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We are opening a service center. How to open a household appliance repair shop. Business plan for a service center for repairing household appliances

12 hours ago, aleksandr_orb said:

Why pay wages if there is no flow of clients? Because he will repair 7 rotary hammers and one grinder a week? I don’t quite agree with your position, although you may be right

In general, I found a pensioner who understands electrics, but does not have much experience in repairing instruments. He is retired, he likes repairing instruments, and wants to develop in this direction. By the way, I found it through an advertisement in the newspaper. I immediately gave it to Avito, other Internet portals and to the newspaper. The result, oddly enough, was only from the last source.

We interacted with him back in the summer; he came a couple of times and repaired our equipment as best he could. Today he will come, I want to offer him to work 4/3 for seven hours with a lunch break for 500 rubles per day. With such a demand for repair services and our need to repair our equipment, this seems to me the best option. We will purchase the spare parts ourselves.


I have been repairing tools for more than twelve years, the workshop can be said to be more or less normal with hired workers from outside, I began to develop it two years ago. I have had enough experience in repairing any instrument since childhood, since life in our country (I mean the Soviet space) was always insufficiently secure, especially in the outback, and I had to come up with a lot myself; I often remember Ford’s words about this, how he was surprised at the resourcefulness of the Poles , saying himself that he didn’t know ours.

So, about the renovation: I was busy servicing tools when our bright future became even darker in 2014 and sales fell to the minimum of the early 2000s, it’s good that I kept a small room next to the tool market for many years in rent and closed all my “businesses” moved to work there in 2012. After working for a couple of years myself, simultaneously selling through the website and from the premises, and repairing instruments, I had to stay until 12 at night. Two years later I hired two people. When hiring, I weeded out those who were too smart and abstruse, taking those who had been beaten a little in life, but most importantly, those who were savvy.

For a long time (and even now often) I repaired instruments in a place with men, passing on my experience and learning from them, so we came to the point that we repair almost everything that they bring. Issues with the provision of spare parts are resolved through the nearby market, some equipment importers and competitors.

Thanks to Chinese production, we have enough work during the season, but we also have a lot of headaches due to production problems related to the quality of spare parts and the tools themselves. Clients are now asking for branded instruments to be repaired using Chinese spare parts, and this is very unpleasant for me as a craftsman, but what can I do if the situation in the country is such that people’s money is spent on utilities and so on, but on a cool instrument, or at least on its service is not enough.

By the way, I am currently training a person to work in a repair shop in Kingston, in the Ontario district of Canada. Dima (that’s his name) asked for a job for the sake of studying and was ready to work for free, of course he works on equal terms for everyone, but the one-month work experience in Canada that I received from him is very interesting and useful to me, I didn’t even count on it Well, I didn’t even think that they repair instruments in the West, there was such information that it was cheaper there to buy a new one, but no.

Since February, Dima is going to Kingston again for four months to work in the workshop, we will communicate with him via Viber, since we still need to help him with a lot of things, but this is also a huge experience. But even from those few stories about the service in Canada, it is clear to me that it is easier to work there.

Based on the work of the workshop in our conditions, I can write everything I know. If you have any questions, write.

The opportunity to create your own business attracts many. A successful business makes it possible not to work for hire and at the same time have a good income, confidence in the future, etc. This raises a reasonable question, on the solution of which further success depends. What business to open? After all, everyone has different starting amounts. Some people have free money for experiments, while others are so confident in the success of the upcoming business that they are ready to use borrowed funds. Let's take a closer look at the service center business plan and other important features. Beginning investors will be able to decide for themselves whether it is profitable to engage in this business or not.

An example of a successful business plan for a service center

Everyone wants ready-made solutions. However, you need to understand that the information below should be considered approximate, and not taken as a ready-made guide that must be followed step by step. A business plan for a service center should be developed by specialists who take into account the specifics of the region, starting conditions and other factors. After all, here, as in many other areas, there are no universal solutions for everyone.

So, it’s worth starting with the relevance of the idea. A service center can be considered a potentially successful business. After all, every modern person possesses and uses technical means. This is why there is a need for maintenance or repair of an electronic device from time to time. Timely modernization and correct settings keep the equipment in working order.

So, a business plan for a service center should begin with the formation of the goals that the future enterprise sets for itself. The main one is making a profit through the creation of an efficiently functioning organization. The secondary goal is to satisfy customer needs related to servicing computer and mobile equipment.

The business plan for a phone repair service center will include many more points. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


Every potential businessman faces challenges. It's better to know about potential risks in advance. And if you also prepare for them, then there is a high probability that the Apple service center business plan will be successful.

So, it’s worth naming the main risks.

  • High competition.
  • Lack of qualified personnel.
  • Constant updating of technical devices by manufacturers. This leads to the fact that spare parts quickly become outdated and become unclaimed. This is why service center owners prefer to order them as needed rather than purchasing them in bulk. Although, it would seem, the second option allows you to save money. But this is irrelevant if you are developing a business plan for a phone repair service center.


This is a pressing problem for all managers. And especially for a novice businessman. After all, at the start he does not receive much profit, so he cannot offer decent remuneration and hire qualified employees. You have to set low pay and choose from candidates who are willing to work for pennies. However, among them there are rarely conscientious and highly qualified craftsmen.

So, when drawing up a business plan for a computer repair service center, you need to take into account personnel costs. The staff will include the following specialists.

  • Supervisor.
  • Master - one or more.
  • Administrator.
  • Account Manager.

Features of employee search

If the flow of clients is small, the functions of a manager and administrator can be performed by a foreman or supervisor. The latter, by the way, is also not one of the mandatory positions. Instead of a hired employee, supervisory functions can be performed by the business owner himself.

As for the craftsmen, the service center will not be able to function without them. This is the main link, without which even the most impeccable business plan for an electronics repair service center will be useless.

When interviewing potential candidates, you should ask about programming skills. It is these specialists that owners prefer. This is due to the fact that they are brilliant at not only replacing parts but also other services. For example, related to setting up or updating software.

You need to understand that valuable personnel are the main resource of an enterprise. Especially in highly competitive conditions. That’s why you shouldn’t skimp on wages for craftsmen and other personnel.


It is necessary to decide in advance whether the craftsmen will work in a stationary location or on mobile orders. To get more profit, you can combine both options. A business plan for a service center for repairing computers and cell phones must certainly include this item. After all, profit is calculated on its basis.

If the service center will serve customers on weekends and holidays, you can set an increased rate.


  • Renting premises. For a service center, the owner will have to find an area ranging from 30 to 60 meters. This will be enough even by the capital's standards. Approximate costs will range from 25 to 50 thousand rubles monthly.
  • Repair of rented premises. Costs depend on the initial state of the occupied area. Therefore, it is difficult to predict specific numbers in advance. On average, you need to prepare 30 thousand rubles for cosmetic repairs, and about 200 for major repairs.
  • Arrangement of premises for organizing a service workshop - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture for craftsmen, administrators and waiting clients - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Office equipment. For four employees, the service center budget will have to include 100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment. For high-quality equipment repairs, craftsmen will need a huge number of tools. It is necessary to include approximately 100 thousand rubles in the business plan of the service center for such expenses.

The final amount for opening a workshop ranges from approximately half a million to 700 thousand rubles.

However, every novice businessman should understand that these are very approximate costs. There are many variable factors that affect the final amount.

  • Do not neglect drawing up a business plan for a service center. This seems completely insignificant to some novice investors, but without it it will not be possible to estimate the real costs.
  • You need to very carefully select employees from the proposed candidates. This is a very important factor. The quality of service depends on the craftsmen, and this, in turn, determines the reputation of the enterprise. If repair work is performed poorly, visitors will be dissatisfied; no one will trust the service center and seek its services. Accordingly, the business owner will not make a profit.
  • Pay attention to the staff. Do not skimp on timely professional development. In technology, everything is changing at an incredible speed. Employees must stay on top of what's new to ensure they always provide customers with impeccable quality work.


  • Pay attention to advertising. If you run your campaign wisely, you can build up a small customer base. It is worth assessing the effectiveness of each advertising tool in advance.
  • Don't neglect creating a website. Many clients are looking for services on the Internet. Service centers are no exception. The website should describe the services, as well as the approximate cost of the service.
  • After starting work, there is no time to relax. Periodically, you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the service center. This will allow you to find and eliminate service deficiencies.


The abundance of information gives food for thought. Beginning businessmen begin to doubt whether it is worth opening a service center at all. The answer to this question will be a correctly and thoroughly drawn up business plan. It allows you to understand how promising a niche is in general and a specific enterprise in particular.

For example, when drawing up a business plan, you may find out that a large service center will be unprofitable. At the same time, a smaller workshop can provide the business owner with more income.

The prospects and profitability of a potential service center can greatly depend on the starting amount. Of course, it is much preferable to choose the option of using your own funds, while avoiding bank loans. In the second case, it will take much longer to achieve payback, let alone profit. If you use borrowed funds, you need to draw up a business plan especially carefully.

For many people, a laptop and a computer are the main sources of income. If something breaks down, it is not always possible to buy new equipment. High prices on the market for new computer equipment are forcing people to send in faulty PCs and laptops for repairs. Here a business prospect opens up – a computer repair service. How much do you need to invest to start such a project and what is the approximate profit figure?

Official registration

A computer repair business can operate either without registration or with legally issued documentation. The first is illegal, the second makes it possible to cover a potentially profitable sector, namely servicing legal entities.

First, register as an individual entrepreneur to simplify taxation and accounting. If your plans include a network business, then it is better to immediately register an LLC.

When organizing an office, you will need to obtain the consent of the State Fire Inspectorate.

Market research - prices and assortment

The computer repair business has considerable competition and high demand. The basis of success is to provide customers with attractive prices. To do this, study the price lists of large companies and the range of their services.

It’s worth starting with the most basic, in-demand and profitable services. Computer repair service includes:

  • diagnostics, repair and prevention of all types of computer equipment;
  • assembly of processors from used spare parts;
  • advisory services;
  • services for configuration and installation of operating systems, programs and antiviruses.

Many of the services offered are onsite, giving the lion's share of the profits to such companies.


How to start making money repairing computers - organize a home service. To do this, you do not need to rent a room and pay rent. Most similar companies started this way.

Another option is to find a small room of 10-15 m2 with cheap rent. Placement is not that important because:

  • You will pick up most of the equipment from the customer’s home;
  • Some clients with a car will bring equipment to the office by car.

The 2nd floor is quite acceptable, which is significantly lower in terms of rental price - ≈ 6 thousand rubles per month.

Consider the option of coworking - working in the same room with other entrepreneurs-masters (rental cost is half the price) ≈ 3 thousand rubles.

Try to find a room with an acceptable renovation so that you can only purchase furniture.

Office furniture


  • computer desk - 2;
  • chairs - 4;
  • coffee table - 1;
  • sofa (for client) - 1;
  • wardrobe – 2;
  • cabinets – 2.

Total: 20 thousand rubles

Additionally, you need to purchase a water filter and an electric kettle for the comfort of the craftsmen. (1000 rubles).

Hiring staff

Workers must have experience

Often, the start of such a business idea is two or three people with skills in computer equipment repair and related services.

At the start, you need two setup and repair technicians with a salary of 20 thousand rubles. For reporting, a freelance accountant is invited, the cost of services is 2,000 rubles, or the owner does it himself. One of the foremen must have a car and a license to go to calls and pick up equipment, while the second one works locally.

At the initial stage, the company will do without an office manager; all calls will be taken by a specialist. In the future, it is planned to organize a call center and hire a full-time accountant.


The best option for advertising is free bulletin boards, social networks and creating your own website. To launch your website, you only need 300-600 rubles (paid hosting) and a little skill in working with it. Computer repair and PC setup specialists will be able to deal with such a task on their own. Creating and printing basic business style business cards is also not difficult.

Come up with a new name for the company - it can be humorous, but it speaks volumes about the purpose of the company. Suitable: “Zhelezyaka”, “Comp City”, “Smart Comp”, “Diagnostics and Service”, etc.

Try to establish work with legal entities without their own technical support department. Send your proposals to companies' emails with a list of conditions.

Purchase of equipment and components

Before opening a computer repair service center, you need to purchase equipment and components for urgent replacement, diagnostics and testing of equipment.

Other components will be ordered as needed. Over time, the service center will be able to offer replacement parts with new or used ones at the request of the client.

Service center business plan - calculations

A detailed business plan will allow you to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the business and the return on investment.


To organize a company you will need to spend:

  • legal registration persons – 6 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and other things for the office - 21 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (printing business cards, installing the Internet, etc.) – 3 thousand rubles;

Total: 180 thousand rubles

Gross revenue

Table. Price - list of possible services

Price list for computer repair services Cost, rubles Orders per month Total
Diagnostics 300 50 15 000
Prevention and cleaning 600 20 12 000
Replacement or installation of components (price for 1 unit) 500 80 40 000
Installation (reinstallation) of software, antivirus, etc. 500 30 15 000
Consultation, setup 300 50 15 000
Other services 200 20 4 000
Gross revenue 101 000

The earning opportunities are much broader; the table provides an approximate unified list of the work of the service center.

At the same time, sell those assembled from various used components. An attractive price will allow you to get a good additional profit, and possibly become one of the main sources of income.

Monthly profit calculation, profitability, payback

Such a calculation will help to assess the main indicators of the computer repair business.

Table. Balance

Monthly income and expense balance Amount, rubles
Gross revenue 101 000
Office rental (coworking) 3 000
Salary 54 800
Freelance accountant fees 2 000
Public utilities 5 000
other expenses 5 000
Profit before tax 31 200
Tax 4 680
Net profit 26 520

Calculation of investment attractiveness

Investments 180 000
Profitability 36%
Payback 7

Profitability of 36%, payback within 7 months - these are excellent indicators for any business project.

Of course, a net profit of 26 thousand is not promising, but these calculations are based on figures for the initial stage of entering the market. With the expansion of the client base, the list of services and the number of works performed will be increased.

Give discounts to regular customers, as customer retention is very important. Regular clientele is the basis for the success of a reputable company.

An interesting option for starting to work with corporate clients is to conclude a deal for the first service at half the cost. If you like the work of the masters, then offer long-term cooperation with a 15-20% discount.

Household appliances today can be seen in any apartment, and it is very difficult to imagine life without such familiar washing machines, microwave ovens and refrigerators. A feature of all devices without exception is their periodic breakdown. If the malfunction is critical, then, as a rule, people buy a new thing, but if the breakdown can be more or less easily and inexpensively fixed, then any person will prefer to fix the old thing. All service centers that repair household appliances work with either one, or with a large number of brands. In fact, these are two different directions, and working directly with one brand often implies complete dependence on the parent organization. Service centers that repair equipment of different brands are also divided, but according to the type of equipment being serviced. In accordance with this classification, there are services that repair any equipment, from mobile phones to washing machines, and there are narrow-profile services that repair, for example, only microwave ovens.

Business Features

Many manufacturing companies in Russia do not have their own service centers. The main reasons for their absence are unsuitable roads and complex customs legislation, which makes the import of spare parts extremely labor-intensive. Therefore, many Western companies shift the functions of processing applications and logistics directly to repair shops. Thus, to conclude an agreement with the manufacturing company, you must have:

  • Repair shop;
  • Reception point;
  • Transport base for transporting bulky equipment.


It is not advisable to rent a room that is too large and expensive for a workshop, since most clients are not concerned about the appearance of the center, but about the quality of the repairs made. However, the total area of ​​the service center premises must be at least 50 square meters. m., since it needs to be divided into three rooms:

  • Stock;
  • Workshop;
  • Order receiving room.

The area of ​​the warehouse may vary depending on the bulkiness of the equipment being repaired.

Workshop equipment

To open a service center for the repair of household appliances, you need to purchase sets of test equipment for professional equipment, as well as tools for repairing equipment. Among other things, the service center needs to purchase a set of office furniture and equipment for the order receiving room, an air conditioner for the workshop and shelving for the warehouse.

Prospects and profitability

In this business, the campaign cannot be neglected, otherwise the client base will take too long to build up. As a result of a successful advertising campaign, there should be an increase in the number of incoming phone calls, and here you can’t do without a memorable number and cooperation with a good call center. The second important factor is the reduction in equipment repair time. This can be achieved by accelerating the delivery of spare parts or by purchasing the most in-demand parts from stock. In the first case, it is necessary to create a network of interchangeable organizations that supply parts; in the second, a significant amount of funds will have to be ‘frozen’ in the warehouse. However, the main factor of competitiveness among service centers is the speed of service. The amount of capital expenditure required to open a service center for equipment repair is about 3 million rubles:

  1. Renovation of the premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of a truck, furniture, tools and sets of test equipment - 2.4 million rubles;
  3. Advertising company - 500 thousand rubles.

It would be more appropriate for the service center to focus on repairing large-sized household appliances. The fact is that in recent years a trend has emerged according to which people do not repair mobile equipment, but immediately buy new ones. However, with large household appliances, everything is different. The cost of new devices, as a rule, is much higher than the cost of repair, and such equipment becomes obsolete much more slowly. However, the profitability of this business in Russia is quite low - within 6%.