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Elevator dream book meaning. Why do you dream about an elevator: interpretation from various dream books

According to interpreters of night dreams, each of them has its own special meaning, which can only be comprehended by taking into account all the details of what was seen. Let’s use some of the most popular dream books these days and try to find out, for example, why we dream of an elevator - this tireless assistant that makes our life more comfortable and enjoyable.

Dreams foreshadowing good luck

Most authors agree that, in general, such a vision speaks of the dreamer’s hidden desire to achieve success in life and improve his social status. However, let's not forget about the nuances, since they can give what we see a very specific color. Let's start our review with pleasant forecasts, especially since they predominate in this section of dream books.

Answering the question about why the dreamer dreams of an elevator in which the dreamer rises to the upper floors of a building, most modern authors confidently say that in reality this foreshadows a successful solution to serious problems. But this can only be achieved with outside help. A dream in which, having taken the elevator up, a person finds himself in a spacious and bright room is considered especially reassuring - this promises him near success. If the dreamer is a careerist who has dedicated his life to climbing the career ladder, then he can safely count on a quick promotion and order a festive banquet.

What else does upward movement promise us?

Why you dream about an elevator is explained in detail in Tsvetkov’s dream book. This respected author makes the interpretation of what he saw dependent on the speed at which the cabin moved in the dream. If the rise was fast, then this means various obstacles and difficulties in the upcoming affairs. They will be completed, but with great difficulty and hesitation. If the elevator rose slowly in a dream, then this, on the contrary, promises the rapid execution of all undertakings.

Such a recognized authority in the field of dreams as the American psychoanalyst Gustav Miller did not ignore the topic that interests us. Speaking about what it means to dream of going up in an elevator, he is full of optimism, and promises everyone who has had such a vision quick wealth and increased social status.

The only undesirable detail of such a dream may be a stop on the very top floor. In this case, the scientist admits that the dreamer will soon have to hide from others (and possibly from government officials) some information that would compromise a person close to him. However, he does not claim that in this case we are talking about some kind of crime. Perhaps everything is limited only to facts that can hurt his pride.

Elevator moving down

The authors of dream books do not leave unanswered the question of why we dream of an elevator descending to the lower floors of a building. In this case, there is also a generally accepted point of view and private opinions regarding certain details of what was seen. Most experts agree that, in this case, changes in life await the dreamer, but they will happen extremely slowly, and some of them will not be able to be fully realized at all.

This judgment is expressed in particular by the authors and compilers of the “Universal Dream Book,” which is very widespread these days. They also warn that an excessively fast downward movement of the elevator can foreshadow a sudden demotion or even dismissal for a person. Accordingly, having seen yourself in such a role, you need to soberly assess your official position and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.

What does a rapid descent to the lower floor mean?

Gustav Miller, whom we mentioned, also wrote about why one dreams of riding in an elevator moving down. In his opinion, such a plot does not contain any encouraging information, but only foreshadows future complications. It is especially alarming when the elevator descends to the first, or, worse, basement floor. In this case, innumerable troubles may await the dreamer in reality. If you dreamed something like this (as we know, we don’t choose our dreams), then the only way to somehow correct the situation is to, without leaving the cabin, try to press the desired button and go up again. Of course, this needs to be done without waking up.

This section should also include the question of why you dream about falling in an elevator. Please note that in this case we do not mean to stumble and fall on the floor, but to be in a cabin rapidly rushing down (falling). You should not be afraid of such a dream, because despite its extremeness, it does not contain negative information, and, according to experts, it foreshadows a quick acquaintance with a person who has extremely extraordinary qualities and is capable of changing the dreamer’s life for the better, and occupying a very prominent place in it .

Why do you dream of being stuck in an elevator?

Few modern people have not happened to be a prisoner of an elevator that suddenly stopped and did not want to continue moving. A similar situation, which often arises in reality, often becomes the plot of night visions. What do our respected interpreters say about this?

First of all, let's turn to Longo's dream book, since it contains a very important warning about this. According to the author, such a plot tells the dreamer about an impending deception, the victim of which he may soon become. In this case, we are talking about selling him some defective goods, or some other kind of trade fraud.

Therefore, a person who saw himself stuck in an elevator in a dream is strongly recommended to refrain from making purchases in the near future, especially such large ones as purchasing an apartment, car, cottage, etc. It is better to postpone them until a more appropriate moment, and save yourself from unnecessary grief.

Longo's opinion about the threat contained in dreams, where a person sees himself stuck in an elevator, is shared by many of his colleagues. For example, the “Modern Dream Book” says that such images may indicate the uncertainty of a situation from which he will have to look for a way out in real life. At the same time, a number of other compilers directly indicate that the dreamer is threatened by a serious, but at the same time, hidden from his eyes, danger, which he is hardly aware of.

Why does a woman dream about an elevator?

As you know, the meaning of a dream depends not only on its plot features, but also on who dreamed it - a man or a woman. Therefore, all compilers of dream books pay special attention to this issue. For example, many of them interpret the image of an elevator seen by a woman as a sign that in real life she has little faith in her own strength, and, if problems arise, she resorts to outside help, despite the fact that she could easily handle it herself.

Dreams with romantic overtones

In the popular Dream Book of Mineghetti today, one very interesting remark is given. The author argues that if a woman is haunted by the image of a rising elevator in a dream, this may indicate her sensuality and increased sexual excitability. If she herself manages the rise, then this promises her financial well-being in the future.

At the same time, the author writes that if a lady saw in her dream elevators randomly slamming their doors, then this foretells her an abundance of love affairs and many admirers. All that remains is to be happy for her, since in the eyes of others she will, at the same time, maintain her reputation as an exemplary wife.

Spirituality manifested in dreams

Let's dwell on some more opinions regarding the question - why do you dream about an elevator? In dreams, his image often visits people, and therefore he becomes the object of interpretation by most authors publishing dream books these days. Some of them indicate that with all the plot diversity of such dreams, and the differences in their interpretation, they are evidence of a certain spirituality of the dreamer, prevailing over his physical essence. It is difficult to say how justified such a statement is, but it can certainly be a reason for optimism.

Elevators moving horizontally

The previous sections of the article talked about why you dream of an elevator moving up or down, meanwhile, according to some authors, in night visions it can also move to the side, that is, move horizontally. And if so, then there are interpretations of such a phenomenon.

It turns out that if you see an elevator moving left and right, then you should, putting aside all matters, urgently delve into your inner world, since it indicates that a person, having given preference to everyday concerns, neglects his spiritual development. It turns out that our night visions can carry deep meaning. Sweet dreams everyone!

An elevator is an electromechanical device (lift) for moving passengers vertically inside a building. Like any mechanism, malfunctions may occur from time to time, and it stops not on the floor, but between floors. A ride in an elevator causes some fears for many, which is what most dreams are associated with. They mainly revolve around the main positions:

  • the lift is turned on and the cabin is moving;
  • the cabin does not move;
  • the elevator stops or falls in an emergency.

In general, an elevator is a hazardous production facility and is subject to increased safety requirements. This is directly related to the main message of dream interpreters: if you dreamed about an elevator, you have to be careful. Dream books interpret these situations differently, and the interpretations strongly depend on the details that surround the events in the dream. As a rule, all dream books agree that going up in the cabin predicts a person’s desire to move towards progress and success, spiritual and mental development, and going down means disappointment and difficulties await in reality. Dream Interpretation: dreaming of being stuck in an elevator is a harbinger of stagnation, hopelessness, and the dreamer cannot get out of the current situation on his own.

I dreamed of an elevator - this is the desire to achieve something in life. It is imperative to pay attention to whether the cabin was going up or down; the interpretation of the dream depends on this.

The lift is on and the cabin is moving

The movement of the cabin can only be in two directions - up and down, but the speed can be different, as well as the position of the dreamer relative to the elevator cabin: inside it or outside it. Dream Interpretations are considered the following situations when you dream:

  • - movement up and down and the dreamer inside;
  • - the same, but the dreamer is outside;
  • - movement speed.

Interpretations of dream books about a moving elevator are given below.

Up and down movement and dreamer inside the cabin

I dreamed of entering the cabin - beware of hidden danger, if you go out, there will be minor troubles. And, if you managed to get out before lowering, you can avoid trouble. If in dreams the ascent and descent are problem-free, in reality your affairs also do not experience problems and are well established.

When you dream that when traveling in an elevator it is cramped and stuffy, this means that in real life, especially in the business sphere, you are cramped; Relatives, colleagues, management are putting pressure on you. The dream book explains that this pressure prevents you from opening up, you need to find a way to get rid of it.

Taking an elevator up in a dream means in reality achieving great success at work, strengthening your security, increasing your level of energy and health, and gaining achievements in other areas of your life.

Dreaming of driving up- in reality, get rich or occupy a high position, gain fame and prosperity, gain the favor of influential people. According to the dream book: I dreamed of going up in an elevator to the top floor - in reality, hiding the truth from those around me so as not to harm a relative. The dreamer rises, which means that in reality it will be possible to resolve all the issues that have arisen with someone’s help. To rise very high and go out into a spacious hall is a sign of great luck.

Driving in a dream down- in reality, this is a decline in business, failures, changes in life will occur at a slow pace, and some difficulties may be insurmountable, this is a defeat in the fight against a strong competitor. This may also foreshadow dismissal or transfer with demotion. In the near future there will be very simple things to do, and there will be an opportunity to relax.

If the dreamer descends to the top floor - the dream book predicts that he will be haunted by troubles, and failures can destroy his life.

Up and down movement and dreamer outside the cabin

Seeing an elevator in a dream, regardless of the circumstances, means the need to be more careful in reality, because trouble might happen. Dreaming of operating a lift yourself is a wonderful dream: in reality you realize yourself to the maximum - success is expected in financial matters, in business and at work everything will work out, and new ideas will increase your capital. Dream: an elevator is called and passengers get out - warns that you need to listen to successful people and not neglect their advice and instructions, they will help you reach the top of your business.

In all dream books: to see an elevator car rising in a dream is good news; a promotion may happen.

Do you see the elevator coming? downthis is a sign of failure and trouble, return to the starting point of movement. The elevator cabin from which the dreamer has just left is going down - in reality, it is a miracle to escape from failure, to avoid disappointment.

If you dreamed of waiting for an elevator at the entrance of a house, it means that the dreamer in reality is for some reason inactive, although the time to act has already come, and delay can give a negative result; the dream book recommends taking active action.

Travel speed

Rising slowly - this indicates the decency and prudence of the dreamer, and is a harbinger of the rapid and unpredictable movement of affairs. If, on the contrary, it is a fast ride up, then the interpretation is the opposite: obstacles in business and lethargy, so says the dream book. If you dreamed that a high-speed elevator was going up, in reality you could quickly make a career, but if during the ascent you felt like everything was shrinking inside, your career growth may stop due to health problems.

I dreamed of going down in an elevator cabin with acceleration - a meeting and friendship with a good person awaits. A sharp or unexpected descent of the elevator - according to the dream book, this means failure in business.

I dreamed that the elevator rose so quickly that it broke through the roof and flew out - the dreamer will soon have to change his environment, start a new life, and experience pleasant changes.

The cabin does not move

An elevator car that stops in a dream foreshadows some kind of danger in reality and warns that you need to stop and look around before moving on. If the doors of a standing elevator alternately open and close, for male dreamers this portends pleasant holiday with women of easy virtue.

The elevator stops or falls in an emergency

Why do you dream of being stuck in an elevator? If you dreamed of being stuck in an elevator, in reality the dreamer will face stagnation, an incomprehensible situation, or deception; if the cabin just stopped - a harbinger of some kind of danger. If in a dream there is no hope for a quick release from the trap, and there is no longer enough air, problems with the respiratory system may arise in reality.

Dream Interpretation: stuck in an elevator, this is a warning that in reality one must be wary of deception, most likely, this is the purchase of a defective product. Getting stuck between floors means there is danger in life, a misfortune may occur, your enemies are preparing an ambush for you. Your business is stagnant, there hasn’t been a promotion for a long time, in a word, things are in shambles. You can get out of this situation by actively showing your character and your capabilities; no one else will deal with your problems.

If you dreamed that the elevator cabin breaks off and flies down, the streak of troubles will be long, a mental problem and spiritual decline are possible. If you dream of a dilapidated, falling apart or broken elevator, in reality something threatens your prosperous life, the collapse of happy love is possible.

Dreams about elevators often indicate that a person turns to the assistance of other people to eliminate his problems and obstacles, even when he can easily cope with them on his own. Of course, using outside help is not forbidden, but you still need to rely on your own strength and skills. But dependency has never brought anyone any benefit, and dream books point precisely to this. Therefore, more independence, friends!

An elevator is one of the most ordinary and material things in our lives. We encounter it in reality almost every day. Coming in a dream, this image most often symbolizes the career, work sphere. It indicates the fate of your new endeavors and projects, and provides information about the activity of your rivals and enemies.

An elevator can also mean the dreamer himself, the state of his inner world. Does the cabin move up or down? Or maybe she stopped altogether? We will find out in the article what mood of your soul characterizes and what future these falls, rises and stops predict for you.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to A. Menegeti’s dream book

In order for the elevator to start moving, we do not need to make a huge effort: we just need to press the button. Therefore, an elevator going up represents your desire to make global changes in your life, without doing anything, but waiting for the help of external circumstances, hoping for a miracle. Start taking responsibility for your life, take the initiative - and you will no longer have to see an elevator cabin in your night dreams.

If the elevator moves down in a dream, it means that in life you feel the loss of something important, your self-esteem is hurt. Accordingly, you dream of a stuck elevator when in reality you have reached a dead end and found yourself in a hopeless situation.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to G. Miller’s dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which you are going up an elevator as a harbinger of the fact that unprecedented wealth will soon fall on you, you will take steps up the steps of the social ladder. Moreover, this will happen not even thanks to your hard work, but due to the will of circumstances. In other words, luck will smile on you.

Going down the elevator, on the contrary, means that problems and failures will soon await you, which, again, arose unexpectedly from the outside, and not as a result of your mistake.

If in a dream you got out of an elevator, which then immediately went down, then in reality you will hardly be able to avoid trouble.

But a stopped elevator, which you are inside, predicts danger awaiting you from where you do not expect it.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The authors believe that the elevator represents your life situation and your willingness to change it. So try to remember exactly what the cabin looked like from the inside. Was it modern, clean and silent, or did you wince from the unpleasant smell and heartbreaking creaking in your sleep? Did the cabin rock or ride smoothly? Draw parallels with what is happening in your life now.

The direction the elevator moves will tell you what awaits you. In a dream, going up an elevator means in reality achieving success in your business without much stress. At the same time, the higher you rise, the more chances you have to achieve your plans. Descent means that calm times await you, when you can relax and unwind a little - there will be no major troubles on your life path.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to S. Freud’s dream book

To a famous psychiatrist, the diverging elevator doors reminded, oddly enough, of a woman’s genitals. If a representative of the fair half of humanity has such a dream, then she clearly has a partner whose relationship she wants to keep secret. A broken elevator symbolizes the fear that you will be found out. You are worried about a premonition of an event that will not allow you to continue to hide this connection.

If you press the button for the elevator and it doesn't come, your relationship is in danger of breaking down.

The interpretation of this dream for men is completely different: the elevator foreshadows a vigorous sex life, full of novelty and originality.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the Eastern Dream Book

A rapid ascent in an elevator, ending with a flight to the roof, in a dream predicts new friends and a change in social circle. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life forever, who will become very dear and close to you. If you dream that you are stuck in an elevator, then in life you will have to face problems that only you can solve.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov, a very fast rise in an elevator in a dream foreshadows an equally rapid development of events in life, suddenness and surprise. You will be caught up and swirled around by the current of many things and concerns, both pleasant and not so pleasant. All you have to do is relax and follow where the current takes you. But a rapid descent is interpreted as the presence of an obstacle slowing down the development of affairs. If you dream that an elevator car takes you to the top floor, it is a sign that in reality you will have to lie and cheat in order to protect your loved one and protect him.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If in your dreams you see not the vehicle itself, but an elevator shaft, you should be careful and not take hasty steps. You are likely to face troubles that your enemies had a hand in causing. But don’t be alarmed: by carefully thinking through your every action, you will be able to cope with the situation.

You can predict the outcome of the situation if you remember exactly with what feelings you looked into the elevator shaft. The anxious mood that took possession of you at that moment suggests that the solution to the problem depends on whether you perform some action that is usually not typical for you. If, when you look into the dark interior of the mine, you are overcome by calm, then in reality everything will end well, and it won’t even require any special efforts on your part. Dreamers who feel curiosity at the sight of this image are not afraid in life, but even thirst for change, they are drawn to experiments.

Falling down an elevator shaft is a sign that in reality you are being sucked into a routine; you are dreaming of breaking out of a vicious circle of everyday responsibilities that seems to have no end. Find the strength and courage to resist this exhausting monotony, take the path of spiritual and creative development.

If in a dream you managed to cling to the edge of a mine, but you cannot get out of it, a period of stagnation and boredom is coming in life, which will help you survive with determination and a desire to change something.

Is there a cat meowing from the mine, or even the furry body of a purr? Such a dream carries an alarming message - your enemies are more ready than ever to confront you. They are preparing a strike from behind, intending to take advantage of the effect of surprise. Keep your eyes open, think through your every step and you will be able to protect yourself.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The elevator is a symbol of your inner world; the direction of its movement explains in which direction your spirit is developing and whether it is developing at all. So, rising means that you are doing everything right, skillfully maintaining a balance between the material world and the spiritual. You do not stand still, you are constantly growing morally and creatively.

The horizontal movement of the elevator in your dream, on the contrary, states that you have chosen the wrong road and are about to get bogged down in problems and troubles. You devote invaluable time of your life to caring for earthly goods, fleeting material things. You have completely forgotten that a person’s spiritual needs are no less important than their physical ones. Pay more attention to what no amount of money can buy, do something you haven’t done since childhood.

If you dream that an elevator is falling into a shaft, then a huge failure awaits you. To avoid it, you will have to completely change your life and moral guidelines.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence or absence of persons accompanying you. If you are riding in an elevator alone, then in life you should not allow strangers to interfere in your affairs. Go your own way and don’t look back at the opinions of others. If you have one or more people with you, now you should work as a team. Don't be afraid to accept help from others, especially those who are truly professional.

Why do you dream about an elevator - according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim

This dream book deciphers the situation when an elevator in a dream goes up and down, as if it cannot decide on the direction of movement. Likewise, the person who sees this dream is not able to decide which path to choose. He is a restless soul, endlessly searching and not finding, striving for something unknown. But it’s not without reason that the subconscious sends you signals that come into your dreams in the form of an elevator. Perhaps you should come down to earth and finally decide on the direction of your activities.

A broken elevator in a dream warns: troubles ahead, failure in business, love problems. However, the dream book sometimes interprets the plot with it in a less gloomy way: the vision promises success through perseverance and overcoming difficulties. The details will tell you why he is dreaming.

When did the elevator break down?

It broke when:

  • went up - the successes that have begun will end just as quickly;
  • went down - failures will soon stop;
  • moved horizontally - household chores, troubles;
  • stood on the floor - there is no need to start the planned business: it will fail.

Miller's Dream Book: Something is threatening you

Why dream of seeing a lift that has stopped because some kind of breakdown occurred? In reality, the dreamer is in danger; he must be careful.

Decline in financial well-being

A dreamed vision warns the sleeper: his well-being is in danger of decline. You should avoid unnecessary spending and deceptively attractive offers to invest money by starting a business.

A broken elevator where you are stuck in a dream foreshadows future troubles that you should be wary of.

Interference with business, disruption of plans

Why dream of being in a cabin rapidly falling down from broken cables? The dream book warns: things will be a failure. It is better to avoid new beginnings for now.

A dream about a broken elevator suggests that something will not go as planned. However, you can try to improvise - sometimes the result is excellent.

Seeing yourself stuck between floors and the doors jammed in a dream means: you have to make decisions on your own. You have to look for a way out of a difficult situation yourself. It may feel like there is no way out. Don’t despair, fight to the end - troubles don’t last forever.

You can overcome difficulties

Did you manage to get out of a stuck elevator car? You will be able to cope with a seemingly hopeless situation.

Did you dream of making a broken elevator go up? The dream book is encouraging: the sleeper will achieve success thanks to his willpower and perseverance.

Difficulties in business and love

Seeing a broken lift in a dream means: problems of a romantic nature will begin, which can cause a lot of unpleasant worries and negative emotions. We must try to tune in for the best and not fall into despair. Everything will pass, especially since there is a new pleasant meeting ahead.

Why do you dream that it broke after you left? The dream book tells you: with difficulty, but you will be able to avoid trouble in some matter.

Approached the elevator and found it was broken? In reality, your relationship with your boyfriend (girlfriend) is almost on the verge of breaking.