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Radio wave treatment with the Surgitron apparatus. Removal of warts using the radio wave method: reviews, advantages, contraindications. Removal of papillomas on the cervix

Striving for a flawless appearance, you want your skin to be clean and smooth.

The appearance of papillomas on it nullifies all efforts to preserve and maintain beauty, so much so that these unpleasant manifestations of skin pathology do not fit with the concept of healthy and beautiful skin.

Modern methods of getting rid of tumors

Papillomas do not disappear on their own; moreover, with every decrease in immunity there is a risk of new formations appearing.

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In order to prevent the development of the process, you need to take care of the treatment and prevention of new formations as early as possible.

The most rational method of dealing with them is removal.

Of course, you can try papillomas, lapis pencil, celandine, and various tinctures, but these methods take a lot of time and do not guarantee a positive result.

A dermatologist can offer several methods for removing tumors, depending on the equipment of the clinic he represents:

  • cryodestruction of papillomas with liquid nitrogen- an inexpensive and fairly common method. Complete restoration of the skin area exposed to ultra-low temperatures is possible after 5 weeks. There is a risk of chemical burns if it accidentally comes into contact with healthy skin. Analogues – use of the drug “Cryopharma”;
  • or cauterization with high-frequency current. The use of this manipulation requires a long period of rehabilitation, since the painful sensations persist for quite a long time, as does the healing of the wound surface. There is a risk of scarring;
  • laser therapy– a method based on laser evaporation of papilloma tissue. Scars do not remain on the skin; this method is contraindicated during pregnancy, the presence of herpetic eruptions, and inflammatory processes;
  • removal of growths using a radio wave knife using the Surgithorn apparatus. One of the safest and most effective ways to remove papillomas.

Removal of papillomas with surgitron

A radio wave knife or Surgitron is a device that acts on skin tumors due to the fact that, under the influence of radio waves, the temperature in the tissues rises sharply.

  • This release of heat targets tissues by damaging cells.
  • Radio waves operate at a certain frequency; they are converted from electric current, concentrating at the tip of the electrode.

Indications and contraindications

For those who decide to get rid of papillomas, the aesthetic aspect of the problem is not in last place.

It is not very comfortable to feel with skin that has ugly formations on it, especially if you have to wear revealing clothes. Both women and men strive for an impeccable appearance; being well-groomed is prestigious, and self-confidence depends on it.

But in addition to the desire for beautiful and smooth skin, you should think about safety for your health.

From this point of view, papilloma poses a constant threat, especially if it is constantly in danger of being damaged by friction with clothing or shoes.

You can get papilloma by simply scratching the skin, damaging it while shaving your face or caring for the skin of your armpits or bikini area.

Photo: Surgitron can remove keratomas

The use of the radio wave method is indicated for the following manifestations of skin pathology:

  • single and multiple papillomas;
  • warts:
  • senile keratomas;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • erosions and papillomas of the cervix;
  • spider veins
  • hemangiomas.

This technique has its contraindications, dictated by safety for the health of patients.

  • Removal of papillomas using the Surgitron device cannot be performed in pregnant women, in patients diagnosed with epilepsy or with any conditions accompanied by an inflammatory process or fever.
  • The presence of a pacemaker is also a contraindication for the use of radio wave therapy.

Video: “Removal of plantar warts with surgitron”

How is the operation performed?

The duration of the procedure is 15-25 minutes; during it, slight pain is possible, which is effectively relieved by anesthesia.

  • Anesthesia is carried out by local injection or a special cream, after which one or more papillomas are cut off from healthy skin with an electrode.
  • The surgeon acts precisely on the papilloma, removing it without affecting the surrounding tissue.
  • The depth of exposure of the device and the degree of its heating are adjusted individually, depending on the degree of skin pathology.

The device settings are accompanied by visual control of an experienced surgeon.

  • Removal of cervical papillomas occurs in the first half of the cycle to exclude possible pregnancy.
  • Before the procedure, you need to undergo PCR, based on the results of which you can find out the type of HPV, tests for gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV infection.

This method can also be used by nulliparous women without fear of negative consequences such as non-dilatation of the cervix during childbirth. These procedures are not done during menstruation.

Pros and cons of the method

Photo: removal of tumors with a radio knife

The radio wave method used to remove skin tumors has many advantages:

  • there are no scars, scars or other marks on the skin;
  • contact of the electrode with the skin is excluded;
  • You can treat a large surface of the skin at once;
  • Histology analysis is allowed;
  • using this method, you can remove papillomas on, in particular on the cervix;
  • radiation from the radioknife simultaneously has a sterilizing and coagulating effect, there is no bleeding;
  • the method is painless.

Perhaps the only drawback of hardware removal of papillomas may be its high cost compared to the same cryodestruction.

To some, this drawback may seem like a significant obstacle, but if you take into account such qualities as efficiency, speed, safety, which this technique provides, then the price-quality ratio will be in favor of Surgitron.

Rehabilitation period

After the papilloma has been removed, the rehabilitation period begins - a small crust covers the resulting skin defect.

This crust will peel off within a week, leaving a mark similar to an abrasion.

Photo: after removing a tumor, crusts form on the skin

You can speed up healing with the help of medications such as Panthenol, Contratubes.

  • During the postoperative period, the site of papilloma removal should not be wetted, cosmetics or perfumes should not be used there, or detergents should be allowed to enter there.
  • Visiting a solarium, relaxing in the open sun, even ordinary walks without protecting the skin with a high-protection cream are strictly prohibited.

Those who have removed formations on the face, where the skin is especially delicate and sensitive, need to be especially careful.

Photo: before and after

Removing tumors with Surgitron is a safe and quick way to solve problems with health and appearance. There is an alternative name for this device - radio knife. This specialized device is quite often used in modern cosmetology.

The high-frequency waves that the device emits evaporate tumor tissue with maximum precision. Since the procedure for removing tumors is performed under local anesthetic, the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain. The risk of inflammation and complications after the procedure is practically absent. The rehabilitation period is insignificant and usually does not affect the usual way of life.

New growths on the body can be removed almost anywhere with the help of Surgitron. Formations that are difficult to access and large in size are also no exception. It is worth noting that the device provides an excellent visual effect, the appearance of scars and scars is excluded.

Providing a delicate effect on problem areas of the skin, the radio knife does not affect soft tissues. Surgitron's radio wave radiation, regulated by a cosmetologist, does not provoke nerve irritation. In this case, muscle contraction also does not occur.

Thanks to all the above features, tumor removal today is safe and reliable.

Indications for tumor removal in Moscow

The main indications include:

Benign neoplasms (dermafibromas, warts, condylomas, moles, granulomas, papillomas and others);

Dark spots;

Shallow scars.

How tumors are removed

In order to remove a tumor using the Surgitron device, the patient does not require special preparation. The affected area is treated with a local anesthetic. Depending on the complexity of the clinical picture and the size of the formation on the skin, the duration of treatment can range from two to thirty minutes. At the final stage, antiseptic treatment of the wound is performed.

The operation of the device is based on a non-contact cut of soft tissue. An intense radiation stream is directed to the affected area, which accumulates at the end of the electrode. Soft tissues are heated due to a sharp surge in heat energy. Those cells that were exposed to radiation evaporate. In this case, high-frequency radio waves coagulate (or stick together) the patient’s blood vessels. This reduces the risk of infection and bleeding. Since there is no contact between the skin and the working electrode, this technique is considered non-contact.

Benefits of the procedure

Removal of tumors using the Surgitron device has a number of significant advantages:

The procedure is carried out in a short time period (from 2 to 30 minutes) and does not cause pain;

Excellent aesthetic effect, the appearance of scars and scars is excluded;

The possibility of infection and bleeding is excluded;

Rehabilitation is short-term and does not impose restrictions on the usual way of life;

The ability to most accurately regulate the depth, area and intensity of the surface being treated;

It is possible to remove large tumors and others.

Contraindications to removal of tumors with Surgitron

There are a number of contraindications for removing skin lesions using a radio knife, these include:

High pressure;

Presence of a pacemaker;


Infectious diseases, ARVI;

Herpetic infection in the acute phase or ulcers;


Oncological pathologies and others.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period is short. It is advisable to avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin at this time. If it is impossible to exclude exposure to the sun, it is recommended to cover the affected area with a bandage. Mechanical procedures in the tumor removal area are prohibited. In order to speed up tissue regeneration, the skin must be treated daily with special products prescribed by a cosmetologist. On average, the rehabilitation period lasts no more than two weeks. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions, the result of the procedure will be excellent.

How long does the effect last?

The Surgitron radio wave apparatus removes tumors once and for all. However, it only removes the effect, not the cause. It is not a fact that after a while the neoplasm will not manifest itself. To avoid relapses, doctors recommend that their patients give up bad habits and reduce the influence of negative factors that provoke the appearance of tumors.

  • Service Price before discount
  • Consultation with a dermato-oncologist
  • Primary 1500 rub.
  • Secondary 700 rub.
  • Removal of benign neoplasms 1 mm
  • Head 500 rub.
  • Neck 500 rub.
  • Intimate area 500 rub.
  • Body 440 rub.
  • Removal of benign tumors up to 5 mm (up to 10 units) per 1 unit. 1100 rub.
  • Removal of benign tumors up to 5 mm (up to 10-25 units) per 1 unit. 600 rub.
  • Removal of benign tumors up to 5 mm (over 25 units) per 1 unit. 530 rub.
  • Removal of benign neoplasms larger than 5 mm (5 units) per 1 unit. 1400 rub.
  • Removal of benign neoplasms larger than 5 mm (more than 5 units) per 1 unit. 1100 rub.
  • Removal of telangiectasia (1 element up to 1 cm) for 1 unit. 1300 rub.
  • Removing milliums for 1 unit. 300 rub.
  • Removal of molluscum contagiosum for 1 unit. 300 rub.
  • Removal of warts in 1 mm
  • Head 500 rub.
  • Neck 500 rub.
  • Intimate area 500 rub.
  • Body 440 rub.
  • Anesthesia From 300 rub.
  • Body 440 rub.
  • Histology 1 mole 3000 rub.
  • Histology of subsequent neoplasms 2000 rub.

We all, in one way or another, want our appearance to be flawless and strive to have smooth and clean skin. When papillomas appear on it, it nullifies all our efforts to preserve beauty. After all, various skin pathologies are very unpleasant and cannot in any way be associated with the concept of beautiful and healthy skin.

Modern removal methods

Defects such as papillomas, unfortunately, do not disappear on their own. In addition, new papillomas may appear if immunity decreases.

In order to prevent new ones and stop the growth of existing papillomas, it is necessary to begin prevention and treatment in a timely manner. The most common method of control is removal. For example, removal of papillomas with Surgitron. But more about this device a little later.

As an alternative, of course, you can try other methods, for example, cauterizing papillomas with iodine, lapis pencil, and various tinctures. However, these methods do not provide lasting results, and treatment with their help may take too long.

If you find defects such as papillomas on your skin, you should first consult a dermatologist. He will help you develop a treatment plan. You may be offered several different options for removing skin growths. It could be:

  • Laser. This method is based on the evaporation of papilloma tissue with a beam of polarized light. Scars do not remain after the procedure, however, this method is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, as well as if the skin has inflammation or herpetic rashes.
  • A liquid nitrogen. This method is relatively inexpensive and at the same time quite common. After the procedure, the skin will recover in about 5 weeks. However, there is a risk of a chemical burn if liquid nitrogen comes into contact with healthy skin.
  • Electrocoagulation. A method in which papillomas are cauterized with high-frequency current. This method is not very convenient, since the rehabilitation period is long. This happens because the wound surface takes quite a long time to heal, but strong pain remains. After removal there is a high risk of scarring.
  • Removal of papillomas using the Surgitron device. This is the so-called radio wave knife. It is the safest and most effective method of combating skin tumors.

Removal of papillomas with Surgitron

“Surgitron”, or, as it is also called, a wave knife, is a special device. It affects neoplasms in the following way: papilloma tissue is destroyed as a result of exposure to a sharply increased temperature, which occurs when radio waves are used.

  • Damage to unhealthy tissue occurs due to the directed action of heat.
  • Radio waves have a specific frequency.

Indications for use and contraindications

When removing papillomas, the aesthetic aspect plays a decisive role, however, when deciding to remove them, you need to make sure that the procedure is safe and justified in its use. Of course, tumors cause discomfort, especially if they are on the face or visible when wearing open clothes. But it is still important to worry about the safety of the procedure.

Papilloma is not only a cosmetic defect, but also poses another threat. It can be easily injured by rubbing against shoes or clothing, or damaged by daily shaving or caring for the armpit area.

Indications for removal of papillomas with Surgitron are the following types of skin pathologies:

  • Papillomas of single and multiple localization.
  • Warts.
  • Age-related keratomas.
  • Molluscum contagiosum type.
  • Hemangioma.
  • Spider veins.
  • Papillomas and cervical erosion.

However, along with the indications, such a procedure also has contraindications that should be taken into account from the point of view of the patient’s safety. Thus, the use of a radio wave knife is contraindicated when:

  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammation of any etiology;
  • elevated temperature;
  • the patient has a pacemaker.

Operation process

Typically, the procedure for removing papillomas with Surgitron takes about 15-30 minutes. During the procedure, painful sensations are possible, which can be avoided if pain relief is used.

  1. Local anesthesia is applied - with a special cream or local injection. Then the doctor uses an electrode to cut off the papilloma from healthy skin.
  2. The impact on papilloma is carried out pointwise, that is, areas of healthy skin are not affected.
  3. Depth, strength, temperature are set manually, taking into account individual characteristics and the degree of skin damage.

The device is adjusted under the direct visual supervision of an experienced surgeon.

Removal of papillomas on the cervix

If papillomas are removed with Surgitron on the uterus, the procedure is performed only in the first half of the cycle, which eliminates the possibility of pregnancy. Before the procedure, the patient must be tested for PCR, gonorrhea, HIV and syphilis.

This method of removing papillomas can also be used for women who have not given birth. There is no need to fear that negative consequences may arise, such as non-dilation of the cervix during childbirth. The procedure is not performed during menstruation.

Positive and negative reviews about the removal of papillomas with the Surgitron device

Removing papillomas using a radio wave knife has a number of advantages:

  • After removal, no scars or scars remain on the skin.
  • There is no contact of the electrode with the skin.
  • A fairly large surface of the skin can be treated at one time.

  • Histology analysis is possible.
  • Allows you to remove papillomas not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes.
  • When using a radio wave knife, there is no bleeding, since it simultaneously has the effect of coagulation and sterilization.
  • It is a virtually painless way to remove papillomas.

But there are also negative reviews. The disadvantage of removing papillomas with Surgitron is the price of this method: it is relatively expensive. Cryodestruction, for example, costs an order of magnitude less. However, if we take into account the advantages of this method, then the price-quality ratio should certainly become the decisive factor for using it.

Rehabilitation period

After removing the papilloma, a small crust forms in the place where it was, which completely disappears within a week. A mark remains underneath, vaguely reminiscent of an abrasion.

Wound healing can be accelerated if you use products such as Contractubex or Panthenol. Doctors insist that after removing the papilloma, it is necessary to prevent the contact of various types of cosmetics, perfumes, various detergents and water on the wound. It is also not recommended to visit a solarium or walk in the open sun. Particular care is required for marks from the removal of papillomas on the face.


The overwhelming majority of patients after removal of papillomas with Surgitron have the following reviews: the procedure is safe, effective and fast. You can remove papillomas in various ways, but it is worth focusing on the one that will be the most gentle and effective. Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult with an oncodermatologist.

Despite the successes achieved, today's medicine continues to develop, thanks to which more and more advanced medical equipment appears almost every year. Naturally, surgery does not remain aloof from this process.

A large number of examples can be given that indicate the achievements of surgery in this area: cryogenic surgery, laser, electric knife etc. But, despite all their effectiveness, most modern methods of surgical intervention have certain disadvantages. After such operations, some complications may occur: inflammation, burns. That is why the search for more advanced surgical methods is still relevant. Radiosurgical treatment– this is a serious progressive step in the right direction.

Treatment with Surgitron

Surgitron is a method radiosurgical treatment, which is a non-traumatic dissection of soft tissues using highly targeted high-frequency radio waves (3.8 - 4 MHz), that is, without mechanical force. The same name is given to the device used to influence tissue.

Device "Surgitron" equipped with a high-frequency radio wave generator. This radiation accumulates and is then directed with high precision to the desired area. Radiation occurs through a special electrode, which in appearance resembles a thin wire (an “active” electrode). The appropriate electrodes are selected depending on the required depth of exposure and the localization of the pathological area, that is, they are easily changed.

The emitted radio waves have an extremely large energy reserve (due to the high frequency), which is transmitted to the “cut” tissue, which is not cut at all - in fact, this surgical method is completely non-contact. It’s just that when exposed to a powerful energy pulse, the cells heat up so much that they practically “boil”, their destruction occurs, which is called “cut.” But the “active” electrode itself does not heat up - there is no thermal danger for surrounding tissues.

Advantages of this treatment method

Surgitron has the following advantages:

Does not cause a sharp muscle spasm and does not affect sensory receptors, therefore during radiosurgery there is no pain.

Manipulations are carried out with high precision, which minimizes the risk of damage to healthy tissue and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

The tissue healing process after surgery is also virtually painless.

The possibility of infection in the wound is reduced to zero, since the high-frequency radio wave destroys any unwanted microorganisms. In addition, along with the “cut”, coagulation of the edges of the wound occurs (“adhesion” of blood vessels), which also prevents the entry of microbes.

Radiosurgical method completely eliminates burns typical laser technique and electric knife.

This method is not characterized by complications of “classical” operations, such as wound suppuration, inflammation, swelling and others. Also the device Surgitron"(reviews of which are very positive in various branches of medicine, in particular in cosmetology) does not leave postoperative scars.

Cost of treatment with the Surgitron device. The price for such treatment is significantly lower than for laser treatment. Choosing: surgitron or laser - it should be remembered that surgitron has all the benefits of a high-energy laser, but the risk of laser treatment is much higher.

Another plus radiosurgical treatment using the device " Surgitron» – contraindications, which are practically non-existent. But you still can’t use the device if you have health problems such as:

- acute stage of inflammatory processes;
- infectious diseases;
- diabetes;
- epilepsy;
- glaucoma;
- malignant neoplasms.

Scope of application of "Surgitron"

Currently the method radiosurgical treatment is increasingly used in a variety of branches of medicine. These include:

the field of pathology of the sensory organs,
dermatology and cosmetology,
general, maxillofacial and plastic surgery,
endoscopic operations.

They are especially actively used surgitron in gynecology. With its help, a large number of diseases of the external genitalia, vagina, and cervix (leukoplakia, endometriosis) are cured. This also applies to cervical erosion. Treatment with surgitron This disease has a great advantage over other methods: cauterization of cervical erosion « Surgitron“provides a sterilizing effect, due to which there is no inflammation, pain and swelling. In addition, treatment of erosion with surgitron is very quick and painless.

IN cosmetology "Surgitron" remove benign tumors, scars, ingrown nails, etc. Radiosurgical method It is also very popular in dermatology, where it is used to get rid of warts, condylomas, papillomas, atheromas, and the removal of moles with surgitron is also common.

If you need Surgitron treatment in Moscow We are waiting for you in our clinic!

With the help of Surgitron, it has become possible to perform operations on an outpatient basis!

Before the operation, the patient is carefully examined according to general medical and specific criteria. For example, before starting treatment for a gynecological disease, the doctor will definitely prescribe a comprehensive examination, which includes a general medical examination, an examination by a gynecologist, a smear test (to establish the degree of purity of the vaginal microflora) and a blood test for HCV-Ag, HbsAg, RW, HIV. You will also need to undergo an extended colposcopy, undergo clinical urine and blood tests, undergo a pelvic ultrasound and be examined for urogenital infections.

WITH " Surgitron“You will be healthy – because such treatment is effective, fast, safe and completely painless!

Many dermatologist patients come to their appointments complaining of the appearance of growths on the body, calling them “warts.” In most cases, such skin growths are only a cosmetic problem. Doctors remove warts only after diagnosing the nature of the disease - infectious or non-infectious, benign or malignant. The appearance of outwardly similar growths is caused by the human papillomavirus, age-related skin changes and other factors.

Types of warts

Skin defects appear when the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Most known types of warts are benign skin formations that appear under the influence of HPV. They look unpleasant and can cause pain and discomfort. Growths of various shapes and locations on the body occur when exposed to different types of papillomavirus, as well as in the case of age-related changes in the skin.

HPV penetration into the skin occurs through household and sexual contact. The papilloma virus is activated in cells when the immune system is weakened or infected with other infections. Chronic diseases of internal organs, stress, and endocrine disorders contribute to the growth of warts. The virus penetrates more easily through various damage to the skin: scratches, cracks, abrasions, cuts.

Before removing a wart, you need to learn about the causes and types of skin tumors.

  1. Vulgar. Hard, lumpy neoplasms appear on the hands, less often on the nose and other parts of the face.
  2. Flat (youthful). These are round or oval growths that usually appear on the arms, face, and occasionally on the legs. Color - pink, brown, yellow.
  3. Plantar. Hard growths on the soles of the feet, as in one of the photos below. Causes pain when walking.
  4. Thread-like. Most often they form in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, and eyes. They are flesh-colored or pearl-colored and have an elongated shape.
  5. Periunguals. They grow around and under the nails, are much more difficult to treat, and often reappear after removal.
  6. Genital. Genital warts form in the area of ​​the external genitalia. These are growths of varying consistency, light pink or yellow-brown in color.

The origin of soft fibromas, senile warts and cutaneous horns is not associated with HPV. These neoplasms arise as a result of various changes in the skin itself. Cell proliferation can be caused by aging, impaired keratinization, and excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Senile warts (age-related keratomas) are raised plaques or dome-shaped growths, round or elongated. The surface is smooth or uneven, warty, the color varies from gray and yellow to black-brown.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods for removing benign tumors

Getting rid of skin growths is most often done for cosmetic purposes. These formations are also removed in case of persistent irritation and/or damage. Pharmacological drugs, aggressive chemicals, thermocoagulation and other types of effects on pathological tissues are used.

Basic methods for removing warts:

  • Cryodestruction.
  • Radio wave "knife".
  • Laser destruction.
  • Traditional surgical excision.
  • Destruction by aggressive chemicals.

Low-temperature substances - liquid nitrogen and diethyl ether - freeze tissue. The skin tumor dies and disappears spontaneously after a few days. In addition to freezing pathological tissues, there are various means for destroying viral warts - acids, alkalis, salts and phenols.

Any methods of getting rid of skin growths have both advantages and disadvantages.

Excision of warts with a scalpel (surgically) is an opportunity to get rid of a cosmetic defect and obtain a sample of the removed area for histological study. However, this method has many more disadvantages, as the doctors themselves mention. This is damage to neighboring tissues, the possibility of infection, as well as the appearance of a rough scar. Modern and more expensive procedures are laser destruction, plasma coagulation and radio wave surgery.

Advantages of removing moles and warts with laser, radio wave “knife”, plasma:

  • high precision of impact on wart tissue;
  • no bleeding;
  • prevention of wound infection;
  • postoperative scars are neat and small in size.

The pathological tissues of a plantar wart are mainly located in the skin, “digging” into it like a sharp thorn (spike). Therefore, this type of neoplasm causes severe discomfort and pain. If you watch the work of a surgeon quickly “burning out” a plantar spitz with a laser in the video below, you will notice a rather deep wound after removing a wart. An almost bloodless hole with smooth edges is formed on the patient’s heel.

The cost of services for removing warts with a laser, radio knife or plasma is in the same price range. For example, in Moscow, in a large medical center, getting rid of a growth with a diameter of 1–2 mm will cost the patient from 1,100 to 2,200 rubles. Prices depend on the size of the tumor, its location, and the equipment used.

Reviews about wart removal methods

Doctors guarantee that after radio wave and laser manipulations, new lesions will not appear in the same areas of the skin. The patient is also promised the absence of pain, infection of wounds and swelling. However, there is an ambiguous opinion after reading patient reviews. Some people find the procedures painful and the recovery period too long.

One of the cosmetologists’ patients lists disadvantages in the form of noticeable marks after the removal of a wart and the active appearance of new growths. The other one seemed very difficult and had a long healing period. The most positive reviews are about the results of laser treatment.

Medications to get rid of warts

At first, the growths that appear on the skin barely reach the size of a pinhead, but gradually increase in diameter. This is how vulgar warts grow on the hands and plantar warts on the soles of the feet. The latter are the most painful. The surface of the growths is initially smooth, then covered with hard, keratinized papillae.

Painless removal of papillomas and warts is ensured by the use of the following pharmaceutical drugs:

  • Superclean is a cosmetic liquid containing alkaline substances.
  • Collomac - salicylic acid, polidocanol and lactic acid.
  • Dermisil is a solution of castor oil and occidental thuja oil.
  • Antipapillom is a gel based on alkaline substances.
  • Verrucacid is a liquid containing phenol and tricresol.
  • Salipod is a patch with salicylic acid.
  • Dermavit - gel with sodium hydroxide.
  • Feresol is a phenol with tricresol.

Acids, alkalis or phenol in pharmaceutical preparations cause necrosis of pathological tissues that form a skin tumor. Gradually, the wart mummifies - it dies and disappears. This process takes several days, and in the case of large lesions lasts 1–3 months.

What you need to do to remove a wart yourself using drugs from a pharmacy:

  1. Consult your doctor before purchasing and using the medicine yourself.
  2. Steam the warty growths using a soap and soda bath or compress to soften the keratinized tip.
  3. Cut off the thick layer of keratin with nail scissors.
  4. Apply the selected pharmaceutical according to the instructions supplied with it.
  5. Protect healthy skin around the wart from exposure to aggressive substances (lubricate with Vaseline or fatty cosmetic cream).

Skin tumors should not be cut, torn or scratched. You should also remember that there is no 100% effective method or remedy for removing warty growths. Treatment with radio waves and lasers can get rid of warts in approximately 75–95% of cases. Modern techniques leave a minimal chance for tumors to reappear in the same areas of the skin. Cryotherapy, popular pharmaceutical products with acids, alkalis and phenol, provides visible aesthetic results in approximately 65-85% of cases.


If the problem of getting rid of various growths on the skin is discussed, then the conversation always turns to the methods, advantages and disadvantages of various means. A burning topic is where to remove a wart: at home, in a beauty salon or clinic. Folk remedies and pharmaceuticals are used at home in accordance with recommendations, recipes, and instructions.

Is it possible to remove warts by freezing at home?

Cryopharm freezing aerosol and similar preparations are suitable for getting rid of small skin tumors of viral origin. The disadvantage of ways to get rid of warts at home is the inability to determine the nature of the tumor. Doctors recommend contacting medical institutions for treatment of large protruding growths.

What kind of doctor removes warts?

First, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor, if necessary, will perform a dermatoscopy and prescribe a biopsy. It is possible to involve other specialists - an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT doctor, gynecologist, surgeon (depending on the location of the skin tumor).

Dermatologist-cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist treat skin diseases. The specialist conducts an initial examination, determines or clarifies the diagnosis, and selects a method for removing warts depending on the location and size of the skin tumor. The doctor decides whether the procedure is safe for the patient’s health.

Is it painful to remove warts?

Anesthesia is performed at the client's request. Much depends on the location and size of the wart, and on the pain threshold. Some patients can tolerate it, while others require pain relief.

Is it possible to get rid of seborrheic or senile warts on your own? Experts classify age-related neoplasms as a group of borderline tumors (precancerous conditions). Seborrheic keratosis begins to appear after 40–50 years in the form of keratinized crusts and gray-brown scales on the cheeks, temples, and chest. Such growths cannot be removed independently; these tumors can degenerate into squamous cell skin cancer.

What is relapse after removal?

Warts grow, change shape, and spread over the skin of the body. Relapse is the appearance of a growth on the same area of ​​skin where removal has already been performed. It happens that after an injury or self-removal, a wart begins to bleed, changes color, and becomes painful. If a malignant degeneration of the lesion occurs, doctors call this process “malignancy.”

Does the choice of removal method depend on the location of the wart?

Benign skin tumors of small diameter are “cut off” with a radio wave “knife” and cauterized during electrocoagulation. Liquid nitrogen is used for cryodestruction of warts on the feet and hands. New growths with a diameter of about 2 cm are removed with a laser. Larger skin tumors and warts in the oral cavity are removed during a classic surgical operation. The doctor recommends, explains, and the final choice of technique remains with the patient.

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