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Grape juice in a slow cooker. How to make grape juice for the winter: simple recipes. How to make concentrated juice

A rich harvest of grapes is an exceptional joy for the grower. But when it is in excess, you will have to take care of processing. Why not make homemade grape juice and prepare it for the winter? In the cold, this healthy fortified drink will help the immune system cope with colds and other "winter" sores. Let us dwell in more detail on how to make grape juice at home.

The best varieties for grape juice

Homemade grape juice can be made from any grape variety that is available. But there are varieties that growers recommend as the best for making this drink. The most delicious will be juice from grapes Isabella, Black Kish-Mish, Cardinal, Uspensky, Highlander, Crimean, Victoria.

Grape juice through a juicer

A juicer for grapes is suitable for the most ordinary. First, prepare the raw materials: remove the berries from the brushes and rinse them well. Now you can pour the grapes into the juicer. If the grapes are seeded, then periodically the operation of the device will need to be suspended and cleaned of accumulated debris. After squeezing, you should get a rich, tart liquid. Astringency is given by grape seeds, which are partially damaged during the extraction. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, filtering through cheesecloth. In order to store grape juice for the winter, it must be diluted with water. Proportions: 2 parts grapes, 1 part water. Add granulated sugar to the diluted liquid, it will take 50 grams for each liter of liquid.

We put the prepared raw materials on fire and boil for 20-25 minutes after boiling. Now the juice can be poured into jars, they must be sterilized, as well as the lids. Roll up and put in heat with lids down. A homemade drink prepared in this way most often precipitates, so shake it a little before drinking.

If there is no juicer in the arsenal, then you can squeeze it with your hands or with the help of a press. This process is laborious, but as a result, the juice is tastier than that passed through a juicer. There is no taste of grape seed in it. Making a drink from grapes in this way has some nuances. Washed, removed from the brushes, crush the grapes with your hands. The resulting liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze and set aside. Next, let's deal with the remaining pulp. Fill it with water: a liter of water per kilogram of raw materials, put on fire. You need to boil the mass for 10 minutes. After complete cooling, we decant the liquid, squeeze the pulp well, pour in the juice here. Add sugar to your own taste, the optimal rate is half a glass of 2 liters. Now we pour the finished product into jars and send it for sterilization. We sterilize liter jars for 12-15 minutes, three-liter jars for 30-40 minutes. We roll up the jars and wrap them upside down, put them away for storage after they have cooled completely.

Grape juice through a juicer

Grape juice prepared with a juicer has a number of advantages. Additional processing of berries is not required, and the finished drink does not need to be diluted with water and sterilized. In the finished drink, it is enough to add sugar to taste, boil, and you can cork.

Recipes for homemade grape juice and products based on it.

At home, you can prepare not only pure grape juice, you can enrich the taste using a variety of fruits and additives. Let's look at some interesting options.

Recipe #1



We process all fruit and berry components in a juicer, add sugar and you can drink the juice. If a drink prepared according to this recipe is prepared for the winter, then it will be necessary to subject it to heat treatment. Bring the liquid to a boil and boil for 20 minutes, after which you can roll it into jars. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey, it will take less: 30 grams. You can make a mint decoction that goes well with grape juice. To prepare it, take: a glass of water, 30 grams of honey, mint leaves. Mix all ingredients and cook for 15 minutes. The cooled mint broth is added to the already prepared drink.

Recipe number 2

If the grapes are too sour, it will be difficult to make a good homemade drink from them. But sour grape juice is an excellent base for sauces for meat and poultry. We prepare juice from sour grapes using a juicer or a manual method.

Sauce Ingredients:


Garlic and ginger are peeled and cut as finely as possible. Fry all this in butter, five minutes will be enough. Add the grape juice to the pan and reduce by about 2/3. At the end, salt and pepper the sauce and it can be served at the table. The sauce is sweet and sour with a spicy taste.

Recipe number 3

This variant of homemade grape juice is suitable for those who have a variety of varieties in their vineyard. Ideally combined with each other, tart, sweet and sour varieties.



Squeeze the grape juice with your hands or through a juicer. We dilute it in a ratio of 3: 1 with water, add sugar. The finished drink is sterilized and corked. See above for sterilization times.

Recipe number 4

It may seem a bit strange, but leaves and twigs can be used to make grape juice. Such a drink is used in cooking, cosmetology and clinical nutrition. It speeds up metabolic processes, which contributes to weight loss. Nutritionists recommend this option to everyone who is losing weight.



Grapes right on the tassels along with my leaves and pass through a juicer. Boil the water mixed with sugar and pour the syrup into the liquid. After sterilization can be stored in the refrigerator (up to 3 months) or sealed. For weight loss drink, diluting with water 1:1. The product is effective for acne, they need to wash themselves within a week. In this case, you do not need to add sugar, just dilute the liquid with water.

Terms and conditions of storage of grape juice

If grape juice is harvested for storage, heat treatment is indispensable. Freshly squeezed should be drunk immediately. A sterilized drink in the refrigerator can be stored for about a month under a plastic lid. Grape juice, corked in jars, is stored for a year until the next harvest.

Homemade grape juice is incredibly healthy. It contains folic acid, organic acids, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sodium, many vitamins - C, PP, A, B. Dark grape juice has a beneficial effect on brain function and vision. And the juice from light grapes is especially rich in iron, it strengthens the immune system well. But at the same time, there are some restrictions on the use of this delicious drink. Grape juice is very high in calories, so it is not recommended to use it for overweight people. It is also contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes, hypertension and stomach diseases.

winter grape juice recipe


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - to taste.


First, we sort out the grapes, remove spoiled and sluggish berries. Good grapes do not need to be picked from the branches. Thoroughly wash the bunches and place them in the container of the juicer. The number of berries should not exceed the rim. If you plan to add sugar, then you need to do it now, sprinkling it on the berries. Now we proceed to the assembly of the juice cooker: pour water into the lower part, and put a container for juice on top, we install a container with grapes on it. We put on the stove, cover with a lid and turn on the fire. It will take about an hour to make juice. After that, remove the clamp from the hose and pour the juice into the pan. Immediately pour hot juice into jars and roll up. After that, we remove the spent berries, lay new ones and proceed to the preparation of a new portion of juice.

Grape juice for the winter through a juicer


  • grapes - 5 kg.


We separate the grapes from the twigs, discard the unripe and damaged ones. Wash good berries and squeeze the juice out of them with a juicer. After that, we filter it twice through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. We heat the juice to a temperature of 60 degrees, and then let it brew for a couple of hours. After that, the juice is carefully poured into another container so that all the sediment remains in the old pan. We put the juice container on the fire, heat it to a temperature of 90 degrees and pour it into sterile jars and immediately roll it up.

Apple-grape juice for the winter


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • apples - 5 kg.


My grapes, separate the berries from the leaves and twigs and pass them through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan. In the same way, we squeeze the juice from apples and pour it into a saucepan with grape juice. Bring the mixture almost to a boil, pour into jars and sterilize for 20 minutes, then roll up.

How to prepare grape juice for the winter?


  • muscat grapes - 5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


Wash the grapes thoroughly, remove the berries from the brushes, place them in an enamel pan and fill with water (2 l). We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 30 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the heat, and filter the contents. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and put it on fire again, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. Now pour the juice into prepared sterile jars and roll it up.

How to prepare grape juice for the winter?

According to this recipe, you can make juice when there are no special devices at hand - neither a juicer nor a juicer.


In early autumn, when the grapes are already ripening, they begin to harvest them for the winter. Winemakers make amazing, fragrant, but intoxicating drinks from these fruits. Hostesses have long gotten used to making jam and compotes from juicy berries. The simplest and most delicious preparation will be grape juice. It does not require a huge amount of time, effort and financial costs to prepare it. The drink is perfectly stored and will delight with its taste all year round.

Grape juice at home: the easiest recipe for the winter

To prepare this amazingly fragrant and healthy drink, you will need a minimum of effort. This is one of the simplest and most successful recipes for making juice at home. This does not require any special devices and special skills, even a novice cook can handle this process.


  • 4.5 kg of grapes;
  • 1.8 liters of water;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar.


  1. Rinse the berries, remove from the bunch.
  2. Immediately put in an enameled container, pour water, cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Then the drink must be filtered, pour sugar into it.
  4. Put back on the stove, cook for 10 minutes.

Pour into jars, close with lids.

Grape juice for the winter (video)

Grape juice through a juicer for the winter

The juice is quite concentrated, quite sweet, but with a pleasant sourness. Before serving, it can even be diluted with water so that it is not so saturated.


  • 6.5 kg of grapes;
  • 0.6 ml of water;
  • 0.6 kg of sugar.


  1. The fruits need to be sorted out, washed, dried and removed from the scallops.
  2. Pass prepared berries through a juicer.
  3. Infuse the resulting liquid for 1 hour.
  4. Remove compacted foam.
  5. Strain the juice.
  6. Put the remaining cake in a saucepan, add water and mix, boil.
  7. After that, strain the liquid through cheesecloth and pour into the juice.
  8. Pour sugar into a saucepan with juice, heat the liquid, but do not bring it to a boil.
  9. Immediately pour into jars, roll up.

Important! You need to squeeze the cake with rubber gloves. Grapes contain an excessive amount of acid, which adversely affects the skin.

Grape juice with seeds: how to cook

It can also be prepared by hand. It will turn out no less tasty and rich. And it doesn't take much effort to make it.


  • 8 kg of grapes.


  1. Sort the fruits carefully, discard the spoiled ones, rinse.
  2. After preliminary preparation, put them in a colander, fix it over a bucket or bowl.
  3. Squeeze out all the juice from the berries with your hands.
  4. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and strain it through cheesecloth twice.
  5. Then cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Immediately pour into jars and roll up.

Important! There is no need to add sugar to the juice. Even without it, it will turn out very sweet and will be well stored.

How to make isabella compote

Isabella is one of the most fragrant and. If you are already making compote for the winter, then be sure to use it. After all, it is with him that the drink acquires a beautiful, rich color and delicious taste. Such a drink will appeal not only to children.


  • 0.2 kg of grapes;
  • 0.2 kg of sugar;
  • 0.7 l of water.


  1. Rinse the grapes, immediately pick off all the fruits.
  2. Put the prepared berries in a jar and pour boiling water, leave for only 5 minutes.
  3. Drain water into a saucepan.
  4. Pour sugar into a container with water, boil, cook the syrup for 3 minutes.
  5. Pour the prepared syrup into a jar and immediately roll it up.

Be sure to put it upside down and wrap it with something warm.

Grape juice in a juicer: a step by step recipe

It will completely lack the astringency that appears in the process of crushing grape seeds. It will turn out clean, almost transparent and of course fragrant.


  • 3.5 kg of grapes.


  1. Wash and sort the berries, separate from the brushes.
  2. Be sure to discard all spoiled and unripe fruits.
  3. Then put them in the grid of the juicer.
  4. Pour water into the lower part of the unit and boil.
  5. Close the lid, cover the hose designed to drain the liquid as tightly as possible.
  6. Just 1 hour to warm up.
  7. This time sterilize all jars.
  8. After an hour, remove the lid and knead the remaining cake.
  9. Open the drain hose and fill all the jars with juice.
  10. Roll them up right away.

Apple Grape Juice: A Step by Step Recipe

For those who do not like too sweet drinks, this simple recipe will do. Thanks to lemon and apples, the juice acquires a special taste, becomes sweet and sour and even more fragrant. It is very easy to prepare, the main thing is just to be patient to grind all the ingredients in a juicer.


  • 2.8 kg of grapes;
  • 1.8 kg of apples;
  • 0.3 kg of lemons.


  1. Review all years, discard the spoiled ones, separate them from the brush and wash them.
  2. After that, grind in a juicer and pour into a separate container, insist for about two hours.
  3. After that, the liquid must be filtered twice.
  4. Rinse the apples too, cut into 4 parts, remove the middle with seeds.
  5. After such preparation, pass the fruit through a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into the grape juice.
  6. Rinse the lemons, pour over with boiling water and wipe with a towel, cut into two parts and squeeze all the juice out of them.
  7. Pour the lemon juice into the apple-grape mixture.
  8. Pour the drink into a saucepan, boil.
  9. Immediately pour into jars and cover with lids.
  10. Sterilize exactly 20 minutes.
  11. After that, roll up, wrap up.

Rearrange the cooled container in the cellar.

Grape juice with tangerines and banana: how to prepare for the winter

This drink certainly can not be called ordinary. The taste is so refined, and the aroma is rich, that you want to drink it as often as possible. Despite such an unusual composition, the preparation is very simple.


  • 1.8 kg of white grapes;
  • 0.9 kg tangerine;
  • 0.6 kg of bananas;
  • 0.25 kg of sugar;
  • 0.2 l of water.


  1. Wash grapes, discard rotten and unripe specimens.
  2. Knead them with your hands on a bowl or bucket.
  3. Then strain and pour into a bowl.
  4. Clean the tangerines.
  5. Separate from the peel and bananas, cut into pieces.
  6. Grind banana and tangerines with a juicer.
  7. Pour the resulting juice into the grape.
  8. Heat the liquid well, but do not bring it to a boil, adding water and sugar.

Pour into jars, roll up quickly.

How to quickly and easily prepare grape juice for the winter (video)

Many people think that nothing but wine at home can be made from grapes. In fact, very tasty and healthy juice is obtained from these fruits. The process of preparing this drink, although painstaking, is within the power of absolutely everyone. It turns out very rich and fragrant, and most importantly - useful.

Medicine can be delicious. This is the phrase that comes to mind when it comes to natural grape juice. Made at home, completely devoid of harmful chemical additives, this drink has been used in folk medicine since ancient times as a general tonic. Fortunately, you can still prepare this delicious medicine by hand today. It just takes a little effort.

Benefits of grape juice

This drink is effective in the treatment of many diseases. Easily digestible sugar, vitamins, micro and macro elements, organic acids in the composition of berries make grapes a real storehouse of nutrients, and its juice - a concentrated health benefit.

For adults

Due to the significant content of vitamins, glucose and fructose, the drink has a tonic and antioxidant effect on the body. It is effective for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, has a mild laxative effect, and also lowers cholesterol.

Juice is useful for neurosis and anemia. Also, its unique chemical composition has a positive effect on brain function.

For children

It is not recommended to introduce this drink into the children's diet before the age of two. In general, it is indicated for use in children with insufficient body weight and weak immunity. In addition, grape juice is a good natural energy booster that can increase the mental and physical activity of a child.

Did you know?Grapes and its products are so effective in the fight against many diseases that in medicine there is even a special type of treatment - ampelotherapy.

Homemade or packaged: advantages and disadvantages

The main argument in favor of a drink prepared at home is its naturalness. By preparing it at home, any housewife can guarantee that this drink is completely free of any chemical additives or dyes and stabilizers harmful to the body.
But freshly squeezed juice is a perishable product. Oxidative processes in it begin almost instantly. And sterilization and boiling destroy many useful substances. At the same time, the process of preparing a drink for the winter is very laborious.

But, despite all these disadvantages, compared to homemade, a drink in a bag is one big drawback. The most important thing to think about when purchasing it is how many preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings are dangerous for the body.

In addition, such drinks often contain a very high percentage of sugar, which is also not very healthy. Well, the packaging itself leaves much to be desired. To preserve the beneficial properties of natural juice, glass containers are best suited, since the paper still has microcracks.

Features of the choice of grapes

Of course, this drink can be made from any white or black variety. But practitioners recommend giving preference to the best wine varieties that have optimal sugar content / acidity, as well as good juice-containing characteristics.

The best varieties

The most popular among dark varieties are Cabernet, Isabella, Moldova, Cardinal, Early Purple. From the berries of the listed varieties, very aromatic, moderately sweet drinks are obtained, since these grape varieties have a very low acidity.

As for white varieties, then it is best to choose muscat grapes. But a large number of other varieties are quite suitable for making this drink. Among the huge variety of options, you should pay attention to the following varieties: Bianca, White Delight, Tukay, Muscat Katunsky, White Shasla.
Juicy and tasty, the sweet pulp of these varieties is ideal for making juices. A very tasty and unusual drink will turn out if you mix berries of dark and white varieties.

What should be the berries

For processing, only ripe selected berries are used, since unripe, diseased and damaged grapes can spoil the taste of the drink.

Important! Eating grapes with skin is much healthier because it contains a powerful natural antioxidant - resveratrol.

Recipe for making grape juice for the winter by hand

To prepare a tasty and healthy drink at home, it will take a lot of time, because without the use of technological progress, this process becomes quite laborious.

What you need: kitchen appliances and supplies

To prepare homemade grape juice by hand, you will need the following tools: a large basin, two pots: for sterilization and for collecting the finished drink, glass bottles of any size, a watering can, a kitchen towel (we cover the bottom of the pot with it for sterilization), a ladle, a fine sieve.

Be sure to use rubber gloves when preparing this drink by hand so that the tartaric acid does not damage the skin of the hands.

Required products

The calculation of the required amount of grapes depends on the variety that was chosen for the preparation of the drink. So, in ordinary varieties, the yield is 70% of the net weight. In varieties that are grown specifically for juicing, this amount can reach 80-85%.

Step by step cooking recipe

Preparation of a drink at home is carried out in several stages:

Did you know?The Bible says that for the first time Noah grew grapes in the lands of Armenia. Scientists this time agree with this statement, they believe that the first cultivated varieties appeared just in Transcaucasia, Iran and Turkey.

Other ways to harvest juice for the winter

There are also less time-consuming ways of harvesting grape juice for the winter. Thanks to the use of a juicer and a juicer, this process takes less time. But the use of these devices involves the addition of sugar or water to the natural product.

Recipe for Juicing with a Juicer

In order to prepare a drink using a juicer, 0.5 kg of sugar is needed for 7 kg of grapes.

How to make juice with a juicer

The advantage of this cooking method is that there is no need to pick the berries from the branches. Whole bunches are quite suitable, this will not spoil the taste of the drink. So:

  1. The grapes are washed and placed in a juicer bowl.
  2. Set the bowl in place and turn on the fire.
  3. After at least half an hour, you can pour hot juice into pre-sterilized jars and roll them up with tin lids.
  4. You can add some sugar if you wish. In this case, the drink is first collected in a saucepan, sugar is added and, without boiling, poured into jars.

Important! A drink prepared using a juicer is less concentrated, so it can be offered even to small children.

Rules and conditions for storing blanks

Store finished blanks in a dry and cool place. The best solution is an ordinary basement.
The drink will retain its natural beneficial properties for 3-5 years. Do not be afraid if, after some time, a solid crystalline precipitate appears at the bottom of the jar. This is wine stone. Its appearance is natural for grape juice.

More about healthy juices

Natural juices are extremely beneficial for health. The biologically active substances contained in them have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. But the composition of each vegetable, fruit or berry is unique, so the effect of drinks prepared from them is different.


This juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, since it contains pectin. It is also useful in diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder.

Apple juice can be consumed in unlimited quantities without compromising health. But it should be borne in mind that it is quite acidic, and people with high acidity should refrain from it.


This juice helps fight colds and diseases of the cardiovascular system. He is also a real find for the strong half of humanity. It has a positive effect on reproductive function and, with regular use, allows you to maintain men's health for a long time.

But at the same time, do not forget that pumpkin juice has a good cleansing effect. It is not recommended for use in severe gastrointestinal disorders.


This drink occupies a leading position in terms of the content of nutrients among its own kind. It contains beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, B vitamins and many more useful substances. Carrot juice has a beneficial effect not only on vision, but also on all metabolic processes in our body.
But you should not drink it uncontrollably. This can adversely affect the functioning of the liver. Harvesting grape juice at home allows you to personally provide your family with delicious and natural vitamins for the winter.

This process is technologically simple, and it is almost impossible to spoil the product. And the effort and time spent on preparation, this healthy drink fully justifies.

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41 times already

Grapes have been credited with healing properties since ancient times. Eating berries is recommended to increase immunity and maintain the whole body in good shape. The elixir of youth and health can be easily obtained at home. To do this, you can prepare grape juice. In our article you will find the most common recipes and will be able to please your loved ones with a valuable drink.

What recipes are there

A wide variety of juice recipes will allow everyone to get a drink to their taste. Depending on the grape variety and its degree of maturity, the production technology of the product is different. By the method of preparation, a drink obtained by a manual method is distinguished, in a juicer or a juicer.

The manual method is rooted in the distant past. Its essence lies in squeezing the fruits with your hands or with a small press. After pressing, the resulting mixture is filtered through gauze or a sieve.

The production technology resembles the preparation of wine. This is the most ancient and time-consuming method, but the result justifies the time spent. Those who want to speed up and simplify the pomace process can use a meat grinder or blender.

When preparing juice, you can take advantage of the benefits of modern civilization and use a juicer. It will not only simplify the process by replacing manual labor, but also eliminate the need to filter the resulting drink.

Another simple option for making a drink is a juicer. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the grapes well and lower them into an electrical appliance, which will do all the work.

What do you need to cook at home?

First of all, prepare the ripe grapes. Of the tools you will need a manual crusher or juicer. To filter a freshly squeezed drink, stock up on a sieve with small holes, gauze and a colander. Prepare a container for grape juice and storage jars in case you decide to spin a valuable drink for the winter.

Attention! Before preparing the juice for the winter, it must be sterilized. To do this, the drink is poured into jars, covered with lids and placed in a large container, where water is poured up to the very neck of the jars. All this is boiled for 5 to 15 minutes.

To prevent the development of bacteria, fungi and mold, it is recommended to carry out preventive processing of kitchen utensils. To do this, all pots and jars are poured with boiling water, and then wiped dry with a cloth.

Preparation of juice of different varieties

Consider how to make juice from different varieties.

Dark grape drink

Learn more about dark varieties.


This fragrant, juicy and sweet grape can be easily found on the plots of growers and for sale.

Rinse the fruits thoroughly and carefully separate the berries from the twigs. Next, squeeze out the juice with a wooden crusher.

Place the resulting mass on fire, boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then strain the juice into a container through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

The variety perfectly withstands heat treatment and is ideal for spins for the winter. To do this, you will need to pour it into washed jars and sterilize for about 5 minutes. Then screw on the lids and send it to storage in the basement or pantry.


The rich and tart taste of grapes will give the juice not only a harmonious aftertaste, but also a lot of useful microelements. Rinse, separate the berries and place in a juicer. Filter the resulting mixture with cheesecloth or a sieve.

Advice! In the case of preparing a large amount of juice, it is periodically recommended to remove the resulting cake. Otherwise, it will give the juice a slight bitterness and spoil the taste.

The next step is heat treatment. Put the pot with the mixture on the fire and add sugar in the amount of 50 g for each liter of juice. Boil for 15 minutes, then pour into jars, sterilize and twist.

Advice! If a freshly squeezed drink has too much concentration, you can dilute it with water in the ratio: 2 parts juice and 1 part water.

Juice from white grapes

Read more about juice from white varieties.


The fragrant, sickly sweet variety will give a highly concentrated juice, which, when diluted with water, will get a harmonious taste and a delicate smell.

To make a drink, prepare washed grapes and place them in a juicer for an hour. Add some sugar if desired. Pour the finished drink into jars, sterilize and spin for the winter.

Interesting! If the Bianca grapes are not separated from the branches, but boiled whole, they will add a pleasant tartness and sophistication to the juice.


Gently sweet taste with a slight sourness will give the juice the Rapture variety. Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse well and separate the berries from the twigs. Otherwise, the color of the drink will become darker, and the taste will acquire bitter notes.

Advice! In order for the drink to acquire a beautiful amber color, it is allowed to settle for a couple of days. Then, the precipitate formed is removed, and the juice is boiled again for a quarter of an hour. The finished drink is poured into jars, sterilized and rolled up for the winter.

Making juice for the winter

A wide variety of recipes will help everyone find their favorite drink. By spinning the jars for the winter, you will provide yourself and your family with the necessary supply of valuable trace elements.

Advice! Before opening cans twisted for the winter, it is recommended to shake them well.

Grape juice "Classic recipe"

Prepare washed and separated grapes. Squeeze them in any way, and then dilute with water. For 10 kg of pulp add a liter of cold boiled water. The mixture is then pressed again.

Then place the container on the stove and do not let it boil, heating the mixture for 15 minutes. Next, the drink is cooled so that it becomes clearer and infused. After that, the juice is boiled and granulated sugar is added to taste. If desired, the drink can be poured into jars and twisted.

traditional recipe

Wash and separate the berries from the branches. Place them in the juicer and squeeze, periodically removing the remaining pomace.

Reference! The chemical composition of grape seeds includes an astringent, which, when crushed, enters the juice. To neutralize the substance, filtered water is poured into the resulting mixture. A liter of water is prepared for two liters of juice.

Cooking by boiling

Using this method, you can get juice from any grape variety, as well as spin it for the winter. An interesting taste and amazing aroma can be achieved by mixing different varieties.

  1. First, rinse, separate the berries from the branches and remove the rotten fruits of white and red grapes. Run them individually through a juicer or press.
  2. Next, dilute the pulp from red grapes with water at the rate of 1 liter per bucket of squeezed mass. Heat the mixture to 70 degrees Celsius, stirring occasionally. Then cool and squeeze again. Mix the juice from white and red grapes, boil, and then pour into unsterilized jars and roll up.
  3. Send the drink for storage and clarification for 2 months at temperatures up to +2 degrees Celsius. Then unscrew the jars, heat to 75 degrees, pour into containers and sterilize in a large saucepan in water for half an hour. Then twist the cans and send for storage

Cooking by hand

Prepare any grape variety, wash it well and place it under the press. The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that the bunches can be placed in the whole mechanism without separating each berry.

Then place the resulting mass in a container and send it overnight to a dark, cold place, such as a basement, so that all unnecessary particles settle to the bottom.

Important! Pour the freshly squeezed mixture into a stainless steel or enamel bowl. Galvanized or aluminum pots can react with the acid in the grapes and spoil the taste of the juice.

Next, the juice that has settled overnight must be poured into another container so that the sediment remains at the bottom. A good folk way is the principle of communicating vessels. To do this, one end of a clean hose is placed in a container with a drink, and the other in an empty one. If you do not get rid of the sediment, the juice will turn cloudy and opaque.

Advice! If you try to tilt and pour the settled drink into another vessel, the sediment will mix again, and the procedure will have to be started again.

Then the container is placed on fire and boiled for 15 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Ready juice can be poured into jars, sterilized and twisted.

How to make concentrated juice?

If desired, you can make grape juice of high concentration.

  • To do this, do not add any sugar or water.
  • Peeled and separated berries are processed in a juicer. The resulting mixture is then boiled for 5 minutes.
  • Then it is passed for filtration through a sieve or gauze. Then it is poured into banks. If desired, you can roll up the juice for the winter and use it for making cocktails or desserts in pure or diluted form.

Grape juice in a pressure cooker

No less healthy and tasty juice can be obtained with the help of modern equipment, for example, a pressure cooker. For this, peeled fruits of any variety are prepared. You can not separate the berries from the twigs, then the final product will acquire a slight bitterness and zest.

Prepare the appliance according to the instructions. Fill the drip tray with water and place the juice container. Then fill it with berries not to the very top so that the liquid does not overflow when boiling. Together with the fruits, sugar is poured so as to distribute it evenly throughout the volume.

The cooking process is carried out for about an hour in accordance with the program. Next, the resulting juice is poured into jars and rolled up.

The next batch is started only after cleaning the pressure cooker from the previous cooking. This process is repeated depending on your needs.

You can watch the preparation of juice in a pressure cooker on the video.


Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

What to do if the juice becomes cloudy and sediment appears?

Do not be afraid when you find these signs in a drink prepared for the winter. This is a natural chemical process that indicates the precipitation of cream of tartar as a result of long-term storage. Three months after making the juice, the jars must be opened, pasteurized and poured back into the jars.

Reference! Tartar is the popular name for potassium tartrate contained in berries in a volume of 0.7%.

Can juice be saved if it has fermented?

If signs of fermentation are found, it is recommended to uncork the jars, and use the drink as the basis for wine. The cake remaining after pressing can also be used for the production of grape chacha.

Common mistakes

  • To obtain a drink with a pleasant taste and delicate aroma you need to separate the berries from the bunches of grapes. The process is laborious, but it should not be neglected, as this will affect the taste of the final product.
  • When preparing a drink with a juicer, you should periodically clean it from the resulting cake. Otherwise, the juice will acquire a bitter taste and lose its sophistication.
  • Important correctly carry out the sterilization process when spinning the juice for the winter. Banks must be washed well with detergent and rinsed abundantly. After pouring the drink, the jars are placed in a container with water and boiled for 5-15 minutes. The final step is to twist the sterilized lids.
  • Before you remove the cans of juice in the place of their long-term storage, you need to let the drink brew. To do this, rolled cans are turned upside down and covered with a warm blanket. They are placed in a dark place and left in this form overnight.

Useful video

Learn more about making grape juice from the video below:

You can prepare a healthy drink and surprise your loved ones without much difficulty. Don't be afraid to experiment and discover new flavors.