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Can a runny nose appear due to osteochondrosis? Breathing difficulties with osteochondrosis: treatment and risks. What diseases are not typical for osteochondrosis?


Dystrophic disorders in the cartilaginous structure of the spine are in some cases accompanied by complications that, at first glance, cannot be associated with osteochondrosis. This makes it somewhat difficult to find the true causes of such problems. However, you should be aware that degenerative processes in the spinal discs affect the nervous and circulatory systems, which can cause dysfunction in other organs. Sometimes the following symptoms appear with cervical osteochondrosis: nasal and ear congestion, headaches.

Nasal congestion

Why can the nose be stuffy with osteochondrosis of the neck?

It is quite obvious that the processes occurring in the human body are interconnected in one way or another. Therefore, when answering the question whether nasal congestion can occur with cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take a closer look at the mechanisms of influence of some systems on others. Often, with this disease, deformation of the fibrous ring and nucleus pulposus of the vertebrae occurs. As a result, nerve endings are pinched and blood vessels passing near the upper spine are compressed.

Accordingly, the organs located in the head receive insufficient oxygen. At the same time, the outflow of venous blood slows down, and hence the removal of fluid from the tissues. This clinical picture causes, among other things, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, dilation of the capillaries and increased secretion of muconasal secretions by the exocrine glands.

Swelling may be aggravated due to the vulnerability of inflamed tissues to external infection.

The structure of the cervical segment of the spine

So, as we found out, the condition of the mucous tissues of the nasal cavity may depend on the functioning of the veins and arteries associated with the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. In case of oxygen deficiency, provoked by degenerative-dystrophic damage to the intervertebral discs, the reflex reaction dilates the blood vessels due to excessive mucus secretion.

Against this background, patients sometimes feel other ailments - their ears are blocked or buzzing, their faces swell, and their eyes water. In rare cases, phenomena such as attacks of dizziness and nausea may occur. Symptoms may worsen in the presence of colds.

What should you do?

If a runny nose appears without any apparent reason for a cold, a detailed diagnosis should be carried out. If it is possible to establish a connection between the emerging symptoms of rhinitis and problems with the cervical spine, it is advisable to treat not only inflammation in the nose, but also osteochondrosis as the cause of a complex complication.

During the diagnostic measures preceding treatment, the condition of the vertebrae is checked using an x-ray, the vascular system is examined using an ultrasound machine, and also, if a more detailed picture is required, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

Direct treatment, especially in the case of noticeable pain, involves the use of antispasmodic medications, anesthetics, analgesics, as well as drugs from the NSAID group. Additionally, ointments are used that can relieve muscle tension. At the same time, to eliminate inflammation of the nasal mucosa and reduce secretions, nasal drops are recommended - by narrowing the blood vessels and removing swelling, they make breathing easier.

Having eliminated acute signs of complications, care should be taken to restore and strengthen the osteochondral tissue. A special role is played by glucosamine, collagen hydrolysate and chondroitin sulfate, which are included in the chondroprotective group of drugs. The use of regenerating agents should be combined with vitamin therapy. This will speed up the healing of the cervical vertebrae and strengthen the immune system. As for the nasal cavity, instillation or inhalation of preparations based on medicinal plants will help improve the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.

It is advisable to support drug therapy with further therapeutic measures aimed at stimulating cell restoration and improving metabolism, namely: manual therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as a complex of physical therapy. Among other things, all this will eliminate pain in the cervical region, strengthen the muscle structure and improve the patient’s overall well-being.


Prevention measures

If complex complications associated with intervertebral osteochondrosis occur, it is strongly recommended not only to consult a doctor, but also to try to make appropriate changes in lifestyle, including following a diet and giving up bad habits. Health-improving physical education classes will help prevent problems with the spine.

To maintain a healthy shape, do not let yourself sit too long, watch your posture, and take regular walks. Diet is also important: to normalize the musculoskeletal system, experts advise avoiding dishes high in salt, fat, spicy seasonings, etc. Instead, the emphasis is on products that can improve blood circulation and the condition of cartilage and bone tissue.


Any pain symptoms in the spine and accompanying complications must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing multiple health problems. If osteochondrosis causes a stuffy nose, ears, or decreased visual acuity, then such dysfunctions should not be treated independently and you should seek qualified medical help.

Good day! Symptoms, please help, I’m in despair, I’m worried about tension and heaviness in the neck, stuffy nose, pain in the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, every day! I can’t work, I don’t have enough concentration. I have been sick for about 10 years. In recent years the condition has worsened. All symptoms intensify with brain activity (reading books, when I’m trying to learn something). He was treated by an ENT specialist and a neurologist. There was treatment with antibiotics, antiallergic, Nasonex from an ENT specialist. There is no discharge from the nose, I only feel nauseous if I have a severe headache. I had surgery to partially remove the inferior concha (conchotomy) and surgery to straighten the nasal septum, but the condition did not change. The ENT says even after the operation you still have a slight curvature in the area of ​​the middle lower conchae. One of the last treatments from a neurologist: 1. Milgamma 2.0 IM No. 10 2. L - lysine escinate 0.1% - 5.0 ml + 200 saline No. 10 3. Artoxan 20 mg IM No. 6 4 Trental 5.0 + 200 ml IV No. 10 5. Capsicam 6. Neck-collar massage 7. Acupuncture 8. Went regularly to the Bubnovsky (physical therapy) center for 12 sessions 9. Laser therapy and magnetotherapy The last treatment did not help at all. From what helps: 1. Training in the gym, namely when I lift heavy weights, it helps more when I do the load on my arms, 2. Bathing in a cold spring also helps a little. 3. Bleeding from the neck and head using a cup helps temporarily. 4. Sodium thiosulfate + saline also helps temporarily. 5. The following treatment temporarily helped a little: 1) detralex 2 r/d No. 15 2) noofen 250mg 1x3 no. 20 3) loratal 10mg 1t no. 10 4) l-lysine 5 ml + saline 100 ml no. 10 5) mixidol 2 ml + physical/r 0.4 10 ml No. 10 6) liposome forte 2 ml IM #10 diagnostics: I have MRI images and I can send you the conclusions. Conclusions: 1. MRI of the brain dated March 4, 2015: Picture of stage I encephalopathy with subatrophy of the cortex of the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres. Hypotrophy of both hippocampi. Intracranial hypertension with dilation of the diploetic veins in the internal occipital protrusion, as well as the adjacent saphenous veins. Slight moderate thickening of both frontal, both maxillary sinuses and cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth. Solid inclusion in the pyramid of the right temporal bone at the level of the vestibulocochlear nerve. 2. MRI of the brain dated 02/03/15 signs of mild external hydrocephalus 3. MRI of the cervical spine dated 02/03/15: signs of protrusion of intervertebral discs at levels c5-c6, c6-c7 4. MRI of the lumbosacral region dated 02 /03/15: signs of left-sided posterolateral intervertebral disc herniation at the l5-s1 level. 6. Color duplex scanning of the extracranial sections of the brachiocephalic arteries from 03/02/2015: in the system of the common, internal carotid and vertebral arteries at the extracranial level, no hemodynamically significant obstacles to blood flow were identified 7. Uzdg of the brachiocephalic vessels with transranial Doppler from 12/10/14: angiodystonia of the hypertensive type with moderate venous disticulation along the vertebral plexuses and signs of obstructed outflow from the cranial cavity. Irritation of the left vertebral artery and irritation of the vertebral arteries in the IV segment. Angiospasm of the orbital arteries. A neurologist suggested interstitial electrical stimulation using Gerasimov’s method on the neck and head, I’m wondering whether to do it or not. Another neurologist suggested treatment with chondroprotectors. . The ENT says even after the operation you have a slight curvature in the area of ​​the middle inferior concha, is it worth having surgery again to straighten the nasal septum, I think it’s worth a try. What do you think is my diagnosis and what treatment should I take?

The most common symptom of a cold is a runny nose. There are many methods known to get rid of it (vasoconstrictor drops, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, rinsing using the cuckoo method). But some people believe that there is no point in being treated for a runny nose - there is even a saying: “If you treat a cold, it will go away in 7 days, and if you don’t treat it, it will disappear in a week.” This is a big mistake, since infectious diseases without therapy develop into complicated forms. For example, in... arthritis.

There are a couple of viruses that harm almost all systems in the human body. These are parvoviruses B12 and RA1. They enter the body through airborne droplets. Initially, typical symptoms of a runny nose appear - mucous discharge from the nose, ear congestion, dry cough, weakness, headache, etc. An unusual symptom for the described parvoviruses in the initial period is a rash on the face, arms, legs. This rash is often attributed to an allergic reaction to cold pills taken.

If a viral disease is not cured on time, viruses spread through the bloodstream and settle in different organs, which leads to joint damage and arthritis.

If a viral disease is not cured on time, viruses spread through the bloodstream and settle in different organs. They often affect the joints and cause arthritis. People call this “cold joints.” Its symptoms:

  • Nagging pain, stiffness, limited movement in the joint.
  • Characteristic swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  • Local increase in temperature over the affected joint.

The cause of the secondary disease is that viruses settled in the joint capsule provoke a protective reaction of the body. An inflammatory reaction begins around pathogenic organisms, which is dangerous for the joints: an autoimmune failure occurs when the body gets confused and, together with foreign pathogens, begins to destroy its own elements, in this case the joints.

The complexity of the situation is that even when the viruses are destroyed, the antibodies will not recede, but will continue to destroy the joints (that is, the cold will go away, but the arthritis will remain). Therefore, it is better not to take the situation to extremes, to treat viral diseases at the first symptoms, without hoping that the cold will “go away on its own.”

If viral arthritis does begin to manifest itself, then complex treatment will be required: taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, applying compresses to the joints, primary immobilization and subsequent exercise therapy, nutritional correction, and taking chondroprotectors.

When does osteochondrosis cause a runny nose?

The opposite situation is possible: joint diseases cause a runny nose. In this case, the cause will be neurovegetative: with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the nerve bundles that conduct signals from the brain are compressed. If the autonomic nerves responsible for the olfactory organs are compressed, the following may occur:

Often, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, nasal congestion, itching and burning inside the nose may occur - these are the consequences of osteochondrosis. The root cause must be treated!

  • Insensitivity to odors.
  • Feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Runny nose.
  • Constant sneezing.
  • Itching, burning inside the nose.

All of these symptoms are characteristic of a viral cold or allergy, which often prompts improper treatment. The root cause (osteochondrosis) will continue to develop and provoke complications - migraines, perivascular neuralgia, diencephalic syndrome, complete loss of smell, degenerative destruction of the spinal column, etc.

If you suspect a neurovegetative runny nose, you must undergo a full examination to make an accurate diagnosis (for example, rhinoscopy and radiography of the cervical spine). Based on the test results, a treatment program will be prescribed - you may need medications with substances that strengthen cartilage and bone tissue, wearing corsets, therapeutic exercises, nutrition adjustments, physiotherapy, etc.

Remember: your well-being is in your hands. All the diseases listed in the article are easier to prevent than to take treatment measures later. It is necessary to engage in the prevention of colds, pathologies of the joints and spine. Regular examination by a doctor will be helpful. Take care of yourself!

Can the nose become blocked with cervical osteochondrosis?

Nasal congestion with cervical osteochondrosis is one of its symptoms. If your nose is stuffy, but there is no runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane is excluded, and you also do not use any nasal drops, then we are talking about pressure disorders - arterial and intracranial.

Degenerative changes in the spine that occur as a result of cervical osteochondrosis significantly affect the cardiovascular system. The intervertebral discs dry out, the vertebrae receive a strong load, put pressure on each other, as a result the fibrous ring can burst, the discs can shift, hernias and protrusions can occur, and after this - pinching of the nerve roots, blood vessels, and vertebral artery. Bone growths called osteophytes can have the same effect. If the vessels and the vertebral artery are pinched, then a significant part of the nutrients and blood stops flowing to the brain, and the exchange between the spinal cord and the head is disrupted. This leads to vascular disorders. The brain tries to compensate for the lack of blood, dilates the blood vessels, so the pressure rises. This can cause your nose to become stuffy.

To rule out an inflammatory process in the nose, consult a doctor. You can finally get rid of nasal congestion due to cervical osteochondrosis only by normalizing the pressure, and therefore by curing the osteochondrosis itself.

Swimming works all muscle groups, including the neck muscles, which strengthens the musculoskeletal core.

Yoga is essentially the same set of therapeutic exercises that help strengthen muscles and skeleton.

Acupuncture is a non-traditional oriental medicine that targets acupuncture points responsible for the health of the cervical region.

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches helps dilate blood vessels, dissolve blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which helps eliminate pinched nerve endings in the neck.

Injections are given for only one purpose - to relieve pain, but they do not cure the disease itself. After injections, you must undergo physiotherapy courses.

Drug treatment will help to instantly relieve pain and stop inflammatory processes, but the disease itself cannot be cured with pills.

Manual therapy will relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and help release pinched nerve endings.

Physical therapy for cervical osteochondrosis strengthens the musculoskeletal body. But it is very important to perform the exercises correctly so as not to harm yourself even more.

Almost all doctors prescribe massage as a mandatory therapy. Massage stimulates blood circulation, strengthens muscles and restores former mobility.

Characteristic diseases of osteochondrosis: can osteochondrosis cause their exacerbation

Whether osteochondrosis will occur and develop in the child’s later life depends on the quality and diet, proper distribution of the load on the spine, changes in work and rest, age, general health, physical exercise, congenital or previous diseases, injuries and operations. For example, if one or both parents have bones that can become deformed from loads on the back (usually the thoracic region), then the child’s body may be prone to the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints and muscles.

Symptoms of diseases with osteochondrosis

But what is dangerous about osteochondrosis in itself is its ability to lead to disability and partial or complete paralysis. It is also scary because it can cause concomitant diseases that manifest themselves with serious symptoms and can harm a person’s life no less than osteochondrosis itself.

The consequences of osteochondrosis, such as abnormal changes or deformation of the vertebrae and discs, affect the blood vessels and veins. In close proximity to the spine lies the spinal cord, which flows smoothly and is combined with the brain. A straight vein runs along the vertebra - the blood supply system to the brain, through which blood circulates. Blood flows to special parts of the brain.

These parts are the cerebellum and the inner ear. When deformed cervical vertebrae push back or slightly press on a vein, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted and the blood flow also changes. As a result, disturbances in the functioning of the human musculoskeletal system are observed. Such manifestations are characteristic of chronic osteochondrosis in the upper back.

Advanced osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can provoke additional symptoms, such as tinnitus, headache, partial and periodic nasal congestion (especially in a horizontal position), dizziness and unsteadiness of gait, nausea and vomiting. If the cause of nasal congestion is only osteochondrosis, then with an upright position of the body there is usually no such problem.

Sinusitis is a disease caused by chronic runny nose and persistent colds. With osteochondrosis, short-term symptoms of sinus congestion are observed, which do not provoke sinusitis.

Concomitant diseases with osteochondrosis

Cervicalgia is the name for pain in the neck. It may hurt due to manifestations of inflammatory processes associated with the upper spine. The disease accompanies initial and chronic osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spinal column, muscle tissue, pinched nerve roots, sprained or torn ligaments, protrusion of intervertebral discs. Its manifestations can be triggered by colds in the neck area.

A stroke may be a consequence of chronic cervical osteochondrosis. Hypertension is a chronic increase in (blood) pressure. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is dangerous for hypertensive patients, since when the vertebral artery is compressed, the pressure constantly jumps. Any stress, strain, or sudden head tilt that can cause a stroke are contraindicated. With hypertension and osteochondrosis, there is a connection in symptoms - characteristic numbness of the hands and fingers.

With diseases of the bone tissue, the intestines may suffer. When a person moves little due to frequent pain attacks, stagnation occurs in the entire intestinal tract. It's scary if a person doesn't pay attention to it. Serious problems can arise, such as poisoning of the body with fecal toxins and fossilization of feces with their ingrowth into the intestines. Such a terrible pathology does not provide for drug treatment, and the “clogged” part of the intestine is surgically excised.

When the right side hurts and aches, this may be a manifestation of the symptoms of osteochondrosis. The organs of the peritoneum - intestines, stomach, liver - are supplied with nerve roots of the spinal cord, located in the thoracic spine. The resulting pain is difficult to distinguish from pain caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The right side is the site of the liver, which contains the gallbladder. It can form stones that can cause pain. A serious disorder in the liver can affect the final results in the diagnosis of spinal diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of the hepatic gland is necessary. The left side is the place of the stomach, and with osteochondrosis, it can also remind you of itself with aching pain.

Urogenital function may be impaired by lumbar osteochondrosis. Women are characterized by inflammatory processes of the appendages, and men - inflammation of the prostate. Concomitant manifestations arise due to stagnation in the pelvic organs. During the treatment of inflammatory processes, antibiotics prescribed by the doctor are used. Superficial warming of the internal genitourinary organs using hot water bottles is not recommended.

Prostatitis and osteochondrosis are diseases that often accompany men working as drivers. Such diseases are provoked by prolonged sitting, cold, lack of sleep and constant vibration during traffic. Treatment of prostatitis is vital, since a man’s reproductive function depends on it, and the pain that accompanies this disease affects the quality of life.

The effect of drugs on the body and lack of vitamins in osteochondrosis

Potency is not associated with incipient or chronic osteochondrosis. It is important to note that the increase in potency can be influenced by ointments or warming gels applied to the lower back. They help improve blood circulation and its flow to the pelvic area, thereby affecting potency. In the absence of acute pain, a relaxing massage of the lower back and buttocks helps increase potency. A decrease in potency is affected by the lack of regular sexual relations due to back pain.

Against the background of osteochondrosis, the intestines suffer from the side effects of intramuscular injections and tablets. In some cases, a clear clinical picture of negative manifestations occurs, for example, severe migraine attacks, diarrhea (sometimes interspersed with blood clots), pain in the stomach (in the center of the upper part of the peritoneum), cramps (cramping of the fingers), nausea.

Hair loss can be a consequence of a lack of calcium and other trace elements and vitamins in the body. With a lack of calcium, bone tissue and hair become more fragile, wear out and break down faster. Some medications, including those used for anesthesia, have a negative effect on the structure and strength of hair follicles. For malignant tumors, chemotherapy is prescribed, during which hair may fall out partially or completely.

Osteochondrosis can accompany hair loss, but does not cause it on its own. If a person has enough essential nutrients in the body and does not have osteoporosis (caused by the leaching of calcium from the body), and osteochondrosis is caused by injury or exhausting work, then it does not have a particular negative effect on the hair. Quite often, cervical osteochondrosis can cause severe headaches, which, together with medications, contributes to their loss. During osteochondrosis, nails suffer from a lack of calcium and become thin and brittle.

What diseases are not typical for osteochondrosis?

In case of such manifestations, the medicine is immediately discontinued and no longer prescribed. With such symptoms, a person is hospitalized and with the help of special medications they cleanse the body of toxins. Before purchasing a medicine to prevent osteochondrosis, you must consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Prevention of the onset of the disease and its exacerbations

If you do not treat osteochondrosis at the initial stage, continue to wear out the spine, do not give the body enough healthy foods, and do not rest, then in a very short time the disease will take on a chronic and irreversible form. The body itself wears out quite quickly and needs help.

Pain in the heart radiates under the shoulder blade: this symptom is widespread in thoracic osteochondrosis and bone growths (osteophytes). This affects the sequence in the examination: first of all, a cardiogram is prescribed, and only then an x-ray of the affected area of ​​the spine.

If pain appears in the heart area in front, on the side, under the shoulder blade, you must call an ambulance.

If the pain is caused by osteochondrosis, then all appointments are made by a neurologist and a vertebrologist. A gastroenterologist will help you get rid of pain caused by diseases of the intestinal tract. A neurologist and proctologist will tell you how to deal with constipation and hemorrhoids due to osteochondrosis. A urologist will help remove the negative effect of drugs on the kidneys when treating the musculoskeletal system. The hepatologist will help the liver, which receives all the toxic substances from medications and low-quality products.

Any pain caused by osteochondrosis cannot be ignored and relieved on your own. A serious and qualified approach to the examination is needed. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication with medications can lead to exacerbations of diseases of internal organs and severe intoxication of the entire body.

Can the nose be blocked with cervical osteochondrosis?

Neck pain and stuffy nose

Is ear congestion possible with cervical osteochondrosis and what should be done?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a dangerous disease fraught with complications. One of the main difficulties associated with this disease is the difficulty of identifying it. A quick diagnosis is hampered by the presence of symptoms similar to those of other ailments. A striking example is ear congestion with cervical osteochondrosis, which is a characteristic symptom not only of this, but also of a number of other diseases.

At the same time that the patient is plagued by congestion in the ear, cervical osteochondrosis is often accompanied by ringing tinnitus, dizziness, and an excessively nervous reaction to certain sounds.

Why are my ears clogged?

Of course, not only because osteochondrosis has become a problem, my ears are blocked and my head is dizzy. Sometimes congestion can be caused by other troubles, which include:

  1. Viral diseases.
  2. Their consequences are inflammation.
  3. Stress and physical fatigue.
  4. Damage to the auditory nerves due to head trauma.

Ears are blocked for other reasons, which means that establishing an accurate diagnosis is key. Only after obtaining a complete picture of the disease can treatment begin. Otherwise, the effectiveness of therapy will be zero.

If you notice unpleasant symptoms, you shouldn’t think long about whether your ears can be blocked due to cervical osteochondrosis. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for timely detection of the disease and prescribing optimal treatment.

When the cause of poor health is osteochondrosis, one or both ears become blocked due to two reasons:

  1. Insufficient blood circulation in the head vessels.
  2. Neck muscle strain.

The first point also affects the proper functioning of the nose. In the latter case, ear congestion and pain are caused by degenerative processes in the cervical vertebrae. These vertebrae are subjected to a load almost equal to the stress in the lower back. Changes in the cervical vertebrae caused by osteochondrosis lead to the fact that this load no longer falls on the bones, but on the muscles.

Ear pain with cervical osteochondrosis

One ear or both can hurt at the same time because when the vertebrae are diseased, bone and muscle tissue grows in the cervical region. As a result, nerve endings and blood vessels are compressed between the tumors, which inhibits blood circulation and leads to pain.

In addition to the ears, patients with cervical osteochondrosis often have headaches, mainly in the temples or occipital area. Sometimes patients complain of “floaters” and temporary darkening in the eyes due to sudden movements. This list also includes frequent increases in blood pressure.

It has been noticed that pain in the ear, like ringing, goes away simultaneously with pain manifested in the back of the head or temples. In other words, all pain and negative sensations disappear at once. In some cases, pain and ringing may indicate progressive hearing problems.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

As mentioned above, before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the cause of the headache or blocked ear is osteochondrosis. To do this, the patient needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the patient does not know which specialist he needs to see, it is better to make an appointment with a local therapist, and he will issue the necessary referrals.

As a rule, the diagnosis is preceded by a long examination, during which specialists identify the reason why the ears have ceased to fully function. You should not refuse the examination, because the goal of treatment is not to level out unpleasant sensations, but to eliminate their cause. It must be remembered that in the absence of timely treatment, any disease threatens complications.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the early stages consists of drug therapy. This may be taking pills or intramuscular injection of drugs. In advanced cases, he prescribes a drug blockade. Only a qualified specialist has the right to carry out this procedure. The patient himself should under no circumstances do the blockade at home, as this may result in irreversible damage to the nerve endings if the medicine is incorrectly administered to the cervical spine.

How dangerous is this disease?

The main danger of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae is that it often takes on the character of a chronic disease. According to medical statistics, a number of patients experience a stable deterioration in their condition, characterized by an increase in attacks and increased pain. Here we are no longer talking about simple pain in the ear or back of the head. Patients lose self-confidence due to hearing impairment, loss of freedom of movement and inability to adapt to the environment. In addition, the patient's health is undermined by overwork due to constant insomnia.

Treatment of the disease at the chronic stage

The process of fighting a chronic disease is very long. Specialists take a whole range of measures to improve the patient’s well-being, however, in the most severe cases, treatment may not have any effect for several months. Then the patient again has to undergo examinations to detect hernias or protrusions between the vertebrae. Their treatment consists mainly of surgery.

You must always remember that it is impossible to completely defeat chronic osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, but you can make sure that this disease will never remind you of yourself again. To do this, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Regularly engage in sports or at least physical therapy.
  2. Follow the principles of healthy eating.
  3. Periodically visit a doctor and undergo examinations.

Preventive measures

In order not to think about whether your head or ear may hurt due to cervical osteochondrosis, you need to remember about prevention every day. It consists of combating factors that increase the risk of developing this disease. These factors mainly include:

  1. Inactive lifestyle.
  2. Frequent exposure to drafts.
  3. Frequent diseases caused by viruses.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Unhealthy eating.
  6. Destabilization of metabolism.

By eliminating these points and giving preference to a healthy lifestyle, you can be sure that you will not have to suffer from osteochondrosis. In this case, not only the cervical spine, but also the whole body will be in perfect order.

Separately, it is worth noting that self-medication should be excluded. Only contacting a doctor as soon as possible when pain or ear congestion occurs can be the key to a successful and quick recovery.

How to forget about joint pain?

  • Joint pain limits your movements and full life
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much

Anonymous, Male, 25 years old

Worried headaches stuffy nose

Good afternoon, please help me, I’m desperate. I am 25 years old, a guy with symptoms: - tension bothers me, as if something is bursting, heaviness, but it is not pain, in the neck and temples every day, - pain in the eye area, especially on the side of the eye that is closer to the ear, pain as if radiating from the temples. -There are also pains in the bridge of the nose, sinuses, and forehead; all this is necessarily accompanied by nasal congestion, in the part where there is pain or tension. There is no sinusitis, no allergies, nasal discharge happens if the head hurts badly, then the nose gets very clogged and then the discharge is only white, there is no purulent discharge. Pain and tension in the places described above intensify with brain activity, with mental work, when I read thoughtfully, especially with cramming, exercises in the gym help, and heavy weights when I pull bring more relief exercises in your arms. But as soon as you go to bed, after the night the condition worsens again, you have to exercise every day. I pulled my shoulder, now I’m in despair because the pain in my shoulder doesn’t allow me to do exercises, and exercises on my legs or abs or back don’t give the same effect as exercises on my arms. I had an MRI: I have MRI pictures and I can send you the conclusions. Conclusions: 1. MRI of the brain dated March 4: Picture of stage I encephalopathy with subatrophy of the cortex of the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres. Hypotrophy of both hippocampi. Intracranial hypertension with dilation of the diploetic veins in the internal occipital protrusion, as well as the adjacent saphenous veins. Slight moderate thickening of both frontal, both maxillary sinuses and cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth. Solid inclusion in the pyramid of the right temporal bone at the level of the vestibulocochlear nerve. 2. MRI of the brain dated 02/03/15 signs of mild external hydrocephalus 3. MRI of the cervical spine dated 02/03/15: signs of protrusion of intervertebral discs at levels c5-c6, c6-c7 4. MRI of the lumbosacral region dated 02 /03/15: signs of left-sided posterolateral intervertebral disc herniation at the l5-s1 level. 5. Color duplex scanning of the extracranial sections of the brachiocephalic arteries from 03/02/2015: in the system of the common, internal carotid and vertebral arteries at the extracranial level, no hemodynamically significant obstacles to blood flow were identified 7. Uzdg of the brachiocephalic vessels with transranial Doppler from 12/10/14: angiodystonia of the hypertensive type with moderate venous disticulation along the vertebral plexuses and signs of obstructed outflow from the cranial cavity. Irritation of the left vertebral artery and irritation of the vertebral arteries in the IV segment. Angiospasm of the orbital arteries. I want to understand if I have ENT or neurology? And why does my nose get stuffy? Why does my head hurt? What should I do? Maybe I need to undergo additional diagnostics? Help with diagnosis and treatment

Hello. There are rare types of headaches in which the nose is blocked, there is a light discharge from the nose, the eye turns red and waters. Based on your description, I have not yet been able to understand whether your symptoms belong to this category. Fill out a questionnaire on headaches on my website (if you think that you have several types of headaches, a questionnaire for each) and send it to me by email, insert the text of your question and my answer into the body of the letter. Let's try to figure it out. Did an ENT doctor examine you? Did you take pictures of the sinuses? Explain, did you do an MRI of the head twice, 2 days apart, or was it a typo?

Consultation is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

Could nasal congestion be related to neck problems?

I constantly have a stuffy nose, I use drops only as a last resort, I went to the ENT specialist and she told me the reasons. Is it true that a stuffy nose can be caused by the neck? My neck hurts when I turn sharply, my headaches are throbbing and clicks in my neck (not often) go away on their own. It happens that something pinches in the lumbar region on the left side and I cannot straighten up. My job is physical.

This is the first time I have heard such an interpretation of nasal congestion. The nasal mucosa is in no way supplied with blood from the vertebral arteries, which pass in the cervical spine, i.e. even the assumption of some kind of venous stagnation does not stand up to criticism. Most likely you have either allergic rhinitis or banal vasomotor rhinitis. Consult another ENT doctor to clarify nasal congestion. Headaches, indeed, can be associated with muscular-tonic syndrome against the background of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you can try taking Flamidez 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals or Nimid Forte 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals for about 5-7 days .

Sincerely: Zinchuk Tatyana Vladimirovna

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Zinchuk Igor Grigorievich

Head of the Dr. Zinchuk Medical Center

Zinchuk Tatyana Vladimirovna

Questions from site visitors

Manifestations and treatment of psoriatic arthropathy

Switching to a healthy diet - what mistakes are most often made?

Manifestations and treatment of compression syndrome of the cervical spine

Manifestations and diagnosis of brucellosis spondylitis

Symptoms and treatment of pseudopolyarthritis


Hello! I am 29 years old, I have not given birth, my weight and height are normal (58 kg, 163 cm). My nose often bleeds. Over the past month, nosebleeds have occurred on average once every 5 days (sometimes several times a day). Bleeding is not profuse. In addition, I am worried about constant pain and stiffness in the cervical spine. All these symptoms existed before. Pain and stiffness in the neck can turn into very strong right-sided migraine attacks, and they occur when I change my body position to horizontal and the spine supposedly relaxes (in these cases I drink Relpak and within an hour the headache goes away, but the pain in the neck remains) . Nosebleeds occur at moments when it seems to me that the pain in my neck begins to go away and finally some comfort and relaxation sets in. And then the blood starts flowing (the same thing happens after trying to stretch your neck through basic exercises with minimal load). I visited doctors twice (in a paid clinic and in a state clinic). They sent me to an ENT specialist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, and they took an EEG and an X-ray of the neck. They said it was a slight osteochondrosis and nothing more. They said I had to learn to live with migraines, my spine was normal, and the nosebleeds were associated with vitamin deficiency and fatigue (at that time I really wasn’t eating well and was very tired). But now I’m in my second month of vacation, I’m eating well, getting enough sleep, but the problem has arisen again. Tell me what it could be and what specialists (and what clinics) I can contact, what examinations to do. Should you be concerned about these symptoms? When the headaches started (about 6 years ago), I had an MRI done. brain, everything was normal

I think the cause of all your problems is one: cervical osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis is manifested by increased fatigue, pain in the arms and shoulders, dizziness, and noise in the head. Also symptoms are numbness of the tongue, pain in the collarbone, decreased tone of the muscles of the shoulders and neck. With cervical, symptoms may be observed that the patient does not associate in any way. For example, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, heart pain, joint pain, sweating, no cold, poor sleep, fatigue. However, these symptoms often accompany cervical osteochondrosis. When treating osteochondrosis, it is necessary to exclude physical activity and to be in a position that causes aggravation as little as possible. It is necessary to limit the time spent at the computer, change the pillow and mattress to more comfortable ones. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, massage not only of the cervical spine, but also of the back and arms is very effective. Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis is the main method of treatment, and its success depends on the diligence of the patient.

  1. 213squad User

    Good afternoon I have had problems with my spine for a long time. There are both Schmorl's hernias and protrusions. The doctors' diagnosis is osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. I'm worried about back pain, panic attacks, pressure surges, presyncope, and a lot of other things that people write about on this forum. But there is something else that no one has written about. For three years now I have been bothered by a runny nose. Difficulty breathing through the nose, clear nasal discharge only in the morning, profuse. A consultation with an ENT specialist yielded nothing. For about three months I washed my nose with products based on sea water - to no avail. Powerful nasal medications (Nasonex, Vibrocil, Rinofluimucil, Avamis) also do not work. Was sent to the hospital for a puncture. But at the hospital they took their own pictures of the sinuses and sent me home, advising me to see an allergist. So I did. Blood tests for allergies revealed nothing. At this point we said goodbye to the allergist. But it’s difficult to breathe through the nose, and the nose gets blocked when lying down at an angle of 60 degrees. when I watch TV in this position, for example, my nose gets stuffed up and it’s impossible to breathe. But at the same time, transparent thick mucus flows through the nasopharynx (the origin is not clear). As soon as I get up, turn over on my side, in a word, change the position of my body, everything goes away within a few minutes. One day, an ENT specialist advised me to consult a neurologist with this problem, supposedly I was his patient. But the neurologist at the clinic just laughed, saying that the ENT specialist was not very smart and simply didn’t know what to do with me. Now the ENT specialist is suggesting that I go to the hospital for a serious examination. I do not know what to do. Should I agree to hospitalization (what if they open up my nose and it turns out that it’s not the problem, as was the case before) or could the cause of this “runny nose” really be the problems I have with my spine? Please tell me!
  2. 213squad User

    Yes, here's another thing. It’s just that I’ve been in the ENT department before, but with tonsils, and I’ve seen people whose noses were turned inside out, but the problems of breathing through the nose were never solved. Some have been lying there for the third time or more, but the problems remain. Therefore, my doubts about hospitalization are completely justified. You just don’t need to advise me to go to the hospital, get examined, and so on. And then it will be visible. Will not be!
  3. Igor Zinchuk Doctor

    I agree with your neurologist. The fact is that the cervical spine does NOT innervate (does not control the work of) either the nasal sinuses, the maxillary sinuses, or the frontal sinuses.
  4. abelar Doctor

    Such a runny nose and problems with the spine may have a single cause. The fact is that the spine is not only a stick to prevent the head from falling into the pelvis. It starts from a very important bone called the occipital bone. It is even designated S-0. The spine begins with it. It is part of a very important part of the body called the head. Together with some other bones of the facial part of the skull, it makes up the base of the skull. The vaulted structure of which, like the cornerstone in an arch, closes on the ethmoid bone.

    hospital examination! But you don't trust him. And, you trust the neurologist, who, without offering anything, gave you a nice kick, and back to the ENT specialist of the “close minded”, and even had a good laugh!
  5. 213squad User

    Why then does congestion appear in a certain position of the body and disappear when leaving it? I can demonstrate this at any time of the day or night (9 times out of 10). In addition, I passed a bunch of tests - I don’t have a runny nose as a result of an infection and I don’t have any allergic manifestations either. What is the reason? Thank you!
  6. 213squad User

    Such a runny nose and problems with the spine may have a single cause. The fact is that the spine is not only a stick to prevent the head from falling into the pelvis. It starts from a very important bone called the occipital bone. It is even designated S-0. The spine begins with it. It is part of a very important part of the body called the head. Together with some other bones of the facial part of the skull, it makes up the base of the skull. The vaulted structure of which, like the cornerstone in an arch, closes on the ethmoid bone.
    It is ethmoiditis that your ENT doctor is going to exclude or confirm.
    Often, as a result of congenital developmental anomalies, injuries, gross dental interventions, the relationship and composition of the first cervical vertebra-occipital bone-pterygoid bone-ethmoid bone can be disrupted.
    It is these violations that your ENT doctor is going to exclude or confirm. ENT specialists are not very fond of osteopaths, but due to the nature of their specialization, they read osteopathic literature and are aware of the significance of violations of the relationship of the skull bones.
    That is, we have: an ENT doctor who is caring for you, trying to find the cause, suggesting hospital examination! But you don't trust him. And, you trust the neurologist, who, without offering anything, gave you a nice kick, and back to the ENT specialist of the “close minded”, and even had a good laugh!

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    Thank you, you wrote everything out so informatively, even too much. I especially liked that the spine is not a stick, and that the head is part of the body. I don't trust the neurologist either. As well as the ENT specialist, who sent me to the hospital for a puncture, but the doctors at the hospital did not consider it necessary to do this puncture. That is, we have: an ENT specialist, whom I do not trust, and a neurologist, whom I also do not trust. And therefore, that’s why I’m talking to you now on this forum in the hope of resolving my issue, because I’m very concerned about my health, and I think that few people besides me are concerned about it. And I periodically feel pain at the base of the skull. It resembles fatigue, i.e. like when you stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time. It will be necessary to find out about ethmoiditis.

  7. Igor Zinchuk Doctor

    By talking you will not solve the issue; the solution to the issue can only be a real consultation with a doctor who described to you the mechanism of occurrence of your symptoms. This means he knows how to fix these problems.
  8. 213squad User

    But without talking, I definitely won’t solve anything. And so now I know about ethmoiditis. And I feel that this problem is relevant. This means the topic can be closed: osteochondrosis does not cause a runny nose. Thank you! I will be treated.
  9. Asper Active user

    That is, we have: an ENT specialist, whom I do not trust, and a neurologist, whom I also do not trust. And therefore, that’s why I’m talking to you now on this forum in the hope of resolving my issue, because I’m very concerned about my health, and I think that few people besides me are worried about it...

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    It is necessary to remove the burden of concern - it will become easier!!!

  10. abelar Doctor

    No, dear scued! Be more practical: get examined where they offer you. Evaluate the results. What is not clear: post it on the forum.

    really interfere with your life.
  11. 213squad User

    No, dear scued! Be more practical: get examined where they offer you. Evaluate the results. What is not clear: post it on the forum.
    I absolutely agree with Dear Doctor Zinchuk: an in-person examination of just a good doctor is worth 100 pieces of advice from brilliant doctors over the internet!!!
    And Dr. Asper is right: turn off the burden of concern, subtract from your formula all nonsense, such as a runny nose. Leave the meaningful things that really interfere with your life.

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    Thank you! However, it is very difficult to relieve the burden of concern when at 30 you feel like you are 90. Although you have only recently been involved in sports. And a runny nose is not such nonsense. ENT is the worst doctor ever!!!

  12. Asper Active user

    Thank you! However, it is very difficult to relieve the burden of concern when at 30 you feel like you are 90. Although you have only recently been involved in sports. And a runny nose is not such nonsense. ENT is the worst doctor ever!!!

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    It is impossible to “empathize” with the patient’s feelings (experiences, suffering)!!! (in any case, these will no longer be the patient’s feelings) ... so I can only sympathize... but the fact that you need to be examined in more detail by otorhinolaryngologists (ENT doctors) is not subject to discussion (probably a computed tomography scan is necessary and exclusion cysts of the maxillary / other sinuses or other sinuses). It’s a pity that you ended up on a forum where otolaryngologists don’t live, otherwise they would quickly break everything down and explain it to you... so run to them, and quickly, quickly...

  13. Igor Zinchuk Doctor

  14. 213squad User

    Well, don’t tell me... A dentist is not a doctor, he is a mechanic, a mechanic. What terrible thing could happen there? You can pull out your teeth and screw them in again, after numbing everything with an injection. Half an hour of discomfort and... Hollywood smile!!! ENT is a different matter. There are so many interesting things in that part of the body called the head! And then there's the brain! Some people value it, others not so much. In any case, the list of ENT diseases is very extensive. And if you consider that most operations occur under local anesthesia... You sit and watch as INSTRUMENTS are shoved into your nose!!! And these are not some kind of dental drills. These are quite impressive devices. And the worst thing is the postoperative period, when dried cotton swabs 30-40 cm long are pulled out of the ear, throat or nose. This is painful!!! This is scary!!! Such tough guys turn into humble lambs. Don't worry, gentlemen!!!
  15. Asper Active user

    Well, don’t tell me... A dentist is not a doctor, he is a mechanic, a mechanic. What terrible thing could happen there? You can pull out your teeth and screw them in again, after numbing everything with an injection. Half an hour of discomfort and... Hollywood smile!!! ENT is a different matter. There are so many interesting things in that part of the body called the head! And then there's the brain! Some people value it, others not so much. In any case, the list of ENT diseases is very extensive.

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    It’s good that dentists don’t hear (read) you, otherwise you would have learned so many interesting things about yourself... and where you should go))) ... there are no less diseases (problems) in dentistry than in any other specialty.. .and with regard to complications of the brain, their importance is no less than that of ENT doctors... I already thought that you have been in the ENT hospital for a long time and are preparing for discharge - healthy and happy, and you are all reflecting... take courage, take your will into your fist, your legs into your hands (or vice versa)))) and forward... if you want, shout AAAAAAAAAAAA!!! .... we will understand you)))

  16. Olga. Experienced Guru

    Well, don’t tell me... A dentist is not a doctor, he is a mechanic, a mechanic. What terrible thing could happen there? You can pull out your teeth and screw them in again, after numbing everything with an injection. Half an hour of discomfort and... Hollywood smile!!! ENT is a different matter. There are so many interesting things in that part of the body called the head! And then there's the brain! Some people value it, others not so much. In any case, the list of ENT diseases is very extensive. And if you consider that most operations occur under local anesthesia... You sit and watch as INSTRUMENTS are shoved into your nose!!! And these are not some kind of dental drills. These are quite impressive devices. And the worst thing is the postoperative period, when dried cotton swabs 30-40 cm long are pulled out of the ear, throat or nose. This is painful!!! This is scary!!! Such tough guys turn into humble lambs. Don't worry, gentlemen!!!

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    I don’t know which “cool guys” told you these tales, but here in front of you is an “aunt” who underwent 2 (two) such ENT operations: one under local, the second under general anesthesia. Everything is quite tolerable. And removing a tampon is generally a second manipulation, you don’t even have time to get scared.
    But now I’m breathing, and there’s nothing congested.

    take courage, take your will into your fist, your legs into your hands (or vice versa)))) and forward...