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Keeping dogs in an apartment. Large dog in a city apartment: care tips. Sanitary standards and how to comply with them

Is it possible to force your neighbors, whose dog alternately barks and howls, interfering with a normal life, to protect you from the discomfort that this animal causes? In our country there is a law on keeping dogs in a private house or apartment. Not everyone knows about this. But even fewer people are willing to resort to it to solve the problems caused by their neighbor’s restless dog.

Many people prefer to put up with the current situation and put up with someone’s dog constantly barking or causing other troubles. In the meantime, you can try to do something about it. This will allow you not only to provide yourself with the peace you desire, but will also clearly demonstrate to them that they are obliged to respect the rules of good neighborly relations, the freedom and rights of others.

If your neighbor's dog barks: what to do?

The best way to start solving the problem caused by your neighbor's restless dog is to try to calm it down on your own. If you succeed, you will avoid conflicts and unfriendly attitudes from your neighbors. Otherwise, you will have irrefutable confidence that you have done everything in your power. And it is impossible to do without complaints about neighbors who have an aggressive or excessively noisy dog, and then contacting the appropriate authorities.

If you are the owner of a private house, and the problem is an animal’s aggressive reaction to your presence: the dog barks, rushes at the fence between plots, etc. on your own territory, then it’s worth considering an opaque fence from neighbors on your side along the border of the plot. This simple physical method will deprive the animal of the source of irritation. Although it will force you to work hard and spend some money.

Try to make friends with your neighbors' pet, if the dog is not a fighting breed. Suggest this idea to them. The animal barks because it sees you as a danger to itself or its owner. And if you remove this message and make the dog get used to your sight, smell, voice, then the dog will stop worrying. Moreover, experienced trainers insist that this should be done not on your neighbors’ property, but on your own. It is necessary for the dog to become familiar with it and cease to perceive not only you, but also your territory as hostile.

If your dog often barks in your neighbors’ apartment, you can try to solve the problem by purchasing a special whistle. Although information about its effectiveness varies, most agree that this remedy works. It works simply. You make a whistle when the barking starts - the animal reacts. A pet that hears a whistle in response almost every time it starts to bark gradually develops a conditioned reflex. The dog becomes silent because the sound of the whistle causes him significant discomfort. People can’t hear it, so you definitely won’t disturb your neighbors and family.

Conducting peace negotiations with neighbors

If you don't want or can't do anything personally to stop your neighbor's restless dog from bothering you, you'll have to talk to its owners. Often this turns out to be an effective measure that allows you to solve the problem without involving third parties and competent authorities. But it is important that the conversation be peaceful, constructive and without getting personal.

Under no circumstances start with complaints. Don’t say that you are tired of the dog, that you can sue or write a complaint to the police. Forget about threats towards your pet. Be extremely respectful and friendly, but at the same time firm in your desire to bring the conversation to a conclusion. Neighbors need to hear that their dog is a serious problem for you when it barks loudly, but understand that you are inclined to resolve it amicably to your mutual satisfaction.

Try to arrange the conversation at a time so that it takes place face to face. Without witnesses and in the presence of strangers, people behave differently. In the first case, the person may not want to discuss this issue with you at all, but in the second, he will at least listen. By doing this, you will save yourself and the dog’s owner from an awkward situation and from gossip.

Identify the main aspects of the situation. Explain why the dog is causing you so much trouble: it interferes with your work, barks at night, preventing you from opening the window, etc. An adequate person will try to compromise with you. You can agree that your pet will be walked at a time that suits you. Or you will be promised that the animal will be transferred overnight to a room with windows facing the other side.

If it is impossible to reach an agreement for objective reasons, you should invite your neighbors to hire a trainer. Promise that you will try to find a good professional for your part. And make it clear that you understand your neighbors, that a dog as a pet gives you quite positive emotions, and you are ready to do something to resolve the problem.

Problems with keeping pets in an apartment building

The city presupposes the ability of a significant number of people to coexist in close contact from day to day and without harm to each other. Most of us live in apartment buildings, which imposes certain rules of behavior and lifestyle. A dog in one of the apartments is one of the most problematic aspects for the neighbors surrounding this apartment. In most cases they are as follows:

  • the walls and other structures of the average apartment building do not provide adequate sound insulation. And this often leads to the fact that even a not very active or loudly barking dog causes a lot of disturbance to the neighbors;
  • It is difficult to maintain the required sanitary level in the apartment. The owner of the animal does not always have the opportunity to organize timely walking and other living conditions that the dog should have;
  • If in a private house the pet has an enclosure, then in an apartment the dog may experience anxiety due to the fact that it cannot fulfill the natural need to waste energy. As a result, the animal barks for no reason all day, scratches the walls, etc.

Any person has the right to keep an animal within an apartment in an apartment building - be it a dog or another pet. There are no restrictions on their types. But there are rules that the owner of the home must comply with if they keep a dog or other pet. They are associated with the need to maintain normal relationships with others and not interfere with their private lives. And failure to comply with some of them may result in penalties or even the risk of eviction from the apartment. And therefore, before you bring an animal home, you need to think carefully about the inconvenience for yourself and your household, about the problems for your neighbors and about how comfortable the dog itself will feel in it.

Contacting law enforcement agencies

If attempts to reach an agreement have led nowhere, and the neighbors’ dog continues to constantly bark or cause other troubles, you will have to file a complaint. You can submit it

  • to the district police officer;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the administrative court at the place of registration.

When you submit your first complaint to the local police officer, you can count on an explanatory conversation with the animal’s owner. This conversation involves not only explanations about what to do and what rules need to be followed if a dog lives in an apartment building. The district police officer is obliged to warn the owner of the animal about the liability for violating its maintenance.

If nothing has changed after visiting their neighbors, and you still continue to listen to their dog barking every day, it’s worth filing a complaint again. Several of your statements will become the basis for a fine, which the police officer has the right to issue. You should retain copies of the complaints you submit, as well as the official responses to them indicating the actions taken.

If a local police officer refuses to accept a complaint against neighbors, you must request a written refusal from him. Based on this paper, you can make a request to Rospotrebadzor. Upon receiving an application, its employees must carry out a check at the address where the dog is located and issue an expert report based on the results of a home inspection and noise measurements.

Traditionally, such a check is carried out on a weekend, since only then is it possible to find all the citizens involved in the problem at their place of residence. The act must be preserved, because such a document is strong evidence in your favor in the event of further litigation with the animal’s owners.

The last “step” on the path to pacifying neighbors who do not want to take into account the fact that their dog barks and causes you great concern is an appeal to the administrative court. There are few cases when it comes to this. But the practice of litigation due to problems with keeping animals still exists.

The statement of claim must be supported by good evidence. This is precisely why it is advisable to keep all material evidence that the dog is causing you great concern - every complaint you make to the local police officer, an act received from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as all copies of appeals to other authorities.

It is also recommended to make audio and video recordings of negotiations with the animal’s owners. You can obtain written evidence from other neighbors that the dog barks loudly and frequently. When drawing up a claim, certain rules must be observed, the content of which can be discussed with experienced people or a lawyer.

Responsibility for breaking silence

Liability for violations committed by a pet owner depends on their number and extent. Various penalties are provided - from administrative to criminal. Specific measures possible for the dog owner may be as follows:

  • warning if the first violation of the content rules is recorded;
  • a fine if the dog systematically causes significant disturbance to a person or group of people;
  • criminal liability that occurs as a result of causing physical harm.

An administrative fine is the most common measure, since in most cases it does not lead to real physical harm. The “fork” of a fine implies a collection of 500 rubles. up to several thousand (maximum 5,000 rubles) depending on the severity of the violation and the frequency of its commission. Criminal liability means compulsory labor, and in especially severe cases, imprisonment for the dog owner. When filing a claim in court, victims can demand compensation for moral damages, and not just material compensation for losses incurred.

The extent of liability may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation. City officials also have the authority to develop additional rules for keeping pets. Thus, in some localities a restriction has been introduced on the number of animals in the apartments of an apartment building, and one address can keep 1 dog or 2, but no more.

Dogs are wonderful animals, very interesting and loyal friends. Keeping them in an apartment is a big responsibility. It's easy to understand how difficult it is for a large four-legged friend without enough space to play and run. However, if a large dog lives in an apartment, then 10 rules of keeping are useful to all family members.

Choosing a breed and visiting a pet store

If you want to bring a new pet into your home, you should try to find out which breed is best suited for living in an apartment. You need to decide on the selection criteria.

  • Age of the animal: puppy or adult dog. Puppies often take much longer to train.
  • Breed: independent and quiet (Airedale terrier) or sociable and temperamental, which requires attention (Doberman, Rottweiler).
  • Possibility of living with children. Some breeds get along better with younger family members (Labrador, Airedale, Boxer).

Be sure to visit a pet store and buy basic items for the animal, including:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • feed;
  • pet bed;
  • lots of things to chew;
  • tourniquet or collar;
  • leash;
  • toys for games, such as balls;
  • care supplies: brush and nail clippers;
  • identification marks.

You are allowed to take your furry friend with you to the store. He may want to choose some special treats.

Setting up a place for the dog and training

You won't be able to make an apartment anymore, but you can certainly furnish it , making it more spacious. This will only benefit the dog, and it will be able to walk and stretch. You will need to rearrange furniture to free up space in certain places. It’s worth experimenting with the furnishings in your apartment until you find the right option.

Once you have decided on a place, you need to create a cozy corner that includes a bed or pillow, a bowl for food and a cup for water. These are just the basic items, but you can add others: a blanket, extra pillows. Toys must be placed in a specially designated place.

Dogs do everything better when they have a habit. Therefore, it is necessary to help the pet adapt to life in an apartment and develop a daily routine for it. For example, feed at the same time and he will know exactly when the next meal is. Or make a schedule for walks. It is better to do this at certain times in the morning and evening. You can also create programs for games, long walks and other activities. This schedule must be adhered to constantly.

Every day you need to train your friend. If possible, set specific hours for studying and do them several times a day. And this does not mean that just walking the dog is enough. There are many options to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. For example:

  • Visit a local park.
  • Take it with you on your morning run. Even 20 minutes is better than nothing.
  • Organize an exciting vacation with friends.

If you can't take your dog for a walk every day, you should consider hiring a trustworthy person. Otherwise, your furry friend will get bored and stop playing even in the apartment.

Dogs are social creatures and are happiest when they feel connected to their owner. More attention needs to be paid to them. Several ways to do this:

  • play tug of war;
  • cuddling on the sofa;
  • pet your pet often and give him tasty treats;
  • go for a walk together.

A four-legged friend will require a lot of material costs. It is advisable to purchase the right food, and advice can be obtained from a veterinarian. Be sure to buy a lot of toys, a bed, and good hygiene products. Visit your doctor regularly and get vaccinated.

Learn how to care for your furry friend with these tips.

You can understand your neighbors. No one wants to inhale an unpleasant odor, come across animal excrement while walking in the park or playground, or deal with an aggressive dog.

What rules should dog owners follow to avoid these problems? What conditions must be created for cats and dogs for their normal existence in an apartment or private house? Is there a law in the Russian Federation on dog walking and on keeping animals in the private sector or in an apartment building? Let's try to figure it out.

Animal in the house

Having a pet in the house is, first of all, a great responsibility, and for violating the rules for keeping dogs and cats, their owner will face administrative punishment.

They are alive, requiring constant care, attention, and care.

They cannot be pushed aside, forgotten for a while or thrown into the street. A pet is always dependent on its owner.


The owner of the dog is responsible for the life of his ward.

It is important to take care of your dog's health. During vaccinate To prevent the spread of the disease, treat as necessary.

Veterinary assistance must be provided immediately.

If a case of a dog being infected with rabies is discovered, the owner must inform veterinary services to prevent the spread of the disease.

Also not suitable are premises where:

  • radioactive radiation;
  • excessive chemical radiation;
  • dust levels are above sanitary standards.

The owner of a dog does not have the right to set his pet against other animals or people, except in cases where there is a real danger to the health and life of a person.

The purchase and sale agreement should always be kept. In cases where someone tries to dispute the ownership of the animal, this document will become proof of ownership.

A pedigree passport is not needed for ordinary life. It is required to participate in all kinds of competitions and competitions.


A cat is more socialized than a dog and its maintenance does not present any particular difficulties.

They are usually quite clean animals, taking care of the condition of their bodies independently.

But physical and mental discomfort can completely change her behavior. Therefore, you should immediately be wary if your cat suddenly changes its usual lifestyle.

A balanced and proper diet is the key to your pet’s health. The cat needs in special food, and not in table scraps.

Content violations

The main legal act regulating the appearance of an animal's home is Civil Code, where a dog or cat is used as the subject of a transaction.

The Criminal Code provides for liability for harsh treatment. Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for those who, through their hooligan actions, sadistic inclinations, or selfish motives, injure animals or bring them to death.

Article 245. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Animal abuse

  1. Cruelty to animals, resulting in their death or injury, if this act was committed out of hooligan motives, or for selfish motives, or using sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory work for a period of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a period of up to one year, or restriction of freedom for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of up to six months.
  2. The same act, committed by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, or an organized group, is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by compulsory labor. for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term.

Article 241 of the Civil Code protects animals from inhumane treatment. If the owner does not properly care for his pet, he can be seized by ransom after an appropriate court decision.

Article 241. Civil Code. Buying away pets that have been mistreated

In cases where the owner of domestic animals treats them in clear contradiction with the rules established by law and the norms of humane treatment of animals accepted in society, these animals can be seized from the owner by buying them out by a person who has submitted a corresponding demand to the court. The ransom price is determined by agreement of the parties, and in case of a dispute, by the court.

Articles 230-232 of the Civil Code protect stray animals.

The dog owner must always ensure the safety of others.

In the surrounding area, in the room where the animal is kept, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and order.

Otherwise, the owner can be brought to administrative liability on the basis Article 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which addresses questions about the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Article 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population

Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

Content Rules and Regulations


A city apartment is not the best place for a dog. Limited space has a serious impact on your pet's mental state. This problem is most pressing for large breeds and dogs with fighting skills.

The animal needs on a daily walk. A five-minute walk once a day is not enough for a dog.

But when leaving an apartment, owners often lock their pets on the balcony, further narrowing the possibilities for their movement.

Barking dogs are a big nuisance to neighbors.

When getting an animal, you need to remember that the owner must do everything necessary to ensure peace and quiet for those around him.

Common areas not intended for keeping dogs.

In the city

Allowed only with muzzles. It is prohibited to walk with animals on children's and sports grounds.

When walking, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Children under 14 years of age cannot walk a dog weighing more than 15 kilograms.
  2. One person can walk at a time only two dogs.
  3. Distance from entrances more than 30 meters. The same distance should be from a crowd of people. Walking the animal closer is prohibited.
  4. When crossing the roadway or walking along the sidewalk, the animal is held on a leash.
  5. When entering public transport, the dog is placed Add to cart or imprisoned on a leash.

In the private sector

A country house is preferable for an animal. Whether the dog will move freely or sit on a leash is up to the owner to decide.

But it is necessary to take into account that if your pet’s walks are not limited, dangers may await him at almost every step.

At the same time, an unattached dog, especially an aggressive one, that has not undergone training, poses a danger to others.

If she injures a person, the owner will be held responsible and will pay a fine.

Features of content in Russia

In the Russian Federation, dogs and cats are the subject of a civil law transaction. They are also bought and sold like any movable property. It turns out that there is no difference in selling the same TV or a dog. From a legal point of view they are equal.

In many countries, unlike Russia, dogs are subjected to mandatory registration. This practice is especially common in the USA.

A vaccination card is also not required. Although without it, travel to many countries will be closed.

We have no limit on the number of animals that can be kept in a residential area. They cannot be taken away, even by court decision, only redeemed.


In an apartment building (in an apartment)

Cats are usually cleaner than dogs and cannot cause serious damage to a living space.

Their residence rarely disturbs neighbors, as they do not make much noise.

But if the animal is not properly cared for, the smell of urine and feces spreads outside the living space. Especially if the cat is not toilet trained.

Problems with tattered furniture are also quite common.

In Russia, it is not determined how many cats can be kept in one apartment.

But it’s still not worth turning your living space into a breeding nursery. Apartments are not designed for this.

In the city

  1. A cat found itself unaccompanied in a public place subject to capture.
  2. You can't breed cats for their meat, or skins.
  3. If a cat scratches or bites a person, the owner is obliged to deliver the animal for inspection on suspicion of rabies.
  4. Carrying a cat on public transport in a special basket.

In the private sector

Cats in a private home are presented to themselves. They walk freely around the territory and enter other people's property. An untrained cat sometimes attacks neighbors' small livestock.

The owner will have to compensate for the damage caused in cash or in kind.

In the private sector, cats are rarely sterilized, which causes problems with offspring. Where to put numerous kittens is up to the owner. But the solution must be humane.

Sanitary standards

All veterinary, sanitary and epidemiological requirements must be observed:

  1. do not throw animal carcasses into general trash;
  2. remove all excrement in a timely manner;
  3. carry out timely vaccination to prevent the spread of infection;
  4. ensure silence;
  5. do not walk sick animals;
  6. keep animals in specially designated areas.

When animals are kept improperly the owner is exposed administrative, criminal or civil liability.

Punishment and responsibility for violating the rules

It must be remembered that the responsibility for keeping dogs and cats is always carried by their owner.

If suddenly a dog attacks a person, then its owner can be attracted and claim compensation for the harm caused.

And not only material, but also moral. In addition, the dog breeder will be forced to pay for all treatment of the victim.

Initially, liability is provided for violating the rules for keeping dogs and cats as a warning. For more serious offenses fine. The amount of fines has not yet been approved, since the law so far exists only in draft form.

Fully keeping cats and dogs in residential premises will eliminate possible problems with neighbors. Troubles with the law can also be avoided if you follow the rules of care.

But improper maintenance of any pet is fraught with problems for its owner. Let there be no bills yet that fully regulate this issue. Discussions are ongoing. The draft passed the first reading. This means that soon cat owners who keep 10 pets in their tiny apartments will be able to be reined in.

Useful video

For information on old and new rules for keeping pets, watch the video below.

Dogs are wonderful pets. Maybe you've always wanted to have a pet, but felt that your apartment wouldn't be a suitable home for one? There are several life hacks that will help you properly set up a place for your dog, and also prevent any problems that may arise.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Dog for You

List your priorities. If you're looking to add a new pet to your home, take some time to find out what breed of dog is best for you. Write down the qualities you are looking for. Answer the following questions for yourself. Do you want a puppy or an adult dog? The one that requires a lot of attention? Or are you looking for someone who is more independent? Will your dog spend time with children?

Step 2. Do you live in an apartment or house?

Look for a smaller dog. If you live in a small space, such as an apartment, it is a good idea to choose a breed that will not be too large.

Browse various websites to learn about dog breeds. If you are planning to get a puppy, make sure you can find out its pedigree. Try to figure out how much he will weigh when he grows up. Popular small breeds include the French Bulldog, Chihuahua, and Yorkshire Terrier. You may also consider a dachshund.

Step 3. Think about the animal's personality

Choose a calm breed. When you live in an apartment, your neighbors will be very close. Unless you have a very soundproofed room, you have to consider how loud your dog will be.

There are several breeds that are known for being fairly quiet. Consider getting a Boston Terrier or Pug. The King Charles Spaniel can be a good choice for an apartment. These dogs are quiet and small.

Step 4: Choose a dog that you can give as much attention as it needs.

When you live in an apartment, your dog probably won't be able to get around as well as if he lived in a large house with a backyard. Consider purchasing an animal with a lower energy level to keep in your apartment. Look for a dog that doesn't need to be constantly busy. For example, Basset Hounds are a "low energy" breed.

Step 5. Talk to the owner of the apartment or house

Before you bring your dog into your apartment, you need to read the rules. Some buildings do not allow pets. Ask your landlord about any pet restrictions. For example, perhaps dogs are allowed. Ask if there are any breed or weight restrictions. Find out if there are any pet fees.

Step 6: Visit a local shelter

Contact your local animal shelter. Ask them what types of small, quiet dogs they have. Go to the shelter during visiting hours. Spend some time with different dogs. Ask a lot of questions. Talk to shelter staff and volunteers about the different pets and their personalities. Take other people with you. Anyone considering living with a dog should have the opportunity to meet the dog before bringing the pet home.

Step 7. Make your apartment safe

Make sure the apartment is safe for your dog. Go through each room and check that it is ready for the animal. In the kitchen and bathroom, secure base cabinets with latches. You don't want little paws opening cabinets that hold cleaning supplies or medications. In other rooms, secure any loose or dangling wires. This is dangerous for dogs; they may chew them. If you have houseplants, keep them out of reach. Dogs often chew plants, which can be harmful.

Step 8: Set Boundaries

A good dog owner will provide rules and guidelines for the pet. This can be especially helpful when you live together in a small space. Decide if your dog is allowed to sleep on the couch. If your dog is not allowed to sit on a bed or chair, use clear commands and signals to keep your dog away from furniture.

Step 9: Create Space for Your Dog

Animals like to have a certain space that is theirs. Create an area where your dog can feel safe and spend some time alone. Talk to your veterinarian about what type and size of bedding or house your dog needs.

Step 10: Train Your Dog

Spend some time training your pet. This will help you both get used to living together in a small space. Consider taking your dog to training. A professional can help your dog learn skills that will help him live happily in an apartment.

Step 11: Deal with Separation Anxiety

One of the main problems when keeping a dog in an apartment is separation anxiety. When this happens, dogs don't cope well with being left alone. This can be a big problem in apartments as it can disturb your neighbors.

Try to help your dog understand that good things can still happen when you're not home. For example, you can give him a puzzle toy filled with healthy food.

Step 12: Create Discipline

You can help your dog adjust to apartment life through discipline. For example, feed your dog at the same time every day. Choose morning and evening hours to feed your animal. He'll be happy to know exactly when it's time to eat.

Create a set schedule for walking. Try to walk your dog at the same time every morning and evening. Play Schedule: Make sure your dog knows that on weekends you will give him more attention and take him on different trips with other animals.

Step 13: Consider Day Help

One of the disadvantages of having a dog in an apartment is that you probably can't give him unlimited access to the yard. Because of this, you will need to take extra steps to make sure your puppy gets enough time outdoors. This can be difficult if you work outside the home full time. Consider getting a dog walker. Hire someone to come and walk your dog for 15-30 minutes a day. Most cities have affordable, reliable dog walking services.

Make sure your dog is eating properly and using quality food. Buy a lot of toys. Dogs love to play, and many of them love to chew things. Provide toys that allow them to have fun and express their energy. Dogs have different personalities. If your pet doesn't seem interested in one type of toy, keep trying different options until you find one that catches his interest.

Step 15: Enjoy quality time together

The best way to keep your dog happy and healthy in your apartment is to pay attention to him. Find time every day to focus on your pet. Find ways to interact other than just feeding him. Find time for long walks. Don't take your dog back into the house immediately after he's done his business.

Play with your four-legged friend. Come up with new interesting activities. Go to the park together. Your dog will appreciate this time and will happily run around in a large area and play with you.