comes from another ancient Greek - Khaikaterine. Today the latter is practically not used. The first mention of Catherine was discovered by historians in the Moscow census of the late 30s of the 17th century. The enormous popularity that the name gained over time was influenced by the reign of Catherine the Great. Today she can be called the most famous bearer of this name.

      • There are several meanings of the name Catherine: “eternally pure”, “pure”, “immaculate”. And its various forms: Katyusha, Katena, Katka, Katerinka, Katyunya.

        Name day

        Modern Katya considers the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria to be their protector and patroness. This saint is especially famous among Catholics. She is also considered the patroness of all brides, children, students and other students. The Great Martyr lived in the 4th century BC. She was a learned woman: she knew several complex languages ​​perfectly, studied the works of famous doctors at that time and tried to practice healing herself. The saint was baptized after the Mother of God appeared to her in her night dreams. This dream led the woman to believe in Christ and begin to actively expose the pagans. Among them was a king who cruelly mocked Christians. For her actions and faith, Catherine of Alexandria was subjected to terrible physical torture. As a result, she was beheaded.

        Catherine does not change her name at baptism, as it is noted in the calendar. Women celebrate their name day in winter (December 17 and February 5), as well as in the first month of autumn (September 20).

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        Katya is always a bright, noticeable girl. Even if they are timid and shy inside, others will never know about it. Outwardly, such a woman looks proud, unapproachable and even regal. She is capable of spending a lot of time and money on self-care. Catherine always has beautiful hair, a carefully thought out hairstyle and the whole image as a whole.

        Katya may look extravagant and defiant, she may have an arrogant character, but this is all an external manifestation of the inner restlessness with which she lives her whole life. In pursuit of self-confidence, she can resort to different methods - turning to religion, black magic, turning to fortune-tellers and psychics. Catherine has a rich imagination that gives her no rest.

        Character Virtues

        Catherines usually boast a very developed imagination. They are strong in creativity, it is easy for them to use their imagination when doing any task. In a good mood, Katya easily makes new friends. Therefore, it is not difficult for her to join a new team if everyone around her treats her kindly and does not make offensive jokes or remarks. Such a girl can be called a good and reliable friend, despite her complex character. If you learn to deal with Katerina’s violent emotional manifestations, then she will become a real support and support for her friends. You can always come to her for help and good advice.

        The owner of the name perceives any adversities in life quite calmly. With her confidence, she helps to cope with the surging fear of those around her. Katya is good at keeping secrets and is not capable of betrayal.

        When meeting people, they perceive Ekaterina as a very tactful, well-mannered person with impeccable taste. The girl knows how to show her education and high level of intelligence from the very first seconds of communication. Therefore, making a favorable impression on men or women is not difficult for her.

        Katya is an optimist who does not like to lose heart for no reason. If she was lucky in early childhood to be a beloved child, whom her mother and father protect in every possible way, teach her to be self-confident and not be afraid to seem funny in front of others, then such a girl grows up to be very light, bright and pleasant to talk to.

        Due to her character, Katyusha is not prone to cruelty at any age. She does not accumulate negative emotions within herself, but immediately lets them out. As a result, she quickly forgets grievances and easily moves on even after the most serious quarrel. Catherine is generous and noble. She enjoys doing charity work and helping those in need.


        Among the main shortcomings of Catherine is a tendency to self-digging. For all problems and mistakes, the girl will only blame herself. If we further emphasize the mistake that she made, Catherine will be greatly offended and even capable of taking cruel revenge. Such women have a sick pride, which is very easy to hurt.

        People who are close to Katya will probably note her difficult character. A woman's behavior and emotions greatly depend on her mood. Catherine is capable of being calm, kind and cheerful and suddenly the next minute experiencing an attack of anger, the scale of which will shock those around her. At work, she easily finds a common language with both colleagues and superiors. But if Katya dislikes someone, that person will have a hard time. A girl can openly pick on her colleague and point out his shortcomings. She definitely will not remain silent, no matter how others or even her manager ask her to do so.

        The bearer of the name never admits that she is very dependent on the opinions of other people. She tells everyone that she only listens to her inner voice. Actually this is not true. It is extremely important for Katya what others think about her. She is ready to perceive any fleeting innocent remark as a real insult and worry greatly about it.

        If we talk further about the disadvantages of such women, then the main one is vanity and selfishness. Catherine will always be sure that she is smarter than other people, even if they are much older and more experienced. For this reason, a girl often encounters failures in business and is not able to climb high on the career ladder. True, Katya’s dignity also follows from this - she knows how to take a blow perfectly and even after a painful fall she easily starts all over again.

        Katyusha perfectly knows how to adapt to circumstances. Especially if it is in her interests. A woman is even able to restrain the anger that spills out of her when it is necessary for the sake of future success. But someone else's superiority makes the fair sex suffer greatly. Having learned about other people's victories, she clearly feels her own inferiority. And although this feeling is far-fetched, it still greatly hurts Catherine.

        Most Katyushas are emotional and touchy. They are easy to anger. Katya's close people usually know about this peculiarity of hers and try not to “awaken the beast.” Calming an angry Catherine is not easy. She will rage and conflict until she gets rid of all the negative emotions within herself.

        Catherine's fate

        It is believed that a name can influence not only a woman’s character, but even her destiny. This is especially true for personal life and relationships with loved ones. Therefore, parents often, before deciding on a name, study its possible impact on the future life of the baby.

        Hobbies and interests

        Catherines often become interested in exact sciences and the history of their country at different ages. With knowledge in these areas, the bearer of the name conquers the men she meets on her life’s path. Katya spends all her free time reading, knitting or doing other quiet things.

        As for noisy entertainment, a woman tries to ignore them even in her youth. She feels uncomfortable in noisy companies, especially in unfamiliar ones. An ideal date for Katya is a quiet tea party in a cozy cafe, a trip to the theater to watch a classical production, or a walk accompanied by an intimate conversation.


        Ekaterina knows how to make a positive impression on management. She is responsible and does an excellent job with any job. Therefore, the girl does not have problems with her career. Her life in this area is active, interesting and changeable. Katya easily decides to change jobs if she receives a better offer.

        Such a girl is capable of becoming a famous public or political figure, a successful scientist. Various professions from the field of art will suit her. Catherines often join the ranks of volunteers and help others without any material benefit for themselves.


        It cannot be said that Catherine has perfect health. Most often they suffer from the following problems:

        • bone fractures and dislocations;
        • infectious diseases;
        • diseases of the nervous system and lungs.

        To improve their own health and condition, women with this name need to actively strengthen their immune system. It is important to try to be as nervous as possible and avoid any stress. When Katya is doing well in her personal life, she feels cheerful, active, and ready for achievements. Conflicts and quarrels unsettle her for a long time and can even provoke illness.

        Love and intimate relationships

        Catherine both attracts and repels representatives of the stronger sex with her outward self-confidence. You can’t call such a girl overtly sexy and charming. Her true beauty, femininity and eroticism will be seen by the man whom Katya allows as close as possible. Only in a serious relationship is she able to reveal herself as a passionate, ardent nature and experience sincere, deep feelings.

        Ekaterina is very reasonable in choosing a partner. She has little interest in mythical princes on a white horse. The girl next to her needs a real man with an inner core, a stubborn, punchy character. If her lover regularly shows weakness in front of Katya, then her feelings for him may subside. Only a strong partner can stay with such a woman for a long time.

        Katerina knows how to interest a man well and win him over. But she is not at all flighty. Such a girl is very faithful, devoted and demands the same from her loved one.

        If we talk briefly about compatibility, then Katya is well suited for partners with the zodiac sign Taurus and Scorpio. Tender, caring and homely Taurus will surround the girl with sincere warmth and help her get rid of existing complexes. If Katerina did not have enough love from her parents in childhood, then this gap will be filled by the spouse born under the indicated sign.

        With stubborn, strong Scorpio, it will be somewhat more difficult for Catherine. But this is exactly the real man she dreams of. Next to such a partner, a woman will be able to achieve significant career heights. After all, she will look up to her beloved and try to keep up with his successes.

        The most popular version is that the meaning of the name Ekaterina is “eternally pure”. According to this version, it is believed that the name Catherine comes from the Greek name Αικατερίνη (“Haykaterina”), which has exactly this meaning. However, it is worth noting that some experts dispute this version. For example, the famous Oxford Dictionary of Names writes that the etymology of the name Αικατερίνη is unclear and its meaning is unknown.

        Like most popular names in Russia, the name Ekaterina came to us from Greece, along with the adoption of Orthodoxy. But it never became popular in Rus'. It gained its popularity already in the 17th century. And of course, the dawn of the popularity of the name came after the reign of Catherine II the Great. Today the name Ekaterina is one of the 20 most popular female names in Russia.

        The meaning of the name Ekaterina for a girl

        As a child, Katyusha is a calm and sociable girl. She quickly learns to speak and does not speak well like a child. This attracts both children and adults to her. She easily makes friends in kindergarten and at school. Peers are happy if Katya comes to play. Katya is the leader of children's games and knows how to organize her leisure time herself.

        Catherine, even as a child, is vain. She loves to be first and this motivates her to do well in school. Commercialism is noticeable in her quite from an early age. Loves gifts instead of praise. You will not please Catherine with just a kind word.

        Catherine’s health can make her parents happy, but they need to be careful. She has a tendency to fluctuate hormonal levels, and the most difficult period for her is puberty. At this time, you need to pay special attention to your health.

        Short name Ekaterina

        Katya, Katyukha, Katyura, Katyakha, Katyasha, Katrya, Rina.

        Diminutive pet names

        Ekaterinka, Ekaterishka, Katerishka, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katunya, Katyusya, Katusya, Katyulya, Katyona.

        Name Ekaterina in English

        In English, the name Katya (Ekaterina) is spelled in several ways - Catherine, Katharine and Katherine.

        Name Ekaterina for international passport- EKATERINA.

        Translation of the name Ekaterina into other languages

        in Belarusian - Katsyaryna
        in Bulgarian - Ekaterina, Katerina
        in Hungarian - Katalin
        in Greek - Αικατερίνη
        in Spanish - Catalina, Catarina
        in Italian - Caterina
        in Chinese - 叶卡特琳娜
        in Latin - Catharina
        in German - Kat(h)arina, Kat(h)rin
        in Polish - Katarzyna
        in Slovenian - Katarina
        in Ukrainian - Katerina
        in French - Catherine, Cathy
        in Finnish - Katariina
        in Czech - Kateřina
        in Japanese - 公平里

        Church name Catherine(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Catherine is a church name present on Christmastide.

        Characteristics of the name Ekaterina

        Katya is a truthful and open person. She does the right thing and always tries to tell the truth. This characteristic feature of Katya often harms her in life, but she does not change her behavior. For her, doing the right thing is more important than temporary gain. With such a correct attitude towards life, one is pleased by its cheerfulness and ease of communication. Katya can be described as a pleasant, sociable girl.

        At work, Katya is a useful employee. She is executive and active. Strives to improve results if he feels his own interest. Not prone to conflicts and tactful in behavior. Able to smooth out difficult moments in relationships between colleagues.

        Katya is special in the family. Her chosen one must constantly pamper her and then she herself will be flexible. She gets married for convenience and doesn’t hide it much. However, Catherine cannot be attracted by money alone. Being treated like a princess is what she adores. Children and husband are important to her and form an important part of her life, but she will not want to deal with them alone.

        The mystery of the name Catherine

        Katya's secret can be called her anger and self-interest. As long as everything is fine, you won’t even know about her secrets. However, as soon as you refuse to follow its rules, then everything will open up. Katya’s men, who have stopped pampering her, learn “a lot of new things” about themselves. The same can be said about friends and colleagues. As soon as she notices that the relationship is unprofitable for her or that there is a more profitable option, she easily breaks off the established ties. So it’s better not to spoil your relationship with Catherine, or don’t start one.

        Planet- Jupiter.

        Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

        Totem animal- Termite.

        Name color- Blue.

        Tree- Cedar.

        Plant- Lotus.

        Stone- Chrysolite.

        The female name Ekaterina sounds beautiful and majestic. There are many great women in history who bear this name. Take, for example, Empress Catherine II the Great. Owners of this beautiful name and parents who want to name their daughter Katya often wonder what the meaning of the name Ekaterina is. Find out right now the history of the origin of the name, and what character traits Catherine is endowed with.

        The name Catherine has Greek roots and translates as pious and rebellious. In Rus', the origin of the name spread when Tsar-Father Alexei Mikhailovich named his newborn daughter Catherine. Before this period it was considered rare. The name Tsar took for his daughter on the eve of her birth, Saint Catherine of Alexandria appeared in a dream. It seemed to him that the dream was not accidental and significant, the memory of it still lives on.

        On the site where the events of the dream took place, he built the Orthodox (now operating) monastery of St. Catherine. The legend about the great martyr says that she was a wise and prudent woman. She studied science, was interested in philosophy, and practiced healing. I met with poets and read a lot. She was always welcome in noble circles. She spoke several languages ​​fluently.

        Having converted to Christianity, Catherine began to introduce others to the Orthodox faith. She had no equal. She won the duel during a conversation with the sages, when she tried to persuade Emperor Maxentius, who oppressed Christians, to convert to the Orthodox faith. The emperor was struck by her beauty and intelligence. After she refused to become his wife, Catherine was executed. Since then, this name has often been associated with Great and Royal personalities.

        The meaning of the name Katya for a girl

        According to statistical data and the population census, today Ekaterina heads the top 20 most popular female names.

        Why there was such interest in the name:

        • It sounds beautiful, has pleasant diminutive variations (Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katherine);
        • the name leaves an imprint on the character, and fate develops in the best way;
        • the name contains willpower, willfulness and love of freedom;
        • Ekaterina are born leaders and talented people;
        • girls from early childhood follow a clearly defined goal;
        • inherent leadership abilities allow you to always be in the center of attention.

        The owners of this name are often truthful, selfless and open. They like to keep their reputation untarnished. Surely this character trait is influenced by the translation of the name Khaikaterine from ancient Greek - pure.

        Name day for Catherine

        The patron saint of the name is Saint Catherine. Name Day is celebrated according to the old calendar - November 24, according to the new style - December 7. On this day, it is customary to congratulate girls, girls and women bearing this great name. In addition to the day of the angel named Katya, the Orthodox world honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine.

        On name day, in order to partake of the grace of the patron, you need to go to church and take your child there if he has been baptized. In the evening, you can invite close people who love this person for a meal. You need to thank the Almighty, the Mother of God and your Guardian Angel (patron saint) for everything.

        Character and fate associated with the name

        Despite the majestic sound of the name, Catherine’s character in childhood was not very different from other peers. However, if you pay attention, you can see the makings of a leader in her. She is always the first and the truth is on her side. A brave girl is not afraid of boys, she can stand up for herself and will always fight back. At the same time, he knows how to protect weak friends; if he sees injustice, he will come to the rescue.

        Remembers good deeds. If she asks for help, it is better to reciprocate, otherwise she will turn her gaze away, forget about this person forever, and erase him from her life. It’s better not to see her in anger; she can take cruel revenge. Little Katyas live in their own world, they do as they want, they do not like the instructions of adults. Their souls are generous and kind, they always share gifts. It’s not for nothing that the name Catherine means pious.

        They find it painful to communicate with people who have superiority and do not like boasting. As for their mentality, they are diligent in their studies and strive for knowledge. They are often the authority figure at school, thus displaying the spirit of leadership inherent in the name. Katya is naturally beautiful; boys begin to pay attention to them early; in adulthood, they have to fight off the importunity of men.

        By choosing the name Katya for a girl, parents leave an imprint of its meaning on the future fate of the child, who will be under the patronage of St. Catherine.

        Compatibility of first name with patronymic

        When choosing a name, parents should first of all rely on their taste and preferences. If the choice is made in favor of Catherine, you need to study its meaning and decide for yourself that this option is best suited. After all, the baby will have to bear the character traits of her patroness. Katya's girls grow up as favorites in families. They are tenderly and affectionately called Katyushenka, Katerinka, Katenka.

        Parents often pay attention to how the first name, middle name and last name will sound. After all, already at this moment they are thinking about the future of the child. In adulthood, the daughter will achieve such heights that she will be called by her first name and patronymic. In any case, you cannot change the middle name; it will be given in accordance with the father’s name.

        The following combinations sound very beautiful with the name Catherine:

        • Valerievna
        • Alekseevna
        • Mikhailovna
        • Savelyevna
        • Nikolaevna
        • Evgenievna
        • Svyatoslavovna
        • Afanasyevna.

        As for the consonance with the surname, this name will look beautiful in any combination. Regardless of the origin of the surname, be it Russian or foreign roots, the combination will sound original. For example, Malysheva Ekaterina Evgenievna sounds no worse than Magomedova Ekaterina Zakirovna.

        What male names will lead to a happy family life?

        It is not enough for Catherine to have little, she always strives to get the best. Don't be surprised if a friend with this name takes your boyfriend away. So that's what she decided. If a man has become the object of her desire, she will achieve her goal at any cost. Single life is not for Catherine; she needs a man who will become a reliable support. He enters into marriage solely for love.

        Together they will achieve a lot and build a strong alliance. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a partner, because his name plays an important role. There is a long-standing theory about the compatibility of female and male names.

        Men with which name you should pay attention to first of all:

        • Alexander
        • Andrey
        • Artemy
        • Vadim
        • Elisha
        • Marat
        • Nazar
        • Ruslan

        If you analyze the listed options, they sound as important and proud as the female name Ekaterina. It is unlikely that a girl bearing a royal name will pay attention to anything dissonant. While in search of a second half, these girls often pay attention to predictions and horoscopes.

        They believe in the power of palmists, observe the position of the stars, and can turn to astrologers. They like male company and make contact easily. When communicating with the opposite sex, they are flirtatious, polite and friendly. Ekaterina is sensitive and feminine, she knows how to be extremely affectionate and, for the time being, patient.

        It is very important for Catherine to have a strong family; she does not tolerate loneliness with a husband and children.

        Talismans for the name Katya

        Each name corresponds to certain talismans that accompany a happy life, success and health.

        Stones, elements and other animate and inanimate objects can serve as a talisman or amulet:

        • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius. The position of the stars under this sign has a very beneficial effect. When concluding transactions and making important decisions, you should pay attention to the period from November 22 to December 21. If Catherine was born under the sign of Sagittarius, fate will doubly favor her - this is a sign of a strong personality.
        • The animal is a swan. A pure and magnificent animal brings joy to its surroundings with its life. It does not harm anyone and decorates ponds with its presence. In ancient times, white swans were considered sacred and were worshiped. Blacks, on the contrary, were wary.
        • Color - blue. A palette of blue shades should accompany Catherine everywhere. It's good to have personal items and things that are blue. They will act as protection against negative energy.
        • Wood - cedar (Siberian pine). By touching cedar, you will be able to feed on its vital energy. The power of the tree is aimed at people with this name; you can plant it at home or go to the forest to communicate. You can keep a cedar talisman in your purse.
        • Stone - chrysolite, agate. These stones bring good luck and help increase wealth. Act as a talisman against bad thoughts and dreams (they are placed under the pillow at night). Chrysolite is responsible for family happiness, so that everything is fine with this stone, they give jewelry to Catherine. Agate amulets give strength and protect against the evil eye.
        • Number - 8. The fate of this person is connected with this number. Eight, in addition to its meaning, inverted represents the sign of infinity. Life will go continuously in a circle as long as this person is under the protection of a guardian angel.
        • Planet - Jupiter. According to astrology, Jupiter is responsible for social connections and self-affirmation in society. Contributes to the expansion of personal capabilities and career advancement.
        • Element - Fire. Fire is responsible for human vital energy. Its influence is especially strongly felt in the summer. The elements allow Catherine to be brave. With its power, fire awakens a thirst for initiative for any endeavor.
        • The time of year is winter. The cold (harsh) season contributes to the development of a strong personality. For this reason, Katerinas do not depend on the opinions of others and have leadership abilities and good health.

        A talisman selected according to the name and zodiac sign will act as a talisman against difficulties throughout life and bring good luck into Catherine’s life!