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Orthodoxy about healers, fortune tellers, astrologers, grandmothers, psychics. On the attitude of the church towards psychics and the nature of "paranormal phenomena" How the church relates to psychics

The phrase "Orthodox healer", "Orthodox psychic" today can be found in almost any media that advertises the services of people who allegedly have psychic abilities. And among the psychics themselves, statements are increasingly appearing that extrasensory perception does not contradict Christianity in any way and, in general, is almost an integral part of the functioning of the Orthodox Church. However, the Church itself holds a completely different opinion on this matter.

Why do psychics need the Church?

In modern Russia, the attitude towards the Orthodox Church on the part of psychics can be divided into two stages. The first stage began around the mid-eighties of the last century and continued until the end of the nineties. It was a time when serious ideological, political and economic changes began in the country, and almost everything that was forbidden by the Soviet government was allowed. In the spiritual sphere, this meant that a kind of vacuum had formed: the regime had been imposing its own ideology for decades and suppressing all alternative ones in every possible way, and now no one needed its own ideology. This vacuum was immediately filled by all kinds of religious organizations, sects and psychics: healers, magicians, fortune-tellers, soothsayers and so on. At that stage, only the Church, which was restoring its positions, was considered by psychics as a competitor, therefore, the attitude towards it was, at best, ignoring, at worst, openly negative. Indeed, when Kashpirovsky, Chumak and the like gathered huge television audiences and entire stadiums for their screenings, they did not need any Church.

By the beginning of the 21st century, the situation had changed. Sad spiritual experience has shown the majority of the population that many "healers" and religious sects end up doing much more harm than good. In addition, the Orthodox Church has grown stronger and gained influence. Of course, most of those who currently position themselves as Orthodox are believers only in name, following tradition or even fashion. However, in this situation, it is unprofitable for psychics to declare that they are against the Church simply from a commercial point of view - then most potential "clients" will turn away from them. Therefore, such a phenomenon as “Orthodox psychics” arose: these are psychics whose workplace is literally hung with icons and crosses, they use spells in their work that are very similar in form to Christian prayers, and also strongly recommend that their clients go to church, put so many candles at such and such an icon and read a certain prayer a certain number of times. Even those of them who do not resort to a Christian entourage avoid direct negative statements about Christianity. The maximum that they allow themselves is a negative attitude towards the "spoiled" priests and the "bureaucratic" Church, who have perverted the original teaching of Christ.

Psychic is reality...

With regard to the attitude of the Orthodox Church to extrasensory perception and psychics, the situation is as follows. The Church does not consider, like academic science, the very possibility that people have supernatural abilities as absurd, and all psychics are charlatans (although most of them are absolute scammers). On the contrary: Orthodoxy has no doubt that people can heal physical or neurological diseases, look into the past, read hidden thoughts and desires, and the like. The Church even identifies three sources of such abilities: firstly, it can be an innate heightened sensitivity in the spiritual realm; secondly, it can be the power acquired from demonic forces; thirdly, it can be the grace and insight sent down by God. The third option has nothing to do with psychics right away: according to church tradition, Divine grace is sent only to deeply believing people who are in the bosom of the Church, either as a sign of their acquisition of holiness, or as a means of glorifying God's mercy and love for people. By the way, the numerous cases of miracles performed by Christ and his apostles described in the Gospel are interpreted precisely as the glorification of God.

... But from psychics - harm

As for the cases when people have and use psychic abilities but are outside the Church, this is considered destructive to them and their "clients" and opposed to God in character. Even if a person has certain abilities from birth, does not charge for their use, and sincerely believes that he is doing good, such a psychic is still a harmful element for the Church. First of all, sorcery (that is, witchcraft , divination, horoscopes and other components of practical extrasensory perception) are unequivocally condemned in the Bible and classified as ungodly. But even if we are talking about the treatment of the sick, the attitude of the Church is still wary. The fact is that from a Christian point of view, diseases and ailments are sent to people for their spiritual correction, so that they think about the causes of their suffering, see their sins and embark on the path of repentance and struggle with sins. If the healer is not a church person, but a psychic, then by healing people, he does them a disservice - this means that he relieved them of the symptoms, but did not touch the cause, that is, the sinful way of life, that is, he removed the salvation of the soul from them and the Kingdom of Heaven.

Cases when psychic abilities became, in the interpretation of the Church, the result of a person’s contact with the demonic spiritual world (during special rituals, unreliable spiritual practices, suspicious meditations, and so on), are perceived by Orthodoxy as openly hostile. Recommendations from such psychics to their "clients" to go to the temple to fulfill their desires, accept Baptism and participate in the Sacraments are interpreted as direct desecration of shrines and harm to naive people. Because the same Communion has a beneficial effect on a person only when he comes to him with a pure soul and faith - otherwise it will only harm his soul.

Alexander Babitsky

213. Hello! I've had two questions for a long time. Pushed to write the words of Natalia Varley from "Caravan of stories". I quote: “I turned to the priest: - Is there such a thing as damage? And how to protect yourself from it? - Prayer, confession, communion, the cross. I got confused.

Because from what I read earlier, I understood what there is about corruption and witchcraft:

1. That there is no such impact on a person and one should not believe in it.

2. That such an impact is possible, and faith in God and prayer, confession, communion and the cross really help here.

It seems to me that there can be no clergy "blessed by the church for a reprimand to remove corruption." This part of the father's answer generally baffled me. So what is true anyway?

And the second question: the show "Battle of Psychics" is on TNT. And they show a lot of evidence that these psychics can do many things that are inaccessible to ordinary people. Do all people who have such power have this power given by demons? Or are there people who are given the ability to do such things by the Lord? And how to distinguish them?

And if a worldly person feels in himself that he has clairvoyance, can cure pain, influence others, then how to understand who gave it - God or the devil? And is it possible to use such a gift? Thanks for your help, Maria.

To reprimand from damage? What kind of nonsense? Although what kind of pseudo-Orthodoxy is not now giving rise to the Russian mind!

What's right? You or your godfather spat at baptism to the west at Satan, after you turned east to the Sun of Truth, Christ, just look there, and you don’t need to turn back and peer into the darkness, otherwise the fate of Lot’s wife awaits you.

And by the way, why don't you still read books on white magic?


Maxim Stepanenko, supervisor
Missionary Department

213a. Maxim Valerievich, by the speed and brevity of your answer, I dare to assume that the answers to the questions I asked you are completely clear, and such questions only cause irritation. But I ask them because I really want to know, I want to understand. To answer your question - no, I don't read books on any magic, and I don't intend to. Also, I am not a member of a sect, MLM, I do not study feng shui, I do not do astrology, yoga, extrasensory perception or magic. And honestly, I don't understand why I deserve such a question of yours.

Maxim Valerievich, if it's not difficult for you, please answer my two questions. Sincerely, Maria.

Save us, Lord Jesus Christ!

Yep, hurt.

And why are you, Maria, watching the battle of psychics?! It's like reading books on magic and going to satanist orgies. This is a dangerous temptation. In addition, here is one of the evidence of what is happening there: Battles of psychics: sleight of hand or money?

Why look at darkness? Why believe in lies? And especially our television ...

And when did the Caravan magazine become an authoritative theological publication? :-) Your previous questions are precisely from the fact that you clog your head with informational garbage. Now it is necessary to read with caution even Orthodox literature, more precisely, written formally by Orthodox people and even priests. Read only those books that have permission to be printed by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The priest who said such words to Varley is wrong. Or maybe Varley misunderstood him, or the journalist crookedly stated. In the first letter, you yourself correctly answered your own questions: belief in the evil eye, damage and the power of magic is superstition. Indeed, there can be no clergy "blessed by the church for reprimand to remove corruption." There is a so-called. "reprimand" of the possessed, but it is intended only for that - for the expulsion of demons, but not for removing damage and the evil eye.

In addition, quite a few people have great doubts about this practice, I consider it more redemptive than useful. My opinion is a significant number of modern so-called. possessed are psychiatric patients. Why? Sober-minded priests notice that before the "reprimand" these "possessed" people calmly stood at divine services, took communion, kissed the monks and the cross, drank Holy water - this is unthinkable for the possessed.

Also read the book by Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev, A Christian in a pagan world or about a disregard for corruption attached to the letter.

With the hope of our salvation,
Maxim Stepanenko, supervisor
Missionary Department
Tomsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Since the 90s of the last century, fortunetellers, traditional healers, psychics, etc. have become popular in our country. Newspapers publish advertisements where hereditary clairvoyants offer services for love spells, "correcting karma", treating alcoholism and removing the "crown of celibacy". The competitions of sorcerers are broadcast on the central TV channels.

After seventy years of atheism, the people suddenly became religious again, but, in most cases, this was a return not to Christianity, but to dense paganism.

Christian view of psychics

Seers, healers and all their other varieties claim that they either have superpowers and the ability to awaken the “sleeping possibilities of consciousness”, or they draw strength from some “higher sources” or “accumulate the energy of the Universe ».

In any case, the attitude of the Church towards psychics is the same: if they are not scammers, then all their supernatural abilities are the actions of evil spirits.

What Orthodoxy says about psychics

The fact is that the spiritual world can be either heavenly or hellish. In order to work miracles by the power of God, one must be a saint. Through the prayer of, say, St. Seraphim or St. Nicholas, God actually healed the sick, ended the drought, and even resurrected the dead.

Read about Orthodox miracle workers:

Important! The gift of blessed miracle-working is given only to people with an impeccable righteousness of life.

And to say this about psychics is hardly possible, so their "higher sources of power" are not at all "higher" and by no means kind. And even if sorcerers claim that there is no mysticism, that only the hidden possibilities of their mental energy are active, in fact, it's all the same.

Does the use of Orthodox shrines and prayers by sorcerers change the matter?

The most modern kind of sorcerers are psychics who preach occult ideas formulated in pseudo-scientific terms. For example, they claim that they master the technique of condensing cosmic energy in their body, in order to then turn it to change the world around them, for example, to treat patients.

But there are also traditionalists among them who prefer folk pagan beliefsmixed with Christian rites.

Often uninformed people are confused by the presence of Orthodox attributes in the healer's office: candles, icons, Bibles. Such sorcerers may send a person to the temple for holy water or advise him to read prayers, but all this is only a form. The essence remains occult, non-Christian.

What is real prayer? This is the conversion of a person to God, for which both faith and humility are needed. The one who prays, asking God for help, gives his life to His will, puts hope in His mercy. This is not about words, but about the inner mood of a person.

Sorcerers, on the other hand, offer just a magical conspiracy. Even if this is the text of the prayer "Our Father", it is not about the mercy of God, but about some kind of mechanical action. Allegedly, the words of this prayer in themselves have power. And if they are pronounced 3 times at sunset, on the 15th day of the month, etc., then the desire will come true - the stomach ulcer will pass, the competitor will be kicked out of work, the daughter will get married, etc.

Should you trust psychics?

The same applies to shrines. It is one thing to worship the image, mentally resorting to God, and another to perform, at the behest of the clairvoyant, a certain witchcraft ritual - applying to 9 icons.
It happened that healers even tried to mix their magic with the Holy Church Sacraments.

For example, they sent a client to confess and take communion in order to cleanse themselves for further rituals. Or they sent a person to be baptized a second time, with the goal of “getting another inner essence,” because the first one was “heavily damaged by corruption.”

Whoever follows this advice will commit a grave sin. Not only is the meaning of the Holy Great Mysteries completely unaware here, but they also become part of witchcraft. It is difficult to think of a greater blasphemy!

Confession is needed in order to repent before the Lord, to change, to receive grace to help in the fight against sins. By partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, a person becomes one with Him in nature, unites with God Himself. This Sacrament is the basis and meaning of our religion, the main goal in the life of a Christian.

It cannot be a stage of preparation for some higher rituals. There is nothing greater than the Eucharist. And baptism happens only once, and this is not a pagan "acquisition of essence", but a consecration of oneself to Christ. The grace of baptism remains with a person for life.

Attention! By mixing the occult with the attributes of Orthodoxy, the sorcerers are trying to show that they are supposedly not at all hostile to the Church. They need this to deceive people, and maybe even themselves. But there is nothing here but a substitution of meaning and blasphemy.

What awaits a person who turns to sorcerers

The priest knows many such stories. They develop approximately according to the following scenario: a person comes to a fortuneteller and complains, say, of poor health. She assigns him to read "Our Father" 3 times a day during the week, supplementing it with some "especially powerful prayer."

The person does everything, but the healing did not happen. Comes for the second time. The healer says: I feel that someone from your environment has imposed a strong damage on you. This is some woman with dark hair that you know from childhood, let's think who it could be. They think. They find out that this is a former classmate of the client, who lives in the next entrance.

The healer advises to sprinkle her door with sacred Jerusalem soil, read the akathist of Our Lady “The Indestructible Wall” 30 times, and, for a month, at noon, repeat the prayer to strengthen the aura.

The attitude of the church towards psychics

In this case, these are very effective protective measures. But strangely, a person literally follows the advice of a clairvoyant, and the further time goes, the worse it gets for him. Health has completely deteriorated, in life - a continuous streak of failures, the soul is somehow empty and cloudy. At times, fits of despair are found on him. “This is a very angry and strong woman, she dries you. She wants to warp your aura and shorten your lifespan!” - the fortune-teller explains to him and more and more strengthens the protection measures. “Full of flattery and destruction, may your malice be to your destruction! As Yegory fought, won, so I will crush the enemy, I will destroy his cause. Kissel, jelly, boil all day ... ”the client repeats, feeling well-deserved fierce hatred for his former classmate.

Prayers from evil forces:

If the client finally thinks to turn to the priest, he will open his eyes to the real state of affairs. When a person came to a fortuneteller, began to read conspiracies, he called on evil spirits and gave them the opportunity to influence his life. The closeness of the soul to the invisible evil world always causes melancholy, emptiness and despair.

Deterioration of health and failures after meeting a fortune teller are also caused by their influence. But their main goal, of course, is the moral degradation of a person, it is especially good if they manage to cultivate hatred in his soul. This is the most anti-Christian "measure of education."

And it happens that the desire of the client really comes true. Occult action gives the expected effect and the person receives the external well-being that he was looking for. But you will have to pay dearly for this. Not to mention how a visit to a sorcerer will affect the state of a person’s soul, his life will soon be crippled too.

Priests know many such stories: he came to a psychic to be treated for eczema, it helped. A few years later, he developed skin cancer. She asked the witch to bewitch the man, it seemed to really work, they got married. Turned out to be a sadist and stabbed his wife in a fit of inexplicable rage .

Those forces that act through sorcerers only want to destroy people, "for the devil is a murderer from the beginning" (from John, 8-44).

Advice! The best thing that can be done by someone who has visited a healer is to run to church as soon as possible and repent of everything to the priest at confession, so that the Lord has mercy and protects the person from evil forces.

Is it a sin to watch the program "Battles of Psychics"

It certainly won't benefit the soul. A Christian should not look at the occult practice, because, as already mentioned, it is associated with evil forces. Why be interested in all this? In addition, a lot of lies and blasphemy are uttered at the "Battle of Psychics". For example, that the Monk Seraphim was a great magician and modern psychics are no different from him.

Christians who know their faith are jarred by such statements, and those who do not know can be misled.

Video about the attitude of the church towards psychics. Answered by Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Father Boris, tell me, are there any believing healers, or do they not exist? Many of them, for example, use Orthodox paraphernalia in their practice: icons, prayers, candles. How does the Church feel about this kind of their actions?

Psychic abilities really in the rudiment can be characteristic of a person. But modern man is not in the state in which God created him. His nature is corrupted by sin. And what was beautiful in a state of paradise, in a state of sinfulness is not good, but harmful.

Is it possible to somehow determine whether a person is a serious believer, that is, one who accepts the faith of Christ with all his heart and tries to fulfill it? There are many people who believe only ritually: they know some prayers, they can perform some rituals, but Christ and spiritual life are not native, alien to them. They do not have a blessed spiritual life, they cannot think like a Christian, cannot feel like a Christian, cannot live like a Christian (I'm not talking about the moral side, but about the spiritual).

I had to seriously talk with people who are engaged in treatment with such methods. Their spiritual life is always built incorrectly: either a complete lack of humility and love, or the highest conceit, or something else. Yes, those who live a spiritual life also have sins, but Christians understand that sin is bad, and they fight against it. For example, it is clear that drunkenness is a sin. There are alcoholics who do not dry out, and there are those who stumble, fall, but struggle with their alcoholism, try not to drink. One person drinks more than they need and realizes that it is a sin. The other drinks and considers it normal. Therefore, when we say that a person is a Christian, it does not mean that he is infallible, but that he has clear criteria: this is Christian, this is good, but this is sin.

In Russia in the 19th century, such an understanding was the norm of life - of course, there were sinners, they sinned, but repented; Christianity was an ideal, and people understood that they did not comply with the norms. What was once considered a sin is now considered a virtue. And people with such a distorted understanding of the norms are very far from God, and, in fact, they feel very bad. They indulge themselves in wine, entertainment, or all sorts of bodily pleasures, but they do this precisely because it is very bad for them to live. I remember one example from our communist past, when an American, a black woman, the leader of the American Komsomol members, Marina Vladis, came to our country, to the USSR. Why did I remember her? She explained very well why she does her party work: “Because when I am alone, I feel bad. Only when I work and be close to people does it feel good. And if I don’t do this, I feel terribly bad.” She said what many people feel but are embarrassed to say. Now about attributes. Indeed, many psychics use Orthodox paraphernalia. The question is why? So that they would be more believed: if there are icons, holy water, candles, then it is understood that this is connected with God; it seems to be the same with them as in the Church. But they need Orthodox paraphernalia only to decorate the premises, in order to imitate spirituality and to create an atmosphere of greater trust. They also use prayers: "Our Father", for example. But after all, the same word can be said with different meanings: it can be said as a request, or it can be said in such a way that there will be no request at all (like a spell, for example), there will be no conversion of the soul to God. After all, I can also read if they write to me in Russian letters what to say - both in Chinese and in Arabic, but I will not understand what I read.

- But after all, many psychics send a person to church ...

If they communicate with the soul of a person who is in a state of complete spiritual exhaustion, then when interacting with him, they exhaust themselves. Let's remember such a good Russian example - Baba Yaga. When people came to her, before eating them, she would feed them, give them a drink, put them to bed, take them to the bath, and then - “yum-yum”. Why would she chew bones? Well-fed and clean will taste better. And the same principle applies here. When a person goes to church, is spiritually cleansed, receives communion, is sanctified by the grace of God, then you can work with him, you can already get energy from him.

- Energy, energy - the favorite terms of people communicating with psychics. Does energy really exist?

Of course there is. I can only talk about the spiritual side. Why, for example, does a grandmother go to church on an empty stomach in the morning, without eating, and run back running so that she overtakes everyone? Has she already had breakfast? No, she prayed, talked with God, and now she has much more strength. Or an old woman stands in the church for two hours, she won’t sit down. And the young people standing in the same church are already exhausted, shifting from foot to foot, they have no strength. So the grandmother communicates with God, she is interested, and the "visitors" are only serving time. There is a difference? When an Orthodox person falls ill, he understands that he must definitely go to the doctor, but the church must also be visited. If trouble, then first run to God, stay with Him, and then move on. This is fine.

Often people are afraid of any evil eye, damage, sidelong glances. However, if I don’t have any wounds or scratches on my hands, then I can take anything in my hands. If the hands are bruised, and I take, for example, manure, then dirt will get into the wounds, they will become inflamed and start to hurt, and you can be left without hands. So here. The dog bites the one who is afraid of it first of all. The same is true in the spiritual life. If a person is afraid of damage, the evil eye and the actions of evil spirits, then he will quickly become a target for all evil spirits. And when a person tries to live with God, prays, reads the Gospel, tries to fulfill His will, takes communion, then he does not give a damn about all these intrigues of dark forces. When a person is baptized, before being baptized, he spits in the direction of the devil, turns away and says: "I don't know you and I don't want to know, you don't interest me."

Whom can all this affect? Let's take a simple example. If a child walks with his father or mother by the hand, then will a dog bite him or offend hooligans? Probably not. And if he is capricious, runs ahead, then the dog can bite him and the bully will beat him. When we try to be close to God, we are not afraid of anyone and nothing. Is there anyone stronger than God? Of course not! What if we left him?

Indeed, it is dangerous to live in a world of sin without God's protection, but for a Christian, all these intrigues of the enemy are not dangerous.

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In our pre-apocalyptic time, people's interest in the occult, extrasensory perception, parapsychology, etc. is growing due to an ever greater distance from God. An era has come that can be safely called "pagan revival". It happened so because the people who inhabited Christian countries sank to the state in which humanity was before the atoning death of Christ the Savior. This state manifested itself most fully and gloomily twice in human history: before the worldwide Flood and before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth. The third and last period of falling away from God, the extreme corruption of souls and their subjugation to demonic influence, can be observed with sorrow today.

Meanwhile, the attitude of our Church to the occult methods of healing is sharply negative. According to the rules of St. Basil the Great, people who practice magic are subject to the same ecclesiastical punishment as murderers.

According to the rules of the VI Ecumenical Council, people who resort to the help of wizards are subject to a six-year penance, as well as cloud chasers, charmers, and talisman makers. Those who are rooted in this matter and do not turn away at all are cast out of the Church.

The Old Testament is rigidly disposed to sorcerers, fortune-tellers, soothsayers, that is, to representatives of the occult sciences. In Deuteronomy (chapter 18, verses 9-13) it is said: “When you enter the land that the Lord your God gives you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these peoples did. soothsayer, soothsayer, soothsayer, sorcerer, charmer, summoner of spirits, sorcerer, and questioner of the dead. your God."

The book of Leviticus says: "Do not turn to those who call the dead, and do not go to magicians, and do not bring yourself to defilement from them. I am the Lord your God" (19, 31). "And if any soul turned to those who call up the dead and to magicians, to follow them fornicating, then I will set my face against that soul and cut him off from among his people. Sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am the Lord your God, holy" (20, 6-7).

The book of Exodus says: "And when they say to you: turn to the callers of the dead and to sorcerers, to whisperers and ventriloquists, then answer: should not the people turn to their God? Do the dead ask about the living? Turn to the law and revelation. If they do not say how this word, there is no light in them. And again: "Do not let the soothsayers live" (22:18).

In the book of Leviticus, it is especially harsh and bluntly said about people involved in the occult: "Whether a man or a woman, if they call the dead or magic, let them be put to death; they must be stoned with stones, their blood is on them" (20, 27).

Thus, in the Old Testament, the attitude towards people engaged in magic, divination, sorcery, astrologers (astrologers), etc., i.e., occult pursuits, is quite clear and harsh - up to putting them to death. About those who turn to them for help by divination, etc., it is said: "... I will set my face on that soul and cut it off from its people" (Lev., 20, 6). Those who turn to sorcerers, magicians, shamans, psychics for help really begin to suffer spiritually and bodily, up to death. Many people who are interested in UFOs and "aliens" also end their lives tragically. So the words of the Bible come true in life "... I will set my face on that soul and cut it off from the people."

Why are occult healing methods scary? Hypnosis, extrasensory perception, witchcraft, coding use methods of violent influence on the human psyche, suppressing his will and developing people's behavior at the will of another hypnotist, psychic, sorcerer, etc. Influencing the subconscious of a person, they put their program of behavior into the subconscious and thinking. This program, passing into consciousness, determines the behavior, actions and even the way of thinking of a person. It seems to him that he acts according to his own will, according to his desire. In fact, he fulfills the will of a stranger, a strange spirit. Such a violent influence limits the personality of a person, paralyzes his will, changes behavior and even thinking. A person becomes, as it were, a biorobot, the Image of God is killed in him.

Every person carries the image of God in himself, no matter how bad and fallen he may be. The image of God in man consists in the fact that man has the properties inherent in God: reason, free will, immortal soul. Taking away the will of a person and imposing their own on him, changing the way of thinking and behavior of a person, occultists mock the Image of God, belittle it, subordinate the soul of a person to themselves.

According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Church , a person can act according to his own will, according to the will of God and according to the will of demons, which is imposed on him in this case through an intermediary - a sorcerer, psychic, hypnotist.

Extrasensory perception, bioenergetics, witchcraft, magic go by experience, contrary to the prohibition of the Church and Holy Scripture, invading the spiritual world and achieving certain healing results. But the psychic and the sorcerer invade the spiritual world with their sinful, unpurified soul, and, naturally, in the spiritual world they can only communicate with the world of negative forces (demonic).

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God," the Gospel says. Occultists, on the other hand, invade the spiritual world without having cleansed their souls by repentance and generally in a sinful way, contrary to the prohibition of the Church.

P Orthodoxy does not aim at acquiring any supernatural abilities, but aims at cleansing the soul from sins through repentance, prayer, fasting, abstinence, doing good deeds, love for God and people.

At the heart of the Christian life are love and faith, good deeds, asceticism (fasting, abstinence). The Christian path goes through moral perfection: "Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect," and not through exercises that develop supernatural abilities without purification of the soul (repentance), love, and doing good deeds. Such a path is dangerous, fatal .

In the film "I thought I was healing ..." - you will hear the confession of a person who was engaged in parapsychology, the so-called "healing".