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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - features and description of the breed. Detailed description of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed All about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

Many people cannot live without pets. They get cats, parrots, hamsters, but still give more preference to dogs. Such animals are more mobile, so they charge their owners with positive energy. Today there are a large number of different dog breeds that differ in character, behavior and appearance.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog that can spend a lot of time with its owners. It is more suitable for active and cheerful people, as well as large families with children. Recently, older people who are simply bored in the evenings have begun to own such dogs. With such pets they feel quite active, healthy and even alive.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are quite docile, not aggressive, and are good at adapting to their owner’s mood, as well as his rhythm of life. The British still believe that this breed is an excellent stress reliever, creating comfort around itself. People who have difficult and stressful jobs buy dogs of this breed. The royal families of Great Britain and Holland keep gentlemen with them because they are also noble.

History of the origin of the breed

Dogs of this breed have a very interesting and exciting history. The Celts brought them to Britain in the ninth century. In the mid-thirteenth century, Cavalier King Charles spaniels were mentioned in the songs of the Minnesingers. Dogs of this unique breed became pets of ladies at the royal court of England. Initially, the breed was used for hunting, but later these dogs became simply pets to decorate the house.

Cavaliers can often be seen in paintings by famous artists. Titian, Watteau, Van Dyck most often depicted these majestic dogs. Incredible stories are associated with the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, which one way or another attract attention.

This is interesting! It is worth noting that a dog of this breed accompanied Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, to her execution. After this, the dog was found near the owner’s body. The gentleman did not eat for several days and as a result died of melancholy.

The breed is named after the great King Charles II. He lived in the seventeenth century, but had no direct connection with dog breeding. What was distinctive was the fact that during his reign there were no closed houses or doors for small spaniels. They began to say about the breed that it was created by the king himself.

To date, the image of the dog was developed by Roswell Eldridge, who spent a lot of time on it. Cavaliers are popular in the UK and Europe, but in Russia there are still very few such dogs. Pets have undergone physical transformations over the course of several centuries, but the current appearance has been around for almost a century.

Spaniels were famous not only for their hunting qualities, but also for their aristocratic appearance. Royal families did not allow dogs to stay in the kennels because they had to be at court. The dogs became popular not only among aristocratic hunters, but also court ladies.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel lived in the homes of Henry 8th, Elizabeth, Mary Stuart, Charles 1st and Charles 2nd. Devoted pets were near their owners not only in moments of joy, but also of despair. The monarchs were constantly changing, but the dogs remained to reside in the royal world.

Spaniels were not only the heroes of paintings. At the end of the seventeenth century, Queen Victoria became interested in this breed and showed it to the best masters. They sculpted several thousand clay figures. These figurines became the most popular among British workers.

During the reign of Charles II, this breed began to be bred at a crazy pace. Historical facts indicate that the king was constantly accompanied by dogs of this amazing breed. Karl spent a lot of time with his favorites, forgetting to govern the state. Pets could be present at royal banquets, ceremonies and important audiences.

This is interesting! If you believe some rumors, the king issued a decree stating that gentlemen could even be in the royal Parliament. This law is still valid today. The monarch loved his pet dogs so much that he even allowed one pet to whelp on the royal bed.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was bred in a palace, not a kennel.. The puppies were given to experienced people in east London so that they could teach the pets everything that was so necessary. After completing a preparatory course for life at court, the dogs were returned. The king chose the most beautiful and well-mannered for himself. and the rest were sold to the rich. After some time, the breed became a national treasure.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, breeder Alice Pitt began to develop a viable breed of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She managed to create a hunting spaniel, which turned out to be the basis for the spread of the modern breed. She was able to breed a new Charles Spaniel who is very similar to his ancestor. This breed could take part in hunting, but not for very long.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first breed standards appeared. Dogs took part in exhibitions and competitions. In the mid-twentieth century, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed was recognized by the International Canine Association.

Description of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Decorative dogs with big eyes once decorated the homes of wealthy royals. Today, such pets are found among people all over the world. This breed is incredibly good-natured and can easily establish contact with any person or animal. Often these dogs are taken for hunting because they are small and active. Light weight allows you to keep gentlemen in an apartment, in a small living space.

Breed standards

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are free-moving, graceful and cheerful. They can reach a height of about 35 cm, while their weight will not exceed 8 kg. The sexual type is well defined, which is why males are large and muscular. A body with strong bones, muscles and adjacent skin. The dogs look miniature, but in a square format.

The coat of such dogs is long, shiny and thick, soft to the touch. It can be straight or wavy, but most often this hair is on the ears. Some representatives of the breed may have defects that are characterized by the absence of decorative hair and a tight fit. The color of dogs of this breed can be:

  1. Black and Tan - The black fur has symmetrical bright spots with precise boundaries. They are most often above the eyes, on the ears, chest and tail. A defect may be the presence of white spots.
  2. Ruby- the dog’s coat is bright red with a slight tint of mahogany.
  3. Chestnut white- chestnut-colored spots are harmoniously located on the white coat. The head and ears are most often chestnut, the muzzle and forehead are white. They may have small brown spots on them.
  4. Black and white with tan- on a white background there are spots of black and tan. This breed has black ears, small spots on the face, and black glasses around the eyes.

Dogs of this breed have an almost flat skull, with a convex forehead. The muzzle itself is quite short, filled in under the eyes, and tapering towards the nose. The lips fit tightly to each other, they are dry with a dark border. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has very strong jaws. The only defect of this breed can be a poorly developed lower jaw. The ears of representatives of this breed are long, hanging down on the sides of the head. They lie close to the muzzle and are also decorated with thick fur.

Cavaliers' eyes are large and round. They are most often dark in color and widely spaced. When the dog looks straight, the whites are not visible. A defect may be light eye color. The teeth are quite large, white and sharp. They are located in line, with a scissor bite. The neck of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is muscular and of medium length. The withers go straight to the top, and the shoulder blades are pressed against each other. The loin and back are relatively short, muscular and elastic.

This is interesting! The tail of dogs of this breed is long, covered with thick hair. In a calm state, the tail is lowered, and with strong excitement it rises, but not higher than its own back.

The chest is spacious, wide and slightly convex. The fore and hind legs are erect and of medium length. They are muscular, slightly pulled back. The paws of representatives of the aristocratic species are small, compact with soft pads. The claws are mostly black, sharp, curved.

Dog character

Small spaniels fully meet all royal standards. The pet is incredibly sociable and loves to spend a lot of time with all family members. Dogs of this breed love to be the center of attention and receive praise from their owner. Representatives of gentlemen cannot be alone, so in the company of people, and especially children, they feel much happier.

The dog barks loudly and loudly, announcing to everyone that he is in a great mood. It is worth noting that such pets should not be kept as guards, because they consider all people as friends. The main interest of the dog is communication with the owners, who must also devote almost all their time to the pet.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are very smart, so they immediately understand what is expected and wanted from them. Such dogs get indescribable pleasure from traveling and long walks. They participate in noisy games and even calmly tolerate swaddling and riding in baby strollers. Gentlemen will never offend a child, because they are incredibly gentle and patient.

Due to the fact that the dogs are friendly and easy to keep, they are suitable for older people. Dogs can easily adapt to any mood of the owner and his character. Sometimes dogs can be timid, but they behave this way only in the company of strangers. They need to get used to the company of new people a little in order to start communicating and playing with them.

This is interesting! Cavalier King Charles Spaniels get along with other animals without causing conflict.

If you treat a dog poorly, it may bite, but only as a defense. The breed was originally intended for companions because it is extremely calm and obedient. The dog can hunt, so even when playing, they chase moving objects.

The breed is malleable when trained, but the dogs will not refuse a tasty treat. Dogs learn very quickly, but it is better not to let them off the leash in noisy areas. Cavaliers love communication and large families, but if you leave your pet alone for a long time, he will start chewing furniture. If nothing changes, the dog will become terrified of being alone.

A pet may become timid if it does not have time to get used to new family members or other animals. Such insecurity can manifest itself in aggressiveness, stupid behavior, or timidity.


If a representative of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed receives enough attention and care, then he can live quite a long time. Keeping a pet is carried out after consultation with specialists. The average life expectancy of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is 9 years, but in reality this figure is much higher.

Modern scientific research has shown that life expectancy is proportional to mass. If the dog is large, then it lives less. Cavaliers are small breeds, so they can live up to 15 years. One experienced breeder's dog lived for more than 18 years.

Contents Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Representatives of this breed are quite easy to keep. They can live peacefully both in a private house and in an apartment. People often get such dogs when they live far from the city, because this breed loves long walks in the fresh air.

Care and hygiene

Many people who have dogs of this amazing breed need to know everything in order to properly care for their pet. Experts recommend constantly trimming the hair between the toes, as well as on the surface of the feet. Dogs should be brushed once a week, paying more attention to the ears. They are very poorly ventilated, so you need to inspect them and wash them.

It is worth noting that the eyes and ears are vulnerable to a variety of infections.. All procedures must be carried out to prevent the development of diseases. Cavaliers often have breathing problems, so your pet may develop specific snoring. It is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner, because if the problem is neglected, serious breathing difficulties will begin.

Often, owners of such dogs encounter diseases:

  • intervertebral discs;
  • epilepsy;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • kneecap;
  • hydrocephalus.

It is worth highlighting that this breed is characterized by the following eye diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • entropion;

Important! Pets that experience hot climates may develop hanging tongue syndrome. To get rid of this, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for keeping your pet.

The owner of such a dog should be aware of all possible allergic reactions in order to contact a veterinarian if necessary. Cavaliers may have arthritis or arthrosis. There have also been cases of epileptic seizures, as well as teeth clicking. If you properly care for your dog, you can improve his health. There are several diseases that are the most common and dangerous:

  1. Hernia- puppies may have a hereditary tendency to develop a hernia. Until the moment when the navel begins to overgrow, it can be straightened if you do a massage. There is also an acquired hernia, which is removed surgically.
  2. Patella luxation- if the dog’s calyx begins to develop incorrectly, this will lead to the development of more serious problems. At the mildest stage, you can straighten the dislocation yourself.
  3. Retinal dysplasia- when the layers of the retina do not coordinate, inflammation begins.
  4. Syringomyelia- a disease in which a tumor in the spine interferes with the movement of cerebrospinal fluid. Symptoms may include neck pain, weakness, and loss of bladder control.

Education and training

Representatives of this breed are quickly brought up and... The most important thing is to gently but persistently conduct the educational process. Cavaliers are very smart, obedient, have a wonderful memory, so they remember and repeat everything.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is more of an indoor dog, so living in an apartment will not be a problem. In order to keep her in active physical shape, you need to constantly walk. Dogs of this species follow many commands that are taught to them. You can do this yourself or seek help from professionals.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are natural little hunters who have an instinct for pursuit.. This skill can have a positive impact on the overall picture of educational activities. The dog will run after the stick, but at the same time return it to the owner as prey. It is very important to convey to the dog every command, gesture, and facial expression so that it begins to navigate its own behavior.

A dog of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, the photo of which makes you smile and touch at first sight, is very suitable for keeping for people with an active lifestyle. The pet will become a good companion for children and the elderly.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: description of the breed

These graceful animals are true gentlemen (after all, their homeland is Great Britain), their appearance and habits justify their royal name. Initially, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was intended to perform hunting functions. But later, for their habits and external charm, the pets became companions of royalty and lived in luxurious palace conditions.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog

Among the spaniel breed, the King Charles is considered the smallest dog. The dog reaches a height of about 30 cm, weighs on average from 5 and a half to 8 kilograms. It has a straight back and a short body. The tail, stretching out, forms a “solid” straight line with the back. Sometimes the tail is docked, but this is not necessary.

Dogs of this breed are decorated with excellent long hair that resembles light waves, especially on the ears. Color may vary:

  • black with tan;
  • ruby;
  • bright orange on a white background;
  • tricolor - with black spots, bright chestnut tan marks on a white background.

The muzzle is small, tapering, stretching forward. A characteristic feature of the Cavalier King is large, slightly protruding eyes. The ears are set high and have long fur. The neck is of medium size and smoothly flows into the shoulder section. The paws are even and not too large.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel black and tan

Who would suit the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's personality?

The character of the four-legged pets of this breed is simply wonderful. These are cute playful dogs that will not leave anyone indifferent.

King Charles loves to be given attention, prefers to be in the center, always in a good position. He loves children very much and takes part in games with them with pleasure. He is friends with everyone around him, so he is unlikely to become a security guard.

The main pastime is communication with all family members, to whom he is immensely devoted. Lack of attention and communication to your shaggy friend will result in apathy, drowsiness, indifference to games and going outside, and depression can become a more serious manifestation.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, according to reviews from those who already have this wonderful animal, is a very smart dog and is excellent at training. He loves to travel with his owners and adapts to people of any character.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very friendly dog.

The main features inherent in a dog of this breed:

  • very friendly. Considers everyone his friends, but for the purpose of personal protection he may show some aggression, for example, bite;
  • great love for games;
  • gets along with all other animals that are in the same room with her;
  • affection for the whole family, but shows the greatest love only to one person;
  • has a calm temperament and will not disturb you with noisy barking;
  • obeys his masters, follows all commands.

It is thanks to these characteristics that it can be suitable for any family: young active couples, families with children, pensioners, single people, as well as those who already have other animals.

This dog breed has a calm temperament.

What is the best way to buy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies?

If you decide to purchase a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog, the optimal time would be when the puppies have reached two months of age. First you need to decide what kind of dog you want - a purebred or a mixed breed.

Puppies must be seen by a veterinarian

You should pay attention to how the little Cavalier King behaves. If he is angry or angry, then it is better to choose another animal. You can gently stroke the puppy and watch his actions; if he likes you, the dog will be sociable.

You also need to observe the puppy’s attitude towards other relatives. This is especially important when participating in exhibitions, because a meek and timid dog will not be able to achieve victory.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very active and active breed, so excessive lethargy should raise health concerns.

If you need Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies, you can buy them through numerous advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, and forums. But still, the best option would be to purchase through reputable breeders.

Ask about the dog's documents, its pedigree, medical certificates and vaccinations. Ask if the puppy's parents are close relatives; this largely determines the pet's health. If the answer is yes, there is no need to buy it. It is for these reasons that it is worth buying a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from a kennel, and not from someone else through an advertisement.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is very active and agile.

What are the conditions of maintenance and care?

The Cavalier King breed does not require special maintenance conditions or complex care. But you still need to pay due attention to your pet so that it is healthy and well-groomed. The rules are:

  1. Keeping the coat in order. To do this, you will need to comb it with a special comb. The procedure is performed once a week. You should especially carefully comb the back of the ears, on the elbow joints and on the stomach in the area of ​​​​the hind legs. You should wash your wool with shampoo and conditioner no more than once every 1-2 months. Wipe your eyes and mouth daily, removing all sorts of secretions and dirt after eating. Ears are cleaned as they become dirty. On the paws, the hair between the toes and the claws on them are trimmed, as well as the hair on the soles.
  2. Walks. Dogs of this breed do not need much physical activity. Taking them outside for a walk once a day is enough. To make your four-legged friend look good physically, you should gradually lengthen the time of walks, play with toys, and teach the dog to follow commands.
  3. Feeding. The number of meals depends on the age of the animal:
  • up to 12 weeks – three meals a day:
  • from 12 weeks to 1 year – twice a day;
  • from a year - one-time use. An adult dog can be fed twice a day, dividing the daily amount in half.

They need to be given low-fat cottage cheese

For a complete balanced diet, you can use special dry food. This will make life easier for the owners at the same time. When purchasing food, pay attention to the age indication.

You can create your own diet for your pet. But it must contain lean meat, raw or boiled, boiled offal without fatty layers, soft-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, rice and buckwheat, some fruits and vegetables, and vitamins.

Do not feed your dog from your table, especially sweet, hot, or spicy foods. Do not serve sausages. Bones are prohibited as they lead to various health problems.

Norms for dog height and weight depending on age

At birth, puppies weigh an average of half a kilogram. During the first month, they gain weight 5-6 times greater than at birth and during this period reach a weight of 2-3 kg.

After two months and up to six months, the mass of the young triples, and their body size also changes. Thus, the length at the withers doubles, and the length of the paws grows two to three times compared to the original. That is, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies (many well-known breeders in Moscow and St. Petersburg offer to buy them) grow very quickly at the age of 6 months. From 6 months up to 1 year of age, weight and height increases in basic indicators slow down.

After two months and up to six months, the weight of the young triples

It is during the period of intensive development that it is necessary to take care of the proper nutrition of the growing dog so that an exemplary exterior is formed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to correct existing deficiencies with age.

The average weight gain by age can be seen from the table:

At birth 350-550 grams
1 month 2-3 kg
2-6 months 6-9 kg
6-12 months 7.5-12 kg

How to train and train a pet

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed will not have problems with training and training. Their character is soft, they are obedient and do not know how to be stubborn. Your pets can develop certain skills and habits for living in a family on their own, without turning to specialists. The main thing is to base all training on love and affection, give rewards for correctly completing tasks, then your four-legged friend will obey you.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed will not have problems with training and training.

You need to start training from the moment you bring the puppy into your home. He must learn the basic rules of behavior - illegal actions must be stopped immediately so that this does not become a habit for the dog.

While in society, your ward must behave in such a way that it does not disturb other family members. You should not allow him to sleep in bed with you or beg while you are eating. The puppy should be taught not to be cowardly or, conversely, to avoid dangerous things.

A grown-up pet cavalier, after he has settled in a new place, is sent to undergo a general obedience course. He will learn common commands (such as “lie down, stay, sit, come to me” and others), he will know his place, he will be taught to wear a muzzle and not take food from strangers or pick it up on the street.

What is the health of gentlemen and their characteristic diseases

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog is distinguished by fairly good health, of course, if it does not have inherited diseases.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog is in fairly good health.

Among the diseases characteristic of the breed, gentlemen may suffer from the following ailments:

  • congenital or acquired heart disease, which can also be caused by streptococci;
  • narrowing of the mitral valve of the heart, which is accompanied by noise, while blood moves poorly through the vessels. Dogs live normally with this disease, but not as long as healthy dogs;
  • arthritis and arthrosis – pathologies associated with joint disease. With this disease there is pain;
  • endocarditis - inflammatory damage to the inner lining of the heart;
  • diabetes mellitus Dogs, like people, are given insulin injections;
  • allergies. Their manifestations are expressed in different ways: hair loss, loss of appetite, inflammation of the mucous membranes, etc.;
  • from the soft palate, associated with abnormal development of the upper palate. This causes attacks of coughing, sneezing, and interferes with eating. Acute conditions are treated using special methods.

Other hereditary pathologies include Legge-Perthes disease, when the femoral head is destroyed, diseases of the spinal discs, and epilepsy. Due to their constitution, cavaliers often suffer from dislocations of the kneecap when jumping from heights. The breed is also susceptible to eye diseases, among which it is worth noting cataracts, glaucoma and entropion.

When choosing Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies from a kennel, be sure to inquire about his health status, as well as his ancestors.

Systematic annual examinations by a veterinarian will help to identify the initial stages of diseases in time and take the necessary measures. A healthy pet will bring joy to you and your family.

An indoor decorative breed, small in stature, “compact” in size, a companion and a favorite for the whole family.

Origin story

The exact origin of this small, cheerful and dignified breed is not yet known. Various sources mention small beautiful dogs of white-black and white-red coloring back in the 9th century, when the Celts brought them to Britain. But it is assumed that the homeland of the gentleman is Japan or China.

Already in the 13th century, this breed became quite popular in the highest circles of society, especially in France and Britain. The beautiful dogs were loved by the ladies of the court for their grace and elegance; artists often depicted King Charles and his owners in their canvases. But this beautiful breed was popular not only because of its appearance. Because of their speed and agility, aristocrats took them with them on hunts, where they showed a high level of their skills.

Description of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Purpose: companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 9. Companions and decorative dogs. Section 7. English toy spaniels. No operational tests.
  4. General Appearance: A graceful, elegant, well-balanced breed with an intelligent and affectionate expression.
  5. Format: slightly elongated.
  6. Behavior/Temperament: cheerful, brave, friendly, without aggression; there is no tendency to increased excitability.
  7. Head: The skull between the ears is almost flat.
  • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): Shallow.
  • Nose: black, well-defined nostrils; without light marks.
  • Muzzle: Wedge-shaped, length from the base of the stop to the tip of the nose is approximately 3.8 cm. The facial part of the skull is well filled under the eyes. The manifestation of sharpness is undesirable.
    • Lips: well developed, not drooping.

  • Jaws/Teeth: Jaws are strong with a regular, complete scissor bite, the upper incisors closely fitting on the outside of the lower incisors, perpendicular to the jaws.
  • Eyes: large, dark, round, not protruding; well placed.
  • Ears: long, set high, with long, profuse decorating hair.
  • Neck: medium length, slightly arched.
  • Back: flat.
  • Loin: short.
  • Chest: Of moderate depth, with well sprung ribs.
  • Tail: Well set, wagging happily when moving, but should not be carried significantly above the top line. The length of the tail is in balance with the body. Previously, the tail was docked at discretion, removing no more than a third of it.
  • Forelegs: straight, with moderate bone.
    • Shoulders: sloping.
    • The elbows fit tightly to the chest.
  • Hind limbs: with moderate bone.
    • Knee joints: well expressed.
    • Hocks: There should be no “cow” or saber hock position.
  • Paws: Round, compact, toes gathered into a ball, with well-developed pads and rich feathering.
  • Movement: Free, elegant, with strong drive from the hindquarters. The forelimbs and hindlimbs move parallel when viewed from front and rear.
  • Coat: long, silky, not curly. Slight waviness is acceptable. Lots of decorative wool. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's coat is not trimmed.
  • Height/Weight of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
    • Height at withers: 30-33 cm
    • Weight: 5.4 - 8 kg. Preference is given to a small, well-balanced dog with a weight within this range.
  • Disadvantages/Defects: any deviation from the above is considered a fault and the severity with which the fault is assessed is proportional to its severity and effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
  • Note: Males must have two normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

    Color of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

    • Black and Tan: Black with tan markings above the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the inside of the ears, on the chest, paws and under the tail. The tan is bright. White markings are undesirable.
    • Ruby: solid bright red color. White markings are undesirable.
    • Blenheim: Bright, well-defined chestnut spots on a pearly white background. The markings on the head are evenly divided, leaving room for the prized diamond marking (a unique feature of the breed).
    • Tricolor: black and white, with clear edges; with sun spots above the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the inside of the ears, on the inside of the legs, and under the tail.
    • Any other color or combination of colors is highly undesirable.

    This breed of dog is often associated with the comfort of the home. And not by chance.

    By nature, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a graceful, elegant, sincere, kind, very cheerful and active breed. They cannot be angry, angry or noisy. They are very active, so they love various fun games, long exciting walks, get along well with representatives of other breeds, and almost never get into fights.

    Thanks to its ability to adapt to the mood of its owner, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very good breed for both a single person and a large family. She is friendly and cheerful and loves children very much. You can be sure that they will become best friends. Cavalier King Charles will never touch a baby, and will always defend the child.

    The breed fully justifies its name “Cavalier”, this can especially be seen at exhibitions.

    If a dog is raised and trained correctly, then in public it behaves with restraint, with dignity and obediently obeys the commands of its owner.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel care

    Caring for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is quite simple and easy. The breed has long, beautiful hair that is not cut or trimmed. But in order for the result to be noticeable and bright, first of all you need to adhere to regularity.

    Remember that by nature animals shed twice a year - in spring and autumn, so during this period care should be more frequent and thorough to maintain the health of the pet, as well as maintain cleanliness in the house.

    The first and most important thing is wool.

    After a walk, be sure to wipe the puppy's paws and genitals with a damp towel, or rinse with a warm shower. It is advisable to bathe at intervals of 10-12 days or as soiled, but not more often, in order to preserve the natural structure of the coat. When bathing, you can only use special shampoos and conditioners for the appropriate coat type.

    Apply detergents carefully, in the direction of hair growth, without tangling or tugging too much. After bathing your King Charles Spaniel, pat dry with a terry towel and dry with warm air.

    Next, you need to comb it thoroughly with a special brush, and you will comb the fur and give an additional massage. It is necessary to comb the King Charles Spaniel every day in order to remove various dust and dirt from the coat, as well as to improve the animal’s blood circulation. In order to achieve the best result, it is advisable to purchase combs and brushes of different hardness and density of teeth. You can also use various special sprays that make combing easier, add shine and relieve static tension.

    Taking care of your ears

    Much attention should be paid to caring for your ears. Since the Spaniel's hair is long and floppy, they tend to accumulate a lot of dirt and wax.

    Ears must be regularly, carefully and thoroughly cleaned with cotton swabs and damp pads, without penetrating deep into the animal’s ear, so as not to hurt the eardrum. In the summer, spring and autumn, you should pay more attention to the ears, since this is a favorite place for ticks; after a walk in the forest or arriving from the dacha, be sure to inspect them for their presence. If a tick is found, it should be removed immediately and the area should be disinfected with appropriate means.

    How to properly remove a tick from a dog?

    If you find a tick, calm down and prepare all the necessary equipment:

    1. Tweezers
    2. Latex gloves

    Be sure to wear rubber gloves and use tweezers in a circular motion to unscrew the tick from your dog's skin. Inspect the bite site to ensure there are no bug particles left there, and treat with an antiseptic. Be sure to praise your pet and give him his favorite treat. Monitor your spaniel's health over the next few days. If the dog is active, eats with appetite, and does not have a fever, then the tick he caught is not contagious. But if you notice the following symptoms, immediately take your pet to the veterinarian, as he is at risk of the deadly disease piroplasmosis (babesiosis).

    Symptoms of piroplasmosis (babesiosis):

    • high body temperature (39-42 degrees)
    • lethargy, apathy
    • refusal of water and drinking
    • red-brown urine
    • yellow whites of eyes
    • The dog can't get up on its hind legs

    Spaniel Eye Care

    King Charles eyes require some care. The eyes and fur around them must be wiped with special napkins or cotton swabs dipped in warm water. You can use a soft cotton cloth, but it must be clean to avoid infection in the eyes.

    To prevent inflammation, in case of slight souring, it is recommended to wipe your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or weakly brewed black tea.


    The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's teeth also need care. There are various brushes and toothpastes for dogs for this purpose. You need to brush your teeth 1-2 times a week, this should be done carefully so as not to injure the animal’s gums, trying to remove all food debris. To prevent tartar, include fresh tomatoes in your diet.

    Claws and paws

    Trim the claws with a nail clipper 1 - 2 times a month. After a walk, wash your paws and inspect them for damage.

    In winter, be especially careful to keep your paws clean; do not allow your dog to lick the remaining dirt and reagent from the snow, as it may become poisoned. To prevent dry paw pads and small cracks, lubricate your spaniel's paws with olive or sunflower oil. Be sure to include 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil per day in your dog's food.

    It is very important for a dog to choose the right food - this is the key to the health and beauty of your pet. For the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, you can choose either balanced food for this breed or natural food.

    In this case, the diet must include fresh meat:

    • not pork at all

    You can only:

    • Beef
    • Veal
    • Chicken meat

    It is necessary to include in the diet:

    • buckwheat
    • low-fat cottage cheese
    • a small amount of boiled vegetables
    • seasonal fruits

    Make sure that the animal always has clean water in its bowl, change it every day. Wash your food bowl regularly with hot water.

    To further support your dog's health, a variety of vitamins and minerals should be added to his diet. Remember to choose the right place for your pet. It should be located in a cozy corner where there will be no draft, passage or constant noise. Choose a bedding that is soft and comfortable in size.

    An adult dog should be walked 2 times a day. Since the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a mobile and active breed, the walking time should be at least 1 hour, preferably with games and jogging. When you get a dog, you make a friend for life. For them, we are family and the most important thing in life. That is why they love us so boundlessly and charge us with positive, good energy.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel illness

    • Heart diseases
    • Mitral valve insufficiency (stenosis)
    • Inflammation of the paraanal glands
    • Allergy
    • Diabetes
    • Arthritis
    • Epilepsy
    • Patella luxation
    • Retinal dysplasia
    • Hernias

    The content of the article:

    When people want to get a lap dog, they often choose a toy breed. But not all small dogs are suited for a lazy life on the couch or playing with children. Small does not mean flexible, affectionate and friendly. To find such a friend, you need to look among varieties specially bred for this purpose, taking into account their physical and behavioral characteristics.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are great for this. They are famous for their good attitude towards children, exceptional intelligence, easy-going behavior and ability to live without creating problems even in cramped spaces. They spent most of their time on the laps of the nobility. Members of the royal family took these dogs to bed with them.

    These dogs get along happily almost anywhere. They require daily brushing. It's a pleasure to teach them. Animals are suitable even for inexperienced owners of different age categories. They are famous for their popularity.

    History of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    This breed dates back to 1600 when King Charles I of England crossed small, flat-faced dogs. To do this, he used a pug, which was imported from Scotland, and a decorative spaniel, already known in Great Britain. His son Charles II literally lost his head because of these dogs. They say that almost a hundred of these pets ran around the palace, and the monarch, paying attention to them, neglected state affairs. These dogs are named after the king.

    At the beginning of the 18th century, John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, kept red and white King Charles spaniels for hunting. The notes of a nobleman noted that they were able to keep pace with the trot of a horse. His estate was named Blenheim, in honor of his victory at the Battle of Bleheim. By mixing his monochromatic pets, the result was a bicolor, red and white dog. That's why this color of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is called Blenheim.

    When the monarchy came to an end, the breed almost disappeared. Starting from 1920, the species began to recover, but new blood from other varieties was included in its selection: Pekingese, Japanese and Pomeranian chins. In 1923, American enthusiast Roswell Eldridge wanted to bring the Cavaliers back. He studied them in ancient paintings and began to revive the breed. He promised spaniel breeders a lot of money for just such a dog. Its standard was approved in 1928.

    Description of the appearance of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are active, graceful, proportionally built, cheerful, affectionate and good-natured. Their movements are light and graceful. Males have a height at the withers from 30 cm to 33 cm. Weight from 4.2 kg. up to 8.2 kg. Within these limits, the dog remains small and harmoniously built.
    1. Head- the skull is flat between the ears, the cheeks are well filled in front of the eyes.
    2. Muzzle slightly tapering, but not narrow. The stop is weakly expressed. The jaws are strong, with a full set of teeth. The incisors are perpendicular to the jaw. The bite is a tight bite.
    3. Nose well developed, but not loose.
    4. Eyes The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is set wide apart. Large, not convex, dark brown. Their soft expression is one of the important characteristics of the breed.
    5. Ears located high. Long, hanging, covered with abundant hair.
    6. Neck medium length, slightly curved.
    7. Frame square format. The chest is of medium size. The loin is short. The ribs are convex. The back is straight.
    8. Tail harmoniously planted. Its length should be proportional to the length of the body. The dog carries its tail cheerfully, but it is not carried above the line of the back.
    9. Forelegs- have a medium bone structure. The shoulders are sloping, parallel to the back, when viewed from the front. The hindquarters are of medium bone. The angles of the joints are correctly formed, endowed with good pushing movements.
    10. Paws compact, with good hair growth and developed pads.
    11. Coat- silky, slightly wavy, very delicate. Decorating hair should be present in abundance: on the ears, chest, paws and tail.
    The color includes four colors:
    • Prince Charles or tricolor (with large symmetrical spots of white and black, tan markings above the eyes, on the cheeks, the inside of the ears on the chest and the lower part of the tail);
    • King Charles or black and tan (raven wing color with bright red markings above the eyes, on the muzzle, paws, chest, inner sides of the ears and tail);
    • plain ruby ​​and blenheim (on pearl white, reddish-brown spots, on the head they are located symmetrically, leaving a white diamond between the ears).

    Characteristics of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    A wonderful, cheerful and loyal dog, she will suit anyone. It turned out that these cute creatures relieve stress and attacks of depression. Communication with them lowers blood pressure and pulse. That's why organizations welcome pets into the workplace, not just during the annual "Take Your Dog to Work" holiday, established in 1999.

    Spaniels are cheerful, sociable creatures. Not aggressive, but never show fear. Excellent companions for almost any dog ​​lover. They are famous for their wonderful attitude towards children and this love is mutual. Often they are loyal and reliable accomplices, but the offspring should be explained that gentlemen must be treated gently, since they have a fragile skeleton. And contact between pets and small children should be under control.

    Affectionate and friendly with all dogs, as well as cats and other small animals. They often sleep with their “murks” in an embrace. Gentlemen crave physical contact and warmth. Excellent attitude towards all people. Just be in the nursery and wagging tails will surround you from all sides, as if you were old friends with them. They are easy to raise and train. They get along well with a leash, never pull, and go where their owner directs them.

    Cavalier Charles with kind eyes, a real weakness for dog lovers. The owners never part with them. If you don't want your dog to sleep in your bed, you need to make it clear to him from day one. If you let her do this just once, you will never wean her off again. Don't be led when it comes to food, otherwise your pet will manipulate you. These are very clean dogs that are very easy to train not to get dirty in the house. They live happily in all places. But this does not mean that they do not need attention.

    Spaniels do not bark excessively and only speak when necessary. Despite their small size, they are vigilant and reliable sentries. They always feel the presence of a stranger and always run towards him to greet him. They boldly point out dangers, such as the presence of pest animals in the garden. They easily adapt to climatic conditions and can live in the fresh air, but prefer to be within the walls of the house with their adored owner.

    Breed health Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Cavalier King Charles spaniels live on average from 9 to 16 years. In general, in the absence of hereditary diseases, they have fairly good health. Like most dogs with flat faces, there are breathing problems. Just like pugs or bulldogs can snore.

    They are twenty times more likely than other breeds to suffer from mitral valve collapse. This is one of the four valves in a dog's heart. When the heart is affected by this disease, it weakens and does not close tightly after each contraction. As a result, blood flows in the opposite direction from the ventricle to the atrium. This can cause rupture and even congestive heart failure. Therefore, before purchasing a puppy, you should make sure that its parents and immediate relatives have not had similar problems.

    They also have difficulties associated with labor. Often you have to resort to a caesarean section. There are usually few puppies: two or three, less often four.

    1. Wool requires regular attention. It is not trimmed or cut. The exterior requires the presence of longer hair on the ears, tail and along the lower body of the dog. To keep such a “coat” in great shape, you need to comb your pet every day, especially the ears. The hair on them easily falls off and gets tangled. Spaniels are bathed often. In order for your pet to have a long, shiny and soft coat, you need to select individual cosmetics for bath procedures.
    2. Ears It is necessary not only to comb regularly, but also to clean. The procedure should be carried out once every five days, and then he will not be afraid of any inflammation. To prevent your dog from getting his long ears dirty while eating, you need to put on a special cap.
    3. Eyes It is better to wipe them because they become inflamed easily. Since they are slightly convex, watch your pet so that he does not injure them.
    4. Teeth taught to cleanse from an early age. If this is not possible, then give cartilage and hard veins for prevention.
    5. Claws When growing back, trim them regularly.
    6. Feeding. Cavalier King Charles is a picky eater. If you change their food every time they refuse to eat, you will have big problems with their nutrition. Be persistent. If the dog refuses to eat, then simply remove the bowl and give it to him at the next meal. When she sees that nothing is changing, she stops being cunning. Food can be prepared or natural. In any case, breeders of the breed recommend monitoring the presence of protein in their diet. Its high content can be harmful to his health.
    7. Walks should be twice or thrice a day. In hot weather, they need to be protected by walking the dogs in the shade. The breed does not require long walks, but they should not be neglected. Street activity and games will prevent your dog from becoming overweight and strengthen his cardiovascular system.

    Training Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    These small, funny dogs love their owners so much that they want to please at all costs. Therefore, raising them is not particularly difficult. They remember very quickly and store information for a long time. If they have learned something, they know exactly what they need to do. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels love to engage in sports with their owners, for example: agility, pitch and go or canine freestyle (dancing with a dog).

    Freestyle with dogs is the highest filigree of the art of training. The execution of technical exercises requires the owner and his pet to have full contact and the deepest understanding at a glance, which can only be achieved through long and painstaking training. The results of the classes exceed all expectations and give a lot of positive emotions to the person and his four-legged friend. Entertainment and complexity have made this sport the most beloved among both dog owners and spectators.

    Interesting facts about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    According to legend, when King Charles I of England was executed, his two dogs laid their heads on the block with him. According to this legend, when Cavalier Spaniels bury their muzzles in their paws, howling sadly, they remember this sad event. Such attacks of melancholy are characteristic of this breed, mainly characterized by a cheerful, reckless disposition.

    There is a legend about chestnut and white spaniels that were loved and kept by the Duke of Marlborough. In 1704 he took part in the Battle of Blenheim in Bavaria. His wife was waiting for him at the family estate and was tormented by sad thoughts about her husband. A pregnant dog was sitting on her lap, and the duchess was constantly stroking its head out of worry. When the Duke came home victorious, a couple of days later the dog gave birth. All of her puppies had a red spot on the top of their heads. Since then, this mark has been valued among breeders of the breed.

    Purchasing a puppy, dog price

    Today, Cavalier King Charles spaniels are widespread. Due to their merits, the number of their admirers is constantly growing. When there is a demand for a certain breed, a serious danger immediately arises. Because impromptu dog breeders, importers, and traders immediately appear, chasing only the quantity of puppies, forgetting about quality.

    Needless to say, a puppy that comes from an unreliable source will never become a good dog. This means not only that he will not be a show winner. He may have health or character problems. That is, there is no guarantee that in practice we will get the dog we expected when choosing this particular breed. The main thing when choosing such a pet is information.

    Never buy a puppy by accident. Find out carefully: his origin, pedigree, who his parents are, what kind of care he received, what vaccinations were given. If the seller, whoever he is, cannot answer your questions, walk away. Do not buy a puppy that is less than forty days old. At such a tender age, he still cannot live in society as expected. This means that in the future he will have character problems and even his health may be in danger.

    Speaking about the pedigree, remember, we are not talking about a certificate from an exhibition that his parents are champions, but only about a document proving that the puppy belongs to its breed. An individual without a pedigree, a potential crossbreed and has no commercial value. Pedigree does not have to be paid separately. It should be included in the price of a purebred puppy.

    But much more important than canine documents is the choice of a dog that will live next to us for many years. Before you do it, think carefully. You should not be guided by superficial impressions, such as color or the sympathy that the puppy inspires in you. To find a dog that really suits you, if you are not an expert in this field, contact one of the recognized clubs for the breed you are interested in.

    In this case, we can rely on the experience of the dog breeder to honestly and clearly explain to him what kind of dog we want. There is no point in asking for the most beautiful puppy if we are looking for a companion for children or just a friend. In this case, he must be sociable and not self-willed. For an elderly person you need to choose - calm, for a young and active person - cheerful and lively, and so on. If we want to have a dog to match ourselves, we need to turn to a reliable person and clearly know what we want.

    When purchasing a Cavalier King Charles from a kennel, he will be tattooed, with vaccinations and the necessary documents. You can almost always ask for valuable advice on caring for your puppy. If you received a dog as a gift, bought it in a store or from a private person, ask whether it has been wormed and whether it has been vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, and paruvirosis.

    When this information cannot be found out, take your pet to the veterinarian. He will assess his health, give advice on feeding and prescribe sanitary and hygienic measures. But this will not save us from unexpected surprises. Unpleasant diseases have a long incubation period. Outwardly, a child may appear healthy, but already carry a virus within him that can cause a serious illness at any time.

    The best guarantee is to be careful when purchasing. In all other cases, if we are not talking about a mixed breed, it is necessary to take simple preventive measures: do not let the puppy out of the house and do not allow communication with other brothers until the first cycle of vaccinations has been carried out and you are sure that he healthy

    The approximate price can vary from $600 to $1800.

    For more information about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, watch this video:

    • Height at the withers: Height at the withers is not specified in the standard. Most often it is 30-33 cm.
    • Weight: 3.6 - 6.3 kg
    • Lifespan: up to 12 years
    • Other names: English toy spanel, Charlie

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • Suitable even for a small apartment
    • Easy to learn to use the litter box
    • Low activity
    • Gets along great with children and other dogs
    • Easy to care for
    • Can't provide security
    • Can't handle heat well
    • Eyes often hurt and watery
    • Can't be alone for long
    • Requires very gentle training

    Description of the breed

    The King Charles Spaniel or English Toy Spaniel is a small indoor dog that is perfect for living in a home of any size. These dogs inherited a large head with a flattened muzzle from pugs, a strong and harmonious body from hunting spaniels, and a gentle disposition from Maltese and small Spitz dogs. This breed is widespread in England, the USA, and Canada, enjoying well-deserved popularity as a pleasant companion dog.

    An expressive muzzle, intelligence and affection for the owner are the main features of these dogs. In England they are called Charlies, and their closest relatives, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, are called Cavaliers. Charlie's colors are very bright. Bright red with a black nose, black with bright tan, white with red or black and tan spots - these colors always attract attention to the Charlie from passers-by.

    The small size and the fact that this breed has been a toy breed for a very long time has led to the fact that many King Charles Spaniels do not have a bold character. Any dog ​​can easily offend them, after which Charlie will be afraid of his fellow tribesmen for a long time or even refuse to go outside. But they are able to sit in the arms of their owner for many hours, maintaining an imperturbable appearance. An attempt by a stranger to approach and communicate can cause a lot of negative emotions in the little watchman. King Charles Spaniels are jealous and distrustful of strangers and are often unreasonably aggressive. That is why this breed is very rare at shows - a very small number of dogs have sufficient show temperament and love to be shown.

    King Charles Spaniel breed standard

    The King Charles Spaniel is a small decorative breed that has retained its liveliness and loyalty to its owners as working gun spaniels. Despite their small size, the dogs are quite balanced and have a strong and stable body.

    The breed has a well-defined sexual type. Males have a larger head, are more courageous, and have a more compact body. Bitches are more tender and graceful, with a gentle expression on their faces, and are more stretched out over the body.

    Constitution type – strong/dry. The skin should fit tightly to the muscles, the muscles should be dry, and the bones should be strong, but not heavy. Signs of dwarf dwarfism and infantilism of the dog are not welcome.

    The body of the Charlie should be neither overly stretched nor shortened. Dogs of this breed have a square format; stockiness or high legs are not typical for the breed.

    The coat is straight or somewhat wavy, the hair is well defined, should be silky to the touch, and fit tightly to the body. There are 4 recognized colors in the breed.

    Ruby. Bright red color with a hint of mahogany. No white spots. Black hairs on the back are undesirable.

    Black and Tan or King Charles. According to legend, this was the favorite color of King Charles II, one of the famous lovers of the breed. Both colors should be clean and bright, with well-defined tan marks. No white spots

    Blenheim. Named after Blenheim Castle, where this color variety was bred. Spotted, with well-defined chestnut spots on a white background with a pearly tint. A chestnut color is required on the head and ears, preferably a colored spot similar to a thumbprint on the white blaze of the head.

    Tricolor. Similar to Blenheim, but the spots are black and tan. The ears are black, with characteristic red spots above the eyebrows.

    Charlie's skull is very large relative to the body, rounded without protruding cheekbones and occipital protuberance. The muzzle is short, somewhat upturned or straight. The ears are set low.

    The eyes are set low, wide and straight. Should be dark, with invisible whites. The eyelids are fully pigmented, well taut, not raw.

    The teeth are white, healthy, and quite large. Bite – a tight bite or with a slight deviation that does not disturb the overall harmony of the head. The body is strong, with a straight back, a short elastic loin and a slightly sloping muscular croup. When moving, your back should be straight.

    Chest of moderate width and depth. The abdomen is moderately tucked.

    The most serious defects include:

      cowardice or uncontrollable aggressiveness,

      plump, curly, loose, trimmed coat,

      white spots on black and tan and ruby ​​coats,

      scissor bite, undershot or severe undershot, spoiling the breed's expression of the muzzle,

      atypical color,

      amble or hackney (horse gait),

      light eyes, incomplete lining of the eyelids.

    • unilateral or complete cryptorchidism in males.

    Character and characteristics of the King Charles Spaniel

    The main breed characteristics of King Charles Spaniels are the cause of health problems for these dogs. The crossing of small gun spaniels with pugs has not left its mark on this breed, in which many of the characteristics of pugs are cultivated. In particular, from them Charlies inherited their problems with eyes and tails, which are unusual for spaniels. Dental problems are also typical for the breed.

    So, two Charlies with docked tails can give birth to both straight-tailed puppies and babies with the kinks characteristic of pugs. Their severity depends on many factors and cannot be predicted in advance. Previously, when all the tails of these dogs were docked, the problem was not so pronounced. Now, when it is recommended to show dogs with natural tails, docking is used only if there is a break. When purchasing a docked puppy, you should remember that the problem is hereditary.

    Major dental problems include malocclusion and jaw misalignment. The structure of the head of these dogs is such that the bite takes a very long time to form, sometimes up to 9 – 12 months. At this time, you should not pull toys with them; you should also monitor the change of teeth and, if necessary, pull out delayed milk teeth from the veterinarian so that they interfere with the proper growth of adult teeth.

    Eye problems include cherry eye, cataracts, retinal atrophy, dry eye, and glaucoma. Many of them are hereditary.

    It should also be noted that the timidity characteristic of these dogs is also inherited. Therefore, it is better to choose an active, cheerful male to pair with a timid bitch, even if he is simpler in appearance than a cowardly one.

    Like all decorative breeds, King Charles Spaniels require close attention from their owners. Perhaps the easiest thing to care for is their wool. It is enough to comb it once or twice a week with a brush or comb, and after a walk, remove a small amount of clinging burrs. The texture of the fur of these dogs is such that debris and seeds do not stick to it due to its smoothness.

    Low-set, heavy ears should be examined weekly. Their redness may be the result of allergies, otitis, fungus or ear mites. For effective treatment, it is important to identify and eliminate the cause. Healthy ears are cleaned as earwax accumulates using special lotions. You should also select a bowl for your dog in such a way that while eating, the ears do not get into the food and get dirty. This problem can also be solved by feeding your dog exclusively dry food. Then the water bowl should be high. After eating and drinking, your ears should be wiped dry with a towel or special covers should be put on them.

    Small and light, King Charles Spaniels are not capable of grinding their nails down on their own. Therefore, from the age of two weeks, they are trimmed every month, accustoming the puppy to this procedure immediately after he arrives in the house.

    Dogs' large, expressive eyes will also require constant monitoring. They need to be inspected every morning and any discharge removed. With increased lacrimation, you will need to use cosmetics that remove tear stone.

    It is better to arrange a place for the dog on a sofa raised above the floor so that it does not suffer from drafts. Many Charlies quickly learn to go to the special doggy toilet. However, you should not condemn your baby to apartment confinement. He will be happy to go for a walk, and will feel healthy and cheerful, having the opportunity to go on regular walks.

    A short nose creates problems for dogs during the hot season. Therefore, in the southern regions it is recommended to keep them either in private houses or in apartments with air conditioning. A cooling vest or headscarf is a useful piece of equipment in summer.

    Feeding the King Charles Spaniel

    The optimal diet for King Charles Spaniels is a combination of meat, vegetables and ready-made food. It is only important that dry and natural food do not end up in the same plate. Porridges are used very rarely for feeding decorative dogs, unless they are recommended as dietary food.

    Considering the fact that many Charlies suffer from allergies, ready-made food is selected in such a way that its composition, indicated on the back of the bag, does not contain wheat and chicken. Grain-free food based on meat and vegetables is also good for these dogs.

    Beef, horse meat, and lamb can be used as a source of protein. If your dog likes fish, you can add stewed low-fat sea varieties to the diet. It is important that the fish is well stewed or that all sharp bones are removed from it.

    Charlie eats fermented milk products well - cottage cheese, yogurt, homemade yogurt, kefir. It is important that they are not greasy. You can add quail eggs to them. Unlike chicken, they are not allergenic, improve digestion, and make the coat more beautiful.

    If you decide to introduce porridge into your dog’s diet, it is better to use rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. It is better to give them in a mixture so that the rice does not stick to the dog’s palate, creating problems for him with feeding.

    The number of meals depends on the age of the puppy. Charlie babies under 2 months of age eat 5 times a day. Up to 4 months of age, 4 times a day. From six months, dogs are fed three times a day. By the age of one year, you can transfer them to two feedings a day.

    When leaving, you should not leave your dog’s bowl of food freely available. This makes it impossible to control the diet and makes it more difficult to train the dog. A healthy appetite and interest in treats are the key to successful training and proper upbringing of your dog.

    King Charles Spaniel puppies

    King Charles Spaniel puppies are charming, big-eyed puppies that are incredibly attractive even in childhood. You should choose them only from a kennel, avoiding those breeders who keep many similar breeds of dogs at the same time, for example, American cockers, cavaliers and Charlies. In this case, there is always a risk of acquiring a mixed-breed baby who will never be able to successfully participate in exhibitions. Mixed breeds of different spaniels at a young age are very similar to each other, especially for the three listed breeds.

    Activation of puppies of small breeds is carried out no earlier than they are 8 weeks old, that is, 2 months. During this procedure, the puppy is branded or chipped and a puppy card is issued. As the puppy undergoes routine vaccinations, a veterinary passport is also added to its documents. Responsible breeders usually plan for the babies to move to new homes after the second vaccination. However, each nursery has its own rules in this regard.

    Choosing a puppy is a matter of personal taste and preferences. All colors in this breed are crossed with each other and the most diverse litters will be from rubies and Blenheims. In this combination, babies of all four colors can be born. Black and tan and tricolor dogs can only produce black and tan or tricolor puppies.

    All puppies should be cheerful, active and interested in human contact. Fearful kids who run away at the sight of a stranger are unlikely to ever become brave and friendly. Mistrustful and fearful puppies become very attached to the owner and will be completely dependent on him, suffering during his absence. They usually always stay close to the owner and rarely play with other dogs. In general, this temperament is not suitable for every owner.

    Considering the considerable cost of a Charlie, the purchase of a show dog should be accompanied by drawing up an agreement with the breeder. This will resolve most issues that may arise in the future. The more details were discussed during the purchase, the less discrepancies and friction there will be if the puppy’s bite changes or rickets develops from improper rearing.

    Training King Charles Spaniel

    Decorative dog breeding very rarely in breeding pays attention to the training ability of dogs and the strength of their nervous system. However, this does not mean that all such dogs are poorly trained. Many of them quickly learn basic commands if taught consistently and kindly.

    It is better to do classes before feeding. A hungry dog ​​responds better to treats. If the owner has no experience in training dogs, it is better to conduct the first lessons with a dog handler. It is important to find a low-conflict training specialist who is familiar with positive reinforcement training. Old school trainers or those who train service dogs according to IPO are not suitable in this case.

    Charlies are not naturally inclined to run away from their owners. They easily learn to call for a treat and follow the owner. It is important that other dogs do not scare Charlie - this dog can run away and get lost out of fear. It is important to constantly keep the dog's attention on you while walking. To do this, the owner must always carry a tasty treat with him, periodically call out to the dog and treat it for turning its head in his direction. The purpose of the exercise is to teach Charlie to constantly look back at the owner, tracking his movement.

    Many dwarf spaniels willingly engage in various sports. True, training with them is impossible in hot weather. They are excellent at retrieving, including from the water, and are interested in working with the plate and puller. It is only important that the shells are the right size for them.

    Charlie is also good in freestyle. Dancing with a dog improves contact, develops coordination, trains the brain and is very popular with the dogs themselves. In addition, it is very spectacular and increases the popularity of the breed.

    Of course, your baby will have a great time just running around the park and not really knowing how to do anything. But such an approach will not reveal the dog’s potential, will not give it the opportunity to develop and learn what it is capable of for the sake of its owner.

    History of the breed

    The history of the King Charles Spaniels begins in Europe in the 14th century. Among the gun spaniels, small dogs are periodically born that are unsuitable for hunting, but are very popular with the ladies of the court. They are alert and pleasant to deal with, and artists of those times often depict them on their canvases next to high-society housewives. The breed was named after the English king Charles II, who appeared everywhere with his four-legged pets.

    Little toy spaniels (toy means toy in English) warmed the hands of ladies in cold castles, guarded and entertained them on boring winter evenings. They could hunt small game, but this was required of them less and less.

    After the fashion for pugs began in England, King Charles Spaniels lost the long muzzles characteristic of hunting dogs. It was believed that the bridge of this dog’s nose should fit a little finger, no more. By 1926, almost all dogs had become short-faced.

    After enthusiasts began to restore the type of small hunting dogs, the breed was divided into two. King Charles Spaniels remained the same type, and dogs closer in type to hunters were called Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Separate breeding began in 1945. The current version of the standard was adopted in 1997.

    Charlie's original color is black. In obtaining the modern type, not only pugs were used, but also Japanese chins and small bulldogs. Until 1885, only two Charlie colors were known: Blenheim and solid black and tan. The tricolor and ruby ​​were legalized in 1892.

    The Blenheim color is named after the English castle in which this color was obtained and established. The ancestors of dogs of this color were of Italian origin, and the castle belonged to the Dukes of Marlborough.

    Among the fans of toy spaniels was the ninth Duke of Marlborough. There are photographs of him with dogs taken at the 1898 exhibition at Blenheim Palace.

    Comparing appearance, some consider English Toy Spaniels to be related to Tibetan Spaniels. This conclusion cannot be considered correct, since Tibetan dogs developed separately over many centuries. Their similarity with European toy spaniels is the convergence of breeds, that is, the convergence of characteristics in individuals of unrelated populations.

    Prices for King Charles Spaniel puppies

    The King Charles Spaniel is a rather rare breed for our country. There are very few nurseries that deal with it, and the litters of these dogs are small. Therefore, the cost of puppies never falls below 700-800 euros. Those wishing to purchase such a dog often have to deal not with the problem of a high price, but with the problem of the lack of puppies at a given period of time.

    There are enough pitfalls in breeding these dogs that purchasing a purebred puppy will necessarily guarantee its outstanding exterior characteristics. It is important to study the standard and breed forums well in order to know what to check on your future pet if it is purchased for exhibition and breeding work.

    Often you have to wait for a quality puppy and bring it from afar. In this case, it is better to buy a grown-up dog whose teeth have completely changed, the head has formed and the tail has not been docked.