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How to create an alkaline environment in the body. What is the environment in the small intestine, possible violations of pH environment in the small intestine

Now he mutters, now he purrs...
Then he will take it and shut up...

Intestinal dysbiosis... rarely, who has not made such a diagnosis for themselves, when for some reason problems with gases began, the stomach bloated, when some kind of abdominal pain arose, bowel movements were disturbed, when some rashes appeared on the skin, when problems with hair and nails, when there was an endless series of respiratory infections...

Dysbacteriosis- a state that is as ordinary as it is diverse and multifaceted.

Let's try to sort everything out...

Firstly, what does medical science call dysbiosis?

In gastroenterology the concept " Dysbacteriosis“implies a violation of the mobile balance of microflora that normally populates the human intestinal cavity. It is characterized by a decrease in the total number of typical Escherichia coli, a decrease in their antagonistic and enzymatic activity, a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, the presence of lactose-negative Escherichia, an increase in the number of putrefactive, pyogenic, spore-bearing and other types of microbes.

In fact, this is a quantitative or qualitative change in the intestinal microflora towards an increase in the number of symbiont microorganisms that exist normally or occur in small quantities against the background of a failure of adaptation, with violations of protective and compensatory mechanisms.

Intestinal Dysbacteriosis Syndrome - DBS - most often accompanies diseases of the digestive system, but it can also occur after antibacterial therapy, radiation exposure and against the background of immunodeficiency. KFOR - bacteriological, microbiological definition. And in medicine, it most often manifests itself as Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS - which means diarrhea, flatulence with abdominal pain, rumbling and bloating. Although various dermatitis, constipation, allergies, etc. are rightly considered to be manifestations of dysbacteriosis.

Reasons for the formation of the SDK a bunch of. And we can hardly count on the fact that we will be able to list them all. But here are the most obvious and common reasons.

Reasons for the formation of Intestinal Dysbacteriosis Syndrome:

1. Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency - hydrochloric acid of gastric juice and pepsin are the most powerful protective factor in our internal environment from microorganisms that can enter the intestines from the external environment, and the lack of their secretion leads to the fact that many uninvited guests pass the stomach unharmed.

2. Postgastroresection syndrome is a condition after removal of part of the stomach due to a peptic ulcer or tumor, which is always accompanied by a decrease in the production of protective factors in the gastric mucosa.

3. Chronic pancreatitis with exocrine insufficiency - accompanied by insufficient production of a number of digestive enzymes, as a result of which food is not completely digested and two important mechanisms of dysbacteriosis develop - rotting and fermentation.

4. Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver - lead to insufficient removal of various types of toxins from the human body, which disrupts its acid-base balance, against the background of which the living conditions of microorganisms in the intestines change. And those who should not begin to multiply.

For example, the cultivation of streptococci requires pH = 5.43, but with the slightest change in the environment, for example, at pH = 6.46, other microorganisms grow, and streptococci simply die. These ideas were put forward and repeatedly confirmed by Günther Enderlein (1872 - 1968), a professor at the Berlin Charité University, developing his well-known microbiological concept.

Bacteria also have different “appetites”. Acidosis reduces the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen, which leads to the development of oxygen starvation, and therefore to the development of anaerobic bacteria, that is, acidic ( clostridia, peptococci, ruminococci, coprococci, sarcina, bifidobacteria, bacteriodes, etc.).

And vice versa, alkaline pH promotes the development of aerobic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, stomatococci, enterococci, lactococci, listeria, lactobacilli, corynebacteria, gonococci, meningococci, brucella, etc.).

Protozoa can live in any environment, but they are activated in alkaline pH. These are amoebas, lamblia, toxoplasma, trichomonas, etc. The most severe forms of diseases and malignant tumors are caused by infections with the fungi Aspergillus Niger, Fumigatus and Mycosis Fungoides. They love very much alkaline environment and belong to molds (Trichopton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Cladosporum, Aspergillus, Mucor, etc.) and mixed (Blastomyces, Coccides, Rhinosporidium, Mycosis fungoides, etc.).

Yeast-like fungi (candida, cryptococcus, trichosporium, etc.) prefer sour Wednesday. Worms feel good in sour environment.

Read also:

5. Peptic ulcer - most often occurs with an increase in the secretory function of the gastric mucosa, which affects the viability of beneficial microflora entering the intestines from the outside, and also disrupts the already mentioned acid-base state of the body with all the ensuing consequences.

6. Chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract - are always accompanied by disturbances in bile formation and bile secretion, which leads to changes in intestinal motility, which also affects the viability of the intestinal flora.

7. Qualitative and quantitative fasting, exhaustion of the body - a completely natural reason for the formation of dysbiosis, because we feed our microflora only with what we eat ourselves. Depending on the composition of the food and the predominance of certain components in it, various types of dyspepsia develop, for example, putrefactive or fermentative dyspepsia.

The lack of a number of microelements in the diet leads to changes in the composition of the parietal mucus - the main habitat of the intestinal flora.

8. Exposure to ionizing radiation and other environmental factors - promotes the development of dysbiosis not only due to its own damaging effect on beneficial microflora, but also due to weakening the strength of the human body in the eternal struggle against pathogenic microorganisms.

9. Oncological diseases, allergic, autoimmune and other serious diseases - invariably lead to disturbances in the relationship between beneficial and pathogenic microflora due to their severity, the use of a number of rather toxic drugs for their treatment, etc.

10. Use of medications - antibiotics, sulfonamides, tuberculostatic drugs, chemotherapy drugs.

11. Elderly and children, pregnancy, menopause - like all factors that provoke the formation of secondary immunodeficiency states, they also contribute to the development of dysbiosis.

The development of microflora in the digestive canal is influenced by the following factors:

  • availability of nutrients (nutrients);
  • structure of mucous membranes and structure of organs (presence of crypts, diverticula and pouches);
  • composition of saliva, gastric and pancreatic juice, their pH;
  • digestion and absorption;
  • peristalsis;
  • absorption of water in the intestines;
  • antimicrobial factors;
  • relationship between individual types of microbes.

And yet, what explains such a variety of manifestations of dysbacteriosis? Because the role of intestinal flora in the body is very diverse.

The role of intestinal flora in the body:

1. Protective - beneficial bacteria produce a number of immune-active factors.

2. Antagonistic - the very existence of beneficial flora in the intestines creates unfavorable living conditions for pathogenic microorganisms.

3. Competitive - the struggle for nutrients, for the best habitat also makes it difficult to reproduce pathogenic flora with sufficient qualitative and quantitative composition of its own microflora.

4. Maintaining colonization resistance - it is known that in a colony the beneficial flora is much stronger than in a scattered existence. Therefore, maintaining its own colonization resistance is one of the most important tasks of beneficial flora.

5. Enzymatic - Having the ability to produce a number of enzymes, beneficial bacteria successfully complete the full digestion cycle, thereby ensuring the most complete breakdown of components entering the intestines. Saprophytic flora produces more enzymes and intensively uses nutrients and oxygen. It is actively involved in digestion - hydrolyzes proteins and intensifies the processes of putrefaction, synthesizes essential amino acids, ferments simple carbohydrates, saponifies fats, breaks down cellulose and hemicellulose, participates in the absorption of calcium ions and vitamin D, stimulates peristalsis, acidifies the intestinal environment.

6. Vitamin-forming - thanks to beneficial intestinal bacteria, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, and riboflavin are synthesized; nicotinic, ascorbic, paraaminobenzoic and folic acids; biotin.

7. Stimulation of immunological reactivity - microflora increases the production of antibodies and produces antitumor substances.

8. In addition, beneficial flora performs a number of other functions, for example, it inhibits the excessive formation of intestinal endotoxin, cholesterol, secondary bile acids, and reduces the lithogenic properties of bile.

When conducting stool tests for dysbacteriosis, the following standards are usually adhered to:

Bifidobacteria 10x8 - 10x10
Lactobacilli 10x6 - 10x9
Bacteroides 10x7 - 10x9
Peptococci and peptostreptococci 10x5 - 10x6
Escherichia 10x6 - 10x8
Staphylococci (hemolytic, plasmacoagulating) no more than 10x3
Staphylococci (non-hemolytic, epidermal, coagulase-negative) 10x4 - 10x5
Streptococci 10x5 - 10x7
Clostridia 10x3 - 10x5
Eubacteria 10x9 - 10x10
Yeast-like fungi no more than 10x3
Opportunistic enterobacteria and non-fermenting gram-negative rods no more than 10x3 - 10x4

Generally accepted classification of intestinal dysbiosis syndrome

(I.B. Kuvaeva, K.S. Ladodo, 1991):

1 tbsp. Increase or decrease in the total number of Escherichia coli (EC), atypical EC are not sown, the number of bifidobacteria (BB) and acidophilus bacilli (AP) is not changed

2 tbsp. A slight decrease in BB and AP, a change in the quality and quantity of CP, a small amount of opportunistic bacteria (OPB). The following clinical manifestations of this are possible - loss of appetite, flatulence, unstable body weight curve, constipation, uneven coloring of stool.

3 tbsp. A significant decrease in BB and AP, changes in the properties of CP, an increase in UPB and yeast-like fungi. The manifestations will be more serious - abdominal pain associated with eating, belching, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, changes in appetite, heaviness in the abdomen after eating, constipation, diarrhea, irritability, fatigue, headaches, lethargy, polyhypovitaminosis, skin manifestations, anemia , hypocalcemia.

4 tbsp. A sharp decrease in BB, AP and CP. A significant increase in UPB with pathogenic properties and pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia).

The manifestations of this stage are even more serious - short-term increases in body temperature or constantly reduced temperature - lower than 36.2C, chills, chills, headaches, weakness, abdominal pain in the afternoon, symptoms of dyspepsia, bacteriuria, bacteriocholia, foci of endogenous infection.

However, dysbiosis syndrome is not limited only to the intestinal cavity. It can develop on any mucous membrane.

Oral cavity. There are favorable conditions for seeding here - humidity, temperature 37C, nutrition, gum pockets.

The number of aerobic bacteria in 1 ml of saliva is 10x7, anaerobes - 10x8, streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, fungi and protozoa are found.

Stomach. A small amount (up to 10x4 in 1 ml of contents) is explained by the bactericidal properties of gastric juice.

Sarcines, staphylococci, B. Lactis, Helicobacter, and fungi are present.

Colon. Microbes make up 30% of the mass of feces.

The total weight of intestinal biomass is about 3 kg, represented by approximately 500 species:

1. The obligate group is represented by non-spore-forming anaerobic microbes (bacteroides, bifidobacteria), accounting for 96-98%.

They are involved in interstitial metabolism and immune defense.

2. The facultative group is represented by aerobic bacteria (Escherichia coli, streptococcus, lactobacilli), making up 1-4%. Escherichia coli and streptococcus are opportunistic microbes. They perform vitamin-forming, enzymatic, antagonistic, immunological and other functions.

3. Residual flora - staphylococci, clostridia, proteus, yeast-like fungi, klebsiella.

Let's remember some anatomical and physiological details of the structure and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The entire mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is penetrated by many capillary networks and has a powerful innervation system. The digestion process begins in the mouth and depends entirely on chewing food in the oral cavity. It is there that, with the participation of nerve receptors, a thorough assessment of the composition of food occurs, after which this information is transmitted to other organs and systems to produce the necessary substances for further digestion. After swallowing, food at certain intervals sequentially descends first into the stomach, where it becomes sharply acidic, then into the duodenum where it mixes with alkalis from the gallbladder and liver, as well as the pancreas. After this, the food bolus enters the small intestine, already in a neutral environment, and further digestion occurs only due to active microflora, this is the so-called parietal digestion.

Absorption of bacterial waste products occurs in the large intestine. The entire process of food passing through the gastrointestinal tract normally takes 24 hours. It is this time that is necessary for the activation of various bacteria and the normal, complete synthesis of their metabolic products.

Violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora leads to the development of inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane of the cavity where this violation occurred. In addition, secretion is suppressed and the composition of parietal mucus changes, which increases the permeability of the mucous membrane to a number of toxic substances and other microorganisms. Damage to lipoproteins of epithelial cell membranes occurs with the formation of intercellular syndrome, increased formation of tissue antigens, development of allergic reactions, food intolerance.

The proliferation of pathogenic microflora is a source of microbial flora toxins and toxic food metabolites, which reduces the detoxification function of the liver, diverting it to itself, suppresses the secretion of bile and pancreatic secretions with a change in their quality, disrupts the tone and peristalsis of the small and large intestines, stomach and gallbladder.

In addition, the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and minerals is reduced, and the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium is suppressed.

And as a consequence of all this, dyspeptic disorders arise.

It is very important to decide type of dyspepsia. Because dietary measures and the actual treatment depend on this.


1. Putrid.

The reason for this may be the predominance of protein foods of animal origin in the diet, especially in industrially processed form - sausages, sausages, dumplings, etc. It should be remembered that a person needs only 29 - 30 grams of protein per day, so all the excess protein is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract rotting process. Understanding that the temperature in the intestines is approximately 39 - 42 degrees, let’s imagine what will happen to the product during the day at this temperature. And in the large intestine everything is absorbed - including the products of protein decay.

In the analyzes meat eaters, as a rule, acidic urine reaction ( This is where the Colonic Plus pH Balancer comes in handy!), often the presence of protein and leukocytes in the urine, as a rule, high hemoglobin, low ROE (ESR), in the analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis - the presence of various groups of putrefactive bacteria, a decrease in the number of E. coli and lactobacilli.

In the coprogram there is a lot of liquid, foul-smelling feces with an alkaline reaction and the presence of muscle fibers and connective tissue. Reactions to starch, undigested fiber, iodophilic flora and mucus are positive. Increased amount of ammonia released.

Complaints include constipation, decreased performance and other signs of intoxication, and the absence of colds.

2. Fermentative dyspepsia.

It most often occurs when carbohydrates and insoluble fiber predominate in the diet - flour products, sugar, polished cereals, etc. All such products are a breeding ground for spore-forming bacteria and fungi, as well as for Staphylococcus aureus. The digestion process shifts towards fermentation.

In the coprogram there is a large amount of mushy and foamy stool with an acidic reaction. Muscle fibers, soaps and fatty acids, starch, digested and undigested fiber and iodophilic flora are found in the feces, and the amount of secreted organic acids is increased.

In blood tests, hemoglobin is normal or even reduced, ESR is high with a normal level of leukocytes.

The clinical picture of fermentative dyspepsia is extremely diverse and depends on the type of prevailing pathogenic flora. Fungal disorders are more sluggish and unnoticeable, but their generalized forms disrupt fat metabolism so much that multiple neuropathies and demyelinating processes appear in the nervous tissue. Enterococci are manifested by the formation of erosions throughout all mucous membranes. Staphylococcus aureus has very multiple clinical manifestations - diseases of the upper respiratory tract, skin manifestations, digestive disorders, etc.

Now that we already understand why and how various types of dysbiosis and dyspepsia develop, how they manifest themselves, let’s talk about what needs to be done to make the bacteria in our intestines feel more comfortable and work fully for our benefit.

About nutrition...

It is advisable to provide yourself with frequent and small meals so that our digestive enzymes and other digestive factors do not work in an emergency mode, but systematically.

Food should not be very cold or very hot - because we now know what role temperature plays in the work of various types of bacteria.

Nutrition for fermentative dyspepsia -

  • limit your carbohydrate intake
  • in the acute period - inclusion in the diet of acidophilus milk and acidophilus up to 800 g per day - if possible - without including other food for 3 days1, then - 2800 - 3000 kcal per day, up to 120 g of protein, 60 g of fat, 200 - 250 g of carbohydrates, semolina and rice porridge in water, cottage cheese, meat in the form of meatballs, steam cutlets, boiled lean fish, carrot puree, blueberry or cherry jelly, jelly, fresh fruit compote, white crackers, butter 45-50 g, sugar 30 - 40 G
  • after acute symptoms have resolved - it is recommended to limit the consumption of black bread, raw and unripe fruits, fermented drinks, peas, legumes, cabbage.

Nutrition for putrefactive dyspepsia -

  • limiting the intake of protein foods with a moderate increase in carbohydrates in the diet
  • in the acute period, fasting is indicated for 1-2 days, then for one day 250 - 300 g of sugar with tea or lemon juice with the exception of other foods
  • in prolonged cases, it is advisable to prescribe fruit days, when 1500 g of peeled ripe apples per day are given, preferably pureed, or 1500 - 2000 g of fresh berries - strawberries, raspberries, the consumption of dried bread, cereals is allowed, and only from 10 - 12 day, it is advisable to transfer patients to a diet with a normal protein content
  • bile acids;
  • sugary substances, especially concentrated ones;
  • organic acids;
  • hypertonic solutions of table salt;
  • substances containing or forming carbon dioxide;
  • fats;
  • cold dishes (16-17 degrees);
  • fiber and cell membranes;
  • connective tissue.

We can include in this group - black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits (especially prunes, dried apricots, apricots), white bread with a high content of bran, legumes, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, meat with a large amount of connective tissue (veins , films, etc.), pickles, marinades, herring and other varieties of salted fish, canned snack foods, smoked meats, all non-alcoholic drinks saturated with carbon dioxide (mineral waters, lemonade, fruit drinks, etc.), beer, kvass, various fats in large quantities quantities (especially consumed in pure form - sour cream, cream, 100 g or more), very sweet dishes, especially in combination with organic acids (jelly and compotes from sour varieties of berries and fruits, gooseberries, black currants, cranberries, etc. ), fermented milk drinks with acidity above 90-100 degrees Turner - acidophilus milk, kefir, kumiss, etc.

  • foods rich in tannin (blueberries, bird cherry, strong tea, cocoa in water, wines containing tannin, for example, Cahors);
  • substances of a viscous consistency that slowly move through the intestines (mucoid soups, pureed porridges, jelly, warm and hot dishes).

Application of many medicinal herbs, berries and spices It can also be recommended depending on the type of dyspepsia.

During fermentation processes Decoctions of mint, chamomile, lingonberry, barberry, dogwood, rose hips, calendula, sage, raspberries, strawberries may be useful; as well as bay leaf and cloves.

For putrefactive dyspepsia - apricot, currant, rowan, cranberry, lemon balm, caraway, wormwood.

For fungal dysbacteriosis Capsicums and lingonberries may be useful.

In addition, it is necessary if pathogenic flora is present in stool tests antibacterial effect provide - apricot, barberry, lingonberry, pomegranate, strawberry, cranberry, raspberry, rowan, currant, blueberry, rose hip, apples, mustard, radish, black radish, horseradish, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf, carrots, capsicum.

Antimicrobial, analgesic and carminative action Calamus root, fennel fruits, calendula, lemon balm, chamomile, wormwood, yarrow, caraway seeds, dill, and sage also provide benefits.

In addition to rational nutrition and herbal medicine for dysbiosis, the so-called probiotics and prebiotics . What is the difference between them?

Probiotics - these are drugs, dietary supplements, parapharmaceuticals, as well as food products that contain microorganisms - representatives of the normal intestinal microflora and their metabolites, which, when administered naturally, have beneficial effects on the physiological functions and biochemical reactions of the host organism through optimizing its microecological status. The microorganisms that make up probiotics are bacteria that are apathogenic for humans and have antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, ensuring the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. Mostly live cultures of microbes are used - representatives of the endogenous flora, isolated from humans and possessing a number of properties. Essentially, these are the requirements for probiotics.

Requirements for probiotics:

  • resistance to low pH of gastric juice, bile acids, etc.
  • high adhesiveness and antagonism to opportunistic and pathogenic microflora;
  • ability for optimal growth in the intestines and self-elimination;
  • low degree of translocation across the intestinal barrier;
  • the ability to maintain long-term viability in the gastrointestinal tract.

These are the basic requirements for probiotics. Their implementation is often technologically difficult and limits the shelf life of probiotics.

All this determines many disadvantages of this group of drugs- preparations containing live microorganisms.

Disadvantages of probiotics:

  • small survival rate;
  • long-term restoration of the pH of the environment;
  • sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • the need to comply with special storage conditions;
  • high price;
  • !!! possible imbalance of aerobic and anaerobic flora, resulting in increased colonization of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract by aerobic flora (under physiological conditions this ratio is 1:100 - 1:1000). As a result, functional gastrointestinal disorders of varying duration occur, often accompanied by sensitization of the body with clinical manifestations of allergy.

In addition, there are a number of circumstances that depend on the host organism and affect the survival rate of microorganisms that make up probiotics.

Circumstances affecting the survival rate of microorganisms:

  • the acidic environment of the stomach is destructive for most microorganisms;
  • rapid peristalsis of the small intestine leads to a decrease in the number of bacteria in it;
  • with increased secretion of mucus, the intestines are cleansed of bacteria, which are removed from the intestines along with the mucus;
  • for the life of various microorganisms, certain pH conditions and oxygen content in it are necessary;
  • the nature of nutrition or feeding and food intolerance are of a certain importance;
  • To prevent bacterial colonization of the ileum, a properly functioning ileocecal valve is of paramount importance;
  • slowing down the passage of chyme through the colon promotes the growth of microorganisms.

All of the above factors will make the use of a group of probiotics justified in fewer and fewer cases.

But the group of prebiotics has found more and more widespread use in recent years.

Prebiotics - these are drugs, dietary supplements, parapharmaceuticals, as well as food products that contain substances that are the habitat, nutritional components for microorganisms - representatives of the normal intestinal microflora, which, when administered naturally, have beneficial effects on their numbers, species composition and physiological activity. There are criteria for food ingredients that are classified as prebiotics.

Requirements for prebiotics:

  1. They should not be hydrolyzed or adsorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  2. They should be a selective substrate for one or more species of potentially beneficial bacteria living in the large intestine, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which they stimulate to grow;
  3. Be able to change the gut microflora to a healthier composition and/or activity.

Any food ingredient that enters the large intestine is a candidate for prebiotics, but efficient selective fermentation of the colonic microflora is critical. This has been shown with non-digestible oligo-saccharides (especially those containing fructose). Bifidobacteria have been identified as a major target for prebiotics. This is because bifidobacteria can have many beneficial effects on human health, and they also form one of the largest populations in the human colon.

Prebiotics usually contain various types of fiber and fructooligosaccharides- favorite treats of beneficial bacteria in our intestines.

Microflora has the ability to ferment fiber, As a result, short-chain fatty acids are formed - acetic, propionic and butyric - which represent an important source of energy for intestinal cells.

In a botanical sense, FIBER is the coarsest part of the plant. This is a plexus of plant fibers that make up the leaves of cabbage, the peel of legumes, fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

In a nutritional understanding, FIBER is a complex form of carbohydrates, which our digestive system is not able to break down. But the normal intestinal flora “eats” it with great pleasure!

In dietetics, there are different types of fiber:

  • Cellulose

Present in wholemeal wheat flour, bran, cabbage, young peas, green and waxy beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumber peels, peppers, apples, carrots.

  • Hemicellulose

Contained in bran, cereals, unrefined grains, beets, Brussels sprouts, mustard green shoots.

  • Lignin

This type of fiber is found in cereals eaten for breakfast, in bran, stale vegetables (when vegetables are stored, the lignin content in them increases, and they are less digestible), as well as in eggplants, green beans, strawberries, peas, and radishes.

  • Comedy
  • Pectin

Present in apples, citrus fruits, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage, dried peas, green beans, potatoes, strawberries, strawberries, and fruit drinks.

According to another classification, fiber is distinguished " rude" And " soft", calling it dietary fiber.

  • To “coarse” dietary fiber refers to cellulose. It, like starch, is a polymer of glucose, however, due to differences in the structure of the molecular chain, cellulose is not broken down in the human intestine.
  • To “soft” dietary fiber include pectins, gums, dextrans, agarose.

There is another classification according to which fiber is divided into soluble and insoluble.

  • Insoluble fiber - cellulose and lignin. This fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes, bran, and carrots.

Insoluble fiber remains unchanged in water, it swells and, like a sponge, speeds up the emptying of the stomach and helps remove cholesterol and bile acids that are found in the digestive tract from the body.

  • Soluble fiber - these are pectin (from fruits), resin (from legumes), alginase (from various seaweeds) and helicellulose (from barley and oats). Sources of soluble fiber are beans, oats, nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, berries.

Pectin absorbs bile acids, cholesterol and prevents their penetration into the blood. Soluble fiber absorbs large amounts of water and turns into jelly. Due to its large volume, it completely fills the stomach, which gives us a feeling of fullness. Thus, without consuming large amounts of calories, the feeling of hunger disappears faster.

Both types of fiber should be present in your daily diet.

IN Colonic plus Kuytu contains both types of fiber - both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.

Any fresh vegetables and fruits can serve as a source of fiber, but mulberry fiber is considered universal and suitable for absolutely everyone.

Soybeans contain both types of fiber.

If you immediately introduce an unusually large amount of dietary fiber into your diet for beneficial intestinal bacteria, not entirely pleasant phenomena may occur - bloating, increased gas formation, colic, etc. All this only means that your diet was extremely depleted in dietary fiber and the bacteria need some time to become active in terms of fermentation of this useful substrate. By gradually increasing the dose of dietary fiber to the recommended amount, you will notice that your bowel movements will become completely comfortable for you. Along with this, be sure to gradually increase the amount of water consumed, because fiber, in order to exhibit its maximum benefits, must swell and increase both the active surface of its interaction with beneficial bacteria and the area for contact with adsorbed toxins.

The role of dietary fiber can hardly be overestimated. Part Colonic plus Kuytu These important components of the diet are introduced in the form of the patented formula Fibrex® sugar beet fiber, which guarantees the consistency of the content and ratio of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in the tablet.

In addition to dietary fiber Colonic plus Kuytu enriched with another patented formula - Actilight® fructo-oligosaccharide, which makes it an absolutely complete prebiotic.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)- natural polysaccharides contained in many plants, for example in Jerusalem artichoke fruits. They are a good substrate for maintaining the vital activity and reproduction of bifidobacteria in the human intestine (prebiotics). Natural fructopolysaccharides (inulin) and fructooligosaccharides are the exclusive food for bifidobacteria in the intestines. This is due to the fact that only these microbes produce the enzyme inulinase, which allows the exclusive processing of fructosaccharide fibers, repeatedly stimulating their own growth.

Research by leading Russian scientists in the field of studying the intestinal microflora - the clinical department of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. G.N. Gabrichevsky and Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Moscow - showed that the use of FOS increases the content of beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestine up to 10 billion per 1 g, which exceeds the same indicators when using traditional bifidumbacterin by 10 times!

This once again speaks to the difference in the use of probiotics and prebiotics. It is also important to remember the need to restore your own intestinal microflora, and not just about colonizing it with foreign strains of bacteria.

For this purpose, they do an excellent job, for example, Colonic plus Kuytu, Inubio Forte, Bactrum- powerful prebiotics containing everything that is necessary for normal growth and reproduction, as well as the functioning of beneficial intestinal microflora.

And finally, a little more detail about those drugs that we have already mentioned several times.


It is a product of prebiotic inulin, a nutrient substrate for the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacteria in the intestines. Inulin, which is part of the drug, is extracted from Jerusalem artichoke. 1 tablet contains 350 mg of inulin. There are 60 tablets in a package.


It is also a product of inulin, but its source is chicory root. 1 tablet contains 1058 mg of inulin. There are 150 tablets in a package.


Contains a large amount of dietary fiber (up to 78% in the product). Colonic Plus Kuytu tablets contain insoluble and soluble fiber in the correct ratio. Insoluble fiber speeds up intestinal activity. Soluble fiber helps stabilize blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber also activates beneficial bacteria in the gut.


Regulates the acid-base balance of the body, stimulates metabolism, removes waste products.

Colonic Plus pH Balancer contains 21 carefully selected ingredients to help regulate acid-base balance and reduce acidity in the body.

The normal level of acidity (pH) of the body is important for the normal functioning of enzyme systems, that is, for good metabolism and digestion, which means it creates optimal conditions for the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora.


Chlorella preparation. Contains: vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, fiber, nucleic acids, amino acids, proteins, anti-cancer and anti-viral factors.

It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves bowel function and stimulates the growth of positive microflora. Also contains fiber, nucleic acids, amino acids, enzymes, anti-cancer factors, anti-viral factors and chlorella plant factor.

Chlorella has a specific effect against cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus.

Digestion is a complex multi-stage physiological process, during which food (a source of energy and nutrients for the body) entering the digestive tract undergoes mechanical and chemical processing.

Features of the digestion process

Digestion of food includes mechanical (moistening and grinding) and chemical processing. The chemical process involves a series of successive stages of breaking down complex substances into simpler elements, which are then absorbed into the blood.

This occurs with the obligatory participation of enzymes that accelerate processes in the body. Catalysts are produced and are part of the juices they secrete. The formation of enzymes depends on what environment is established in the stomach, oral cavity and other parts of the digestive tract at one time or another.

After passing the mouth, pharynx and esophagus, food enters the stomach in the form of a mixture of liquid and crushed teeth. This mixture, under the influence of gastric juice, turns into a liquid and semi-liquid mass, which is thoroughly mixed due to the peristalsis of the walls. Then it enters the duodenum, where it is further processed by enzymes.

The nature of the food determines what kind of environment will be established in the mouth and stomach. Normally, the oral cavity has a slightly alkaline environment. Fruits and juices cause a decrease in the pH of the oral fluid (3.0) and the formation of products containing ammonium and urea (menthol, cheese, nuts) can lead to an alkaline reaction of saliva (pH 8.0).

Structure of the stomach

The stomach is a hollow organ in which food is stored, partially digested and absorbed. The organ is located in the upper half of the abdominal cavity. If you draw a vertical line through the navel and chest, then about 3/4 of the stomach will be to the left of it. In an adult, the stomach volume is on average 2-3 liters. When a person consumes a large amount of food, it increases, and if a person is starving, it decreases.

The shape of the stomach can change in accordance with its fullness with food and gases, and also depending on the state of neighboring organs: pancreas, liver, intestines. The shape of the stomach is also influenced by the tone of its walls.

The stomach is an extended part of the digestive tract. At the entrance there is a sphincter (pylorus valve) - portionwise passes food from the esophagus to the stomach. The part adjacent to the entrance to the esophagus is called the cardiac part. To the left of it is the fundus of the stomach. The middle part is called the “body of the stomach”.

Between the antrum (end) of the organ and the duodenum there is another pylorus. Its opening and closing is controlled by chemical stimuli released from the small intestine.

Features of the structure of the stomach wall

The wall of the stomach is lined with three layers. The inner layer is the mucous membrane. It forms folds, and its entire surface is covered with glands (about 35 million in total), which secrete gastric juice and digestive enzymes intended for chemical processing of food. The activity of these glands determines what environment in the stomach - alkaline or acidic - will be established in a certain period.

The submucosa has a rather thick structure, penetrated by nerves and vessels.

The third layer is a powerful shell, which consists of smooth muscle fibers necessary for processing and pushing food.

The outside of the stomach is covered with a dense membrane - the peritoneum.

Gastric juice: composition and features

The main role at the stage of digestion is played by gastric juice. The glands of the stomach are diverse in structure, but the main role in the formation of gastric fluid is played by cells that secrete pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid and mucoid substances (mucus).

Digestive juice is an uncolored, odorless liquid and determines what kind of environment should be in the stomach. It has a pronounced acidic reaction. When conducting a study to detect pathologies, it is easy for a specialist to determine what kind of environment exists in an empty (fasting) stomach. It is taken into account that normally the acidity of juice on an empty stomach is relatively low, but when secretion is stimulated it increases significantly.

A person who adheres to a normal diet produces 1.5-2.5 liters of gastric fluid during the day. The main process occurring in the stomach is the initial breakdown of proteins. Since gastric juice affects the secretion of catalysts for the digestion process, it becomes clear in what environment the stomach enzymes are active - in an acidic environment.

Enzymes produced by glands of the gastric mucosa

Pepsin is the most important enzyme in digestive juice, involved in the breakdown of proteins. It is produced under the influence of hydrochloric acid from its predecessor, pepsinogen. The action of pepsin is about 95% of the splitting juice. Factual examples show how high its activity is: 1 g of this substance is enough to digest 50 kg of egg white and curdle 100,000 liters of milk in two hours.

Mucin (stomach mucus) is a complex complex of protein substances. It covers the entire surface of the gastric mucosa and protects it from both mechanical damage and self-digestion, since it can weaken the effect of hydrochloric acid, in other words, neutralize it.

Lipase is also present in the stomach - Gastric lipase is inactive and mainly affects milk fats.

Another substance that deserves mention is the absorption-promoting vitamin B 12 , intrinsic factor of Castle. Let us remind you that vitamin B 12 is necessary for the transport of hemoglobin in the blood.

The role of hydrochloric acid in digestion

Hydrochloric acid activates the enzymes of gastric juice and promotes the digestion of proteins, because it causes them to swell and loosen. In addition, it kills bacteria that enter the body with food. Hydrochloric acid is released in small doses, regardless of the environment in the stomach, whether there is food in it or it is empty.

But its secretion depends on the time of day: it was found that the minimum level of gastric secretion is observed in the period from 7 to 11 am, and the maximum - at night. When food enters the stomach, acid secretion is stimulated by increased vagus nerve activity, gastric distention, and mucosal chemical action of food components.

What environment in the stomach is considered standard, norm and deviations

Speaking about the environment in the stomach of a healthy person, it should be borne in mind that different parts of the organ have different acidity values. So, the highest value is 0.86 pH, and the minimum is 8.3. The standard indicator of acidity in the body of the stomach on an empty stomach is 1.5-2.0; on the surface of the inner mucous layer, the pH is 1.5-2.0, and in the depth of this layer - 7.0; in the final part of the stomach varies from 1.3 to 7.4.

Stomach diseases develop as a result of an imbalance of acid production and neiolysis and directly depend on the environment in the stomach. It is important that the pH values ​​are always normal.

Prolonged hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid or inadequate acid neutralization leads to an increase in acidity in the stomach. In this case, acid-dependent pathologies develop.

Low acidity is characteristic of (gastroduodenitis) and cancer. The indicator for gastritis with low acidity is 5.0 pH or more. Diseases mainly develop with atrophy of the cells of the gastric mucosa or their dysfunction.

Gastritis with severe secretory insufficiency

The pathology occurs in mature and elderly patients. Most often, it is secondary, that is, it develops against the background of another disease that precedes it (for example, a benign stomach ulcer) and is the result of the environment in the stomach - alkaline, in this case.

The development and course of the disease is characterized by the absence of seasonality and a clear periodicity of exacerbations, that is, the time of their occurrence and duration are unpredictable.

Symptoms of secretory insufficiency

  • Constant belching with a rotten taste.
  • Nausea and vomiting during exacerbation.
  • Anorexia (lack of appetite).
  • Feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region.
  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation.
  • Flatulence, rumbling and transfusions in the stomach.
  • Dumping syndrome: a feeling of dizziness after eating carbohydrate foods, which occurs due to the rapid entry of chyme from the stomach into the duodenum, with a decrease in gastric activity.
  • Weight loss (weight loss is up to several kilograms).

Gastrogenic diarrhea can be caused by:

  • poorly digested food entering the stomach;
  • a sharp imbalance in the process of fiber digestion;
  • accelerated gastric emptying in case of disruption of the closing function of the sphincter;
  • violation of bactericidal function;
  • pathologies

Gastritis with normal or increased secretory function

This disease is more common in young people. It has a primary character, that is, the first symptoms appear unexpectedly for the patient, because before that he did not feel any pronounced discomfort and subjectively considered himself healthy. The disease proceeds with alternating exacerbations and respite, without pronounced seasonality. To accurately determine the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor in order for him to prescribe an examination, including instrumental.

In the acute phase, pain and dyspeptic syndromes predominate. Pain, as a rule, is clearly related to the environment in the human stomach at the time of eating. Pain occurs almost immediately after eating. Less often, fasting late pains are disturbing (some time after eating), their combination is possible.

Symptoms of increased secretory function

  • The pain is usually moderate, sometimes accompanied by pressure and heaviness in the epigastric region.
  • Late pain is intense.
  • Dyspeptic syndrome is manifested by belching “sour” air, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, disturbances of taste, nausea, which relieves pain by vomiting.
  • Patients experience heartburn, sometimes painful.
  • The syndrome manifests itself as constipation or diarrhea.
  • A neurasthenic syndrome is usually expressed, characterized by aggressiveness, mood swings, insomnia and fatigue.

Dysbacteriosis is any change in the quantitative or qualitative normal composition of the intestinal microflora...

As a result of changes in the pH of the intestinal environment (decrease in acidity), which occur against the background of a decrease in the number of bifido-, lacto- and propionobacteria for various reasons ... If the number of bifido-, lacto-, propionobacteria decreases, then, accordingly, the amount of acid metabolites produced by these bacteria to create an acidic environment in the intestines ... Pathogenic microorganisms use this and begin to actively multiply (pathogenic microbes cannot stand an acidic environment) ...

…moreover, the pathogenic microflora itself produces alkaline metabolites that increase the pH of the environment (decrease in acidity, increase in alkalinity), alkalization of the intestinal contents occurs, and this is a favorable environment for the habitat and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Metabolites (toxins) of pathogenic flora change the pH in the intestine, indirectly causing dysbiosis, since as a result it becomes possible for the introduction of microorganisms foreign to the intestine, and the normal filling of the intestine with bacteria is disrupted. Thus, a kind of vicious circle arises, which only aggravates the course of the pathological process.

In our diagram, the concept of “dysbacteriosis” can be described as follows:

For various reasons, the number of bifidobacteria and (or) lactobacilli decreases, which is manifested in the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, clostridia, fungi, etc.) of residual microflora with their pathogenic properties.

Also, a decrease in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli can be manifested by an increase in concomitant pathogenic microflora (Escherichia coli, enterococci), as a result of which they begin to exhibit pathogenic properties.

And of course, in some cases, the situation cannot be ruled out when beneficial microflora is completely absent.

These are, in fact, variants of various “plexuses” of intestinal dysbiosis.

What are pH and acidity? Important!

Any solutions and liquids are characterized by a pH value (pH - potential hydrogen), which quantitatively expresses their acidity.

If the pH level is within

From 1.0 to 6.9, the environment is called acidic;

Equal to 7.0 - neutral environment;

At pH levels between 7.1 and 14.0, the environment is alkaline.

The lower the pH, the higher the acidity; the higher the pH, the higher the alkalinity of the environment and the lower the acidity.

Since the human body is 60-70% water, the pH level has a strong impact on the chemical processes occurring in the body, and, accordingly, on human health. An unbalanced pH is a pH level at which the body's environment becomes too acidic or too alkaline for an extended period of time. Indeed, controlling pH levels is so important that the human body itself has developed functions to control the acid-base balance in every cell. All regulatory mechanisms of the body (including respiration, metabolism, hormone production) are aimed at balancing the pH level. If the pH level becomes too low (acidic) or too high (alkaline), the body's cells poison themselves with toxic emissions and die.

In the body, the pH level regulates blood acidity, urine acidity, vaginal acidity, semen acidity, skin acidity, etc. But you and I are now interested in the pH level and acidity of the colon, nasopharynx and mouth, stomach.

Acidity in the colon

Acidity in the colon: 5.8 - 6.5 pH, this is an acidic environment that is maintained by normal microflora, in particular, as I already mentioned, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and propionobacteria due to the fact that they neutralize alkaline metabolic products and produce their acidic metabolites - lactic acid and other organic acids...

...By producing organic acids and reducing the pH of the intestinal contents, normal microflora creates conditions under which pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms cannot multiply. This is why streptococci, staphylococci, klebsiella, clostridia fungi and other “bad” bacteria make up only 1% of the entire intestinal microflora of a healthy person.

  1. The fact is that pathogenic and opportunistic microbes cannot exist in an acidic environment and specifically produce the very alkaline metabolic products (metabolites) aimed at alkalizing intestinal contents by increasing the pH level, in order to create favorable living conditions for themselves (increased pH - hence - low acidity - hence - alkalization). I repeat once again that bifido-, lacto- and propionobacteria neutralize these alkaline metabolites, plus they themselves produce acidic metabolites that lower the pH level and increase the acidity of the environment, thereby creating favorable conditions for their existence. This is where the eternal confrontation between “good” and “bad” microbes arises, which is regulated by the Darwinian law: “survival of the fittest”!


  • Bifidobacteria are able to reduce the pH of the intestinal environment to 4.6-4.4;
  • Lactobacilli up to 5.5-5.6 pH;
  • Propionobacteria are able to lower the pH level to 4.2-3.8, this is actually their main function. Propionic acid bacteria produce organic acids (propionic acid) as the end product of their anaerobic metabolism.

As you can see, all these bacteria are acid-forming, it is for this reason that they are often called “acid-forming” or often simply “lactic acid bacteria”, although the same propionic bacteria are not lactic, but propionic acid bacteria ...

Acidity in the nasopharynx and mouth

As I already noted in the chapter in which we analyzed the functions of the microflora of the upper respiratory tract: one of the functions of the microflora of the nose, pharynx and throat is a regulatory function, i.e. normal microflora of the upper respiratory tract is involved in the regulation of maintaining the pH level of the environment...

… But if “pH regulation in the intestines” is performed only by the normal intestinal microflora (bifido-, lacto- and propionobacteria), and this is one of its main functions, then in the nasopharynx and mouth the function of “pH regulation” is performed not only by the normal microflora of these organs, as well as mucous secretions: saliva and snot...

  1. You have already noticed that the composition of the microflora of the upper respiratory tract differs significantly from the intestinal microflora; if in the intestines of a healthy person beneficial microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) predominate, then in the nasopharynx and throat opportunistic microorganisms (Neisseria, corynebacteria, etc.) predominantly live. ), lacto- and bifidobacteria are present there in small quantities (by the way, bifidobacteria may be completely absent). This difference in the composition of the microflora of the intestine and respiratory tract is due to the fact that they perform different functions and tasks (for the functions of the microflora of the upper respiratory tract, see Chapter 17).

So, the acidity in the nasopharynx is determined by its normal microflora, as well as mucous secretions (snot) - secretions produced by the glands of the epithelial tissue of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The normal pH (acidity) of mucus is 5.5-6.5, which is an acidic environment. Accordingly, the pH in the nasopharynx of a healthy person has the same values.

The acidity of the mouth and throat is determined by their normal microflora and mucous secretions, in particular saliva. The normal pH of saliva is 6.8-7.4 pH, respectively, the pH in the mouth and throat takes the same values.

1. The pH level in the nasopharynx and mouth depends on its normal microflora, which depends on the condition of the intestines.

2. The pH level in the nasopharynx and mouth depends on the pH of mucous secretions (snot and saliva), this pH in turn also depends on the balance of our intestines.

The acidity of the stomach is on average 4.2-5.2 pH, this is a very acidic environment (sometimes, depending on the food we take, the pH can fluctuate between 0.86 - 8.3). The microbial composition of the stomach is very poor and is represented by a small number of microorganisms (lactobacteria, streptococci, Helicobacter, fungi), i.e. bacteria that can withstand such strong acidity.

Unlike the intestines, where acidity is created by normal microflora (bifido-, lacto- and propionobacteria), and also in contrast to the nasopharynx and mouth, where acidity is created by normal microflora and mucous secretions (snot, saliva), the main contribution to the overall acidity of the stomach is made by gastric juice is hydrochloric acid produced by the cells of the stomach glands, located mainly in the area of ​​the fundus and body of the stomach.

So, this was an important digression about “pH”, let’s continue now.

In the scientific literature, as a rule, four microbiological phases are distinguished in the development of dysbacteriosis...

You will learn from the next chapter exactly what phases exist in the development of dysbiosis; you will also learn about the forms and causes of this phenomenon, and about this type of dysbiosis when there are no symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.



Digestion in the small intestine - Medical portal about health and disease prevention

For further digestion, the contents of the stomach enter the duodenum (12 p.c.) - the initial part of the small intestine.

From the stomach at 12 p.c. Only chyme can be supplied - food processed to a liquid or semi-liquid consistency.

Digestion at 12 p.c. is carried out in a neutral or alkaline environment (fasting pH 12 b.c. is 7.2-8.0). Digestion in the stomach was carried out in an acidic environment. Therefore, the contents of the stomach are acidic. Neutralization of the acidic environment of gastric contents and the establishment of an alkaline environment is carried out in 12 p.c. due to the secretions (juices) of the pancreas, small intestine and bile entering the intestine, which have an alkaline reaction due to the bicarbonates present in them.

Chyme from the stomach in 12 p.c. comes in small portions. Irritation of the pyloric sphincter receptors from the stomach by hydrochloric acid leads to its opening. Irritation of the pyloric sphincter receptors by hydrochloric acid from the side of the 12th p.c. leads to its closure. As soon as the pH in the pyloric part is 12 p.c. changes in the acidic direction, the pyloric sphincter contracts and the flow of chyme from the stomach into the 12th p.c. stops. After restoring the alkaline pH (on average in 16 seconds), the pyloric sphincter allows the next portion of chyme to pass from the stomach, and so on. At 12 p.m. pH ranges from 4 to 8.

At 12 p.m. after neutralization of the acidic environment of the gastric chyme, the action of pepsin, the enzyme of gastric juice, stops. Digestion in the small intestine continues already in an alkaline environment under the action of enzymes that enter the intestinal lumen as part of the secret (juice) of the pancreas, as well as in the composition of the intestinal secret (juice) from enterocytes - cells of the small intestine. Under the action of pancreatic enzymes, cavity digestion is carried out - the splitting of food proteins, fats and carbohydrates (polymers) into intermediate substances (oligomers) in the intestinal cavity. Under the action of enterocyte enzymes, parietal (near the inner wall of the intestine) oligomers to monomers are carried out, that is, the final breakdown of food proteins, fats and carbohydrates into constituent components that enter (absorb) into the circulatory and lymphatic systems (into the bloodstream and lymph flow).

Digestion in the small intestine also requires bile, which is produced by liver cells (hepatocytes) and enters the small intestine through the bile (biliary) ducts (biliary tract). The main component of bile - bile acids and their salts are necessary for the emulsification of fats, without which the process of splitting fats is disturbed and slowed down. The bile ducts are divided into intra- and extrahepatic. Intrahepatic bile ducts (ducts) are a tree-like system of tubes (ducts) through which bile flows from hepatocytes. The small bile ducts are connected to a larger duct, and a collection of larger ducts forms an even larger duct. This union is completed in the right lobe of the liver - the bile duct of the right lobe of the liver, in the left - the bile duct of the left lobe of the liver. The bile duct of the right lobe of the liver is called the right bile duct. The bile duct of the left lobe of the liver is called the left bile duct. These two ducts form the common hepatic duct. At the porta hepatis, the common hepatic duct joins the cystic bile duct, forming the common bile duct, which goes to the 12th p.c. The cystic bile duct drains bile from the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a reservoir for storing bile produced by liver cells. The gallbladder is located on the lower surface of the liver, in the right longitudinal groove.

The secretion (juice) of the pancreas is formed (synthesized) by acinar pancreatic cells (pancreatic cells), which are structurally united into acini. The cells of the acinus form (synthesize) pancreatic juice, which enters the excretory duct of the acinus. Neighboring acini are separated by thin layers of connective tissue in which blood capillaries and nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system are located. The ducts of neighboring acini merge into interacinous ducts, which, in turn, flow into larger intralobular and interlobular ducts lying in connective tissue septa. The latter, merging, form a common excretory duct, which runs from the tail of the gland to the head (structurally, the head, body and tail are isolated in the pancreas). The excretory duct (Wirsungian duct) of the pancreas, together with the common bile duct, obliquely penetrates the wall of the descending part of the 12 p. and opens inside 12 p.c. on the mucous membrane. This place is called the major (Vaterian) papilla. In this place there is a smooth muscle sphincter of Oddi, which also functions on the principle of a nipple - it passes bile and pancreatic juice from the duct in 12 p.k. and blocks the flow of contents 12 p.c. into the duct. The sphincter of Oddi is a complex sphincter. It consists of the sphincter of the common bile duct, the sphincter of the pancreatic duct (pancreatic duct) and the Westphal sphincter (sphincter of the major duodenal papilla), which ensures separation of both ducts from 12 p.c. accessory, non-permanent small (Santorini) pancreatic duct. The Helly sphincter is located in this location.

Pancreatic juice is a colorless transparent liquid, which has an alkaline reaction (pH 7.5-8.8) due to the content of bicarbonates in it. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes (amylase, lipase, nuclease and others) and proenzymes (trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidases A and B, proelastase and prophospholipase and others). Proenzymes are the inactive form of an enzyme. Activation of pancreatic proenzymes (their transformation into an active form - an enzyme) occurs in 12 p.k.

Epithelial cells 12 b.c. – enterocytes synthesize and release the enzyme kinasegen (proenzyme) into the intestinal lumen. Under the influence of bile acids, kinaseogen is converted into enteropeptidase (enzyme). Enterokinase cleaves hecosopeptide from trypsinogen, resulting in the formation of the enzyme trypsin. To implement this process (to convert the inactive form of the enzyme (trypsinogen) into the active one (trypsin)), an alkaline environment (pH 6.8-8.0) and the presence of calcium ions (Ca2+) are required. The subsequent conversion of trypsinogen to trypsin is carried out in 12 bp. by the action of trypsin. In addition, trypsin activates other pancreatic proenzymes. The interaction of trypsin with proenzymes leads to the formation of enzymes (chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases A and B, elastases and phospholipases, and others). Trypsin exhibits its optimal action in a weakly alkaline environment (at pH 7.8-8).

The enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin break down food proteins into oligopeptides. Oligopeptides are an intermediate product of protein digestion. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase destroy intrapeptide bonds of proteins (peptides), as a result of which high-molecular-weight (containing many amino acids) proteins break down into low-molecular-weight (oligopeptides).

Nucleases (DNAases, RNases) break down nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) into nucleotides. Nucleotides under the action of alkaline phosphatases and nucleotidases are converted into nucleosides, which are absorbed from the digestive system into the blood and lymph.

Pancreatic lipase breaks down fats, mainly triglycerides, into monoglycerides and fatty acids. Lipids are also affected by phospholipase A2 and esterase.

Since dietary fats are insoluble in water, lipase acts only on the surface of the fat. The larger the contact surface between fat and lipase, the more active the breakdown of fat by lipases occurs. The fat emulsification process increases the contact surface between fat and lipase. As a result of emulsification, the fat is broken into many small droplets ranging in size from 0.2 to 5 microns. Emulsification of fats begins in the oral cavity as a result of grinding (chewing) food and wetting it with saliva, then continues in the stomach under the influence of gastric peristalsis (mixing food in the stomach) and the final (main) emulsification of fats occurs in the small intestine under the influence of bile acids and their salts. In addition, fatty acids formed as a result of the breakdown of triglycerides react with alkalis in the small intestine, which leads to the formation of soap, which further emulsifies fats. With a lack of bile acids and their salts, insufficient emulsification of fats occurs, and, accordingly, their breakdown and absorption. Fats are removed with feces. In this case, the feces become greasy, mushy, white or gray. This condition is called steatorrhea. Bile suppresses the growth of putrefactive microflora. Therefore, with insufficient formation and entry of bile into the intestines, putrefactive dyspepsia develops. With putrefactive dyspepsia, diarrhea = diarrhea occurs (feces are dark brown in color, liquid or mushy with a sharp putrefactive odor, foamy (with gas bubbles). Decay products (dimethyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, indole, skatole and others) worsen general health (weakness, loss of appetite , malaise, chilling, headache).

The activity of lipase is directly proportional to the presence of calcium ions (Ca2+), bile salts, and the colipase enzyme. Under the action of lipases, triglycerides are usually incompletely hydrolyzed; this produces a mixture of monoglycerides (about 50%), fatty acids and glycerol (40%), di- and triglycerides (3-10%).

Glycerol and short fatty acids (containing up to 10 carbon atoms) are independently absorbed from the intestines into the blood. Fatty acids containing more than 10 carbon atoms, free cholesterol, and monoacylglycerols are water-insoluble (hydrophobic) and cannot pass from the intestine into the blood on their own. This becomes possible after they combine with bile acids to form complex compounds called micelles. The size of the micelle is very small - about 100 nm in diameter. The core of the micelles is hydrophobic (repels water), and the shell is hydrophilic. Bile acids serve as a conductor for fatty acids from the cavity of the small intestine to enterocytes (cells of the small intestine). At the surface of enterocytes, micelles disintegrate. Fatty acids, free cholesterol, and monoacylglycerols enter the enterocyte. The absorption of fat-soluble vitamins is interconnected with this process. Parasympathetic autonomic nervous system, hormones of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hormones 12 p.k. secretin and cholecystokinin (CCK) increase absorption, the sympathetic autonomic nervous system reduces absorption. The released bile acids, reaching the large intestine, are absorbed into the blood, mainly in the ileum, and are then absorbed (removed) from the blood by liver cells (hepatocytes). In enterocytes, with the participation of intracellular enzymes from fatty acids, phospholipids, triacylglycerols (TAG, triglycerides (fats) - a compound of glycerol (glycerol) with three fatty acids), cholesterol esters (a compound of free cholesterol with a fatty acid) are formed. Further, complex compounds with protein are formed from these substances in enterocytes - lipoproteins, mainly chylomicrons (XM) and in a smaller amount - high-density lipoproteins (HDL). HDL from enterocytes enters the bloodstream. HM are large and therefore cannot get directly from the enterocyte into the circulatory system. From enterocytes, CM enters the lymph, into the lymphatic system. From the thoracic lymphatic duct, chemical substances enter the circulatory system.

Pancreatic amylase (α-Amylase), breaks down polysaccharides (carbohydrates) to oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides are an intermediate product of the breakdown of polysaccharides consisting of several monosaccharides interconnected by intermolecular bonds. Among the oligosaccharides formed from food polysaccharides under the action of pancreatic amylase, disaccharides consisting of two monosaccharides and trisaccharides consisting of three monosaccharides predominate. α-Amylase exhibits its optimal action in a neutral environment (at pH 6.7-7.0).

Depending on the food you eat, the pancreas produces different amounts of enzymes. For example, if you eat only fatty foods, the pancreas will produce primarily an enzyme for digesting fats - lipase. In this case, the production of other enzymes will be significantly reduced. If there is only bread, then the pancreas will produce enzymes that break down carbohydrates. You should not overuse a monotonous diet, as a constant imbalance in the production of enzymes can lead to diseases.

Epithelial cells of the small intestine (enterocytes) secrete a secretion into the intestinal lumen, which is called intestinal juice. Intestinal juice has an alkaline reaction due to the content of bicarbonates in it. The pH of intestinal juice ranges from 7.2 to 8.6 and contains enzymes, mucus, other substances, as well as aged rejected enterocytes. In the mucous membrane of the small intestine, a continuous change in the layer of surface epithelial cells occurs. Complete renewal of these cells in humans occurs in 1-6 days. Such intensity of formation and rejection of cells causes a large number of them in the intestinal juice (in a person, about 250 g of enterocytes are rejected per day).

Mucus synthesized by enterocytes forms a protective layer that prevents excessive mechanical and chemical effects of chyme on the intestinal mucosa.

Intestinal juice contains more than 20 different enzymes that take part in digestion. The main part of these enzymes takes part in parietal digestion, that is, directly at the surface of the villi, microvilli of the small intestine - in the glycocalyx. The glycocalyx is a molecular sieve that allows molecules to pass through to the intestinal epithelial cells, depending on their size, charge and other parameters. The glycocalyx contains enzymes from the intestinal cavity and synthesized by the enterocytes themselves. In the glycalyx, the final breakdown of intermediate products of the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into their constituent components (oligomers to monomers) occurs. The glycocalyx, microvilli and apical membrane are collectively called the striated border.

Carbohydrases in intestinal juice consist mainly of disaccharidases, which break down disaccharides (carbohydrates consisting of two molecules of monosaccharides) into two molecules of monosaccharides. Sucrase breaks down the sucrose molecule into glucose and fructose molecules. Maltase breaks down the maltose molecule, and trehalase breaks down trehalose into two glucose molecules. Lactase (α-galactasidase) breaks down the lactose molecule into a molecule of glucose and galactose. A deficiency in the synthesis of one or another disaccharidase by the cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine causes intolerance to the corresponding disaccharide. Genetically fixed and acquired lactase, trehalase, sucrase and combined disaccharidase deficiencies are known.

Intestinal juice peptidases cleave the peptide bond between two specific amino acids. Peptidases in intestinal juice complete the hydrolysis of oligopeptides, resulting in the formation of amino acids - the end products of the breakdown (hydrolysis) of proteins that enter (absorb) from the small intestine into the blood and lymph.

Nucleases (DNAases, RNases) of intestinal juice break down DNA and RNA into nucleotides. Nucleotides under the action of alkaline phosphatases and nucleotidases of intestinal juice are converted into nucleosides, which are absorbed from the small intestine into the blood and lymph.

The main lipase in intestinal juice is intestinal monoglyceride lipase. It hydrolyzes monoglycerides of any hydrocarbon chain length, as well as short-chain di- and triglycerides, and to a lesser extent medium-chain triglycerides and cholesteryl esters.

Management of the secretion of pancreatic juice, intestinal juice, bile, motor activity (peristalsis) of the small intestine is carried out by neuro-humoral (hormonal) mechanisms. Management is carried out by the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and hormones that are synthesized by the cells of the gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system - part of the diffuse endocrine system.

In accordance with the functional features in the ANS, parasympathetic ANS and sympathetic ANS are distinguished. Both of these departments of the ANS exercise control.

Neurons that carry out control come into a state of excitation under the influence of impulses that come to them from receptors in the mouth, nose, stomach, small intestine, and also from the cerebral cortex (thoughts, talking about food, the type of food, etc.). In response to the impulses coming to them, the excited neurons send impulses along the efferent nerve fibers to the controlled cells. Around the cells, the axons of efferent neurons form numerous branches, ending in tissue synapses. When a neuron is excited, a mediator is released from the tissue synapse - a substance with the help of which the excited neuron affects the function of the cells controlled by it. The mediator of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system is acetylcholine. The mediator of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system is norepinephrine.

Under the action of acetylcholine (parasympathetic ANS), there is an increase in the secretion of intestinal juice, pancreatic juice, bile, increased peristalsis (motor, motor function) of the small intestine, gallbladder. Efferent parasympathetic nerve fibers approach the small intestine, pancreas, liver cells, and bile ducts as part of the vagus nerve. Acetylcholine exerts its effect on cells through M-cholinergic receptors located on the surface (membranes, membranes) of these cells.

Under the action of norepinephrine (sympathetic ANS), the peristalsis of the small intestine decreases, the formation of intestinal juice, pancreatic juice, and bile decreases. Norepinephrine exerts its effect on cells through β-adrenergic receptors located on the surface (membranes, membranes) of these cells.

In the control of the motor function of the small intestine, the Auerbach plexus, the intraorgan division of the autonomic nervous system (intramural nervous system), takes part. Control is based on local peripheral reflexes. Auerbach's plexus is a dense continuous network of nerve nodes connected by nerve cords. Nerve nodes are a collection of neurons (nerve cells), and nerve cords are processes of these neurons. In accordance with the functional characteristics, Auerbach's plexus consists of neurons of the parasympathetic ANS and the sympathetic ANS. The nerve nodes and nerve cords of the Auerbach plexus are located between the longitudinal and circular layers of smooth muscle bundles of the intestinal wall, run in the longitudinal and circular direction and form a continuous nerve network around the intestine. Nerve cells of the Auerbach plexus innervate longitudinal and circular bundles of intestinal smooth muscle cells, regulating their contractions.

Two nerve plexuses of the intramural nervous system (intraorgan autonomic nervous system) also take part in controlling the secretory function of the small intestine: the subserous nerve plexus (sparrow plexus) and the submucosal nerve plexus (Meissner's plexus). Control is carried out on the basis of local peripheral reflexes. These two plexuses, like the Auerbach plexus, are a dense continuous network of nerve nodes connected to each other by nerve cords, consisting of neurons of the parasympathetic ANS and sympathetic ANS.

Neurons of all three plexuses have synaptic connections among themselves.

The motor activity of the small intestine is controlled by two autonomous rhythm sources. The first is located at the junction of the common bile duct into the duodenum, and the other is in the ileum.

The motor activity of the small intestine is controlled by reflexes that excite and inhibit intestinal motility. Reflexes that stimulate the motility of the small intestine include: esophageal-intestinal, gastrointestinal and enteric reflexes. Reflexes that inhibit the motility of the small intestine include: intestinal, rectoenteric, receptor relaxation (inhibition) reflex of the small intestine during eating.

The motor activity of the small intestine depends on the physical and chemical properties of chyme. The high content of fiber, salts, and intermediate hydrolysis products (especially fats) in chyme enhances the peristalsis of the small intestine.

S-cells of the mucous membrane 12 p.c. synthesize and secrete prosecretin (prohormone) into the intestinal lumen. Prosecretin is mainly converted to secretin (a hormone) by the action of hydrochloric acid in the gastric chyme. The most intensive conversion of prosecretin to secretin occurs at pH=4 and less. As pH increases, the conversion rate decreases in direct proportion. Secretin is absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches the cells of the pancreas with the bloodstream. Under the action of secretin, pancreatic cells increase the secretion of water and bicarbonates. Secretin does not increase the secretion of enzymes and proenzymes by the pancreas. Under the influence of secretin, the secretion of the alkaline component of pancreatic juice increases, which enters the 12 p.c. The greater the acidity of the gastric juice (the lower the pH of the gastric juice), the more secretin is formed, the more secreted in the 12 p.c. pancreatic juice with plenty of water and bicarbonates. Bicarbonates neutralize hydrochloric acid, the pH increases, the formation of secretin decreases, and the secretion of pancreatic juice with a high content of bicarbonates decreases. In addition, under the influence of secretin, bile formation and secretion of the glands of the small intestine increase.

The transformation of prosecretin into secretin also occurs under the influence of ethyl alcohol, fatty acids, bile acids, and spice components.

The largest number of S cells is located in 12 p.c. and in the upper (proximal) part of the jejunum. The smallest number of S cells is located in the most distant (lower, distal) part of the jejunum.

Secretin is a peptide consisting of 27 amino acid residues. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), glucagon-like peptide-1, glucagon, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, parathyroid hormone, growth hormone-releasing factor have a chemical structure similar to secretin, and therefore, possibly a similar effect. , corticotropin releasing factor and others.

When chyme enters the small intestine from the stomach, I-cells located in the mucous membrane 12 p.c. and the upper (proximal) part of the jejunum begin to synthesize and release the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK, CCK, pancreozymin) into the blood. Under the influence of CCK, the sphincter of Oddi relaxes, the gallbladder contracts, and as a result, the flow of bile into the 12.p.c. increases. CCK causes contraction of the pyloric sphincter and limits the flow of gastric chyme into the 12th p.c., enhances the motility of the small intestine. The most powerful stimulators of the synthesis and release of CCK are dietary fats, proteins, and alkaloids of choleretic herbs. Dietary carbohydrates do not have a stimulating effect on the synthesis and release of CCK. Gastrin-releasing peptide also belongs to the stimulators of CCK synthesis and release.

The synthesis and release of CCK is reduced by the action of somatostatin, a peptide hormone. Somatostatin is synthesized and released into the blood by D-cells, which are located in the stomach, intestines, and among the endocrine cells of the pancreas (in the islets of Langerhans). Somatostatin is also synthesized by the cells of the hypothalamus. Under the influence of somatostatin, not only the synthesis of CCK decreases. Under the influence of somatostatin, the synthesis and release of other hormones decreases: gastrin, insulin, glucagon, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, insulin-like growth factor-1, somatotropin-releasing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormones and others.

Reduces gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretion, peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract of Peptide YY. Peptide YY is synthesized by L-cells, which are located in the mucous membrane of the colon and in the final part of the small intestine - the ileum. When the chyme reaches the ileum, the fats, carbohydrates and bile acids of the chyme act on L-cell receptors. L cells begin to synthesize and release peptide YY into the blood. As a result, peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract slows down, gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions decrease. The phenomenon of slowing down the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract after the chyme reaches the ileum is called the ileal brake. Gastrin-releasing peptide is also a stimulator of peptide YY secretion.

D1(H) cells, which are located mainly in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas and, to a lesser extent, in the stomach, colon and small intestine, synthesize and release vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) into the blood. VIP has a pronounced relaxing effect on the smooth muscle cells of the stomach, small intestine, colon, gall bladder, as well as the vessels of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the influence of VIP, blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract increases. Under the influence of VIP, the secretion of pepsinogen, intestinal enzymes, pancreatic enzymes, the content of bicarbonates in pancreatic juice increases, and the secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases.

Pancreatic secretion increases under the influence of gastrin, serotonin, and insulin. Bile salts also stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice. Pancreatic secretion is reduced by glucagon, somatostatin, vasopressin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and calcitonin.

The endocrine regulators of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract include the hormone Motilin. Motilin is synthesized and released into the blood by enterochromaffin cells of the mucous membrane 12 p.k. and jejunum. Bile acids stimulate the synthesis and release of motilin into the blood. Motilin stimulates peristalsis of the stomach, small and large intestines 5 times more strongly than the parasympathetic ANS mediator acetylcholine. Motilin, together with cholicystokinin, controls the contractile function of the gallbladder.

The endocrine regulators of motor (motor) and secretory functions of the intestine include the hormone Serotonin, which is synthesized by intestinal cells. Under the influence of this serotonin, peristalsis and secretory activity of the intestine are enhanced. In addition, intestinal serotonin is a growth factor for some types of symbiotic intestinal microflora. In this case, the symbiont microflora takes part in the synthesis of intestinal serotonin by decarboxylating tryptophan, which is the source and raw material for the synthesis of serotonin. With dysbiosis and some other intestinal diseases, the synthesis of intestinal serotonin decreases.

From the small intestine, chyme enters the large intestine in portions (about 15 ml). The ileocecal sphincter (Bauhinian valve) regulates this flow. The opening of the sphincter occurs reflexively: peristalsis of the ileum (the final part of the small intestine) increases pressure on the sphincter from the small intestine, the sphincter relaxes (opens), and chyme enters the cecum (the initial part of the large intestine). When the cecum is filled and stretched, the sphincter closes and the chyme does not return to the small intestine.

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Alpha Creation

Good digestion is critical to good health. The human body requires efficient digestion and proper elimination to maintain health and energy levels. So far, there is no more common physiological disorder in humans than digestive disorders, which have many different forms. Consider this: Antacids (anti-acid) (to combat a form of indigestion) are the number one retail product in the United States. When we tolerate or ignore these conditions, or mask them with pharmaceutical chemicals, we miss important signals that our body is sending us. We must listen. Discomfort should serve as an early warning system. Indigestion is at the root of most diseases and their symptoms because indigestion supports the overgrowth of microorganisms that produce toxins (This is another vicious circle: Overgrowth of yeast, fungi and mold also contribute to indigestion). Poor digestion promotes acidic blood flow. Moreover, we cannot properly nourish our body if we do not properly digest our food. Without proper nutrition, we cannot be completely and permanently healthy. Finally, recurrent or chronic indigestion itself can be fatal. Gradual obstruction of intestinal function can occur undetected until serious conditions such as Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (mucosal colitis) and even colon cancer appear.

1, 2, 3

Digestion actually has three key parts, and all of them must be in good condition to maintain good health. But the problems are common in each of the three stages. The first is an indigestion that begins in the mouth and continues in the stomach and small intestine. The second is reduced absorption in the small intestine. The third is constipation of the lower intestine, which appears as diarrhoea, infrequent bowel movements, fecal retention, swelling or fetid flatus.

Here's a tour of your digestive tract that will help you understand how these types connect and overlap. Digestion actually begins when you chew your food. In addition to working your teeth, saliva also begins to break down food. Once the food reaches the stomach, stomach acid (a super powerful substance) continues to break down the food into its components. From there, the digested food moves to the small intestine for a long journey (the human small intestine can reach 5-6 meters), during which nutrients are absorbed for use in the body. The next and final stop is the colon, where water and some minerals are absorbed. Then, whatever your body doesn't absorb, you excrete as waste.

It's a neat and efficient system when it works correctly. She is also capable of rapid recovery. But we habitually overexert our digestive system with low-quality, nutrient-poor food (not to mention the stress we live in) to the point where most Americans simply don't get it right. And this is without such factors as excessive acidity and microform growth!

"Friendly" bacterium

It was normal anatomy. Another critical component of the human digestive system that you need to understand is bacteria and other micro-forms that are found in large numbers in certain habitats. As long as we have the right lifestyle and habits, these friendly bacteria known as probiotics exist within us to help keep us healthy. They are irreplaceable and important not only for health, but also for life in general.

Probiotics support the integrity of the intestinal wall and internal environment. They prepare food for absorption and absorption of nutrients. They help maintain proper transit time for digested food, allowing for maximum absorption and rapid elimination. Probiotics release many different beneficial substances, including the natural antiseptics lactic acid and acidophilus, which aid in digestion. They also produce vitamins. Probiotics can produce almost all B vitamins, including niacin (niacin, vitamin PP), biotin (vitamin H), B6, B12 and folic acid, and can also convert one B vitamin into another. They are even capable of producing vitamin K, in some circumstances. They protect you from microorganisms. Having the necessary cultures in your small intestine, even a salmonella infection will not harm you, and getting a so-called “yeast infection” will simply not be possible. Probiotics neutralize toxins, preventing them from being absorbed into your body. They have another key role: controlling unfriendly bacteria and other harmful microforms, preventing their excessive growth.

In a healthy, balanced human digestive system, you can find between 1.3 kg and 1.8 kg of probiotics. Unfortunately, I estimate that most people have less than 25% of their normal amount. Eating animal products and processed foods, ingesting chemicals including prescription and over-the-counter medications, overeating and excessive stress of all types destroy and weaken probiotic colonies and compromise digestion. This in turn causes an overgrowth of harmful microforms and the problems that come with them.

The acidity in the stomach and colon varies depending on the food you eat. High water, low sugar foods as recommended in this program cause less acid. Once food enters the small intestine, if needed, the pancreas adds alkaline substances (8.0 - 8.3) to the mixture to raise the pH. Thus, the body has the ability to contain acids or alkalis at the required level. But our modern, high-acid diet overloads these systems. Proper nutrition does not allow the body to get stressed and allows the process to proceed naturally and easily.

Newborn babies immediately have several different types of intestinal microforms. No one knows how they get to them, but some believe that through the birth canal. Although, children born through cesarean section also have them. I believe that microforms do not come from anywhere and most likely they are specific cells of our body that actually evolved from our microzymes. In order for symptoms of the disease to appear, there is no need for “infection” with harmful microforms; the same can be said about beneficial microforms.

Small intestine

7-8 meters of small intestine requires a little more attention than I provided in the previous superficial review. You also need to know that its inner walls are covered with small projections called villi. They serve to increase the maximum area of ​​contact with passing food, so that as much of the healthy stuff can be absorbed from it. The area of ​​your small intestine is about 200 square meters - which is almost the size of a tennis court!

Yeast, fungi and other microforms interfere with the absorption of nutrients. They can cover large areas of the inner lining of the membrane in the small intestine, crowding out probiotics and preventing your body from getting the nutrients from food. This can leave you hungry for vitamins, minerals and especially protein, no matter what you put in your mouth. I believe that more than half of adults in the United States digest and absorb less than half of what they eat.

The overgrowth of microforms feeding on the nutrients we rely on (and releasing toxic waste from them) makes the situation even worse. Without proper nutrition, the body cannot heal and regenerate its tissues as required. If you cannot digest or absorb food, the tissues will eventually starve. This not only drains your energy levels and makes you feel sick, but it also speeds up the aging process.

But that's just part of the problem. Also keep in mind that when the villi grab food, they transform it into red blood cells. These red blood cells circulate throughout the body and transform themselves into different types of body cells, including heart, liver, and brain cells. I think you won't be surprised to learn that the pH level of the small intestine must be alkaline in order to transform food into red blood cells. Therefore, the quality of the food we eat determines the quality of our red blood cells, which in turn determine the quality of our bones, muscles, organs, and so on. You literally are what you eat.

If the intestinal wall is covered with a lot of sticky mucus, then these vital cells cannot form properly. And those that were created have insufficient weight. The body must then resort to creating red blood cells from its own tissues, stealing from bones, muscles and other places. Why do body cells transform back into red blood cells? The number of red blood cells must remain above a certain level for the body to function and for us to live. We usually have about 5 million per cubic millimeter and the numbers rarely reach less than 3 million. Below this level, the oxygen supply (which the red blood cells deliver) will not be sufficient to support the organs, and they will eventually stop working. To prevent this, body cells begin to turn back into red blood cells.


The large intestine is the sewerage station of our body. It removes unusable waste and acts like a sponge, squeezing water and mineral content into the bloodstream. In addition to probiotics, the intestines contain some beneficial yeasts and fungi that help soften the stool for quick and thorough elimination of waste.

By the time digested food reaches the large intestine, most of the liquid materials have already been extracted. This is how it should be, but it presents a potential problem: If the final phase of digestion goes wrong, the large intestine can become clogged with old (toxic) waste.

The large intestine is very sensitive. Any injury, surgery or other stress, including emotional distress and negative thinking, can alter its friendly resident bacteria and overall ability to function smoothly and efficiently. Incomplete digestion leads to intestinal imbalances throughout the digestive tract, and the colon becomes a literal cesspool.

Digestive complexity throughout the intestines often prevents the proper breakdown of proteins. Partially digested proteins that are no longer usable by the body may still be absorbed into the blood. In this form, they serve no other purpose than to feed the microforms, increasing the production of their waste. These protein fragments also stimulate the immune system's response.

Joey's Story

No one has time to be sick, especially when others are counting on you. I'm a single mother, also taking care of my recently disabled father, and I need every ounce of strength to keep the house going. But I was sick for more than two decades. I decided it was better to stay home and just remove myself from the human race.

One day in the library, trying to pull myself together after one of the excruciatingly painful attacks, I came across a book with a chapter on irritable bowel syndrome (mucosal colitis) (my diagnosis for many years). Its mention of aloe vera and acidophilus immediately sent me to the nearest health food store, where I started asking questions.

The saleswoman was quite helpful. She asked why I was looking for these products and I told her about my irritable bowel syndrome, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, hiatal hernia, endometriosis, kidney infections and many other infections. Antibiotics were my way to live. In the end, my doctors just told me to learn to live with them, but the saleswoman told me that she knows people with similar stories to mine who have reversed their condition. She introduced me to a woman whose story was similar to mine. And she told me about how Young's program changed her life.

I knew without any doubt what I needed to do. I immediately changed my diet and started following a regimen against fungi and replacing them with beneficial flora. Within two months I was no longer a hostage to pain. I felt much better. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. My life just started to get better.

More details about mucus - more than you ever knew and would like to know

Although we tend to associate it with a runny nose or worse, mucus is actually a normal secretion. It is a clear, sticky substance that the body produces to protect membrane surfaces. One such method is to cover everything you swallow, even water. So it also absorbs any toxins that come your way and by doing this it becomes thick, sticky and opaque (as we see when we have a cold) to trap the toxins and remove them from the body.

Most foods Americans eat cause this thick mucus. It either contains toxins or is broken down in a toxic manner in the digestive system (or both). The biggest culprits are dairy, followed by animal protein, white flour, processed foods, chocolate, coffee and alcoholic drinks (Vegetables don't cause that sticky mucus). Over time, these foods can coat the intestines with thick mucus, which traps feces and other waste. This mucus in itself is quite harmful because it creates a favorable environment for the growth of harmful microforms.

Emotional stress, pollution, lack of exercise, lack of digestive enzymes and lack of probiotics in the small and large intestines all contribute to the accumulation of mucus on the colon wall. As mucus accumulates, the transit time of materials through the lower intestine increases. Low levels of fiber in your diet reduce it even further. Once the sticky mass begins to adhere to the wall of the colon, a pocket is formed between the mass and the wall, which is an ideal home for microforms. The material gradually adds itself to the mucus until most of it stops moving altogether. The large intestine absorbs the liquid that remains, the accumulated mass begins to harden and the home of harmful organisms becomes a fortress.

Heartburn, gas, bloating, ulcers, nausea and gastritis (irritation of the intestinal walls from gas and acid) are all the result of overgrowth of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

The same applies to constipation, which is not only an unpleasant symptom, but also causes even more problems and symptoms. Constipation is often found as or accompanied by the following symptoms: coated tongue, diarrhea, colic, gas, foul odor, intestinal pain, and various forms of inflammation such as colitis and diverticulitis (We've all heard the saying that your "good" doesn't stink. But The truth is that it doesn't have to be that way. If you smell a stink, it means nature is warning you).

But what's even worse is that microforms can actually penetrate the colon wall into the bloodstream. This means not only that the microforms have access to the entire body, but also that they bring their toxins and intestinal matter into the blood with them. From there, they can travel fast and gain a foothold anywhere in the body, taking over cells, tissues, and organs fairly quickly. All this seriously affects the immune system and liver. Untested microforms penetrate deeper into tissues and organs, the central nervous system, the skeletal structure, the lymphatic system, and the bone marrow.

It's not just about the cleanliness of the paths. This type of blockage can affect all parts of the body because it interferes with automatic reflexes and sends out inappropriate signals. A reflex is a neural pathway in which an impulse goes from a point of stimulation to a point of response without passing through the brain (this is when the doctor hits your knee with a small rubber hammer and your lower leg makes the movement itself). Reflexes may also respond in areas that are not stimulated. Your body is a large number of reflexes. Some key ones are found in the lower intestine. They are connected to every system of the body through nerve pathways. The compressed substances, like a squadron of small rubber hammers, hit everywhere, sending destructive impulses to other parts of the body (this example, the main cause of headaches). This in itself can disrupt and weaken any or all body systems. The body creates mucus as a natural defense against acid to bind it and remove it from the body. So mucus is not a bad thing. In fact, it saves our lives! For example, when you eat dairy products, the milk sugar ferments into lactic acid, which is then bound by mucus. If it weren't for mucus, the acid could burn a hole in your cells, tissues, or organs (if it weren't for dairy, there would be no need for mucus). If the diet continues to be overly acidic, too much mucus is created and the mixture of mucus and acid becomes sticky and stagnant, leading to poor digestion, cold hands, cold feet, lightheadedness, nasal congestion, congestion in the lungs (like asthma), and a constant clearing of the throat. .

Restoring health

We must refill our digestive tract with the probiotics that live there. With proper nutrition, their normal population will be restored. You can help with this process by supplementing with probiotics.

These supplements have been hyped so much in some places that you would think they are a panacea that will cure everything. But they won't work on their own. You can't just throw cultures into the intestines without making the necessary dietary changes to maintain pH balance, otherwise they will simply pass through. Or they could stay with you. You should prepare the environment as best you can (more on this later in the book) before you start taking probiotic supplements.

When choosing a supplement, keep in mind that the small and large intestines contain different dominant bacteria, since each organ serves a different purpose and has a different environment (acidic or alkaline) - for example, the good bacterium Lactobacillus (lactic acid bacterium) requires an alkaline environment in the small intestine intestines, and bifidobacteria thrive in the moderately acidic environment of the large intestine.

No bacteria entering the intestines will be effective until you make the necessary changes. Even if you don't, the bacteria can still improve the environment along the way by helping the growth of the good bacteria that already live there. They need to remain alive after the digestive process, so the best foods are designed for this purpose. If you were to ingest bifidobacterium by mouth, it would have to travel a particularly long way through the small intestine into the large intestine. But bifidobacteria cannot survive in the alkaline environment of the small intestine and therefore must be taken through the rectum using an enema. Moreover, you should take lactobacilli and bifidobacteria separately, as they can cancel out each other if taken together (unless bifidobacteria are taken through the rectum).

Another way is through prebiotics (special foods that feed probiotics), which promote the development of the “friendly” bacteria in your body. A family of carbohydrates called fructooligosaccharides (FOS) feeds particularly bifidobacteria, as well as lactobacilli. They can be taken as a supplement on their own or as part of a formula. You can also get them directly from the source: asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, beets, onions, garlic, chicory.

In any case, each individual situation is different. If you have any doubts that you are doing it incorrectly or that it is not working as it should, consult with an experienced healthcare professional.

In addition to improving your overall health and weight loss, following this program will cleanse your gut and restore probiotics and normalize your pH levels. As you can now see, everything is intertwined. Once your blood and tissue pH levels are normalized and your intestines are cleansed, nutrient absorption and waste elimination are also normalized, and you'll be on your way to full and vibrant health.

Kate's story

I was on a low-fat, low-sugar diet, and even though I wanted to lose weight, I just couldn't cut down on the amount of food I was eating. Every time I did this, I was attacked by fatigue. By eliminating the foods recommended in this program (I needed to eliminate meat except moderate amounts of fish, yeast products, dairy products, refined white flour products and most fruits) and continuing to eat approximately the same number of calories and never feeling hungry , I lost 16 kg, which I could not lose while on a traditional diet and doing physical exercise.

My husband is a doctor and when he saw my results, he began to study this program, and then he also changed his diet.


Peculiarities of digestion in the small and large intestines.


In the small intestine, acidic chyme is mixed with alkaline secretions of the pancreas, intestinal glands and liver, nutrients are depolymerized to final products (monomers) that can enter the bloodstream, chyme moves distally, excretion of metabolites, etc.

Digestion in the small intestine.

Cavity and parietal digestion is carried out by enzymes of pancreatic secretions and intestinal juice with the participation of bile. The resulting pancreatic juice flows through the system of excretory ducts into the duodenum. The composition and properties of pancreatic juice depend on the quantity and quality of food.

A person produces 1.5-2.5 liters of pancreatic juice per day, which is isotonic to the blood plasma and alkaline (pH 7.5-8.8). This reaction is due to the content of bicarbonate ions, which neutralize acidic gastric contents and create an alkaline environment in the duodenum, optimal for the action of pancreatic enzymes.

Pancreatic juice contains enzymes for the hydrolysis of all types of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteolytic enzymes enter the duodenum in the form of inactive proenzymes - trypsinogens, chymotrypsinogens, procarboxypeptidases A and B, elastase, etc., which are activated by enterokinase (an enzyme of the enterocytes of Brunner's glands).

Pancreatic juice contains lipolytic enzymes that are secreted in an inactive (prophospholipase A) and active (lipase) state.

Pancreatic lipase hydrolyzes neutral fats to fatty acids and monoglycerides, phospholipase A breaks down phospholipids to fatty acids and calcium ions.

Pancreatic alpha-amylase breaks down starch and glycogen, mainly into lysaccharides and - partially - monosaccharides. Disaccharides are further converted, under the influence of maltase and lactase, into monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose).

The hydrolysis of ribonucleic acid occurs under the influence of pancreatic ribonuclease, and the hydrolysis of deoxyribonucleic acid occurs under the influence of deoxyribonuclease.

The secretory cells of the pancreas are at rest outside the period of digestion and secrete juice only in connection with the periodic activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In response to the consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods (meat, bread), a sharp increase in secretion is observed in the first two hours, with a maximum of juice secretion in the second hour after eating. In this case, the duration of secretion can be from 4-5 hours (meat) to 9-10 hours (bread). When eating fatty foods, the maximum increase in secretion occurs in the third hour, the duration of secretion to this stimulus is 5 hours.

Thus, the quantity and composition of pancreatic secretion depend on the quantity and quality of food and are controlled by the receptive cells of the intestine, and primarily the duodenum. The functional relationship of the pancreas, duodenum and liver with the bile ducts is based on the commonality of their innervation and hormonal regulation.

Secretion of the pancreas occurs under the influence of nervous influences and humoral stimuli that arise when food enters the digestive tract, as well as from the sight, smell of food and the action of the usual environment for its intake. The process of separation of pancreatic juice is conventionally divided into the brain, gastric and intestinal complex-reflex phases. The entry of food into the oral cavity and pharynx causes reflex stimulation of the digestive glands, including the secretion of the pancreas.

Pancreatic secretion is stimulated by HCI and food digestion products entering the duodenum. Its stimulation continues with the flow of bile. However, the pancreas in this secretion phase is predominantly stimulated by the intestinal hormones secretin and cholecystokinin. Under the influence of secretin, a large amount of pancreatic juice, rich in bicarbonates and poor in enzymes, is produced; cholecystokinin stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice, rich in enzymes. Enzyme-rich pancreatic juice is secreted only when secretin and cholecystokinin act together on the gland. potentiated by acetylcholine.

The role of bile in digestion.

Bile in the duodenum creates favorable conditions for the activity of pancreatic enzymes, especially lipases. Bile acids emulsify fats, reducing the surface tension of fat droplets, which creates conditions for the formation of fine particles that can be absorbed without prior hydrolysis, and contribute to increasing the contact of fats with lipolytic enzymes. Bile ensures the absorption of water-insoluble higher fatty acids, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins (D, E, K, A) and calcium salts in the small intestine, enhances the hydrolysis and absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and promotes the resynthesis of triglycerides in enterocytes.

Bile has a stimulating effect on the activity of intestinal villi, as a result of which the rate of absorption of substances in the intestine increases, participates in parietal digestion, creating favorable conditions for the fixation of enzymes on the intestinal surface. Bile is one of the stimulants of pancreatic secretion, small intestinal juice, gastric mucus, along with enzymes it participates in the processes of intestinal digestion, prevents the development of putrefactive processes, and has a bacteriostatic effect on the intestinal flora. The daily secretion of bile in humans is 0.7-1.0 l. Its components are bile acids, bilirubin, cholesterol, inorganic salts, fatty acids and neutral fats, lecithin.

The role of the secretion of the glands of the small intestine in digestion.

A person secretes up to 2.5 liters of intestinal juice per day, which is a product of the activity of the cells of the entire mucous membrane of the small intestine, Brunner's and Lieberkühn's glands. The separation of intestinal juice is associated with the death of glandular marks. The continuous rejection of dead cells is accompanied by their intensive new formation. Intestinal juice contains enzymes involved in digestion. They hydrolyze peptides and peptones to amino acids, fats to glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates to monosaccharides. An important enzyme in intestinal juice is enterokinase, which activates pancreatic trypsinogen.

Digestion in the small intestine is a three-link system of food assimilation: cavity digestion - membrane digestion - absorption. Cavity digestion in the small intestine is carried out due to digestive secretions and their enzymes, which enter the cavity of the small intestine (pancreatic secretion, bile, intestinal juice) and act on food substance that has undergone enzymatic processing in the stomach.

The enzymes involved in membrane digestion have different origins. Some of them are absorbed from the cavity of the small intestine (enzymes of pancreatic and intestinal juice), others, fixed on the cytoplasmic membranes of microvilli, are the secretion of enterocytes and work longer than those that came from the intestinal cavity. The main chemical stimulator of the secretory cells of the glands of the mucous membrane of the small intestine are the products of protein digestion by gastric and pancreatic juices, as well as fatty acids and disaccharides. The action of each chemical irritant causes the release of intestinal juice with a certain set of enzymes. For example, fatty acids stimulate the formation of lipase by the intestinal glands; a diet with a reduced protein content leads to a sharp decrease in the activity of enterokinase in the intestinal juice. However, not all intestinal enzymes are involved in the processes of specific enzyme adaptation. The formation of lipase in the intestinal mucosa does not change with either increased or decreased fat content in food. The production of peptidases also does not undergo significant changes, even with a sharp lack of protein in the diet.

Features of digestion in the small intestine.

The functional unit is the crypt and villus. A villus is an outgrowth of the intestinal mucosa, a crypt is, on the contrary, a depression.

INTESTINAL JUICE is weakly alkaline (рН=7.5-8), consists of two parts:

(a) the liquid part of the juice (water, salts, no enzymes) is secreted by the crypt cells;

(b) the dense part of the juice (“mucus lumps”) consists of epithelial cells that are continuously sloughed off from the top of the villi. (The entire mucous membrane of the small intestine is completely renewed in 3-5 days).

The dense part contains more than 20 enzymes. Part of the enzymes is adsorbed on the surface of the glycocalyx (intestinal, pancreatic enzymes), the other part of the enzymes is part of the cell membrane of microvilli .. (Microvillus is an outgrowth of the cell membrane of enterocytes. Microvilli form a “brush border”, which significantly increases the area on which hydrolysis and suction). Enzymes are highly specialized, essential for the final stages of hydrolysis.

In the small intestine, cavitary and parietal digestion occurs. a) Cavitary digestion is the breakdown of large polymer molecules to oligomers in the intestinal cavity under the action of intestinal juice enzymes.

b) Parietal digestion - splitting of oligomers to monomers on the surface of microvilli under the action of enzymes fixed on this surface.

All causes of body pollution also apply to the large intestine. Let's take a closer look at the reasons for his problems. It is known that on the way to the large intestine, food must be processed in the stomach, in the duodenum and in the small intestine, irrigated with bile from the liver and gallbladder and pancreatic juice. Any problems in these organs will immediately affect the large intestine. For example, bile is involved not only in the digestion of fats, but also stimulates peristalsis of the large intestine. Due to the stagnant process in the gallbladder, less bile comes from there. Consequently, as a result of a decrease in peristalsis in the large intestine, constipation will begin, i.e., food debris will stagnate in the intestines. Insufficient digestion of fats will also lead to these fats entering the large intestine and changing the acid-base balance in it, which will negatively affect the functioning of the microflora. Maintaining a relative constant pH in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract is of great importance for all digestion and for the large intestine in particular. Thus, a lack of acid in the stomach will cause insufficient processing of the bolus of food, which will affect further digestion in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, an alkaline reaction is created in the large intestine instead of a slightly acidic one.

It is known that a slightly acidic environment is most favorable for the vital activity of bacteria and, in addition, such an environment contributes to the peristaltic movements of the intestine, which are necessary for removing feces to the outside. In the presence of an alkaline environment, peristalsis is significantly reduced, which makes it difficult to remove feces and leads to stagnant processes in the large intestine. Constipation, stagnant processes are decay and absorption of toxic substances into the blood. In addition, due to the weak acidity in the stomach, putrefactive microbes are not completely destroyed, which then enter the large intestine.

Excess acid in the stomach leads to spasms of the mucous membranes throughout the gastrointestinal tract and increased acidity in the large intestine. Increased acidity causes increased peristaltic movements of the large intestine and, as a result, frequent and profuse diarrhea, which dehydrates the body. Frequent diarrhea also exposes the intestinal mucosa, leading to chemical burns and spasm. Repetitive spasms over time can cause constipation with all the ensuing consequences. Thus, often problems with the large intestine begin with the stomach, or, more precisely, with its acidity. The main cause of problems is the disruption of the vital activity of beneficial bacteria, and they are strongly influenced by the pH of the environment.

Poor nutrition (mostly boiled and starchy foods, devoid of minerals and vitamins), and most importantly, lack of fiber also has an unfavorable effect on the microflora. Disturbance in the activity of microflora is called dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis creates stagnant processes in the large intestine, due to which feces collect in the folds-pockets (diverticula). These masses then, when dehydrated, turn into stones, which lie in the intestines for years and constantly send toxins into the blood. Prolonged contact with fecal stones leads to inflammation of the intestinal walls with the development of colitis. As a result of constriction of blood vessels with feces and stagnation of blood, hemorrhoids occur, and from overstraining the walls of the rectum during defecation, anal fissures occur. Stones and congestion thin the walls of the large intestine, and holes may appear through which toxins pass to other organs. There are skin diseases accompanied by large pimples that last for years, and no medications help. Only cleansing and restoring normal functions of the large intestine can cure this disease. Clogging of the large intestine with fecal stones blocks some reflexogenic zones and disrupts the stimulating role of the intestine. For example, finding a stone in the ovarian area can affect them and cause inflammatory processes. And one last thing. Problems with the microflora (since it synthesizes important B vitamins) greatly affect the immune system, leading to various serious diseases, including cancer. The recent increase in influenza epidemics also indicates a violation of the immune system in the population, and therefore dysbacteriosis. As you can see, dear reader, there is something to fight for!

Colon dysfunction is confirmed by the following symptoms:

– constipation, bad breath and body odor;

– various skin problems, chronic runny nose, dental problems;

– papillomas under the armpits and on the neck signal the presence of polyps in the colon; after the disappearance of the polyps, they disappear by themselves;

– black plaque on the teeth indicates the presence of mold in the intestines;

– constant accumulation of mucus in the throat and nose, coughing;

- haemorrhoids;

- frequent colds;

- accumulation of gases;

- frequent fatigue.

Cleansing procedure

Before you begin cleansing using the ideomotor method, it is necessary to do a rough cleansing, especially for those people who have obvious problems. There's nothing better than a series of enemas. Although I must express my point of view here. I am against the frequent use of enemas, firstly, because you cannot accustom the body to this kind of influence, despite the fact that they are useful. Any artificial procedures weaken the natural functions of the body. In this case, with frequent use of enemas, natural peristalsis deteriorates and this can again lead to constipation. Secondly, interfering with the internal environment can change the acid-base balance, and here the solution with which the washing is done is especially affected. Since it is necessary to give enemas in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to make the right solution for enemas. The intestines will not become lazy, since the ideomotor movements themselves, which we will do after the enemas, will quickly restore its motor abilities. An athlete, after a long break, restores his muscles by training them, and we, by pulsing the intestines, train his muscles.

Rough cleaning

2 liters of water;

20–30 grams of salt;

100–150 milliliters of lemon juice.

The solution should suck out dirt from the walls of the large intestine. It can do this according to the law of osmosis, i.e. a liquid with a lower concentration of salt passes into liquids with a higher concentration. Blood plasma has a salt concentration of 0.9%, so the walls of the large intestine absorb water and all solutions with lower concentrations. But they do not absorb, for example, salty sea water. Therefore, being at sea without fresh water, you can die of thirst.

To cleanse the intestinal walls, you need to take a solution that would not be absorbed there, but, on the contrary, would suck out water. The concentration of the solution should be slightly higher than that of blood plasma - 1% or 1.5%. You can’t take more, since a large excess of salt will make the intestinal environment alkaline, which means suppression of microflora. The alkalinity of the solution will be compensated by lemon juice. Such a solution, on the one hand, will suck out dirt from the walls of the large intestine, and on the other hand, will not disturb the internal environment, or pH.

So, we do an enema every other day for 2 weeks, 6-7 times. This is enough for rough cleaning. The best time for enemas is in the morning, between 7–9 am. But you can do it in the evening, before bed. How to give an enema?

Prepare the indicated solution (preferably warm), pour it into Esmarch's mug and hang the mug on the wall. Moisten the tip in oil or Vaseline, and lubricate the anus in the same way. Insert the tip into the anus approximately 7-10 centimeters, while in a position on your elbows and knees. First, let all the water in, then you need to lie on your left side and try to hold the water for 5-7 minutes, and then release it. If the intestines are very polluted, it will be difficult to let in all 2 liters of solution. In this case, you can make the solution in the following proportions for the first week:

1 liter of water;

10–15 grams of salt;

50–75 milliliters of lemon juice.

I do not recommend enemas for people with very high acidity of gastric juice and cracks in the anus. But this only applies to enemas; everything else is possible and necessary.

To make cleaning go better, I recommend the following additional measures. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of juice, consisting of 3/4 carrots and 1/4 beets. You need to make the juice yourself. This mixture gives an excellent cleansing effect. Then eat 2 apples and don’t eat anything else until lunch. The rest of the diet should be normal, but with minimal meat consumption and an increase in the number of salads, especially with a predominance of cabbage. It is advisable to continue juices and apples in the morning and a diet with a minimum of meat for 1 month. By the way, about nutrition. I am not a supporter of vegetarianism, but rather a supporter of a varied diet with minimal meat consumption. The reason is that some essential amino acids are found only in meat. In addition, vitamin A is mainly found in animal foods, and we really need it, in particular to protect against cancer. There is little of it in plant foods.

Simultaneously with the beginning of all cleansing, do abdominal compression in the morning according to the method described above. Pushing should be introduced into daily life as abdominal gymnastics. Then spend 30 minutes on ideomotor cleansing and do it every day for two weeks.