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Method of use of clotrimazole vaginal tablets. Clotrimazole: treatment of thrush

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for thrush and diseases caused by Candida fungi that is truly effective

External and local remedies in the treatment of acute candidiasis are preferable. And only in the absence of a therapeutic effect, systemic antimycotics are prescribed. Clotrimazole cream is widely used for thrush, which shows high therapeutic results in mild cases of fungal disease. The drug is used in the antifungal therapy of candidiasis in both women and men.

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Clotrimazole for thrush in women is used in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, solution, spray, gel, cream and ointment. The antimycotic is not available in tablet form for oral administration.

First of all, the imidazole derivative is highly effective against the yeast-like fungi Candida, which is the causative agent of candidiasis. The drug also inhibits other pathogenic flora: lichen pathogens, gram-negative bacteria, exhibiting antibiotic properties.

The principle of action of clotrimazole is that it prevents fungi from actively multiplying, because it has a detrimental effect on their cell membranes. It not only inhibits the growth of the fungal colony, but at increased concentrations it destroys the pathogen. The substance increases the pH level in the fungal cells, causing them to collapse.

Clotrimazole is not absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, therefore it does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and cannot lead to poisoning of the body.

An antimycotic in the form of an ointment creates a film on the surface, thanks to which the substance penetrates the skin more easily, but on the other hand, such a greenhouse effect can aggravate the situation, since it favors the activity of fungi. In this case, Clotrimazole cream is used for thrush, which does not lead to the formation of a film. For this reason, this form of release is more in demand.

What does the drug help with?

The antimycotic is widely used for dermatological diseases caused by mold, yeast-like fungi and other pathogens. The product is also indicated for candidiasis of the skin and internal organs.

In gynecology, Clotrimazole ointment is primarily used for thrush in women and not only for treatment, but also for prevention of the disease.

The product is also used for other forms of mycoses of the skin and mucous membranes, where the use of external preparations is appropriate.

In case of mild fungal disease, the drug can be used as a monotherapy.

Treatment of thrush in women

When using Clotrimazole ointment, the instructions for thrush in women recommend applying it twice a day. The product is rubbed into the affected areas, allowed time to be absorbed and only then put on underwear.

The cream is inserted into the vagina using a special cap once every 24 hours. In this case, one filled cap corresponds to 5 g of cream.

Duration of therapy:

  • in acute cases – 3 days with a single dose;
  • in the chronic form – 2 weeks up to three times a day (determined by a doctor).

During menstruation, treatment with the cream is suspended, as discharge reduces its effectiveness. Pre-douching the vagina with soda or chamomile will help enhance the effect of the cream. In this case, it is more advisable to replace the antimycotic with an analogue ointment, for example, Zalain, the use of which is also effective during menstruation.

For vaginal thrush, both partners are treated with cream or ointment.

Use in men

It is generally accepted that thrush is a female ailment, but the stronger sex is also susceptible to it. Candidiasis of the genital organ in men is manifested by a disease such as balanoposthitis, which requires immediate treatment. Thrush ointment for men Clotrimazole is applied to the affected areas, previously washed and dried:

  • The product is distributed in a thin layer with lightly rubbing movements.
  • The number of applications per day is from 1 to 3.

After the symptoms of balanitis disappear, therapy continues for another two weeks.

In any case, the man must also undergo treatment, even if he is not sick himself, but the infection is diagnosed in his sexual partner.

Use during pregnancy

Clotrimazole ointment instructions for use against thrush allow its use in pregnant women starting from the second trimester. The effect of the drug on the condition of the fetus in the first trimester has not been studied, therefore the drug is not recommended for use.

Side effects

The skin may react to a local antimycotic with the following manifestations:

  • burning, itching, tingling;
  • irritation, blistering rashes;
  • swelling, redness.

If the above symptoms do not stop during treatment with antimycotic cream, but only increase, you should consult a doctor and change the drug. But if such manifestations appear and gradually fade away, treatment is not suspended.

special instructions

In order to use Clotrimazole ointment for thrush, a doctor's prescription is not required. The drug is freely available in pharmacies.

When Clotrimazole (ointment) is used, the instructions for thrush in women do not recommend combining it with other antimycotics, primarily those containing nystatin and natamycin. This is contraindicated due to the reduced activity of clotrimazole.

Sexual life with candidiasis should be interrupted during treatment, since the antifungal agent can provoke an allergic reaction in the partner, and when protected with condoms, it reduces their contraceptive properties.

The story of one of our readers:

Hello! Several years ago I had an acute case of urinary tract inflammation, which led to cystitis. It was hellish torment!! If they told me: choose - either you give birth or cystitis, I would rather give birth again. Medicines did not help, and even if they helped, the disease returned again. My husband and I completely forgot about sex life, but we remember the sleepless nights from pain together and very well. This continued until I...

Clotrimazole is an affordable and effective drug with a broad-spectrum antifungal effect, also prescribed for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

Available in the form of a solution, ointment, cream, suppositories, tablets. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the article we will consider the cream and ointment, instructions for use for women, men, and children.

Why use Clotrimazole cream and ointment in the treatment of thrush

The main active ingredient of the drug is imidazole, which can sharply inhibit the formation of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida that cause thrush. During use, the concentration of the active component increases, which leads to disruption of the structure of the cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms and their inevitable death.

Clotrimazole ointment and cream is used in the treatment of thrush in women, men and children. In ointment contains more fat, which allows the medicine to penetrate much deeper. If thrush in women and men is accompanied by increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, then this form is the most effective. Application to the affected areas creates a protective layer that prevents moisture evaporation. At the same time, it has an antifungal effect in the middle layers of the epidermis.

It is better to use cream if there is abundant cheesy discharge. In addition to the therapeutic effect, it will have a drying effect. Small concentrations suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, large concentrations cause irreversible processes in the structure of the fungus.

Features of childhood candidiasis– diaper rash in the area of ​​the skin – suggest the use of 1% cream.

Thrush is a “family” disease, so all family members must take the course.

Instructions for use of ointment/cream

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, the condition of the mucosa and is individual. The average course for women, men and children (after 6 years) is 2–4 weeks.

According to the instructions for use of Clotrimazole ointment, it is recommended to apply it twice a day, morning and evening, after mandatory thorough hygiene procedures using neutral Ph products.

With thrush women Rub a small amount in with light movements, spreading over dry, clean skin and the genital area. For vaginal use, a strip 5 cm long is sufficient.

Treatment baby Clotrimazole should be administered with extreme caution, since the skin of children performs an active respiratory function - it cannot be immediately applied to a large affected area. Apply the same way, twice a day, but in small portions to separate areas.

How to use to prevent relapses: Treatment should be continued after the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared for 1-2 weeks.


Clotrimazole ointment/cream should be avoided if you have an individual intolerance to the components and liver dysfunction.

Features of using Clotrimazole ointment

During treatment you should abstain from sexual intercourse. If the nature of the disease allows sexual activity, then the use of latex contraceptives should be excluded.

Side effects

Adverse reactions when treated with Clotrimazole ointment may include:

  • irritation on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • and pain.

In rare cases, skin rashes and blisters may occur.

Symptoms cannot be ignored; if they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to discontinue the drug and prescribe an alternative treatment.

Analogues of Clotrimazole

  1. Candide Clotrimazole

An antifungal pharmaceutical that has a similar therapeutic effect against thrush as the drug under consideration, but a wider spectrum of action.

  1. Triderm

Successfully treats genitourinary candidiasis and other fungal skin lesions. It has a similar therapeutic result, but differs in the presence of additional active substances.

  1. Kanizon

A combined agent with a pronounced antifungal effect. Effectively used for inguinal candidiasis. In addition to clotrimazole, it is based on gentamicin (an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action).

  1. Imidil

An antifungal drug that is a derivative of imidazole and triazole. Prescribed for genital and vaginal infections caused by Candida or Trichomonas. It has a greater number of adverse reactions compared to Clotrimazole.

  1. Clotrisal

Consists of clotrimazole and salicylic acid. Prescribed for thrush in adults and children over 14 years of age.


"Clotrimazole" is prescribed for fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, mycoses, dermatomycosis, genital infections, microsporia, pityriasis versicolor, candidiasis (). For localized treatment, it is better to use vaginal tablets or cream. If the skin or nails are affected, it is recommended to use the drug in the form of a solution. "Clotrimazole" acts as follows: it destroys the membranes of the causative agent of the disease, as a result they become non-viable. The drug is poorly absorbed through the mucous membranes and through the skin, therefore it has only a local effect.

Use Clotrimazole vaginal tablets once a day for 6 days. Insert them deep into the vagina while lying on your back. It's better in the evening before bed. If necessary, in consultation with your doctor, repeat the course of treatment. Before using the Clotrimazole solution, wash with soap and dry the parts of the body affected by thrush, and then apply the drug. During treatment, wear clothes made from natural fibers. For candidal balanitis or candidiasis, use suppositories and tablets simultaneously with Clotrimazole cream. Apply the solution or cream several times a day to the affected areas for one to two weeks.

"Clotrimazole" is effective for the acute form of thrush; for the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, another drug is additionally prescribed for oral administration (for example, "Fluconazole"). When used simultaneously, the effectiveness of Clotrimazole is reduced by Nystatin, Amphotericin B, and Natamycin. The drug should not be used to treat thrush in the first three months of pregnancy. It is used with caution, strictly according to indications, in the second and third trimesters and during lactation. Nursing mothers are contraindicated to apply the product to the mammary glands.

While using Clotrimazole cream, swelling, irritation, burning or peeling of the skin, itching, rashes, hives or blisters may occur. After using vaginal tablets and suppositories, burning, itching, swelling of the mucous membrane, gastralgia, and headache may occur. Sometimes, vaginal discharge appears, recurrent cystitis develops, and pain may occur during sexual intercourse.


Clotrimazole is sold without a doctor's prescription. The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15-25°C. The shelf life of the product is three years.

"Clotrimazole" is an antibacterial and antifungal drug. The ointment is used for skin diseases, superficial candidiasis, etc. Available in the form of tubes in a cardboard box.


Clotrimazole ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the vagina once a day for three days. If candidiasis is chronic, the drug should be used three times a day. Before application, hygiene procedures must be carried out. The ointment should be rubbed in carefully in a circular motion. The approximate dose is 5 g. The duration of therapy for chronic thrush is determined by the doctor. During treatment you should avoid sexual intercourse. At the same time, you need to apply the ointment to a partner. For therapy, the drug is applied to the foreskin and glans penis twice a day. The duration of treatment is 7 days.

If symptoms of irritation or hypersensitivity appear, treatment is stopped. If after a course of therapy there is no effect, the diagnosis should be confirmed. The drug causes side effects such as burning sensation, itching, swelling, peeling, irritation and allergic reactions. An overdose of the drug when applied topically is unlikely. Doctors allow the use of the drug during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and with caution during lactation. The ointment is contraindicated for the first time after 12 weeks of pregnancy and in case of hypersensitivity to clotrimazole and the excipients of the drug.

Thrush affects almost every person - both women and men. Fortunately, this disease is easy to treat. The main thing is to choose the right matchmaker and not waste time.

Yes, candidiasis also develops in representatives of the stronger half. But now we will not talk about how to treat candidiasis in men. Let's talk about the treatment of thrush in women. Clotrimazole suppositories are becoming very popular for overcoming the disease.

How do they work?

Why are they so popular for thrush in women? This is explained by their action. Each drug instruction states that clotrimazole is an antifungal agent used to treat candidiasis. The antifungal effect is manifested by the destruction of the fungal cell. This occurs as a result of a decrease in cell permeability due to impaired ergosterol production.

When administered intravaginally, about 10% of the substance is absorbed. At the same time, a high content of the active substance is observed in the vaginal secretion, and a low content in the blood. The concentration of clotrimazole in the secretion remains at the same level for up to 72 hours. This means that this remedy can only be used once a day.

Possible release options

It is produced in three forms, namely in the form of ointment, cream and vaginal suppositories or tablets. The first two options are used for external use, which is less effective. That is why clotrimazole suppositories are often used for thrush, which help destroy many types of fungi, as well as the causative agent of lichen versicolor.

Vaginal suppositories are available in packs of six. Each of them contains the following components: 100 mg of active ingredient, as well as glycerin as an excipient. One package is enough for a course of treatment. Suppositories are available in one dosage, that is, 100 mg.


This remedy is prescribed by gynecologists when girls or women develop genital candidiasis or another disease that is caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active substance. In girls, this remedy is used only after the start of sexual activity. To achieve a lasting effect from treatment, clotrimazole is prescribed to both sexual partners, and not just the girl. In men, it can be used in the form of an ointment, which is prescribed by a urologist.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any drug, these suppositories have contraindications. As mentioned above, this is the first trimester in pregnant women, as well as hypersensitivity, that is, an allergy to one of the components of the medicine. It is important that this drug is prescribed with great caution to young mothers during lactation. Advice: coordinate appointments with a gynecologist.

Mode of application

Instructions for use

Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories used for thrush can only be used intravaginally. The suppository is inserted once a day (before bed) deep into the vagina, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. The woman should lie on her back with her legs bent. For ease of use of the medicine, the box contains an applicator that simplifies the administration of the suppository.

After administration of the drug, the woman should not stand up. That is why suppositories are administered before bedtime. Sanitation of the vagina from fungus occurs after a full course of treatment. If necessary, to completely get rid of candidiasis, the course can be repeated on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

Consequences of overdose

nausea; vomit; discomfort and pain in the abdominal area; decreased liver function and changes in liver tests; hallucinations; drowsiness; allergic reactions on the skin; pollanuria.

Although the latter symptoms develop quite rarely. To prevent such reactions, this antifungal drug must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

Particular attention should be paid to the use of clotrimazole suppositories in pregnant women, as they are also susceptible to vaginal candidiasis. It is especially difficult to combat candidiasis during pregnancy, since the use of most medications during this period is prohibited. After all, they harm the child. The instructions for the suppositories state that clotrimazole can be used for thrush during pregnancy, but only with caution.

What does this mean? That when the first signs of genital candidiasis appear, a woman should see a gynecologist. And he will determine whether she can use these particular suppositories or not. It is known that in the first trimester they are strictly contraindicated. During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it is allowed to use clotrimazole suppositories to treat thrush. Like other women, pregnant women use the drug once a day before bed, inserting it into the vagina.

Disadvantages of the medicine

This product has few disadvantages:

  • the need for complex treatment. This means that for treatment, suppositories with clotrimazole are used in combination with creams or tablets;
  • restriction of use during pregnancy;
  • the effect begins only when inserted into the vagina; this drug is not intended for external use;
  • a positive and lasting effect is possible only if the treatment regimen is followed.

Advantages of the drug

Clotrimazole suppositories used for thrush have a number of advantages:

  • wide spectrum of action, which means activity against not one type of fungus, but several, as well as other pathogenic flora;
  • highly effective drug - the first positive effect occurs already on the second or third day from the start of use;
  • easy to use, as they are used once a day;
  • availability, as they cost no more than 50 rubles per package.

Despite the advantages, the use of the product should be properly coordinated with a gynecologist. Improper treatment leads to the fact that the acute process becomes chronic with frequent or rare exacerbations. And overcoming a chronic disease is much more difficult than an acute one. This truth is known to all women.

Clotrimazole ointment is a cheap and effective remedy for combating candidiasis. This cream helps both men and women. This is a drug for topical use, which can be used both independently and as part of a complex form of treatment for acute and chronic candidiasis.

Clotrimazole-based ointment acts directly on Candida fungi, slowing down their growth and stopping the reproduction process.

Clotrimazole ointment is most often used against thrush, this is evidenced by both statistics and numerous reviews. Reviews about this product are often positive, since both the price and quality of this drug cannot but rejoice.

You should use this cream only after a doctor’s prescription, since the instructions for use are not a guide to treatment and by self-medicating, you most likely will not achieve anything.

Reviews about Clotrimazole are positive because this remedy very quickly helps to remove unpleasant symptoms when a fungal infection occurs, such as itching, burning and redness in the genital area and cheesy discharge.

When treating a fungal infection, local and systemic agents are prescribed in a comprehensive manner; the advantage of the drug is that it can be used together with other means, including traditional medicine.

It is very easy to use this ointment, but do not forget that the instructions for use cannot replace consultation with a qualified specialist, since this drug against fungal infections has a number of contraindications. This list includes, among other things, the use of clotrimazole during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Using ointment against thrush in women

The instructions state that the product is indicated for use if a woman experiences irritation, burning or itching in the genital area, white cheesy discharge from the vagina, as well as discomfort or burning when urinating.

But do not forget that these signs may also indicate other diseases of the genitourinary system in women, so visit a gynecologist to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Anti-candidiasis cream is very easy to insert into a woman’s vagina using a special cap, which is sold complete with the drug.

Reviews indicate that before using the cream, it is recommended to douche with herbal decoctions, such as chamomile, oak bark or honey. Soda solution is also perfect for these purposes, as evidenced by reviews from women who have cured fungus.

Use of Clotrimazole against candidiasis in men

The male body is much more resistant to the Candida fungus, so it often happens that the symptoms of a fungal infection do not appear and the patient does not even suspect that he is sick. This means that if a woman is undergoing treatment for a fungus, then the man should also be treated.

If men do not show symptoms, this does not mean that they are not carriers of the disease. The drug helps to completely cure, for this it is applied to the head and foreskin.

Candidiasis is a disease that can cause a lot of trouble and seriously harm your health.

Often it is not taken seriously, but in vain, since advanced disease can give complications and cause other diseases, such as urethritis.

You just can’t use it, as you won’t achieve any effect. Treatment of candidiasis should be comprehensive and include the use of agents for local and systemic use.

In addition, effective treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist based on tests, since the fungus can be resistant to medications.

Instead of treating the fungus, undergo prevention. Wear breathable underwear, practice good hygiene, maintain normal intestinal and vaginal microflora by consuming fermented milk products and lactobacilli. By following these simple instructions, you will significantly reduce your risk of getting sick.