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How is vacuum cleaning of the uterus performed? Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

The doctor can prescribe vacuum aspiration of the uterus not only after childbirth, but also during examinations to take tissue samples, to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, as a medical procedure for certain indications. Some women are afraid of this procedure and after giving birth refuse to undergo it, thereby putting their health at great risk.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why a doctor may prescribe vacuum cleaning of the uterus after childbirth, possible complications after it, and doctors' recommendations for further rehabilitation.

Indications for uterine curettage

As mentioned above, a gynecologist can prescribe uterine cleaning to his patients both in the postpartum period and during the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases of the internal genital organs.

The main indications for a gynecologist to prescribe a cleaning procedure are:

  • the need to obtain laboratory samples of uterine tissue during a biopsy examination,
  • termination of unwanted pregnancy,
  • partial miscarriage
  • termination of pregnancy for medical reasons (fading or incurable pathology of the fetus),
  • the presence in the uterine cavity after childbirth of remains of the placenta, amniotic sac, blood clots,
  • the appearance of heavy bloody vaginal discharge or uterine bleeding,
  • accumulation of fluid or blood in the uterine cavity.

Currently, the vacuum cleaning method is becoming increasingly used. This method is more gentle, minimizes the likelihood of tissue microtrauma, and can be performed under local anesthesia. During vacuum aspiration, a special vacuum suction is used to remove the surface layer of the uterus, without the threat of damage to its cervix or walls.

Postpartum cleansing

After childbirth, for several days the woman is under the close supervision of a gynecologist, who monitors:

  • temperature and general condition of the mother’s body,
  • the condition of the sutures and birth canal,
  • presence of discharge.

After childbirth, it often happens that the placenta does not pass away properly, but due to strong accretion, remains inside the uterus. In this case, the doctor removes it manually. Pieces of the placenta may remain in the uterine cavity if it is not contracting sufficiently or due to delivery by cesarean section.

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If there are suspicions that particles of the placenta, amniotic tissue, or blood clots could remain in the cavity of the pelvic organs after childbirth, the doctor prescribes an additional ultrasound examination.

If the presence of foreign particles in the uterine cavity after childbirth is confirmed, then the woman is prescribed an IV with a drug that stimulates contraction of the uterine tissue, which helps it cleanse itself of “unnecessary” elements.

If drug treatment is ineffective, the doctor prescribes a curettage procedure.

For some reason, some women are afraid of this procedure and refuse to undergo it, not realizing that they are exposing their health to additional danger. The presence of foreign particles and tissues in the uterine cavity after childbirth will subsequently lead to the occurrence of purulent processes, the formation of pathogenic microorganisms and the formation of inflammatory foci. It will be impossible to cure these processes, even actively using medications, until foreign particles are removed. Moreover, the presence of foreign particles prevents the uterus from contracting properly, which can lead to certain complications after childbirth.

Carrying out cleaning

So, the doctor prescribed curettage for the woman. The procedure must be carried out under anesthesia (local in the case of vacuum cleaning and general in the case of mechanical) and consists of the following steps:

  • examination and antiseptic treatment of internal genital organs,
  • increasing the diameter of the cervix using mechanical dilators,
  • scraping the inner layer, during which all foreign particles, clots, etc. are removed.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, the woman must still be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Even though vacuum cleaning is more gentle, it still causes some trauma to the body. For a speedy recovery after postpartum uterine cleansing, the doctor usually prescribes the following treatment package:

  • injections of antibacterial drugs,
  • taking medications that stimulate contraction of uterine tissue,
  • antiseptic treatment of the genitals for approximately 5-7 days after the procedure.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, the doctor adjusts the treatment.

After the curettage procedure, the entire inner surface of the uterus bleeds. This is most pronounced during the first hours after cleansing, when the bleeding is most abundant. Over the course of a week, they become smaller, change color and smell, and completely disappear approximately on the tenth day after the operation. During this period, a woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, which decreases over time and then disappears completely.

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A woman who has undergone a uterine cleansing procedure is strictly prohibited from using tampons to absorb blood discharge, subjecting the body to excessive physical activity or performing sports exercises, douching or similar manipulations until the discharge has completely stopped.

It is advisable to avoid sudden changes in temperature, hypothermia or overheating of the body, including visiting a sauna or taking hot baths.

Due to the intake of a large number of medications, including antibiotics, it is extremely undesirable to feed the baby with breast milk during this period. Most medications can pass into milk and enter the child’s body with it, which will negatively affect the baby’s health. To ensure that the milk does not burn out, it will need to be expressed and disposed of. After the drug course of treatment is completed, breastfeeding can be resumed. The cleaning procedure significantly weakens the woman’s body and causes post-operative weakness, so it is often even physically difficult for her to care for the baby. It is advisable that at this time the woman in labor should receive help and support from one of her relatives or relatives.

For at least one month after the curettage procedure, a woman should abstain from sexual relations.

Possible complications

Since the cleaning procedure is a rather complex gynecological operation, it can cause certain complications:

  • perforation of the wall or cervix,
  • excessive blood loss,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle,
  • infection in the internal genital organs,
  • the occurrence of adhesions,
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the internal organs located in the pelvis, endometritis,
  • fusion of internal tissues of the uterus,
  • the likelihood of infertility.

Vacuum cleaning helps to minimize the number of possible complications, but cannot guarantee their complete absence.

It is normal to experience some blood discharge after a cleansing procedure. However, if they are insignificant or stop very quickly, this may indicate that a significant part of the clots remains in the uterine cavity. In this case, the woman should immediately consult a doctor.

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Injury to the cervix can lead to isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which there will be a risk of early termination of subsequent pregnancies due to the fact that the cervix will not be able to properly support the fetus. To solve possible problems, additional medical intervention will be required in the form of suturing the cervix or installing a pessary.

If adhesions or tubal obstruction develop after vacuum cleaning, the woman may have problems conceiving a child in the future.

Doctors warn against repeat pregnancy after cleaning the uterus for six months due to possible early spontaneous termination of pregnancy or intrauterine death of the baby. When planning a pregnancy, a woman who has previously undergone vacuum cleansing of the uterus needs to undergo a re-examination by a doctor in order to obtain reliable information about the condition of the internal genital organs.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus is a method of removing the contents of the organ cavity. There are many indications for such a procedure. Most often, vacuum cleaning is prescribed after childbirth or miscarriage, to remove an embryo that has frozen in development, as well as to terminate a pregnancy. Most women are afraid of this procedure. However, this is the safest and most effective method for cleaning out the uterine cavity.

Indications for the procedure

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus allows you to remove everything that is inside the organ along with part of the mucous membrane. Among the indications for such a procedure are:

  • hydatidiform mole;
  • serious fetal pathology that was identified before 12 weeks of pregnancy, for example, developmental delay;
  • hematometra - accumulation of a large amount of blood in the cavity of an organ;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • upon detection of pieces of the placenta remaining after a natural birth or cesarean section;
  • studies of the microflora of the organ cavity;
  • profuse bleeding.

The advisability of vacuum cleaning of the uterus is determined by the gynecologist. In some cases, such an operation is not required.

How is the operation performed?

How is vacuum cleaning of the uterus done? The operation is performed only in a hospital setting. During the procedure, the top layer of the mucous membrane is removed. During menstruation it is rejected. Therefore, the operation is considered physiological. However, some women experience pain during this procedure. It is for this reason that specialists use anesthesia. You can neglect pain relief after childbirth. During this period, the cervix is ​​dilated, and the organ itself is dilated. That is why the pain is not so strong.

It is worth noting that the most unpleasant sensations are caused by the dilatation of the cervix. Because of this, the patient is given anesthesia first and then a dilator. When the cervix is ​​dilated, the doctor begins to aspirate the contents of the cavity.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus is carried out in several ways: machine and manual. The last method involves the use of a special syringe. With this method, the contents of the uterine cavity are sucked out under the influence of the doctor’s hands. With the machine method, a special pump is used.

Stages of the procedure

Regardless of the chosen aspiration method, the procedure consists of the following steps:

  • anesthesia is administered intravenously;
  • the external genitalia are treated with a disinfectant solution;
  • a special speculum is inserted into the vagina;
  • if local anesthesia was chosen, then at this stage an anesthetic drug is injected into the cervix;
  • if necessary, the cervix is ​​opened slightly;
  • the distance from the uterine cavity to the entrance to the vagina is measured using a special umbrella;
  • an aspiration tube is inserted;
  • The outer layer of the organ cavity is sucked in when the tube rotates.

The whole procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes. If used, the patient will have a few more hours to recover from the operation. Local anesthesia does not cause such consequences. However, when using this method of anesthesia, the patient may feel cramping in the lower abdomen during the operation.

Is preparation necessary?

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus requires preparation of the patient. First of all, it depends on the reason for which such a procedure is indicated. After all, an operation to terminate a pregnancy will be significantly different from an operation after childbirth. In any case, the procedure is a surgical intervention. Before it is carried out, the patient must undergo examinations, including:

  • biochemical and general blood tests;
  • analysis for Rh factor and group;
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis;
  • smear for oncocytology.

Before prescribing vacuum cleaning of the uterus, the doctor must carefully examine the medical history, as well as the list of medications that the patient has taken. In addition, the specialist should warn the woman about which medications should not be taken.

What not to do before surgery

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus, reviews of which are both positive and negative, requires not only a thorough examination of the patient. If the operation is planned in advance, then 14 days before the operation the doctor does not recommend that the woman take drugs that affect blood clotting. In addition, there are other restrictions that must be observed for three days before the intervention. At this time you should:

  • stop all sexual contacts;
  • stop douching;
  • do not use cosmetics intended for genital hygiene;
  • stop using vaginal tablets and suppositories.

Experts recommend stopping eating 12 hours before the operation. This will make the anesthesia procedure safer.

Frozen pregnancy

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy is not always required. In most cases, the embryo comes out on its own. A miscarriage occurs. However, this may not happen. Then the frozen embryo can only be detected by ultrasound. A similar procedure is carried out in cases where the condition of a pregnant woman worsens significantly. If the embryo is not removed in time, sepsis and intoxication may occur.

In cases of frozen pregnancy up to 5 weeks, medical expulsion of the fetus is carried out. If the period is up to 12 weeks, then vacuum cleaning of the uterus is prescribed. After such a surgical procedure, the doctor should observe the patient. If her body temperature has increased, then the development of an inflammatory process is possible. Even if the woman’s condition does not worsen, a repeat ultrasound is performed after some time.

Surgery after childbirth

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus after childbirth is carried out in cases where the health of the mother in labor worsens. The doctor must monitor the patient’s body temperature, the condition of the birth canal, sutures and the body as a whole for several days. In addition, the specialist must take into account the intensity of the discharge. After all, particles of placenta may remain in the uterine cavity after childbirth. In some cases it must be removed by hand. This occurs due to the strong adherence of the placenta to the walls of the uterus. A similar situation cannot be ruled out after a caesarean section. If a complication is suspected, the patient undergoes an ultrasound.

If you do not vacuum clean the uterus when placenta particles are detected, purulent processes may begin. After the procedure, the patient remains in the hospital for some time. The doctor prescribes her only if her condition can be considered satisfactory. During this period, antibiotics, drugs that promote uterine contraction, and antiseptic treatment are often prescribed.

Due to the use of a large number of medications, breastfeeding is not recommended. Milk must be expressed and disposed of regularly.

Intervention after miscarriage

A miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks. In some cases, a woman may not even notice such a process. Especially if this happened in early pregnancy. Often women perceive this as the next onset of menstruation, but with heavy discharge.

In some cases, vacuum cleaning of the uterus is required. Over a long period of time, a woman may notice not only a large amount of discharge, but also large blood clots, as well as particles of the embryo. In this case, the bleeding may stop, and after some time resume. This can lead to retention of aborted tissue in the uterine cavity, which often causes the development of an inflammatory process.

When is cleaning required after a miscarriage?

If the gestational age is more than 13 weeks, then vacuum cleaning of the organ cavity is required, since the fetus is quite large and can remain completely or partially in the uterus. In this case, a woman may experience severe cramps and pain in the lower abdomen, which resemble contractions.

Cleaning is carried out in cases where fragments of the fetal membranes or fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity. If a miscarriage is suspected, the patient is admitted to the hospital for a day. In this case, the doctor may prescribe medications that cause uterine contractions. If during this time the tissues do not come out on their own, then cleaning is carried out. Immediate intervention is prescribed for signs of infection of the uterine tissue and severe bleeding.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus: consequences

Such procedures most often occur for women without consequences, as evidenced by their reviews of the procedure. However, in some cases problems may still arise:

  1. Incomplete removal of cavity contents. The specialist works blindly during the procedure. If this happens, then repeated cleaning is prescribed.
  2. Damage to the cervix with instruments. Can occur when an organ opens up. Such damage can lead to failure to carry subsequent pregnancies.
  3. Uterine bleeding. During the procedure, damage to fibroids or blood vessels may occur. In difficult cases, the doctor may completely remove the uterus.
  4. Infection. This happens when the patient neglects the advice of doctors and does not maintain personal hygiene. As a result, this can lead to the development of infertility and the onset of the inflammatory process.
  5. Weakening of the neck. This may cause miscarriage in the future.

After vacuum cleaning of the uterus, some complications may occur. After all, a lot depends on the experience of the doctor. However, the development of pathology is not always the wrong work of a specialist. For example, a woman may experience a hormonal imbalance. Which also leads to undesirable consequences. When removing a frozen embryo or embryo remnants, the risk of developing pathologies is less than when using other types of surgical intervention.

During the operation, using a vacuum cleaning technique, the doctor effectively removes the contents that are in the uterine cavity. This method is less traumatic than classic curettage, but it is much more effective.

In this way, it is possible to completely remove the dead epithelium and the parts of the membrane remaining after a miscarriage. This will help avoid complications that are likely after a spontaneous abortion. There is no need to be afraid, since the risks to a woman’s health are minimal.

The doctor is faced with the task of cleaning the uterus by removing its contents, along with the endometrium and the upper layer of the mucous membrane lining it. This need arises in the presence of a pathological process or when taking material for analysis.

There are quite a few indications for cleaning the uterus using a vacuum:

  • The most common reason is to cleanse women who have experienced spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). If there are signs that the embryo has not come out completely or that particles of the fetal membrane remain, as well as in acute conditions such as blood poisoning or peritonitis, vacuum cleaning is done immediately.
  • A poorly developing pregnancy can also be terminated using this progressive method. The indication is growth retardation or cessation of embryo development, or an unwanted pregnancy for the couple.
  • In case of acute conditions in the uterus, the use of a vacuum may also be necessary. This procedure is performed if blood or blood clots have accumulated in the cavity due to heavy bleeding.
  • It happens that after childbirth, parts of the placenta remain in the uterus. If the doctor, when examining the fetal sac, discovers a violation of the integrity of its walls, then all the contents are sucked out of the uterus and checked.
  • For some diseases, an analysis of the microflora of the uterus may be necessary. The safest way for the body to obtain biological material is a vacuum.
  • The gynecologist decides how appropriate this procedure is. In each individual case, you need to find out whether this procedure really does not have a safer, similar option. Is it possible to avoid this manipulation or delay it?

For example, if a patient has an incomplete miscarriage, then a short wait under the supervision of a specialist can have a favorable outcome for the woman: the remnants of the membranes will come out on their own, naturally. This way you will be able to protect yourself from even the relatively low invasiveness of vacuum cleaning of the uterus.

Progress of the operation

During surgery, the doctor removes the top lining of the uterus. This is quite natural for the body, since the same thing happens to a woman every month during her period, with every menstruation.

But since the procedure is still not a physiological process, it can be quite painful. Especially for women with a low pain threshold. Pain occurs when the cervix opens and can be expressed as rather painful spasms in the lower abdomen. Therefore, an anesthesiologist is usually present at the operation, who puts the patient under anesthesia before inserting the dilator.

Source: irecommend.ru

If the uterus is cleaned immediately in the postpartum period, then the anesthetic injection can be neglected. At this time, the cervix has not yet returned to its natural position and remains dilated enough to allow a vacuum curette to be inserted into it.

When the lumen of the entrance to the uterus becomes wide enough, the doctor gradually begins the process of aspiration of the cavity. The uterus can be vacuumized using a machine or manually. The second method is carried out by the doctor himself using a special syringe. And the first - thanks to a special pump.

Stages of the operation of cleaning the uterus with a vacuum:

  • Anesthesia is administered to a woman intravenously, injecting an anesthetic into the blood. If the patient is prescribed local anesthesia, the drug is injected directly into the area of ​​the uterine cervix.
  • Using a swab moistened with a disinfectant solution, the external genitalia are treated.
  • A medical speculum is inserted into the patient’s vagina, which makes it possible to establish control over the cervix. After the onset of anesthesia, it is slightly opened and fixed with an expander.
  • Determine the distance directly from the entrance to the vagina to the nearest edge of the uterine sac.
  • The doctor inserts a vacuum tube and rotates it. Thus, the remains of tissues and cells are absorbed into it.

The vacuum cleaning of the uterus itself takes up to 20 minutes. But we must take into account that the patient will need a couple more hours to recover from anesthesia.


During an interrupted pregnancy and during the postpartum period, the list of necessary tests will be different. But such surgical intervention has general preliminary diagnostic recommendations:

  • Test for hemophilia and blood clotting rate.
  • A vaginal sample taken using a glass tube filled with cotton wool. It is sent to a laboratory assistant to identify bacteria and determine their types and quantities.
  • Blood for biochemistry and general analysis.
  • Cardiogram
  • A smear to determine the presence of tumors, testing for both types of hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus, and also, if suspected or indicated, for syphilis and other infections.

Also, before the operation, the gynecologist examines all chronic diseases that the woman has in her medical history and analyzes all the medications she takes. The doctor gives recommendations and prohibitions on taking certain medications a few days before the planned surgery.

To prepare for surgery, a girl should avoid contact of her genitals with cosmetic products; it is better to take a shower and wash herself with regular baby soap with a neutral pH. Sexual intercourse is prohibited 3-4 days before the procedure. You need to give up douching and suppositories.

Frozen pregnancy

A pregnancy that stops progressing well before 40 weeks can happen to a woman of any age or health condition. This is caused by poor ecology, genetic failures, developmental defects, drug use or poisoning of the body, infectious diseases, and injuries. It happens that the fetus stops developing, but the reason is not at all obvious and cannot be established.

But despite this difficult situation for many ladies, you should show psychological fortitude and undergo a full examination. As a result, remains of the fetal membranes of a deceased fetus in the uterine cavity may be detected. If you do not get rid of them in time, the biological material undergoes necrosis and begins to decompose. In this form, it becomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. A woman may develop an infection that can lead to paralysis, removal of the uterus and ovaries, or even death.

During a miscarriage, the dead embryo often comes out on its own, but sometimes if the woman is not feeling well, an ultrasound examination reveals a frozen embryo. When the period is less than 5 weeks, a frozen pregnancy is determined by the absence of dynamics in the hCG analysis. In this case, the doctor may not prescribe an operation, but recommend that the girl expel the no longer developing embryo with the help of medications.

If during the examination it turns out that there was actually no embryo, but a defective conception occurred, then they speak of a hydatidiform mole. This is a pathology in which tissue growing in the uterine cavity does not become a fetus, but degenerates into a tumor, which can then metastasize to organs. In this situation, cleaning the uterus is necessary and it is strictly necessary to do it urgently.

After the vacuum aspiration operation (no matter whether it was done in the case of a frozen pregnancy or a hydatidiform mole), doctors carefully monitor the patient for several days. Monitor the temperature, an increase in which may indicate inflammation as a result of insufficiently high-quality cleansing. Even in the case of a satisfactory condition, the woman is prescribed a control ultrasound examination to ensure complete removal of the dead embryo.

After childbirth

During the postpartum period, the woman is observed by a gynecologist at the maternity hospital. The doctor assesses the patient’s body temperature, looks at the color and consistency of her discharge, whether the stitches are coming apart, how the mother is feeling and her general condition. It is extremely important to check whether there are any remaining particles of placenta or blood clots in the uterus. If there has been a rupture of the placenta, then the woman must be sent for a control ultrasound scan. This happens during a caesarean section. And also in the case when the fetal sac grows to the wall and has to be removed manually, helping the natural process.

If tissue remains are detected in the uterus, the doctor may first prescribe the woman to take a drug that will provoke contractions and push out pieces of the placenta along with the discharge. If this method turns out to be ineffective, the woman in labor may be prescribed vacuum cleaning.

If this is neglected, there is a risk of occurrence of foci of inflammation or a purulent process. In parallel, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy, and the genitals are regularly treated with an antiseptic.

Breastfeeding is discontinued during this period so that the child’s organs do not suffer from anti-infective drugs. To preserve lactation, milk is expressed and poured out.


If a pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion, in medical practice it is called a miscarriage. In the very first weeks, the embryo usually comes out completely and no dangerous residues of its particles are found in the uterus. Often a woman does not even know that there was a pregnancy, the next menstruation just comes.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs later, then among the bloody discharge a large number of dense bloody pieces of different sizes may appear, and in some cases even individual fragments of the embryo. A characteristic feature of a miscarriage is intermittent and recurring bleeding.

A woman needs to know that bleeding after vacuum cleaning of the uterus, done due to a miscarriage, in a normal situation can even last up to 10 days. Too early termination of menstrual-like bleeding indicates that blood is accumulating in the uterus as a result of a spasm.

You also need to pay attention to the nature of any discharge that differs from normal.

If within an hour bloody discharge can fill more than two pads in volume, then most likely this indicates incomplete removal of the fertilized egg and that the contractility of the uterus is impaired.

Vaginal secretion may appear, which has an extremely unpleasant, pungent odor. The color is yellowish and cloudy. This sign indicates that a bacterial infection has occurred. In most cases, its focus is parts of the embryo or membranes.

If there is no discharge at all, then it’s too early to rejoice. Perhaps a “plug” has formed in the cervical canal - a hematoma that closes it. If the secreted fluids have a lumpy and heterogeneous structure, this may be due to an incomplete miscarriage. The appearance of such vaginal discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.


As a rule, there are no difficulties with conceiving after cleansing. Naturally, if it was performed by an experienced doctor, in compliance with the technology.

Such an operation does not affect reproductive function and the ability to conceive, as well as pregnancy. If pregnancy occurred easily before cleansing, without additional techniques or treatment, then you can soon count on a successful conception. If doctors recommend abstaining from pregnancy for the next few months, then you should not forget about contraception.

Immediately after the procedure, the woman is prescribed complete sexual rest for 2-4 weeks. In this case, it is advisable for the partner to protect his wife even from sexual arousal, so as not to provoke an excessively strong blood flow. In the first six months after a miscarriage and cleansing, the endometrium will recover, so it is not advisable to become pregnant.

The fact is that its weak layer can have a bad effect on the implantation of the embryo and there is a risk of repeated miscarriage at an early stage. But at the same time, vacuum cleaning is a gentle method, so the uterus becomes ready much faster than, for example, with the classic curettage method.


More often than not, there are no negative consequences after such an operation. But if you ignore contraindications or consult an inexperienced doctor, problems may still arise.

The tissue was only partially removed. The fact is that the doctor acts blindly and cannot assess the internal contents of the cavity of the uterine sac during the operation. In this case, repeated cleaning and control ultrasound examination are carried out.

The cervix is ​​damaged by the instrument. If the neck was opened inaccurately and abruptly, or there were microcracks on it, then wounds and tears may subsequently appear on it. This defect significantly increases the risk of failure in subsequent pregnancies. In such cases, the cervix is ​​sutured using a special technology, and during pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid is monitored using special tests. The woman is prescribed bed rest.

Bleeding. Since vacuum cleaning is a blind method of operation, sometimes the doctor may accidentally touch a large vessel or capillary, as well as some fibroids. Such bleeding is usually stopped immediately. But in especially severe cases, the complication ends with the removal of the uterus.

Infection. It happens when the sterility of an instrument or in the operating room is violated, as well as when a woman does not comply with the rules of hygiene and behavior in the postoperative period. An infection enters the uterine cavity, an inflammatory process develops, and as a result, infertility.

When an incomplete miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy occurs, removing the embryo using vacuum aspiration is the most gentle and relatively safe way out. In any case, this is better than scraping or completely ignoring the problem.

Cleaning after a miscarriage is carried out taking into account the doctor’s recommendation. Evacuation of the fetus after a frozen pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage is carried out with a partial abortion. If there is no bleeding, the woman should undergo an ultrasound. To detect a frozen pregnancy, the expectant mother should visit a gynecologist once every 7-14 days.

Medical indications

If there are no blood clots in the uterine cavity, and the woman’s condition is normal, then the pregnancy is not interrupted. Before cleaning, the doctor must determine. The following signs are not typical for pregnancy:

  • bloody issues;
  • weakness;
  • heat;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

If the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age, then the fetus is frozen. It can be evacuated from the female body using medical termination of pregnancy, curettage or vacuum aspiration. Medical abortion is characterized by various side effects (nausea, dizziness) and consequences.

Incomplete abortion occurs when the dosage of drugs is incorrectly calculated. The medicinal technique, compared to curettage and vacuum, has no complications during and after surgery. In this case, the uterine cavity is not damaged.

The procedure associated with curettage after a miscarriage is carried out by a qualified gynecologist using special instruments. The operation involves removing the top layer of the uterine mucosa. Cleaning after a miscarriage is done through dilatation of the cervix. The procedure is considered painful, so it must be performed under anesthesia.

Curettage is carried out in the following cases:

  • miscarriage;
  • childbirth;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • diagnosis of various ailments.

If a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, and there are no remains of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, then curettage is not prescribed.

Features of the procedure

Cleaning after a miscarriage is carried out a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. Surgery is performed in the operating room on a gynecological chair and under anesthesia. A dilator is inserted into the vagina, and a probe is inserted into the cervical canal. Then a hysteroscopy is performed. The uterine cavity is examined using a special video camera.

A curette is used to perform curettage. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. If necessary, use a special spoon to scrape off the top layer of the cervical canal and mucous membrane. The sample is sent for histological examination.

After curettage, uterine bleeding may occur. This complication occurs in women with poor blood clotting. To prevent this phenomenon, after the operation the patient is prescribed oxytocin injections. If there is heavy discharge, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Another complication of cleaning after a miscarriage is associated with the inflammatory process. This phenomenon is observed due to cervical spasm. To prevent this condition, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics (“No-spa”). They will provide the cervix with a relaxed state, which is characterized by normal blood flow. You should consult your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • no bleeding after surgery;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area.

Pregnancy after surgery

The uterine mucosa may become inflamed after curettage.

To prevent the development of such a complication, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Cleaning after abortion causes physical and psychological trauma to the woman.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient experienced heavy bleeding.

This period can be 3-6 months. In this case, the specialist takes into account the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • general state;
  • at what rate the body recovers.

Curettage after a miscarriage thins the endometrium, disrupting the holding power of the cervix. If you become pregnant immediately after such a cleansing, then there is a possibility of improper formation of the placenta. If pregnancy has occurred, then the expectant mother must follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Features of vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is recommended if a miscarriage occurs between 6 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. The operation lasts 5 minutes. After 1-2 hours, the patient is discharged from the inpatient department. This method of cleaning after a miscarriage causes minor trauma to the lining of the cervix. In some cases, the fertilized egg may remain in place.

Gynecologists include contraindications for vacuum abortion:

  • development of an acute infectious disease;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • less than 6 months have passed since birth;
  • poor blood clotting.

The patient first undergoes the necessary tests. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. A woman feels discomfort when the cervix opens. If the patient has not given birth before, then the cervix is ​​dilated with a special metal instrument. An electric vacuum pump is used to extract the contents of the uterus. A tube is inserted into the uterus. An electric pump is used to pull blood clots out of the organ.

After surgery, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • cramping pain.

If there are no complications, the patient can return to normal life the next day after vacuum aspiration. It is recommended to undergo an ultrasound and visit a gynecologist 2-3 weeks after surgery. You can't have sex for 2-3 weeks. In the first month of sexual activity, condoms are used. If after a vacuum abortion the test shows a positive result, then partial suction of the placenta and fetus has occurred. In this case, the uterus is cleaned using curettage.

A woman’s uterus is often subjected to various instrumental influences, since it is the main reproductive organ of people - men and women. Vacuum cleaning after childbirth in most cases it saves a woman’s health. If we talk about other cases, cleaning is often the only way to save a life. Therefore, there is no reason to hesitate and think about performing curettage - doctors prescribe such cleaning only in extreme cases.

Vacuum aspiration is the removal of clots and other accumulations in the cavity of a woman’s organ without damaging the cervix and its walls. Aspiration is often a complication after childbirth - this is due to the lack of natural release of the placenta and fetal tissue. It should also be mentioned that independent removal of the contents of the uterus during pregnancy may become impossible due to medical error. Doctors categorically cannot leave everything as presented - this is dangerous for the general health of the woman.

Aspiration is not as dangerous and unpleasant as it seems at first glance, therefore it is strictly forbidden for a woman to refuse it, especially after childbirth. If the doctor prescribes vacuum cleaning, you should not panic - just study all the features of the operation, which are presented later in the article.

Reasons for vacuum cleaning after childbirth

Vacuum cleaning may be prescribed by doctors for the following reasons:

  • the requirement to obtain tissue particles for laboratory tests - necessary in the presence of uterine pathologies;
  • the decision to terminate an unwanted pregnancy - a standard and familiar abortion is also carried out using a vacuum procedure;
  • the need to remove particles after a miscarriage;
  • necessary termination of pregnancy due to medical conditions - a frozen pregnancy was discovered or a pathology of an incurable nature was diagnosed in the fetus;
  • postpartum cleansing of the uterus from blood clots and other contents;
  • bleeding of the uterus, accompanied by the release of blood clots and other unpleasant consistency;
  • blood accumulations in the uterine cavity, which is also a consequence of internal bleeding.

There are other reasons for vacuum suction of the contents of the uterus. During the procedure, the top layer of the walls is removed from the uterus - the woman does not have to worry about receiving microtraumas and other complications. Before deciding to use vacuum aspiration, doctors carefully examine the woman to avoid further aggravation of the situation. Depending on the woman’s situation or disease, specialists may also use general anesthesia, although local anesthesia is generally used to avoid painful shock.

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth

After giving birth, a woman must stay in the clinic for some more time, when doctors monitor the condition of the child and the woman in labor. An important factor during discharge is the absence of blood clots in the uterus. Their preservation is explained by the strong accretion of the placenta to the walls of the uterus, as a result of which it does not come out on its own, but remains in the organ for a long time, decomposing and poisoning the body. The reasons for the absence of spontaneous placental abruption are weak contractions of the uterus and a caesarean section. The doctor's suspicions arise during a visual examination and measurement of the height of the uterine fundus - if there is a weak contraction or its complete cessation. In this case, the woman is sent to the gynecological chair for an instrumental examination.

This is important: A woman after childbirth should not refuse to cleanse, as this entails the development of purulent processes and toxic poisoning of the body as a whole. This prohibits breastfeeding, since in case of toxic infection, harmful components also pass through breast milk to the baby.

If blood clots are detected, the woman is sent for an additional ultrasound examination. When diagnosing poor passage of the placenta and the presence of clots, the doctor prescribes intravenous injections to the woman to stimulate uterine contractions. Such injections promote the removal of the placenta from the reproductive organ. If droppers do not help, vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is used after childbirth.

Cleaning technique

Cleaning is carried out only after an examination has been carried out - for example, the woman undergoes an ultrasound and laboratory tests to determine if the infection of the body has already begun. Vacuum cleaning is carried out only with local anesthesia, since the procedure does not entail the formation of serious microtraumas.

Regular or postpartum vacuum cleaning of the uterus takes place in the following sequence:

  • To begin with, the doctor carries out external and internal treatment of the internal organs - it is important to prevent the penetration of infections and bacteria into the internal organs during the vacuum procedure.
  • The doctor then increases the diameter of the cervix, which allows the procedure to be performed under normal visual examination. For enlargement, special instrumental expanders are used.
  • After all the preparatory stages, the doctor carries out all the necessary actions to scrape out the remaining clots and particles of the placenta.

As a rule, the procedure itself does not take more than half an hour, although sometimes a woman’s condition can be so aggravated that more time is required for cleaning. A woman does not feel pain during aspiration, but she may be disturbed by the sensations characteristic of curettage, which cause very unpleasant feelings.

Rehabilitation after cleaning

Mandatory cleaning requires mandatory rehabilitation time, for whatever reason the procedure would not be applied. During rehabilitation, the woman remains under observation for another 1-2 days. In some cases, the observation time of doctors may increase - after cleaning the uterus in the event of a miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. This is important in order to avoid such dangerous and widespread infection and toxic poisoning of the body.

Rehabilitation after the procedure involves the following actions:

  • the woman is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs to prevent infection and exposure to clots previously present in the uterus;
  • additionally, after childbirth, a course of administration of medications to contract the uterus is prescribed;
  • if there is a complicated situation, the patient is given internal and external treatment of the genitals with antiseptics and other drugs for better recovery.

After the procedure, the uterus bleeds, since curettage causes partial microtrauma to the walls of the organ. Within a week, heavy bleeding ends, gradually the composition of the discharge becomes less concentrated and with the loss of an unpleasant odor. Already on the 10th day, the discharge ends. In the case of the procedure after childbirth, the discharge also stops earlier by 1-2 weeks - this is due to the removal of the contents of the uterus.

This is important: You should not refuse to stay in the clinic after cleaning, as this can lead to dangerous consequences. The presence of the remains of the placenta and other accumulations in the uterus entails their rapid decomposition, which does not appear immediately - as a result, toxic poisoning of the body may appear after vacuum aspiration.

Complications after the procedure

Despite the safety of the vacuum procedure, the procedure is a complex gynecological operation, so complications may also develop here.

Such troubles include the following complications:

  • perforation of parts of the uterus - formation or mechanical damage to the walls or cervix of the reproductive organ;
  • heavy blood loss;
  • emerging hormonal and endocrine disorders;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • infectious infection of the genital organs;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • fusion of the tissues of the wall of the reproductive organ;
  • the occurrence of causes contributing to infertility.

The most basic and common complications include injury to the cervix, which increases the risk of developing an isthmic-cervical canal. This pathology negatively affects subsequent pregnancies - there is a danger of premature termination of pregnancy or childbirth. In this case, the woman has to undergo suturing of the cervix - suturing ensures the safety of fetal development.

This is important: Unfortunately, doctors cannot accurately determine the risks of complications even with a full study of the pathology and a high-quality procedure. Due to this factor, it is better to seek medical help only in medical institutions with qualified medical personnel. It is also important to contact the clinic in time if you notice pain in the lower abdomen.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus is a necessary procedure designed to prevent or eliminate toxic damage to the woman’s body. The procedure is most common after childbirth, but there are cases that force doctors to use instrumental cleaning to preserve the integrity of the reproductive organ, as well as the life of the sick woman. You should not refuse to carry out the procedure, no matter how unpleasant it may be - this provides reliable protection against toxic damage to the body due to the decomposition process that has begun. Unfortunately, doctors cite very disappointing statistics of deaths of women who did not seek medical help in time in the current dangerous situation. Young mothers should be reassured - after giving birth, women are in the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists, so this is impossible for this to happen to them. Vacuum aspiration is performed immediately when indications are detected.