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The patient should not have nervous tension. Overwork. Drug treatment of nervous fatigue

Overwork of the human nervous system is a fairly common phenomenon in the modern world. Most often it affects people who work for a long time in large companies, managers, girls who have recently become mothers, and students. It is quite difficult to diagnose nervous fatigue; its symptoms overlap with a large number of other diseases.

Briefly about the strength of the nervous system

It has been scientifically proven that the strength and weakness of the nervous system is an innate indicator. The strength of the nervous system determines how much a person is able to withstand stress without becoming lethargic.

A truly strong nervous system can withstand emotional arousal for a fairly long period of time. The energy of cells is not spent too quickly and rationally. There is a natural inhibition of ongoing processes, and along with it the protective functions of the nervous system are activated. Thus, a person can tolerate stress for a long time and does not become irritable. People who have a weak nervous system cannot wait, they do not grasp new information well and try to pass it on to almost everyone they meet, since it is difficult for them to keep it inside themselves.

A person with a weak nervous system cannot physically tolerate strong stimuli, and rapid fatigue of the nerve centers occurs. It can immediately switch off (a strong inhibitory process appears) or, on the contrary, inhibition does not have time to cope with the excitement and then the person can do a lot of stupid things. Nerve weakness has high sensitivity (sensitivity) and can distinguish weak signals - this is its main advantage.

It is impossible to say with complete confidence which nervous system is better. People with a strong nervous system can remember and process large amounts of information. They are good performers and can do a large amount of work, but tasks must be given from simple to complex. They take a long time to delve into the work, but if necessary they can do it for a long period of time.

People who have neuropsychic weakness adapt quickly enough to various situations, but at the same time, if they are influenced by strong stimuli, they cannot cope with excitement. Tasks should be given from complex to simple, as they spend more cellular energy, are good managers and natural leaders.

The main manifestations of nervous fatigue

Despite the difficulty of diagnosis, there are certain symptoms that can definitely identify a person’s condition.

  1. Irritability. A person begins to get nervous and irritated, even if he expects something for a short period of time.
  2. Anger. The slightest reason leads to an angry, irritable state.
  3. Low self-esteem. It creates the wrong feeling that all the failures that happen around a person were caused by him, and he is the main misunderstanding in this world. You lose faith in your strengths and the possibility of successfully completing the task.
  4. I felt sorry for myself, anxious and in a tearful mood.
  5. Insomnia. A person is tormented by fatigue, he constantly does not get enough sleep and cannot fall asleep due to constant thoughts that tirelessly disturb him.
  6. Decreased performance. A person is prone to fatigue and cannot concentrate.
  7. Feeling overwhelmed.

Increased nervousness in teenagers

Often people are used to seeing young people cheerful and active. However, there are often people who are withdrawn, passive and poorly able to withstand even minimal emotional stress. Fatigue and nervousness in adolescents is a completely natural condition during puberty. It is necessary not to forget about the psychological situation at home. It plays a key role in the development of the child’s nervous system.

When a tired teenager suffers from increased nervousness, his body turns on a kind of defense mechanism, for example, he may sleep too long. Excessive fatigue can also be associated with improper metabolism. If nutrients are processed too quickly, they are not converted into energy, thus the body begins to get tired even from the slightest load.

Such children need to be given special attention, because constant nervousness can lead to serious illnesses. Well strengthens the nervous system of a teenager - regime. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the child’s certain inclinations, and not force him to do something that he does not like or cannot do. It is not recommended to introduce drastic changes into a teenager’s life. In this case, the nervous system may not be able to cope. Everything a child does should be within his power and not overtire him.

Consequences of nervous exhaustion

After the onset of such a negative phenomenon as nervous exhaustion, a person becomes vulnerable, which affects the functioning of the entire body. Many people try to come to terms with this condition, but this only causes even more harm to their health. In such cases, nervous exhaustion leads to conditions that can sometimes be very dangerous, namely:

  • apathetic depression, it leads to the fact that a person is unable to do anything, lethargy;
  • various chronic diseases are getting worse;
  • mental illness appears. Sometimes the consequences are very serious, for example, an incorrect perception of the world appears, a personality disorder, sometimes leading to suicide;
  • relationships with family and loved ones deteriorate;
  • problems arise at work;
  • inability to enjoy and live a full life.

If neurasthenia appears, specialized medical treatment must be started immediately. However, representatives of humanity do not want to bring themselves to such conditions, since it is better to prevent them than to engage in further treatment. Preventive measures are quite simple, but at the same time very effective. Anyone should know some simple rules to prevent nervous fatigue. They can be used by individually selecting the most suitable ones for yourself.

Preventive measures to prevent nervous fatigue

First of all, you need to monitor your health, you should do everything to make your body feel comfortable. You need to rest enough time, your head should be fresh and rested. Try to bring more reasons for joy into your life that will help you maintain a positive attitude in different life situations.

Preventive measures are:

  • Don't overload yourself with work. You should do as much work as the body perceives it;
  • proper organization of the day;
  • allocate time for proper rest and entertainment;
  • go to bed no later than midnight;
  • try to spend less time near the computer and TV;
  • a hobby is a great distraction from the drabness of everyday life;
  • receive more positive emotions, this makes irritability disappear;
  • treat people better, choose the right priorities in life;
  • don’t be nervous about little things, because they’re not worth it, and it’s very difficult to regain health;
  • if a person is not satisfied with something about himself, there is no need to engage in self-flagellation, but simply correct this defect;
  • do not cause diseases, but treat them;
  • receive enough vitamins for the normal functioning of the body;
  • meditation and yoga have a positive effect on the nervous system.

The main thing is to monitor and feel your body, to be attentive to all the signals it gives. It is much better to prevent a bad condition than to bring it to an extreme.

Drug treatment of nervous fatigue

If nervous exhaustion occurs, you must see a neurologist. He will determine the current state of affairs and prescribe the correct treatment. Sometimes you need the help of a psychologist or, depending on the situation, a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, etc., who will determine the cause of this condition and help get rid of it.

In most cases, drug treatment is prescribed. The necessary therapeutic measures should be carried out exclusively by a medical specialist, since they can affect each person differently and instead of the expected benefit, you can cause harm to your body.

  1. To relieve vascular spasms and oxygen starvation of the brain, doctors prescribe pharmaceuticals such as Ginko-biloba, Betaserc, Tanakan.
  2. In case of an advanced condition, the doctor may prescribe Alezepil, Tenoten, Ceraxon. It must be borne in mind that these are strong medications that have a positive effect on brain cells and relieve irritability. Before taking them, consultation with a specialist is required.
  3. If restoration of the nervous system is required, it is recommended to take B vitamins. To do this, you can use various vitamin-mineral complexes that contain them. For example, Milgamma Compositum, Neurobion, Neuromultivit, Polynervin, Unigamma, etc.
  4. In case of intense, intellectual work, sedatives can be prescribed on an individual basis. It is necessary to take into account that medications differ in chemical structure, so each person needs a sedative that is suitable for him. Among these may be Sedistress, Persen, Novo-Passit, etc., which are herbal medicines.
  5. When the patient's condition is not critical, acupuncture sessions, massage and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Most doctors are not proponents of drug treatment, since some pharmaceutical drugs have a bad effect on brain cells.

Feeling tired and irritable negatively affects a person and his environment. You should not allow nervous fatigue; it is much easier to prevent it than to treat it with medications or other means. You should try to look at the world more simply, not overwork at work and give your body the right to proper rest. By following simple rules, you can avoid this negative phenomenon, which is often found in modern life.

Overwork is often not taken seriously. And in vain, because this condition is a serious disorder of the functioning of the nervous system and causes many serious diseases: chronic fatigue, depression, neurosis, and in the long term leads to muscle atrophy and the development of mental illness.

That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms of fatigue in time in order to take action and prevent it from worsening. After all, this is not just a bad mood or temporary fatigue, but a real disease of the nervous system that requires treatment, like any other ailment.

Overfatigue is a pathological condition that is expressed in exhaustion of the nervous system and disruption of excitation-inhibition functions. In practice, this means that the human nervous system, under the influence of constant stress, is under tension, but practically does not relax.

It is literally “overwhelmed” with signals from the brain, muscles, and sensory organs and does not have time to process them. As a result, nerve impulses reach muscles and organs late or in a distorted form. Outwardly, it looks like impaired concentration, memory impairment, drowsiness, muscle pain and other signs.

Doctors distinguish four types of overwork:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • mental;
  • nervous.

Despite the fact that these types are formally separated, in reality they are closely related to each other. As a rule, a person develops two or several types of fatigue - simultaneously or one after the other.

The nervous system permeates all other systems and organs of a person, so it is quite natural that nervous exhaustion causes a decrease in muscle tone (accordingly, physical fatigue) or malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible, among other things, for mood (from which it is not far from emotional fatigue). It is also obvious that nervous exhaustion has a negative effect on brain function.

Therefore, if you discover signs of one type of overwork, you should not hope that you are protected from another. Rather, on the contrary - this indicates that you are in a high-risk group.

How different types of overwork manifest themselves

Different types of overwork have their own characteristic symptoms, from which it is easy to understand the nature of the disease. It is extremely important to pay attention to them and not confuse them with ordinary fatigue.


Signs of physical fatigue:

  • A persistent feeling of fatigue that cannot be relieved with the usual types of rest.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Sleep disorders (restless, interrupted sleep, nightmares, insomnia).
  • Weakness, lethargy of muscles.
  • Slowing reactions.

There can be many reasons for physical fatigue. Among them:

  • Prolonged physical work without rest and the opportunity to relax or redistribute the load (for example, irrationally planned training for athletes).
  • Monotonous physical work, even if it is not difficult, can lead to overwork.
  • One-time, but very strong physical activity is also very risky.

Constant tension in the muscles leads to stagnation of blood in them and “hardening” of muscle tissue. Muscle spasms and “tightness” are also common, leading to severe pain. In addition, with excessive loads, microtraumas are caused to the muscle fibers - they “tear”.

With proper alternation of loads and rest, the fibers have time to recover, “healing” the breaks with the help of protein, but if you do not give the muscles rest for a long time, they will not have the opportunity to regenerate.


Emotional exhaustion is no less destructive than physical exhaustion. The cause is excessive stress, which leads to persistent emotional burnout. It must be said that burnout in such a situation is a kind of defense mechanism.

The fact is that any emotion is a set of biochemical reactions: various hormones are involved in the experience of emotion, as well as many nerve pathways and endings.

Remember adrenaline, which mobilizes all body systems, serotonin and many other hormones that are produced in various situations and, in essence, shape our emotions.

Now imagine that under the influence of the same type of unpleasant situations, the same set of hormones is produced in the body, and the same type of signals are transmitted along the nerve pathways. By the way, this set of hormones often includes adrenaline - it should help cope with stress.

But in reality, a kind of poisoning of the body with hormones occurs, and an unbearable load falls on the nervous system. To prevent the nervous system from “burning out,” the body partially “turns off” it. This helps for a while, but the consequences of such “protection” in the long run are even more disastrous.

Emotional fatigue, or exhaustion, manifests itself in the following signs:

  1. Lethargy, apathy.
  2. Inhibited reactions.
  3. Loss of tactile sensitivity.
  4. Sometimes there is a weakening of taste sensations.
  5. Flattening and weakening of emotions.
  6. In cases of severe overwork, some emotions may simply disappear (in fact, they do not disappear anywhere - all biochemical processes continue to occur, but the person does not feel them and does not feel any experiences).
  7. Irritability, frequent and unpredictable mood swings.
  8. Desire for solitude (a person spends less time in the company of other people, becomes unsociable, does not tolerate being around someone else).
  9. Sleep disorders - restless, interrupted sleep, insomnia, nightmares.

Emotional fatigue is a very dangerous phenomenon, which, if not paid attention to, leads to depression. Depression is by no means a “bad mood”, it is a serious disorder of brain function in which the production of many important hormones (for example, serotonin) stops.

This leads to biochemical changes in the brain itself, and often these changes are irreversible. Therefore, it is so important to recognize overwork in a timely manner - its symptoms are often clearly visible, the main thing is not to make the mistake of attributing them to “laziness” or “mood.”

There are a lot of reasons that cause emotional fatigue, but they all boil down to one thing - a person experiences a state of stress for a long time. Stress can be caused by a variety of situations:

  • Nervous, stressful work associated with communicating with a large number of people and/or constantly making serious decisions.
  • Unfavorable family environment.
  • Some kind of severe shock.

Stress can be not only negative, but also positive. An excess of positive emotions can also lead to overwork.


Nervous fatigue is similar to both types described above. It is closely related to the physical, and very often these two types of disorders occur simultaneously or one entails the other.

Overstrain of the nervous system is expressed in disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses.

Often, the body, as in the case of emotional exhaustion, partially “turns off” the nervous system.

All this manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • a constant feeling of drowsiness, an increase in the amount of time required for sleep (instead of the usual eight hours, a person begins to sleep ten to twelve);
  • weakening of emotions;
  • impaired tactile sensitivity;
  • muscle fatigue;
  • headache.

Nervous exhaustion can be caused by stress, hard work (especially monotonous work), as well as constant adverse effects on the senses. For example, high noise levels, strong unpleasant odors and similar irritants.

“Overload” of the senses gradually leads to nervous exhaustion, which easily develops into neuroses, tics, and asthenic conditions. An unfavorable emotional background - fear, anxiety, irritation - also provides excellent conditions for the occurrence of nervous fatigue.


Mental fatigue occurs as a result of intense intellectual stress to the limit of capabilities. Very often it develops “in combination” with nervous fatigue. Overfatigue of this kind can be caused by both excessively high and excessively prolonged intellectual stress.

In addition, its development is facilitated by insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. A stuffy room and lack of physical activity (and, as a result, blood stagnation) spur the development of mental exhaustion.

Mental exhaustion can be recognized by the following signs:

  • deterioration of concentration and memory;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • sleep disturbances, constant feeling of fatigue (while there may be no drowsiness);
  • decreased tactile sensitivity;
  • appetite disorders.

All types of overwork are characterized by a decrease in the “pace of work” of the body. The body seems to go into energy saving mode.

Common symptoms of different types of fatigue

This manifests itself in symptoms that are the same for all types of fatigue, regardless of the cause and nature:

  • An increase in the length of time required for sleep, and at the same time the inability to get enough sleep.
  • Decreased or increased blood pressure.
  • Heart problems: changes in heart rhythm, murmurs, etc.
  • A decrease in the level of platelets in the blood and at the same time an increase in the number of leukocytes.
  • Despite the large number of leukocytes, decreased immunity.
  • Problems concentrating.
  • Problems in the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Decreased muscle tone.

It is extremely important to recognize the signs of overwork in time - this is the only way to avoid it turning into more serious illnesses. Severe overwork usually develops into depression, neuroses and other diseases that often require hospital treatment.

Another sign of the disorder is an increase in temperature. The temperature rarely rises during overwork, but if it still exceeds normal levels, this is a very ominous sign.

This may mean either an excess of blood in the vessels of the brain (which happens with mental and nervous fatigue), which leads to headaches, nosebleeds and other unpleasant consequences, or that the body, weakened by fatigue, has been attacked by a virus, and somewhere inside there is an inflammatory reaction. a process that can also cause the temperature to rise.

Overwork in children

It is difficult for many to imagine that not only adults, but also children can suffer from various types of overwork. However, overwork in adolescents and schoolchildren, unfortunately, is a very common disorder.

It must be remembered that the nervous system of an adult is already mature and “trained”; it is easier for it to cope with many loads. The child's nervous system is much more sensitive and more susceptible to disturbances. Therefore, various disorders affect children’s nerves faster, develop more actively and are much more difficult to treat.

And the reasons that cause these disorders (for example, fear of answers at the board or ridicule of peers) seem “frivolous” to adults only because adults have a nervous system that is already formed and quite strong, and almost no one is able to fully feel the sensations of a child.

Fatigue in a child can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Troubles at school: conflicts with peers, bad relationships with teachers, etc. Since the child spends a lot of time at school almost every day, his body finds himself in a state of constant, daily stress.
  • Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is much more dangerous for a child than for an adult.
  • Poor nutrition. It does not in itself cause fatigue, but interferes with normal recovery after ordinary stress.
  • Excessive intellectual workload: too many lessons, homework, extra clubs, and so on.

Children, like adults, are susceptible to all four types of fatigue. Likewise, they are often diagnosed with multiple types at the same time. Treatment and prevention methods for children are the same. Treatment of fatigue in adults and children follows the same principles.

What can you do to overcome overfatigue?

Different types of overwork require different approaches. In case of physical fatigue, the main attention should be paid to relaxing tense muscles, restoring normal blood flow and providing oxygen. In case of mental stress – a decrease or change in the nature of the intellectual load.

For nervous conditions – minimizing irritating factors and restoring normal reactions of the nervous system. In case of emotional fatigue, treatment is aimed at leveling and stabilizing the emotional background and normalizing the functioning of the hormonal system.

For physical fatigue, the following remedies are useful:

  • taking a bath;
  • massage;
  • reducing or, if possible, avoiding physical activity;
  • changing your diet, consuming large amounts of vitamins.

Even just being in warm water helps your muscles relax. You can take pine baths - they are very soothing and very useful for overwork, and simply for tiredness. A warm bath relaxes muscles, while a hot bath, on the contrary, tones. It is recommended to take baths for 10-15 minutes.

Be extremely careful if you have a heart condition! If you have heart problems, very hot baths are not advisable.

Massage helps normalize blood flow in the muscles, relieve tension and restore tone. It is best to contact a professional massage therapist, but sometimes it is enough to just stretch your muscles.

For mental fatigue, the first thing you need to do is:

  • reducing the volume and intensity of intellectual loads;
  • change in the nature of loads, change of activity;
  • physical exercise;
  • Fresh air.

Switching between types of activity allows the brain to change its “operating mode,” which is very useful for mental fatigue. Physical exercise and walks in the air (or even simple ventilation) help normalize blood circulation in the brain and improve its oxygen supply.

For nervous and emotional fatigue, it is recommended:

  • Stopping or reducing contact with a source of irritation (sound, smell, etc.) or situations that cause tension.
  • Low-intensity physical exercise, walking.
  • Consumption of B vitamins and vitamin C.
  • Devoting time to an activity that brings positive emotions.
  • High-quality, complete, preferably long (at least two weeks) rest.

Ways to Prevent Overtiredness

Is it possible to prevent overwork? Of course, it is possible, moreover, it is necessary.

The simplest ways to prevent overwork are as follows:

  • increasing the amount of vitamins in the diet, especially B vitamins, vitamins C and D;
  • changing sleep patterns;
  • mandatory rest; in case of hard, intensive work – short but regular breaks;
  • clear dosing of physical and mental stress in accordance with the characteristics of the body.

Vitamins are very useful for the nervous system, they improve its stability and enhance “conductivity”. If your diet does not contain enough vitamins, you need to take vitamin supplements.

It is extremely important to sleep in the dark. Only in low light conditions do the hormonal processes necessary for the restoration of the body begin. Therefore, it is not even how much you sleep that matters, but when you do it.

Any work requires breaks - it is not necessary to make them long, it is much more important that they be regular and approximately equal in duration.

How many of you have seriously thought about fatigue or how it affects our physical and mental state? We are not talking about everyday fatigue, such as: mild physical and moral ailment, expressed by depression of the general condition against the backdrop of a hard day at work, or a sleepless night after visiting a club. No. We are talking about a complete overstrain of the Central nervous system, when a person has exceeded the functional capabilities of his body due to prolonged stress. Perhaps everyone, at one time or another in their lives, has encountered a state when you reach “condition.” For each person this will be expressed by one or another symptomatology...
If with a young new gym goer this situation is less pronounced, again, for a certain period of time, due to certain circumstances, then with a person who has already “established” (married, has children, hard long hours of work, lack of sleep, depression and other “joys of life”) - everything is different, since the total stress (physical and psychological) from all social factors quickly incapacitates such a person. I suppose there is nothing to debate about here, everyone was 16-18 years old, and 25-30, etc. The difference in workload is noticeable, I believe.

The article will be about how to understand the approaching “overtraining\overfatigue\overstrain of the central nervous system.”

What are the available tools for diagnosing this condition, and how to get out of this condition. Information was collected from specialized literature and personal observations. At the end of the article I will indicate the sources used to create this article.

Now the fun part- the article was written “not based on newspaper clippings” or was honestly copied from some resource. No. It is based on data received from thousands of people over the past several years, who gave a description of their ailments, showed their analyzes at different periods of the onset of the condition, and, accordingly, methods for relieving these very “problems”. We are talking about the thread of Alexander (Sashan "a) - “Analysis of hormones”. Without him, this article with real examples would never have existed. It is impossible to find such a database anywhere on the network, with requests from real people and the availability of test results.

So, what is central nervous system fatigue? ? - This is a physiological state of the body that occurs as a result of excessive mental or physical activity, and is manifested by a decrease in performance. The term “fatigue” is often used as a synonym, although these are not equivalent concepts.

Fatigue- a subjective experience, a feeling usually reflecting fatigue, although sometimes it can occur without actual fatigue. Mental fatigue is characterized by a decrease in the productivity of intellectual work, weakening of attention (difficulty concentrating), slowing down of thinking, etc.

Overwork - this is a condition that occurs when the phenomena of fatigue are layered, when the body does not recover from one workout to another for a certain time. Overfatigue manifests itself in a longer-than-usual persistence of a feeling of fatigue after exercise, deterioration in well-being, sleep, increased fatigue, and unstable mood. Training performance may generally remain without significant changes or decrease slightly, but difficulty in the formation of new motor skills and errors in technique become noticeable. Objectively, a decrease in strength indicators, deterioration of coordination, and prolongation of the recovery period after exercise are determined.

Physical overstrain is manifested by dysfunction of organs and systems of the body as a result of exposure to inadequate loads. In the development of overstrain, the leading role is played by the discrepancy between the functional capabilities of the body due to the provoking factor, and the ratio of physical and mental stress is very important - their joint adverse effects can manifest themselves with relatively small values ​​of each of them.

The most commonly reported clinical overtraining syndromes include: neurotic, cardialgic, vegetative-dystonic, hormonal imbalance, mixed(manifestation of all or certain symptoms from the listed points).

1. Neurotic syndrome- characterized by a variety of subjective sensations: general weakness, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, irritability, often expressed in irascibility, instability of mood, which can be either sharply reduced or inappropriately elevated, up to euphoria. The attitude towards training often changes, and motivation drops. There may be various manifestations of obsessive states: thoughts about the impossibility of achieving any results, the uselessness of training, fears (phobias), for example, the fear of getting cancer (cancerophobia). Athletes often consult a doctor about concerns about their heart (cardiophobia) or fear of staying indoors.

The predominance of one or another symptom in the clinical picture varies significantly depending on the initial characterological properties of the individual.

One of the cardinal symptoms of neurotic syndrome is considered to be a violation of circadian rhythms: athletes have a shift in their peak performance, difficulty falling asleep in the evening and waking up in the morning, and the sleep structure of a neurasthenic type is disrupted. Loss of body weight and loss of appetite are very common, although weight loss can also be observed in athletes with increased appetite. Very often, against the background of this condition (CNS fatigue), there are signs of decreased Libido and Erectile dysfunction in men. Even against the background of “normal” hormone levels. I will talk about this later, in the section - “How to get out of the state of central nervous system overwork.”

2. Cardialgic syndrome is characterized mainly by pain, which is often localized in the left half of the chest (possible irradiation to the left arm and shoulder blade). The pain is of the most varied nature, usually aching, and instantaneous “piercing” sensations are often noted. If pain occurs during exercise, it remains almost unchanged after its cessation. However, more often pain appears after physical and especially emotional stress. Characterized by increased pain in a state of prolonged rest and disappearance under loads, even extreme ones. A very typical combination of pain with complaints of shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air at rest, which turns out to be a typical “feeling of dissatisfaction with inhalation” - one of the most characteristic neurotic complaints.

3. Vegetative-dystonic syndrome occurs most often. It is an expression of the dissociation of the functions of various parts of the autonomic nervous system (more precisely, the neuroendocrine system). This is most clearly manifested by inadequate types of reactions, primarily of the cardiovascular system, to physical activity and other functional tests.

In typical cases of dystonic syndrome, general pallor, blueness under the eyes, increased shine of the eyes with a uniform widening of the palpebral fissures, and often some dilation of the pupils while maintaining their reflexes are noted. Sweating, as well as cold and damp palms and feet are characteristic, and sudden vasomotor reactions of the face (pallor/redness) are possible. Pathological forms of dermographism (a white or red raised band when passed over the skin with a blunt object) often occur. An increase in heart rate at rest is noted, but there is also a sharp bradycardia.

4. Hormonal imbalance - observed against the background of excessive fatigue of the body, both physical and psychological. The condition, imbalance and hormonal levels of a fatigued central nervous system vary from person to person. In some people we observe a surge in Prolactin levels. For some, it will be Progesterone. However, observations show that in almost all people the level of total Testosterone decreases significantly due to the onset of the condition.

The general symptoms are: Erectile dysfunction(Erectile disfunction), suppression of libido(decreased libido), blood pressure surges(blood pressure), Gynecomastia(from increased Prolactin and Estradiol), fluid accumulation("flooding" effect). Against the background of the above, psychosomatic symptoms from point may be observed "Neurotic syndrome".

Testosterone levels decrease against the background of increased levels of Prolactin/Estradiol/Progesterone (female sex hormones), which at some point indicates the presence of stress in the body. The main marker is still the level of total Testosterone. There are times when Testosterone sags without significant changes in the levels of other hormones.

The hormonal profile in almost all cases reflects the clinical picture of the presence of central nervous system fatigue.

It's funny to watch when someone discusses the topic of increasing Testosterone levels during training loads :)

So, friends, this is a lie and ignorance. Let’s just say that the average “straight” person who actively trains in the gym, who works, who is married and has children, will be very surprised to see the levels of their hormones against the backdrop of constant hard training. After all, you also need to bring money home, right? :)

This is more of a “rule” than an exception.

I also want to add a “few words” to this paragraph about Cortisol.

Many people turn to us with a request to look at tests for overtraining, actively “poking” at the level of Cortisol: “Look, look, one and a half ref!!!”. So, guys, the levels of this hormone against the background of constant strength loads will always be high. This is how our body works. This is not to say that it has any negative impact on us, and has very little to do with Overtraining. The harder and more intense the workout the day before, the higher the level of this hormone we will see. Nothing unusual.

A little analogy in the form of analyses. Notice how individual everything is. All the “owners” of these tests have central nervous system fatigue due to certain stresses. As we see from their analyses, all reactions of organisms are very individual and react differently to stress:

Let's summarize.

From all the tests above, we observe an imbalance in hormone levels. Against the background of such indicators, we can observe the clinical picture overtraining/overfatigue of the central nervous system.

The clear conclusion is that such hormone levels are a direct consequence of stress actively occurring in the body. In such cases, bringing such indicators back to normal is a prerequisite for treating fatigue.

I will talk about everything in more detail in article No. 2 – “Treatment and prevention of central nervous system fatigue.”

To be continued…

Hello, dear friends.

Throughout your life, you may have noticed that clamps, blocks and tension in the nervous system can actually ruin your life! If you delve deeper into the issue, you can realize how significant the impact of overvoltage is. Moreover, it can cause serious health problems. But what is this phenomenon?

Nervous stress is a type of stress, or rather, its predecessor. An unpleasant feeling that is experienced throughout the body most often occurs in response to emotional overload (fear, conflict, loss).

But not all people know how to properly remove clamps and strains using smart methods. I have already written about how important it is to learn how to quickly and effectively relax your mind, body and subconscious. If you don’t do this, be sure that depression, neurosis or stress will soon come to visit you.

I would like to dedicate today’s material to all irritable and hot-tempered relatives who are most prone to overload of the central nervous system. How to relieve stress at home and without harm to your health? This article will be devoted to this issue.

We take on board the first signs of a problem

In fact, nervous overload is similar in symptoms to stress. That is why it is considered the first step on the path to it. And then it’s a stone’s throw to protracted apathy.

Before providing the most effective methods for removing the “accumulated”, I think it’s worth understanding the symptoms of a disease of the nervous system, but from a physical point of view. Here are the most common ones:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • a feeling of uncontrollable trembling, which manifests itself in internal and external sensations (trembling of the limbs);
  • exacerbation of bad habits (biting nails, touching hair);
  • sleep phase disturbance, insomnia;
  • feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract, pronounced indigestion;
  • deterioration of appetite or, conversely, increased gluttony;
  • tearfulness and short-term hysterics, followed by complete indifference to what is happening.

There is also a psychological side to the disease, which can be seen in the most common symptoms:

1. High level of irritability.

In this case, even those events and things that previously brought pleasure get on your nerves. These could be household chores, work assignments, smells, children, people.

If you previously found it difficult to tolerate certain aspects, then in a state of increased nervous system tension, it will become impossible to tolerate emotional outbursts of aggression. Is it possible to die from this? I think not, but ruining the lives of loved ones is quite possible.

2. Closedness, desire to be alone

If previously a person could not imagine his life without gatherings with friends on his legal day off, now his only desire can be expressed with the phrase “Don’t touch me, I definitely won’t bother you!”

3. Lack of joy

Surely, before you could realize how much little things can please you: the laughter of a child, a bird outside the window, a butterfly on the windowsill. Now, when looking at a touching picture, the only thought that arises in you can be formed like this: “Why are you smiling, fools?”

The level of irritation plus the lack of joy leads to very severe exhaustion of the body, self-flagellation and the establishment of new prohibitions. The more a person tries to change his attitude and reaction, the more irritated he will experience if he fails. This is such an unfortunate consequence.

4. Exacerbation of the emotional background

You are offended by everything: insignificant little things, sideways glances, tone and trifles. I want to hug myself, my beloved, and feel sorry for myself until I faint. Increased tearfulness results in a red nose and swollen eyes, which further provokes a person to scream for no reason.

How to restore your nerves and calm down?

Treatment of overstrain of nerve connections is aimed primarily at harmonizing well-being. That is, the main task is to make a person realize the problem and show him ways out of an uncomfortable situation. So, what is needed to relieve tightness and increased excitability of the central nervous system?

1. Awareness

As mentioned above, you need to remove the cause of this condition by understanding the root of the problem (identify the provocateur). And choose the most suitable technique that helps you quickly achieve emotional peace and lack of tension.

2. Remove subconscious fears

Fear can paralyze all adequate and effective attempts to cope with the upcoming stress. You need to learn to control and eliminate them in order to replace them in the future with a feeling of peace and tranquility.

3. Don’t accumulate feelings in the subconscious

Body tightness and overexertion can cause negative emotions. Everyone is familiar with resentment, anger, anger, envy, pride and other unpleasant feelings. But not everyone wants to hang around with them like they’re carrying them around.

To feel lighter, it is enough to speak out all the accumulated emotions with a negative charge “-”. Write a letter, SMS or make a call, but get rid of the feeling that is tearing you apart!

4. Eliminate psychological inhibitions

All positive desires must be realized. Otherwise, the desire that arises is blocked by a white brick, falling to the bottom of a dark closet. All suppressed aspirations and dreams are emotional clamps that block the feeling of joy and happiness.

In return, they are able to leave only suffering of the soul and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction with themselves. Subconsciously, prohibitions work unpredictably: “I don’t have the right to afford...”, “I don’t deserve this...”, etc. Such attitudes only lead to eating out one’s brains. And sometimes to all members of your family.

5. Self-hypnosis and meditation

Affirmations and meditative practices are excellent in combating overstrain. Correct breathing and the phrases “I feel free and easy. I feel great joy” will help you overcome the bad feeling.

Taking a deep breath with a very slow exhalation helps normalize the heartbeat, and oxygen intoxicates, causing the nerves to calm down (breathe for at least 10 minutes).

6. Physical activity and procedures

I advise you to resort to sports, namely: running, swimming, yoga and fitness. But relaxing techniques will give you the opportunity to restore strength. You will benefit from aromatherapy, vitamins based on herbs and minerals, sauna, steam bath, contrast shower and massage.

That's the end of today's article!

I hope it brings you maximum benefit. Subscribe to updates and share information with your loved ones. In the comments, share your personal way of calming naughty nerves!

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get a good night’s sleep for it to go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a disorder by sleeping for a long time. It's the other way around - a constant desire to sleep and the inability to regain strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Just 10 years ago, overwork occurred only in adults, but today such a disorder can very often be found in a child, especially in one whom, from early childhood, parents strive to develop in every possible way, trying to make him a “genius.”


From all of the above, it becomes clear that overwork is a reaction of the nervous system to mental, mental or physical stimuli. Of course, it cannot develop if such exposure is short-term, but with prolonged exposure, overwork occurs in 90% of cases. That is, the discrepancy between the periods of work and rest, regardless of what kind of activity a person is engaged in, leads to overwork.

Constant worry and being in a state also leads to fatigue, which is of an emotional or psychological nature.

An unfavorable atmosphere in the family is the cause of such a disorder as overwork in an adult or child, since in such a situation the balance between positive and negative emotions is disturbed, which adversely affects health.

In addition, the reasons for this violation may be:

  • dissatisfaction with relationships, work, salary, etc.;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • poor nutrition, in which the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements;
  • negative vision of events and situations in life.

A child may become overtired:

  • due to excessive workload in a preschool or school;
  • due to visiting a large number of clubs and sections;
  • due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • due to the inability of parents to organize the correct routine for their baby with a rational alternation of periods of activity and rest.

A very young infant is also occasionally diagnosed with body fatigue. The reasons for this disorder may lie in the mother’s inability to create harmonious conditions for the baby to be awake and rest. Symptoms of the disorder often appear in adolescents, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.


Symptoms of overfatigue may be different in a child and an adult. In addition, signs of overwork differ depending on the type of disorder - physical, mental, emotional or mental. But there are also common symptoms, including:

  • drowsiness (an adult or child constantly wants to sleep, but sleep does not add vigor);
  • irritability;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • inability to concentrate on certain tasks or activities.

Signs that adults are experiencing physical fatigue include:

  • muscle pain;
  • restless sleep or insomnia;
  • pain in the eye area, burning;
  • apathy, or, conversely, irritability;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • loss of appetite and often weight loss.

In a child, symptoms that he is physically overtired include a reluctance to play with his peers, a refusal to play actively, and an inability to concentrate on solving simple problems. In addition, the child experiences tearfulness, he becomes capricious and irritable. Usually, when a child is in this state, parents think that he should get some sleep and everything will pass. In fact, sleep in a child with a disorder such as overtiredness does not bring relief, as in an adult with the same diagnosis.

Mental fatigue is characterized by headaches, redness of the whites of the eyes, and surges in blood pressure. The person also complains of insomnia, the skin of his face becomes grayish, and bruises or “bags” appear under the eyes. The same signs of mental fatigue are characteristic of children.

In addition, with mental and emotional fatigue, a person may experience additional symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent and;
  • sweating at night;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • increase or decrease in body temperature.

If we talk about children, then severe fatigue in them is expressed by specific symptoms, which are usually not characteristic of adults. Although, of course, as noted above, there are also classic symptoms. A child with such a disorder may have no reaction to surrounding stimuli, whereas normally children happily learn new things and are very active.

In addition, a child with an overtired body may experience fussiness - he begins to write unclearly, moves his arms and legs for no reason, and constantly strives to change his position. Unreasonable fears are also a symptom of mental and emotional fatigue in a child, so parents should pay attention to any manifestations unusual for the child in order to eliminate the possibility of developing such a disorder as overwork of the body. The disorder in children is also expressed by neurological symptoms. In particular, the baby can make faces, imitate adults, make faces in front of the mirror or in front of others.


Treatment of body fatigue is carried out by a neuropathologist, neurologist and psychotherapist. In this case, a doctor can make a correct diagnosis based on a survey of an adult or the child’s parents.

It is also important to exclude the likelihood of a person developing neurological pathologies, and in the presence of a high temperature, to exclude the likelihood of an inflammatory process in the body.


Treatment for the disorder in children and adults will be different, although there are general measures that are used in the treatment of the disorder in all patients. The main treatment is to normalize lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • alternating periods of activity and rest;
  • physical activity and walks in nature;
  • taking vitamin preparations.

Tablets for fatigue are prescribed only in severe cases to adult patients, when they have developed symptoms of severe depression or neurosis. In this case, the tablets should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the symptoms of the disorder and the patient’s health status - self-medication can cause negative consequences.

Massage, which is performed by specialists in a medical facility, has a good effect. Physiotherapeutic procedures can reduce the symptoms of fatigue and restore a person’s vigor and good mood. In particular, these are procedures such as:

  • pine bath;
  • oxygen bath;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • cold and hot shower.

Despite the fact that with such a disorder a person feels weak and unwilling to move, it is very important to introduce physical activity into your diet. They promote the production of the happiness hormone, improve muscle tone and give a boost of energy.

Of course, treatment of this disorder is impossible without lifestyle correction. In particular, in order to reduce the symptoms of fatigue, get rid of eye fatigue, headaches and other manifestations, a person should stop working at the computer and watching TV and spend more time in the fresh air.

You should also take a vacation (or several days off) from work, and devote your free time exclusively to rest - active and passive, alternating.

Treatment of a disorder in a child may require refusal to attend certain sections and clubs - parents should leave only those activities that arouse the greatest enthusiasm in the child, freeing up his free time for games and simple relaxation.