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Toothpaste without fluoride. Action and benefits of fluoride-free toothpastes: a list of effective cleansing products for oral hygiene

For supporting healthy teeth An impressive number of different drugs, accessories and medical devices have been created.

And if, when choosing a toothbrush, a person can examine the product in detail, look at the shape and length, evaluate the stiffness of the bristles, etc., then when choosing a toothpaste, people most often pay attention only to the taste of the paste.

Of course, taste does not play a key role. It would be much more correct to turn our attention to composition of the product and check whether the toothpaste contains fluoride.

Properties of fluorine

Fluoride in toothpaste is found in compounds with other elements. Such connections in large doses are dangerous for the human body, but have a positive effect on tooth enamel, strengthen and restore it.

Compounds containing fluorine can be deposited in various parts of the human body, causing negative effect on the thyroid gland, and are also contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes or kidney failure.

But amino fluoride, for example, is capable of exerting healing effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, pastes containing this organic compound can be used for prevention and the strength of the tooth coating.

Simply put, fluorides are necessary for teeth; they prevent the spread and proliferation of bacteria that corrode tooth enamel, but large dosages of such compounds will become dangerous for almost anyone.

Look video about the dangers of fluoride for a person:

Alternative to fluoride toothpastes

Your best choice when looking for toothpaste would be going to the dentist. He will be able to advise you on the company that uses the chemical compounds you need in its products.

When buying paste, pay attention to its composition. If fluorine is absent, the product must contain at least one of the following elements:

Fluoride-free toothpaste does not contain:

  • aluminum fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • monofluorophosphate;
  • tin fluoride;
  • aminofluoride (Olaflur).

List of the best pastas

Check out with a list with photos of fluoride-free toothpastes for children and adults, which are available for sale in Russia.


Russian company "SPLAT" produces a whole line of toothpastes that do not contain fluoride.


Brand "R.O.C.S." is also known for its alternative approach to toothpaste formula development. Xylitol, magnesium chloride, calcium glycerophosphate - all these substances are mixed to obtain maximum effect.

The human oral cavity is an alkaline environment. Therefore, as acidity increases, the risk of damage to tooth enamel increases. Pastes from "R.O.C.S." can increase acid resistance by 75-80%. Over time, this effect normalizes the state of microflora in the oral cavity.


Paste "PresiDENT" boasts a large assortment of different models developed by leading Italian specialists:


"Biomed" is a Russian manufacturer that creates formulas for toothpastes without the use of fluoride.


"ASEPTA SENSITIVE"– another representative of Russian developments in the field of oral hygiene. This paste is great for helping people who have increased bleeding gums and, in general, increased oral sensitivity.

New pearls

A budget option - "New Pearl". The famous pasta in Russia has a very low price (30 - 50 rubles), but its composition also has a minimal content of various beneficial substances.

The paste does not contain fluoride compounds, but is enriched with calcium citrate. Mixture mineralizes teeth well, but does not have the necessary effect on the gums or prevent bleeding.

Such a product suitable for everyday use, but for medicinal purposes it is better to purchase slightly more effective options presented above.


Fluoride (compounds that contain fluorine) can really have an extremely negative effect on the human body, because after brushing your teeth it may accumulate or be swallowed along with saliva. But sometimes doctors also recommend fluoride-containing toothpastes to strengthen tooth enamel.

For example, German brand "LACALUT" provides a high quality product that contains fluoride in small quantities.

Two main representatives: Sensitive and White. The first variety will help you cope (the result will be noticeable in a few days), and the second.

Toothpastes without fluoride are especially relevant for cities, towns and villages with elevated levels of this chemical element in local water. In some geographical places on the planet where people live en masse, its amount reaches even 1.0 mg/l. In general, in each region the content of this component in the aquatic environment varies significantly.

Today, the list of fluoride-free toothpastes is constantly growing. A similar product for oral hygiene, but with a high concentration of fluoride, can only be used in those residential regions where its content in water is below normal.

What is included in fluoride-free toothpastes?

When fluoride is contained in excess in the water consumed, the tooth enamel primarily needs calcium. It immediately revitalizes teeth and at the same time binds excess chemical element. Therefore, “Pearl” toothpaste without fluoride is supplemented with a calcium compound. It can also be included in various oral hygiene products in the form of compounds such as lactate, citrate, synthetic hydroxyapatite, glycerophosphate, and pantothenate.

The compositions of such pastes should not contain any fluorine compounds, which are usually used by manufacturers in their manufacture. Knowing the names of the components, you can always independently determine which hygiene product contains them. These include aluminum, monofluorophosphate, olaflur (aminofluoride), tin fluoride.

Fluoride-free toothpaste: a list for children. Top three

Children, first of all, need the best and most useful things; a growing body requires special attention and care. Therefore, the choice of toothpaste must also be taken with full responsibility.

In the ranking of the most useful products for children from 0 to 3 years old, the first place is given to PRESIDENT Baby paste-gel. According to experts, this is fluoride-free from an Italian manufacturer for the care of baby teeth. The product is low-abrasive and has a delicate raspberry aroma. It contains a strengthening product. The drug also includes xylitol, which effectively neutralizes acids present in the oral cavity and has a caries-static effect. The product is absolutely safe even if swallowed.

The second position on the list is occupied by Weleda gel. It is also recommended for children from 0 to 3 years old. This German preparation with calendula provides excellent care for developing baby teeth. Its components effectively remove all microbial plaque from the enamel. Due to the content of alginate - an extract from algae - and, of course, essential oils, the children's gel has anti-inflammatory properties. All components are absolutely safe even if ingested. Since it does not contain fluorine/calcium, it is recommended to alternate the gel or use another paste in parallel, which includes, for example, calcium glycerophosphate. This will accelerate the rate of enamel mineralization and increase its resistance to caries.

The third place of honor in the ranking is occupied by fluoride-free children's toothpaste “Splat Juicy Set”. Its use can begin in the first year of life and be used throughout subsequent decades. This Russian-made product is intended to strengthen enamel using an intensive method for people of all ages. It contains one of the most easily absorbed forms of calcium, called synthetic hydroxyapatite. This component perfectly restores even weakened enamel. It mineralizes it and makes it stronger. The product prevents the occurrence of stomatitis and gum inflammation.

Children's toothpastes without fluoride: continued list

The fourth position in the rating is given to the product “SPLAT Junior”. This product is used from 0 to 4 years, it has a creamy vanilla taste, made in Russia. The drug is unique in its complex of enzymes, which increases the immunity of the oral mucosa and prevents the occurrence of stomatitis. The paste does not cause any side effects when ingested.

Fifth place for children's paste "ROCS - PRO Baby". This product is also produced in Russia and is designed for use from 0 to 3 years of age, is not harmful if swallowed, contains xylitol and calcium glycerophosphate, and is also low abrasive.

The sixth position is assigned to the Russian paste, this is “ROCS baby - fragrant chamomile”. The product is designed for children from 0 to 3 years old. Its abrasive and polishing components effectively remove plaque, and xylitol neutralizes acids. It has a long-lasting cariesstatic effect. The drug contains alginate and chamomile extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. There is only one drawback - this product does not contain calcium compounds, and therefore the teeth are not strengthened. It is safe if swallowed.

The last place in the rating is given to the Russian paste “ROCS kids - Barberry”, specially designed for use by children from 3 to 7 years old. The anti-caries protection of the drug is high and is ensured by the presence in its composition of such elements as calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol.

Fluoride-free toothpaste: list for adults. Top three

A whole line of oral hygiene products has also been developed for adults, which completely lack the above component. They are effective and harmless.

The top three is headed by PRESIDENT Unique paste. It has a unique composition of three easily digestible calcium compounds. Thanks to this, Italian paste stands out from other similar preparations in the first place. Its enzyme xytitis inhibits the formation of new plaque and neutralizes the acidic environment of the oral cavity. The enzyme papain, in turn, promotes the dissolution of the protein matrix of plaque, facilitating its removal.

The second honorable position goes to the SPLAT - Biocalcium paste from a Russian manufacturer. It contains highly active calcium components (calcium lactate, hydroxyapatite) and substances (papain, polydon) that help dissolve plaque on tooth enamel. The composition of the drug is good, and its price is reasonable.

The third place is occupied by toothpaste without fluoride, the name of which is “SPLAT - Maximum”, it was produced in Russia. The product contains components that loosen and allow you to quickly remove pigment (polydon, papain). It also contains easily digestible calcium, in the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite, and zinc citrate, which keeps the mouth fresh for a very long time and blocks unpleasant odors.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for adults: the following ranking positions

The Russian drug “ROCS” continues the list of fluoride-free toothpastes. The fourth worthy place is given to this pasta for a reason. It contains calcium compounds and xylitol, which resists the formation of caries and inhibits the development of cariogenic microflora. It also neutralizes the acidic environment of the mouth. Thanks to the enzyme bromelain, the product is able to dissolve the matrix of pigment plaque, making its removal easier. Positive features also include a large number of different tastes of this product. There are more than 10 of them.

The next fifth place is occupied and included in the list of fluoride-free toothpastes by the drug "ASEPTA Sensitive", also from a Russian manufacturer. It contains papain to facilitate the elimination of microbial/pigmented plaque and potassium citrate, which may reduce this, of course, partially cause the development of caries, since the symptoms are masked.

In sixth place is the product “New Pearls with Calcium” from Russian developers of oral hygiene products. Previously, this drug was made using calcium glycerophosphate, but today it has been replaced with calcium citrate, since this enzyme dissociates to a greater extent into ions and releases active calcium.

Why is it important?

Toothpaste without fluoride is much healthier for the body. The list above demonstrates in detail why it is necessary to choose such hygiene products. By choosing the right drug for yourself, you can maintain the beauty and health of your smile throughout your entire life.

Excess fluoride: what are the consequences?

The presence of a large amount of fluoride in a hygiene product can be harmful mainly to children, as it contributes to the development of fluorosis in them. In this case, the proposed list of fluoride-free toothpastes will help you choose the necessary product to eliminate such consequences. With this disease, white or dark spots appear on the surface of the children's enamel of already erupted teeth, which deepen over time and turn into grooves. Adults are not afraid of fluorosis.

Existing home water filtration systems have a significant impact on the fluoride content of the liquid. If the system works using the reverse osmosis method, then up to 84% of this chemical element is removed from the water. Carbon filters can remove 81%. This statistics is confirmed by research and was officially published in 1991 in the journal Pediatr.Dent.

Everyone cares about dental health

Today, in many countries, people are wondering which fluoride-free toothpaste is the most effective and gentle on the tooth enamel of children and adults. After studying the ratings provided above, you can choose the most suitable product for yourself and your household. This will make it possible to avoid a number of dental problems in the future. And all because some gum diseases associated with oral hygiene are prevented by fluoride-free toothpaste. Ukraine (like other countries) can also use the list for itself, especially since many drugs are available on the shelves of local pharmacies and stores.

Toothpastes and the benefits of fluoride

Thanks to fluoride, tooth enamel becomes resistant to the aggressive effects of acids, and this reduces the development of caries by almost 40%. Fluoride also has an antiseptic effect. It inhibits the active development of microbes in the mouth. Its regular deficiency leads to the growth of cariogenic microflora. Dental preparations without fluoride are mainly recommended for use in regions (cities, villages, villages) where its content in the water is high.

Popular fluoride compounds in toothpastes

The most commonly introduced compounds of this element into pastes are the following:

Monosodium phosphate. The compound dissociates into ions very slowly, and therefore active fluorine is removed from it in a similar way. Toothpastes containing this component are ineffective if a person brushes their teeth for less than 3 minutes.

Sodium fluoride. Quickly and easily dissociates into ions, releasing active ionized fluorine. It has high remineralizing activity and due to this, quickly strengthens the enamel.

Aminofluoride (olaflur). This compound has a high remineralizing ability, even more than sodium fluoride. It creates a thin film on the surface of the teeth that remains on the enamel even after brushing.

Tin fluoride. The component has a high remineralizing ability, but at the same time it stains demineralized areas of the enamel. They take on the appearance of white chalky spots and become dark over time. From an aesthetic point of view, this is not very attractive.

For various diseases of the oral cavity, the use of medicated toothpastes can have a positive effect. Since hygiene procedures are carried out twice a day, the components contained in the paste regularly enter the body, providing a local therapeutic effect. The choice of toothpaste depends on the pathology that has developed in the oral cavity. For gum diseases and periodontal disease, multiple caries, and enamel hypersensitivity, pastes are used that are specially designed to alleviate the patient’s condition.

The best toothpastes used for periodontal disease and bleeding gums

When gingivitis (inflammatory gum disease) or periodontitis (inflammation of periodontal tissue) develops, the dentist, along with conservative and surgical treatment methods, usually prescribes a special paste, the functions of which are:

  • Reduced bleeding
  • Removing puffiness
  • Elimination of hyperemia or cyanosis,
  • Relief of pain.

It should be noted that anti-periodontal toothpastes can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and not cure the disease. Therefore, they are prescribed as an addition to dental treatment.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by Lacalut pastes.

The German company Lakalut has developed two pastes that can be used for periodontal diseases: Lakalut active and Lakalut phytoformula. Let's consider the composition and advantages of each of them.

Lacalut Fitoformula

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Contains aluminum lactate, sodium fluoride and a complex of anti-inflammatory plant components (extracts from sage, St. John's wort, myrrh, ratania). Due to the astringent effect of aluminum lactate, the paste perfectly stops bleeding, and with the help of plant components it relieves inflammation. The use of this remedy is recommended for gum inflammation (gingivitis) and as a continuation of treatment after using Lakalut active paste. Thanks to fluorine compounds, it can have a preventive anti-caries effect.

Lacalut active

Photo: 24stoma.ru

The paste contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine, lactate and aluminum fluoride, as well as anti-inflammatory components - bisabolol, allantoin. It has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect after the first use. Fluorine compounds included in the paste have a remineralizing effect. Most often, the paste is prescribed for 10-20 days as an addition to the course of treatment for periodontal disease. Continuous use of the paste is not recommended because it contains chlorhexidine. After the course of treatment, it is recommended to use Lakalut phytoformula paste.

Second place in the rating - Parodotax pastes

Photo: 24stoma.ru

There are two options for Parodontax anti-periodontal paste - with and without fluoride. The recipe of this paste produced by an English company has not changed since the end of the 20th century. This is a completely natural product, which contains extracts from peppermint, echinacea, sage, chamomile, myrrh, and ratania. In addition to herbal ingredients, the recipe includes mineral salts and zinc citrate. The product has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent and antibacterial effect and a salty taste. When gum pathologies are combined with carious lesions, it is preferable to use Parodontax with fluoride.

Third place - President exclusive pasta

Photo: 24stoma.ru

This Italian paste contains antiseptic hexetidine, thyme extract, propolis, sodium fluoride. Due to the antiseptic content, it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is not advisable to use it for more than two weeks; after relief of signs of inflammation, it is recommended to switch to other toothpastes.

The best fluoride-free toothpastes

The use of toothpastes without fluoride is important in those regions where its content in water is high (more than 1 mg per liter). In Russia, such regions are located in the Moscow, Tambov, Tver regions, in Siberia and the Urals. The packaging of such a paste should not have the following names - olaflur (aminofluoride), tin fluoride, aluminum fluoride, sodium fluoride, monofluorophosphate.

The first place in the ranking among fluoride-free toothpastes is occupied by Splat toothpastes

The Russian company produces two types of pastes that do not contain fluoride compounds - Splat-biocalcium and Splat-maximum, both deservedly occupy first place in the ranking.

Splat paste - biocalcium

Photo: 24stoma.ru

The paste contains calcium lactate, hydroxyapatite, polydone and papain. Calcium compounds provide remineralization of enamel, and polydon and papain dissolve plaque on the teeth, facilitating its easy removal. The effectiveness of hydroxyapatite paste depends on the particle size. The smaller their size, the faster and deeper they penetrate into the tooth tissue. The manufacturer claims that fine particles are used to make this paste, and we have no reason not to believe his words.

Splat-maximum paste

Photo: 24stoma.ru

In addition to the components of the previous paste, Splat-maximum includes licorice extract, zinc citrate and an enzyme complex. Hydroxyapatite penetrates into tooth tissue, promoting their remineralization and enzymes. Polydon and papain destroy plaque, zinc citrate provides freshness in the mouth.

Second place in the ranking - President unigue pasta

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Includes three compounds: pantetonate, calcium lactate and glycerophosphate, which ensure easy absorption of calcium by tooth enamel. Papain ensures the dissolution of dental plaque, and xylitol inhibits its formation and neutralizes the acidic environment of the oral cavity. One of the disadvantages is the content of potassium salt, which reduces the sensitivity of the enamel. The use of pastes with this effect is recommended for hypersensitivity as a course of treatment. Since daily use can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings and hide the first symptoms of caries.

Third place in the ranking is R.O.K.S. paste. for adults

Photo: 24stoma.ru

This paste is produced by a Russian company and contains calcium glycerophosphate, bromelain, xylitol. Bromelain dissolves plaque, xylitol prevents the development of caries, having an effect that inhibits the growth rate of bacteria, neutralizing the acidic environment. Calcium glycerophosphate mineralizes enamel. A big plus is the variety of flavors to choose from (more than 10). The abrasiveness does not exceed the norm for daily use. The big disadvantage is the high price.

The best medicinal toothpastes for caries based on fluoride compounds

Pastes with a therapeutic effect differ from those intended for daily use in the amount of fluoride compounds they contain. pastes with a therapeutic effect are used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the initial stage of caries of a white or chalky spot. All medicinal pastes can be used in a course lasting 2-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least two months. Pastes with an anti-caries effect based on calcium compounds are discussed above.

First place in the rating - President classic pasta

Photo: 24stoma.ru

The composition includes sodium fluoride, sage extract, lemon balm and chamomile, peppermint oil, xylitol. As you can see, the paste contains natural ingredients, the therapeutic concentration of fluoride has an anti-caries effect, herbal extracts have an anti-inflammatory effect, and xylitol ensures neutralization of the acidic environment in the oral cavity and has the ability to stop the development of cariogenic microorganisms. Peppermint oil provides a fresh effect.

Second place in the ranking - Silca paste

Photo: 24stoma.ru

The German company Silka produces two types of anti-caries pastes - Herbal Complete and Natural Extrakte . Both include sodium fluoride and urea, but differ in the composition of the herbal additives. They have a remarkable anti-caries effect, and thanks to the herbs included in the composition, they prevent the development of gingivitis; urea dissolves plaque, making it easier to remove. Essential oils provide a pleasant taste and smell.

Third place - Elmex paste - protection against caries

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Manufacturer: Chinese company Colgate. The paste is based on amino fluoride and is suitable for daily use because it does not contain antibiotics or other components that require the use of the paste in courses.


The choice of medicated toothpaste should be entrusted to the dentist, since he is the one who knows about all the problems of your oral cavity, understands the composition and action of certain toothpastes and can prescribe a remedy for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Before transferring a product from a supermarket shelf to a cart, many people carefully read the information on the packaging: what the product that will be consumed consists of.

This is not the case when choosing toothpaste. Here the decisive role is often played by an advertising video that is obsessively stuck in the head. This is how a beautifully packaged lie comes into our home with its main component, whose name is fluorine.

Harm of this chemical element

As such, this substance practically does not occur in nature. It is distributed in the form of chemical compounds with other substances. We absorb some of these compounds when brushing our teeth:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • sodium fluorosilicate;
  • fluorosilicic acid.

Fluorine is in no hurry to be quickly eliminated from the body, it prefers to accumulate in teeth and bones, but with greater intensity it penetrates and remains in the thyroid gland, as if cementing it.

Fluorine compounds are dangerous for the body. So sodium fluoride, if inhaled, affects the respiratory system, circulatory system, central nervous system, kidneys, and heart. When we take sodium fluoride orally, we take toxic substance, the lethal dose of which is from 5 to 10 grams. It can damage the brain, cause a heart attack, and paralyze the respiratory organs.

Diabetes patients and people suffering from kidney failure are most affected.

Advice! If your toothpaste contains at least one such component, you should make a decision for yourself: whether to use such a cleaning and whitening product or look for another without the presence of fluoride.

And for some more information about the dangers of this element, watch the following video:

Is there an alternative?

If the labels on the packaging indicate that the composition contains one of the calcium compounds:

  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite,

"PRESIDENT Unique". Italian company Betafarma S.p.A.

Preservatives, allergens, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes and, of course, fluoride are absent in this case. The natural plant-based formula gently enhances the oral cavity's natural defenses.

Calcium and xylitol thoroughly clean the enamel. Soothing and antibacterial effects are guaranteed by bioextracts of echinacea, sage, and chamomile. Anethole and eucalyptus are selected in ideal proportions to create a sensation of delicate, fresh, long-lasting taste.

  • as a prevention of caries, inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • with a lack of calcium in the body;
  • to strengthen gums, increase the shine of enamel;
  • for accurate and effective plaque removal;
  • to reduce sensitivity.

It is advisable to apply two or three times a day. The estimated cost of 100 ml packaging is 190 rubles.

Products from the domestic manufacturer SPLAT-Biocalcium

She deserves recognition for it contains no harmful components, but there are useful active substances that help restore enamel by 30%, normalize pH balance, heal wounds, contain moisturizing elements that safely polish the enamel.

As for aesthetic qualities, users note the pleasant consistency of the product, similar to creams of good density. The taste leaves a pleasant impression - sweetish, moderately reminiscent of mint. The mouth feels pleasantly fresh for a couple of hours or before the first meal.

Those who prioritize bleaching will be upset. There is almost no whitening effect. The disadvantages also include the presence of the preservative Sodium Methylparaben in the composition, and it is dangerous, like all parabens.

What's the bottom line? The advantages are:

  • price – quite affordable – 130 rubles;
  • the smell and taste are pleasant;
  • cleansing – gentle;
  • presence of useful extracts in the composition;
  • the feeling of freshness is long-lasting.

Unfortunately, there is a minus - it contains parabens.

Another creation of the SPLAT company – SPLAT-“Maximum”

The product is considered one of the achievements of modern dentistry. It is designed to quickly solve the following problems:

  • protecting damaged and problematic areas of enamel from caries;
  • providing a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity;
  • plaque elimination;
  • preventing the spread of harmful microbes;
  • healing sore gums.

These effects are achieved through the use of only natural ingredients. Nanohydroxyapatite is used to strengthen damaged areas of enamel. Removing stains from wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, dissolving plaque - the task of papain and polydon. Timon and zinc are intended to have an anti-inflammatory effect. But SLS and fluorine are not used.

Gentle cleansing is not accompanied by bleeding gums. After the cleaning procedure, a rather pleasant taste remains in the mouth, slightly reminiscent of eucalyptus oil. The paste will appeal to those who love the formation of foam while caring for their teeth.

An unpleasant surprise may be a slight tingling sensation in the mouth at the end of the process. And this seems to be the only drawback. And to the listed advantages we should add a low price - 115 rubles per 100 ml tube.

"ROCS" for adults" from a Russian manufacturer

Without using fluorine in the manufacture of the product, the creators achieve a high level of protection against harmful microbes with alternative components: xylitol, bromelain, magnesium chloride, calcium glycerophosphate. An increase in enamel acid resistance by 75% is one of the effects of using “ROCS” for adults.”

Plaque, which is the cause of dental diseases, is gently and accurately broken down, and the ability of bacteria to recreate new plaque is reduced. At the same time, the state of the microflora in the oral cavity is normalized.

As a result of the increased cleaning ability, there is no need for a high content of abrasive substances. This effect will be of interest to people with increased enamel abrasion.

And now the advantages suggested by users:

  • sensitivity decreases;
  • a huge assortment with different taste properties;
  • excellent composition;
  • excellent cleansing

and disadvantages:

  • 200 rubles is not that cheap;
  • uneconomical - too liquid, more flows onto the brush than required.

"ASEPTA Sensitive"

Experts recommend this therapeutic and prophylactic paste:

  • for people with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • to prevent inflammatory processes in the gums and prevent bleeding.

Medicinal properties are ensured by the use of the following components:

  • thermal mud is necessary for healing, restoration, as a sedative;
  • citrate and hydroxyapatite reduce pain and create long-term enamel protection;
  • to combat harmful microbes in inflamed gums, calendula, calamus, and sweet clover were added in the form of extracts;
  • and papain, which serves to prevent plaque formation.

The paste has a dense consistency, foams well, and has a faint mint taste. When squeezing it out for the first time, you need to be prepared for a greenish substance to appear on the brush. You will have to pay 150 rubles for a tube.

“New pearls with calcium” from Nevskaya Cosmetics

The cheapness of the product (30 rubles) is explained by the absence of additional additives, as well as enzymes and xylitol. The only active component is calcium citrate. Its task is to mineralize teeth, although not sufficiently.

Above were presented toothpastes for adults. Next, we will look at fluoride-free oral protection products for babies.

Italian gel paste “PRESIDENT Baby”

No allergens, no parabens, no fluoride, no sugar! The gel paste has a raspberry smell and taste. It is intended for children from the appearance of the first tooth to three years. Gently cares for baby teeth and harmlessly eliminates plaque. Calcium, together with xylitol and phosphates, protects against caries and restores health to fragile gums.

A 30 ml tube costs 100 rubles.

Gel with calendula “Weleda” (Germany)

Gel of delicate consistency containing extract from calendula flowers, mint oil, fennel oil, esculin. The components will not harm the child, even if he decides to eat the paste.

The gel paste has an attractive taste and a light menthol smell, and does not tingle the tongue. No foam is formed during cleaning. Leaves a wonderful feeling of freshness. Effectively removes plaque.

Since the gel does not contain calcium, it is recommended to alternate it with pastes, for example, containing calcium glycerophosphate.

Price – 300 rubles for 50 ml.

"SPLAT Juicy Set" (Russia)

It is designed for use by both small children and adults. Intensively strengthens enamel due to the content of an easily digestible form of calcium - hydroxyapatite. Enzymes also contained in the paste help increase the immunity of the mucous membrane and prevent the occurrence of stomatitis.

Three tubes in a set cost 250 rubles.

"SPLAT Junior" - children's room

Recommended for kids up to four years. Includes xylitol and calcium, which, in combination with enzymes, increase the degree of protection of the mucous membrane. Particularly useful for children prone to frequent stomatitis.

Aloe Vera gel reduces discomfort when the first teeth appear. The creamy vanilla taste encourages children to try the paste. It's completely safe.

The declared non-existent component calcis is unpleasantly surprising. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide any explanations, and anything unclear seems dangerous.

The price of a tube is 179 rubles.

“ROCS – PRO Baby” (Russia) – children’s

It can be used for little ones. A very soft base is used to make the paste, which, while gently cleaning, does not damage the fragile enamel of baby teeth. All ingredients are of natural origin.

The absence of fragrances does not force the child to try the paste. No foam is formed during cleaning. After use, the teeth remain feeling well clean.

Price – 210 rubles.

To summarize, it must be said that some will remain faithful to pastes with fluoride, not wanting to change anything, while others will think about it and reconsider their attitude towards the described subject. Each person must draw their own conclusions based on extensive information.

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  • Blizzard

    January 19, 2015 at 7:54 am

    In 2013, I thought about the health of my teeth when I saw white spots appearing on the enamel. I read on the Internet that this is a symptom of oversaturation of teeth with fluoride. I decided to replace the paste with tooth powder, but it is not very convenient to use: it crumbles, stains clothes, and the lid is uncomfortable. Then I stopped using the cleanser altogether and brushed my teeth with just a dry brush, but my teeth lost the whiteness that they had thanks to the toothpaste. So what should we do? I want a snow-white smile without yellowness or spots. Need good pasta. Thanks to the article, I figured out my problem and now I know which paste to buy. Even the budget “Pearl” will be perfect 🙂 Thank you 🙂


    March 29, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Pearls also contain fluoride, don't be naive

  • Alexander

    February 4, 2017 at 5:30

    I tried both “Splat” and “New Pearl” pastes at different times, but it seemed to me that after use I didn’t feel very fresh in my mouth, so now I use “President” more often. In my opinion, the cleanliness effect is longer lasting, and my sensitive gums have practically stopped bleeding. The fact that it is also harmless to the body, as it turns out, is a huge plus.

  • Ivan

    May 15, 2017 at 6:29 am

    I was surprised and horrified recently to learn that most toothpastes contain sodium fluoride. I had not thought about this issue before, but various sources report that sodium fluoride is not only not useful, but also extremely harmful. Its effect is comparable to the effect of lead on the body. I tried to find toothpaste without fluoride, it turned out to be difficult, but I still looked. Yes, Prezident turned out to be the most suitable toothpaste to use.

  • Alexander

    December 6, 2017 at 04:42 pm

    Splat was only initially without fluorine, which is why I bought it, after which, as is often the case, the manufacturer began to quietly add it. The inscription appeared in small print in the composition. And before it was written that without fluoride, now this inscription has disappeared.

When choosing a paste, you must follow certain rules. In some areas, experts recommend toothpaste without fluoride, since its concentration in local water is higher than normal. This is necessary to eliminate the excess of this chemical element in the human body. Therefore, fluoride-containing toothpastes can adversely affect the condition of teeth.

A similar phenomenon, when the concentration of fluoride in drinking water coming from the tap exceeds the norm of 1 mg/l, is observed in Western Siberia, the Moscow region, Tambov and Tver, and the Urals. In some cities the amount of fluoride in local water is very high, in others it is less. However, people living in this area are advised to use fluoride-free toothpastes.

What remedies are offered? The list of toothpastes that do not contain fluoride is simply huge. Almost every major manufacturer has a toothpaste without a fluoride component in its product line.

Anna Losyakova


In those regions where highly fluoridated water is detected, dentists recommend the use of special filters. This is important, since a lot depends on the quality of drinking liquid. A normal filter can remove up to 90% of harmful impurities. As for fluorine, it cannot be called an absolutely harmful element. It is not dangerous for an adult. It’s a different matter when it comes to children whose teeth, including molars, have not yet erupted. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to fluoridate water, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.


If there is a lot of fluoride in drinking water, then the teeth will simply need calcium. With its help, teeth are remineralized and excess of certain elements is removed. That is why pastes that are created specifically for those regions where the water from the tap is not of the highest quality always contain enough calcium.

This may be one of the compounds of this element. Often in the composition of pastes you can find calcium glycerophosphates, synthetic hydroxyapatites, calcium lactates and pantothenates, as well as citrates of this substance.

Fluorine compounds are not found in special pastes. This is the distinctive feature of such a paste. Based on these characteristics, you can always determine which one is more suitable for dental hygiene, even if the characteristics are not indicated on the packaging. The main thing is that the composition does not contain monofluorophosphates, sodium fluoride, tin fluoride, olafur (aminofluoride) and aluminum fluoride.

List of the most popular pastes

Many manufacturers include in their product line oral hygiene products that are free of fluoride compounds. Such pastes are in demand even in those regions where the water quality is quite acceptable. But there is still a certain rating of products that are more often recommended by professional dentists.

As for toothpastes without fluoride, the list of the best is headed by President Unique. These are products of an Italian company, which consists of active ingredients such as calcium pantothenate and lactate, calcium glycerophosphate, papain and xylitol. The cost of such a product is about 200 rubles per tube.

President Unique is specially designed for people who live in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water

This option is considered good not only due to the absence of fluoride compounds, but also the presence of a component such as papain. It is able to dissolve dental plaque. Xylitol prevents the formation of new deposits and eliminates increased acidity in the oral cavity.

As for its shortcomings, we can only highlight the presence of potassium salts in the President Unique paste. This component is necessary to reduce tooth sensitivity, but experts do not recommend using products with this element every day. Otherwise, the teeth will become insensitive, and this increases the risk of missing the development of caries at an early stage.

The second product included in the list of fluoride-free pastes is SPLAT Biocalcium. This is a Russian product, so the cost of this oral hygiene product will be significantly lower. It consists of hydroxyapatite, calcium lactate, papain and polydol. The price of a tube is just over 100 rubles.

Splat Biocalcium helps strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity after just a few days of use.

SPLAT Biocalcium consists of components that strengthen tooth enamel, and also eliminate plaque and prevent it from quickly forming again. This product is in no way inferior in quality to its Italian counterpart, but has the advantage of being more affordable.

The SPLAT product line includes a good toothpaste that does not contain fluoride - Maximum. In addition to hydroxyapatite, papain and polydol, the composition contains zinc citrate, licorice extract and a whole complex of useful enzymes.

A 100 ml tube will cost about 130 rubles.

Hydroxyapatite, which is contained in SPLAT products, is considered an easily digestible component. Due to papa and polydon, the enamel is cleansed of plaque and deposits are eliminated. Zinc citrate refreshes the mouth and makes breath fresh.

For those looking for a good fluoride-free toothpaste, experts often recommend Rox products. She is released in the Moscow region. However, this product is not cheap, so for 1 tube you need to pay almost 250 rubles.

R.O.C.S. contains a mineral complex that saturates teeth with calcium and phosphorus.

It contains calcium and xylitol, which is an excellent prevention of caries. A special feature of this product is the presence of bromelamine. This enzyme is able to dissolve and gently remove plaque from teeth. Among the positive qualities, it is worth highlighting a wide range of tastes - more than 10 types.

Relatively inexpensive products include Asepta Sensitive paste. This is a Russian product produced by the famous company Svoboda. The main active ingredients in this case are hydroxyapatite, papain and potassium citrate. The cost of a tube does not exceed 150 rubles.

Asepta Sensitive fights inflammation and bleeding gums.

The composition of Asept Sensitive is quite good and allows you to achieve good results with timely oral hygiene. Hydroxyapatite strengthens teeth, and papain eliminates plaque and prevents it from appearing again after a short period of time. But this product has one drawback, namely the presence of potassium citrate. This substance reduces the sensitivity of teeth, which can mask the development of caries, and this does not allow its treatment to begin at an early stage of formation.

For the most economical people, we can recommend New Pearls with calcium. The cost of 1 tube of this product is only 30 rubles. The quality of this paste is not particularly inferior to many expensive analogues.

New Pearl Calcium mineralizes enamel. and reduces tooth sensitivity

You should not expect any special composition from this product. But there is one important element present, namely calcium citrate. It quickly releases active elements and has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. But there are no special additions such as xylitol or beneficial enzymes in New Pearl. But for such a price this product can be considered very good.

Baby toothpastes without fluoride

Anna Losyakova


Children's teeth require special attention when it comes to high levels of fluoride in water. This is very important, because if you do not use special products for oral hygiene, your teeth will become sick and will deteriorate very quickly. But for babies, including those whose first teeth have just begun to emerge, manufacturers produce a wide range of special toothpastes.

The list can start with President Baby. It is recommended for oral hygiene of children from the moment the first teeth appear until the age of 3. This product contains calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol. It is completely free of fluorides, sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens and sugar. The cost of 1 small 30 ml tube is 110 rubles in chain stores.

President-baby provides gentle care for baby's delicate gums and baby teeth

This is an excellent product for caring for baby teeth from the moment they erupt. President Baby is characterized by low abrasiveness, a very pleasant smell and taste. Due to calcium glycerophosphate, the enamel is actively strengthened, and xylitol neutralizes high acidity and helps prevent the development of caries. The special composition makes this toothpaste absolutely safe even if accidentally swallowed.

A very good remedy for comprehensive oral hygiene of a child from 0 to 3 years old is Weleda with calendula. These are products of a German company, which contain alginates, calendula extract, fennel oil, mint oil and the important element esculin. It contains no sugar, sodium lauryl sulfate or parabens, so it is absolutely safe for children. The only disadvantage of this product is its price, which reaches 300 rubles for a small tube.

Weleda herbal paste with calendula relieves irritation, prevents inflammatory processes, and gives a feeling of freshness.

But for this money, the buyer receives high-quality toothpaste, which will provide reliable care for baby teeth, get rid of plaque and relieve gum inflammation. All components of Weleda are absolutely safe, so there will be no harm to health if accidentally swallowed.

A pediatric dentist talks about how to choose toothpaste for children of different ages and how to use it correctly in the video below:

The Russian manufacturer SPLAT also offers good options. For example, you can use Juicy Set. This paste is suitable for oral hygiene for people of any age. Its peculiarity is the presence of hydroxyapatite and a good enzyme complex.

This product is considered hypoallergenic. Also in the SPLAT line there are fluoride and calcium free ones, which have a creamy vanilla taste and clean baby teeth well.