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Why do pimples appear on my legs? Dry, purulent and subcutaneous acne. How to speed up the maturation of a pimple

Everyone has suffered from rashes on their legs at least once in their life. Such problems especially often occur among those who shave their legs. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between types of rashes and determine their cause in order to cope with them using the appropriate means in each specific case.


A rash on the legs may appear as:

  • acne - inflammation of the sebaceous gland due to its blockage with its own product (sebum)
  • folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicle
  • allergic rash - a rash caused by an allergen

Acne itself rarely appears on the legs. With acne (a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands), pimples usually appear on the face, eventually spreading to the chest, shoulders, back and buttocks, that is, places where there are a lot of sebaceous glands. On the thighs and calves, this type of rash is quite rare. The cause of acne, if it does appear on this part of the body, is decreased immunity, unsatisfactory condition of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and imbalance of sex hormones.

Folliculitis can be caused by many factors. The most common reasons are:

  • traumatic leg shaving
  • wearing clothes that do not allow the skin to “breathe” - for example, nylon tights

Most often, folliculitis occurs in the summer, because sweating the skin of the calves and legs under nylon tights, especially after shaving, can provoke inflammation.

Allergic acne (allergic rash) occurs in response to irritants that come into direct contact with the skin of the legs. Most often this is a reaction to synthetic fabric, cosmetics and hygiene products (shower gel, cream).

How to distinguish between types of acne on legs

Each of the above types of rashes differs significantly from each other. To distinguish a rash, you need to know the specific signs of each of them.

CharacteristicsTypes of rash
PimplesFolliculitisAllergic rash
What does the rash look like?Red bumps that rise above the skin level. Elements of the rash may be purulent.Red bumps, significantly elevated above the skin level, appear around the hair. Elements of the rash may be purulent.Small red bumps located close to each other. Elements of rash without pus.
Rash sensationsNot itchy, painful with significant inflammationItchy, no pain
Specific differencesOccurs not around the hair follicleOccur around the hair follicle; after the process begins to decline, a crust formsA specific symptom is itching. The elements are small and without pus.

How to get rid of acne on legs

First you need to determine the type of rash. It is advisable not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to consult a specialist. Indeed, with improper self-medication, the process can worsen.

Treatment of acne on legs

If the rash is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands (pimples), then in this case “Zinerit”, “Skinoren” and other anti-acne products for external use can help. Remember that these drugs significantly dry out the skin, so using them for more than 10-14 days is undesirable. Also, for acne, you need to strengthen skin health by taking vitamins A and E.

For folliculitis, antiseptic drugs are usually prescribed - "Fukortsin", alcohol tinctures (for example, calendula tincture) on damaged skin up to 3 times a day. During treatment, it is necessary to carefully maintain skin hygiene and try to prevent sweating, which can aggravate the situation.

For allergic acne, the main driver of recovery will be eliminating the cause of the rash. The reason is easy to detect - most likely, it will be a recent change in your habits (new tights or body cream). To reduce itching from an allergic rash, tea tree or lavender oil helps. In case of a protracted process, desensitizing drugs (cetrin) and hormones for external use (in the form of ointment) are usually prescribed. With this treatment, the process quickly declines, but such potent drugs cannot be prescribed without consulting a doctor.


The only way to prevent the appearance of folliculitis is to follow these recommendations:

  • do not constantly wear synthetic clothes, tights - you need to let the skin “breathe”
  • it is better for women to shave their legs with a “male” machine - it is less traumatic; Ideally, it is better to use hair removal (wax or laser)

Dermatology (skin diseases)

Pimples itch on legs

Acne can occur on various parts of the body and is always very unpleasant. But many people want to know why acne itches on their legs. They itch more and more, and in many cases this phenomenon prevents a person from sleeping and living peacefully.

1. If pimples pop up on your legs, then this is most likely allergic dermatitis. The mechanisms of occurrence of this disease are quite difficult to explain. The whole point is that foreign substances can be absorbed into the blood, and from there they can come out only in three ways - through the lungs, with urine or in the form of sweat. It is to such substances that the skin reacts, which is why pimples pop up and itch a lot.

2. The reason may be contact of the skin of the feet with an allergen. You should look at all the things that you wear most often: trousers, tights or jeans. Think and remember when the rashes appeared, maybe you will find the thing that caused it all.

3. It may also be that acne is caused by an allergy to the washing powder that is used to wash things. Synthetic materials can also be the source of this unpleasant problem. Change household chemicals, put away clothes made of artificial material for a while, and you should also watch your diet. Thanks to such methods, it is possible to identify the cause of the allergen. If the rash does not go away, consult a doctor.

Acne, which can appear in very young children and adults, is a sign that something is going wrong in the body. This is a kind of protection of our body from negative influences or an indicator that internal organs have certain diseases. The rash can appear on different parts of the body, including the scalp. They often appear on the legs, and there are several reasons for this.

“Wrong” clothes, as well as warm clothes in the cold season

Treatment of acne on legs

For the treatment of watery acne, those products that are used on the face are absolutely not suitable. They simply won't give any results. Among the effective remedies is ordinary potassium permanganate. You need to make a concentrated solution and treat the watery pimples themselves with this solution. Care must be taken to ensure that the composition does not come into contact with healthy skin, otherwise burns may remain on it. After regular treatment for a week, the number of pimples should decrease significantly. If this does not happen, and there are no visible improvements, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Red pimples can be the result of several reasons: poor bowel function, warm clothing and, accordingly, increased sweating, as well as various types of allergies. It is the cause in this case that should be eliminated by consulting a doctor. Until you can’t visit a doctor, you can use “Bee Celandine” - a natural cream-gel that will help relieve inflammation a little and protect the skin from bacteria (pay attention to the composition and individual tolerance of the product).

Dry pimples can appear especially in the thigh area in large numbers. They do not cause physical discomfort, but psychologically interfere with a person. As a rule, the absence of inflammation creates the illusion that such pimples are easy to remove: a person begins to squeeze out the dry “tops” of the rash, and after that he is faced with the inflammation that has appeared. Dry rashes can be removed in a beauty salon, but to minimize them at home, you should carefully care for your skin. When regularly performing water procedures, you need to pay attention to ensure that the shower gel does not dry out the skin unnecessarily. In addition, it is recommended to use a moisturizer or body wash every time after taking a bath or shower. Pre-steamed skin can be rubbed with a hard washcloth (without harming its surface) to remove dead skin cells.

If the rash contains pus, under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the pus. To treat them, it is better to use drying agents, for example, calendula tincture or celandine juice. Treating problem areas with aloe juice is also suitable. As for the various ointments, there are a lot of them, but none of them is recommended for use without a doctor’s recommendation. In this case, you should definitely visit a specialist.

If purulent acne appears, then you should carefully reconsider the clothes you wear every day. Women are advised to avoid nylon tights; men and women should also not wear trousers made of coarse and artificial fabrics. The skin should breathe as freely as possible, and the risk of increased sweating should be minimized.

Subcutaneous acne, especially in large numbers on the legs, can even be the cause of a serious hereditary disease. Therefore, when they appear (and spread throughout the body), you should immediately go to the doctor, without self-medicating.

Pimples on the legs hurt, itch and do not go away. What to do?

If acne appears and does not go away, or even becomes larger and begins to cause serious discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. Doctors will prescribe the necessary tests, conduct an examination and be able to find out the cause of the disturbing rashes. You need to understand that in some cases only comprehensive treatment will help cope with the problem.

Acne on the legs of children, men and women. Main differences and features

Acne in adults, as already mentioned, can be caused by various reasons. So, in women they occur more often due to shaving and the use of nylon tights, and in men due to the fact that they pay little attention to skin health. In adults, in some cases, acne does not cause concern and disappears immediately after the irritating factor is eliminated. With children, everything is much more complicated. The simplest and safest thing that can cause rashes is prickly heat - the same reaction to high temperature and increased sweating. Other cases can be much more serious: the onset of chickenpox, measles, allergies to food or materials. If a child develops acne, he should definitely be taken to the pediatrician. Only a doctor should prescribe treatment and certain medications, and under no circumstances should you treat yourself.

As for prevention, in this case it is standard: monitor nutrition, the quality of clothing used, as well as the health of the body as a whole. If you follow these simple requirements, then in many cases it is quite easy to avoid unpleasant rashes on your legs.


Getting rid of acne on your legs Many people get acne on their legs. The causes of this problem can be due to various factors, the main one being sensitive skin. Since acne on the legs is not very noticeable to others, many tend to ignore this problem, however, this is not correct. Any inflammation on the skin must be treated, as the skin condition can worsen and lead to more serious health problems. To prevent this, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the cause of the appearance of tumors.

There are several reasons for the formation of acne on the skin of the legs. Among women, the most common one is shaving their legs. Often, immediately after shaving, small red pimples appear on the legs.

Causes of acne on legs

To prevent their occurrence, you should be very careful when shaving your legs, observing the following rules:

  • use a clean, high-quality floating head machine;
  • To ensure that the razor blade fits tightly to the skin, before shaving, apply a soft scrub made from shower gel and one tablespoon of soda to your legs. The scrub will help to gently remove all dry skin flakes that interfere with the smooth glide of the razor blade;
  • The skin on your legs should be moisturized before shaving. In this case, shaving foam will be ineffective. For sensitive and dry skin on the feet, it is best to use a gel. Regular hair conditioner is also good for these purposes;
  • products applied to the legs before and after shaving should not contain aggressive components, such as menthol, camphor and alcohol - this can cause irritation and acne on the legs;
  • You should shave your legs against the direction of hair growth. Rubbing your legs with a washcloth after shaving is also not recommended - this can cause irritation;
  • The best aftershave product is moisturizer. In summer, to protect your skin from hyperpigmentation, it is best to use sunscreen.

The causes of acne on the legs may also include colds. This often happens in cold and wet weather in the spring and autumn periods, when a person’s general immunity is significantly weakened. At this time, many chronic diseases, including dental, mental, and dermatological, often worsen.

Cause of watery acne on legs

Watery pimples on the legs usually appear in the winter season. Since such pimples are hidden under clothes, many people consider this problem to be irrelevant and are in no hurry to begin treatment. But in fact, the appearance of watery pimples on the legs can signal some serious health problem. Most often, this is a symptom of an allergy, but it can also mean the onset of some kind of infectious skin disease. In any case, the appearance of watery acne on the legs is a reason to visit a dermatologist.

Why do watery pimples appear on legs?

Self-treatment in this case will be ineffective, the rash will cover more and more areas of the skin, and the disease will become more complicated.

After an examination, the dermatologist will prescribe an individual course of treatment using various medications and vitamins, and possibly introducing a hypoallergenic diet.

Pimples between legs

Acne on the legs, located on the inner thighs, can cause a lot of trouble, since the skin in this place is thinnest and very vulnerable. In obese people, it is also subject to friction. Often these pimples on the legs become itchy and inflamed. They can appear for various reasons:

  • incorrect choice of underwear and tights (synthetic or too warm underwear causes increased sweating);
  • allergic reaction to washing powder;
  • high blood sugar (sometimes diabetes mellitus);
  • Molluscum contagiosum is an infectious skin disease that can be contracted in public places and even while trying on clothes in a store;
  • genital herpes can cause a blistering rash in the groin area, as well as on the back and inner thighs of the infected person.

Naturally, when pimples appear between your legs, no matter for which of the above reasons they appear, you need to go to the clinic to see a doctor.

Pimples on feet

The appearance of acne on the feet requires immediate consultation with a dermatologist.

Pimples on feet, how to get rid of them

Regular pimples (that is, those caused by blocked sebaceous glands) do not appear on the feet because there are no sebaceous glands in this area, so the appearance of a rash can be a symptom of one of three serious skin diseases:

  1. Dyshidrotic eczema. This disease is caused by skin contact with irritating substances, which can be household chemicals, soap, washing powder, and the like. Acne with this disease resembles bubbles, which, when bursting, release a clear liquid. The rash may be accompanied by fever.
  2. Dyshidrosis. This disease most often progresses in the warm season and is a rash of small red blisters on the soles of the feet and palms.
  3. Itchy dermatitis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of redness and small watery pimples on the feet, accompanied by constant itching. Often this disease appears after taking antibiotics, and can also be a consequence of exposure of the skin of the feet to household chemicals or too warm and tight shoes, in which the feet constantly sweat.

If pimples appear on your legs, you should never squeeze them out, so as not to cause infection and leave unsightly scars, scars and pits on the skin.

It is best to cauterize common acne on the skin of the legs with iodine.

How to get rid of acne on legs

If the rashes on the legs are abundant and widespread, in order to get rid of them you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • change trousers or tights from synthetic ones to those made from natural fabrics;
  • try to wear low-top shoes rather than high boots;
  • change your usual cleaning cosmetics (if you were allergic to them, the acne will soon disappear);
  • for inflammatory acne on the legs, you can use salicylic ointment, as well as topical antibacterial drugs, such as Skinoren, Zinerit or Dalatsin. However, if after a week of using these drugs, acne does not go away, and the skin begins to peel, consult a dermatologist;
  • take vitamin A (retinol) and its derivatives (such as Videstim, Radevit) in small quantities;
  • small rashes on the legs can be wiped three times a day with tinctures of medicinal herbs: chamomile. calendula, celandine;
  • Take air baths regularly and let the skin of your feet “breathe.”

How to get rid of acne (video)

If, despite all the measures taken, pimples on your legs itch and do not go away for a long time, stop self-medicating and be sure to consult a specialist. Perhaps such rashes are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs or the thyroid gland. Treatment in this case must be comprehensive, and only a doctor can prescribe it.


Acne on the legs is a problem, the root of which is usually not where you are used to looking for it.

Why do acne appear on the legs, or where are the true causes of breakouts?

I won’t pour water, but rather I’ll immediately describe the most common causes of acne on the legs:

  1. Clothing isn't the obvious one, but it's the main culprit.. Tight or warm clothes stimulate sweating, which is a direct prerequisite for rashes and pimples. That is why for many, the appearance of a rash on the legs often occurs during the cold season.
  2. Allergies to food, medicine, underwear or clothing. Did you think that only your face can give you acne due to allergies? Allergies are a potential cause of rashes throughout the body. Remember that skin is an indicator of the condition of the body.
  3. The consequences of hair removal or shaving the legs are the cause of more than 50% of cases of small red pimples on the legs of women. Incorrect technique, poor-quality razors, machines or products, ingrown hairs, skin reaction to shaving or laser hair removal - each of these factors can cause rashes.
  4. Hormonal imbalances and surges. Because of this reason, adolescents, as well as women during pregnancy and after childbirth, menstruation or lactation, are often at risk.
  5. Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins leads to decreased immunity. A decrease in immunity leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the skin, which, due to vitamin deficiency, cannot properly cope with inflammation and suppuration. The result is that small pimples can transform into ulcers.
  6. Acute respiratory illness or hypothermia. Just as in the case of vitamin deficiency, respiratory diseases lead to a weakening of the protective functions of the skin. By the way, although the skin of the legs is more resistant to the harmful influences of the external environment, hypothermia can become a trigger for a rash on the legs.

In addition, I would like to separately say that if you do not dry your toes dry enough after a shower or bath, this can cause acne to appear between your toes.

Features of the appearance of acne on the legs of women, men and children

With men and women everything is more or less clear. I described the most important reasons for the appearance of acne on the legs of both men and women above, but each gender has its own “favorites”.

In men, the most common causes are: clothing (synthetic jeans or pants), allergies, vitamin deficiency, colds and nutrition.

For women, the most “popular” culprits are: clothing (especially tights and stockings), hair removal or shaving, hormonal imbalances and hypothermia (that same short skirt in winter).

But what about the child? I’ll say right away that if you observe pimples on your child’s legs for more than 10-14 days, you shouldn’t tempt fate, but contact your pediatrician as soon as possible.

The most common cause is common urticaria, which can manifest itself in the form of small red pimples. In this case, baths with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, string or celandine will help.

But if the pimples on your legs are white, subcutaneous, or purulent, do not delay visiting a doctor, because the rashes can signal health problems. And no amateur performances! Child health is no joke.

How to get rid of acne and marks on legs of any type and severity?

The easiest and fastest way is to consult a dermatologist, who will accurately determine the cause of the rash and prescribe the most effective treatment to solve the problem in a short time. .

Correctly identifying the cause is half the success of treatment. If you can only vaguely guess “where your legs grow from,” then the doctor, after examining you, will quickly establish the exact cause, and the matter will quickly improve.

But something can be done now. Below are recommendations that, if not completely cured, will significantly improve the condition of the skin on your feet.

But there is one thing. If you can try to cope with small red or white pimples on your own using the recommendations below (if the problem is not solved for 14 days or longer, still see a doctor), then in the case of purulent, watery and dry pimples on the legs, delay can only worsen the situation .

  • The first thing we do is audit food, clothing, underwear, cosmetics and medications for allergenicity and skin irritation.
  • It sounds crazy, but personally, using apple cider vinegar for acne on my legs helped me a lot. Be sure to pay attention to this thing. ????
  • Herbal decoction baths They help not only children. Baths help to gently cleanse and soothe the skin and relieve irritation.
  • Make an ointment based on glycerin and acetylsalicylic acid powder. This product dries the skin well and removes small rashes in the form of acne on the skin of the legs.
  • If there are single pimples of an inflammatory nature, then you can use antibacterial drugs in the form of an ointment, for example, “Dalacin” (I especially ask you to pay attention to the article “Dalacin as a remedy for acne”) or “Zinerit”. This method is not suitable for dry and watery acne.
  • If you are dealing with ulcers, do not crush them under any circumstances, but use tools and methods that will help draw pus out of the pimple and help it ripen faster.
  • In the autumn-winter period, give preference to shoes with a low top.
  • Eliminate all synthetic trousers and jeans from your wardrobe, and try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • Do not use aggressive detergents. and use, for example, ordinary baby or tar soap for daily hygiene.
  • It is advisable to take a multivitamin complex internally, which contains the maximum amount of vitamin A.

These tips will help you get rid of acne on your legs faster and prevent new breakouts from appearing.

How to remove acne marks on legs?

  • Apply wheat germ oil to acne spots daily.
  • Kefir masks for acne work as a 5+. And although the article at the link contains recipes for face masks, my friend tried to use them for spots on her legs and was very pleased with the result. Be sure to try it.
  • Mix water and apple cider vinegar in a 3 to 1 ratio. Wipe the skin of your feet with this solution every day.
  • Mix the white of one egg with two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix thoroughly, apply to a cotton swab and apply to the problem area of ​​the legs for 20 minutes.

What to do if the acne on your legs itches like crazy?

Sometimes it is simply unbearable to endure the itching in the legs, which is a consequence of the appearance of a rash. What should we do if small pimples on our legs itch unbearably?

The salvation will be good old herbal baths that soothe the skin and relieve itching.
Useful video

Quite harmless pimples that appear on the skin of the legs, feet or groin cause a woman a lot of discomfort and can cause embarrassment. Despite the fact that the skin of the legs is little sensitive to external irritants, it is these factors that in most situations provoke a rash. And the rashes, in turn, begin to peel off, become inflamed and break out, which causes discomfort. Before treatment, the cause of the disease must be established.


Pimples on the surface of the skin of the legs appear due to excessive irritation, when the external temperature acts as a catalyst factor. Large subcutaneous formations occur during hypothermia in damp and windy weather. The reason lies in the abundance of warm things on a woman’s legs - tights, underpants (leggings), trousers: because of them, the skin cannot functionally “breathe” and constantly sweats.

The rash, consisting of many small papules, is a consequence of prickly heat and the result of a hot climate. This is the result of blockage of the sebaceous glands and the inflammation that develops against this background. The heat rash is itchy, so the woman feels quite self-conscious. Reddened and swollen areas appear on the skin. Acne is quite rare on the calves, since the skin there is less sensitive to all kinds of irritants.

But at the same time, small watery pimples may appear on the surface of the calves, appearing as a result of close contact of the skin with the synthetic material of tights or boot tops. In any case, the culprit is excessive sweating.

An equally common cause of acne on the soft parts of the legs is hormonal imbalances and seasonal vitamin deficiency. In some cases, small pimples appear as a result of hormonal disorders and malfunction of the apocrine glands. In this case, the rash can appear not only on the inner thighs and calves, but also on the pubis, buttocks and lower back. Treatment with local medications is not effective; to get rid of an itchy problem, you need to consult a dermatologist and immunologist to determine the true cause. Rashes caused by seasonal vitamin deficiency are in most cases similar to ordinary irritation from skin rubbing against clothing.

Important: An allergy to cosmetic preparations: body lotion, cleansing scrub, anti-cellulite cream can be considered a not quite typical reason for the appearance of acne. The pustules will go away if you stop using allergens and take antihistamines.

In rare cases, acne on the legs becomes a consequence of general intoxication during a prolonged cold.

Where can acne appear?

Watery pimples on the skin of the legs and thighs usually appear in winter and autumn. Part of the rash is constantly hidden by clothing, so patients are in no hurry to start treatment, considering the problem not too significant.

  • But in fact, the appearance of a papular rash is a sign of more serious malfunctions in the body. In most situations, this is a sign of allergic reactions or a manifestation of infection. This means that watery papules are a sufficient reason to consult a dermatologist. Self-treatment is of little use, and the rash will spread to more and more areas of the body.
  • Pimples on the inner thigh and groin area: are very painful and cause serious discomfort, since the skin in these areas is too thin and sensitive. Often the rash begins to itch and become inflamed, merging into conglomerates of ulcers. Acne appears as a result of an unwise choice of underwear, allergies to washing powders, an increase in blood sugar levels, due to molluscum contagiosum. The latter is a dangerous infection; you can “catch it” in a sauna, swimming pool, or even after trying on things in stores.
  • Genital herpes: causes large lesions of a blistering-type rash in the groin area and on the inner thigh. Whatever the reasons lead to the formation of pimples between the legs, you need to urgently contact a dermatovenerologist.
  • Pimples on the outer surface of the feet: in such a situation, consultation with a doctor should be urgent.

Important: acne, the appearance of which is caused by blockage of the apocrine glands, never appears on the feet!

This means that the rash is a sign of one of three diseases: dyshidrotic eczema, dyshidrosis or itchy dermatitis.

Treating acne on women's legs

Dermatologists recommend using salicylic acid preparations, usually this is a specific ointment that can be purchased at any pharmacy. For severe itching, antibiotics are used superficially. For example, "Zinerit" or "Dalacin". But you should not exceed the dosage; both medications greatly dry out the top layer of the skin. If the rash does not go away, and the skin is covered with dead scales, you should stop trying to self-medicate and consult a specialized doctor.

You can buy an alcoholic infusion of calendula at the pharmacy and treat the affected areas with it twice a day. Or mix acetylsalicylic powder and glycerin in equal proportions. Treat acne-affected areas with this mixture several times a day, applying the composition to clean skin.

You need to take vitamin A, it promotes rapid tissue regeneration. You can take multivitamin complexes or opt for retinol. However, only a doctor can prescribe the dose and course of administration.

Important: An overdose of vitamin A leads to dangerous consequences, such as blood thinning, bleeding and bruising.

The ozone therapy method is very effective, with the help of which women in beauty salons are helped to get rid of small pustular rashes on the skin of their legs. This procedure is often combined with various medications. Thanks to this procedure, the blood is saturated with oxygen, the body better absorbs the macroelements supplied with food. Ozone therapy significantly speeds up recovery

Harm of depilation

Shaving and ingrown hairs are a typical problem for women. Small pimples on the legs often plague those who use a razor rather than professional products and devices. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, you need to change the razor every time. It is best if the device is equipped with a head with several floating blades, which will protect the skin from microtraumas and protect against infection. It is likely that hair removal using a razor is not suitable for a particular woman due to sensitivity and congenital dryness of the skin. You should switch to wax or laser treatments.

But pimples after shaving are not as dangerous as ulcers that form at the site of ingrown hairs. First, a red inflamed tubercle appears, then, as the purulent core matures, severe itching begins. From rubbing against clothing and scratching, the wounds become open and weeping. Pathogenic pathogens penetrate the body, leading to severe inflammation, the formation of hematomas and edema.

Important: To avoid ingrown hairs, after shaving you need to use a scrub with large cleaning particles.

And the inflammatory elements that have already appeared are treated with the help of a targeted application of hydrocortisone ointment.

Taking proper care of the skin of your feet

It is necessary to control the temperature in the living room. It is best if it does not exceed 22-23C. In this way, you can regulate the process of sweating and reduce the secretion of apocrine glands. Excess sebum is the cause of clogged pores. With sufficient attention to the microclimate in the room, the signs of hyperhidrosis will quickly disappear. This is important because acne is only the surface of the “iceberg” of problems; due to clogged pores, the body is not able to get rid of accumulated waste and toxins.

You should avoid using chlorine-containing products for cleaning the bathroom and washing underwear, clothing and bedding. If pimples appear on the skin of your legs, dermatologists recommend switching to hypoallergenic detergents; they are somewhat more expensive, but do not affect the skin.

If you have allergies, your skin after shaving with a razor can be treated not with a scrub, but with natural fine salt or ground black coffee. You should not wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics; in them, the skin stops “breathing” and self-cleaning.

If, despite all the efforts and preventive measures taken, acne still continues to appear and becomes a chronic problem, it is better to refuse self-medication and go to the clinic. Where a scraping will be taken from the surface of the skin of the legs, blood tests will be prescribed and, possibly, functional studies will be carried out. There is a high probability that the rashes are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs or the thyroid gland. This means that in this case, it is not acne that needs to be treated first of all.

Almost every person can have rashes on the skin of their legs, regardless of their gender. The causes of this problem lie in various provoking factors, but the main one is increased skin sensitivity. And since these pimples are practically invisible to an outsider, many people ignore the very fact of their appearance. And this is an extremely wrong approach to your own health. Any inflammatory focus is suspicious and requires treatment, because if the barrier functions of the skin disappear, this will lead to serious disruptions of the entire body.

Pimples can appear on any part of the legs and appear as small red bumps or bumps. Sometimes they burst and become crusty. May be accompanied by periodic itching.

Most often, acne on the legs is not a serious problem. They are easy to diagnose and treat, despite the fact that they have many causes for their appearance.

Having itchy pimples on your legs creates a strong urge to scratch them, which can lead to scratching. This should never be done, as scratches open the way to various infections. If scratches do appear, you can avoid infection with Neosporin ointment, although it costs $10 or more. A cheaper analogue, Bacitracin ointment, is also suitable.


There are many reasons for the appearance of red, itchy pimples on the legs, so establishing an accurate diagnosis will help you choose the appropriate treatment strategy. It's also important to note that acne can have more than one cause.

Allergic reactions

One of the most common causes of acne on the legs is allergic reactions. The main difficulty is that most people may not even realize that they have allergies.

Pimples on the legs of a girl with allergies (the allergen has not been precisely identified). Redness increased scratching due to itching

For example, red, itchy bumps on the legs may be caused by a latex allergy, and it is likely that the reaction occurs after repeated use of a latex product. Allergies can also be to personal hygiene products and household chemicals (including environmentally friendly ones), or even to new clothes.

Pay attention to whether something new has appeared among the usual things in your everyday life. This item may have caused an allergic reaction, the most common cause of acne on the legs.



With staphylococcal folliculitis, hair follicles become infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The disease causes small red pimples sometimes with white centers, which resemble acne, and tends to appear on the thighs and legs and other parts of the body. These small pimples are usually itchy or cause a burning pain. Folliculitis, even if left untreated, usually goes away on its own within a few days/weeks.

Viral infections

Another cause of this problem could be a viral infection. Chickenpox is a prime example, but it is most likely to appear on the abdomen first.

In adults, the likely cause of red pimples on the legs may be shingles. However, based on the characteristics of its distribution, it is most likely to appear on the torso.

Shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus (chickenpox), as it does not completely leave the body and can reactivate after many years


Next on the list of likely causes of acne is vasculitis. Although this is not a typical manifestation of it. It is important to point out here that this condition occurs when small blood vessels in the skin of the legs burst, causing acne to appear.


Also, uncontrolled diabetes can cause itchy rashes on the legs due to vascular problems. In this case, it is usually recommended to see a doctor to determine the cause of the vasculitis. In most cases it will be diabetes.

Skin diseases

Note that skin conditions can also be a likely cause of red, itchy pimples on legs. An example is dry skin, which in most cases causes itching.

Additionally, psoriasis and eczema can cause acne on the legs, but they mainly affect other parts of the body.

Insect bites

Traces of insect bites


Treatment for red itchy pimples on the legs will depend on the cause of their appearance. In case of allergies, it is important to first try to eliminate contact with the allergen. Pay attention to the hygiene products you use. They may not be suitable for your skin type. If so, a good antihistamine to treat this disorder is diphenhydramine hydrochloride ointment (Benadryl, Dermadrin). Topical creams can be used to reduce itching.

When the cause of red itchy pimples on the legs is vasculitis, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development. The problem may be related to diabetes, so it is worth ruling out diabetes before any medical intervention.

Various types of acne are a very common problem among many people of different ages. Water pimples on the legs and body can appear in both men and women, causing considerable discomfort. There are many reasons for their appearance, but in any case, these neoplasms require certain treatment. How to get rid of pimples on legs?

Reasons for appearance

Any kind of pimples, acne and dropsy on the skin bring not only discomfort and pain, but also make it less attractive to others. Watery pimples on the body and legs may indicate certain pathological processes that have arisen in the body, or a decrease in immune defense.

There are many factors that can cause watery acne. But the main one is sensitive skin. In general, the reasons why water pimples appear on the legs can be divided into two categories - external and internal.

The most common root cause of their appearance in women is shaving. Often the fair sex faces problems in the form of peeling, severe itching, burning and small rashes. Therefore, dermatologists advise adhering to certain rules of depilation or even changing the chosen shaving method.

The greatest irritation is caused by depilation using wax and depilator. However, even banal shaving with a machine can provoke such a consequence. This may be due to an old, dull razor, dry shaving, or not using emollients after shaving.

Internal causes of water acne include:

  • colds;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • lack of certain vitamins and microelements;
  • allergic reaction;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, which often leads to acne.

Very often, dropsy appears precisely in the cold season, since it is at this time that viral diseases and colds become significantly worse and immunity is significantly reduced. Also, pimples on the feet and hips can become a symptom of an allergy to the fabric of clothing, to the skincare products used, as well as to other external irritants.

Interesting fact:

Water pimples can appear due to the development of an infectious disease both inside the body and on the skin itself.

Possible external causes of acne on the legs:

  • irritation after shaving
  • incorrectly selected skincare products;
  • and neglect of moisturizing cosmetics;
  • poor hygiene or lack thereof;
  • irritation on the fabric of clothing or as a result of exposure to sunlight in the summer.

Dermatological diseases cannot be left aside. Of these, the most common are:

  • demodicosis, which causes itching, blisters, inflammation in the body;
  • shingles, which is characterized by the appearance of watery pimples all over the body;
  • herpes - most often the hands, face, lips are affected;
  • fungus.

In recent decades, cases of rashes as a result of unstable functioning of the nervous system have become more frequent. Therefore, dermatologists often notice all kinds of rashes after severe stress, depression, nervous shock, and so on.

In any case, if you notice this kind of rash on your body, you should consult a dermatologist. Because if pimples appear on your hands, fingers, body or legs that cause discomfort, this may be an alarming sign. But the root cause of their appearance can be much more serious and more dangerous to human health and even life. Moreover, there are many reasons for the appearance of dropsy.

Causes of dropsy on the feet

Experts often note incorrectly selected shoes as a separate cause of dropsy. Usually those who prefer shoes with heels complain about this problem. It is also possible that acne can form on the feet if the shoes are chosen incorrectly - the wrong size, synthetic inner filler, uncomfortable shoe shape, and so on.

Therefore, doctors advise choosing first of all comfortable shoes, preferably made from natural fabrics. It is worth paying attention to socks. It is better to buy cotton socks, but you need to change them every day for clean ones so as not to provoke the appearance of fungus, which can also manifest itself in the form of small watery pimples on the toes and on the sides of the feet.

Another common cause of watery feet is hyperhidrosis. This is a very popular problem today for both men and women. Therefore, it is necessary to use various means to reduce the amount of sweat produced:

  • deodorants and talc for feet;
  • remedies for hyperhidrosis - Dry Dry, etc.

Dropsy between legs

Pimples between the legs, on the inner thighs, bring a lot of discomfort. In addition, it is not so easy to get rid of them, since the dermis in this place is particularly sensitive, thin and often subject to friction.

If water pimples on the body itch, then this can be caused by the following factors:

  • poor quality of underwear or incorrect selection (synthetic fabrics, small size, selection out of season);
  • allergy to powder or soap;
  • herpes, which causes a blistering rash in the groin area;
  • Molluscum contagiosum is an infectious lesion of the dermis.

If other symptoms appear along with rashes, you should urgently contact a dermatologist for a thorough examination.

Video “Small blisters on the body and legs”

Video broadcast with information about small bubbles on the body: what they are and how to deal with such a problem.

Diagnosis and treatment

First of all, you need to consult a dermatologist. For a more thorough examination, the doctor may take several tests, among which scraping from the surface of the skin is mandatory. Thanks to it, you can detect possible bacteria and fungi on it. Next, the condition of the dermis and the rashes themselves are studied using special equipment. This will help to draw a conclusion about the current condition of the affected skin area.

In the future, the dermatologist prescribes therapy and, possibly, not only medication. The treatment chosen will depend on the underlying cause of the disease. If the disease is not completely cured, but only its symptoms are eliminated, then it can develop further, and the affected area will increase, as will the degree of the disease.

Watery pimples on the feet, hands and body should not be squeezed out, as this can cause infection and leave scars.

Drug therapy

Medicines for both internal and external use are prescribed only by a doctor and self-medication can negatively affect the condition of your skin. In case of allergic reactions, antihistamines are usually prescribed, for example Suprastin, Loratadine, Cetrin, etc.

If infections occur in the body, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs. Often infections in the body appear due to decreased immunity, so immunomodulators are prescribed, for example. For nervous disorders, sedatives are recommended.

Along with internal treatment, local medications are prescribed. Usually these are antifungal, anti-inflammatory ointments, which are selected depending on the situation and diagnosis. You can also use more loyal, traditional therapy, but only on the advice of a doctor.

Traditional methods

If pimples and dropsy appear on your feet and itch, you can use some folk recipes. The most effective remedy for acne and skin irritations is aloe juice. This is a plant rich in vitamins and microelements that can be used for various dermatological problems.

To do this, juice is squeezed out of an aloe leaf and applied to the affected area. Aloe leaves can also be used as a lotion. But you need to remember that it is better not to apply aloe to healthy skin, as it can cause irritation and burns.

Calendula tincture is also a time-tested remedy. To treat the skin effectively use herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • sequences;
  • eucalyptus;
  • coltsfoot.

If there is no result or the situation worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Acne on the feet is often confused with acne, so self-medication is ineffective. To get rid of profuse rashes on the body and legs as soon as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • choose clothes and shoes only from natural fabrics;
  • give up heels at least for a while;
  • change skincare products;
  • if possible, take air baths as often as possible.

The first thing you need to do is cleanse your body by reviewing your daily menu. Instead of junk food, you need to include in your diet foods rich in minerals and vitamins. It is better to completely exclude fried, spicy and highly salty foods from the diet, as they negatively affect the condition of the skin and the functioning of the digestive system.

Regarding sweets, dermatologists say that they take away beauty. Many studies have proven that people who often eat chocolate and sweets often suffer from acne, acne, clogged pores and other skin diseases.

It is imperative to add fermented milk products to your daily diet. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the body, eliminates toxins and speeds up metabolism. As a result, the skin looks more rested and the number of breakouts is significantly reduced.

To prevent the appearance of acne on the feet, as well as corns, it is recommended to regularly cleanse the skin with scrubs, peels, and pedicures. At home, you can use pumice stone, a heel file, or steaming for this.

Human skin is very susceptible to external and internal irritants. Therefore, if you notice any inflammation, pimples or redness, you need to listen to your body. Perhaps this is just a symptom of a serious disorder or pathology that can be dangerous to human health and life.

Video “If pimples on your arms or legs itch, what should you do?”

Informational video about rashes on the arms and legs that can cause itching and what to do about them.