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Recipe for classic cottage cheese cheesecake. Making homemade cheesecake using delicious recipes

To prepare an original and very tasty dessert that will surprise your loved ones and guests, you should pay attention to the recipe for cottage cheese cheesecake. This dish does not require special cooking skills and is prepared from available ingredients. Classic cottage cheese cheesecake is an excellent option for tea drinking; it can even be given to children without fear of developing an allergic reaction. All components are useful for humans.

Compared to the cost of mascarpone cheesecake, of course, cottage cheese is a more affordable, but no less tasty option. Many housewives have already taken note of the recipe for curd cheesecake; at home, you can add berries and other fillings to it at your discretion.

When preparing the dish, you should focus not only on the classic cottage cheese cheesecake recipe, but also on the basic tricks:

  1. Do not overcook the cake in the oven, otherwise it will crack.
  2. Cool the homemade cheesecake with cottage cheese gradually - first with the oven door open, then on the table, and only after that, you can put the delicacy in the refrigerator.
  3. You should use a springform baking pan to avoid breaking the cake after cooking.
  4. The mold must first be covered with baking paper.
  5. To avoid cracks in the filling, mix it at the minimum speed of the mixer.
  6. All ingredients should be at room temperature before starting cooking.
  7. For the filling, it is recommended to choose soft cottage cheese with high fat content, stirring it until it has a creamy texture; you can also make a cheesecake with cottage cheese.
  8. The base is made from shortbread crumbs with the addition of butter or from shortbread dough prepared independently.
  9. Chill the cheesecake before serving.

These features of making curd cheesecake will make the process much easier.

Classic recipe

Classic curd cheesecake tastes as closely as possible to dishes prepared according to original recipes from mascarpone cheese. But making a dish with cottage cheese is much more accessible, it requires the simplest ingredients, the result will delight any housewife with its originality, taste and sophistication. It can be decorated with fruits or berries, confiture


Cooking steps

Recipe with mascarpone

Initially, it was customary to prepare the dish from mascarpone cheese, and not from cottage cheese, but over time, to reduce the cost, many housewives began to make dessert with cottage cheese. Some people use cheesecake with mascarpone and half-and-half cottage cheese as a base. The cooking process is very fast and the taste is excellent.

For the shortbread you will need:

  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 heaped tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • salt;
  • one protein;
  • approximately 1 cup of flour (the exact amount is determined by the consistency of the dough - it should become like slightly melted plasticine).

For the cream you will need:

  • 200 g mascarpone cheese;
  • 200 g fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • salt;
  • 1 egg and 1 yolk.

Cooking process

Cooking begins with shortbread.

No Bake Recipe

There are cheesecake recipes that don't require the use of an oven. Anyone can make cottage cheesecake without baking.


To prepare without baking you will need:

  • baked milk cookies – 300 g;
  • hazelnuts – 150 g;
  • melted butter – 150 g;
  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • gelatin – 15 mg;
  • granulated sugar – 120 g;
  • cream – 50 ml.

Cooking steps

  1. Cooking starts with the base. The hazelnuts are finely chopped, the cookies are ground into crumbs and mixed with nuts and melted butter.
  2. The resulting mass is spread into the mold in an even layer and compacted thoroughly.
  3. To prepare the filling, gelatin is dissolved in warm water, any berries are ground by hand or in a blender, cottage cheese is passed through a sieve or also in a blender.
  4. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and placed on the bottom cake.
  5. Curd cheesecake with gelatin is placed in the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes.

This is a super easy no bake cheesecake recipe.

Recipe in a slow cooker

This dessert takes about two hours to prepare. This is easier to do than in the oven; you don’t need to constantly monitor the temperature and worry that the cheesecake will burn or crack. The multicooker will provide ideal conditions for preparing a wonderful dish.


To bake in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 400 g shortbread cookies;
  • 600 g of cottage cheese (can be divided into 300 g with cottage cheese);
  • 200 g butter;
  • 4 things. eggs;
  • 150 ml heavy cream;
  • lemon zest.

Cooking steps


Cheesecake recipes with and without baking:

Cheesecake is a cheese dessert (literally from English: cheese - cheese, cake - pie, cupcake), baked without dough or chilled at a low temperature and consisting of a fluffy filling. Cheesecake is a dish of predominantly American and European cuisines. It was from there that he came to us.

At home, cheese dessert is prepared exclusively from selected varieties of cream cheese, but some countries often partially or completely replace cheese with soft, fatty cottage cheese. As a result, the dessert is similar in appearance to the original and turns out no worse than a cheesecake prepared according to a traditional recipe, although the taste of such a product will be slightly different.

The base of a cottage cheesecake is usually cottage cheese, butter and crumbled biscuits. Oil and crumbs in a 1:2 ratio are mixed into a homogeneous mass, which is used to line the entire internal surface of the removable mold, including the sides. The result is a kind of “container” where we will put the cottage cheese filling.

In addition to cottage cheese, sugar, cream (sour cream), fruits, berries, raisins, vanillin, cinnamon, lemon zest, nuts, chocolate and other ingredients are added to the cheesecake filling. Then the mixture of ingredients is thoroughly beaten (to make the filling tender and fluffy), placed in a mold and baked at 160-180 C or kept in the cold. After which the delicacy is served on the table and consumed as dessert.

Curd cheesecake - food preparation

To prepare curd cheesecake, we will use any crumbly cookies, which must be crushed into fine crumbs, butter previously softened at room temperature, sugar (it is better to take fine sugar) and cottage cheese. Note that cottage cheese should not have a low fat content, otherwise the quality of the finished cheesecake will be sharply reduced. In addition, the cottage cheese should be passed through a sieve (sieve or blender) to crush all the grains.

Curd cheesecake - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Curd cheesecake from Yubileinoye cookies

Curd cheesecake based on Yubileiny cookies is deservedly considered one of the best desserts. Firstly, it is very healthy, thanks to the cottage cheese and grains contained in the cookies. Secondly, dessert is made in a matter of minutes. And the lemon zest included in the dish, combined with cottage cheese, will give it an unusually rich taste and a bright “sunny” shade.


— 600 gr. fat cottage cheese
— 250 gr. Yubileiny cookies
- 100 gr. softened butter
- three eggs
- 100 gr. sour cream
— 150-170 gr. Sahara
- vanillin to taste
- one lemon (zest)

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cookies into crumbs (this can be done using a blender). Add oil and mix into a homogeneous mass. Place it in a greased pan with high sides.

2. Smooth the dough over the inner surface, also make sides of the dough about 3 cm high. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour for good fixation.

3. While the “dough” is cooling, let’s make the filling. We carefully rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, crushing all the lumps. Now beat the eggs, vanilla and sugar separately. Mix with cottage cheese. We'll also add sour cream and the zest of one lemon (you can take a tangerine or orange). Beat the mixture again for about one minute.

4. Take out the chilled “dough” and put the resulting curd filling inside. We smooth it well to the very top of the dough sides. Place the dessert in an oven preheated to 170 C for 50 minutes. Cool the finished cheesecake. Remove from the mold, cool (preferably, but not necessarily) and serve.

Recipe 2: Cherry curd and chocolate cheesecake

The combination of natural cherries, chocolate cookies, cocoa and cottage cheese makes the cheesecake amazingly delicious! By the way, you can use not only fresh cherries, but also fresh frozen ones. A few berries should be left to decorate the surface of the sweet curd cheesecake. You can buy absolutely any cookies to suit your taste.


- one and a half glasses of finely ground cookies (any chocolate)
- one fourth cup of sugar (bottom layer)
- one table. spoon of melted l. oils
- one egg white
- two glasses of whole cherries (cherries)
- one fourth cup sugar (top layer)
- one tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
- two teaspoons of starch

For filling:

— 500 gr. cottage cheese
- one glass of sour cream
- half a glass of thick condensed milk
- a glass (or a little more) of sugar
- three tbsp. spoons cocoa (powder)
- two teaspoons of vanillin
- two eggs
- 100 gr. dark chocolate

Cooking method:

1. Separate the cherries from the pits and grind the pulp in a blender. Leave a few berries for the top layer. Place cherry puree, starch, sugar and lemon juice into a container. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for two to three minutes. Remove from fire, cool.

2. In a deep bowl, mix cookies (crumbs), sugar, butter and egg white. Place the mixture in a greased mold with sides, lifting the sides of the dough by 3-4 centimeters. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 150 C for 10 minutes. Then let the crust cool.

3. While the base is cooling, make the filling. We wipe the cottage cheese, beat it with condensed milk, sour cream, cocoa, vanilla, eggs, chocolate melted in a water bath and sugar. Pour the filling into the cooled crust. Place the cheesecake in the oven (temperature - 150 C) and bake for about forty minutes.

4. Grease the finished pie with a thick cherry sling, and place whole berries on top. Refrigerate the curd cheesecake for at least four hours. And then we eat.

Recipe 3: No-Bake Curd Cheesecake

An undeniable advantage of cheesecake is that it does not require baking, which allows you to retain absolutely all the beneficial substances in the dish. It takes no more than half an hour to prepare and about four hours to cool. The dessert turns out simply great in taste, satisfying, juicy, bright and, most importantly, healthy. The best solution for any sweet tooth!


- “Coconut” cookies (or any other)
- 200 gr. butter
— 500 gr. medium fat cottage cheese
- 200 gr. heavy cream
- half a glass of sugar
- any fruits or berries for the top layer, about 300 g.
- three tbsp. spoons of agar-agar (powder)
- 50 gr. water
- syrup from the fruit (berry) that you choose as the first layer
- agar-agar - two tbsp. spoons (for jelly)

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cookies into crumbs. Mix it with softened butter. Line the inner surface of a deep container with cling film. Spread the mixture out, forming small sides of dough. Place the base in the refrigerator to cool.

2. Prepare the filling. Finely chop the fruits (berries). Grind the cottage cheese, mix it with sugar and fruit.

3. Pour cream into a saucepan, add agar-agar, mix and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring. Turn off the stove. Cool the cream and mix with the curd and fruit mixture. The filling is ready.

4. Take the “dough” out of the refrigerator and put the filling on it. Carefully level it out. Let's prepare the jelly. To do this, chop the fruits, mix with sugar, water, and add agar-agar. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for about one to two minutes. Let cool.

5. Pour the resulting syrup over the curd cheesecake. Decorate the pie with fruit on top and refrigerate it for 4 hours (or overnight). Cheesecake is ready! We remove it from the container by pulling the cling film and enjoy it.

During the baking process of curd cheesecake, you may encounter a very unpleasant problem - unsightly cracks may appear on its surface. To avoid this, bake the cheesecake at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees, and then slowly cool directly in the oven, but the door must be opened slightly. Only after this the cheesecake is taken out and, using a knife, carefully separated from the walls of the mold.

The cheesecake recipe has many cooking variations - from classic ones, based on simple and accessible ingredients, to intricate ones, made from many components, requiring several stages of preliminary preparation. Below are the most interesting recipes that you definitely need to try!

Classic cheesecake with cream cheese

  • sand cookies - 200 gr;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • drain cheese (traditionally Philadelphia) - 800 gr;
  • sugar - 220 gr;
  • cream - 160 ml;
  • eggs - 4 units;
  • lemon zest;
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 table. l.

Crush the cookies until they are very fine crumbs. Pour in the milk in a thin stream, stirring with a spatula. Spread the shortbread dough evenly into the springform pan.

Combine cheese and sugar and mix with a whisk until smooth. Add eggs one at a time, stirring each time until smooth. The result is a paste-like homogeneous mass. For aroma, add juice, vanilla and extract. Mix. Add the cream and whisk again.

Wrap the bottom and sides of the mold with foil - this is necessary to insulate the mold for subsequent cooking of the cheesecake in a water bath. It is recommended to use 2-3 layers of foil.

Pour the cheese mixture onto the base and distribute evenly. Place in a deep baking tray, into which we pour a little water. We bake at 150 degrees. within one and a half hours. Water needs to be added periodically as it will evaporate.

The cheesecake should be allowed to cool at room temperature and then removed from the pan. It is recommended to serve this delicate dessert with berry toppings.

On a note. You can use classic shortbread or chocolate cookies. Milk is a classic component for moistening the mass. Brewed coffee goes well with chocolate product.

No bake recipe

We suggest making a no-bake cheesecake with melon flavor.

  • 500 grams of fat cottage cheese;
  • 300 grams of ripe melon pulp;
  • 200 grams of heavy cream;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • tsp lim. juice;
  • 20 grams of gelatin per 120 grams of water;
  • 200 grams of cookies;
  • 80 g plums. oils

Grind the cookies in a convenient way. Combine with melted butter and mix by hand.

We place the mold on a flat dish, lay out the sand base inside and tamp it down. We send it into the cold.

Mix cottage cheese, melon and sugar using a submersible blender or meat grinder - you get a smooth, homogeneous mass. Add melted gelatin and juice and whisk for a few minutes.

Separately, beat the chilled cream until it forms a stiff foam. Combine with the curd mass, stirring with a spatula.

Fill the base with cream. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, we recommend adding salted caramel and crushed nuts.

On a note. Cream can be replaced with sour cream.

In a slow cooker

  • Philadelphia cheese - 600 gr;
  • biscuit cookies - 175 gr;
  • drain butter - 75 g;
  • sah. powder - 250 gr;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • cream - 80 ml.

The base is prepared in the same way as in previous versions - cookie crumbs are mixed with melted butter, tamped onto the bottom of a multi-cooker bowl, covered with baking paper.

The creamy mass is also prepared by combining cheese, cream, eggs, powder and sugar. Pour over the base.

The cheesecake is baked for an hour in the “Baking” mode.

Curd cheesecake with cookies

Curd cheesecake is a dessert in the preparation of which traditional Philadelphia is replaced with cottage cheese. Cheesecake will taste best with a high-fat homemade product. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dessert, use low-fat cottage cheese.

To prepare the base, use homemade finger cookies - they make the crust very tender and moderately dense.

With mascarpone at home

  • butter – 120 g;
  • sugar – 160 gr;
  • shortbread cookies – 220 gr;
  • cream – 220 ml;
  • eggs – 3 units;
  • vanilla bean (powder can be used) – 1 unit;
  • Italian cream cheese – 500 gr.

Break the cookies into crumbs with your hands, then combine with soft butter.
Mix until smooth.

Choose a removable mold with a diameter of 20 - 22 cm. Transfer the finished base, assemble the cake with edges more than 2 cm high. Place in a cool place for 20 minutes.
Mix cream cheese with sugar until smooth.

Slowly add heavy cream, stirring vigorously.

Now you can introduce the eggs.

Finish preparing the filling with vanilla seeds and stir.

Remove the pan from the refrigerator and wrap it in 4 layers of thick foil. Pour the contents of the filling over the base.

Place the cheesecake on a wide baking sheet and fill the pan halfway with water.
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, bake for 80 minutes. Remove the pie and carefully separate the base from the sides. Do not remove, it will cool at room temperature.

Place the warm cheesecake on a large plate and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Garnish with fragrant mint sprigs or fresh strawberries.

Cheesecake Andy Chef with raspberries

Andy Chef's cheesecake, which uses raspberries, is a dessert with a summery, sweet, berry flavor. It will perfectly refresh you in the summer season and give warm memories of summer days in the winter.

To prepare you will need:

  • Italian cream cheese – 750 gr;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 3 units;
  • cream – 120 ml;
  • sugar - 270 gr;
  • yolks – 2 units;
  • cookies – 220 gr;
  • starch - 15 gr.

Break the cookies or use a blender. Combine softened butter with shortbread crumbs.

Place the cake in a removable pan. Use a regular tablespoon to decorate the sides.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and prepare the zest. Mix the tender cheese with sugar, starch, and grated zest. Beat until smooth. Add eggs and yolks carefully, stirring.

Now combine the curd and cream mixture with lemon juice and heavy cream. Mix well.

Pour 1⁄2 of the cream mixture into the mold, scatter the fresh berries. Cover with the rest of the prepared cream.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the pan with the cheesecake for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 105 degrees. Let the cheesecake stand for 60 – 90 minutes.

Decorate the finished dish with raspberries.

On a note. The cheesecake will settle quickly if you keep opening the oven door. Sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed.

With added strawberries

  • cookies without additives – 0.3 kg;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • sweet cheese – 510 gr;
  • cream – 0.2 l;
  • butter – 145 g;
  • sugar – 145 g;
  • fresh strawberries – 0.1 kg

Pour gelatin with purified water and place in a cool place for 1 hour. Prepare the cheesecake base.

Finely break the cookies and combine with softened butter. Generously grease baking paper with oil and place on the bottom of the pan. Place the crust in the refrigerator for 25 minutes.

Place the gelatin in the container on the fire. When it boils, remove. Combine cream with powdered sugar, add cheese and warm gelatin. Mix thoroughly.
Divide the berries into 2 parts. The first one is to be set aside for processing. Mix the second with the filling, beat with a mixer or whisk. Transfer to pan on top of base.
Garnish with the other strawberry half and place in a cool place for 4 hours. After the dessert has hardened, add mint sprigs.

Chocolate cheesecake

  • sand cookies - 300 gr;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • fat cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • chilled heavy cream - 500 g;
  • sah. powder - 130 g;
  • dark chocolate - 2 bars;
  • sl. butter - 110 g;
  • coffee dissolved in water - 100 ml;
  • cocoa for decoration

Grind the cookies with a blender or rolling pin. Stir in ghee. Pour the mixture into the mold, compact it and place it in the refrigerator.

Prepare a small cup of coffee and pour gelatin into it.

Using a blender, turn the cottage cheese into a paste. Whip the cream to a stable foam, add the powder and whisk for a couple more minutes.

Melt the chocolate, cool and add to the curd mass. Add gelatin and cream, mix well.

Place the cream on the cake, cover the pan with film and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Sprinkle with cocoa when serving.

How to cook with bananas?

Calculation of products for a springform mold with a diameter of 24 cm.

The basis:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 100 grams of melted plums. oils;
  • egg;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • ½ tsp. slaked soda.


  • 300 g cream cheese;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. van. Sahara;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 200 ml 33% cream;
  • 3 avg. banana;
  • tsp bath Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Immediately prepare the mold by lining it with paper.

We combine the bulk components of the base, three oils. Grind by hand into crumbs. Add the egg and stir. You will get a dense lump of dough - it needs to be distributed along the bottom of the mold. To ensure the base is even, pierce it with a fork in many places. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour or in the freezer for a quarter of an hour. Bake at 200 degrees. within 20 minutes.

Pour gelatin with a small amount of water. After a quarter of an hour, heat it over low heat, stirring until it dissolves.

  • cracker cookies – 100-150 g;
  • drain butter – 70 g;
  • sifted flour – 70 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs, 4-5 units;
  • Philadelphia – 1300 gr.

Turn the cookies into crumbs and add butter to them.
Next, pour the mixture into the pan and bake for at least 15 minutes.
At the next stage, beat the cheese and add all the other dry ingredients to it. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly with a mixer and pour onto the crust.
Place the mold on a baking sheet, into which you first pour a little hot water. Bake for 40-50 minutes, the temperature is 170-180 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees. and bake the dessert for another 30 minutes.

Pumpkin cheesecake with cottage cheese

  • peeled pumpkin – 0.5 kg;
  • cookies – 0.25 kg;
  • cottage cheese – 0.3 kg;
  • 3 eggs;
  • starch – 40 g;
  • butter – 55-65 g;
  • sugar – 250 gr;
  • cinnamon – 1.5 g;
  • vanillin.

For this delicacy, you can use both homemade cottage cheese and store-bought curd mass.

Turn the cookies into crumbs and add butter, egg and grind everything. Form a ball from the resulting mass and put it in the refrigerator.

Boil the pumpkin until soft and make a puree from it. Cool.

Beat eggs and sugar. Add cottage cheese and beat again - you should get a soft, homogeneous base.

Then add the remaining ingredients: vanillin, cinnamon, lemon zest, starch.
Combine pumpkin and cottage cheese mixture and mix.

Grease the mold with butter and place the cookies. Place pumpkin-curd mixture on top.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies will definitely appeal to all lovers of homemade sweets. But before you start cooking and consider the step-by-step recipe for cheesecake, which does not need to be baked, since its base will be cookies, I would like to say a few words about the dish itself. America is considered to be the birthplace of cheesecakes, although some culinary experts believe that the dish was born in Great Britain.

In some sources, in particular on Wikipedia, you can read that the birthplace of the first cheesecakes is Ancient Greece. Perhaps this is so, because even in ancient times the Greeks knew how to produce a large number of different types of cheese and prepared numerous dishes from them.

It's no secret that cheesecakes are made from cottage cheese and they come in completely different types. There are cheesecakes that are baked in the oven, just like cheesecakes, and there are also those that do not require baking. Probably the second type of cheesecake is more popular. Personally, I like no-bake cheesecakes much more, since they taste like cottage cheese mousse or soufflé, and the base of crackers, cookies or cereal makes them even more tasty and satisfying.

In the summer, you can add fresh berries and fruits to the cheesecake, which will have a beneficial effect not only on its taste, but also on its appearance, because a beautifully decorated cheesecake always looks appetizing.

Today I want to offer you a British version of cooking Cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies according to a step-by-step recipe.

Ingredients for the cheesecake base:

  • Cookies for tea - 300 gr.,
  • Dark cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.,
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • Butter - 100 gr.,

Ingredients for the creamy cheesecake base:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.,
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 1 cup,
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.,
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet,
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons,

For the apricot confit:

  • Apricot jam - 300 ml.,
  • Gelatin - 15 g.,
  • Hot water - 100 ml.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies - recipe

Let's start making no-bake cheesecake by preparing the base. Melt the butter in a water bath and wait until it cools.

Pour the cooled gelatin into the curd cheesecake base. Using a mixer or immersion blender, beat the mass again. That's it, the no-bake cheesecake base is ready.

Remove the mold from the refrigerator. Pour out the curd mixture.

Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for about 3-4 hours until the curd layer hardens and becomes dense. Prepare the confit. Boil the apricot jam. Pour hot water over gelatin. After it dissolves and the water becomes viscous, add to the jam. Stir.

Pour the prepared apricot confit over the curd cheesecake. Place in the refrigerator until this layer hardens completely.

As I wrote earlier in some recipes, you can speed up the thickening process of dishes that contain gelatin using the freezer. When preparing cheesecake using the freezer, it is important not to overfreeze it.

Serve the no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies immediately after cooking, more precisely, after its two layers have hardened. By the way, I would also like to add that instead of apricot confit, you can prepare absolutely any other confit from various jams, confitures, preserves, or even fresh berries and fruits.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies. Photo

Step 1: prepare the cookie base.

First of all, the cookies need to be crushed. Go over it with a rolling pin or put it in a blender.

Mix soft butter with sugar, and then add cookie crumbs to this mixture and mix everything very well to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Step 2: Place the base in the mold.

Grease a cheesecake pan with a little butter and place the cookie mixture in it.

Using a spoon, stretch the cookies over the entire bottom of the pan and go into 2 centimeters around the edges. For now, put it all in the refrigerator, just enough for as long as you need to prepare the curd mass.

Step 3: mix the curd mass.

To prepare the curd mass, simply mix all its ingredients using a mixer until you get a completely homogeneous consistency. First, mix cottage cheese with sugar and a pinch of salt at low speed, then flour and sour cream, and then beat in one egg at a time, stirring thoroughly after each. Add the lemon zest and vanilla last.

Step 4: bake cheesecake from cottage cheese and cookies.

Remove the pan from the refrigerator and carefully pour the curd mixture onto the cookie base.

Bake the cheesecake first 170 degrees(in preheated oven) for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 120 degrees and bake some more 60 minutes. But don’t leave the cheesecake unattended, especially if you’re making it for the first time, since it all depends on your oven, and the cottage cheese may start to burn and become too “brown” crusted.

Step 5: decorate the cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies.

When the cottage cheese and cookie cheesecake is ready, leave it to cool at room temperature. It should cool completely, ideally prepare the dessert in the evening, and decorate and serve it in the morning.
You can decorate the cheesecake with whatever your heart desires. Here it's homemade berry jam. But just powdered sugar and chocolate glaze will do, and even without anything else the dessert will be delicious.

Step 6: Serve cheesecake made from cottage cheese and cookies.

Cut your cheesecake into portions and serve with tea or other drinks.

It turns out a delicious dessert to the delight of those with a sweet tooth.
Bon appetit!

In the summer, to decorate a cheesecake, simply grind the berries with sugar, you can add sour cream and you will get an excellent cream.