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How to invite a person to a private VKontakte group. How to invite friends to a VK group: step-by-step instructions. Possible problems and their solutions

), then you probably want the number of your subscribers to grow. To do this, you can use the methods that we discussed in the guide -.

Now I will show you another option. It consists of inviting your friends to the community. If the group interests them and they like the materials, they will probably subscribe.

So, how to invite friends to a VKontakte group?

How to invite friends to a VKontakte group

Go to the desired community. Under the avatar (see) find and click the button "You're in a group". In the menu that opens, click "Invite friends".

A window will open in which a list of our friends will be displayed. Find the user you need and click on the link next to him "Send an invitation".

Do the same for each person you want to invite to the group.

You can go to the full list. To do this, click on the link "Invite friends from the full list". Here you can filter your friends by criteria. But in essence, everything is the same. Find the right person and send him an invitation by clicking on the button "Invite to group".

Some users may not receive the invitation. This will happen if a person has limited the ability to send him an invitation. This is done using privacy settings (see).

There is no "Invite friends" button in the group

When you try to find this button, you may see the following picture.

This will happen if you are not in a group, but on a public page. In this type of community, there is no possibility of sending invitations (see). What can be done?

You need to transfer the public page to a group. This is how it is done.

Open the menu and click "Transfer to group".

On the next page click the button "Transfer to group".

3. Post information about your group in other communities where your potential clients are present

4. Publish interesting content that existing group subscribers will want to share with their friends.

We will consistently talk about all of these methods in this and upcoming lessons.

Where to begin?

The very first thing to do is invite people who are already your friends to your group. Why start with this? People are wary of communities that don’t yet have a single member and are reluctant to join them. However, if the person you invite knows you personally, then the popularity of the group is not so important to him. This is the principle of how social networks work: users trust those they know and those their friends know.

If you are not new to the Internet, then you have probably already added classmates, classmates, or just acquaintances to your friends on the website vk.com. If you haven't done this yet, now is the time. Don't know how? Just follow our instructions.

How to add people as friends on vk.com?

If you look at the very top of the vk.com page, you will see this line:

By clicking on the “People” button you will be redirected to the search page for users registered on the Vkontakte website:

You can search for people based on different criteria: by first and last name, by city of residence, by gender, by marital status, by age, by the school or university where they studied. You can search by any combination of these criteria, or by all of them at once:

When you select one or another criterion, additional items may open in front of you to clarify your request. For example, when you select a country, the site will prompt you to additionally specify the city. When you select a school, you will be able to specify the class and year of graduation.

For example, we selected residents of Krasnoyarsk who graduated from Lyceum No. 1 in 2005:

You can also search for people you know by simply entering their first and last name:

The website vk.com has several million registered users. If the person you are looking for does not have the rarest first and last name, then you will find a lot of namesakes and namesakes even in one city. Therefore, we recommend searching for people you know using several criteria at once.

Search by name takes into account both the full version of the name and the diminutive version. Those. By setting the name “Svetlana”, you will automatically find girls who wish to be called “Sveta”, “Svetik”, “Svetochka”, etc.

After you have found the person you need, go to their page. Right below his avatar you will see the “Add as a friend” button.

When someone adds you as a friend, you will see a notification on your page (accordingly, the person you sent the request to will see a similar notification on their page):

If you now click on the “My Friends” button, you will see the request sent to you:

You can add a person as a friend or keep him as a subscriber. What is the difference - read below.

The more people you find and add as friends who you really know, the more VKontakte users you have a chance to notify about your group and, accordingly, the more clients you get. Therefore, do not be lazy to devote time to this.

But you need to remember that you can send friends as friends to no more than 40 people per day.

“Friends” and “subscribers” - what is the difference?

Recently, a new category has appeared on the vk.com website - subscribers.

When you send a friend request to someone, you first become their follower. You can view this person's public information, see his updates in your news feed (see what a news feed is). But until he adds you as a friend in response, he won't see your updates in his news feed.

If you are someone's subscriber, you cannot invite them to groups: you can invite only those users who have approved your friend request to groups.

Accordingly, if a person whom you do not know and whose publications are not interesting to you has asked to be your friend, then when viewing his application, you select “Keep as subscribers.” You cannot send a friend request to anyone again. Therefore, if you define the user as “subscribers”, he will not bother you.

How to invite friends to a group?

After you have made friends on vk.com, you can invite them to the group. To do this, go to your community: under the avatar you will see the “Invite Friends” button:

After clicking on this button, you will see a window in which some of your friends will be displayed. We recommend clicking the “Invite friends from the full list” link at the bottom of this window. A complete list of your friends will open, next to the name of each of them you will see the “Invite to group” button:

You can invite no more than 40 of your friends to the group per day.

By clicking on the “Invite to group” button, you will see that you cannot invite some people because... they forbade inviting themselves to groups. We will tell you how else you can notify them about the group and your services in one of the upcoming lessons.

The vk.com website allows you to re-invite those friends who rejected your invitation to the group, but we strongly recommend that you do not do this too often so as not to seem intrusive. In our opinion, a repeated invitation to the group should be sent to a person no earlier than in a month.


Find and invite classmates, classmates, work colleagues, students of courses that you may have attended, acquaintances and friends (at least 40 people) as friends. Invite those who accepted your friend request to the group (it’s better to do this the next day). Tell us how many people you invited to the group and how many ended up joining.

Invitation to an open group

The restrictions imposed by VK allow you to send no more than 40 invitations per day. For most users, the established limit is enough for the eyes.

  1. In the navigation menu on your page, open the “Groups” block. We select the one to which we are going to invite friends, and click on the link hidden under its name.

  1. In the main menu, under the group logo, look for the area where it says “You are a member.” Open the drop-down menu and select the marked item.

  1. An additional window will open containing a list of your friends. Here we will have two options available. In the first case, we select the necessary people from the general list manually. Then, using the highlighted button, we send an invitation. In the second case, open an additional menu.

  1. If you have many contacts, this option is more convenient. You can sort your friends in the side menu marked with the number “1”. Here you can choose to belong to a specific group. For example, you can send invitations only to work colleagues or relatives. This assumes that friends have previously been placed in these categories. The Options menu, marked “2,” allows you to sort by gender, age, and geographic location.

  1. Whatever method you choose, if a person has not limited communication with him in the settings, he will receive a notification sent. Otherwise, you will see the message shown in the screenshot.

Invitation to a public page

VKontakte allows the creation of three types of communities: group, event and public page. The latter is intended to disseminate information and news and you cannot invite anyone to it. Having opened such a page, we see that there is no corresponding item in the subscription menu.

  1. If you are an admin in such a community and want to promote it by inviting friends, proceed as follows. Click on the ellipsis marked with an exclamation mark to open the action menu.

  1. We move to the last point and transfer the community to a group.

  1. A warning message will appear informing you of the consequences of your action. As you can see, nothing critical will happen to the page. After 30 days, you can reverse the changes, making it public again.

  1. The selected action will need to be confirmed. This can be done using an application installed on your phone or via SMS message.

  1. We enter the received digital code in the field provided for this.

The community will immediately be converted into a group, and the menu will have the option to send invitations. Now you can use the instructions from the first part of the article and collect as many subscribers from among your friends as you can.


If desired, invitations can be sent from an Android smartphone. Once you open a group, you will see a checkmarked menu at the top of the screen. The first point in it allows you to send invitations. It’s strange, but in the VK application for iPhone the developers have not implemented this feature.

The given instructions will help you better understand the intricacies of the social network and not feel like a “dummie”.

Video instruction

The videos below will help you see how the described operations are performed in real time and better understand how to work with groups.

Hello, friends! A very large number of groups and public pages on various topics have been created on the VKontakte social network, so everyone can find something they like. But what if you want to invite some of your friends to the community of which you are a member?

Or maybe you yourself are the creator or administrator of an interesting public page. In this case, new subscribers are needed to promote it. Accordingly, why not add people you know

Invite friends to your group

The following window will open. It may say “Send an invitation” next to the person - click on the button to add the user. If it says “Cancel invitation”, it means it has already been sent.

If there are certain requirements for people who will be subscribers - they must be interested in something specific, live in a certain city, etc., then click on the “Invite friends from the full list” button.

Now click on the “Options” button. In the drop-down window you can select the city, age and gender of the person. After this, users who meet the specified criteria will remain in the list. Send them a request by clicking on the “Invite to group” button.

How to invite a friend to a community you are subscribed to

You can add a person to a group not only if you created it yourself. If you are subscribed to an interesting group and want to invite your friends to it, then this option is also available.

Open your list of communities and find the one you need. Enter it.

Please note that under the name it says “Open Group” and not “Public Page”, otherwise you will not be able to add users, but we will talk about this in the next paragraph.

To send an invitation to the selected group of your friends, click on the “You are in a group” button and select “Invite friends” from the list. Then do everything exactly as described in the first paragraph.

Why can't I invite a friend?

Well, now let's look at the reasons why you may not be able to invite friends to the group.
Firstly, if you want to immediately invite all the friends from your list, you won’t be able to do this. You have the opportunity to add no more than 40 users per day.

Secondly, after sending the application, a window may appear with the message: “The user has prohibited inviting himself to communities.” Therefore, nothing will work here either.

Thirdly, if by clicking on the “You are subscribed” button, the required item is not in the drop-down menu, it means that this is not an “Open Group”, but a “Public Page”. You cannot invite people to the public pages you are subscribed to.

If you are a creator or administrator, there is also no item for inviting friends in the list. Then you need to make an “Open Group” from the “Public Page”.

To do this, go to the main page and click on the three vertical dots under the avatar. In the drop-down menu you will see the “Transfer to group” item, click on it. That's it, now this is not a public page, but a regular group to which you can invite friends.

I think everything worked out, and now your community has a little more subscribers.


A window will open in which you need to specify the name of the meeting. Describe what will happen on it in the appropriate field. Also set the date and time.

The event will be reflected in your group menu in the right column. Click on the name of the meeting and the event page will open. Select "Invite Friends". A list of your friends you can invite will open. But first of all, you may want to invite those who are directly in the group to a meeting. To do this, click on the “invite group members” link.

A new window will open containing the names of the people you need. Opposite each of them is a link “Send an invitation”. To tag everyone, you need to click on this link next to each name. Please note that some people block any invitations. Then you will probably have to write a private message to this user and send a link to the event page. Further, everything will depend on the desire or unwillingness of your friends to go to this meeting.

It is worth noting that on some websites or forums you can find a script or a link to a program that allows you to tag everyone at the meeting. The fact is that the software component of the site is constantly changing, supplemented and modernized. Outdated scripts will not have any effect on the updated VKontakte. Moreover, there is a danger that the proposed script may pose a potential threat to the software of your computer, and downloaded programs will most likely contain a virus. Even if it is written that the program is provided by the administration of the social network, this is most likely just a trick. The creators of VKontakte comply with the privacy policy for personal information.