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Sample of an extended autobiography in the FSB. Examples and useful tips for writing an autobiography when applying for public service

  • document name - AUTOBIOGRAPHY
  • Full name, date and place of birth. For example: I, Ilyin Evgeniy Sergeevich, was born on May 20, 1975 in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region
  • information about education (full name of educational institutions, period of study, specialty)
  • information about work activities (places of work, positions held)
  • Military service
  • marital status, information about immediate relatives (full name, year of birth, place of work/study and residential address)
  • information about trips abroad (where, when and for what purpose)
  • information about bringing close relatives to criminal liability (when and for what)
  • date of writing the autobiography and signature.
  • Sample autobiography in the FSB


    Family composition:

    Rules for filling out a job application

    Questioning facilitates a quick search for a candidate. Having mastered the intricacies of drawing up and filling out questionnaires, this search for the employer will also become effective.

    Legal aspect in the preparation and processing of questionnaires

    There is no federal law regulating the content of questions or sample questionnaires.

    According to Art. 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to include questions about the political and/or religious views of the applicant, and the processing of data about private life is possible with the written consent of the applicant.

    Therefore, the last question in the questionnaire is often asked whether the candidate agrees to have verification measures carried out against him. The only exception is hiring for positions related to state secrets, since the collection of such data is provided for by law.

    Confidentiality must also be strictly maintained. Indeed, in case of non-compliance, a reprimand or dismissal under Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or imprisonment (Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    An example of correctly filling out a candidate application form for a position in the field of internal affairs

    In addition to the questionnaire, handwritten by the applicant and certified by his signature, special tests are used. To compile a psychological portrait, the questionnaires of Holland, Leonhard-Smishek, DMO Leary, and KOT are used. They are specialized. The universal questionnaires CPI, 16PF by R. Cattell, MCV Luscher and MMPI 2 are used for quick diagnosis and determination of several personal characteristics.

    But still, the first step remains filling out the questionnaire in the established form, approved by RP No. 667-r dated May 26, 2005. After successfully passing the test and being hired, such a questionnaire is certified and attached to the personal file.

    The correctness of filling out the questionnaire is checked as follows:

    1. Full Name

    When filling out, abbreviations of the first name and/or patronymic and without replacing them with initials are unacceptable

    For example: Sidorov Ivan Petrovich

  • Have your last name, first name, patronymic changed? Filled out on the basis of a certificate of registration/divorce or change of name and/or patronymic; the real full name must be indicated, where, when and the reason were changed.

    For example: “The name Praskovya was changed on May 15, 2014 by the registry office of Vladivostok to the name Svetlana due to cacophony.”

  • Date and place of birth.

    The date of birth is filled in both digital (08/08/1988) and alphanumeric methods (August 8, 1988)

    The place of birth is indicated without abbreviation, based on passport data, in the following sequence: village/city, district, region, territory, republic, country.

    For example: "Vladivostok, Pervomaisky district, Primorsky Krai, Russian Federation"

  • Citizenship. For example: “Citizen of the Russian Federation.” The date and reason for the change of citizenship are also indicated.

    Note! According to Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 (clause 1 of Article 21), persons with only Russian citizenship are accepted into the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

  • Education. To be filled out in the following sequence (based on the education document):
  • when the training was completed / the course currently studying or the number of courses (if the respondent has incomplete education),
  • name of educational institution,
  • diploma: number and series,
  • for the classifications "bachelor" and "master" the direction is indicated, and the specialty - for the classification "specialist",
  • qualification.

    If the respondent has two or more professional educations, they are indicated in chronological order

    Example: “In 2012 he graduated from the Maslovsky Institute of Technology and Management, diploma AO 222333”

  • Postgraduate education. Enter the name of the institution and the year of graduation.

    Academic degrees and academic titles.

  • Proficiency and degree of proficiency in foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

    For example: “I speak English: fluently. I speak Dolgan language fluently”

    Note! Language proficiency is filled in without abbreviations, for example, "English".

  • Class ranks, qualification ranks, diplomatic ranks.

    Example: "Class rank of law enforcement service, military rank, qualification rank of civil service, Class rank of federal civil service, diplomatic rank are not assigned"

  • Question of criminal record. Indicated on the basis of certificate No. 965 about the absence or presence of a criminal record
  • Was access to state secrets granted? If there is one, enter the admission form, its number and date of registration.

    Example: “Working at the Research Institute of Aircraft Engineering, I had access to state secrets, Form No. 22-3335, issued on October 10, 2001.”

  • Work experience. Here, the period of study, military service, positions held, names of enterprises, breaks in work, if any, and their reasons are indicated in chronological order. Example: "Accountant of the open joint-stock company "Megabank""
  • Insignia and state awards. If the applicant has insignia or awards, the full name of each is entered, as well as the degree of award (if any).

    For example: “Medal of the Order “For Personal Courage”, 1st degree, honorary title “Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation”.”

  • Close relatives. Here is information about living/deceased relatives, former/present spouses:

    degree of relationship: name, patronymic, surname (present and/or former), date of birth, position, place of work (name and address of the enterprise), addresses of registration and actual residence, whether contact is maintained with them.

    For example: “Mother, Ivanova (Sidorova) Elena Aleksandrovna, 08/08/1968, Vladivostok, Manager of Vostok OJSC (Vladivostok, Tsentralnaya St., 25), actually lives at the registration address: Vladimirsk, Verkhnyaya St. , 152/15".

  • Close relatives and/or husband/wife, incl. exes who live or are planning to move to another state.

    Similar to the example from paragraph 13, you should enter information about relatives and spouses, indicating their address of residence abroad.

    If the relatives of the person being surveyed do not live in another state, it is unacceptable to handwrite or write “No”. The correct answer is: “I have no close relatives permanently residing in another state.”

  • The respondent's stay abroad. The date, country and reason for the visit should be indicated.
  • Military duties and ranks. Information is entered on the basis of a military ID or certificate that the applicant is subject to conscription
  • Address and contacts. Fill in the postal code, registration address, according to the passport, actual residence, telephone numbers

    Paragraphs 18 - 22 require entering data from identification documents, insurance certificate, TIN, as well as “additional information about the applicant.”

    23. Consent to verify the information contained in the questionnaire.

    Example: "I agree."

    Questioning of applicants in financial institutions (banks)

    To develop questionnaires, it is better to use the services of a qualified psychologist. Verification of information obtained during the survey is carried out by the institution’s security service. The basis of the questionnaire may be similar to the sample above.

    Among the special points:

  • it is important to be law-abiding not only of the applicant himself, but also of his parents and family members (point 13 of the sample)
  • the motives that guided the applicant when choosing a specific position in the bank
  • knowledge of programs required for work
  • Foreign language skills
  • knowledge of banking and finance
  • knowledge of the specifics of working in a bank
  • questions about punctuality, responsibility, etc.

    The list of questions can be shortened or supplemented depending on the requirements for the candidate of each specific employing bank.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Questioning allows the employer to search for the desired candidate quickly and efficiently. To do this, an exhaustive list of questions must be developed, and the main points for correct filling out are as follows:

  • Filled out in legible handwriting, with consent to verify the data specified in the application form, certified by the signature of the applicant
  • Answers must be complete. Unacceptable/undesirable: no answer at all, “Yes”, “No” or a dash
  • Availability of a photograph, if required by the survey.

    It should be remembered that even a perfectly composed questionnaire does not guarantee the selection of the ideal candidate, but in combination with an interview and a probationary period it will allow you to achieve your goal.

    Application form for working in the FSB. Please help me find a form for working in the FSB (or an example of how to fill it out)

    Consultant for your smile:-) Pro (737) 1 year ago

    Look at here

    And briefly

    To enter the service in the FSB, you must initially provide: copies of all pages of your passport, a diploma, a work book if you have one, the FSB does not accept service from law enforcement agencies, preference is given to officers of the internal troops or the Ministry of Defense, there are a number of positions for which They also don’t take a civil university, then they will take biographical data from you - about you and close relatives, contact phone numbers and wait from 1 to 2 years maximum! During this period, you will be checked in all databases, wiretapped, and total surveillance is possible by the organization in which you work on behalf of the FSB! after this period you are invited to a medical commission and a LIE DETECTOR! The penultimate step is psychological testing - only 3 levels:

    1-related to drawings and questions (for example, draw a non-existent animal, etc.)

    Autobiography in the FSB

    The FSB is an elite unit of state legal structures; joining this department is the dream of many servants of the law. As you know, every official employment requires a certain list of necessary documents. In order to get a job in the FSB, you will need to fill out and provide a huge list of various documentation, this list also includes an autobiography.

    An autobiography partially reflects the vector of a person’s functional capabilities, but at the same time it is a practical document, that is, one that a future employer really pays attention to.

    How to write an autobiography for the FSB

    An FSB autobiography must combine several speech styles to make the text look as solid as possible. In many ways, the quality of the presented text depends on the ability to follow the paths of speech, however, only a few have this ability in practice. To compose a high-quality autobiography, you need to know what exactly the employer wants to hear and how to concisely and competently present this or that information from your life cycle.

    Each person has both positive working nuances and slightly negative ones. You need to be able to focus the reader’s attention on the positive and most outstanding merits. This will allow you to gain trust, but the main thing is that everything should be done in moderation, including criticism. It is important to fill out the application correctly; it is necessary to follow the sequence of entering the necessary data. When writing an autobiography, under no circumstances should you rush, since the text itself must be written extremely carefully.

    First, the affiliation of the document is indicated - an autobiography. Then, general data is sequentially entered (full name, family composition, etc.), as well as the necessary information (military service, education, current work activity, etc.). When filling out data regarding your professional life path, it is important that all events are indicated sequentially, and the sentences themselves must be literate and logical. Because it is very important that the text represents a holistic idea, and not any separate subjective opinion.

    At the end of writing an autobiography, the date of writing and a signature are placed next to it. It is important to be sure to read the sample autobiography in the FSB before writing it and identify the main vector of thought from it.

    Sample autobiography in the FSB


    In 1990 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 14 in Saratov, from which I graduated in 1999 with a medal.

    Since 2000, he studied at the Military-Political Academy named after. V.I. Lenin at the Faculty of Military Law, which he graduated in 2005 and received a full higher education in the specialty “Legal Support of National Security”. Candidate of Legal Sciences.

    From 2005 to 2006 – military service (anti-aircraft forces, reserve sergeant).

    Since September 2008, I have been working as the head of the security service at Shield and Sword LLC.

    Family composition:

    wife - Vorobyova Nina Vasilievna, born in 1984, economist at Argo LLC

    son - Vorobiev Anton Andreevich, born in 2008.

    We live at the address: Moscow, st. Lugovaya, 78, apt. 103.

    In 2008-2013, I visited Denmark, England, and Germany for tourism purposes.

    Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation and have no criminal record. There are no relatives outside the CIS.

    Sample autobiography in the FSB

    Number of views of this document

    Any candidate who joins the FSB must compile an autobiography, which is included in the list of required documents. Compiled randomly by hand.

    In general, there is no standard template for drawing up a document. You just need to remember to have some information on paper. They are common to any type of document.

    Positions held and places of work should not be hidden. Like education - specialty, period of study, full name of educational institutions. In addition, place and date of birth, full name are required. Of course, the document itself is in full notation.

    The list of documents required for a candidate to submit for service (work) in the FSB includes an autobiography. It is written by hand in free form.

    How to write an autobiography for the FSB

    There is no standard template for an autobiography in the FSB, but the following information must be indicated in it without fail:

    Name of the document - AUTOBIOGRAPHY Full name, date and place of birth. For example: I, Ilyin Evgeniy Sergeevich, was born on May 20, 1975 in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow Region, information about education (full name of educational institutions, period of study, specialty) information about work activity (places of work, positions held) service in the Army marital status , information about immediate relatives (full name, year of birth, place of work/study and residence address) information about trips abroad (where, when and for what purpose) information about bringing close relatives to criminal liability (when and for what) date of writing the autobiography and signature.

  • Let's give an example of an autobiography in the FSB, which will serve as a template for writing your own biography.

    Sample autobiography in the FSB

    In 1990 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 145 in Moscow, from which I graduated in 2000 with a medal.

    Since 2000, he studied at the Military-Political Academy named after. V.I. Lenin at the Faculty of Military Law, which he graduated in 2005 and received a full higher education in the specialty Legal support of national security. Candidate of Legal Sciences.

    From 2006 to 2007 - military service (missile forces, reserve senior sergeant).

    Since September 2008 I have been working as the head of the security service at Megamarket LLC.

    Family composition:

    wife - Voronina Anna Vladimirovna, born in 1985, economist at Freedom LLC

    son - Voronin Kirill Alekseevich, born in 2009.

    We live at the address: Moscow, st. Liteinaya, 45, apt. 123.

    In 2008-2013, he visited France, Italy, and Germany for tourism purposes.

    Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation and have no criminal record. There are no relatives outside the CIS.

    Basic rules for writing an autobiography

    It should be said right away that there are no special requirements for writing autobiographies. Therefore, it is necessary to compose an autobiography based on the general requirements for writing business letters.

    1. Your autobiography does not have to be very voluminous. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of writing should not be more than 1-2 sheets of text. As practice shows, long “essays” will not help you reveal yourself in the eyes of the reader - they will most likely have the opposite effect.
    2. What is written should not contain errors, the general form of presentation is business style. When reviewing your autobiography, the reader will pay attention not so much to what is written, but to the form in which it is done. For this reason, competent speech will allow you to score “extra points.”
    3. All events described by you must be presented in chronological order, logically and consistently. That is, you cannot immediately after talking about school move on to work, skipping other educational institutions, or first talk about your place of work and then mention the education you received.
    4. The information about you contained in your CV must be genuine. Including erroneous or inaccurate information may prevent you from getting the job you want (or achieve another goal) and create a bad business reputation.

    Autobiography writing sample

    Download a sample CV

    To make it easier for you to compose your autobiography, here is an example of how to write it:

    “I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was born on January 1, 1990 in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory. In 1997 he entered secondary school No. 1. In 2007 he graduated from school with a gold medal. In the same year, he began studying at the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Journalism. In 2012 he graduated with honors. From August 2012 to this day I have been working as a journalist in the newspaper “Vestnik Vladivostok”.

    We don't judge.

    Married to Ekaterina Pavlovna Ivanova, born May 5, 1991. Born in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, st. Komsomolskaya, 15, apt. 5.

    Have no children.

    Additional Information:

    Mother: Olga Semenovna Ivanova, born on February 2, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an accountant. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. Not convicted.

    Father: Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, born on March 3, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an engineer. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

    Brother: Petr Ivanovich Ivanov, born on April 4, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok, currently studying at the Far Eastern Medical University with a degree in Therapist. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. We don’t judge.”

    Any other autobiography is written according to the same scheme with adaptation to a specific case. For example, if a schoolchild needs to write an autobiography, then the text must focus on academic achievements and participation in additional educational events (olympiads, competitions, exhibitions). You can also reflect sports activities and talk about achievements in sports.

    In Russia there are uniform rules for writing an autobiography, or rather there are only two of them - accuracy (detail) and brevity. First of all, they should be followed in order to compose an autobiography without errors. All information that will be presented in the text must be as comprehensive and detailed as possible. Those people who will read this document will pay attention to all the little things in your life, so there is no unnecessary or valuable information for them.

    However, it is worth remembering that you are not writing a 200-page biography, which is why literary phrases and inferences should not be used in writing. The writing style must be strict. Of course, the text must be written correctly, no grammatical errors are excluded. Writing an autobiography correctly means describing your life events in the order they occurred, that is, you should adhere to the correct chronology.

    In each example of writing an autobiography, the following information should be mentioned:

    Full name of the compiler;
    M.D.G. birth;
    Information about parents and family;
    Contact phone numbers;
    Hobbies, interests or any interests;
    If there are certificates and awards, they should also be mentioned.

    Depending on life situations, there are different goals that oblige a citizen write an autobiography, and based on where this document is submitted, other data that must be indicated also pops up. We'll talk about them below.

    Suppose the compiler has children, then this fact needs to be indicated, as well as supplemented with some information. As a rule, men in their autobiographies indicate the presence of military service, namely where it took place, upon its completion, what rank was assigned to the serviceman. As for women, they indicate information about maternity leave or childcare periods.

    An autobiography does not tolerate exaggeration or distortion of reliable information, since such actions can negatively affect the most important thing - the reputation of the applicant, which ultimately will prevent you from achieving the desired goal. Let's move on to specific examples.

    How to write an autobiography for work

    This document, in addition to the information mentioned above, must contain:

    All the positive qualities of the compiler must be listed; this point is certainly important for the director of the organization. You need to predict in advance what advantages you must have in order to get this job, just describe them in the compiled text;
    Constructive and accurate description of experience gained in previous work. You need to compose your autobiography carefully, without leaving out details that will show you on the positive side.
    It is necessary to compile an autobiography taking into account your past educational process, usually at a university.

    Sample autobiography for work:

    How to write an autobiography for school or university

    The number of the educational institution, school, beginning of study and its end must be reflected. The educational institution's bias and specific profile must be indicated;
    If there are achievements in school competitions or olympiads, then this must be reflected in the document being drawn up;
    Hobbies, favorite activities, hobbies;
    Training or completing specialized self-education courses in order to improve skills, this could be knowledge of additional languages, programming, and so on.

    Sample autobiography for school:

    Sample autobiography for university:

    How to write an autobiography for civil service: Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB

    The entire package of documents must necessarily contain:

    Comprehensive data is provided on military service;
    If you have ever traveled abroad, you need to describe the purpose and country in detail;
    Accurate information about bringing close relatives to administrative and criminal liability. If a sentence was passed, the term of imprisonment, article and place of serving the sentence must be indicated;
    In information about loved ones, relatives who live outside the CIS are indicated.

    Example of an autobiography in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

    Example of an autobiography in the FSB:

    Using this analogy, a biography is compiled for absolutely any special service; the difference can only lie in the details. It must be remembered that the above points must be reflected with particular accuracy, as this may affect whether you will be accepted for the desired job and position in the special services or not.

    How to write an autobiography for the adoption of a child

    When compiling an autobiography for adoption or guardianship, a change of last name or first name, if any, must be reflected. The exact place of work that is relevant today is indicated. Exact place of residence, square footage of living space, certificate of income for the last year from the place of work.

    Autobiography for adoption sample:

    An autobiography is a sequential presentation by the writer of the main stages of his life.

    An autobiography is required for admission to an educational institution, employment, etc. Personnel services of various organizations have their own requirements for the content of an autobiography, related primarily to the degree of detail in the presentation of information about the author and his immediate environment.

    The autobiography must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, year and place of birth, education (which educational institutions were graduated from, in what specialty), work activity, marital status, basic information about immediate relatives, etc.

    An autobiography differs from a questionnaire in that it reflects the data more fully, i.e., for example, the reasons for dismissal from a previous job can be indicated, the desire to work in this particular organization is justified, etc. The autobiography is signed and dated by the compiler and stored in the employee's personal file.

    In employment practice, both resumes and autobiography. And they differ, first of all, in that the first document is used mainly in commercial structures, the second - in government agencies.

    As practice shows, the details of an autobiography are more suitable for the T-2 form. From this we can conclude that a resume is a document only for preliminary acquaintance with the person applying for a job.

    An autobiography may also be required when preparing documents to enter the country and obtain citizenship.

    • Military service;


    Family composition:

    1. How to write an autobiography for the FSB
    2. Sample autobiography in the FSB
    3. Sample autobiography in the FSB

    Any candidate who joins the FSB must compile an autobiography, which is included in the list of required documents. Compiled randomly by hand.

    In general, there is no standard template for drawing up a document. You just need to remember to have some information on paper. They are common to any type of document.

    Positions held and places of work should not be hidden. Like education - specialty, period of study, full name of educational institutions. In addition, place and date of birth, full name are required. Of course, the document itself is in full notation.

    The list of documents required for a candidate to submit for service (work) in the FSB includes an autobiography. It is written by hand in free form.

    How to write an autobiography for the FSB

    There is no standard template for an autobiography in the FSB, but the following information must be indicated in it without fail:

    • title of the document – ​​AUTOBIOGRAPHY;
    • Full name, date and place of birth. For example: “I, Ilyin Evgeniy Sergeevich, was born on May 20, 1975 in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region”;
    • information about education (full name of educational institutions, period of study, specialty);
    • information about work activities (places of work, positions held);
    • Military service;
    • marital status, information about immediate relatives (full name, year of birth, place of work/study and residential address);
    • information about trips abroad (where, when and for what purpose);
    • information about bringing close relatives to criminal liability (when and for what);
    • date of writing the autobiography and signature.

    Let's give an example of an autobiography in the FSB, which will serve as a template for writing your own biography.

    In 1990 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 145 in Moscow, from which I graduated in 2000 with a medal.

    Since 2000, he studied at the Military-Political Academy named after. V.I. Lenin at the Faculty of Military Law, which he graduated in 2005 and received a full higher education in the specialty “Legal Support of National Security”. Candidate of Legal Sciences.

    From 2006 to 2007 – service in the army (missile forces, senior sergeant in the reserve).

    Since September 2008, I have been working as the head of the security service at Megamarket LLC.

    Family composition:
    wife - Voronina Anna Vladimirovna, born in 1985, economist at Freedom LLC;
    son – Voronin Kirill Alekseevich, born in 2009.

    We live at the address: Moscow, st. Liteinaya, 45, apt. 123.

    In 2008-2013, he visited France, Italy, and Germany for tourism purposes.

    Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation and have no criminal record. There are no relatives outside the CIS.

    An autobiography is a description of life compiled by the person himself. This document must be drawn up when entering a new place of work, educational institution, etc. In most cases, personnel services do not closely study the autobiographies of new employees, perceiving them as a necessary formality. The attitude towards this document is completely different in the FSB, where the selection of employees is taken extremely seriously.

    An autobiography in the FSB is compiled without a standard template, but it must contain the following information:

    • Title of the document;
    • Full Name;
    • Date and place of birth;
    • data on the education received, listing the full names of educational institutions, periods of study, acquired specialty;
    • information about previous places of work indicating positions held;
    • military service;
    • Family status;
    • information about immediate relatives (last name, first name, patronymic, age, place of work or study, place of residence);
    • listing of trips abroad, indicating the place, time and purpose;
    • information about whether close relatives were prosecuted (for what and when);
    • date of compilation of the autobiography, signature.

    When writing an autobiography you will need the following documents:

    • employment history;
    • educational documents;
    • marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.

    Instructions for writing an extended biography

    It should be borne in mind that an autobiography is not a questionnaire, but also not a collection of memoirs. Stick to the golden mean between excessive brevity and a biography of an interesting person. An autobiography differs from questionnaires and resumes in the free form of writing, but still, lengthy discussions and impartial statements about the former leadership will be inappropriate. Based on the writing style, personnel officers judge the author’s personality traits.

    Start by drawing up an outline for your autobiography, which should contain information about all the significant events in your life in chronological order. Additionally, tell us about your special skills, unique abilities, and valuable social experience. Write a draft first, slowly think about each of the points, and remember the important details. Indicate what your parents worked as. If you are married and have children, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of your wife or husband, date of marriage, age and names of children.

    When describing your education, tell us about each stage of it: school, university. List the points that indicate your theoretical training in a certain field of knowledge:

    • participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, etc.;
    • awards received at school and university: medals, diplomas, certificates, certificates of merit, etc.

    Next, describe your work experience, listing the full names of enterprises and organizations where you worked. Indicate the exact dates of hiring and dismissal, positions held. Focus on describing professional successes that characterize you as a specialist in your field.

    You can write briefly about the reasons for dismissal: “due to staff reduction”, “due to transfer to another job”. If the reason for dismissal was a conflict with management, do not try to hide this circumstance. Include information about advanced training courses, retraining, trainings and seminars in your autobiography. In the additional information section, mention your positive character traits, political and social involvement, hobbies, etc.

    Re-read the draft carefully, correct any mistakes, and rewrite it on the computer or legibly by hand. Please provide your contact information below: phone number, email address, place of residence. Sign.