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I dreamed of glass shards: interpretation by various dream books. Why do you dream about the Shard according to the dream book? Other variations of dreams with broken glass

A dream in which you found a splinter in your mouth is a harbinger of a series of troubles on the path of life due to damaged relationships. Conflicts with colleagues, fist-pumping arguments with friends, and lack of mutual understanding at home are expected.

You blame others for what is happening, but you need to take a closer look at your sins. In your case, there is a pattern; look for the prerequisites that led to troubles; this approach will help you stabilize the situation.

If in a dream a fragment hit your hand

A splinter hitting your hand in a dream indicates your excessive naivety. You are unusually kind, ready to rush to the rescue of anyone, even a stranger, sacrificing your own time, plans, interests, aspirations and dreams.

As you go through life, you put other people's concerns before your own. Your willingness to help deserves respect, but is not appreciated by others. You don’t know how to refuse, but others take advantage of this mercilessly. It's time to learn to say no.

Interpretation of a dream about collecting fragments

Seeing in a dream how you collect the fragments is a sign indicating pangs of conscience. Some time ago you committed a rash, unpleasant act, which you now regret. Thoughts about what happened haunt me day and night.

You won't be able to turn back time - instead of torturing yourself with stupid and useless late regrets, try to correct the situation. Sincerely admit your guilt, ask for forgiveness, and you will certainly be able to restore friendship.

The meaning of a dream about a fragment in the body

If you dream that a fragment has pierced your body, the dream predicts several events at once. Among your friends there are a lot of ill-wishers who throw dust in your eyes. An envious person seems to be a loyal friend, but in reality he is capable of base betrayal.

To spot a hypocrite, you have to become suspicious. If you let the situation take its course, you risk getting into a lot of troubles, which will not be easy to deal with.

At the same time, according to the Oracle dream book, difficulties are expected in the professional arena. Be prepared for disapproval from management. The work that is the result of long and painstaking work in recent weeks will be criticized and considered unworthy.

As sad as it is to admit, the boss’s assessment is the ultimate truth, even if it seems biased and unfair. Take a look at the situation, putting aside your emotions, admit the mistakes you made, and then approach tasks more responsibly.

What shards of glass mean in dreams is described in many popular interpreters. This vision is quite symbolic, and therefore you should not ignore it if you dreamed of it. What does it mean and what events does it foretell? This is what we will talk about now.

Loff's Dream Book

If you want to know what shards of glass mean in dreams, you should look into this interpreter. Here's what it says:

  • Did you happen to sweep them off the floor? This indicates that the person is on the right path in life. There is no need to be afraid of difficulties and changes - they will only bring happiness.
  • Did the dreamer hold the fragment in his hand? This speaks of his naive outlook on life. Those around him take advantage of his simplicity and gullibility, and this will not end well.
  • In the vision, did the fragments somehow end up in the person's mouth? Such a vision foreshadows many difficulties in the future. There will be disagreements at work, lack of understanding in the family, discord in relationships.
  • Why do you dream of shards of glass on the floor? It is believed to lead to tears. There is a high probability that the dreamer’s family relationships will be subjected to a severe test.

The main thing is that these are not mirror fragments. Because such a vision usually promises betrayal and deception.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

According to this interpreter, the fragments symbolize the consequences of a conflict or scandal. The more acute they were, the more serious the problems would be.

Also, a vision in which the sleeper saw fragments of dishes does not bode well. This usually dreams of a quarrel with friends or loved ones. It is recommended that you make every effort to avoid confrontation. Or you should try to look for ways to reconcile the quarrel. Otherwise things will go too far.

It’s also worth knowing why you dream of shards of glass in your leg. This dream is a sign that soon some long-ago event or insult will painfully remind the dreamer of itself.

According to Freud

Every person who wants to know why glass broken into fragments in a dream should look into this interpreter. Freud's dream book says that this vision symbolizes the fragility of the relationships developing between partners and their susceptibility to external influence.

If a man dreamed of his girlfriend accidentally breaking glass, he should be wary. This foreshadows omissions and spontaneous quarrels.

Did you imagine that your loved one was accidentally injured by a piece of glass? This is for illness. Also, this dream may indicate that a person is not investing in a relationship as actively as his other half. And it hurts her.

Did the guy dream about how his girlfriend deliberately broke the glass into pieces? This means treason and betrayal. If a girl dreams of something like this, then it’s time for her to take care of her personal life. This vision suggests that she is stuck in her loneliness, and it is killing her from the inside.

Miller's Interpreter

This book also talks in detail about what shards of glass mean in dreams. It is believed that this promises vile events in reality.

If you dreamed of them piercing your body, you should expect a lot of reproaches from loved ones and intrigues from enemies.

According to the plot of the vision, the person was visiting and stepped on a fragment there? This promises communication with an unpleasant person. Also, this dream may hint that it is time to take care of your own affairs, postponed until later, if you intend to achieve results.

It’s also worth knowing why you dream of shards of glass in your mouth. Such an unpleasant vision promises retribution that a person will have to endure for the words he has spoken or the actions he has taken. If there is nothing bad about him, then the dream may portend material difficulties.

Vanga's Dream Book

You should also familiarize yourself with the interpretations offered by this interpreter.

For example, why do you dream of collecting glass shards? The dream book says this is a warning about future difficulties and problems. They will be small, but they will be able to slow down the process of implementing plans. It is recommended to prevent possible obstacles in time. Otherwise you will have to be distracted by them later.

If these were fragments of a mirror, then the meaning is even worse. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of a whole series of troubles in life that will destroy everything that a person has worked on for a long time. It is recommended to refuse trips and important transactions planned for the near future, otherwise you may fail.

But broken dishes are considered a good sign. They say that all troubles will pass by without affecting either the dreamer or his loved ones.

French dream book

It's also worth a look. It was said above what it means to dream of collecting shards of broken glass - but what if they were parts of shells and other exploding ammunition?

Unfortunately, such a vision promises complete collapse in the business sphere. And if a person was also wounded by such a fragment, then one should be prepared for betrayal. Someone close to him will turn out to be an imaginary friend and betray him, taking advantage of the trust for his own purposes.

The fragments of a broken mirror, in turn, promise sad news about tragic events.

But there is also a good interpretation. So, for example, if a person sees fragments of some ancient object, one can rejoice. This promises that the dreamer will acquire some interesting hobby, which may even begin to make a profit.

Other interpretations

There are some other interpretations that have not been mentioned previously. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Did the person see the fragments piercing him? This is due to nagging on the part of his significant other.
  • Did the dreamer himself break some glass barriers into thousands of small fragments? Such a vision promises the opportunity to fulfill a secret desire.
  • A single sharp fragment foreshadows the emergence of discord between loved ones. The reason for this will be contradictions and differences of opinion.
  • Did the shrapnel prick your leg, but not stick into it? This means a gradual deterioration in the dreamer’s affairs, which his disdainful attitude towards them will lead to.
  • The person made attempts to collect. Such a vision promises risk and health problems. Perhaps the person will try to regain what was previously lost.
  • Did he hold a large piece of mirror in his hand and look into it? Oddly enough, this dream should be taken as a harbinger of great happiness.
  • Have you ever had to remove debris from the floor by sweeping it? If this happened in his own home, it means that in reality the person will achieve success on his own. Was he cleaning someone else's home? This suggests that teamwork will bring success.
  • In a dream, did you have to collect dishes that were broken into fragments and try to glue them back together? This vision is considered a sign of vain hopes.
  • Was the person actively breaking bottles in his dream? This will lead to wild fun and a severe hangover.

In general, a vision in which fragments were present can be a harbinger of a variety of events. Therefore, when trying to interpret a dream, it is worth taking into account all the details. The meaning of the vision depends on them.

Any dream in which glass is present in one way or another indicates that the dreamer is a very eccentric person.

Why dream of fragments - the meanings of this dream can be found in the dream book.

What do the fragments portend?

Dreaming of fragments of glass or other fragile material is a symbol of sudden obstacles that may arise on your way in real life. They will destroy all your plans, and any attempts to correct the situation will not be successful. Glass shards also represent the collapse of expectations and a hopeless situation. It can be said with complete confidence that most predictions about what fragments mean in dreams carry a negative meaning. You can verify this by looking at the following interpretations of dream books:

  • Shards piercing the body are a bad sign. It sounds like you're at risk of missing something important that you'll regret later;
  • Broken glass for a married lady is a sign of adultery, the appearance of a homewrecker. Also, a dream can predict disappointment in love and a quick divorce with division of property;
  • Getting injured by a shrapnel in a dream is a serious threat to the dreamer’s life. Perhaps a hidden and dangerous disease is developing in your body. A preventive examination by a doctor will not be superfluous;
  • Removing glass shards is a new stage in life and support from close friends;
  • Looking through broken glass means the beginning of large-scale and successful projects in the near future, help from an influential and wealthy person, happiness with a loved one and profit.

For an influential person holding a high position, broken glass is the worst sign. In this case, his ambitious plans will not come true in reality. There may also be a fall down the career ladder and loss of life guidelines.

What fragments did you dream about?

Shards in dreams are echoes of the fact that old pain can cover you at any moment and cause an even greater blow. A single fragment of glass means a reminder of a failure, which, although insignificant, causes very strong irritation. If in a dream you were injured by a splinter, which caused severe pain, then know: a task that was nearing completion will remain unfinished due to the fault of some person.

A large fragment symbolizes a protracted conflict with loved ones or friends. After what happened, your relationship is unlikely to be the same. Before looking in the dream book for what the fragments are meant for, clarify such an important detail as the material from which they were made. This can significantly affect the interpretation of the dream and even change its semantic coloring:

  • Shards of concrete or brick - you will have to change your place of residence, and under extremely unfavorable conditions for you;
  • Shards of unknown material that you boldly step on in a dream - the conflict that has arisen will have to be resolved with the help of physical force;
  • Broken glassware - unfulfilled dreams of cloudless family happiness;
  • Mirror fragments are serious health problems that require immediate attention;
  • Shards from glasses or crystal glasses - an acute conflict will take on a long-lasting character.

If you see shards of glass in a dream, perhaps your quiet family life is under threat. Dream books warn of conflicts and scandals with loved ones. Family hearth and harmonious personal relationships are as fragile matter as glass. That is why interpreters advise protecting your family by any means from numerous negative factors in the outside world. But if you can no longer influence what happened in any way, then try to let go of the situation and free your soul from worries and negative emotions.

Shards in symbolism

According to the language of symbols, fragments in a dream indicate slight irritation, but you will not be able to ignore it. The cause of this unpleasant feeling may be some event or person who has invaded your protective barriers. This is why you feel constant anxiety. In addition, fragments sometimes serve as the personification of unpleasant words or thoughts. Perhaps the dreamer who had such a dream adheres to principles that cause negative feelings. If in a dream you collect the fragments, it means that the unpleasant situation that has occurred is irreversible, no matter how much you want it. Try to learn a useful lesson from this for the future and try not to make such serious mistakes again. However, the consequences of what happened will haunt you for a long time, so try to accept them calmly.

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Why does a woman dream of Shards (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

Shards - The dishes will all pass, and the grief will be forgotten. But if you want to remember something, start keeping a diary or writing a memoir. If you are a collector of antique items, the dream foretells you good luck and finds. Started collecting will bring satisfaction and income. Seeing a Shard - To dream that fragments have pierced your body - small squabbles with members of your family or envious rivals are possible. You prick your leg - someone will pay you an extremely unpleasant visit. Your affairs will gradually deteriorate due to a neglectful attitude towards them.

Why do you dream of Shards (Miller's Dream Book)

Shard - If you dream that fragments are pierced into your body, it means. You will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals. If in a dream, being a guest. You prick your leg - you have to visit someone or you will receive a visit that will turn out to be extremely unpleasant. Your affairs will gradually deteriorate due to your prolonged neglect of them.

Shards of a mirror - Shards of a broken mirror foreshadow sad news about tragic events. Cutting yourself on a piece of a broken mirror in a dream is a negative sign. You may get hurt by a strong and powerful person. Please exercise extreme caution in subsequent communications. Shards - From a pot - you will be at the funeral. You dreamed of Shards - The past cannot be returned, live in the present. The main thing in a dream is not to cut yourself with fragments. Imagine that you are carefully throwing away the fragments. If a cut suddenly occurs, smear it with miraculous ointment so that the cut quickly heals.

Why do you dream about Shards (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Shard - conflict; comments that cause irritation; broken hopes. Splinter - One splinter or several seem to have pierced your body - loved ones will tire you so much with endless nagging and moralizing that you will not want to return home. It’s as if a splinter has wounded your leg - the final result to which you have been working for a long time is just a stone’s throw away, but then someone will stop you. It’s as if you were injured by a piece of glass while visiting - an unpleasant person will come to visit you or you will be forced to pay a visit to an unpleasant person. A splinter in a dream represents a minor irritation.

It is something that has penetrated our protective barriers and is now making us worry. The shards can represent painful words or ideas. Or we ourselves "hold ideas that cause negative feelings. To be part of a splinter group in a dream suggests a sufficient feeling of confidence about something that differs from generally accepted norms. To hit something and split it means to recognize that we are all made up of parts that make up a whole.The feeling of belonging to a group of like-minded people can only come after we know what it is to be isolated.

What does a dream with Shards mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of holding a piece of a broken mirror in your hands and looking into it - a great misfortune is coming - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the summer, why did you dream about fragments of a mirror - the destruction of health.

In the fall, why did you dream of a fragment of a mirror - the remnants of your family happiness.

In winter, why do you dream of mirror fragments - the remnants of your family happiness.

Shards are what are formed when a fragile object breaks. The shard is the personification of loss, a useless remnant of something that was once valuable. In addition, in reality, the fragments have very sharp edges, and cuts from them can be much more painful than from sharpened surfaces.

The fragments are always negative in nature and remind of losses, destruction, some events or quarrels that traumatize the dreamer - it is not for nothing that the expression “breaking pots” is synonymous with a quarrel. The archetypal image of broken dishes is associated with an ancient ritual of funeral or sacrifice - all these symbols can be present in one way or another in a dream. The symbolism of a broken mirror is especially unpleasant.

Dream book of zodiac signs. What do the fragments seen in a dream portend?

A dream in which you are picking up the pieces suggests that you still have opportunities to arrange your failed personal life. Collecting mirror fragments means admitting your guilt in breaking off friendships. If in a dream you look into a fragment of a mirror, this is unlucky or means that you have only one chance left to achieve your goal.

It is possible that after such a dream you will learn some secrets about a person dear to you, most likely from ill-wishers. Seeing mirror fragments in a dream means being disappointed in loved ones or in your hopes. Bright multi-colored shards mean spending time in a friendly company. Shards of ordinary glass - you will be saddened by the behavior of a loved one.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. I dreamed of fragments - what is this for?

A dream about fragments pierced into you is a harbinger of conflicts with household members and ill-wishers. If, while visiting, you prick your leg, a very unpleasant visit awaits you, or your business will begin to decline due to negligence.

Adaskin's dream book. What do the fragments seen in a dream symbolize?

Dreaming of being caught in a fragment is a sign that you will experience related nit-picking or the envy of ill-wishers and opponents. If a splinter pricks you in the leg, your visitors or the people you yourself will visit will behave extremely unpleasantly.

In addition, such a dream warns against negligence in business and their possible deterioration. Shards from broken dishes are an inverse dream that speaks of a reliable and happy family life, strong love. Breaking a jug or collecting fragments in a dream means failure and illness.

Esoteric dream book. What do fragments mean in a dream?

Shards from broken dishes are a sign that everything passes and that all hardships are forgotten. That's why. if you want to keep something in your memory, keep a diary. Archaeological fragments are a very good dream for a collector, which promises him valuable and successful finds.


A dream about broken dishes and fragments from them can have a double meaning. Sometimes this speaks of losses, family conflicts, broken hopes. At the same time, in difficult times, such a dream may indicate that everything is passing, and the dark streak will soon be left behind. Of course, a bad dream is fragments that cause you pain - the same pain will be caused to you by one of your loved ones or ill-wishers.

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