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Wisdom of Buddhism sayings. Sayings of the Buddha. “The greatest gift is health, the greatest wealth is contentment, the best relationship is fidelity.”

I have gone through the samsara of many births. Being born again and again is sad.

Victory breeds hatred; the vanquished live in sorrow. The calm person who has renounced victory and defeat lives in happiness.

Even if I am a Buddha, I cannot wash away someone's deeds, nor can I erase the suffering of beings with my hand. But, although I cannot convey my realization to others, I can lead them to Liberation with my Teaching about the peace of the natural state.

The hallmarks of true religion are benevolence, love, truthfulness, purity, generosity, kindness.

If someone in a battle defeated a thousand people a thousand times, and another defeated himself alone, then it is this other who is the greatest winner in the battle.

Don't speak rudely to anyone; those with whom you spoke rudely will answer you in kind. After all, irritated speech is unpleasant, and retribution may affect you.

It is not by birth that a person’s superior and inferior personality is determined, but by his deeds a person confirms this affiliation.

You must not worry, no evil word must escape your lips; you must remain benevolent, with a pure heart, full of love, containing no secret malice.

Anger will disappear as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.

May he overcome anger by the absence of anger, may he overcome the unkind with kindness, may he overcome stinginess with generosity, and may he overcome the liar with truth.

Having this quality, you have all the enlightened qualities - they are in the palm of your hand. What quality is this? - Great sympathy.

Connect yourself with goodness, connect yourself with the best of people.

Let him look not at the mistakes of others, at what others have done and not done, but at what he himself has done and not done.

Do not cause to another what could be the cause of your suffering.

His feelings are calm, like horses bridled by a driver. He has renounced his pride and is devoid of desires. Even the gods are jealous of this.

Benevolence towards all beings is true religiosity.

Immortality can only be achieved by continuous acts of kindness; perfection is achieved through compassion and mercy.

Cherish in your hearts boundless goodwill towards all things.

Do not covet the things of others and do not envy, but rejoice in the success of other people.

Let no one deceive another, let no one despise another, let no one wish to harm another out of anger or resentment.

It will be better if, instead of a thousand words, you find one, but one that instills Peace.

It will be better if, instead of thousands of poems, you find one, but one that shows Beauty.

It will be better if, instead of thousands of songs, you find one, but one that gives Joy.

Everyone trembles before punishment, everyone is afraid of death - put yourself in the place of another. You can neither kill nor force someone to kill.

"Great Yogi" simply means to be free from attachment and clinging.

A father becomes a son in another life, a mother becomes a wife, and an enemy becomes a friend; it's always changing. Therefore, there is nothing certain in Samsara.

The most necessary thing is a loving heart.

Canal builders release water, archers subjugate an arrow, carpenters subjugate wood, wise men humble themselves.

Everything for everything, always.

Do not think lightly about goodness: “It will not come to me.” After all, the jug is filled from the falling drops.

And there was not, and there will not be, and now there is no person who is worthy only of blame or only praise.

Hatred does not stop with hatred, but the absence of hatred stops hatred.

From attachment comes sorrow, from attachment comes fear; one who has freed himself from attachment has no sadness, where does fear come from?

Evil returns, like the finest dust thrown against the wind.

Some return to their mother's womb, those who do evil end up in the underworld, the righteous go to heaven, those devoid of desires reach Nirvana.

I call him a brahmana who has here avoided attachment to good and evil, who is carefree, dispassionate and pure.

Whoever looks at the world as they look at a bubble, as they look at a mirage, is not seen by the king of death.

Do not increase existence!

A fool who knows his own stupidity is thereby already wise, and a fool who thinks himself wise is truly, as they say, a fool.

A stupid person is filled with evil, even accumulating it little by little.

It’s easy to do bad and harmful things for yourself. What is good and useful is extremely difficult to do.

The mind of one who is in no hurry to do good finds pleasure in evil.

If anyone sees a wise man pointing out shortcomings and reproaching them for them, let him follow such a wise man as if he were pointing out a treasure. It will be better, not worse, for those who follow such a one.

There is no happiness equal to peace.

For one who is respectful and always respects his elders, the four dhammas increase: life, beauty, happiness, strength.

Without knowledge there is no meditation; without meditation there is no knowledge; and one who has both knowledge and meditation is close to reality.

After all, I am my own master. Who else could be master? A man full of humility finds a master who is difficult to find.

Look at this decorated image, at a body full of flaws, made up of parts, painful, filled with many thoughts in which there is neither certainty nor constancy.

Everything created is subject to the law of destruction. Achieve your goals through diligence.

Everything we are is the result of our thoughts.

Any increased attachment to everything earthly is suffering.

This body is worn out, a nest of diseases, mortal. This putrid heap is decomposing, for life has an end - death.

Just as rain penetrates a thatched house, so lust penetrates the undeveloped mind.

Just as a strong rock cannot be moved by the wind, so the sages are unshakable in the face of blasphemy and praise.

Thoughts are the forerunner of (all bad) states. If anyone acts or speaks and his thoughts are unkind, suffering follows him like a wheel follows a buffalo's hoof.

Hate cannot overcome hatred; Only love can overcome hatred. This is an eternal law.

Curbing a thought that is barely restrained, frivolous, and stumbling around is a blessing. A controlled thought leads to happiness.

“He insulted me, he hit me, he defeated me, he robbed me!..” For those who harbor such thoughts, hatred does not stop. For never in this world does hatred cease with hatred, but with the absence of hatred it ceases.

Seriousness is the path to immortality, frivolity is the path to death. The serious do not die, the frivolous are like dead men.

It's hard to become human; the life of mortals is difficult; it is difficult to listen to the true Dhamma; The birth of the Enlightened One is difficult.

What kind of laughter, what kind of joy when the world is constantly burning? Covered in darkness, why don't you seek the light?

Guard yourself in your thoughts, guard yourself in your words, protect your actions from everything bad. By maintaining the purity of these three paths, you will enter the path outlined by the Wise.

All good things are nothing before the good of truth; all sweets are nothing before the sweetness of truth; the bliss of truth immeasurably surpasses all joys.

If a person's hand is not injured, he can touch snake venom - the poison is not dangerous to a healthy hand; Evil is harmless only to those who do not do evil themselves.

If a wanderer does not meet someone like himself or better, let him strengthen himself in solitude: there is no friendship with a fool.

To know the chosen ones is good, and to live with them is true happiness; Happy is he who does not have to deal with fools.

True faith is not a ostentatious faith in temples, manifested in rituals and customs, but hidden in the hearts, ripened in actions.

Truly, a feather falling from the wing of a small bird produces thunder on distant worlds.

Just as rain uncontrollably penetrates a poorly covered building, so passions easily penetrate a heart that is not protected by reflection.

He who imagines truth in lies and sees lies in truth will never comprehend the truth and will rush in vain in delusions. But the one who saw the lie in the lie and knew the truth in the truth is already close to the truth and his path is correct.

Only he enters the good path who, following the correct teaching, understands the vicious in the vicious and the immaculate in the immaculate.

It is easy to live for someone who is as impudent as a crow, impudent, obsessive, reckless, spoiled. But it is difficult to live for someone who is modest, who always seeks what is pure, who is impartial, cool-headed, perspicacious, whose life is pure.

It is easy to notice the errors of others, but difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, just as a rogue tries to hide his false dice.

A person is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.

Only he I will call a faithful charioteer who restrains his anger, rushing like a swift chariot; others, powerless, only hold on to the reins.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it comes from our thoughts. If a person speaks or acts with an evil thought, suffering relentlessly follows him, like a wheel following the heel of an ox pulling a cart.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thoughts. If a person speaks or acts with a good thought, joy follows him like a shadow that never leaves.

“He offended me, he triumphed over me, he enslaved me, he insulted me” - in a heart alarmed by such thoughts, hatred will never fade away.

Few people reach the opposite shore. The rest of the people are just fussing about on the local shore.

The man who does anything through violence is unjust; no, only the one who distinguishes between both paths - truth and untruth, who teaches others and guides them not by violence, but by law and justice, who is faithful to truth and reason - will only be called truly truthful.

The wise man is not the one who speaks kindly and beautifully, but the one who is patient, free from hatred and free from fear - that is the only truly wise person.

Oh, how happy we are, living without hatred of those who hate us; how happy we are if we live among those who hate!

Oh, how happy we are, free from greed among the greedy. Among people eaten by greed, we live free from it!

Oh, how happy we are, not calling anything ours. We are like the bright gods, imbued with holiness!

Having understood the destructibility of created things, you will see the eternally unchangeable.

Property is not things, but thoughts. You can have things and not be the owner.

There are only two mistakes that a person can make on the path to the truth: he does not go all the way and does not start his own path.

People are happy if they call nothing but their soul their own.

He who subsequently covered up his former evil deeds with good ones shines in this dark world like a moon on a cloudy night.

The one whose anger has no boundaries, the one who is entwined with it like a dodder, will soon lead himself to where only his worst enemy would like to push him.

Fresh strained milk does not sour, an evil deed does not immediately bear fruit, but like a fire buried in warmth, it gradually burns and torments the madman.

To establish the kingdom of truth I will beat the drum of immortality in the darkness of this world.

It will be better if, instead of a thousand words, you find one, but one that instills Peace. It will be better if, instead of thousands of poems, you find one, but one that shows Beauty. It will be better if, instead of thousands of songs, you find one, but one that gives Joy.

Attachment to names and forms, and failure to understand that they are based only on the activities of the mind itself, leads to confusion and becomes an obstacle on the path to Liberation.

The truth for every person lies in his own soul.

People look for intercessors and mentors outside themselves and thereby plunge themselves into suffering.

Everything that we are is created by our thoughts.

You yourself, like no one else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.

No one saves us except ourselves, no one has the right and no one is able to do this. We ourselves must walk the path, but the Buddhas will clearly show it.

Conditional existence is suffering. Suffering has a reason. Suffering has an end, and there are paths leading to that end.

After all, I am my own master. Who else could be master? A man full of humility finds a master who is difficult to find.

A trembling, trembling thought, easily vulnerable and difficult to contain, the sage directs an arrow like an archer.

No one can judge another person except me and people like me.

I can die happily: I have not left a single teaching in my closed hand. I have already given everything that is useful to you.

I have taught you the means of Liberation. Now be diligent, because achieving it depends only on you. (Shakyamuni Buddha, Vinaya)

There are many sutras, tantras and philosophical works, and many are very detailed. But life is short and the possibilities of the mind are limited, and it is difficult to embrace them all. You can know a lot, but if you don’t put it into practice, it’s like dying of thirst on the shore of a large lake. Therefore, it happens that an ordinary corpse is found in the bed of a great scientist. (Karma Chagme, "The Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen")

How can one understand whether a person knows the Dharma and whether he practices it? - Whether it acts as an antidote to negative emotions and self-attachment. (Milarepa)

Knowledge is endless, like the stars in the sky, and there is no end to the subjects of study. So isn’t it better to immediately grasp their essence - the unchanging fortress of the Dharmakaya? (Longchen Rabjam)

Inner absolute wisdom can arise as a sign of accumulated merit and purification of defilements, as well as by the power of the blessing of a perfect teacher. Know that relying on any other means is foolhardy.

Even if your gaze is higher than heaven, may your deeds be finer than barley flour. (Padmasambhava)

Theoretical understanding wears out like patches, sensations melt away like mist, but comprehension remains unchanged like space. (Teachings of the Line of Practice)

In this era of conflict, craftsmen have both advantages and disadvantages. No one is continuously free from gaffes. Therefore, students should, after careful examination, follow the one who has the most merit. (Pundarika)

The difference between Buddhas and ordinary beings can be compared to the difference between the narrowness and openness of space. Living beings are like space clenched in a fist, while Buddhas are completely open and all-encompassing. (Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche)

In the gap between two thoughts there is always thought-free wakefulness. (Milarepa)

All the happiness that exists in the world comes from wanting others to be happy. All the suffering that exists in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself. (Shantideva)

The most important thing - now and later - do not give in to pride! Don't give in to vanity! After all, if you give in, you will remain fools both in the Dharma and in the world. Drop lies and pretense! And you will surely find your way. (Milarepa)

Even a hundred spearmen would not dispel the thought bubbles in the mind. A great yogi knows how not to get hung up on them. (Milarepa)

Overcome with sadness? - Remember the Lama! His blessing will bring ease to your mind. (Milarepa)

It is very, very difficult to help others if you cannot help yourself! (Milarepa)

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Simply about what will help you change your life for the better and throw away everything unnecessary.

Shakyamuni Buddha (or Siddhartha Gautama) was the spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism in Ancient India. His instructions were written down and collected by his followers.

website invites you to listen to these tips, which do not oblige you to anything, but can make your life better.

1. It's okay to start small

“The jug is filled gradually, drop by drop. Just as a wise man is gradually filled with goodness.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Every master was once an amateur.”
We all start small, don't neglect it. If you are consistent and patient, you will succeed. No one gets everything overnight: happy is the one who is willing to start small and work hard until the jug is full.

2. Thoughts are material

“Everything we are is the result of what we think about ourselves. If a person speaks or acts with evil thoughts, he is haunted by pain. If a person speaks or acts with pure intentions, happiness follows him, which, like a shadow, will never leave him.”

Buddha stated: “Everything is in our consciousness. You become what you think about." To live correctly, you must fill your mind with the “right” thoughts. Bad thoughts will destroy you. Your thinking determines your actions, your actions determine your results. If you change your thinking, you will change your life. Buddha said: “All wrong actions depend on thinking. If the mindset changes, will the bad deeds remain?”

3. Goodbye

« Hate will never stop hate in this world. Only love will put an end to it. This is an ancient law."

When you free those imprisoned in the prison of unforgiveness, you free yourself from that prison. You cannot suppress anyone without suppressing yourself too. Learn to forgive, learn to forgive as quickly as possible. Buddha said: " There is no fire in the world more powerful than passion, no shark more fierce than hatred, and no hurricane more devastating than greed.”

4. Your actions matter

“If there is something worth doing, do it with all your heart.”

To develop, you must take action every day. The proverb says: “God gives every bird a worm, but does not throw it into the nest.” And, if you take on something, put your whole soul into it.

5. Try to understand

« Always respond only with kindness, this is the only way to make this world a better place. Respond kindly or don’t respond at all. If you return evil for evil, then evil becomes more.”.

Stephen Covey said, “First try to understand and then try to be understood.” It's easy to say, but hard to do: you must make every effort to understand the other person's point of view. When you feel angry, forget about it. Listen to others, understand their point of view, and you will find peace. Focus more on being happy than being right.

6. Master your mind

“The curbing of thought, barely restrained, frivolous, stumbling anywhere, is a blessing. A controlled thought leads to happiness.".

He who conquers himself is stronger than any ruler. To conquer yourself, you need to conquer your mind. You must control your thoughts. They should not rage like sea waves. You may think, “I can’t control my thoughts. A thought comes when it pleases.” There is an answer to this: you cannot stop a bird from flying over you, but you can certainly stop it from building a nest on your head.

7. Live in harmony

“Victory brings hatred. The vanquished live in torment. Happy are those who are at peace, having renounced victories and defeats.”

Sage Buddha: Read short thoughts and best sayings of the wisest Buddha. Ancient wisdom in short sayings of the greatest sages. Buddha: the best words, short and very wise!

Buddha Shakyamuni
(563 BC - 483 BC)
His name translates as “Awakened Sage (silent) from the Shakya (Sakya) clan.” Spiritual teacher, legendary founder of Buddhism, one of the three world religions.

Conquer yourself and you will win thousands of battles.

Do not return evil for evil, otherwise there will be no end to evil. In response to an insult, kiss your enemy, and it will hurt him much more.

Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.

Truly, a feather falling from the wing of a small bird produces thunder on distant worlds.

Anyone who thinks he can can.

Thinking that someone else can make you happy or unhappy is simply ridiculous.

You yourself, like no one else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.

What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind.

Hate cannot overcome hatred. Only love can overcome hatred. This is an eternal law.

If you want to know what you did in a past life, look at your current state. If you want to know your future, look at your actions today.

Any increased attachment to everything earthly is suffering.

Victory breeds hatred; the vanquished live in sorrow. The calm person who has renounced victory and defeat lives in happiness.

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and its life will not be shortened. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Even an intelligent person will become stupid if he does not improve himself.

What kind of laughter, what kind of joy when the world is constantly burning? Covered in darkness, why don't you seek the light?

He who devotes himself to vanity and does not devote himself to reflection, who has forgotten the goal, who clings to pleasure, envies the self-absorbed.

What good is a man's eloquence if he does not follow his words?

When the water in the tanks is contaminated, all taps will only give dirty water. Your heart is a reservoir. Your vision and thoughts are impure, your speech is dirty. When the heart is polluted in this way, the senses are bound to be polluted.

To know the chosen ones is good, and to live with them is true happiness; Happy is he who does not have to deal with fools.

Do not think lightly about goodness: “It will not come to me.” After all, the jug is filled from the falling drops.

The most necessary thing is a loving heart.

Everything we are is the result of our thoughts.

Immortality can only be achieved through continuous acts of kindness.

It will be better if, instead of a thousand words, you find one, but one that instills Peace.

To renounce all evil, to increase goodness, to purify your mind: This is the advice of all Buddhas.

It is not by birth that a person’s superior and inferior personality is determined, but by his deeds a person confirms this affiliation.

His feelings are calm, like horses bridled by a driver. He has renounced his pride and is devoid of desires. Even the gods are jealous of this.

Everyone trembles before punishment, everyone is afraid of death - put yourself in the place of another. You can neither kill nor force someone to kill.

Those who know that we are all doomed to die here do not waste time on empty quarrels...

You have read the wise words spoken by the greatest Buddha.

The words of many outstanding religious and philosophical personalities have reached us through time. But sometimes people do not attach importance to moral teachings. If you put a quote from an outstanding creator on your T-shirt, this does not mean that it will start working. It is necessary to turn your own consciousness over, reflect on the statement, assimilate its true meaning, and only then wait for the results. In this publication we will present 11 quotes from Buddha that can ease your soul.

“The path is not in the sky. It runs through the heart"

These words mean that it is not enough to be spiritual in words, spirituality must be inside a person. We can never live a spiritual life without recognizing and reaping the benefits of our chosen path. Also, we should not oppose ourselves to this world.

“The greatest gift is health, the greatest wealth is contentment, the best relationship is fidelity.”

A person is able to fully experience all the delights of this world only when he is in good health. Body, mind and soul must be equally directed towards this.

A rich person is not one who has a lot of money, but one who is in harmony with himself and with the world. Contentment is a much more powerful and useful tool than material wealth.

Only trust in yourself and the chosen path will not allow you to go astray.

“Every person is the creator of his own health”

Our results depend on many things, each of which we create with our own hands. Nowadays, there is a lot of interesting research on how various traumas and certain emotions can influence the onset of diseases. All this does not apply to the health of the newborn; only the parents are responsible for its condition. This wisdom fully reflects the impact of our long-term thoughts and actions on the quality of our physical being. If a person is often sick, he needs to rethink existence and learn to live in harmony with his emotions.

"Don't dwell on the past, don't dream about the future, focus on the present"

The present moment is all we have at our disposal. We can look at the past and project goals for the future. But focusing our thoughts on the past or future takes away from the present. That's why we miss such obvious opportunities. A person can walk through a beautiful park on a sunny September day and never look up at the beauty around them. He is immersed in dark thoughts about the past or ponders what will happen next. That is why the amazing beauty of nature eludes his attention, and he cannot stop, take a deep breath and enjoy this moment. A similar picture emerges in other aspects of life.

"No one will save us but ourselves"

A person must go his own way. He can wait forever and hope that someone will come to the rescue, solve the problem and save him from suffering. Even by voluntarily helping others, you should not count on their reciprocal mercy. Therefore, you need to fall and rise, try and try, go and search. If you can’t achieve your plans, then it’s time to change yourself. However, these changes must be conscious and desired, otherwise they will not work. You just need to take a step and go straight in the direction, or the person will be doomed to walk in a vicious circle.

“There is no difference between East and West. People create differences in their own heads, believe it, and then propagate it.”

Each person perceives the situation in his own way, through the prism of his own consciousness. Just because someone expresses an opinion does not mean that it will be perceived equally by different people. Therefore, each person has his own truth. And accepting other people's judgments as the ultimate truth is stupid and hopeless. In this regard, you should not take the words of other people personally. You know everything about yourself. This should work in reverse as well. Don't be prejudiced towards other people, allow yourself to open your mind and heart.

“Three things cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon and the truth.”

Like two constant things that accompany us in the sky day and night, the truth cannot be hidden from others for long. Sooner or later it will come out and show itself. People like to interpret this truth as follows: “The secret always becomes clear.”

“It’s easy to see the shortcomings of others, but it’s much harder to see your own shortcomings.”

A person can show the shortcomings of other people, bringing them to public view and scattering them like grains in the wind. One's own shortcomings will always be hidden from others, and the person plays the role of a cunning player, hiding his own cards. It is not right. You need to be modest and open. Openness will help you admit your own mistakes, and modesty will not allow you to point out the mistakes of others. True strength lies in honesty, love and openness.

“We must keep our body in good condition, otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

Health is important for a good and productive life, and we have already talked about this. In our society there is a clear discord between the emotional, spiritual and physical components. The more we neglect our own health, the more negatively this condition affects our thoughts. But as soon as we start maintaining health and physical strength of the body, we will notice dramatic changes in our consciousness.

"We become what we think about"

When the mind is pure, joy follows it like a shadow, not leaving for a minute. What we think about has a huge impact on our entire existence. This has been proven a million times, and today this wisdom can become the most important postulate.

“Work is salvation. It makes it possible not to depend on others."

You need to keep your own life under control. This means you will be in control of both your own destiny and your own progress. Don't expect favors from others or seek approval. Believe that your life is only in your hands. Don't put things off until tomorrow and don't hope that someday everything will magically be resolved by itself.

The philosophy of the Buddha has had a huge influence on all world religions and deserves to be known to every person, regardless of their beliefs. Buddhism is an inexhaustible source of wisdom, love and peace. Let us try to draw from this source and get acquainted with the most important lessons that Buddha gave us.

Thinking that someone else can make you happy or unhappy is simply ridiculous.

No matter how many wise words you read, no matter how many you say, what good are they to you if you don’t put them into practice?

Hate cannot overcome hatred. Only love can overcome hatred. This is an eternal law.

It is easy to live for someone who is as impudent as a crow, impudent, obsessive, reckless, spoiled. But it is difficult to live for someone who is modest, who always seeks what is pure, who is impartial, cool-headed, perspicacious, whose life is pure...

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and its life will not be shortened. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Anyone who thinks he can can.

Any increased attachment to everything earthly is suffering.

Everything we are is the result of our thoughts.

You yourself, like no one else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.

What good is a man's eloquence if he does not follow his words?

If you return evil for evil, there will be no end to evil.

The winner is hated, the loser is plunged into sorrow. He who has rejected both victory and defeat lives in peace.

Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.

Let no one seek what is pleasant and what is unpleasant. Not seeing what is pleasant is suffering, and not seeing what is unpleasant is suffering. Let, therefore, no one love anything. He who loves nothing and hates nothing has no fetters.

It is not the occurrence of thoughts that should be feared, but the delay in recognizing them.

The best prayer is patience.

It would be better if instead of a thousand words
You will find one thing, but one that instills Peace.
It would be better if instead of thousands of verses
You will find one, but one that will show Beauty.
It would be better if instead of thousands of songs
You will find one, but one that gives Joy.

Peace is within you. Don't look for it outside.

He who devotes himself to vanity and does not devote himself to reflection, who has forgotten the goal, who clings to pleasure, envies the self-absorbed.

What good is it if a person tries to show us his majestic appearance when he is empty inside?

Everyone trembles before punishment, everyone is afraid of death - put yourself in the place of another. You can neither kill nor force someone to kill.

Happiness is not a successful combination of external circumstances. It's just a state of your mind.

His feelings are calm, like horses bridled by a driver. He has renounced his pride and is devoid of desires. Even the gods are jealous of this.

Don't trust what you hear; do not trust traditions, as they have been passed on from generation to generation; do not trust anything if it is rumor or majority opinion; do not trust if it is only a record of the saying of some old sage; don't trust guesses; do not trust what you consider to be true, what you are accustomed to; do not trust only the naked authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and promotes the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live according to it.

You are your own teacher.

Benevolence towards all beings is true religiosity.

Those who do not understand their past are forced to relive it again.

There are two truths - about suffering and the occurrence of suffering. The main cause of suffering is the insatiability of human desires. However, these desires do not lead to happiness. They are either unfulfilled, and this brings sadness, or they are fulfilled, and then we are convinced of the ephemeral nature of our happiness, and the fear of loss deprives it of meaning. But we continue to desire again and again, and it is this insatiable thirst that pushes us from one string of suffering to another.

All living things are afraid of torment, all living things are afraid of death; recognize yourself not only in man, but in every living creature, do not kill and do not cause suffering and death. Every living thing wants the same thing as you; understand yourself in every living being.

Even an intelligent person will become stupid if he does not improve himself.

Always respond only with kindness, this is the only way to make this world a better place. Respond kindly or don’t respond at all. If you return evil for evil, then the evil becomes greater.

If someone in a battle defeated a thousand people a thousand times, and another defeated himself alone, then it is this other who is the greatest winner in the battle.

You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.

If the hand is not wounded, you can carry the poison in your hand. Poison will not harm someone who has no wounds. He who does not do evil himself is not subject to evil.

If you want to know what you did in a past life, look at your current state. If you want to know your future, look at your actions today.

Every morning we are born again. And what we do today will be of greatest importance.

Question everything. Find your own light.

You don't have to be afraid of wild animals, you need to be afraid of a bad friend. For a wild beast only wounds the body, but a bad friend wounds the soul.

If a wanderer does not meet someone like himself or better, let him strengthen himself in solitude: there is no friendship with a fool.

And there was not, and there will not be, and now there is no person who is worthy only of blame or only praise.

Don't believe anything, no matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

It is not life, nor wealth, nor power that makes a slave out of a person, but only his attachment to life, wealth and power.

There is a legend that after his death, Buddha stopped at the gates of Paradise. He worked all his life to achieve this goal. The gates opened. Music was playing. There was celebration and rejoicing, because very rarely has a person risen to such heights.The gatekeepers opened the gates, came out to meet them and invited Buddha:

- You have arrived! Come in! We are glad to welcome you!

But they were surprised. Buddha looked sad. He couldn't think about bliss at that moment. He thought about the millions of lost souls, suffering, not knowing what to do. They need his help! Buddha said to the gatekeepers:

- Please close the gate! I can not enter. I will wait until all the people have entered this gate. It may take forever, but it doesn't matter.

I see millions of sad faces, hearts full of tears, people who have never known joy. Close the gate, I'll be the last to enter.

Buddha still stands outside the Gates of Heaven and lights the way for everyone who walks this path.