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The problem of attitude towards animals (Unified State Examination in Russian). The problem of attitude towards animals according to the text by M.D. Valeeva (Unified State Exam in Russian) Cruelty to animals arguments from literature

Different qualities live in people: kindness and anger, cruelty and mercy, intelligence and stupidity, love and hatred, indifference and responsiveness. Not everyone can be the same in our world. But it is indifference, I think, that is the cause of many troubles. An indifferent person is a person with a callous or empty heart. It is callous because it is covered with a hard crust, through which goodness and love do not penetrate the soul. Empty - because there is no life in it, the people around it, nature, beauty are not interesting. An indifferent person will pass by someone else's misfortune, protecting his empty heart from misfortune. On the contrary, a person whose soul always feels both someone else’s pain and someone else’s joy is called responsive. This kind of person will always come to the rescue, warm you with words, and support you with deeds.

People show indifference and responsiveness not only towards their own kind, but also towards “our smaller brothers” - animals. This theme is also reflected in works of fiction. Let's look at some examples.

G. Troepolsky’s story “White Bim Black Ear” tells the story of a dog that lost its owner. Poor Bim meets different people on his way. People like Auntie, who chases the poor dog out of the yard, and then calls the dog walkers, who take Bim away. Like Tolik’s father, who takes Bim to the forest at night and ties him to a tree there, dooming him to death. Like Gray: he takes the dog from the boys in order to remove its collar, and beats it. In the same series, Klim, who called himself a hunter, mutilated the poor animal and abandoned it in the forest, and some other characters in the story. Indifference gave rise to anger and cruelty in them. The world does not become a better place from such people. But on Bim’s path he also meets kind, sympathetic people: the girl Dasha, who helped the unfortunate dog as best she could, Khrisan Andreevich and Alyosha took Bim to their place, warmed him up and fed him, the boys who tried to help him, Matryona and Mikhei, the travellers, shared food , left to spend the night in a warm hut. In Troepolsky's story there is almost the same number of indifferent and responsive people. The author wants to say that what the readers themselves become will determine whether there will be more or fewer good people on earth.

L. Andreev’s story “Biteer” also talks about a dog. And the people seem to be described as responsive: they warmed up a stray animal, fed Kusaka, children played with her. For the first time in her life, a dog felt what affection was, became attached to people, and gave them her heart. But summer is over, and why is a mongrel, homeless animal needed in the city? There's so much trouble with him. The summer residents leave, leaving Kusaka to his fate. So does responsiveness live in such people? No, they are indifferent to everything that can interfere with their comfort, they think only about their well-being. Exupery wrote that “you are always responsible for those you have tamed.” But the answer is only those who are responsive to someone else’s misfortune, who will not pass by someone who needs love and support. This does not include the characters in the story.

Indifference to people, to “our smaller brothers,” to the natural world around us does not make people better, but, on the contrary, impoverishes their soul. Responsiveness, mercy, kindness make the world brighter and a person happier.

Here are collected the most pressing problems related to compassion, which are addressed in texts from the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. You will find arguments relevant to these issues under the headings located in the table of contents. You can also download a table with all these examples.

  1. The work clearly demonstrates an example of mercy towards animals Yuri Yakovlev “He killed my dog”. The boy Sasha (nicknamed Tabor), in a conversation with the school principal, talks about a dog abandoned by its previous owners, which he picked up. In the dialogue, it turns out that Sasha was the only one who cared about the life of a stray animal. However, no one treated the dog harsher than the boy's father. He – that’s what Sasha calls his father – killed the dog while he was not at home. For a compassionate child, this cruel and unfair act became a psychological blow, the wound from which will never heal. However, we can think about how great the power of his sympathy is, if even such relationships in the family did not eradicate in him the ability to lend a helping hand.
  2. Gerasim, the hero, showed true mercy to the animal. He saved a small dog stuck in the river mud. With great trepidation, the hero nurses the small defenseless creature, and thanks to Gerasim Mumu, he turns into a “good dog.” The deaf-mute janitor fell in love with the animal he had saved, and Mumu responded in kind: she ran after him everywhere, caressed him and woke him up in the morning. Mumu's death left an indelible mark on the hero's soul. He experienced this event so painfully that he could never love anyone again.

Active and Passive Compassion

  1. The authors of many works included in world and domestic classics endow their heroes with values ​​that correspond to the ability to compassion. Leo Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" endows his beloved heroine, Natasha Rostova, not only with compassion, but also with kindness and a desire to help those in need. In this regard, the scene in which Natasha asks her father to sacrifice their family’s property in order to take the wounded out of besieged Moscow on carts is indicative. While the city governor was throwing pathetic speeches, the young noblewoman helped her fellow citizens not in word, but in deed. (Here's another )
  2. Sonya Marmeladova in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" It is out of a sense of compassion that he sacrifices his own honor and suffers for the poor children of Katerina Ivanovna. The young girl is endowed with the gift of empathy for the pain and need of others. She helps not only her family, her drunken father, but also the main character of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov, showing him the path to repentance and redemption. Thus, the heroes of Russian literature, endowed with the capacity for sympathy and mercy, at the same time demonstrate a willingness to sacrifice themselves.

Lack of compassion and its consequences

  1. Essay by Daniil Granin “On Mercy” reveals this problem. The hero talks about how he fell near his home in the city center, and not a single person helped him. The author, relying only on himself, gets up and goes to the nearest entrance, and then home. The story that happened to the narrator prompts him to think about the reasons for the insensitivity of passersby, because not even a single person asked him what happened to him. Daniil Granin talks not only about his own case, but also about doctors, about stray dogs, about the poor. The author says that the feeling of compassion was strong in the war and post-war years, when the spirit of unity of the people was especially strong, but gradually disappeared.
  2. In one from letters from D.S. Likhacheva For young readers, the author talks about compassion as a care that grows with us from childhood and is a force that unites people. Dmitry Sergeevich believes that a person’s concern, directed only at himself, makes him an egoist. The philologist also claims that compassion is inherent in moral people who are aware of their unity with humanity and the world. The author says that humanity cannot be corrected, but it is possible to change oneself. Therefore D.S. Likhachev stands on the side of active good. (Here are some more suitable ones.
  3. Self-sacrifice out of mercy

    1. In the story “Matryonin’s Dvor” by the Russian writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn The image of Matryona embodies the concept of sacrifice and altruism. All her life Matryona lived for others: she helped neighbors, worked on a collective farm, and did hard work. The episode with the upper room reveals the highest degree of her readiness to sacrifice her own for the good of others. The heroine loved her home very much; the narrator said that for Matryona, giving up the house meant “the end of her life.” But for the sake of her pupil, Matryona sacrifices him and dies, helping to drag the logs. The meaning of her fate, according to the narrator, is very important: the whole village rests on people like her. And, undoubtedly, the self-sacrifice of the righteous woman is evidence of the feeling of compassion for people inherent in a woman to its highest degree.
    2. Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnik, heroine novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", is one of the sacrificial heroes in this work. Dunya is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her loved ones. To save her older brother and mother from poverty, the girl first goes to work as a governess in Svidrigailov’s house, where she suffers insults and shame. Then he decides to “sell himself” - to marry Mr. Luzhin. However, Raskolnikov convinces his sister not to do this, because he is not ready to accept such a sacrifice.
    3. The consequences of compassion and indifference

      1. The ability to sympathize and active, active kindness makes a person happy. Gerasim from stories by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu" By saving a little dog, he not only does good, but also finds a true friend. The dog, in turn, also becomes attached to the janitor. Undoubtedly, the ending of this story is tragic. But the very situation of saving an animal, prompted by Gerasim’s sensitive heart, clearly shows how a person can become happy by once showing mercy and giving his love to another.
      2. In the story by D. V. Grigorovich “The Gutta-percha Boy” Of the entire circus troupe, only the clown Edwards sympathized with the little boy Petya. He taught the boy acrobatic tricks and gave him a dog. Petya was drawn to him, but the clown could not save him from his hard life under the leadership of the cruel acrobat Becker. Both Petya and Edwards are two deeply unhappy people. There is no talk in the work about helping the boy. Edward could not provide a happy life for his child because he suffered from alcohol addiction. And yet, his soul is not devoid of sensitivity. At the end, when Petya dies, the clown becomes even more desperate and cannot control his addiction.
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Topic: Kindness and cruelty towards nature and all living things. Works: V.G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, V. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”, G. Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”.

V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"
The young state needs new hydroelectric power stations, one of which is planned to be built on the banks of the great Angara, flooding the island of Matera with the village of the same name. The huge Larch, which holds Matera with its roots, opposes the construction of a hydroelectric power station. Then the builders and engineers who so desperately tried to destroy “something living” leave. Nature can stand up for itself, but still, people must protect it, they must realize that cruelty to nature will result in disaster for themselves.
The book itself is dedicated to the struggle between new and old life, traditions and modernity. There is one essential image that represents Nature itself - the Master of the Island. This is a spirit that opposes violence against nature and human unreason.
The author brings us the idea that nature is even kinder than us people. She is more merciful and sincere. Everything that surrounds us is nature.
In the story, the author talks about the flooding of the island of Matera and the relocation of old people to comfortable city apartments. The writer’s focus is on the elderly, addressing “administrative people” who do not understand the feelings of the residents of Matera, for whom the cemetery is the “home” of their departed relatives. This is the place where they remember their ancestors, talk to them, and this is the place where they would be brought after death. The residents of Matera are being deprived of all this, and even before their own eyes. People understand that flooding will still happen, but “this cleanup could have been done in the end so that we won’t see…”. This is how the story raises the question of the cruel indifferent attitude of the authorities towards the people. Rasputin shows how responsive officials are, justifying their actions for the good of the entire people.

V. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”

Another hero who shows cruelty to the natural world is the fisherman Ignatyich, who breaks the unwritten law of nature to take from it only what is needed for life. The poacher wants to catch the king fish, and alone, so that he does not have to share with anyone. He goes fishing and catches a fish that turns out to be stronger. A huge sturgeon pulls Ignatyich to the bottom.
Fighting for his life, the fisherman fights with nature itself. And again she turns out to be kinder and more merciful than a person. Nature, like a mother, gives a fallen child the opportunity to correct himself. In these moments of struggle with an enemy who is clearly superior to him in strength, his whole life flashes through the fisherman’s mind, he understands how much evil he has committed in his life, how cruel he was at times.

G. Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear” Speaking about the attitude, kind or cruel, to the natural world, one cannot help but turn to works that tell about the fate of animals. One of these is the story by G. Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”.
The author focuses on the fate of the Scottish setter Bim, who was left alone with strangers during his owner’s illness.
Former front-line soldier Ivan Ivanovich is a kind man, he took in a “defective” puppy (he let down his entire breed by being born with the wrong color) and turned him into a good, kind hunting dog.
But not all neighbors are happy with the dog. The shrill aunt becomes Bim's worst enemy for no reason. Her hatred leads the dog to a tragic death. The greed of Gray, a collector of dog collars, makes one doubt his integrity. The cowardly Klim, having beaten the dog for disobedience, leaves it to die in the forest. A tram driver makes money by selling a Bim that does not belong to him.
G. Troepolsky shows many such heroes, cruel, cynical, angry towards a homeless wandering dog, which turned out to be powerless in the face of the cruelty of people. Of course, Bim met good, kind people on his way, but they could not save the dog from death.
The sad ending of the story teaches us kindness and compassionate attitude towards animals.

The problem of people's attitude towards animals is very important these days. This is precisely what the writer Valeeva makes you think about in her story. Over what this attitude should be. The writer shows cruelty and indifference. The picture she describes is depressing and terrifying. And great sympathy rises in my soul for the two main characters of the work. A pair of wolves living in a zoo.

Every day is a test for animals. Their life in captivity is difficult and unbearable. They were fed poorly, and the animals became very thin. One day, a wolf was brutally beaten with iron rods just because he tried to escape in an effort to be free. This incident gave the animal lameness. The zoo workers treated the wolf and she-wolf with disdain and indifference. During ten years of life in captivity, the predators never received names. Beautiful and strong animals slowly died among cruel people. And if wolf cubs appeared, they were almost always immediately taken away from their mother, only once allowing the she-wolf to feed them. According to the writer, such an attitude towards animals is unacceptable, and cruelty and indifference must be fought.

I agree with Valeeva’s point of view. Indeed, our smaller brothers need to be treated with love and care. It is very important to always show humanity and kindness towards animals. Abuse of them is a huge evil that needs to be fought. We need to learn to protect and understand nature. And it’s worth starting with animals, which are an important part of it.

In fiction, there are many works that discuss the relationship between man and animal. This is a very old and important question. It has been thought about for many times. This problem has been of interest to many people for a very long time.

The problem of the relationship between man and animal is raised in L. Andreev's story "Bite". The work tells the story of a stray dog, embittered at the world and people. One day she settles in one of the dachas where people come in the summer. They tamed the dog, gave it a nickname, made it fall in love and become attached to them. The animal became kind and joyful. But then the people left and left Kusaka alone. They acted very cruelly towards the unfortunate dog.

In the story of G.N Troepolsky, the question of the relationship between man and animal is of great importance. The hero of the story, hunter Ivan Ivanovich, has a dog named Bim. The man was very attached to his pet. Ivan Ivanovich took him hunting and taught him. But one day he got sick and left for surgery. Bim was left alone. The dog went in search of his owner and got lost among the city and people. Returning from the hospital, Ivan Ivanovich looked for the dog and hoped for the best until the last. The death of a friend was a tragedy for the hunter.

So, the attitude towards animals should be careful and caring. It is important to treat our smaller brothers with respect and love. After all, someone who treats an animal poorly cannot treat anyone else well.

1. Chingiz Aitmanov “The Scaffold”. The work shows how a person destroys the world around him with his own hands. People abuse saigas; wolf cubs die due to man-made fires. Not knowing where to direct her maternal love, the she-wolf becomes attached to the human child. People, not realizing this, shoot at her, but one of them ends up killing his own son. The death of a child can be blamed not on the she-wolf, but on the people who barbarously invaded her territory, exterminated her children, and therefore took up arms against nature. The work “The Scaffold” shows the consequences of such an attitude towards the living.

2. The problem of indifference to animals is often revealed on the pages of works of literature. For example, in the story L. Andreeva “Bite” tells about the unfortunate fate of a dog. Life taught her to defend herself and not trust people. But with the onset of spring, summer residents appeared, warmed and caressed the dog, and her heart thawed. Kusaka (that’s the nickname she was given) sincerely became attached to them and began to consider them her masters. And with the onset of autumn, the summer residents left for the city, leaving the unfortunate dog to the mercy of fate. And again her faith in people was destroyed.