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The shortest man in the world. What does a person's height depend on? The shortest people in the world

The smallest person who ever lived on the planet was a resident of Nepal named Chandra Bahadur Dangi. No one would have known about him if not for chance.

One day, in a remote village, a lumberjack saw an incredibly small man. He was very surprised by the tiny growth of the dwarf, so he decided to tell journalists about him.

Dungy died in 2015 at the age of 76. His height was less than 55 cm and his weight was only 14.5 kg.

The smallest man in the world

Chandra Bahadur Dangi was born in 1939 in Nepal. He lived all the time with his older brother's family in a village that did not even have electricity.

Due to his extremely small stature, Dungy found it very difficult to find suitable work for himself. He sold napkins and belts for carrying loads at the market, and thus earned his living.

In addition, Chandra helped shepherds graze herds of cattle. As a rule, Dangi ate rice, fruits and vegetables. He ate meat infrequently and in small quantities.

According to the smallest man, he remembers his parents very vaguely. But he had 2 sisters and 6 brothers. Interestingly, the brothers’ height was also small and did not exceed 120 cm, which gives reason to think about the complexity.

Unfortunately, none of our hero’s relatives can say at what age Danga stopped growing.

Health status

Surprisingly, throughout his entire life, the smallest man never sought help from doctors or was hospitalized. His relatives claim that he did not suffer from serious illnesses and was not injured.

Immediately before officially recording the record as the smallest person, Chandru was carefully examined by doctors, who also did not reveal any health problems.

Dungy himself claims that sometimes he gets a fever. To get rid of it, he dilutes turmeric in water and drinks the liquid. After a couple of days, the fever completely disappears.

According to doctors, such an abnormally short stature is a consequence of a dwarf disease that formed in his mother’s womb.

Chandra Danga Records

In 2012, in Kathmandu, employees of the Guinness Book of Records carried out corresponding measurements of Dangi’s growth. As a result, he set 2 new records:

  1. The smallest person on the planet. Previously, the record belonged to the Filipino Junri Baluinga with a height of 59.9 cm.
  2. The smallest person in the entire history of the Guinness Book. Before Chandra, this title belonged to the Indian Gul Mohammed, with a height of 57 cm.

Moreover, since Dungy managed to live to 76 years, he also became the longest-living record holder among all known dwarfs.

When Chadra, in addition to the titles he received, was awarded a monetary reward, he wanted to spend these funds on travel to see the world.

Interesting facts about the smallest man

  • Only at the age of 67 did Dangi manage to travel outside his native village for the first time.
  • Chandra's height is smaller than the size of the newspaper on the pages of which his achievement was reported.
  • While eating, he sat not on a chair, but directly on the tabletop.
  • One day Dunga was asked why he had not previously claimed the title of the smallest man in the world. Surprisingly, it turned out that neither he nor his family had ever heard of the Guinness Book.
  • Despite his short stature, Chandra's head is of the correct size.
  • Shortly before his death, he wanted to establish a charitable foundation to help fellow villagers and poor people from his country.
  • With his disproportionate body structure, Dungy could fully walk and even climb stairs.
  • Like everyone else, in his youth he wanted to get married, but due to his short stature he was never able to find a wife.

Photo of the world's smallest man

We rarely think about what we cannot see with our own eyes. And the world is full of amazing facts that you should know about. They apply to any “creations”. However, the most interesting facts are about people. They never cease to amaze. For example, do you know what the shortest man in the world is? Do you know his height and his lifestyle? No? Let's figure it out together.

A little about our differences

Before finding out who currently holds the title of “the shortest man in the world,” it is suggested to look at society as a whole. We all have individual characteristics. Some stay with us for life, others change over time. These include, for example, weight. It can change significantly over time. But this does not happen with skin color or height. No, of course, and they change, but not so significantly. The skin may become tanned. But after a certain age, almost all people’s height remains unchanged. There are special cases associated with deviations in physiological processes, but we will not touch on them. The shortest man in the world (whoever he is) is also something of an aberration. Scientists say that in such people a certain hormone responsible for increasing size does not work. However, these people have to live with this “characteristic”. They find their calling, start families, and work. Even, as the facts say, they achieve certain successes.

About clarifications

When they say “the shortest man in the world,” they mean a certain person. But you and I understand that there are many of them. That is, the people on the planet are constantly renewing themselves. Babies are born, develop and grow. Sometimes a new record holder appears among them. Therefore, if you want to know how tall the shortest person in the world is, you need to indicate the period. That is, to specify what exactly is meant.

Are you wondering who currently holds this title? Maybe you want to know which of the people who lived throughout time were distinguished by their small stature? These are different data. Of course, they rarely reach us from the depths of history. However, you can glean the necessary information from special sources that began to exist when the letter appeared. Well, over time, people realized the value of information. Now there are special organizations that collect and store it for the living and their descendants. You can, for example, find out what the Guinness record is in this area. deserves to be included in this volume.

About the first record

Gul Mohammed became famous thanks to the Guinness book. He became the first record holder in this category. This man lived in the Indian city of New Delhi. His height was described as being only fifty-seven centimeters. This “baby” lived for forty years. They say he had an addiction to tobacco. This is what ruined him. The first record holder died in 1997. He was killed by a common cold, which caused a serious complication. Gul weighed only seventeen kilograms. His story can serve as a kind of negative example for young people. Tobacco does not prolong the life of anyone, regardless of height and weight. However, for such a miniature man, it naturally turned out to be even more destructive than for others.

Next record holder

Not long ago, the world learned the name of a new contender for the title of shortest. He became a citizen of Nepal. His name is Chandra Bahadur Dnagi. This contender's height is even shorter. It is only fifty-six centimeters. This man weighs only twelve kilograms. But age impresses everyone, especially specialists. The fact is that people whose growth has stopped in infancy rarely stay in this world for long. This is due to changes in their physiology. However, Chandra had already celebrated his seventy-second anniversary. This fact alone is worthy of being included in the Book of Records.

It was his lifestyle that allowed this man to remain unknown for so long. He never went to the hospital. He lives in solitude and is engaged in sewing household items, including hats and special bedding for carrying heavy loads on the back. Chandra is feeling great. He said that the secret to his health is turmeric. He dilutes it in warm water and uses it regularly. Chandra's only regret is that he could not create his own family. Besides, he has a dream. He wants to see the world. Recognition as a record holder could give him the opportunity to fulfill his dream.

Official winner

A few words about the person who was included in the Book of Records. It turned out to be Junry Baluinga, who lives in the Philippines. His height is almost sixty centimeters. He stopped changing when Junri turned one year old. At the same time, its development stopped. Nowadays he can only communicate in short phrases, without touching on complex topics. It is interesting that the family in which the record holder was born has other children. They developed normally. Only Junri turned out to be different from everyone else. Doctors were unable to determine the reasons for this phenomenon. However, the record holder hopes that there will be specialists who can help him. Let's wish him success.

The lowest and the most in the world

The idea of ​​a meeting of record holders turned out to be interesting. It is now hardly possible to find out who came up with this wonderful idea. However, a photograph showing the tallest and smallest man in the world has spread all over the planet. It is surprising and thought-provoking. We are so different, but we all deserve a normal life. Is it really that difficult to come to an agreement?

Last time, on the pages of our website you read an article about. But after it the question remained unanswered: who is the smallest person on the planet. The shortest is Chandra Bahadur Dangi, whose height is only 54.6 cm. You can learn about this and other little people in the world below.

The smallest:


Only Chandra Bahadur Dangi is shorter

The smallest person in history, and also today, is Chandra Bahadur Dangi, his height is 54.6 cm.

Chandra is from Nepal, he was born on November 30, 1939, in a remote village. He became the record holder for height only in 2012, and this was not due to the fact that the previous record holder passed away, they just learned about the little old man quite recently and by accident.

Chandra was born into a poor family, and as it happens, the men's parents and siblings were of quite normal height. Throughout his life, the man was looked after first by his parents, and after their death by his older brother. When his older brother passed away, his nephews took care of the then unknown record holder.

We learned about the record holder recently and by accident. The man grew up in a remote outback, and throughout his entire life, Chandra never turned to doctors for help. The low record holder was discovered by a logger who reported the amazing man to the newspapers. Representatives from the Guinness Book of Records immediately flew to the record holder to officially set the record.

Even despite his age, and Chandra is already in his eighties, he feels great and cheerful, moves normally and lives an interesting life. Chandra works as a weaver and sews national clothes.

The little man’s personal life never worked out. He couldn't find a wife and doubts that this will happen. Chandra's dream is to travel around the world, and thanks to his fame, he can already afford it.

Slightly higher than the record

The second smallest on earth is Filipino Junry Baluing, his height is 59.93 cm.

The guy was born in the Philippines on June 12, 1993 in a large family. It is noteworthy that Junri's parents and siblings are of absolutely normal height. The reason why the guy did not grow was the baby’s frequent and long-term illnesses after birth. After a year of life, the baby’s height simply stopped increasing.

Junri's family is quite poor, so it is very difficult for parents, because their baby can barely walk on his own legs, and then only with the help of a stick. Standing on his feet for a long time causes pain for the vice-record holder, so the guy moves only when necessary and for a short distance. Junri is fully cared for by his parents, since he cannot take care of himself on his own.

During an examination in childhood, doctors suggested that after performing a complex operation, the baby could begin to grow, but the parents simply did not have enough money for it. The likelihood of solving the growth problem after the operation was extremely low, and there was a great threat to life.

The guy really likes the fact that he is a record holder, because now the whole world knows and learns about him. Despite his height, the guy is quite active, and whenever possible he always helps his parents. In an interview, Junri stated that he dreams of starting a family: finding a wife and having children.


Little lady

The shortest female representative today is Yoti Amge, with a height of 62.8 cm.

The girl was born on December 16, 1993 in India. Unlike other small people, Yoti's growth is a consequence of the disease achondroplasia (a hereditary disease that impairs the growth of bone tissue). On the day she turned 18, the girl was officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest woman in the world.

Yoti Amge is a very popular person: she has already appeared in films, TV series and even took part in one of the reality shows. In between projects, the girl often gives interviews. The little lady does not complain about life, as she is always in the center of attention and has a fairly good income.

The smallest man on the planet, Junri Baluing, met with the smallest woman, Yoti Amge, in 2012, on the occasion of the publication of the 57th edition of the Guinness Book of Records.

Thumbelina from Holland

The shortest woman in the history of data keeping was Pauline Masters, her height was 30.5 cm.

Pauline Masters was born in 1876 in Holland. The Guinness Book of Records claims that this little lady was the smallest woman in the world.

Not much is known about the girl. At the age of 18, she was quite popular, which prompted her to go to work in the circus, where she took the stage name - Princess Pauline. Touring with the circus, the girl visited Belgium, Great Britain, Germany and France. At the age of 19, the “Dutch Thumbelina” had many gentlemen. Thanks to her popularity and work in the circus, the girl earned good money. She performed acrobatic tricks and sometimes liked to invite spectators onto the stage and dance with them.

While on tour in the USA in 1894, Pauline gained popularity in this country. On New Year's Day, the “Princess” came down with pneumonia and meningitis, but medicine was powerless. On March 1, 1895, the little record holder dies.

“Small, but brave,” says popular wisdom. There are many short people living on Earth. Among thousands of short people there are record holders who are often confused with children. Find out who the smallest man in history is and what he did.

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi - 54.6 cm. Dangy was born in 1939. The reason why it stopped growing is still unknown. Three of his five brothers also have growth problems. Chandra gained popularity and received the title of the smallest man in 2012. The elderly dwarf was noticed by woodcutters working near Chandra's village. Danga never left his native village, and after the record, he dreamed of traveling the world and making his native land famous. He was often interviewed, and soon after the official measurement he met with the shortest woman - Jyoti Amji, in 2014 in London - with the tallest man Sultan Kesen. In August 2015, Danga was diagnosed with pneumonia. Doctors could not help, and on September 4, Danga passed away. Chandra should have received the title of the smallest man much earlier: he stopped growing at the age of 18, and was officially measured only at 72 years old.

2. Gul Mohammed - 57 cm. Considered the shortest man in history for 22 years. Gul was born in 1957 in a suburb of New Delhi. The dwarf experienced enormous peer pressure at school - he even had to drop out of school due to ridicule. Gul made his living by street trading, which he did not give up until his death. Despite the popularity he gained after being officially measured in 1990, Gul lived in poverty among the suburban slums. Because of his height, he was afraid of children, dogs, and even cats and crows. He was often invited to television shows and interviewed. Gul struggled with bronchitis for a long time, and in 1997 the disease took over, as the dwarf was a heavy smoker.

3. Paulina Musters - 58 cm. Paulina Musters is the woman with the shortest height in history. She was born in 1876 in the Netherlands and lived only 19 years. It is still unknown why the girl’s growth stopped. Having trained in dance and acrobatics, Paulina performed in public from an early age. She gained wide fame in Europe under the pseudonym Princess Pauline and even performed before the Kaiser of Germany. Having moved to the USA by invitation, Paulina fell ill with pneumonia and died suddenly.

4. Junry Balwing - 59.9 cm. The smallest living person on Earth. Junri lives in the Philippines. He stopped growing at the age of one year for unknown reasons. Junri has three siblings who are of normal height. The smallest dwarf does not work, because even walking is difficult for him, not to mention physical labor. The growth has affected Junri's overall development: he has a poor vocabulary and does not engage in informative conversations. Junri's parents are looking for sponsors to study their son's wondrous pathology.

5. Jyoti Amji - 62.8 cm. The shortest living woman. She was born in India in 1993. Doctors attribute Jyoti's short stature to the disease achondroplasia. Jyoti leads an active lifestyle - she is a professional actress. Amji is famous both in India and in the USA. In 2014, she starred in the fourth episode of the television show American Horror Story.

This list includes only officially confirmed record holders. Perhaps the smallest person in history will remain unknown. It is customary to feel sorry for people of such small stature: many express sympathy, stroke them, take them in their arms and give them money. Dwarfs are pitiful because many familiar things are inaccessible to them - some of them even have difficulty moving.

However, this impression is deceptive, because thanks to their record-breaking small stature, they lead a vibrant life. These little people are strong, extraordinary personalities, ready for any difficulties. We all have something to learn from them!

Nature never ceases to surprise us. Along with people of average height, there are both the tallest and shortest people in the world. The latter will be discussed in our article. The reasons that a person is born very small or stops growing after some time can be both genetic changes in the body and the consequences of serious diseases, such as pituitary dwarfism and osteogenesis imperfecta.

height 74 cm

(He Pingping ) originally from China lived only 21 years. He died in March 2010. The height of one of the smallest people in the world was 74 cm. He suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease in which bones become more brittle. Such people are called “fragile” or “crystal”. Usually the disease is inherited, but sometimes it can be caused by an individual mutation in the body. Hi Ping Ping's health problems were further complicated by the fact that he smoked a lot. He died of heart complications. Arriving in Italy to film the show Lo show dei record, Hi Ping-Ping felt unwell, but the doctors could not help him.

height 71 cm

One of the shortest people on the planet is 21-year-old Hatice Kocaman from Turkey. Her height is 71 centimeters and her weight is 6.8 kilograms. At birth, doctors diagnosed her with dwarfism (dwarfism). Hatiche was born weighing 1.64 kilograms. The girl's closest relatives are of average height. Doctors don't know what caused Hatiche's disease, which caused her to stop growing at age 4. As for mental abilities, they correspond to her biological age. Like most of the world's smallest people, she suffers from many diseases. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. In addition, the girl suffers from severe back pain. Local doctors can’t help her, because they don’t have enough experience to operate on a tiny patient.

Khatiche graduated from a specialized school, but did not find a job in her specialty. She continues to live with her parents.

height 70 cm

The Colombian native held the title of shortest man in the world for three years. His height is 70 cm and his weight is 10 kilograms. He lives in Bogota and is very popular in Colombia. Edward dances Latin American dances and acts in films. He is proud of his uniqueness and feels quite happy. It is noteworthy that Edward’s younger brother “outgrew” him by only 23 centimeters.

height 69 cm

(Bridgette Jordan) is one of the smallest women in the world. Her height is 69 cm. And her brother Brad's height is 96 cm. Together they are known as the shortest relatives in the world. The reason for their short stature is the incurable disease pituitary dwarfism, or dwarfism. Bridget's tiny size hasn't stopped her - she leads an active lifestyle and goes to college with her brother. The girl loves dancing and music and is on the support team of the local basketball club.

height 67 cm

With a height of 67 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg, the Nepalese is one of the shortest people in the world. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams and easily fit in one palm. Doctors could not determine the reason for such a short stature. At the same time, Khagendra’s parents and brother are of normal height. One of the smallest people on the planet is not too worried about his unusual appearance and is optimistic about the future. He is becoming more and more popular: now the young man plays the role of goodwill ambassador for the Nepalese government. In addition, Khagendra Thapa Magar is part of a dance group and occasionally tours with it. In his free time, he helps his father, the owner of a fruit shop. Unfortunately, an unknown disease has negatively affected the mental abilities of the smallest person in the world, says adult Khagendra Thapa Magar like a child.

height 66 cm

The American is known not only as one of the shortest women in the world, but also for becoming the mother of three children. Her height stopped at 66 cm due to osteogenesis imperfecta. Despite her tiny size and illness, she married a man of average height, Will Herald. The couple dreamed of a big family, although doctors urged Stacy to give up her desire to have children, since pregnancy and childbirth could cause her irreparable harm. Stacey didn’t listen to anyone and now she and Will are raising two girls and a boy. Unfortunately, the eldest of the daughters inherited her mother's disease.

height 65 cm

A native of Africa, she is 65 cm tall. She, like Hi Ping Ping, suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta. Due to illness, one of the smallest women in the world is forced to move in a wheelchair. Madge's mother, whose height was 70 cm, also suffered from the same disease.

height 62.8 cm

Originally from India, she is the shortest female representative. Her height is 62.8 cm. The reason for the girl’s short stature is achondroplasia, an incurable disease that disrupts the growth of bone tissue. Once in the Guinness Book of Records, she got the opportunity to travel and visited Japan and Italy. Today, Jyoti Amji actively acts in films and participates in television shows. She gained fame as an actress after participating in the 4th season of the popular TV series American Horror Story, in which she played a member of a traveling circus. The girl plans to continue her career in Bollywood, where her exotic appearance will be in demand and she will receive a higher education.

height 55.8 cm

The second shortest person on Earth is a native of the Philippines. His height is 55.8 cm. He was born into a poor large family. At two years old, his parents noticed that he had stopped growing. Doctors for a long time thought that this was a consequence of the child’s frequent illnesses, until they came to the conclusion that Junri Balwing would no longer grow. Now the little record holder is fully cared for by his parents - he himself can only move with the help of support.

height 54.6 cm

A Nepalese man has been recognized as the shortest man on Earth. His height was 54.6 cm and his weight was 12 kg. He became an absolute record holder, since such a small growth was recorded for the first time. The Nepalese was 73 years old when they learned about its existence quite by accident. Chandra comes from a remote village and has never sought medical help in his entire life. Despite his height, he was a cheerful and active person and dreamed of traveling. Chandra Bahadur Dangi was a weaver by profession. Having gained fame as the shortest man in the world, he was able to visit other countries, as he dreamed of. In September 2015, a Nepalese man was hospitalized on one of the Samoan islands with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He died in the hospital.