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Rosehip oil: composition, beneficial properties, application. Rosehip oil. Beneficial features. Application Rosehip oil application

Latin name: Rosae oleum
ATX code: A13A
Active substance: Rosehip seed oil
Manufacturer: VIFITECH, Russia
Dispensing from the pharmacy: Over the counter
Storage conditions: t up to 20 C
Best before date: 2 years

Rosehip oil is a highly effective herbal remedy that promotes rapid healing of damaged areas of the mucous membranes and skin, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Indications for use

This drug is used:

  • In dentistry: treatment of manifestations of stomatitis or gingivitis
  • To prevent the development and treatment of hypovitaminosis conditions (lack of vitamin C and P)
  • In the treatment of bedsores, burn lesions, dermatoses, trophic ulcerations, ozene (oral administration)
  • To stimulate bile production in case of cholecystitis and other pathologies of the bile secretion process (oral use)
  • In case of ulcerative colitis (enemas are used).

Composition and release forms

The product contains 100% rosehip seed oil. The herbal product includes a number of carotenoids, it contains saturated fatty acids, as well as tocopherols.

The oil is an oily liquid of a rich orange hue with a specific aroma; there may be sediment, which is eliminated during vigorous shaking. The herbal medicine is bottled in 50 ml bottles. There is 1 vial inside the pack. with rosehip oil, instructions including a description of properties and application.

Medicinal properties

During laboratory studies, it was found that rosehip oil is very useful, since it contains a huge amount of nutrients that promote rapid regeneration of tissues and mucous membranes, they improve skin tone, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

In addition, the herbal remedy is characterized by a general strengthening effect, activates the body’s protective functions against viruses and bacteria, normalizes the synthesis of hormones, increases the strength of vascular walls, and takes an active part in metabolic processes. The therapeutic effect lies in the ability to eliminate the source of inflammation and in increasing cellular immunity.

Instructions for use of the herbal remedy

Price: from 152 to 358 rubles.

When carrying out therapeutic therapy aimed at eliminating trophic ulcerations and bedsores, gauze moistened with oil is applied directly to the affected surface. Such a compress will need to be covered with wax paper and secured with a bandage. The duration of treatment for skin lesions is 15-20 days.

In the case of treatment of dermatoses: a gauze pad, previously soaked in oil, is placed on the affected area under an occlusive dressing. The procedure is carried out twice or three times a day. Along with this, it is recommended to take vitamin oil orally in a dosage of 1 teaspoon; you need to take the drug twice a day. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 1-2 months.

During ozena, tampons with rosehip oil are placed in the nose twice a day. You will need to carefully remove tampons from the nasal passages so as not to damage the mucous membrane. Duration of therapy – 20-30 days.

During complex treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, rosehip oil will need to be administered directly into the rectum using enemas (about 50 ml). The procedure should be carried out daily for 15-30 days.

Use during pregnancy, GW

During the treatment of small cracks and abrasions on the surface of the nipples in women with breastfeeding, it is recommended to apply gauze bandages soaked in herbal remedy. The duration of the application is about 30 minutes. This procedure will need to be carried out after each time the baby is put to the breast over the next 4-5 days.

Contraindications and precautions

An increased content of ascorbic acid can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach in case of gastritis with high acidity, and complications may develop in the case of gastrointestinal ulcers.

Rosehip oil, when used in high doses, can inhibit the insulatory apparatus of the pancreas itself, and the development of the so-called withdrawal syndrome is possible.

Before you start taking rosehip oil, find out about the benefits and harms and how to take this herbal remedy.

In the case of scar treatment, the use of herbal remedies is indicated after the wound surface has healed; bandages with rosehip oil should not be applied directly to open wounds.

Cross-drug interactions

Rosehip oil does not have a pathological effect on the body when used simultaneously with other drugs.

Taking the herbal remedy does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate precision machinery.

Side effects

The development of allergic reactions is possible. In some cases, for dermatological diseases, herbal treatment using rose moschetta oil will be more effective.


It is possible to develop hypersensitivity when using overdoses of the herbal remedy. In this case, you will need to stop using the drug and immediately consult a doctor.


Altaivitamins, Russia

Price from 101 to 216 rub.

Holosas is a plant-based drug that has a choleretic effect and protects the liver from the negative influence of various factors. The main component of Holosas is rosehip extract. The drug contains a number of vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. The drug is available in the form of a solution for oral use.


  • Natural composition
  • Low price
  • Well tolerated.


  • Not for children under 12 years of age
  • Contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis
  • Prescribe with caution to persons with diabetes.

Biostimulator, Ukraine

Price from 80 to 130 rub.

Karotolin is a medicine that accelerates wound healing. The basis of the drug is betacarotene and vit. E. When applied externally, the drug helps eliminate the inflammatory process, has a local immunomodulatory effect, and normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. Available in solution form.


  • Effective for psoriasis, dermatitis, hyperpigmentation
  • Has an antioxidant effect
  • Available without a prescription.


  • Difficult to find in the pharmacy chain
  • Contraindicated in hypervitaminosis A
  • The duration of therapy depends on the form of the disease and the nature of its course.

They have been successfully used in the treatment of patients for a long time. Many have tried rosehip tea, which is known for its strengthening effect on the immune system. The oil from this plant is not as widespread as sea buckthorn or burdock. It is especially often added to cosmetics. For those who take care of their appearance and health, and who like to use natural remedies, it will be useful to know: what rosehip oil is, its properties and its use in various areas of medicine and beauty.

Composition and beneficial properties

The color palette of the liquid varies from pale yellow to rich orange. The liquid has a characteristic sour smell and bitter taste.

  • vitamins A, C, E, which have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, promote rapid restoration of tissues and cells, nourish, moisturize, and saturate;
  • omega-3, -6, -9 fatty acids, linolenic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic, myristic acids are not produced by the body, but come only from the outside;
  • magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, molybdenum, potassium, iron, strontium increase intercellular metabolism.

Which fruit squeeze possesses are widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Impact on the body:

  • bactericidal, antioxidant;
  • improves metabolism;
  • nourishes skin cells, tones, softens;
  • relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • cholesterol levels drop;
  • increases the strength of blood vessels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • rejuvenates the skin, eliminates excess fat;
  • fights depression, improves mood.

Such a rich composition and a huge list of positive effects on the body make it a universal remedy for many problems.

Remember! Uncontrolled use of even the most natural remedy can lead to negative consequences. You need to know how to use oil correctly, then the result will not take long to arrive.

Application in cosmetology

Rosehip oil is used in cosmetology: it is added when making homemade masks, and is a component of creams from major cosmetics manufacturers.

The oil is used for the face and body:

  • for dry, tight skin;
  • against pigment spots, peeling;
  • for healing scars, microcracks, eliminating inflammation;
  • for burns and severe tanning;
  • to remove bruises, bags under the eyes;
  • for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne;
  • in the presence of calluses, heel spurs;
  • to combat stretch marks.

It is used as a remedy against age-related changes, which fills the skin with nutrients and moisturizes it. You can apply the product to your face daily as a stand-alone treatment using a cotton pad, or by adding it to your favorite moisturizer.

Benefits for body and hair

Rosehip oil has a beneficial effect on a woman's skin.

  1. Applying the product to the skin of your lips before going out into the cold will save your lips from chapping.
  2. The skin in the neck and décolleté area will rejuvenate with regular care using rosehip oil. Oil is applied to previously cleansed skin; you can drop it into milk, cream or body lotion.
  3. Massage with rosehip oil helps reduce the number of stretch marks and evens out skin tone.

A few drops of petitgrain (extracted from the shoots and leaves of the orange tree) should be added to the product to achieve a greater effect. This massage should be done twice a day, then within a month you will be amazed at the effect, and six months of such a massage will help you forget about most of the stretch marks that bothered you before.

Nourishing hair masks with rosehip oil will help those with dry and split ends. It can be added to hair wash at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. butter for 10 tbsp. l. shampoo. You can apply it directly to the scalp 15-20 minutes before washing your hair.

Important! The product is not suitable for everyone. It should not be used on oily or problem skin, as it narrows pores and can cause acne.

Application in medicine

It is used not only externally, but also internally. The beneficial properties of the oil are recognized not only by supporters of traditional medicine, but also by doctors of the traditional treatment system. Psychologists note that daily consumption of a small amount of liquid is beneficial for unbalanced and emotionally unstable people. It relieves fatigue, gives vigor and self-confidence.

Has a beneficial effect:

  • for hepatitis, cholecystitis (problematic secretion of bile);
  • from gastritis, has a positive effect on the secretion of gastric juice;
  • for ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, whooping cough, increasing immunity;
  • for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, obesity;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, flatulence, dysbacteriosis;
  • for scars, bedsores, cicatrices, eczema.

It is used in dentistry to treat stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral mucosa.

Benefits in gynecology

The use of oil in gynecology is not very common. Used as an adjuvant for the treatment of erosions, ectopia, small polyps, due to its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Nursing mothers can smear it on their nipples to get rid of cracks; it is safe for mother and baby.

Important! Rosehip oil is often used for the stomach, as a healing agent for ulcers. For colitis, enemas (50 ml of oil) are recommended every day or every other day. Course 20-30 days.


Rosehip is good for the nose with rhinitis. You can deal with it using a cotton swab soaked in rosehip oil, which is inserted into each nostril (no more than 5 times a day). Or by instilling oil.

It is also used for the throat. Soothes a sore throat, relieves inflammation, heals mucous membranes, and destroys germs. It is used for rinsing, preparing compresses, and for oral administration. The compress is made simply: a cotton pad soaked in oil is applied to the sore throat. Take 1 tsp orally. oil 30 minutes before eating food or water.

For children

For children, rosehip oil is prescribed, if necessary, by a doctor, 2.5 ml no more than 3 times a day. You can prepare compote for children or to strengthen the immune system during colds.

Attention! The use of oil for medical purposes is permissible only after consultation with a specialist.


Any herbal remedy has its contraindications, this also applies to rose hips.

  1. Those with oily and problematic skin should avoid applying rosehip oil to their facial skin, and also avoid applying oil to the T-zone if they have combination skin types.
  2. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis preclude the use of oil in people suffering from these diseases.
  3. The oil can provoke an allergic reaction, so before use you should apply it to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Pregnant women should use the oil with caution, only to eliminate external damage: burns, cuts, wounds, abrasions.
  5. Not recommended for oral use in children under 12 years of age.

A healthy and beautiful body is very important, however, you should not sacrifice your health for the sake of beauty if the product is contraindicated for you.

Russian doctors and healers used rosehip oil to heal wounds. According to Avicenna, it can heal liver, stomach, tumors and eye diseases. Tibetan medicine used it against atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and neurasthenia. In a large number of sources you can find different names for this oily extract of thorny bush; many call it “liquid sun” or “the king of natural oils.”

Application in medicine

It would be surprising that a remedy with such miraculous properties has bypassed medicine. Rosehip oil has long been taken as a medicine to awaken strength. The effect it has has not left indifferent the employees of modern medical institutions.

In the autumn and spring, most people, and in winter, people do not know where to go from colds. Often everyone runs to pharmacies and buys expensive medications, although problems with a sore throat and stuffy nose can be easily solved with the help of a useful rosehip remedy.

Oil compresses for the throat

Prepare a cotton swab, soak it in rosehip oil and lubricate the sore throat. You can add vitamin A to the remedy. With several uses, you will get rid of inflammation.

Rosehip oil for nose

If you insert a moistened cotton swab into the nostrils for diseases of the nasal mucosa for half an hour 5 times a day, you can get rid of the annoying runny nose and unpleasant odor. The oil can also be used in the form of regular nasal drops.

Treatment of ENT diseases with oil

Rosehip seed oil has found wide application in ENT diseases. In addition to rhinitis, and, it is excellent for treating deafness. If you grind anise seeds into powder, pour a fourth part of it with a medicinal product, then let it brew for 3 weeks, shaking the bottle periodically, and after the period expires, 2-3 drops are dripped into your ears every evening before going to bed, then it is possible to restore hearing in a short time. This method is used for deafness acquired from work noise, concerts, entertainment events or after hunting.

In dentistry

Oil is also actively used in dentistry. Thanks to its healing properties, it is excellent for stomatitis, gum disease and gingivitis. With the help of this miraculous remedy, you can get rid of burning, inflammation, pain, solve the problem of chewing food and restore damaged tissue. An ointment is made from rosehip oil in combination with other ingredients.

  • mix propolis and oils (rosehip, sea buckthorn, linseed) one drop at a time;
  • Apply after each meal, an hour after rinsing the mouth.

In gynecology

In gynecology, rosehip oil is often used for treatment. The elixir helps to cure cervical erosion, small polyps and ectopia. And for nursing mothers it is a reliable remedy for cracked nipples.

For hemorrhoids

Eye mask

  1. You need to add a few drops of essential oil to your night cream. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. cream with almond oil and add 4 drops of rosehip oil.

Apply the resulting product to the skin of the eyelids, leave for half an hour, then remove with a cotton swab.
In addition, using these methods you can eliminate not only wrinkles, but also dark circles around the eyes.

Most females may develop stretch marks on their skin after childbirth or due to instability in weight. Rosehip oil is good, softens, nourishes the skin, and at the same time regenerates cells. To do this, problem areas of the skin need to be massaged 2 times a day. The result can be seen after a month of use. To get the best effect, the oil is used for up to 6 months.

How to use

When taken internally, rosehip seed oil has a general strengthening effect, improves the immune system, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is a barrier to the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Thanks to these abilities, it is taken for gastritis, cardiovascular diseases, and is also prescribed orally for anemia, scurvy, general fatigue, kidney, liver, bladder diseases, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum.

Important! Taking rosehip oil internally should be discussed with a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

  • for ulcerative colitis, an enema is given, where the oil content is 50 ml;
  • the elixir can be prescribed for dermatosis (5 drops orally 2 times a day);
  • A stomach ulcer can be cured by a teaspoon of oil, which must be taken half an hour before meals, 3 times a day;
  • You can cleanse the intestines if you drink 1 tbsp before meals for 7 days. l. rosehip elixir.

The standard treatment regimen involves taking 1 tsp of oil. 2 times a day. In the morning - always on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, and in the evening - 2 hours after meals.

How to cook

There are 400 species of this plant, but only wild varieties are selected for preparation. The seeds are thoroughly processed beforehand. To obtain a medicinal oil liquid, two methods are used: hot extraction and cold pressing.

The second cooking method is distinguished by its benefits and quality.

There are several ways to prepare a remedy from the fruits of the plant at home. To obtain a high-quality oil substance, use only fresh fruits of the plant.

Important! The fruits are collected closer to mid-autumn - late September, early October.

If 85–90% of the bush has no green spots on the berries, and their skin is soft, this is a sure sign of ripeness. The fruits should be collected before the first frost appears so that they do not have time to lose their fruits. The collected berries should be dried in a ventilated area (avoid direct sunlight); you will need to wait several days. Or you can use the oven and do it in about 7 hours by choosing a temperature of 60 degrees.

Rosehip oil:

  1. Dried rose hips need to be ground to a powder. For this it is better to use a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting powder with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. Cover the finished mixture with a lid and put it in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. At the end of the specified time, boil the oil over low heat, then let it cool and filter.
  5. Pour into a dark glass container and store in a cool place.

If anyone is interested: how to prepare healing oil from rosehip leaves is very simple. You can also use fresh petals of the plant for cooking at home. They do not need to be dried, but in general, they are prepared according to a similar scheme.


Despite the benefits that “liquid sun” brings, it has contraindications and side effects.

It is contraindicated to use the remedy if you have oily skin and are prone to acne, furunculosis, if you have diseases of the pancreas, it should not be used if you are individually intolerant. It is not recommended to use in cases of heart failure, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis - or only after consultation with a specialist.

The fruits of the “wild rose” have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. For the first time, rosehip oil was prepared by the doctors of Ancient Greece. Hippocrates also used rose hips in medical practice to relieve inflammation, heal wounds, cracks, and strengthen the immune system. Later, rosehip oil began to be called “liquid sun” and was widely used throughout all countries of the ancient world.

Seasonal colds overtake a person primarily due to the body's low resistance and weakened immunity. Every time people rush to pharmacy kiosks to buy medicine, not noticing that there are a lot of miraculous gifts of nature around that can cope with a cold and its complications no worse than drugs from the pharmacy. It is rational to use them together with medications.

What is unique about rose hips? It includes:

  • Vitamin A, which is responsible for increasing the body's resistance, localizing and reducing areas of damage to the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, accelerates tissue epithelization during pharyngitis, tones the body and increases local immunity.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is vital for the functioning of the human immune system and the prevention of ENT diseases. It is used to treat purulent tonsillitis (tonsillitis), rhinitis, and is a natural antioxidant and antihistamine. Just 3 wild rose berries can provide a daily dose of ascorbic acid.
  • B vitamins, with the help of which doctors fight complications in diseases of the ENT organs, relapses of inflammation of the ear (including Meniere's disease), nose, paranasal sinuses, protect the inner ear from damage when ototoxic antibiotics are administered.
  • Vitamin P is used to treat inflammatory processes in otolaryngology, and in combination with vitamin C, it is practically indispensable for therapy for sore throat, rhinitis, and sinusitis.
  • Macro- and microelements (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium) - accelerate metabolic processes inside cells, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration in diseases of the throat and nose.

Rosehip oil is a good helper for the immune system and for eliminating inflammatory processes. The product is able to reduce foci of infection and cleanse the body of pathogenic bacteria.

How to cook?

To make 5–10 drops of healing oil, you need to process a whole handful of ripe berries. The oil is obtained by processing the seeds. There are two ways to prepare the oil extract: cold pressing and thermal extraction using an organic solvent. It is noteworthy that the fruits of the plant for preparing rosehip oil should not be collected after frost, as is commonly believed, but when the berries are still colored bright yellow or orange.

The medicine can be of different shades: from bright orange to dark brown - depending on the type of plant and the area where it grew. The taste is tart and bitter, with a very specific smell.

Rosehip oil extract, if properly prepared, retains all amino acids, vitamins, and elements. Therefore, rosehip oil is able to cope with inflammatory and bactericidal processes. This is especially important both for suppressing inflammation and eliminating pathogenic microbes, and for regulating vascular tone, especially in diseases accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane.

Rosehip oil can be of three types. To prepare prime:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits, grind them into powder.
  2. Divide the resulting extract into 3 parts, pour it into a glass container, but keep in mind that the flour should not occupy more than half of the container.

  3. Fill one part with refined vegetable oil (preferably olive) heated to 35–40 C. The liquid should cover the powder by about 5 cm.
  4. Stir thoroughly until you get a thick mixture (like sour cream).
  5. If the volume is insufficient, add the required amount of heated vegetable oil.
  6. Close the finished mixture tightly with a lid and let it brew for 10 days without exposure to sunlight.
  7. Strain, pour it into a second container with dry rose hips (again, pay attention to the quantity: if there is a shortage, add heated oil).
  8. Place the flooded rose hips in a dark place for 10 days.
  9. Then proceed according to a similar scenario, but using a third of the dry powder.
  10. After settling, strain and store in a cool place.

Second-rate - it will be obtained if the remains of three vessels are put into one, poured with warm vegetable oil (35-40 degrees) and left for 30 days. Then strain and store in the refrigerator.

The third grade will be obtained if you pour the powder again and leave it in the same way for a month.

To prepare rosehip oil, you need to use fresh or dried fruits. You should not take ice cream: when frozen, most vitamins are destroyed.

Store the finished medicine at a temperature of 10–15 C for 6 months. To extend shelf life, oily vitamin E should be added.

Use for the treatment of ENT organs

All of the listed “advantages” of wild rose hips help to cope with ENT diseases quickly and efficiently. What ailments can be treated with rosehip oil? It is effective for sore throat, nasal congestion, and partial hearing loss. Therefore, we will consider the application in each individual case.

If your throat hurts

Rosehip oil is recommended for patients diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, and various types of infections affecting the upper respiratory tract. The mucous membrane, affected by infection, becomes inflamed, the tissue dries out. As a result, pain and coughing aggravate the situation. The oil will relieve symptoms, destroy pathogenic microbes, and help the body recover quickly.

Pharyngitis (inflammation of the lymphatic and mucous tissue of the pharynx). Doctors recommend using rosehip oil for gargling even in cases of purulent inflammation: a diluted oil solution will help remove purulent plaque from the tonsils. It is also allowed to put lotions or compresses on the throat. Rubbing the throat with a moistened cotton pad is a great remedy for pharyngitis.

For laryngitis, when the tissues of the larynx are inflamed, it will help reduce pain and improve general condition.


If rhinitis is diagnosed, it means that the nasal mucosa is affected, the inflammatory process begins, and tissue swelling occurs. Rosehip oil extract, which you can buy at any pharmacy or prepare yourself, can easily cope with all these symptoms. By the way, the cost of this drug is not so high: from 1 to 5 dollars for 50 mg. To overcome the symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition, you can not only drip into the nose, but also insert turundas soaked in the drug. If your baby is sick, you should put 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. For children over 12 years of age and adults, it is recommended to administer 3-4 drops into the nostrils. The manipulation should be repeated up to 5 times a day.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. To remove unpleasant symptoms, pain and discomfort, mix rosehip oil with sea buckthorn oil (1:1). Place 1-2 drops in your nose 4-5 times a day, or in pure form - 4-5 drops 3 times a day. Very young children can suffer from sinusitis, so please note that this method of treating a child under 2 years old is not suitable - it is better to consult a specialist for medical help.

Treatment of deafness

Rosehip oil can be dripped not only into the nose, but also into the ear, after mixing it with anise drops. This will help restore hearing to people who have been diagnosed with deafness as a result of professional activities: concert performances, shots fired while hunting, machines in a factory, etc.


The benefits of “liquid sun” are enormous, this has long been proven. But the results of scientific research do not guarantee that absolutely everyone can be treated with it. Like all medicines, rosehip oil for the nose and throat has contraindications:

  • It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take the drug internally.
  • The high amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in rose hips can erode tooth enamel. Therefore, after gargling with the solution, you should rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Individual intolerance to one or more components included in the oil; allergic reaction.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also worth consulting with your doctor if the patient is prone to blood clots.

“Wild rose” is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. Many pharmacological preparations based on rose hips have been developed that can cure ENT diseases, but they must be used carefully and after prior consultation with a doctor.

Today I want to tell you about the properties of rosehip oil. Reviews are very important to all of us, and I have a lot to say about this oil. Rosehip oil helped me in treating duodenal ulcers. This oil is not common, such as sea buckthorn oil, burdock oil and others. But, this does not make it less useful than other oils. I myself remembered about rosehip oil only with the arrival of winter, as it is perfect for dry skin. Rosehip oil has a very rich composition. Rosehip oil can be used both internally and externally.

Rosehip is a beautiful shrub; in spring it pleases with soft pink flowers, and in autumn with bright red fruits. The healing properties of this plant were known back in the 17th century. Rose hips and oil were considered a very expensive medicine, and were valued as an effective remedy. Herbalists and healers used rose hips to prepare “potions.” More details about the medicinal properties of rose hips can be found in the article ““.

Rosehip oil has received the title “king of natural oils.” The beneficial properties of the oil allow it to be used for various diseases.

The color of rosehip oil depends on the variety of rosehip and where it grows. The oil has a specific aroma and a slightly bitter taste. The color of the oil can range from rose-golden to dark orange and red. The color of the oil is due to its rich composition.

Rosehip oil contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E. The oil contains 15 amino acids, as well as manganese, phosphorus, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, molybdenum.

Rosehip oil has unique properties and is widely used in the health and beauty industry.

You can use rosehip oil for dry skin on your hands, face, wounds, wounds, cracks, and burns. The oil perfectly softens, soothes and promotes skin regeneration. In winter, this oil is simply irreplaceable for hands and face.

It is sold in any pharmacy and is produced by various manufacturers. Therefore, you can choose rosehip oil based on the price and manufacturer. But, I want to note that there is oil marked “for external use”; such oil cannot be used internally.

Rosehip oil. Medicinal properties.

Due to its rich composition, rosehip oil is used both internally and externally. Rosehip oil is used in cosmetology. It is used as a base oil or in combination with other oils in the form of mixtures. Rosehip oil is also used to create compositions with essential oils.

Rosehip oil is obtained by extraction from rosehip seeds. And due to the content of natural vitamins in the oil, rosehip oil is a multivitamin and immunomodulatory agent.

  • Rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory healing properties.
  • Rosehip oil is valuable for its vitaminizing properties.
  • Rosehip oil has antimicrobial properties.
  • Rosehip oil perfectly softens the skin.
  • Rosehip oil has regenerating healing properties.
  • Rosehip oil has tonic properties.
  • Vitamins A, C, E - nourish, saturate, restore, regenerate, moisturize, relieve inflammation. These vitamins are natural antioxidants and are beneficial for healthy and beautiful skin.
  • Microelements improve intracellular metabolism in skin cells.
  • Rosehip oil has a slight choleretic property.
  • This oil improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Rosehip oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of plaques in them.

In folk medicine, rosehip oil is used much more than in official medicine. But a very tasty infusion is prepared from the bright rose hips, which can be consumed as a vitamin tea or as a means to strengthen the immune system. And in combination with honey, this is a double benefit for the body.

Rosehip oil. Application.

Rosehip oil can be used both internally and externally. I used rosehip oil internally for duodenal ulcers. I used the oil as prescribed by the doctor. But the treatment did not consist only in the use of rosehip oil, rather it was used as an additional remedy. Still, rosehip oil has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

I would like to note that use all remedies, be they medications or folk remedies, only as prescribed by a doctor or after consultation with a doctor.

  • Rosehip oil is used for burns, wounds, cracks, wounds, and skin damage as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Rosehip oil is used internally for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Rosehip oil is used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  • It is useful for nursing mothers to lubricate cracked nipples with rosehip oil, as it promotes their rapid healing.
  • For a sore throat, rosehip oil is taken to soothe the throat, along with other remedies.
  • The oil is used to care for facial skin. Rosehip oil is suitable for fading, dry, tired, chapped skin. The oil softens, heals, moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles, and tones the skin.
  • Use rosehip oil to care for chapped lips.
  • I add oil to cream for face and hands.
  • The oil is used to make homemade cosmetics. One of my favorite oils right now is.
  • Rosehip oil is used to eliminate scars, stretch marks and cicatrices.
  • Rosehip oil lightens age spots on the skin.
  • The oil regenerates the skin, eliminates irritation and peeling.
  • Rosehip oil has proven itself for the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers and wounds.
  • The oil helps eliminate scars and vascular patterns on the skin, making the skin smoother, healthier and more beautiful.

Rosehip oil has a general strengthening effect on the body. For premature skin aging, rosehip oil is used to increase skin elasticity; it is especially useful to lubricate the skin around the eyes with rosehip oil.

Rosehip oil is used to eliminate scars, stretch marks, scars. The oil relieves redness of scars. Rosehip oil massage should be done several times a day, the result will appear within 3-4 weeks.

For skin diseases, use gauze pads soaked in rosehip oil, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin. You can also lubricate wounds, wounds, cracks, frostbite, burns and other skin damage with rosehip oil.

Rosehip oil is used to treat rhinitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Rosehip oil is dripped into the nose.

For peptic ulcers, rosehip oil is used a dessert spoon 20 minutes before meals several times a day. Rosehip oil is used in combination with other drugs.

For a sore throat or sore throat, drink a teaspoon of rosehip oil several times a day. Also, gargling with herbs is a great help for sore throats. A decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, calendula is suitable, you can gargle with a solution of salt, soda, iodine.

Rosehip oil. Contraindications.

  • Oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or allergies.
  • For diseases of the pancreas, rosehip oil is contraindicated.
  • External use of rosehip oil is prohibited for boils, acne and oily facial skin.

Rosehip oil for stretch marks.

Many women are aware of the problem of stretch marks on the skin. When losing weight or suddenly gaining weight, stretch marks may form on the skin. Pregnant women are at risk.

Rosehip oil helps reduce stretch marks on the skin. By using rosehip oil you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Using rosehip oil, you can get rid of age spots that often appear during pregnancy. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, rosehip oil must be used from the first months of pregnancy.

To reduce stretch marks, rosehip oil can be used either in its pure form or combined with essential oils of neroli and rosemary.

Massage with rosehip oil several times a day. Results will be noticeable within 3-4 weeks. The oil will additionally nourish and soften the skin. Rosehip oil is able to penetrate deeply into skin cells, thereby promoting cell regeneration.

Rosehip oil for the skin around the eyes and lips.

Rosehip oil perfectly cares for the skin around the eyes. Saturates the skin with vitamins, softens and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Rosehip oil for the skin around the eyes can be used either in its pure form or by adding a few drops of oil to eye cream.

Rosehip oil has healing properties; therefore, for wounds on the lips, cracks, wounds in the corners of the mouth, and chapped lips, it is useful to lubricate the lips with rosehip oil. You can make homemade lip balms with rosehip oil.

More details on how to use rosehip oil for the face and hair can be found in the article ““. In the article you will also find recipes for masks based on rosehip oil.