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Can varicose veins be cured without surgery? Treatment without surgery or how to remove leg veins without surgery? Can you get rid of varicose veins with exercise?

No one wants to lie down on the operating table, unless the pathology is life threatening. And a legitimate question arises: “How to remove varicose veins on the legs without surgery?” It should immediately be noted that this is unlikely to succeed. Structural changes in the veins with varicose veins cannot be corrected.

No wonder varicose veins are a chronic disease. And modern medicine has not learned how to treat chronic pathologies. However, even doctors admit that if you start treatment on time and change your lifestyle, you can improve your condition, avoid progression and recurrence of the disease.

Overview of non-surgical techniques

All the methods below are effective at the initial stage of varicose veins. But with a complex effect, it is possible to achieve the disappearance of symptoms and protruding varicose veins even in the second and third stages. For the treatment of varicose veins are used:

  • drug therapy:
  • local;
  • systemic;
  • non-traditional methods of treatment;
  • non-drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy techniques;
  • non-surgical minimally invasive treatment;
  • folk medicine.

Let's consider each method separately.

Medical therapy

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs for varicose veins, both synthetic and using natural ingredients. For surface application, creams, gels, ointments, sprays have been developed that improve blood flow, relieve inflammation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize their permeability, anesthetize and regenerate.

However, it is impossible to eliminate varicose veins only by external influence. For a complex effect “from the inside”, tablets are used, injection solutions that have a norm-stimulating effect on the veins. All drugs should be used only as directed by a general practitioner or phlebologist.


  • phlebotonics, drugs that increase the tone of the venous wall, by synthesizing hyaluronic acid, normalizing the transmission of nerve impulses, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. There are both phlebotonics for oral use and for external application. Natural components are part of Aescusan, Herbion esculus, Diosmin, Vasoket, Aescin, Detralex, etc. Synthetic vetotonics include Tribenoside, Glivenol, Calcium Dobesilate, etc. A group of venotonics that combines synthetic and natural components is Troxevasin neo, Anginorm, Venorm , Doppelhertz and others.
  • anticoagulants, drugs that thin the blood, prevent platelet aggregation (gluing) - Lyoton, Curantil, Trental, Venolife and Aspirin.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation of the veins, prevent phlebitis and relieve pain. NPS include Diclofenac and Indomethacin.

For external use, products based on:

  • Heparin - Lyoton, Gepatrombin, Heparin ointment, Trombless, Dolobene. Means based on substances from the glands of leeches prevent the formation of blood clots and dissolve existing ones. They are used even with advanced forms of varicose veins;
  • Herbal substances from horse chestnut, butcher's broom, ginkgo biloba, sweet clover and grape leaves - Aescusan, Cycloven. Venitan, Venastat, Aescin. The drugs strengthen the vascular wall, relieve swelling, pain, normalize venous outflow, microcirculation and tissue trophism.

A specialist will help you choose medicines in accordance with the state of the veins, the stage of varicose veins, and associated pathologies. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the disease.

Medical science has developed methods of influencing the veins with the help of devices generating light radiation, ultrasound, alternating currents, etc.

Along with medicines used:

  • dosonvalization;
  • magnetic impulse therapy;
  • amplipulse;
  • intermittent pneumatic compression;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • hyperbaric oxygenation.

Balneotherapy and hydrotherapy have a large arsenal. Apply massage, mud therapy, ozone therapy. A large selection of different methods of physiotherapy allows you to choose the most effective in each case.

Alternative therapy for varicose veins

The methods of non-traditional therapy for varicose veins include:

  • hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches;
  • apitherapy - treatment with bee stings and bee products;
  • the use of Varifort - dressings with negatively charged microspheres that destroy blood clots;
  • can Thai massage;
  • Ayurvedic treatment with aroma oils;
  • acupuncture and acupuncture, etc.

Doctors question the effectiveness of all these methods, but patients continue to use them, achieving good results.

To quickly and effectively get rid of varicose veins, our readers recommend the cream " VARIUS". The remedy eliminates varicose veins in one course, quickly and effectively, consists only of their natural components. VARIUS is completely safe. The tool has no side effects.

Non-surgical minimally invasive methods

Minimally invasive (non-traumatic) methods are not considered surgical intervention in the full sense. Manipulations inside the vein pass through a tiny puncture or incision, are carried out in an outpatient setting, as a rule, under local anesthesia. They effectively fight spider veins, but not many help with protruding veins.

Laser ablation is used for “soldering” veins from one centimeter in diameter (using an end light guide) to large vessels (using a radial light guide.). The laser beam heats the blood, evaporating it and forming vapor with tiny bubbles, which damages the inner walls of the vein. As a result, they "stick together" blocking further blood flow through the damaged area of ​​the veins. The laser not only eliminates varicose veins, but also treats inflammation, stimulates blood supply and tissue trophism.

Radiofrequency ablation also allows you to eliminate veins of any diameter. A radiofrequency catheter is inserted into the vessel through a puncture. An anesthetic is injected into the tissues surrounding the vessel, which isolates the tissues from exposure to radio waves. The method allows you to go in for sports in two weeks.

Sclerotherapy is effective in removing veins with a diameter of no more than 10 mm. A special solution is injected into the vein, which damages the inner endothelial layer and sticks together the walls of the vessel.

When using external venotonics and compression stockings, the methods give a good result, eliminating varicose veins of the legs.

Non-drug therapy

Non-drug therapy for varicose veins includes:

  • dosed physical activity - yoga, dancing, aqua aerobics, swimming, etc.;
  • falconation;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • diet therapy;
  • compression effect with the help of special preventive and therapeutic knitwear.

Physical activity stimulates blood flow, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes the work of venous-muscular pumps. Juice therapy helps to cleanse the body, provides tissues with the necessary macro- and microelements and vitamins. A special diet normalizes weight, eliminates "bad" cholesterol.

Compression hosiery supports the walls of blood vessels, ensures normal venous outflow and lymphatic drainage, “unloads” the venous system, and prevents the formation of edema. Knitwear is selected by a doctor, in accordance with the purpose and degree of development of varicose veins.


Traditional medicine includes various steams, tinctures, decoctions of medicinal plants for internal use, compresses, body wraps, massage, foot baths.

  • To strengthen the vascular wall, they use: calamus, marshmallow, periwinkle, white locust, heather, water-color, wax, elecampane, oak, willow, viburnum, horse chestnut, cinquefoil, etc.
  • For tissue regeneration, they use: budra, geranium, elecampane, golden rod, coriander, comfrey, cudweed, etc.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties have: arnica, wild rosemary, balsam, birch, elderberry, grapes, harmala, nettle, linden, juniper, etc.
  • For blood thinning and against the formation of blood clots, they use: field calendula, officinalis galega, highlander, white doze, fumes, cockle, sowing flax, Canadian small-flowered, knotweed, etc.

The use of medicinal plants requires knowledge of the rules for the preparation of dosage forms, dosage, indications and contraindications. When using phytopreparations, a doctor's consultation is also necessary.

All methods will not give the expected effect without correcting the lifestyle, giving up bad habits and physical exercises.

Regular and complex use of all of these methods can provide relief from varicose veins without surgery and save you from the question: how to remove veins in the legs.

Do you still think that getting rid of varicose veins is difficult?

The advanced stage of the disease can cause irreversible consequences, such as: gangrene, blood poisoning. Often the life of a person with an advanced stage can only be saved by amputation of a limb.

In no case should you start the disease!

The greatest load falls on the legs of a person, which is why they are often subjected to the development of pathological processes. Often, doctors are faced with vascular diseases, their treatment may be different. How to remove veins on the legs without surgery and is it possible to do this? We will talk about this further.

Swollen veins occur due to a malfunction of the valves of the vessels, resulting in a disorder in the circulation of blood through the vessels. If you had to face a similar problem, begin to carry out therapeutic measures as early as possible in order to avoid the progression of the disease and, consequently, surgical intervention. And we will tell you how to remove swollen veins of the lower extremities without surgery.


Only an integrated approach will help get rid of the pathological process. Treatment should include correction of lifestyle, diet, exercise, compression effect on the affected limbs, drug therapy. Folk remedies and minimally invasive methods can also be used.

You need to start with lifestyle changes. Try to move more, go for walks, go in for fitness or just do exercises at home. It is very effective for swollen veins to swim, run.


It is important to reconsider your usual diet. From it you need to remove fried and fatty foods, spicy spices, alcohol, carbonated drinks, sweets, muffins. Include more vegetables, fruits, natural juices, fruit drinks, cereals. You can eat beef liver, lean meats.

With protruding veins, it is important to observe the correct diet

It is also worth paying attention to the diet. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Dinner should take place no later than 3-4 hours before going to bed.

Compression therapy

An integral part of the treatment of swollen veins is compression underwear. It puts pressure on the lower extremities, thereby restoring normal blood flow in the vessels. Depending on the localization of the pathological process, stockings, stockings, tights can be used.

Orthopedic clothing is represented by different models and classes, which differ in the force of pressure. What type you need will help you determine the doctor, after establishing the degree of neglect of the disease.

Also, such products can be used to prevent the development of the disease. How long it is necessary to wear compression stockings is also determined by the specialist. But as a rule, you need to put it on in the morning, without getting out of bed, and take it off only before going to bed.

Medical therapy

Of the drugs, drugs from the group of venotonics are used. These include Troxevasin, Antistax, Detralex, Venoruton, Lyoton, Venitan, Phlebodia. They can be used in the form of tablets, ointments, creams.

Blood thinners and anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed if pain, hyperemia, and local fever are noted along the course of the vein.

Any of the above medicines is used only as directed by a doctor, since the dosage and choice of the drug depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the characteristics of the particular patient.

Minimally invasive methods

Such methods of treatment do not involve skin dissection, however, they give a good result in the fight against the pathology of the veins in the legs. These include:

  • Sclerotherapy. This technique consists in introducing a special drug (sclerosant) into the lumen of the affected vessel with a thin needle. It sticks together its walls, as a result of which it is completely excluded from the bloodstream.
  • Endovasal laser ablation. It involves the impact on the walls of blood vessels with powerful laser pulses, under the influence of which irreversible coagulation of the vein occurs.
  • RF ablation. An electrode is inserted into the lumen of the vessel. It affects it with high-frequency radiation, which contributes to an increase in temperature in the lumen of the vein up to 85 degrees. This contributes to gluing its walls and turning it off from the blood flow system.

Folk ways

Some patients are wondering: how to remove veins in the legs with folk remedies? This can be done using various compresses, baths, lotions with medicinal plants. Making them yourself is quite simple, and the cost is low. But to achieve a visible effect, using folk remedies against swollen veins, it is possible only in the initial stages.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using any treatment.

Now you know whether it is possible to remove swollen veins on the legs without surgical intervention. But all methods should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Varicose veins on the legs- not only an aesthetic problem, but also a signal of the need to seriously take care of your health.

Such veins are not just unpleasant only for their appearance. They talk about circulatory disorders.
If varicose veins are not treated, it threatens with the appearance of blood clots or trophic ulcers. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as soon as you notice spider veins on your legs.

But how to get rid of swollen veins on the legs so that you can wear revealing clothes? - The editors of the site will talk about several ways to deal with the manifestations of varicose veins.

Varicose veins on the legs and compression stockings

Reduce manifestations varicose veins in the legs You can use compression stockings. This is ideal at the initial stage - in this case, you can.

Here's why compression stockings are effective:

1. It equalizes the pressure on all tissues, supports the venous walls, and normalizes the outflow of blood.

2. It is an excellent prevention of blood clots.

3. Reduces pain and.

4. Eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Stretchy jersey is almost invisible under normal clothes. It comes in a variety of sizes so you can easily find the one that fits your foot best.

Compression garments should not squeeze the leg. It should fit snugly against the skin, without causing discomfort. High-quality underwear can be worn for a long time without discomfort.

Please note that it is better to entrust the choice of compression underwear to the doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the size you need.

For the treatment of varicose veins and its prevention, compression underwear is perfect - it will help reduce the manifestations of varicose veins, normalize the outflow of blood and lymph, relieve the feeling of heaviness in the legs. It is better to select the size under the guidance of the attending physician.

Folk ways to get rid of varicose veins

Varicose veins on the legs can be reduced with the help of folk recipes. Along with their use, you must reconsider your lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle also negatively affects the health of the veins, as well as constant static loads. As a result of long "gatherings" blood circulation in the legs is disturbed, which leads to to the emergence of stagnant processes.

Varicose veins in the legs can be reduced with the help of such folk remedies:

1. Mix fresh wormwood with curdled milk- the finished mixture should be approximately the same consistency, for which the wormwood will need to be finely chopped. Put the gruel on gauze and wrap it around your legs before going to bed. Wrap your legs on top with cling film or cellophane, fix everything with an elastic bandage. Such a bandage should not squeeze the leg too much, but it should fit snugly. Soak for half an hour, and then remove, rinse your feet thoroughly with water and spread with cream.

2. Pour two tablespoons of hop cones with boiling water and let it brew. Then heat the same cones in a steam bath so that the broth boils on it for about 15 minutes. Drink the prepared infusion three times a day before meals - 100 ml each. This method can and even should be combined with other treatment options for varicose veins.

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How to remove veins on the legs and prevent their expansion in the future? There are two effective ways in which you can alleviate or eliminate the problem.

How to remove veins on the legs?

How to remove veins on the legs with a conservative method

Varicose veins appear in the form of vascular networks, and in severe stages of the disease, the veins swell and hurt. Gradually, trophic ulcers can form in the problem area, it is difficult to cure them, and sometimes it is impossible at all. There is a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the legs.

It is not easy to remove veins in the legs, but the conservative method of treatment is quite effective and helps especially well at the initial stage of the disease. It consists in wearing special compression stockings or tights, preventive soft gymnastics.

It gently adheres to the legs and normalizes blood circulation in this area, thereby reducing the load on the veins.

The risk of blood clots is minimized and the disease no longer progresses.

Compression underwear can be both preventive and therapeutic. Depending on the degree of varicose veins, the doctor will recommend the patient to wear one or another type.

How to remove veins from the legs with an operative method

Surgery is required when compression garments no longer help. There are several ways to surgically eliminate the disease.

The most popular and effective are:

  • laser vein removal
  • phlebectomy
  • radiofrequency ablation
  • sclerotherapy

Which method to choose and how to remove veins from the legs should be recommended by a phlebologist after a mandatory consultation. He will prescribe a series of tests and an ultrasound.

Laser and ablation are methods that do not cause pain to the patient. The outer integument of the skin is not broken, and after recovery there will be no scars, which is especially pleasing to patients. If laser or ablation is contraindicated for health reasons, phlebectomy is used. This is a method in which the affected vessels are removed mechanically. To eliminate a diseased vein, an incision is required.

Veins without resorting to surgery? I heard that sclerotherapy is not so omnipotent, the veins then appear again?
Ekaterina Sh., Moscow

Tells surgeon at the Moscow Center for Phlebology .

Currently, no method of treating varicose veins gives a 100% guarantee that new vessels will not appear on the legs in the future. After all, varicose veins are a condition of the body, largely due to genetic predisposition. We eliminate only the effect, but not the causes of the disease.

And, nevertheless, this is not yet a reason to distrust the phlebologist in general and phlebosclerosis as a method in particular. This is a highly effective and well-established method of treatment, the essence of which is gluing a section of a diseased vein. A drug that destroys the vessel wall is injected through a special needle into the lumen of the vein, and subsequent compression - a pressure bandage, elastic bandage or special underwear - accelerates the healing process. Sclerotherapy leaves no scars or marks.

- That is a supermethod?

If it is justified. First you need to conduct a very thorough examination, check the viability of the valvular apparatus, weigh all the pros and cons, take into account contraindications, and then carry out sclerotherapy, the technique of which, by the way, is also not easy and requires certain skills.

Relapses happen infrequently, especially if a woman follows all the recommendations of a phlebologist, the main of which is wearing special medical knitwear.

- Can pregnant women do sclerotherapy?

No. At this time, it is better to refrain from any intervention, not only surgery. Sclerotherapy, of course, does not affect the body - the concentrations of the drug injected into the vein are too low. But we still recommend that a woman wait a little and even treat the appointment of venotonic drugs during pregnancy negatively. Because, no matter how modern they may be, you will still read on the label: "do not use in the first and last trimester".

- Maybe, in general, put up with this disease, since it is still incurable, and not remove the veins?

Unfortunately, such a point of view exists, and we inherited it from our grandmothers, who considered heparin ointment to be the only means of salvation.

This opinion is extremely dangerous and leads to the fact that we still meet with extremely neglected cases. After all, dilated, even knotty veins do not always bother a woman. But sooner or later the body fails, and problems begin to grow like a snowball. There are symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency - pain, ulcers that are difficult to heal, and often thrombophlebitis - the most serious complication of varicose veins, leading to rather sad consequences. And women are not always aware of this. Don't worry - that's fine. And often they come to us so late, when we can’t advise them anything but surgery. Yes, and for her, time can also be lost. So it is necessary to carry out only measures to reduce the manifestations of complications.

Therefore, the question of whether to remove the expanded vein or not is simply not even correct. There can be no doubt - it can be removed unambiguously - either by compression phlebosclerosis or by surgery.

- And if you worry before, when dilated veins are nothing more than just a cosmetic defect?

If this problem is dealt with correctly and on time, then the disease can be controlled throughout life. If necessary, do sclerotherapy, periodically take a course of venotonics, which are especially effective not by themselves, but in combination, wear compression stockings - and then you can weaken the course of the disease and prevent complications.

If you are in a group of occupational or genetic risk, then it is better to refrain from long-term use of hormonal in one form or another. Unfortunately, they can negatively affect the venous wall, weaken its framework. These funds act on elastic fibers and often provoke manifestations of varicose veins.

If you have your own folk ways to prevent varicose veins, please leave a review about these methods in the comments below.